Symmetry 2
Symmetry 2
Symmetry 2
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital
technologies (ACMMG091)
Learning purpose:
The learning purpose is to revise what they already know about symmetry, see what they
remember and understand about the concept, and then see if they can create a reflection over a
line of symmetry.
1:20 PM I will then ask the students examples of types of shapes and whether or not they
believe that they are symmetrical and WHY they know or think that. Bringing in the
shapes from yesterday, I will then really quickly ask my students as a whole class
which of these shapes and why, and how many lines of symmetry they have.
I will remind the students that if they had finished drawing all of their shapes early
yesterday and their lines of symmetry in red, then they should have written down
how many lines of symmetry the shape has!
After doing this for a few rounds I will bring in 3 more new shapes and get them to
1:35PM guess (now individually) whether or not they believe the shapes are symmetrical, and Commented [LH4]: Using the same shapes from the
again why they believe that and how many lines of symmetry do they have adding previous lesson and then brining in some new shapes I
am implementing in the lesson to help them reflect on
from yesterdays lesson what they know and then scaffolding that knowledge of
symmetry by applying it to new and different shapes.
I will then show the class a video:!/media/1477609/ to
help with the instructions for the lesson. After watching the video, I will ask the
students if they have any questions and make sure that what she has explained is very Commented [LH5]: As mentioned previously, this video
clear. I will demonstrate on the board first, before moving back to their chairs how to is to help the students in engaging with the activity and
to go over the definition of symmetry, a line of
rule up their sheets of paper (dividing it into 6 with the title at the top of the page and symmetry and then introducing the idea of reflectional
names on them), then I will explain to the students that I want them to come up with symmetry which will help the students in completing
the activity.
one shape on one side of the paper to then reflect over the line of symmetry and draw
the same shape on the other. Commented [LH6]: I have found that demonstrating
exactly what I expect of my students will help them to
visualise how they are going to complete the activity,
The students will do this twice on their own and then after I have come around to making the task clear and explicit.
check that they have correctly completed the exercise, I will ask them to come up
with one last shape to draw, then to swap their sheet with the person next to them to Commented [LH7]: I will be reminding the students of
complete the other side of the reflection. I will give them until 2:00pm to get this their time limit in completing the activity and keeping an
eye on my watch if need be.
done with 2:05pm finished at the very latest.
I will finally hand two well behaved students two piles of grid paper for them to
hand out to the class and after getting their piece of paper I will ask them to move Commented [LH8]: The point system is the
management system used within the class, so I need to
back to their desks and do this very quietly as this will be individual work and if they be very strict about the instructions and in deciding
can transition quietly I will reward the class with 2 points, and if they fail to do this I whether or not the students are following them (and
then obviously implementing the consequences).
will announce to the class that their behaviour was unacceptable and that myself and
Miss Brown will get the 2 points!
As students are moving back to their desks to complete the activity I will also remind
them to put their hand up quietly if they need help and I will come around to do so, Commented [LH9]: I shouldnt have to remind these
and also that if I see people misbehaving I will put them straight on a warning, students but I believe it is a good idea to do so in order
for them to understand that although I am their teacher
simply. During the time for them to finish the activity I will be walking around to for the lesson, I still have the same behavioural
make sure students are on task, monitoring them, helping them and asking questions expectations of them.
etc. If students finish early, I will tell them to go back to their grid workbook they Commented [LH10R9]: I also will remind them to be
were using yesterday and draw the new 3 shapes we looked at today, their lines of trying their hardest and doing their best in this activity
(so I can formatively assess their work).
symmetry and writing the number and if they are symmetrical underneath. Again,
like the last lesson, after I check that the students have done the activity (and if they Commented [LH11]: Keeping these instructions the
get to it) I want them to go over the lines of symmetry in red (same as yesterdays). same as the previous lesson was a part of my plan so
that they understood what to do when completing the
activity (aligning it with the previous lessons work).
At 2:00pm I will ring the bell instructing students to them to start putting away their Commented [LH12]: Still using management systems
2:05PM things and get ready for the next lesson. I will give them 2 more minutes to finish the such as the bell to get the students attention as this is
last of their activity and then 3 minutes to have everything pack up on their desks. what they are used to.
By 2:05 the students are expected to be taking their break and by 2:10 into the other
2:10 PM year 4 class for the next lesson.
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
I was happy with how the lesson went in terms of finishing the work. All the students managed
to finish their work and complete the lesson, majority of the students had no problem in
completing the activity successfully. I forgot my watch today so keeping on time was a little
difficult but I did check on the time whenever I got a free minute to make sure the students were
on task on time. Very few of the students had issues with the activity and I was sure to help them
as I was walking around the room. I believe I should have had a little better of a warm up lesson
to start before introducing the activity, only because that was a good routine for them that they
are used to and it would have helped them transition into the lesson easier. I also should have
given one warning to a student for misbehaving to set an example for the other students. The
final part I would have changed would have been to come up with more alternatives for
extension lessons so the students have choices.
I intended students to grasp a basic idea following up from defining symmetry in lesson
1 and understanding what a line of symmetry represents, as well as which shapes you
would classify as being symmetrical. I intended the students to firstly revise and take
note of what they learnt in their first symmetry lesson, and then secondly practise
drawing lines of symmetry and creating a reflection.
2. Changes I made to the lesson plan during the lesson and why
Changes I made during the lesson was similar to last lesson, mainly repeating the
instructions for students to understand c what I expected of them, to reinforce what I
was saying and give students more motivation to go ahead and get the work done. I
also used the point system more than I had intended to, in order to manage the class
and keep the students on task.
The students remembered from yesterday the definition of symmetry, they were
cooperative and understood the instructions whilst sitting on the mat. Overall, the
students did respond well to the lesson in that they completed the activity and listened
to instructions. Similar to the previous lesson I should have given out warnings to keep
students from distracting others and keeping them on task.
4. What I think Students learned from this lesson and how I know
I think the students now have a clear understanding about what is symmetrical, they
seemed ot have no problem in defining it to me and I am confident that majority of the
students can clearly define symmetry and lines of symmetry. Some of the students
have more of a basic understanding, however they were still able to complete the
activity without problems and with a little extra support.
5. What I could have done differently to improve the outcomes for Students
I could have given warnings to students that were being disruptive and
stopping/distracting other students from hearing and following the set instructions
(same as the last symmetry lesson). I desperately needed to make an example of one
of the students (unfortunately) to demonstrate to the class what I had expected of them.
6. What I learned from this lesson
I have learnt that I should be further implementing the management system in the
classroom specifically for bad behaviour. I have learnt that the students seem
understand my instructions as long as they are simple, clear and repeated.