Fractions Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction - Math) : Heading
Fractions Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction - Math) : Heading
Fractions Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction - Math) : Heading
Big ideas/Key concepts: The goal of this lesson plan is for students to be able to understand, explain and identify where
fractions belong on a number line. Students will also be expected to be able to prove to their fellow peers that they
know where numbers belong on a number line and justify their answer.
Objectives: Students will be put into groups and given a worksheet of number lines (provided by teacher) for students to
fill in and work on together. After each group completes their number lines, one person from each group will write out
one of their answers on the board and explain to the class how they got their answer. Students will show their progress
and understanding of the material through worksheets that will be provided to them. (Link under attachments)
Pre-requisites: Students should already have some background knowledge of what fractions are and what they
symbolize; I.E. ½ means half of the number one.
Materials and Technology: Students will only need a pencil for this assignment because worksheets will be provided for
Step-By-Step Procedures:
1. Launch:
a. Explain the “hook” or lead-in part of the lesson: I will start out by telling students that we are moving
into math to talk about fractions and where they belong on a number line. I will ask students questions
to make them start considering what fractions are like “How do you know what a fraction is?” or “What
are some different ways to say 5/9?”. Then ask students if they know what a number line is and how
they would describe a number line. Finally, I will show students the YouTube video that I attached
underneath the attachments. This should help students see a basic breakdown for what we are doing for
this lesson. I chose this video because I feel like it explains how to place fractions on a number line very
well while keeping the students interested.
b. Activate Prior Knowledge: Students should know what fractions and number lines are and what they
represent at this point. They will combine their knowledge of the two areas by placing the fractions onto
a number line.
2. Instruction: Specify the steps involved in the lesson. Include all information and activities and the order in
which they will be implemented.
a. Worked Example: Describe the detailed procedures regarding how you will guide students to learn a
specific example so as to build students’ schema for problem solving.
- I will start by introducing the standard being taught to them by saying, “Today we are going to learn
about where fractions belong on a number line.” After this, I would ask the students questions such
as: “What is a number line? What is a fraction? What do fractions mean/ represent? Why do we use
number lines?”
- I believe that the students will answer by saying something along the line of “A fraction represents
different parts of a whole.” And “A number line represents all positive and negative integers.” I think
that students might be confused on how fractions should go in order, but after this lesson they will
better understand.
- I will use concrete representations by writing down number lines on the board and writing down
fractions such as 3/4, 1/4, and 3/6. This will help students see that to complete the first two
fractions by breaking up the line into 4 sections and placing the fraction on the third and first line to
solve. I hope that by showing students 3/6 on a number line this will also help them understand why
3/6 is equal to 1/2.
b. Guided Practice: I will walk around the room and monitor conversations between students and ask if
they have any questions. If any student is struggling with this concept, I will sit at their table with them
and help them understand where and why we place fractions on a number line. I will complete this by
asking students to give me a fraction (that is not on the worksheet) and show them how I would work as
mentioned above.
c. Group Practice: The students will be paired in groups (picked by teacher based off of who could
potentially help others exceed) and be asked to complete the worksheet attached below. After all
groups are done, one person from each group will write a question on the board and explain how they
got their answer.
3. Summary: The wrap up of this lesson will be when the students go up to the board to show their answers to
their fellow peers and justify their answers to their peers as well.
The students will be scored on how they learned based off of the worksheet they were given to complete; each blank
will be worth 6.25 points each.
List any attachments, including supplemental materials (worksheets, video links, assessments, etc.).