WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Disaster Management
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Disaster Management
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Disaster Management
1 a) What is disaster? What is the difference between natural and manmade disasters? [3M]
b) How do you protect yourself and your family in case of a nuclear disaster? [4M]
c) Explain the vulnerability profile of India. [3M]
d) Explain cyclone resistant houses for coastal areas. [4M]
e) Explain trigger mechanism with the help of a flow chart. [4M]
f) Write short notes on mitigation programmes for earthquakes. [4M]
2 a) Write about state and International level disaster management programmers. [7M]
b) Explain in detail about the Tsunami. What are all the damages caused by Tsunami? [9M]
3 a) Write the recommendations and measures for sustainable solid waste management. [10M]
b) Write short notes on bio terrorism. [6M]
4 a) Describe the lessons and experiences from the various disasters [9M]
in India
b) Explain the Vulnerability mapping [7M]
5 a) What is a soft-storey? Describe the seismic response of a reinforced concrete framed [8M]
building with a soft-storey?
b) Explain the earthquake disaster risk management. [8M]
6 a) Explain the role of insurance sector in disaster resistant constructions. [9M]
b) Explain the role of knowledge based expert systems in the area of disaster management. [7M]
7 a) Briefly explain the impact of disasters on poverty [7M]
b) Explain the role of school children, red cresent movement in existing public awareness [9M]
programmes for reducing the risk of disasters.