Mcn301 Disaster Management, December 2022

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F 1100MCN301122103

Fifth Semester B.Tech Degree Regular and Supplementary Examination December

Course Code: MCN 301

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

(Answer all questions; eoch question carries 3 marks) Marks

I Differentiate between acceptable risk and residual risk. J

2 State the composition of lithosphere? J

J Explain physical vulnerability and ecological vulnerability. J

4 Define disaster deficit index. J

5 Explain psychosocial support related with disaster response. J

6 List any six public health services required in responding to disasters. J

7 Explain pyramid scheme related with participatory stakeholder engagement. J

8 Define the terms counselling and crisis counselling. J

9 Define man-made disasters and list examples from our country. J

10 Explain the role of National lnstitute of Disaster Management in our country. J

(Answer onefull questionfrom each module, each question carries 14 marks)
Module -1
ll a) Illustrate with diagram the layers of earth's atmosphere. 8

b) State and explain th.e classification of rocks. 6

t2 a) State and explain the features of hydrosphere and biospherq in detail. 8

b) Explain the terms resilience, recovery-and early warning systems with respecf to 6

disaster risk manasement.

Module -2
13 a) maps.
Explain the applications of hazard 8

b) Explain the methods of representing vulnerability. 6

l4 a) Explain the method of expressing population risk. 5

b) List the components of risk assessment. Explain the contemporary approaches to 9

risk assessment.

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* Module -3
l5 a) State and explain the types of disaster mitigation measures. 4

b) Identifu the factors that determine the nature of disaster response and explain. l0
t6 a) State and explain the types of disaster preparedness. 6

b) Identiff the standard operating procedures to be followed during a disaster stage 8

and explain.

Module -4
17 a) State and explain the basic principles of participatory rural appraisal tools. 5

b) Explain the characteristics ofeffective crisis counsellors. State the advantages of 9

crisis counselling.
l8 a) State and explain the steps for effective communication. 8

b) Identify the barriers to effective communication. 6

Module -5
t9 a) List the global targets of Sendai framework and explain. 7

b) - Explain the role, composition and responsibilities of National Disaster 7

Management Authority.
20 a) List the guiding principles of Sendai framework and explain. l0
b) State the composition and role of National Executive Committee related with the 4
National Policy on Disaster Management.

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