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Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date August 1995

Requirements for
Driving Cabs of
Railway Vehicles

This Standard prescribes the
requirements for external visibility
Signatures removed from electronic version
from inside driving cabs, for
control facilities and for other
interior arrangements, to
Submitted by
ensure a working environment in
which drivers of traction and
rolling stock vehicles and on-track
D. Boocock
machines can carry out their
Nominated Responsible Manager
operational duties safely and
Approved by
This document is the property
of Railtrack PLC. It shall not be
C.P. Boocock
reproduced in whole or in part
Chairman, Traction and Rolling Stock Subject Committee
without the written permission of
the Controller, Safety Standards,
Approved by
Railtrack PLC.
Published by
M. Harwood
Safety & Standards Directorate
Chairman, Operations Standards Subject Committee
Railtrack PLC
Floor 2, Fitzroy House
Authorised by
355 Euston Road
London NW1 3AG
J. R. Mitchell
©Copyright 1995 Railtrack PLC
Controller, Safety Standards
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Railway Group Standard

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Requirements for Driving Cabs Date August 1995
of Railway Vehicles Page 1 of 14


Section Description Page

Part A Issue record 2

Responsibilities and distribution 2
Implementation 2
Health and Safety Responsibilities 2
Supply 2

Part B
1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Definitions 3
4 General Requirements 5
5 The Driving Position 5
6 Visibility from Driving Cab 6
7 Controls and Instruments 9
8 Access and Egress 11
9 Cab Environment 11
10 Structure and Crashworthiness 12
11 Emergency and Safety Equipment and Signing 12

References 13

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Date August 1995 Requirements for Driving Cabs
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Part A

Issue record This Railway Group Standard will be updated when necessary by
distribution of a complete replacement.

Amended or additional parts of revised pages will be marked by a vertical

black line in the adjacent margin.

Issue Date Comments

1 Aug 95 Original document (draft was numbered

Responsibilities and Controlled copies of this standard shall be complied with by all persons
distribution who are responsible for specifying requirements for driving cabs of railway
vehicles, including Traction and Rolling Stock (T&RS) and On-Track

The standard shall be distributed to:

• engineers and managers with responsibilities for vehicles and driving
cabs in the fields of technical and operating specification, design,
development, procurement, testing, maintenance and Engineering
• all train operators and contractors having T&RS or on-track machines
for operation on Railtrack lines.

Implementation The provisions of this standard are mandatory. The standard shall apply
from 8 October 1995 to all new procurement contracts placed for new
vehicles. The standard shall also apply from the same date to existing
vehicles when they are subject to Engineering Change, insofar as it is
reasonably practicable.

Health and In authorising this standard, Railtrack PLC makes no warranties,

Safety Responsibilities express or implied, that compliance with all or any Railway Group
Standards is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or
operation. Each user is reminded of its own responsibilities to ensure
health and safety at work and its individual duties under health and safety

Supply Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this standard must be obtained from
The Catalogue Secretary, Safety & Standards Directorate, Railtrack PLC,
Floor 2, Fitzroy House, 355 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AG.

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Part B

1 Purpose This standard prescribes the requirements for external visibility from
inside driving cabs, for control facilities and for other interior
arrangements, to ensure a working environment in which drivers can carry
out their operational duties effectively and maintain safety on Railtrack

2 Scope The requirements of this standard apply to the driving cabs of traction and
rolling stock (T&RS) vehicles and also to On-Track Machines that operate
on Railtrack lines outside possessions.

The requirements apply to new vehicles. The requirements also apply to

existing vehicles when undergoing Engineering Change, insofar as it is
reasonably practicable to incorporate them.

Deviations from the specific requirements of this standard are permissible

for driving vehicles in international traffic, providing that it is demonstrated
that an equivalent level of safety is achieved.

3 Definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply.

Auxiliary Driving Position

A driving position for authorised movements which cannot be safely made
from the main Driving Position and for which the full range of driving
controls and the full viewing requirements cannot be provided.

Colour Diffraction Effects

The spatial separation of colours of light sources or objects into their
component spectrum colours, as a result of variations in the refractive
properties within a windscreen (or window).

Distortion of Vision
The apparent angular distortion of physical objects when viewed through a
windscreen (or window) as a result of changes in Optical Deviation.

Driver Only Operation

Train Operations in which passengers are carried under the sole control of
a single driver, without support from any other on-board staff.

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Driving Position
The normal position from which the driver controls the train, by operating
the primary controls. It may be seated or standing or both, depending on
operational requirements.

Engineering Change
Any alteration or modification to the design of a driving vehicle that affects
the layout of a driving cab, its permanent equipment or its facilities.

Multiple Images
The appearance of two or more secondary images, spatially separated from
the primary image, of a light source or object when viewed through a
windscreen (or window).

On-Track Machine
A rail-mounted machine permitted by the Rule Book Appendix
BR 87109/43 to be moved, either self-propelled or in train formation,
outside a possession.

Optical Deviation
The angle between the true and the apparent direction of an object when
viewed through a windscreen (or window). Optical deviation can be
measured in terms of Secondary Image Separation under prescribed test

Primary Vision Area

The area of windscreen through which prescribed track and signal
locations must be viewable from the cab Driving Position.

Secondary Image Separation

The angular separation between the primary and secondary images of a
distant light source or object when viewed through a windscreen (or
window). The separation is related to windscreen orientation, curvature,
thickness, internal construction, and geometric and optical inaccuracies.

Secondary Vision Area

An optical area of windscreen outside the Primary Vision Area through
which the driver may be required to look.

Transmittive Colour
A measure of the changes in colour of objects and surfaces when viewed
through a windscreen (or window).

Visual Transmission
The proportion of light transmitted through a windscreen (or window). It
is expressed as a percentage of the intensity of the incident light under
prescribed test conditions.

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4 General 4.1 The driving cabs of vehicles that operate on Railtrack lines shall
Requirements be designed and maintained so that they provide safe and efficient
working environments in which drivers and other authorised staff
can carry out their duties safely and effectively.

4.2 Driving cabs shall meet the requirements of this standard over
the full range of variations in vehicle and track conditions that are
likely to be experienced. Account shall be taken of:

(a) the influences of cab and vehicle dimensional tolerances, vehicle

payload variations and suspension characteristics; normal variations in
maintenance condition and wear; and cab and vehicle failure modes
and conditions.

(b) the likely routes of operation and the extent and effects of
operation in tunnels.

(c) the range of ambient weather, temperature and humidity

conditions; daytime and night-time conditions; and any other relevant

4.3 Cabs shall be maintained so that prescribed tolerances for

components, assemblies and systems that influence the mandatory
requirements for cab performance are sustained over the lives of the

4.4 The dimensions of cab interiors, including their fixtures,

furniture, fittings, furnishings, equipments, controls, indicators and
instruments, shall be appropriate for safely accommodating drivers
with a range of physical dimensions as specified in accordance with
reference [1]. A source of design data for male and female body
dimensions is given in reference [2].

5 The Driving Position 5.1 The driver shall be provided with a Driving Position from which
the train can be safely controlled. A seat provided for the driver
shall be readily adjustable, to accommodate drivers with a range of
body dimensions as specified in Section 4.4. The driving position may
be designed to allow the driver to stand whilst controlling the train.

5.2 From the driving position, the driver shall be able to readily
operate all primary controls and easily read all primary
instrumentation, as defined in Section 7, whilst maintaining the vision
requirements of Section 6.1.

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5.3 If it is required, in normal operation, that a driver must have an

external view along the train whilst controlling its movement, then the
driver shall be able to easily operate the necessary primary controls whilst
maintaining an external view along the train. This may be achieved by
providing auxiliary driving positions adjacent to openable cab side windows.
The required auxiliary primary controls are prescribed in Section 7.3.

5.3.1 If auxiliary driving positions are provided:

(a) there shall be a means whereby a maximum speed limit is automatically

imposed when control is exercised from an auxiliary driving position, the
limit being appropriate to the nature of the operation being controlled;

(b) the driver shall be able to move easily from an auxiliary driving position
to the main driving position whilst the train is moving;

(c) there shall be means to ensure that the train is automatically brought
to a halt if a driver becomes incapacitated during the changeover described
in (b).

5.4 A driver shall have easy access to the driving position and be able to
vacate it rapidly, for operational reasons or for emergency escape.

5.5 The driving position shall be positioned so that a seated person’s eyes
are not less than 500 mm from the windscreen. This is required to
mitigate the risk of injury from windscreen spalling in the event of impacts
from external missiles (reference [3]).

6 Visibility from 6.1 Sighting of Track and Signals

Driving Cab 6.1.1 Seated Drivers
The front windscreen of a cab shall provide, as a minimum, the following
clear unobstructed lines of sight (views) for the driver seated at the
Driving Position, taking into account the variations and tolerances
described in Section 4.2 and the requirements of Section 6.2.6.

For each viewing case below, a person’s eyes shall be considered to be at a

point contained within an imaginary reference cube. The reference cube
shall have 400 mm long sides and have its centre situated 800 mm above
the centre of the surface of the driver’s seat cushion, with the seat
adjusted vertically and horizontally to its mid-position. The imaginary cube
shall be orientated with sides parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

Case (a): A view of the track (at rail height) at 5 m beyond the vehicle
buffers (or vehicle end) for vehicles subject to frequent coupling and
uncoupling activities. For other vehicles, the viewing distance shall be 10 m
beyond the vehicle buffers (or vehicle end).

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Case (b): For cabs with a central gangway, a view of signals

positioned 5 m beyond the vehicle buffers (or vehicle end) at all
heights between 1.5 m and 6.0 m above rail level and at all lateral
positions between the right-hand rail through to 2.5 m to the left of
track centreline. This view together with the view in Case (a) shall
be visible from the same point within the reference cube.

Case (c): For cabs without a central gangway, a view of signals

positioned 5 m beyond the vehicle buffers (or vehicle end) at all
heights between 1.5 m and 6.0 m above rail level and at all lateral
positions between 2.5 m to the right of track centreline through to
2.5 m to the left of track centreline. This view together with the
view in Case (a) shall be visible from the same point within the
reference cube.

Case (d): A view of level track up to 500 m beyond the buffers (or
vehicle end) when entering a curve of 1000 m radius. This view shall
be visible, whether on a left-hand curve or a right-hand curve, from a
common point within the reference cube.

Note (1): The lateral dimensions specified in Cases (b) to (d) above
refer to the track on which the vehicle is standing.

Note (2): The above viewing cases lead to three, usually different,
viewing points within the reference cube, namely: a point for Cases
(a) and (b), a point for Cases (a) and (c), and a point for Case (d).

6.1.2 Standing Drivers

Where the main driving position is designed to permit the driver to
stand whilst controlling the train, the four unobstructed viewing
Cases (a), (b), (c) and (d) as prescribed in Section 6.1.1 shall continue
to apply. For each case, the stature range of the drivers shall be
taken into account, in accordance with Section 4.4.

6.2 Windscreen Optical Properties

6.2.1 The windscreen, as orientated and installed in the driving cab,
shall have minimal Distortion of Vision over the whole of the vision

Simple distortions of vision when measured using a slide projector

and grid-based technique as described in reference [4], or other
technically equivalent technique, shall not exceed the following

(a) 1.5 degrees in the Primary Vision Area;

(b) 2.5 degrees in the Secondary Vision Area;
(c) 5.0 degrees for other areas of the windscreen required for

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There shall not be any noticeable discontinuities or curving of the

projected lines within the Primary and Secondary Vision Areas.

6.2.2 The windscreen when installed in the cab shall not cause Secondary
Image Separations that may cause confusion or distraction to the driver.

The windscreen shall not cause Multiple Images.

6.2.3 The primary and secondary vision areas of the windscreen shall have
a Visual Transmission of not less than 70%, as measured in accordance with
reference [4], or other equivalent standard.

6.2.4 The windscreen shall not cause any Colour Diffraction Effects that
are noticeable to the driver.

6.2.5 The Transmittive Colour of the windscreen shall not adversely

affect the perceived colours of objects, particularly of colour light signals.
Achievement of this requires that the CIE (1931) chromaticity coordinates
of the windscreen, with reference to Illuminant A, shall lie within an
acceptance box having the following x, y coordinates:

x: 0.435 0.435 0.460 0.460

y: 0.415 0.3975 0.405 0.4225

6.2.6 Appropriate means shall be provided to maintain the above specified

sighting, visibility and optical requirements through the windscreen under
all external and internal ambient conditions, including: rain, snow, ice, solar
glare, dust and debris, high humidity, etc. Such means may include:
windscreen heaters, washers, wipers and rain-flow deflectors, de-misters,
de-icers, sun visors, blinds, tinted glass, etc.

It shall be ensured that such visibility aids do not obscure the Primary
Vision Area or adversely affect visibility and the optical properties of the
windscreen, particularly with regard to the sighting of signals, the imaging
of signals, and the colour of signal lights.

6.3 Side Visibility

A driver shall be able to have external views forwards and backwards along
each side of the train formation. To achieve this, easily accessible and
openable windows of appropriate dimensions, or other easy and reliable
means of vision, shall be provided.

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6.4 Driver Only Operation

6.4.1 Cabs of driving vehicles required to undertake Driver Only
Operations (DOO) of passenger trains shall comply with the visibility
requirements of reference [5]. This specifies the viewing
requirements through cab windscreens and through cab side
windows to enable platform-mounted Closed-Circuit Television
(CCTV) monitors or mirrors to be seen, when in-cab CCTV
monitors are not fitted.

6.4.2 Where a cab side window is required to enable the driver to

view platform-mounted equipment, the window shall be of such an
optical quality that it does not cause distortions or loss of visibility
that could mislead the driver or affect his judgement.

7 Controls and 7.1 General

Instruments The driving cab shall incorporate appropriate and reliable controls,
instruments, and audible and visual warning devices to enable the
driver to perform his duties safely and effectively, as defined by the
Rule Book (reference [6]) and other working instructions, and in
accordance with the requirements for train safety systems as
prescribed in reference [7].

7.1.1 Controls and instruments should be arranged and operated in

a logical and functional manner, to maximise driver effectiveness and
minimise errors.

7.1.2 The designs, locations and modes of operation of controls and

instruments should, as far as is practicable, be consistent with proven
best practices, or better.

7.1.3 Controls and instruments should be clearly marked with

unambiguous descriptions, pictograms, etc. to indicate their

7.1.4 The operation of controls and the viewing of instruments

should not be unduly fatiguing, or require physical or mental abilities
beyond the competence standards prescribed for train drivers in
reference [1].

7.1.5 Controls and instruments should be appropriately graduated

and/or illuminated so that the driver can quickly and accurately
detect their operating positions and readings, under all ambient
lighting conditions. Where controls and instruments are graduated,
the graduations should be sufficiently fine and precise to enable the
driver to drive the train accurately and within the permitted speed
profiles on its permitted routes.

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7.1.6 Illuminated controls and instruments should be so positioned,

cowled or dimmed that they do not produce excessive levels of
illuminance, or produce unwanted reflections off the cab windscreen or off
other surfaces, that will mislead or distract the driver.

7.1.7 Controls and instruments should be robust and protected against

malfunction as far as is reasonably practicable.

7.2 Primary Controls and Instruments

7.2.1 The following primary controls and instruments, where required
and fitted as essential for the safe driving of a train or vehicle, shall be
operable and/or viewable by the driver whilst at the main driving position.

(a) Direction of movement control

(b) Traction power controls and instruments
(c) Service braking controls and instruments
(d) Emergency brake control
(e) Speedometer
(f) Warning horn
(g) Drivers’ Safety Device (DSD)/Vigilance reset control
(h) Automatic Warning System (AWS) reset control and visual indicator
(i) Windscreen vision maintenance system controls
(j) Train communications control (including crew-to-crew, Train-to-
Shore radio, and driver-to-passenger)
(k) Head/tail/marker/hazard light controls and indicators
(l) Cab environmental controls (heating, lighting, ventilation)
(m) Passenger alarm override and indicator
(n) Fire extinguisher delay system
(o) External passenger door controls for operation by the driver
(p) In-cab Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems for use with
Driver Only Operation
(q) Controls for automatic coupling and uncoupling
(r) Controls and indicators for Radio Electronic Token Block (RETB)
(s) Reminder device for preventing driver from starting against red
(t) Other controls and instruments which because of their safety
functions must be operated or viewed whilst the driver is controlling
the train.

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7.2.2 Wherever practicable, the visual field directly in front of the

driver, when in the driving position, should be reserved for siting
primary controls and instruments vital to the continuing safe
operation of the train. Their locations should reflect their
importance and the frequencies with which they need to be actuated
or viewed. Account should be taken of the amount of drivers’ head
and eye movements needed, with the objective of maximising the
driver’s visual concentration on track and signals.

7.3 Auxiliary Primary Controls

Where an auxiliary driving position is provided, as in Section 5.3, the
following controls shall be provided:

(a) Direction of movement control

(b) Traction power control
(c) Service brake control
(d) Emergency brake control
(e) Warning horn
(f) AWS reset control
(g) DSD/Vigilance reset control.

7.4 Audible and Visual Warnings

Audible and visual warnings inside the cab shall be distinctive and
have appropriate loudness and sound qualities and/or light intensities,
according to their functions, urgency and importance (see reference
[8]). They shall not distract the driver’s attention unnecessarily from
his normal driving duties.

7.5 Driver Only Operation

If driver Only Operation requires the driver to move from the main
driving position to a side window to view platform-mounted
equipment or to look back along the train, then passenger door
controls and a Drivers’ Safety Device hold-over control shall be
located as specified in reference [5].

8 Access and Egress 8.1 The driver, and other staff where appropriate, shall be able to
gain safe access to and safe egress from the driving cab, under both
normal and emergency conditions, in accordance with reference [9].

9 Cab Environment 9.1 The driver and others shall be provided with a safe and efficient
working environment in terms of:

(a) the ergonomic layout of furniture and fittings, controls and

instruments, and the general ambience;

(b) air quality, temperatures and lighting levels, in accordance with

reference [10];

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(c) ride quality, noise and vibration levels, and aerodynamic pressure
pulses, in accordance with reference [8].

10 Structure and 10.1 The driver, and any other staff in the cab, shall be protected
Crashworthiness structurally in the event of collisions, derailments, or strikes by missiles, in
accordance with references [3], [11], [12], [13] and [14].

11 Emergency and 11.1 The driving cab shall be fitted with emergency and safety equipment,
Safety Equipment supported by emergency and safety signs, in accordance with reference [15].
and Signing

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[1] GO/RT3251 Safety Requirements for Train Drivers

[2] Pheasant, S.Anthropometrics - An Introduction,

BSI Publication PP7310

[3] GM/TT0122 Structural Requirements for Windscreens and Windows on Railway


[4] BS 857 Specification for Safety Glass for Land Transport

[5] GO/OTS401 Driver Only Operation of Passenger Trains

[6] BR 87109 Rule Book

[7] GM/RT2185 Train Safety Systems

[8] GM/RT2160 Ride Vibration and Noise Environment Inside Railway Vehicles

[9] GM/RT2162 Traincrew Access to and Egress from Railway Vehicles

(to be published)

[10] GM/RT2176 Air Quality and Lighting Environment Inside Railway Vehicles
(to be published)

[11] GM/RT2100 Structural Requirements for Railway Vehicles

[12] GM/TT0123 Structural Requirements for Doors and Gangways on Railway


[13] GM/TT0179 Structural Requirements for Body-Mounted Equipment on Railway


[14] GM/RC2502 Code of Practice for Structural Aspects of Railway Vehicle Interiors

[15] GM/RT2177 Emergency and Safety Equipment and Signs on Rail Vehicles

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Issue One
Date August 1995 Requirements for Driving Cabs
Page 14 of 14 of Railway Vehicles

Related Documents
(for Information only)

GK/RT0005 Safety Related Colours of Signalling Equipment

GK/RT0031 Lineside Signals and Indicators

GK/RT0037 Signal Sighting

GM/TT0168 Braking Policy for Traction & Rolling Stock Including On-Track Plant

GO/RT3410 Train Radio Communications

BR 566 Specification for High Impact Resistant Windows, 1989

BS 1376 Specification for Colours of Light Signals

UIC 625-6 Regulations Concerning Conditions of Visibility from Driving

Compartments of Combustion-Engined Powered Stock


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