Mathlesson 18
Mathlesson 18
Mathlesson 18
Language Objective: Lesson vocabulary: unit form, fraction form, multiplication, place
What will my students do to value, tenth, hundredths, thousandths, decimals
learn and/or demonstrate their
mastery of the lesson by
reading, speaking, writing, or
Assessment: Formative assessment: “Chin ‘em and Spin ‘em“ exercises, white
What assessments will I utilize boards, and sticky notes.
to determine that my students
have learned and met the Summative assessment: Students will complete the exit ticket for
objective? lesson 18.
Materials and Resources: Multiplication game Kaboom! sticks, math journals, glue sticks,
application problem cut-outs, personal white boards, dry erase
makers and erasers, sticky notes, exit tickets
What materials and resources
will I utilize to facilitate student
Once the application problem has been Students will get the
finished and properly discussed, students correct materials out
will put their journals away and get out and play “chin ‘em
their white boards. I will put problems on and spin ‘em” to
the board for students to practice turning practice turning
decimals into unit form and fraction form decimals into unit
using “chin ‘em and spin ‘em.” form and fraction
form. They will also
I will use the following problems for practice turning
practice (there are several listed that can fraction form into
be used if more practice is needed.) decimal form.
3.2 x 2.1
3.2 x 0.44
Check for Understanding: I will ask for some student answers when Students will stay
How will I know that the multiplying or needing the next step. engaged, offering
students have a clear answers, ideas, and
understanding of the concept? hand signals.
Instructional Strategy: Guided I will ask students to work on their white Students will follow
Practice – “We Do” boards and follow along with solving the along and work on
25 minutes problem 3.2 x 4.21. They will do this their white boards.
How will I engage my students individually. We will solve using both They will offer
instructionally with the strategies. answers or next
concept? steps during whole
Students will then work to solve 2.6 x 0.4 group. During table
and 3.1 x 1.4 with tables. (Two listed work they will work
depending on time.) together to solve
problems. Students
Students will work with tables, using white will share work on
boards and math talk. They have practiced board for the whole
been practicing how to teach those that group to see. They
need help and how to make sure that will give hand signals
everyone is on the same page before to show their
moving on. thinking.