Che Calculations 1 2014 - 20152 Students
Che Calculations 1 2014 - 20152 Students
Che Calculations 1 2014 - 20152 Students
COMPETENCY EXAM 12. A 'limiting reactant' is the one, which decides the
CHE CALCULATIONS 1 01/7/15 __________ in the chemical reaction.
NAME: . _____________________________ A. equilibrium constant B. conversion
Answers: C. rate constant D. none of these
1. CaCO3 contains __________ percent of Ca by weight.
A. 40 B. 48 C. 96 D. 12 13. An aqueous solution of 2.45% by weight H2SO4 has a
specific gravity of 1.011. The composition expressed in
2. A metal oxide is reduced by heating it in a stream of normality is
hydrogen. After complete reduction, it is found that 3.15 gm A. 0.2500 B. 0.2528 C. 0.5000 D. 0.5055
of the oxide has yielded 1.05 gm of the metal. It may be
inferred that the 14. The molar composition of a gas is 10% H2, 10% O2, 30%
A. atomic weight of the metal is 4. CO2 and balance H2O. If 50% H2O condenses, the final mole
B. equivalent weight of the metal is 4. percent of H2 in the gas on a dry basis will be
C. atomic weight of the metal is 2. A. 10% B. 5% C. 18.18% D. 20%
D. equivalent weight of the metal is 8.
15. Air initially at 101. 3 kPa and 40C and with a relative
3. Equal masses of CH4 and H2 are mixed in an empty humidity of 50%, is cooled at constant pressure to 30C. The
container. The partial pressure of hydrogen in this container cooled air has a
expressed as the fraction of total pressure is A. higher dew point. B. higher absolute (specific) humidity.
A. 1/9 B.8/9 C. 1/2 D.5/9 C. higher relative humidity D. higher wet bulb temperature
4. In case of a ternary system involving two liquid components 16. Psychrometry deals with the properties of gas-vapor
and a solute, the ratio of the concentration of the solute in the mixture. Humidity can be determined by the measurement of
two phases at equilibrium is called the distribution co- the __________ of a fibre.
efficient. The distribution co-efficient depends upon the A. electrical resistance B.thermal conductivity
A. solute concentration B. temperature C. strength D. none of these.
C. both(a) & (b) D. neither (a) nor (b)
17. Dew point of a gas-vapour mixture
5. N2 content in a urea sample was found to be only 42%. A. increases with temperature rise.
What is the actual urea content of the sample? B. decreases with temperature rise.
A. 80% B. 90% C. 95% D. 98% C. decreases with decrease in pressure.
D. increases with increase in pressure.
6. Vapor pressure of water at 100C is about __________ bar.
A. 0.1013 B. 1.013 C. 10.13 D.101.3 18. Moisture contained by a substance in excess of the
equilibrium moisture is called the __________ moisture.
7. A solution is made by dissolving 1 kilo mole of solute in A. unbound B. free C. critical D. bound
2000 kg of solvent. The molality of the solution is
A. 2 B.1 C. 0.5 D.0.5 19 Which of the following psychrometric processes is
followed by water vapour laden unsaturated air, when it is
8. One mole of methane undergoes complete combustion in a passed through solid or liquid adsorbent ?
stoichiometric amount of air. The reaction proceeds as CH4 + A. Cooling and dehumidification.
2O2 CO2 + 2H2O. Both the reactants and products are in B. Heating and dehumidification at almost constant wet bulb
gas phase. H298 = - 730 kJ/mole of methane. Mole fraction temperature.
of water vapour in the product gases is about C. Dehumidification with dry bulb temperature remaining
A.0.19 B.0.33 C. 0.40 D.0.67 constant.
D. None of these.
9. 1 kg of calcium carbide produces about 0.41 kg of
acetylene gas on treatment with water. How many hours of 20. 80 kg of Na2SO4 (molecular weight = 142) is present in
service can be derived from 1 kg of calcium carbide in an 330 kg of an aqueous solution. The solution is cooled such
acetylene lamp burning 35 litres of gas at NTP per hour ? that. 80 kg of Na2SO4 .10H2O crystals separate out. The
A. 5 B.10 C. 15 D. 20 weight fraction of Na2SO4 in the remaining solution is
A. 0.00 B. 0.18 C. 0.24 D. 1.00
10. 40 gms each of the methane and oxygen are mixed in an
empty container maintained at 40C. The fraction of the total 21. A butane isomerisation process produces 70 kmole/hr of
pressure exerted by oxygen is pure isobutane. A purge stream removed continuously,
A. 1/2 B.1/3 C. 1/4 D.2/3 contains 85% n-butane and 15% impurity (mole%). The feed
stream is n-butane containing 1% impurity (mole%). The flow
11. In the reaction, Ca + 2H2O = Ca(OH)2 + H2 ; what rate of the purge stream will be
volume (c.c.) of hydrogen at STP would be liberated, when 8 A. 3 kmole/hr B. 4 kmole/hr C. 5 kmole/hr D.6
gm of calcium reacts with excess water ? kmole/h
A. 4480 B. 2240 C. 1120 D. 0.4
22. Na2SO4. 10H2O crystals are formed by cooling 100 Kg of 29. One kg of saturated steam at 100C and 1.01325 bar is
30% by weight aqueous solution of Na2SO4. The final contained in a rigid walled vessel. It has a volume of 1.673
concentration of the solute in the solution is 10%. The weight m3. It cools to 98C ; the saturation pressure is 0.943 bar ; one
of crystals is kg of water vapour under these conditions has a volume of
A. 20 B. 32.2 C. 45.35 D.58.65 1.789 m3. The amount of water vapour condensed (in kg) is
A. 0.0 B. 0.065 C. 0.1 D.1.0
23. Air at a temperature of 20C and 750 mm Hg pressure has
a relative humidity of 80%. What is its percentage humidity 30. A bypass stream in a chemical process is useful, because it
?Vapour pressure of water at 20C is 17.5 mm Hg. A. facilitates better control of the process.
A. 80.38 B. 80 C. 79.62 D.78.51 B. improves the conversion.
C. increases the yield of products.
24. A flowsheet is given in the following figure: D. none of these
25. The ratio of existing moles of vapor per mole of vapor free
gas to the moles of vapor that would be present per mole of
vapor free gas, if the mixture were saturated at the existing
temperature & pressure, is termed as the
A. relative humidity C. relative saturation.
B. percentage saturation D. none of these.