Deliverables of AALRT Management Contract

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Deliverables of AALRT management contract

1. Operating environment investigation report

2. Documentation plan, draft operation documents and final complete set of operation
3. General flow chart of activities
4. Handover plan
5. System test, commissioning, startup phase, pre-operation, and trail run report
6. Organizational structure design of AALRT as per TOR – the best suitable organizational
model for the AA LRT in order to provide an efficient and lean organization
7. Work plan for each process or function
8. Knowledge and know how transfer requirements as per the contract
9. Knowledge and know how transfer organization and operation report
10. Succession plan and Exit plan as per the contract
11. Training program and schedule in detail as per the contract
12. Training organization and operation report as per the contract
13. Training type and schedule to be offered to the ERC back stop managers and experts (not
seconded to the MC) to be conducted in Shenzhen and Ethiopia
14. Licenses free of charge for the management systems & software for the duration of
contract period plus one year after end of the MC
15. Issued insurance policy and report on insurance coverage taken out, maintained and kept
in force
16. Updated list of management contractor’s key personnel and total list of personnel with
supporting documents including but not limited to: sufficient personnel list, qualification,
experience, training, competence etc.
17. Staffing qualification criteria as per Shenzhen metro company standard
18. Salary and benefit proposal
19. Recruitment procedure and on job training of local staff and seconded staff
20. Total list of local staff and seconded staff together with supporting documents
21. Report on warranties obtained from vendors’ against defects in material and workman
ship, any defects discovered or suspected that may be covered by such warranties,
administration and enforcement of warranties
22. New KPI
23. Report on the availabilities of the factors affecting the service and to be provided by
infrastructure contractor
24. 5 Strategic business plan
25. 5 years operational plan and budget
26. Annual operational plan and budget
27. Monthly, semester and annual reports (physical and financial)in detail as per the contract
and acceptable to ERC

28. Reimbursable cost statement of receipts and disbursements in detail acceptable to ERC
together with supporting documents
29. Report on management of all functions or departments
30. Comprehensive transit oriented development plan
31. Establishment of training unit report
32. Report on transferred job positions together with supporting documents
33. Report on management of spare parts inventory, spare parts supply chain together with its
supporting IT,
34. Spare parts procurement procedures and orders
35. Report on secondment and engagement of seconded staffs to their Chinese counter parts
along with supporting documents for knowledge, capability, work attitude and discipline
in traceable and measurable manner and
36. Report on AALRT financial statement:
 proper keeping of service books of accounts
 generated financial statements in accordance with internationally accepted
accounting practices clearly and in detail identifying all the time charges and costs
 six months audit report done by an independent auditor
37. Report on the local staffs assignment in specific job positions desired by the management
38. Report on AALRT operation service in comparison with Shenzhen metro as per the
39. Report on documented system of quality control
40. Report on the taken over and granted the right to use the whole AALRT system and
valuation of the transferred equipment by an independent expert
41. Report on establishment of a dedicated IT system
42. Report on development and management of the advertising potentials exploitation in the
stations and onboard
43. List of regulations, working documents, and standard operating procedures
44. Fare policy

Clarification on deliverables and submittals

S/N Description Reference Remark

1 Inspection of operating environment SCC_GCC4.4_P3/18 Submit report

before testing and commissioning

3 The contractor will prepare a general flowchart of RFP Scope of MC Submit general flow chart
all the activities to be carried out in the different of activities
Section 3.3
phases of the Management Contract duration and
will submit it to ERC for approval

8 Organize and operate a Know How transfer and Addundum 01 to TOR Submit Knowledge and
Training know how transfer
Scope of MC section
requirements to AALRT
staff in detail as per TOR

14 For the management systems and software listed in SCC_GCC44.3 (b) Provide Licenses free of
SCC 44.3 (a) above the Supplier shall provide charge for the
licenses free of charge for the duration of the management systems &
Management Contract plus one (1) year after the end software for the duration
of the Management Contract Period of contract period plus one
year after end of the MC

15 A. Issue all insurance policies as instructed in this Minute of meeting Submit all insurance
Contract P10/31 policies as per the contract
GCC 42 Submit report on
B. Insurance to be Taken Out by the Supplier
insurance coverage
taken out, maintained
and kept in force

19 The recruitment procedure for both second and Minute of meeting Submit
direct staffing shall be similar as ERC requires to Personnel section 4
maintain the quality of staffing. The Management
Contractor shall prepare qualification criteria for
placement of Ethiopian Personnel as per its company
standard. It will be submitted to ERC for review and

23 Both parties agreed to check the availabilities of Minute of meting Submit availabilities
FACTORS AFFECTING THE SERVICES section 15 check report

31 The Management Contractor shall establish a Minute of meting Submit training unit
training unit in one of the AALRT services depots. section 13 establishment report
The level and standard of trainings to be conducted
shall be equivalent to that of Shenzhen metro Group
Ltd, training institute at its head quarter in Shenzhen.

37 The Management Contractor has identified 396 jobs Minute of meting Submit the list and their
that can be performed by Ethiopian nationals. The section 8 specific job assignments
Management Contractor, together with ERC, shall
recruit these personnel and assign in specific job

positions desired by the Management Contractor.

39 The Supplier shall institute and maintain a properly GCC 53.2 Submit establishment and
documented system of quality control as set out in maintenance of a properly
the Terms of Reference and which is to the documented system of
satisfaction of the Authorized Officer to ensure that quality control
the Contract Standard is met

40 The Supplier shall takeover and shall be granted the SCC_GCC56.13 Submit the taken over and
right to use the whole AALRT system (including granted the right to use
Equipments, spare-parts, facilities, etc) after valued items
by an independent expert. The supplier shall remedy
for any part or whole of the system for theft,
vandalism, damage, or any such loss except for
depreciation and wear-out.

41 The Contractor will establish a dedicated IT system RFP _TOR Submit the
to check both the Operating and Business Plan establishment of a
Indicators. The monitoring of the Operating KPI
will be operated on a daily base by the Contractor
dedicated IT system
and communicated monthly with specific monitoring report
reports to ERC.

42 Development and management of the advertising RFP_TOR section 3.10 Submit development
potentials exploitation in the stations and onboard. report

Financial statement
Summary report that shows how a firm has used the funds entrusted to it by its stockholders
(shareholders) and lenders, and what is its current financial position. The three basic financial
statements are the:
(1) Balance sheet, which shows firm's assets, liabilities, and net worth on a stated date;
(2) Income statement (also called profit & loss account), which shows how the net income of
the firm is arrived at over a stated period, and
(3) Cash flow statement, which shows the inflows and outflows of cash caused by the firm's
activities during a stated period. Also called business financials.


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