STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences Page 1
STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences Page 1
STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences Page 1
CCSS RL.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes
and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a
poem or section of a story or of a poem or section of a story or drama.
This standard is all about finding the deeper meaning of texts through the devices
that the author uses. Meaning that students are meant to be able to recognize
devices that are being used to convey meaning. For the purpose of this lesson, this
standard is being applied due to knitting patterns nuances. Most patterns have been
written in short hand, which makes it very difficult for beginning knitters to
understand what those phrases mean in the text.
How do you read knitting patterns and what are resources that you can use if you
dont understand what a pattern is telling you?
List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with
each assessment)
1) Formative Assessment: During class while the students are working I will be
making sure that students are staying on task while theyre working and I will be
casually listening to their conversations to make sure theyre findings are accurate.
2) Summative Assessment: Over the course of the class students will construct two
patterns during the workshop time using knitting shorthand that we will go over
during the mini lesson. In addition to using the shorthand they will be expected to
annotate what each symbol they use means.
-modeling Teacher: Deliver mini lesson, begin by showing what a basic knitting
-questioning strategies pattern looks like on the doc cam. Then show what the common
-guided/unguided: abbreviations look like and take time to specifically highlight the
-whole-class practice abbreviations of the techniques that they already know to activate prior
-group practice knowledge. Help the students stay engaged by asking them to
-individual practice participate in whole-class practice and repeat parts that I highlight to
-check for understanding make sure that they arent being confused by the information. Then I
-other model what Im going to ask them to do for their workshop by briefly
constructing a pattern on the document camera. I will then deliver
directions instructing the students to construct a knitting pattern made
up of at least three rows.
Students: Listen, ask questions as they think of them, and stay
engaged by responding to my prompts as a class.
Work Shop Part One (10 minutes):
Teacher: I will be going around the room checking in with students and
watching to make sure theyre understanding the material or are on the
path to mastery. In addition I will answer any questions the students
have about what theyre doing.
Students: Independently, the students will be constructing their own
knitting patterns based off of the instruction they just received in the
mini lesson. Students are expected to use a combination of symbols
and abbreviations to create a pattern using at least three different rows.
Catch and Release (5 minutes):
Teacher: I will begin by readdressing the learning targets and ask if the
students feel like theyre on track to meeting them. If the students are
experiencing a recurring point of frustration with the activity the catch
and release will be used to help guide them through the issue, without
taking the learning away from them, by only asking leading questions.
However if the students are excelling I will ask one student to model
their pattern on the doc camera and say what each symbol and
abbreviation means.
Students: If there is a point of major frustration students will voice
what theyre concerned about and answer the leading questions I ask to
help guide themselves and the other students. If the students
understand the material, one student will model their work on the
document camera and describe what each symbol theyre using means.