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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 1

I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, January-2024

(Common to EEE, CSE, Chemical, FT, PT, Ph. E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. All the questions in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer ONE Question from Each Unit in Part-B
PART –A (10 Marks)
1. a) Write various disciplines of civil engineering. [1M]
b) What are the leveling instruments used for leveling? [1M]
c) What is Hydrology? [1M]
d) Write the types of Pavements. [1M]
e) What are the construction materials? [1M]
f) List the mechanical engineer work on marine sectors. [1M]
g) Define composite. [1M]
h) Define smart manufacturing. [1M]
i) Compare Otto and Diesel cycles. [1M]
j) List the gear drives applications. [1M]
PART – B (60 Marks)
Basic Civil Engineering
2. a) Discuss the role of civil engineers in society. [5M]
b) Discuss about the various types of Aggregates with their sizes and shapes. [5M]
3 a) Explain the importance of Building Construction and Planning. [5M]
b) Explain the purpose of studying Geo-technical Engineering. [5M]
4. a) Write a few objectives of Surveying. [5M]
b) What is leveling? Write a few types of leveling. [5M]
5. a) Explain how to do Angular Measurements using surveying instruments? [5M]
b) Write briefly about contour mapping. [5M]
6. a) Discuss about Rainwater Harvesting. [5M]
b) Explain the Sources of water. [5M]

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7. Write the importance of Transportation in Nation's economic development. [10M]

Basic Mechanical Engineering

8. a) Explain the mechanical engineer work on automotive sectors. [5M]
b) Discuss the types, properties and applications of ceramics. [5M]
9. a) Explain the classification of engineering materials. [5M]
b) Define smart material. Explain the types of smart materials and their functions. [5M]
10. a) What are the important types of metal joining processes? [5M]
b) Discuss the types of CNC’s and enlist the profitable applications of CNC? [5M]
11. a) State advantages and limitations of water tube boilers. [5M]
b) Discuss the classification of IC engines. [5M]
12. a) Describe the working principle of nuclear power plants. [5M]
b) Explain the open belt and cross belt drive in power transmission. Also give the [5M]
13. a) Sketch a robot and name its parts. [5M]
b) Explain the different applications of robots. [5M]


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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 2

I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, January-2024

(Common to EEE, CSE, Chemical, FT, PT, Ph. E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. All the questions in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer ONE Question from Each Unit in Part-B
PART –A (10 Marks)
1. a) Write the scope of studying structural engineering. [1M]
b) Discuss the purpose of Surveying. [1M]
c) Write a few types of Dams. [1M]
d) Write the specifications for quality of water. [1M]
e) Write the types of measurements in surveying. [1M]
f) List any four applications of smart materials. [1M]
g) What is 3D Printing? List its applications. [1M]
h) Differentiate between SI and CI engine. [1M]
i) Enlist various belt drives. Name any three belt materials. [1M]
j) Write the name of different types of power plant. [1M]
PART – B (60 Marks)
Basic Civil Engineering
2. a) Write the ingredients used in Cement concrete and its proportions. [5M]
b) Write the purpose of studying Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering. [5M]
3 a) Explain the purpose of studying Environmental Engineering. [5M]
b) Write the purpose of studying Transportation Engineering. [5M]
4. a) Explain how to do Horizontal Measurements using surveying instruments. [5M]
b) Explain about compass Surveying. [5M]
5. a) Explain the purpose of Leveling instruments. [5M]
b) Write a few temporary adjustments in Leveling instruments. [5M]

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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 2

6. a) Explain any two types of Highway Pavements. [5M]
b) Write the various instruments used for horizontal measurement. [5M]
7. a) Write the difference between Flexible Pavements and Rigid Pavements. [5M]
b) Discuss about the need of a) Harbour b) Tunnel c) Airport. [5M]

Basic Mechanical Engineering

8. a) Explain the mechanical engineer work on marine sectors. [5M]
b) List Engineering Materials on basis of natural and manmade existence. [5M]
9. a) State the composition and application of any four ferrous metals. [5M]
b) What are the key applications of composite materials in Aerospace and Automotive [5M]
10. a) What is casting? Explain the principle of casting with neat sketch. [5M]
b) Using a block diagram, explain components of a CNC machine. [5M]

11. a) What are the industrial applications of air conditioning? [5M]
b) List the components of electric vehicles? Explain. [5M]

12. a) Explain the working principle of hydro power plant with neat sketch. [5M]
b) Write short note on chain drives. [5M]

13. a) List the types of robot configurations? Explain any one with neat sketch. [5M]
b) Explain the use of robots in medical applications. [5M]

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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 3

I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, January-2024

(Common to EEE, CSE, Chemical, FT, PT, Ph. E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. All the questions in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer ONE Question from Each Unit in Part-B
PART –A (10 Marks)
1. a) Write any four construction materials. [1M]
b) Write a few instruments used in Surveying. [1M]
c) Draw the sketch of dam. [1M]
d) Write the types of chains in surveying. [1M]
e) Write briefly about Conveyance Structures. [1M]
f) What is the role of mechanical engineering in society? [1M]
g) Define casting. List the casting defects. [1M]
h) List out the applications of refrigeration system. [1M]
i) What is the difference between belt drive and chain drive? [1M]
j) List the various degrees of freedom in robot configurations. [1M]
PART – B (60 Marks)
Basic Civil Engineering
2. a) Explain about Prefabricated construction Techniques. [5M]
b) Discuss the role of steel in building construction. [5M]
3 a) Explain about the mix proportion of cement concrete. [5M]
b) Explain any two basic tests on cement concrete. [5M]
4. a) Write the importance of using leveling instrument in civil construction works. [5M]
b) Explain how to use leveling instrument on site. [5M]
5. a) Write the purpose of drawing contours. [5M]
b) Explain about contour intervals with sketch. [5M]
6. a) Draw hydrological cycle and mention its parts. [5M]
b) What are the components and functions of rigid pavement? [5M]
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7. a) What are the components and functions of flexible pavement? [5M]
b) Explain about Quality of water. [5M]
Basic Mechanical Engineering
8. a) Compare mechanical engineering to the other traditional engineering fields. [5M]
b) Write the differences between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals. [5M]
9. a) Explain composite materials with its properties and applications. [5M]
b) Explain types and properties of ceramics. [5M]
10. a) Explain the manufacturing process of forming. [5M]
b) Write short note on smart manufacturing. [5M]
11. a) List the components of hybrid vehicles? Explain. [5M]
b) Explain the working of two stroke petrol engine with neat sketch. [5M]
12. a) Describe the working principle of steam power plants. [5M]
b) Write a short note on the classification of gears. [5M]
13. a) Write short note on robot joints and links. [5M]
b) “Robots find applications not only in the industry”- Explain three non-industrial [5M]
applications of robots.


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Code No: R231106 R23 SET - 4

I B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, January-2024

(Common to EEE, CSE, Chemical, FT, PT, Ph. E)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. All the questions in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer ONE Question from Each Unit in Part-B
PART –A (10 Marks)
1. a) Write the various sizes of Bricks. [1M]
b) What is the use of chain survey? [1M]
c) Write the difference between Azimuth and Bearing. [1M]
d) What is reservoir? [1M]
e) What is the purpose of cement? [1M]
f) Write about Rope Drives. [1M]
g) Compare four stroke engines with two stroke engines. [1M]
h) Why diesel engines have higher compression ratio compared to petrol engines? [1M]
i) State the importance of power plants. [1M]
j) Write a note on movements of Robots. [1M]
PART – B (60 Marks)
Basic Civil Engineering
2. a) Write about various grades of cement and its applications. [5M]
b) Explain any two basic tests on cement. [5M]
3 a) Explain any two basic tests on aggregates. [5M]
b) Write few types of cement and its applications. [5M]
4. a) Explain step by step procedure of locating contours. [5M]
b) Explain about measurement of Angles. [5M]
5. a) What are the accessories for a chain survey? Explain the functions of each. [5M]
b) What is different between magnetic bearing and true bearing? [5M]
6. a) Write the purpose of reservoirs. [5M]
b) Explain about Railway Engineering. [5M]
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7. a) How Transportation engineering is important in economic development? Discuss. [5M]

b) Write a note on Hydrology and its ways of structuring. [5M]
Basic Mechanical Engineering
8. a) What is mechanical engineering? Explain the role of mechanical engineering in [5M]
b) Define smart materials. List the properties and applications of smart materials. [5M]
9. a) Define ferrous and Nonferrous material with examples. [5M]
b) Define a composite material. How are composite materials classified? Give example for [5M]
10. a) Define CNC? Explain the important features of CNC machines. [5M]
b) Write short note on 3D printing. [5M]
11. a) Derive an expression to find the efficiency of an Otto cycle. [5M]
b) Define one ton of refrigeration. Explain the properties of ideal refrigerants. [5M]

12. a) Draw general layout of Hydro-Electric Power plant showing all components. [5M]
b) Write short note on Gear drives and its applications. [5M]
13. a) Justify the statement: Actuators are the muscles of robots. [5M]
b) Briefly explain the need for robots in industries. [5M]


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