Basic Engineering For Aircraft Maintenance

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Non critical part may ue PMA part :

Non CMR part
Non AWL/ALS part
Not Above
A and B

2.Aircraft Maintenance has to comply with :

CASR 43 or EASA Part M Sub part B
CASR 43 or EASA Part M Sub Part D
CASR 39 or EASA Part M Sub Part D
CASR 43 or EASA Part M Sub part G

3.Which oene is correct :

Optimized Maintenance Program will maximize Scheduled Maintenance cost
Optimized Maintenance Program will no relatd with scheduled maintenance cost
Optimized Maintenance Program is not the best
Optimized Maintenance Program will reduce scheduled maintenance cost

4.Which one is correct :

Reability Control Program will reduce Un-cheduled Maintenance Cost
Reability Control Program will reduce Scheduled Maintenance Cost
Reability Control Program is not mandatory
All above

5.Following are engineering activity except :

Issue Quality Notice
Develop Maintenance Program
Reliaability Control Program
Evaluate Changes in aircraft or system conficuration ( CCM )

6.Maintenance Program has to content :

MPD task and operator / specific task
Component maintenance program
Reliability program
All above

7.The purpose of a reability program is :

To ensure that the aircraft maintenance program task are work properly
Not related with maintenance program
To ensure that the aircraft maintenance program task are effective and their
periodicity is adequate
To comly with manufacture recommendation

8.Reliability Control Program activity are the following accept :
Keep the information
Data collection and display the information
Analysis and interpretation
Corrective actions

9.The following recommended to be implemented to the fleet except :


10.At The airline , maintenance engineers are responsible for :

Design og maintenance standart used on aircraft
Applying The manufacturer’s program and adjusting it , When necessary, to The
real word situation
Applying The mandatory task only , mandated by the manufacture
No one above

11.Which of the following maintenance document ( manual / procedure ) is apporoved

by authority :
MRB document , MPD and operator maintenance program
MRB Document and operator MaintenanceProgram
MRB document and MPD
MPD and operator Maintenance Program

12.The MSG -2 is the document used for maintenance program development based on :
A. Task orientation
Process orientation
Task and Process orientation
Cost orientation

13.The maintenance program that reflect the maximum intervalfor

performing maintenance task to component or part called :
Hard Time limit
On Condition
Condition monitoring
A , B and c are correct

14.Which one of the following consideration that result “ Non Scheduled Maintenance” ?
The reduction in failure resistant detectable by flight crew monitoring
The reduction in failure resistant detectable by in situ maintenance or unit test
Failure mode has direct adverse effect upon operating safety
The function hidden from a view point of flight crew

What The orientation of MSG-3 logic is :
Task Orientation
Process orientation
Task and process orientation
System oriented

The level 1 logic-flow of the MSG-3 is used to evaluate impact category of any
functional failure as follows :
Evident safety and hiddent safety
Lubrication / servicing , inspection / functional check , restoration , discard
Evident safety , evident safety operational , evident non operational safety ,
hidden safety and hidden non safety
Safety and economic

17.The maintenance task listed on the MSG-3 schedulled task are as follows :
Lubrication / servicing , operational / visual check , inspection / functional check ,
restoration , discard
On condition inspection task , schedule rework task , Schedulle discard task ,
failure finding task
Hart time limit , on condition , condition monitoring
Servicing , inspection , testing , calibration , replacement

18.What meaning of restoration

The work necessary to return the item to the specific standart
The work consist of activities like cleaning and servicing
Modification and redesigned
Special detailed visual inspection

19.The United Nation Agency for the civil aviation is

Civil Aviation Authority

20.Which part of dirtectorate General of Civil Aviation goverms the issuance of

the Certificate of Airworthiness
Part 23
Part 21
Part 25
Part 39

21.Which of the following would provide information regarding instrument
range marking for an airplane certificate in transport category ?
CASR part 21
CASR part 25
CARS part 91
CASR part 23

22.Here is ICAO Mayor Aims…..except

Licensing of personnal
Rule of the air
Operation of aircraft
Aeronotical procedure

23.The ICAO mission is to promote design and operation of ……

Civil aircraft
Military aircraft
Civil aviation
Civil regulation

24.Every aircraft of a contracting state , engaged in internasional navigation, shall

carry certificate of registration ( C of R ) and a certificate of airworthiness ( C of A )
Article 29
Article 31
Article 32
Article 33

25.ICAO annexes for Airworthiness of aircraft is …….

Annex 7
Annex 8
Annex 9
Annex 10

26.The Republic of Indonesia Civil Aviation Registration is ……

Federal Aviation Regulation ( FAR )
Joint Aviation Regulation ( JAR )
Civil Aviation Safety Regulation ( CASR )
Civil Aviation regulation ( CAR )

27.Airwortiness program is based on the fundamental principle that the airworthiness-

related activities are completed to accept standart, by authorization individual ,
who work in accredited organization and ……

Using appoved procedure

Using approved part
Using standard procedure
Using standard parts
28.The airworthiness includes the process and activity necessary to ensure that
aeronautical product are airworthy when they are initially design and
manufactured is ….
Continous airworthiness
Aiurworthiness program
Initial Airworthiness
Airworthiness Directives

Here is the class I product, axcept ….


30.The certificate for class I product is …….

Certivicate of Airworthiness ( C of A )
Airworthiness Release Certificates ( ARC )
Airworthines Approval Tag ( AAT )
Certificate of Registration ( C of R )

31.Which of the following is one of the responsibility of Technical Publications

Creating engineering Product
Monitoring Airworthiness Direction status
Providing publications of aircraft , engine Auxiliary Power Unit ( APU ),
component and company procedure to personnal/section as working
guidance and referencesin a current revision
Providing Technical data record

32.All the following are correct requirements for Technical Publications to

support manuals and reference documents , except :
CASR part 121 , 135
CASR part 121 , 137
CASR 145 , 209
CASR part 65

33.Airworthiness Directives :
Is not mandatory
Is a directive issue by a manufacture that required specific action within specific
time for specific aircraft
Is a directive issue by an authority that required specific action within specific
time frame for specified aircraft , engine and components
Is similar with service bulletin

34.All the following are engineering products ,except :
Engineering Information
Quality Notice
Engineering Authorization
Lopa ( Lay Out Passenger Arrangement )

35.Aircrfat Part Catalog is one of :

Engine manual
Component manual
Company Procedure manual
Aircraft manual

36.Compny maintenance Manual is a document :

Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
No level

37.Lion Air Technical Publication Check AD for 737-900ER to authority:

Canadian Authority
EASA ( European Aviation afety Agency )
Indonesian DGAC and FAA ( Directorate General Civil aviation and federal
aviation Administration )
GACA ( General Authority Of civil Aviation )

38.All the following are the manual holder should do after Technical Publications
have distributed manual , except :
Rponsible to insert new revision and retutned the old revision Technical
Responsible to keep manual in good condition
Signed to receipt ( Publication Delivery Notice ) and returned to technical
Still use old revision after recived the new revision

39.Controlled document is :
A document that is subject to process that provide for the positive control of
content , revision , publication , distribution , availability ,and retention
A document that is subject to process that provide for the positive control of
content and revision only
A document that is subject to process that provide for the positive control of
content and distribution only
A document that is subject to process that provide for the positive control of
content and availability only

40.Temporary Revision :
Has yellow color and it will replaced when meet with revision schedule
Is uncontrolled document
Is a service information letter
No need to distribute

41.Reliability control program ( RCP ) is mandated by Indonesian Authority through :

CASR 121.373 and AC 120-17A
CASR 121.737 and AC 120-17A
CASR 121.373 and AC 120-17
CASR 121.737 and AC 120-17

42.Reliability Control Program ( RCP ) is mandated by authority because :

RCP is tool for producing high quality maintenance with minimum cost
Most asset are not processed by HARD Time ( MSG-2 ) or restore ( MSG-3 )
Increase dispatch reliability by minimize delay / cancel
Extend engine on wing life

43.RCP mainly to control :

Schedule maintenance
Unscheduled maintenance
Both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance
Pilot report ( PIRep ) and maintenance report ( MaRep )

44.Following statement are correct related to RELIABILITY

Reliability measures the Probability of Survival
Quantitative in its Term of Reference
All above

45.Point are the system does not longer full fill its minimum requirement
performance called :
Functional failure
Potential failure
Totally failure
Detected failure

The Basic Reliability Element are :

Dipatch Reliability ( DR ), On Time Performance ( OTP )
Mean Time Between Failure ( MTBF ) , Mean Time Between Uncheduled Removal
No Foult Found ( NFF ) Rate , Engine In Flight hut Down ( IFSD ) , Pilot
Complain ( PiRep )
All above

Refer to AC 120-17 , below are part of 7 steps of RCP , except:
Data collection
Data analysis
Data display and report
Data rejection

Data sourc used on data collection sytem, collected from the following source
except :
Pilot Report
Maintenance report
Shop report
Manufacturer ervice Bulletin

Typical of Reliability report :

Monthly Aircraft Reliability report
Monthly component Reliability report
Quarterly Engine Reliability report
All mentioned above

Reliability Control Board ( RCB ) component from :

Quality Asurance Control , Engineering Technical service , Material
Workshop , Aircraft maintenance ( line/hanggar ) , Planning , Development
A and B
A only

CASR 183.32 determine the Deignated Engineering Representative except :

A structural engineering representative may approve structural engineering
information and other structural considerations within limit prescribed by and
under the general supervision of the Director whenever the representative
determines that information complie with the applicable regulations
A power plant engineering representative may appove information relating to
power plant intalation within limitation prescribed by and under the general
supervision of the DGAC Director whenever the representatives determines
that information complies with the applicable regulations
A radio representatives may approve engineering information relating to the
design and operating characteristic of radio equipment , wihkin limit
prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Director whenever the
representatives determines that information complies with the applicable
Accept application for oral and practical tets necessary for recommending issurance of
flight attendant licenses and ratings under the applicable regulations

What is the fungsion of Enginering department on aircraft maintenance
Ensure the Airworthiness Approval Tag of aircraft component on reciving process at
A engineering reliability , maintenance program and technical publication
To perform aircraft maintenance directly with refer to aircraft maintenance
manual , WDM , FIM , RM
To perform engine troublke shooting at maintenance field

Maintenance Planning Data ( MPD ) is provide by :

Operator and Approved by Authority
Aircraft maintenance and approved by authority
FAA , Operator and local Authority
DGAC and operator

There are Lion Air Fleet document uch as Continou Airworthiness Maintenance
Program that :
Be prepared by Lion Air and Apporoved by FAA
Be prepared by Boeing and Apporoved by FAA
Be prepared by Lion Air and Apporoved by DGAC
Be prepared by Boeing and Apporoved by DGAC

When Alternative Mean of Compliance ( AMOC ) can be propoed to GCA/Local

authority :
The AD compliance I not performed yet but the AD compliance time has been
expaired due to company policy and approved by local authority
Before AD compliance time expired and approved by local authority
All material , man power , hanggar and equipment alreadyavailable but aircraft can
not be planned to RON at ba to perform this AD and approved by Lion air
President Director
D. . A, B and C answer are correct

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