Code No: RT32042: III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November/December-2016

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Code No: RT32042

III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November/December-2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) What is BIBO stability? What are the conditions for BIBO stability? [3M]
b) Distinguish between linear and circular convolutions of two sequences. [4M]
c) Define canonic and non-canonic structures. [4M]
d) Explain Gibb’s phenomenon. [4M]
e) Show that the interpolator is a time-variant system. [3M]
f) Write down the applications of each of the families of TIs DSPs. [4M]
2 a) Explain the method of obtaining the frequency response of linear shift-invariant systems. [4M]
b) For the following discrete time signals, determine whether or not the system is linear, shift [8M]
invariant, causal and stable.
(i) y(n)=x(n+7) (ii) y(n)= x3(n)
c) Determine the magnitude and phase response of the following system: [4M]
y(n)=[x(n) + x(n-1)]/2.
3 a) State shifting property of the DFT. [3M]
b) Compute the FFT for the sequence x(n)= n2+1 where N=8 using DIT algorithm. [8M]
c) What is DIT FFT algorithm? [5M]

4 a) How will you develop a cascade structure with direct form II realization of a sixth order IIR [7M]
transfer function?

ℎ = 1|2 [ − −5 ]
b) Realize an FIR filter with impulse response is given by [9M]

5 a) Compare bilinear transformation and other transformations based on their stability. [7M]

3 3
b) The desired frequency response of a low-pass filter is [9M]

, − ≤ ≤
= 4 4 #
0, 3 /4 < | | ≤

Determine for M=7 using a rectangular window.

6 a) Discuss the computationally efficient implementation of interpolator in an FIR filter. [8M]

b) Draw and explain the polyphase structure of a decimator. [8M]

7 a) List the family members of the first generation TMS processor and note down the [7M]
distinguished features.
b) List the enhanced features of the TMS320C5X processor. [9M]



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