Lesson01 1stYearTechnology

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Lesson Plan Template

Date: 26/02/2024 Time: 09:00

Class Group: 5.1 Number of students: 24
Subject: Technology Topic: Introduction to Oscillating Project
Lesson Number: 1 Length of Lesson: 40 Minutes

Prior knowledge and experience:

 Students will know how to mark out a piece from the working drawing.
 Students will know how to cut a piece using a tenon saw.
 Students know how to use a file.
 Students will have the basic maths skill to read the working drawings.

Learning Outcomes:
1.7 apply innovative approaches in design solutions
1.8 develop a plan for the realisation of a solution
1.9 select appropriate materials, equipment and processes in solving a problem
1.10 execute a plan using appropriate tools, materials and processes
Key skills:
 Using numbers
 Implementing ideas and taking action.
 Thinking creatively and critically.
 Making considered decisions

Well-being indicators:

Learning intentions Success Criteria Assessment

 Students will be able to understand what  Students know what an oscillating  Allow the students to work in pairs to
an oscillating mechanism is and examples mechanism is and can name examples of name three examples of oscillating
of it in the real world. one in the real world. mechanisms in the world around us.
 Students will be able to read working  Students can read the working drawings  Allow for peer assessment and get the
drawings and mark out a piece and effectively display this in their students to grade each other’s work
accurately. marking out on the work piece. before showing it to a teacher.

Indicate connection to KS and Well-being after

each LI.


Working drawings, rulers, scriber, set squares, a finished model of the project and examples of oscillating mechanisms (swing in a playground,
grandfather clock pendulm, etc.)

Time Teaching and Learning Assessment


5 Mins  Introduce myself to the class. Explain that I will be taking the class for the next nine weeks.
 Before beginning give the students a label to write their name on and stick on their jumper, so
that I can learn names.
 Take the role call.
 Explain that practical classes are Mondays and Thursday, while Wednesdays will be theory. Tell
the students the equipment they will need for their theory classes. (Book, pens, pencils, rulers
and a copy).
 Mention the learning intentions and the success criteria I expect to see by the end of the class.


5 Mins  Introduce them to their new project using a past student’s project. Explaining step by step the
process we will be carrying out in the coming weeks.
 Explain to the students what an oscillating mechanism is and giving one example of one in the  Group discussion to see can
real world. students name other
5 Mins  Pair the students up and ask them to write down three other examples of an oscillating oscillating mechanisms.
mechanism in the real world. Then asking different groups
10 Mins  Give the students their working drawings and the base piece. I will then give a demo on how to to give me their examples
mark out the necessary piece on the base piece. and writing them on the
 The base piece has a design element to it, which allows the student to make it any shape they board.
want at the front. Give a couple of examples on what can be done. Then allow the students to
come up with their own and allow them to begin marking out.
 While the class are marking out, I will go from student to student offering help to anyone that
needs it.
5 Mins  Once the students have marked out the piece. I will give a demonstration on how to use the
tenon saw.
 Once the demonstration is complete, I will allow the students to continue cutting out their
5 Mins  I will then allow the students to paint their base piece so it will be dry for the next class.
5 Mins  With five minutes left, I will check the progress of the class and help people if they are stuck.  Recap with the class before
 I will then ask the students to tidy everything up and leave the room the way they found it. they leave seeing did they
 Before the students leave the class, I will recap on the learning intentions and make sure every meet the success criteria.
student met the success criteria.

Health and Safety Considerations

 No bags thrown on the floor. They are to be left outside the classroom for practical classes.

 Students are to keep their hands away from the blade of the tenon saw when cutting the base piece

Self-reflection: Evaluation of your teaching

Strengths/What went well and why?

Areas for development/what will you do differently and why?


How will you evaluate your teaching? What questions will you ask yourself?

Potential topics to reflect on, this list is not exhaustive and you can reflect on a range of issues experienced: (referring to a variety over the planning and
teaching process)

 Subject knowledge
 Classroom management
 Time management
 Questioning skills
 Board work
 Observation/Circulation
 Assessment of/for Learning
 Use of feedback/positive reinforcement
 Enthusiasm
 Use of digital technologies
 Use of resources
 Differentiation
 Universal Design of Learning (UDL)
 Literacy/Numeracy
 Well-being
 Opportunities for pupil reflection

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