BE - SEMESTER–V (NEW) EXAMINATION – WINTER 2023 Subject Code:3150913 Date:05-12-2023 Subject Name: Disaster Management Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks:70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed. MARKS
Q.1 (a) Explain in brief importance of disaster management in the present 03
scenario. (b) Define following terms in context of disaster. 04 1) Disaster 2) Coping capacity 3) Mitigation 4) Risk (c) What is disaster management? Explain key stages of disaster 07 management. Q.2 (a) What is Avalanche? Give its causes. 03 (b) Explain role of technology in disaster management. 04 (c) What is Vulnerability? Explain its types and factors contributing to 07 it. OR (c) What is NDMA? Explain its mandate. 07 Q.3 (a) Discuss effects of Landslides. 03 (b) Give classification of Lightning. 04 (c) What is Drought? Explain various types of Droughts in brief. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Explain Tsunami Disaster. 03 (b) Discuss disaster mitigation. 04 (c) Discuss different manmade disaster in details. 07 Q.4 (a) Explain disaster risk Assessment. 03 (b) Explain disaster risk analysis process. 04 (c) Explain information and communication technology (ICT) for flood 07 management. OR Q.4 (a) Explain about search and rescue activity and its objectives. 03 (b) Write short note on Capacity development. 04 (c) What is Emergency operation Center? Also state its functions. 07 Q.5 (a) State the role of SDRF. 03 (b) Write short note on NDRF. 04 (c) Explain any two major disasters in INDIA in detail 07 OR Q.5 (a) Explain the role of GPS in disaster management. 03 (b) Write short note on National plan on disaster management. 04 (c) What is the role of National Executive Committee (NEC) at state 07 level and at district level? ************* 1