Concrete Structures For Containment of Hazardous Materials: ACI 350.2R-04
Concrete Structures For Containment of Hazardous Materials: ACI 350.2R-04
Concrete Structures For Containment of Hazardous Materials: ACI 350.2R-04
*Members of ACI 350 Hazardous Materials Subcommittee who prepared this report. Lawrence Valentine served as Chair and
Steven R. Close served as Secretary and then took over as chair during the final processing of this revision.
Chapter 2Concrete design and proportioning, primary or secondary containment of cryogenic liquids,
p. 350.2R-3 nonliquid materials, or to systems containing radioactive
2.1General materials.
2.2Design The use of information in this report does not ensure
2.3Concrete cover compliance with applicable regulations. The recommendations
2.4Exposure in this report were based on the best technical knowledge
2.5Concrete mixture proportions available at the time they were written; however, they may
2.6Fiber-reinforced concrete be supplemented or superseded by applicable local, state,
and national regulations. Therefore, it is important to
Chapter 3Waterstops, sealants, and joints, research such regulations (see Section 8.1) thoroughly.
p. 350.2R-6
3.1Waterstops Guidelines for containment and leakage-detection systems
3.2Joint sealants given in this report involve combinations of materials that
3.3Joints may not be readily available in all areas. Therefore, local
distributors and contractors should be contacted during the
Chapter 4Construction considerations, design process to ensure that materials are available.
p. 350.2R-8 Proper and thorough inspection of construction is essential
4.1Sump construction techniques to ensure a quality final product. The written program for
4.2Curing and protection inspection should be detailed and comprehensive, and
4.3Inspection should be clearly understood by all parties involved. See
Section 4.3 for an inspection checklist. (See ACI 311.4R for
Chapter 5Liners and coatings, p. 350.2R-11 guidance in inspection programs.) A preconstruction confer-
5.1Liners ence to discuss the program in detail is recommended.
5.2Coatings Personnel should be qualified, experienced, and certified as
5.3Selection considerations for liners and coatings applicable to their specialty.
5.4Inspection and testing of liner and coating installations
Chapter 6Secondary containment, p. 350.2R-14 The definitions in Sections 1.2.1 through 1.2.11 have been
6.1General correlated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
6.2Secondary containment system features (EPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
6.3Secondary containment materials regulations.
1.2.1 Hazardous materialA hazardous material is
Chapter 7Leak-detection systems, p. 350.2R-14 defined as having one or more of the following characteristics:
7.1General ignitable (NFPA 49), corrosive, reactive, or toxic.
7.2Drainage media materials NOTE: EPA-listed wastes are organized into three categories
7.3Design and installation of drainage media under RCRA: source-specific wastes, generic wastes, and
commercial chemical products. Source specific wastes
Chapter 8References, p. 350.2R-16 include sludges and wastewaters from treatment and production
8.1Referenced standards and reports
processes in specific industries such as petroleum refining
8.2Cited references
and wood preserving. The list of generic wastes includes
wastes from common manufacturing and industrial
1.1Scope processes such as solvents used in degreasing operations.
This report is intended for use in the structural design and The third list contains specific chemical products such as
construction of hazardous material containment systems. benzene, creosote, mercury, and various pesticides.
Hazardous material containment structures require secondary 1.2.2 TankA tank is a stationary containment structure
containment and, sometimes, leak-detection systems. with self-supporting, watertight walls constructed of
Because of the economic and environmental impact of even nonearthen material.
small amounts of leakage of hazardous materials, both 1.2.3 Environmental tankAn environmental tank is a
primary and secondary containment systems should be virtually tank used to collect, store, or treat hazardous material. An
leak free. Therefore, when primary or secondary containment environmental tank usually provides either primary or
systems involve concrete, special design and construction secondary containment of a hazardous material.
techniques are required. This report supplements and 1.2.4 Tank systemA tank system includes its primary
enhances the requirements of ACI 350, which is intended for and secondary containment systems, leak-detection system,
structures commonly used in water containment, industrial and the ancillary equipment.
and domestic water, and wastewater treatment works. ACI 1.2.5 Ancillary equipmentAncillary equipment includes
350, however, does not give specific guidance on the design piping, fittings, valves, and pumps.
of the double containment systems, leak-detection systems, 1.2.6 SumpA sump can be any structural reservoir,
or the additional recommendations for enhancing liquid- usually below grade, designed for collection of runoff or
tightness covered in this report. This report does not apply to accidental spillage of hazardous material. It often includes
troughs, trenches, and piping connected to the sump to help Table 2.1Wall thickness and reinforcement
collect and transport runoff liquids. Regulations may not locations based on concrete placement
distinguish between a sump and an underground tank. consideration
1.2.7 Primary containment systemA primary containment Minimum Reinforcement
Description Wall height thickness location
system is the first containment system in contact with the
Over 10 ft 12 in. (300 mm) Both faces
hazardous material. Cast-in-place (3000 mm)
1.2.8 Secondary containment systemA secondary concrete 4 to 10 ft
containment system is a backup system for containment of (1200 to 3000 mm) 10 in. (250 mm) Both faces
hazardous materials in case the primary system leaks or fails Less than 4 ft 6 in. (150 mm) Center of wall
(1200 mm)
for any reason.
4 ft (1200 mm) or
1.2.9 Spill or system failureA spill or system failure is Precast concrete more 8 in. (200 mm) Center of wall
any uncontrolled release of hazardous material from the Less than 4 ft 4 in. (100 mm) Center of wall
primary containment system into the environment or into the (1200 mm)
secondary containment system. It may also be from the Description Minimum wall thickness
secondary containment system into the environment. Tendon prestressed concrete tanks See ACI 350
1.2.10 Spill- or leak-detection systemA spill- or leak- Wrapped prestressed concrete tanks See ACI 350
Note: Placement windows (temporary openings in the forms) or tremies are recom-
detection system detects, monitors, and signals a spill or mended to facilitate concrete placement in cast-in-place walls greater than 6 ft
leakage from the primary containment system. (1800 mm) in height.
Upturned footings help reduce restraint of shrinkage and its ment, however, should remain near the center of the slab.
associated cracking. The residual compressive stress in the slab should be at
2.2.4 Slabs-on-ground least 200 psi (1.4 MPa) after deducting strand friction, long- Membrane slabsACI 350 provides requirements term losses, and losses due to friction between the slab and
for the minimum shrinkage and temperature reinforcement the subgrade. Flexural tensile stresses should not exceed
and, if post-tensioned, the residual prestressing requirements 2fc psi (0.167fc MPa) under service loads, unless bonded
for membrane floor slabs. Prestressed membrane slabs reinforcement is provided in the precompressed tensile zone.
should have a minimum thickness of 5 in. (125 mm). Flexure and shear requirements are given in ACI 350,
Nonprestressed membrane slabs should have a minimum Section A.3.2(b) for the various bar sizes, exposure condi-
thickness of 6 in. (150 mm). To enhance liquid-tightness, tions, and grades of reinforcement.
membrane slabs should be placed without construction As with membrane slabs, pavement slabs intended to be
joints. A membrane slab can be reinforced with prestressed liquid-tight should be placed without construction joints
and nonprestressed reinforcement in the same layer in each whenever possible. When joints are unavoidable, they
direction, or with nonprestressed reinforcement only, at or should be designed and detailed according to the other
near the center of the slab. If prestressed, they should have a recommendations of this report.
minimum of 200 psi (1.4 MPa) residual compression after 2.2.5 Mat foundationsMat foundations are usually 12 in.
deducting for all losses, including the effects of friction (300 mm) thick with two layers of nonprestressed reinforcement
between the slab and the subgrade and after allowing for any or 10 in. (250 mm) thick with prestressed reinforcement.
tension tie forces. This amount of prestressing has been Additional concrete thickness can be provided to help resist
found to provide liquid-tightness without excessive cracking buoyancy, if required.
due to gradual differential subgrade settlements, shrinkage
2.2.6 Minimum reinforcement for nonprestressed secondary
and temperature effects, or both, in slabs on properly
containmentThe minimum reinforcement to counter the
prepared subgrade.
effects of shrinkage and temperature changes for concrete Pavement slabsThe term pavement slabs, as used as secondary containment structures should comply
used in this report, denotes the particular case of slabs-on- with ACI 350.
ground designed for drainage capture and primary or
2.2.7 Minimum reinforcement for nonprestressed primary
secondary containment of hazardous materials when vehicle
containmentTo counter the effects of shrinkage and
or other concentrated loads are anticipated. Pavement slabs
temperature changes, the minimum reinforcement content
can be either prestressed or nonprestressed and designed as
for concrete used as primary containment should be 0.5% of
plates on elastic foundations. A qualified geotechnical engineer
the cross-sectional concrete area. To further limit cracking
should determine the properties of the subgrade, including
caused by restraint of free movement due to shrinkage and
soil classification and modulus of subgrade reaction.
temperature dropping, the reinforcement parallel to a
Acceptable analytical techniques include finite element,
construction joint should be increased to 1.0% within the
finite difference, and other techniques that give comparable
first 4 ft (1200 mm) of a construction joint in the subsequent
results. Flexural and punching shear stresses should be used
placement (Fig. 2.1). For crack mitigation, it is preferable to
to design the conventional and prestressed reinforcement.
use several small-diameter bars rather than fewer bars of a
Nonprestressed pavement slabs designed for vehicle loads
larger diameter. The maximum bar spacing should not
of AASHTO H-10 or heavier should be at least 8 in. (200 mm)
exceed 12 in. (300 mm).
thick and should contain two layers of reinforcement in each
direction (AASHTO Standard Specification). The slab 2.2.8 Minimum nonprestressed reinforcement for
thickness for lighter wheel loads may be according to prestressed concreteThe minimum nonprestressed
Section The reinforcement percentage should total reinforcement in prestressed concrete containment structures
at least 0.5% of the cross-sectional area in each orthogonal should be 0.15% for secondary containment and 0.30% for
direction, with at least one-half, but not more than two-thirds, primary containment when movement due to shrinkage is
of this amount in the upper layer. ACI 350 provides require- partially restrained, such as slabs-on-ground. It should be the
ments for the design of flexural reinforcement, including the same as recommended for nonprestressed concrete wherever
additional durability factor, where applicable. movement due to shrinkage is fully restrained, such as when
Prestressed pavement slabs designed for vehicle loads of concrete is placed against and bonded to hardened concrete
AASHTO H-10 or heavier should be at least 6 in. (150 mm) at a construction joint.
thick. When unbonded post-tensioning tendons are used, the 2.2.9 Roofs
nonprestressed reinforcement percentage should total at least Joints in roofsLiquid-tight cast-in-place roofs
0.30% for primary containment and 0.15% for secondary should be placed without construction joints whenever
containment in each orthogonal direction. The reinforcement possible. When joints in cast-in-place roofs are unavoidable,
is usually placed at the mid-depth of the slab when the they should be designed and detailed according to the
prestressed pavement slab is less than 8 in. (200 mm) thick. recommendations of Section 2.2.7. Joints between precast
When the prestressed pavement slab is 8 in. (200 mm) thick, roof members should be designed and detailed for liquid-
or more, the nonprestressed reinforcement is usually divided tightness with requirements provided by ACI 350 and
into two mats, one near each face. The prestressed reinforce- Section 3.2 of this report.
procedures for splicing vary with the type of material and the
manufacturers recommendations for proper splicing. Metal waterstopsMetal waterstops should be
spliced as recommended by the engineer or manufacturer.
3.1.4 Installation GeneralImproperly installed waterstops can
create leaky joints. The waterstop should be clean and free of
dirt and splattered concrete. Intimate contact with clean,
sound concrete is essential over the entire surface of the
waterstop. Entrapped air and honeycombing near the joint
could compromise the effectiveness of the waterstop. The
waterstop should be placed and located accurately with the
center bulb directly at the centerline of expansion and
contraction joints. Otherwise, the functionality of the center
bulb is lost. Horizontal PVC waterstops Joints in floor
slabs are vulnerable to leakage and difficult to inspect, under
service conditions, due to their location. Therefore, joints
that require waterstops should not be used if at all possible.
If joints must be used, care should be taken to place concrete
without voids or honeycombing under horizontal PVC
waterstops. Horizontal PVC waterstops should be supported
in such a way as to be able to be lifted as the concrete is Fig. 3.2Typical expansion joints.
placed underneath (Fig. 2.1 and 3.2). Any dowels through
the joints should not interfere with the edges of the water-
stops when they are lifted. The concrete under the lifted
waterstop should be vibrated, the PVC waterstop laid into
the concrete placed on top of the waterstop, and the entire
joint vibrated again.
Continuous inspection of concrete placement around
horizontal PVC waterstops in floor slabs is necessary. Vertical PVC waterstopsVertical PVC water-
stops should be braced or lashed firmly to the reinforcement
at no more than 12 in. (300 mm) centers to prevent movement
during placing of the concrete (Fig. 3.2 and 3.3). Metal waterstopsMetal waterstops should be
installed in accordance with the contract documents and the
manufacturers recommendations, and the concrete under
horizontal metal waterstops properly placed and consolidated. Expansive rubber and injectable tube systems
Expansive rubber and injectable tube systems should be Fig. 3.3Base slab to wall starter joint.
installed in accordance with the contract documents and the
manufacturers recommendations. Adequate concrete cover is
necessary to avoid spalling at the joint due to expansive forces. 2. Be deformable to adapt to the expected joint movement;
3. Recover its original properties and shape after cyclical
3.2Joint sealants deformations;
3.2.1 General Provide joints with chemically resistant 4. Remain bonded to joint faces. The sealant should only
sealants. See ACI 504R for additional information on be bonded to the sides of expansion and contraction joints to
sealing joints. spread the movement over the full width of the sealant;
Sealants are generally applied in liquid or semiliquid form, 5. Remain pliable and not become brittle at higher or lower
and are thus formed into the required shape within the mold service temperatures;
provided at the joint opening. 6. Be resistant to weather, sunlight, aging, continuous
The manufacturers recommendations and applications for immersion (when applicable), and other service factors; and
use should be thoroughly explored for each specific application 7. Be resistant to chemical breakdown when exposed to
of a sealant. ACI 504R provides additional information on the contained material.
joint sealants. Generally, the elastomeric sealants, according to ASTM C
For satisfactory performance, a sealant should: 920, are preferable to oil-based mastic or bituminous
1. Be impermeable; compounds.
Although initially more expensive, thermosetting, chemical- Tooling may be required to ensure contact with joint faces,
curing sealants have a generally longer service life and remove trapped air, consolidate material, and provide a neat
should withstand greater movements. The sealants in this appearance, following the manufacturers recommendations.
class are either one- or two-component systems that cure by 3.2.4 Sealant inspection and maintenanceJoints should
chemical reaction. Sealants in this category include polysul- be inspected during construction and at scheduled periods
fides, silicones, and urethanes. following construction to ensure sealant integrity. The
Some sealants require primers to be applied to joint faces frequency of inspection should be established considering
before sealant installation. If the manufacturer specifies the the resistance of the sealant to chemical attack from the
use of a primer as optional, it should be used for hazardous contained materials, with frequency increasing as the
material containment systems. expected life is approached.
Backup materials limit the depth of sealants, support them Immediate repairs of defective joints and sealants in hazardous
against sagging and fluid pressure, and help tooling. They material containment structures and sumps is required.
may also serve as a bond breaker to prevent the sealant from Repairs of small gaps and soft or hard spots in sealants can
bonding to the back of the joint. usually be made with the same material. When the repair is
Backup materials are typically made of expanded poly- extensive, it is usually necessary to remove the sealant, prop-
ethylene, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, and flexible erly prepare the surfaces, and replace the sealant.
polypropylene foams. The sealant manufacturers recom-
mendations should be followed to ensure compatibility with 3.3Joints
backup materials. Joints in primary and secondary containment applications
Polyethylene tape, urethane backer rods, coated papers, should be avoided wherever possible. Joints should be
metal foils, or other suitable materials can be used if a separate provided only where shown and detailed on the drawings or
bond breaker is necessary. permitted by the engineer.
3.2.2 Joint preparationJoint faces should be clean and Construction joints should only be used when absolutely
free from defects that would impair bond with field-molded necessary for construction. Because liquid tightness is of
sealants. Sandblasting is the best method to clean joint faces primary concern in environmental systems, the design drawings
on existing structures. Sandblasting should be used if a and specifications should show the location of acceptable
membrane curing compound is used and does not dissipate construction joints and specify waterstops and sealants.
before the installation of the sealant, particularly with chem-
ically cured thermosetting sealants. Solvents should not be CHAPTER 4CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS
used to clean joint faces. Final cleanup to dry and remove 4.1Sump construction techniques
dust from the joint may be accomplished by oil-free 4.1.1 Precasting sumps in a single unitThere are three
compressed air or vacuum cleaner. major advantages of precasting concrete sumps in a single
Inspection of each joint is essential to ensure that it is clean unit. First, it eliminates construction joints, which can be a
and dry before placing backup materials, primers, or sealant. major source of leakage and cracking. Second, it gives better
Primers need the required time to dry before sealant installation. control of the concrete placement when the sump is precast
Failure to allow this may lead to adhesion failure. Primers in the upside-down position. Third, it results in lower
can be brushed or sprayed on. The manufacturers specifica- construction cost and more efficient job scheduling. Precast
tions and recommendations should be followed. sumps may be fabricated at the contractors convenience.
3.2.3 Sealant installationBackup materials require Also, with proper scheduling the precast units can cure as
proper positioning before the sealant is installed. Backup long as required before installation. The unit can be set and
materials should be set at the correct depths and contamination backfilled the same day. In contrast, when sumps are cast-in-
of the cleaned joint faces avoided. The correct width and place, the excavation for the sump will be open for several
shape of backup material should be selected so that, after days or weeks to build the forms and cast the concrete. To
installation, it is approximately 50% compressed, and prevent damage to the sump walls, it takes additional time to
stretching, braiding, or twisting rod stock should be avoided. cure the concrete and strip the forms before backfilling.
Backup materials containing bitumen should only be used The size of a precast concrete sump is limited by the size
in combination with compatible oil-based or bituminous of lifting and hauling equipment.
sealants. Oils absorbed into joint surfaces may impair adhesion An optional secondary containment slab, sloped in the
of other sealants. form of a bowl below a precast sump, will help reduce the
Sealants with two or more components require full and inti- dispersion of potential leakage. Refer to Fig. 4.1 for an illus-
mate mixing if the material is to cure with uniform properties. tration of this setting technique.
If the sealant is applied with a gun, the gun nozzle should 4.1.2 Monolithic placement of cast-in-place sumpsLike
be held at a 45-degree angle. The gun should be moved the precast sumps, monolithic placement of concrete in slabs
steadily along a joint to apply a uniform bead by pushing the and walls eliminates joints and associated shrinkage cracks.
sealant in front of the nozzle without dragging, tearing, or One of two conditions is needed to place concrete in walls
leaving unfilled spaces. In large joints, the sealant should be monolithically with slabs:
built up in several passes, applying a triangular wedge on Walls less than 4 ft (1200 mm) high; and
each pass. A base slab width less than 4 ft (1200 mm).
When the material contained in the primary system is
aggressive to concrete, a coating is appropriate. Secondary
containment systems can also require a coating in areas
where piping connections and disconnections are frequently
made or when required by the applicable environmental
authority. Coating systems include materials such as paints,
mortars, liquefied rubbers, and resins. Some coating systems
incorporate reinforcing scrims applied in multiple layers.
Other coating systems include vitrified clay tile and acid-
proof and chemical-resistant mortar. Concrete to be coated
should be tested for moisture to determine compatibility with
Fig. 5.2Internal liner attachment details. the coating manufacturers requirements.
Application methods include brushing, spraying, rolling,
In general, all liner materials that can be used for primary troweling, and shotcreting. These depend on the material and
containment are also suitable for secondary containment. As the type of installation. In coating systems, the bond to the
with primary liners, each use is project specific. Additional concrete (ASTM C 811) and the curing conditions are critical.
discussion of liners used as secondary containment and as Manufacturers recommendations should be fully understood
part of a leak-detection system is given in Chapters 6 and 7, and followed. See ACI 515.1R for additional information on
respectively. Liner materials may be categorized as either coatings.
metallic or geomembrane materials.
5.1.1 MetallicMetal plate liners are suitable for many 5.3Selection considerations for liners and
applications, with a wide range of metals available. For coatings
example, carbon steel may be used to line caustic tanks, 5.3.1 Testing for compatibilityCompatibility of the liner
trenches, and sumps. Because the liner is usually thin for or coating material with the contents is the primary design
economic reasons and cannot support itself, it is fastened to consideration. Compatibility tests between the contents and
the concrete walls (Fig. 5.1 and 5.2) for support. The details of liner or coating materials, including fabricated seams, should
fastening should be designed carefully to prevent leakage and be performed. These tests should simulate the actual opera-
to account for all stresses, including thermal effects. Corrosion tional conditions, pH, temperature, pressure, and other
protection of metallic liners should also be considered. service conditions as closely as possible. Vendor literature
5.1.2 Geomembrane materialsThis group of liner and past case histories are for information, but actual testing
materials includes geomembranes consisting of flexible is highly recommended. Testing may take up to six months
thermoplastic polymeric materials. Many types of geomem- to complete; therefore, the testing should be initiated as early
branes are available. They range in thickness from 30 to in the design process as possible. Accelerated testing
100 mils (0.75 to 2.5 mm). Some geomembranes have a procedures may be available, but caution should be exercised in
reinforcing scrim (grid) made of woven polyester or use and interpretation of the results.
Liner or coating immersion and other tests should be 5.4.2 Nondestructive test methodsThere were no ASTM
performed in accordance with ASTM C 868, D 1474, D 1973, standards for the following tests known to ACI Committee
D 2197, D 2370, D 2485, D 3456, D 4060, D 5402, and D 5322, 350 at the time of publication of this report.
with the hazardous material to be contained when using the Hydrostatic testHydrostatic test is mainly used to
liner or coating for primary containment. test the integrity and liquid-tightness of the concrete structure.
When using a liner or coating for secondary containment, The structure should be hydrostatically tested before the
liner or coating immersion and other tests (Chapter 8) can be application of liners or coatings. Hydrostatic testing is also
performed with the sump contents, and when a liner is to be used to test the liner material, when applicable. The lined
used below grade, testing of the liner, for long-term compat- structure is filled with water and the level drop measured
ibility with the substrate it is in contact with, should be over a specified period to detect if any leakage has occurred.
performed. The effects of evaporation should be included. See ACI
350.1/350.1R for additional guidance on hydrostatic testing,
5.3.2 Thermal effectsLiner or coating materials may
which can take several days.
have a much different coefficient of thermal expansion than Electric current testsThese tests use an elec-
the concrete support structure or substrate on which they are
trical current to verify continuity of the liner. These types of
installed. The amount of the potential expansion/contraction
test systems can also be used as leak-detection systems while
differential movement between the liner or coating and the the structure is in service. In spark testing, an electric current
support structure or substrate should be considered. This is passed through the liner. A spark should be seen wherever
affects the design of the liner fastening or anchorage system, holes are present. This technique is used on thermosets,
the liner joints or seams, and the integrity of the bond thermoplastics, and coating systems.
between the coating and the concrete. X-ray testingX-ray testing is most effective on
5.3.3 Fasteners and jointsFastening points and joints metals but may also be used with some success on thermosets
are typically the weak links in the integrity of a lining and thermoplastics.
system. Every fastening device that penetrates the liner and Ultrasonic testingUltrasonic testing may be
every liner joint is a potential leak point. This includes metal used for metal, thermoset, and thermoplastic materials
batten strips that mechanically anchor the liner to the support and joints.
structure. Each of these potential leak points needs to be Vacuum testingVacuum testing can be done on
sealed. For geomembranes, cap strips of the liner material joints or seams to evaluate their integrity. Vacuum testing
are welded over the penetrating fasteners or the nonwelded may be used on metals, thermosets, and thermoplastic liners.
joints. When possible, concrete inserts made of liner material Air-pressure testingAir-pressure testing is
should be used to fasten the liner to the concrete (Fig. 5.1). done on systems intended to be air-tight by pressurizing the
5.3.4 Ultraviolet light resistanceUltraviolet (UV) light structure, or a portion of it, and checking for a loss in pressure
may attack or degrade the thermoplastic and thermoset liners over a specified period. Low air pressure is used and the test
unless UV light stabilizers were added during the liner manu- performed with extreme caution. The structural design
facture. If the liner is going to be covered after installation, UV should consider the test pressure.
light protection is not as critical; however, protection may be Air-lance testingThe air-lance testing method
required during construction. ASTM D 1435, D 4355, and uses a high-pressure air stream directed at the seam in the
D 5970 are tests for determining UV degradation of liners. liner to detect loose edges. This test is used on some types of
geomembrane installations.
5.4.3 Destructive test methodsDestructive testing of
5.4Inspection and testing of liner and coating
installations liners involves cutting test coupons from the joints or seams
5.4.1 GeneralInspection and testing of the liner or coating and the liner material. These coupons may be subjected to a
material should start right after the selection of the manufacturer variety of tests as in Sections through
of the product and continue through its installation. Tensile testTensile tests are used to check
tensile strength of the joints, seams, and the material. This
Written certification of the manufacturers inspection and
test is used on metals, thermosets, and thermoplastics.
testing should ensure that the liner or coating meets the
ASTM D 638, D 882, and D 751 are the recommended test
project specifications. Similar certification should also be
methods for liners.
required from anyone who works on or adds to the product Tear testTear tests are used to check the tear
before shipping it to the end user. The engineer will usually
strength of the material, especially thermoplastics. The
want to inspect the manufacturer or fabrication plant.
measurement of tear resistance of liners can be done in a
Inspection and testing during installation should include, number of ways. ASTM D 751, D 1004, D 1424, D 1938,
but not be limited to, the following: substrate condition, the and D 2261 all cover the general topic.
condition of the liner, joints or seams, and fastenings or Peel testThe peel (or bond) test is used to check
anchorages. the peel strength of the joints or seams and bond strength of
Nondestructive and destructive testing methods are coating systems to the substrate. This test is used on thermo-
available, where applicable, both at the factory and on-site, sets, thermoplastics, and coating systems. ASTM D 413 and
during and after installation is complete. D 4437 are the recommended test methods for liner seams.
On small sumps, where sand or pea gravel is used as the ASTM International
drainage medium, the collection pipes may be eliminated C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates
due to the short flow distances involved. C 404 Specification for Aggregates for Masonry
7.3.3 RisersManholes or perforated riser pipes should Grout
be installed at the low point(s) of the drainage medium or C 811 Specification for Preparation of Concrete
collection pipes (Fig. 7.2). Using a manhole or riser allows for Application of Chemical-Resistant
for periodic sampling of any liquid or gas that may collect in Resin Monolithic Surfacings
the system. The riser should be large enough to allow for the C 868 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of
monitoring and sampling device or recovery pumping. Protective Linings
C 913 Specification for Precast Concrete Water
CHAPTER 8REFERENCES and Wastewater Structures
8.1Referenced standards and reports C 920 Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants
The standards and reports listed below were the latest
D 413 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property-
editions at the time this document was prepared. Because
Adhesion to Flexible Substrate
these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised
D 638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties
to contact the proper sponsoring group if the latest version is
of Plastics
D 751 Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics
D 882 Standard Test Method for Tensile Proper-
American Association of State Highway and Transportation
ties of Thin Plastic Sheeting
Officials (AASHTO)
D 1004 Standard Test Method for Initial Tear Resis-
Standard Specification for Highway Bridges
tance of Plastic Film and Sheeting
D 1424 Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
of Fabrics by Falling-Pendulum Type
201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
(Elmendorf) Apparatus
216R Determining the Fire Endurance of
D 1435 Standard Practice for Outdoor Weathering
Concrete Elements
of Plastics
223 Standard Practice for the Use of Shrinkage-
D 1474 Test Methods for Indentation Hardness for
Compensating Concrete
Organic Coatings
224R Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
D 1938 Standard Test Method for Tear-Propagation
224.3R Joints in Concrete Construction Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin
301 Specifications for Structural Concrete Sheeting by a Single Tear Method
305R Hot Weather Concreting D 1973 Guide for Design of a Liner System for
306.1 Standard Specification for Cold Weather Containment of Wastes
Concreting D 2197 Test Method for Adhesion of Organic Coat-
306R Cold Weather Concreting ings by Scrape Adhesion
308R Standard Practice for Curing Concrete D 2261 Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength of
308.1 Standard Specification for Curing Concrete. Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rib) Procedure
311.1R SP-2: ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection (Constant-Rate-of-Expansion Tensile Testing
311.4R Guide for Concrete Inspection Machine)
311.5R Guide for Concrete Plant Inspection and D 2370 Test Method for Tensile Properties of
Testing of Ready-Mixed Concrete Organic Coatings
350/350R Code Requirements for Environmental D 2485 Test Method for Evaluating Coatings for
Engineering Concrete Structures and High Temperature Service
Commentary D 3456 Practice for Determining by Exterior Expo-
350.1/350.1R Tightness Testing of Environmental Engi- sure Tests the Susceptibility of Paint Films
neering Concrete Structures and Commentary to Microbiological Attack
372R Design and Construction of Circular Wire- D 4060 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of
and Strand-Wrapped Prestressed Concrete Organic Coatings by Taber Abraser
Structures D 4355 Standard Test Method for Deterioration of
373R Design and Construction of Circular Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet
Prestressed Concrete Structures with Lights and Water
Circumferential Tendons D 4437 Standard Practice for Determining the
504R Guide to Joint Sealants for Concrete Integrity of Field Seams Used in Joining
Structures Flexible Polymeric Sheet Geomembranes
515.1R Guide To The Use of Waterproofing, D 5402 Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resis-
Dampproofing, Protective and Decorative tance of Organic Coatings Using Solvent
Barrier Systems For Concrete Rubs
D 5322 Practice for Immersion Procedures for American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Evaluating the Chemical Resistance of P.O. Box 9094
Geosynthetics to Liquids Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
D 5970 Standard Practice for Deterioration of
Geotextiles from Outdoor Exposure
E 329 Standard Specification for Agencies ASTM International
Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of 100 Barr Harbor Drive
Materials Used In Construction West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959