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Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 3.27.43 PM
Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 3.27.43 PM
Learning Objective:
● To gain comprehensive knowledge about of genetic material, central dogma, genetic code,
DNA replication, transcription, modification of transcript, translation and regulation of
gene expression.
Learning Outcomes:At the end of this course the student will understand:
Beadle and Tatum’s one gene one enzyme hypothesis; The Central Dogma, Genetic code and
its salient features, Experiments for deciphering Genetic code (Experiments by Nirenberg
&Matthaei, and Har Gobind Khorana). Adaptor hypothesis by Crick; Baltimore and Temin’s
discovery of reverse transcription
Practicals 60 hours
1. Isolation of plasmid and genomic DNA from E. coli and quantification using agarose
gel electrophoresis
2. Isolation of genomic DNA from plant samples (atleast two different genera / species)
using CTAB method and quantification using agarose gel electrophoresis
3. Quantification of unknown DNA by diphenylamine reagent (colorimetry).
4. To estimate the generation time of Escherichia coli (prokaryote) and budding yeast
(eukaryote) by spectrophotometric measurement and plotting growth curve as an
indirect method to study DNA replication
5. To study control of replication in budding yeast with the help of specific inhibitors
(beta-lactams:-Clavulanic acid, Ceftazidime, Piperacillin, Ceftriaxone etc) and
studying budding frequency.
6. To study control of transcription in Escherichia coli with the help of prokaryotic
(Rifampicin) and eukaryotic (Actinomycin-D) transcription inhibitors and plotting
growth curve
7. To study control of translation in Escherichia coli with the help of prokaryotic
(Kanamycin / Streptomycin) inhibitors using an IPTG-inducible system.
8. To understand the regulation of lactose (lac) operon (positive & negative regulation)
and tryptophan (trp) operon (Repression and De-repression & Attenuation) through
digital resources/data sets.
Suggestive readings:
Additional Resources:
1. Griffiths, A.J.F., John Doebley J., Peichel, C., Wassarman D.A. (2020). Introduction
to Genetic Analysis. W H Freeman & Co; 12th edition
2. Micklos D A., Freyer G.A. (2003) DNA Science: A First Course (2nd Edition), Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory; Greg A., CSHL Press, USA
DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC CORE COURSE – 14: Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms
Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will become familiar with:
● The significance and scope of reproductive biological studies in crop production and
conservation. Structure and function of anther and ovule, male and female
● The significance of associations of MGU, FGU and double fertilization; embryo and
endosperm development, genomic imprinting.
● Pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms, apomixis and polyembryony as alternate
pathways of angiosperm reproduction.
● Experiential learning through field trips, scientific photography, videography and
documentary preparation. The students will also learn to write scientific reports and
present scientific data.
General structure and types of pistil and ovules; megasporogenesis (monosporic, bisporic and
tetrasporic) and megagametogenesis (details of Polygonum type); Organization and
ultrastructure of mature embryo sac; cell specification; Female Germ Unit – structure and
Practicals 60 hours
● Anther: Wall and its ontogeny, tapetum (amoeboid and glandular), Microspore mother
cell, spore tetrads, uninucleate, bicelled and dehisced anther; Temporary stained
mounts of T.S. anther to study the organization.
● Temporary mounts of pollen grains cleared with 1N HCl/KOH to study germ pores;
Ultrastructure of male germ unit (MGU) through micrographs.
● Ovule: Types-anatropous, orthotropous, amphitropous/campylotropous,
circinotropous, unitegmic, bitegmic; tenuinucellate and crassinucellate; Special
structures: endothelium, obturator, hypostase, caruncle and aril (permanent
slides/specimens/digital resources).
Female gametophyte: developmental sequence of monosporic embryo sac only;
Ultrastructure of Female Germ Unit.
** The projects can be on pollination/ seed dispersal or on any other topic based on the
syllabus. It can be a write-up with visuals. The students can also make a digital project
submission in the form of a documentary of 5-10 min.
Suggested Readings:
● Bhojwani S.S., Bhatnagar S.P. & Dantu P.K. (2015). The Embryology of
Angiosperms, 6th Edition. By VIKAS PUBLISHING HOUSE. ISBN: 978-93259-
● P. Maheshwari, (2004). An introduction to the embryology of Angiosperms. Tata
McGraw-Hill Edition, ISBN: 0-07-099434-X.
● Johri, B.M. (1984). Embryology of Angiosperms. Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
ISBN: 13:978-3-642-69304-5
● Raghavan, V. (2000). Developmental Biology of Flowering plants. Netherlands:
Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4612-7054-6.
● Shivanna, K.R. (2003). Pollen Biology and Biotechnology. New Delhi, Delhi: Oxford
and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
● Mangla,Y., Khanduri, P., Gupta, C.K. 2022. Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms:
Concepts and Methods.Cambridge University Press ISBN 978-1-009-16040-7.
● Tandon R, Shivanna KR, Koul M Reproductive Ecology of Flowering Plants: Patterns
and Processes 1st ed. 2020 Edition ISBN 978-9811542091.Springer Verlag
● Kapoor, R., Kaur, I. Koul M.2016. Plant Reproductive Biology and Conservation IK
International Publishing House Ltd. India ISBN: 9789382332909
Additional Resources:
Learning objective:
7. To introduce the basic principles of plant structure and function and its application in
related fields.
Learning outcomes: On completion of the course the students will be able to:
Unit 5: Plant growth regulators 08 Hours
Chemical nature (basic structure, precursor), physiological roles, bioassays and applications
of Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic Acid, Ethylene; Other growth regulators -
Jasmonic Acid, Brassinosteroids, Nitric Oxide. Mechanism of action of Auxin. Introduction
to interactions among plant growth regulators.
Suggested Readings:
Additional Resources:
● Bajracharya, D. (1999). Experiments in Plant Physiology: A Laboratory Manual. New
Delhi, Delhi: Narosa Publishing House.
● Bhatla, S.C., Lal, M.A. (2018). Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism.
Singapore: Springer Nature, Singapore Pvt. Ltd.
Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Examination
Branch, University of Delhi, from time to time.
Course title & Credits Credit distribution of the course Eligibility Pre-
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical/ criteria requisite of
Practice the course
Natural 4 2 0 2 Class XII Nil
Resource pass with
Management Biology/
BOT-DSE-06 ology
Learning Objectives:
● Natural Resources are materials from earth which support life and significantly meet the
needs of people. The paper aims to describe the different types of natural resources and
their management. Students will study about the importance of each natural resource and
how and why they are threatened in current times. They will also be taught about
sustainably using our resources
Learning outcomes: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Freshwater, Marine, Estuarine, Wetlands – Threats and Management
Practicals 60 hours
Conservation. New Delhi, India: Anamaya Publications.
● Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F. and Boyd, J.A. (2008). An Introduction to Sustainable
Development. New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
Additional resource:
17. Ecosystem Restoration for People, Nature and
18. Managing Ecosystems In The Context Of Climate Change Mitigation: A review of
current knowledge and recommendations to support ecosystem-based mitigation actions
that look beyond terrestrial forests
19. Jordan III, W. R., Gilpin, M. E., Aber, J. D. (1987). Restoration Ecology: a synthetic
approach to ecological research. Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Examination Branch,
University of Delhi, from time to time.