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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teacher’s name: Latefa (New curriculum MOE) Grade Level: 4

Unit/Lesson: Date:13.10.15

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area E G S M US
Professionalism (2)

Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and Understanding of Content)

Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour x

management, language and delivery)
X x
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation (2)

Critical Reflection (2)

Strengths of the lesson:

Integrating English and Science CLIL. Using the she song/video with visuals about the content
(planets) engaged the students. Pre-listening naming the planets. Might have given them a while
listening task related to the planets e.g order the planets as you asked this at the end.
Using a visuals to reinforce the rules.
Good to see writing opportunities, writing about the planets although this was not seen in the lesson.. A
nice follow up activity to the workbook sorting the planet descriptions and using the book to check.
Make sure all children are participating and not watching (Mariam). Could this be differentiated? E.g.
including more planets or longer descriptions or cryptic clues e.g I am a planet that….
Using an audio warning for finishing (bell) but only ring it once or twice. Again you were very stern
almost shouting at them.

Areas for development:

Discourage the shouting ‘good morning’. Be ready to start straight away after good morning and the
date.(on your laptop and children sitting waiting) Whilst waiting for the technology after a couple of
minutes you did ask them what they thought they were studying.
Try and enjoy it more as you are very stern/serious.
Be very clear what your Los are ‘Recognise the words’ (which words?’) Differentiate the 4 planets or is
the aim of this activity to locate information (LO3) You worked on wh which/why questions but this is
not in the Los
Some monitoring when children were first working in books but one student didn’t have a book and one
student had difficulty reading and answering the questions (didn’t answer any) will need much
scaffolding in the future in reading activities (Mariam)
Try and use more positives praise rewards.
Think about how you can differentiate to meet children’s needs.

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