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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 1
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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 2
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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 2
6. a) Explain any two types of Highway Pavements. [5M]
b) Write the various instruments used for horizontal measurement. [5M]
7. a) Write the difference between Flexible Pavements and Rigid Pavements. [5M]
b) Discuss about the need of a) Harbour b) Tunnel c) Airport. [5M]
11. a) What are the industrial applications of air conditioning? [5M]
b) List the components of electric vehicles? Explain. [5M]
12. a) Explain the working principle of hydro power plant with neat sketch. [5M]
b) Write short note on chain drives. [5M]
13. a) List the types of robot configurations? Explain any one with neat sketch. [5M]
b) Explain the use of robots in medical applications. [5M]
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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 3
Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 3
7. a) What are the components and functions of flexible pavement? [5M]
b) Explain about Quality of water. [5M]
Basic Mechanical Engineering
8. a) Compare mechanical engineering to the other traditional engineering fields. [5M]
b) Write the differences between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals. [5M]
9. a) Explain composite materials with its properties and applications. [5M]
b) Explain types and properties of ceramics. [5M]
10. a) Explain the manufacturing process of forming. [5M]
b) Write short note on smart manufacturing. [5M]
11. a) List the components of hybrid vehicles? Explain. [5M]
b) Explain the working of two stroke petrol engine with neat sketch. [5M]
12. a) Describe the working principle of steam power plants. [5M]
b) Write a short note on the classification of gears. [5M]
13. a) Write short note on robot joints and links. [5M]
b) “Robots find applications not only in the industry”- Explain three non-industrial [5M]
applications of robots.
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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 4
Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 4
12. a) Draw general layout of Hydro-Electric Power plant showing all components. [5M]
b) Write short note on Gear drives and its applications. [5M]
13. a) Justify the statement: Actuators are the muscles of robots. [5M]
b) Briefly explain the need for robots in industries. [5M]
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