AP Physics C Mechanics Review Lecture Notes - All
AP Physics C Mechanics Review Lecture Notes - All
AP Physics C Mechanics Review Lecture Notes - All
2 f
x = (
v + v i t )
o The AP Physics C UAM Equations assume ti = 0; t = t f t i = t f 0 = t
o Force of Friction, Ff : The force caused by the interaction between two surfaces.
With regards to the direction of the Force of Friction. Ff always:
is parallel to the surface.
opposes motion (opposes sliding between the two surfaces)
is independent of the direction of the Force Applied.
! !
General formula on the equation sheet: Ff FN
Static friction is when the two surfaces do NOT slide relative to one another.
! ! ! !
Fsf s FN & Fsf = s FN
Kinetic friction is when the two surfaces DO slide relative to one another.
! !
Fkf = k FN
The coefficient of friction, , is an experimentally determined, dimensionless
number which depends on the materials of the two interacting surfaces.
Always draw the Free Body Diagram without braking forces into components first
and then redraw the Free Body Diagram. These are specific instructions from
The AP CollegeBoard!
When summing the forces you must identify:
Positive directions, especially for pulleys!
Which object(s) you are summing the forces on.
Which direction you are summing the forces in.
You can only sum the forces on multiple objects at the same time if they all have
the same acceleration.
Translational equilibrium.
o Translational motion simply means moving from one location to another.
o Translational Equilibrium means the net force acting on the object is zero, F = 0.
o An object in translational equilibrium is not accelerating.
! ! !
F = 0 = ma a = 0 .
The object moves with a constant velocity or is at rest.
The Drag Force or the Resistive Force, FR : The force caused by the interaction of an object and
the fluid the object is moving through.
o Sometimes the symbol is R or FD .
o Opposite the direction of motion of the object.
! !
o For small objects moving at slow speeds, FR = bv .
The resistive force equals the negative of, b, the proportionality constant times
the velocity of the object.
! 1
o For all other objects (and more generally applicable), FR = D Av 2 .
D is the Drag Coefficient of the object, has no dimensions, is experimentally
determined, and depends on the shape and surface texture of the object.
is the density of the medium through which the object is moving.
A is the cross sectional area of the object normal to the direction of motion.
v is the velocity of the object.
D Av 2 D Av 2 2mg
o With ay = 0 0 = g = g v terminal =
2m 2m D A
o Note: This equation is only true for an object which is falling downward in the Earths
atmosphere. A rocket moving upward will have a different equation for terminal velocity
because the free body diagram is different.
kx 2 kx 2
WF = f i = U ef U ei = U e WF = U e
2 2 s
1 2
o We have defined elastic potential energy: U e = kx .
o The above example shows the work done by the force of the spring equals the negative
of the change in elastic potential energy of the spring.
W = F dx W = KE
The Net Work Kinetic Energy Theorem.
0196 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Work, Energy, and Power Review (Mechanics).docx page 1 of 3
o h is the vertical height above the horizontal zero line and you have to always identify the
horizontal zero line.
o If you prefer the equation from the AP sheet, it is: U g = mgh
The AP equation is the change in gravitational potential energy.
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, so in a non-isolated system the change in energy of
the system equals the sum of the energy transferred to or from the system: E system = T
o If the system is isolated, no energy is transferred into or out of the system: E system = 0
The change in energy of the system is the change in mechanical energy of the
system plus the change in internal energy of the system. ME + E internal = 0
The change in internal energy of the system is done by nonconservative forces
or friction. In other words, the energy which is dissipated by friction goes into the
system as internal energy. E internal = Wnc
A nonconservative force is a force where the work done by the force is
dependent on the path taken by the object. Conservative forces are
where the work done by the force is not dependent on the path taken by
the object.
In other words: ME Wnc = 0 Wnc = ME and because I dont know of
any forces which are nonconservative which are not friction:
Wfriction = ME (is only true when there is no energy transferred into our out of
the system.)
o If the system is isolated and there is no work done by friction:
Wfriction = ME 0 = ME = ME f ME i ME i = ME f
We have conservation of mechanical energy.
Which is only true when the system is isolated and no work is done by friction.
Whenever you use Wfriction = ME or ME i = ME f you have to identify the initial point, the final
point and the horizontal zero line.
All forms of Mechanical Energy are in terms of joules, just like Work.
W dW
Power is the rate at which work is done: Paverage = & Pinstantaneous =
t dt
dW d ! ! dr ! !
o Pinstantaneous =
( )
F i r = F i
= F iv
Note: Force must be constant to use this equation.
dE ! !
o The equations for power on the AP sheet are: P= & P = F iv
o P Watts = & 746watts = 1hp
Remember, every derivative is also an antiderivative (or an integral). For example:
dW Wf tf tf
o P= dW = P dt dW = P dt W = P dt
dt Wi ti ti
The equation which relates conservative forces and potential energy is: Fx = (and it is not
on the AP equation sheet.)
0196 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Work, Energy, and Power Review (Mechanics).docx page 2 of 3
o Aside: Much of the time when the phrase conservative force is used on the AP Exam,
you need to use this equation.
dU e d 1 2
o For a spring: Fs = = kx = kx
dx dx 2
dU g
o For gravity: Fg =
( )
mgy = mg (Force of gravity is always down)
Neutral Equilibrium is where the Potential Energy of the object remains constant regardless of
position. For example, a ball rolling on a level surface.
Stable Equilibrium is where the Potential Energy of the object increases as the position of the
object moves away from the equilibrium position and therefore the object naturally returns to the
equilibrium position. For example, a water bottle being tipped to the side.
Unstable Equilibrium is where the Potential Energy of the object decreases as the position of the
object moves away from the equilibrium position and therefore the object naturally moves away
from the equilibrium position. For example, a marker being tipped to the side.
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Flipping Physics Lecture Notes:
o The area under an acceleration as a function of time graph is the change in velocity of
the object.
Remember the area under the curve specifically means the area between the
curve and the horizontal axis where area above the horizontal axis is positive and
area below the horizontal axis is negative.
Another Example:
dx xf tf xf tf
o v= dx = v dt dx = v dt x = x f x i = x = v dt
dt xi ti xi ti
o The area under an velocity as a function of time graph is the change in position of the
object or the displacement of the object.
Graphs of throwing a ball upward with a positive velocity initial.
o v= Velocity is the slope of a position vs. time graph.
o a= Acceleration is the slope of a velocity vs. time graph.
o v = adt Change in velocity is the area under an acceleration as a function of
time graph.
o x = v dt Change in position or displacement, is the area under a velocity as a
o a=
dv = adt dv = adt v t = at + C ()
o () () () ()
v 0 = a 0 + C v 0 = C = v i v t = at + v i v f = v i + at
Another example:
o v=
() ( 1
dx = v dt dx = v dt x t = v i + at dt = v it + at 2 + C
() 1
() () () 1
o x 0 = v i 0 + a 0 + C x 0 = C = x i x t = x i + v it + at 2
2 2
kg m kg m
N s = s=
s 2
o Impulse is the area under a force as a function of time curve.
Not to be confused with the equation for work: W = Fx dx
! !
o Impulse approximation says F Fimpact
! !
Therefore, the impulse approximation says: Fimpact =
Impulse, J, and Impact Force often get confused. Please note they are different!
! !
o Can also use the average force and change in time to determine Impulse: J = Faverage t
! tf !
This creates a rectangle with the same area as J = F dt
0198 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Momentum, Impulse, Collisions and Center of Mass Review (Mechanics).docx page 1 of 2
o Collisions between hard spheres are nearly elastic and therefore are generally
considered to be elastic in physics classes.
o Perfectly Inelastic Collisions are where the objects stick to one another. Sometimes
they are called Completely Inelastic or Totally Inelastic. These terms all mean the
same thing.
o Most collisions are actually Inelastic.
dt dt mi m dt m
i i
dv cm d mi v i ma
o Do the same thing with acceleration: acm = = =
i i
dt dt mi m i
Center of mass of an object with shape: rcm = r dm (not on AP equation sheet)
o The position of the center of mass of an object with shape equals one over the total mass
of the object times the integral with respect to mass of the posotion of all of the
infinitesimally small pieces of the object, which are called dm, relative to a zero-reference
o If you prefer: x cm =
mtotal x dm
Volumetric Mass Density: = (not on AP equation sheet)
Surface Mass Density: = (not on AP equation sheet)
Linear Mass Density: = (not on AP equation sheet)
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Flipping Physics Lecture Notes:
1 1
f = i + t ; = i t + t 2 ; f2 = i2 + 2 ; = i + f t
2 2
Arc length, s, is the linear distance travelled when moving along a circle or part of a circle. In
other words it is the linear length when traveling along an arc.
o s = r : arc length equals the radius of the object times the angular displacement of
the object.
Must use radians when using this equation.
1 revolution = 360 = 2 radians
The equation for circumference is an example of this equation where the angular
displacement is one revolution or 2 radians: C = r 2 ( )
Arc length is a linear dimension, so its units are linear: meters, etc.
Not on equation sheet
I use a lowercase cursive ! for arc length, because my s looks like a 5. Sorry.
s = r
s = r
) v t = r (is on the AP equation sheet)
dv d
v t = r
( dt
v t = r t = r
at = r (not on the AP equation sheet)
o Both of these equations assume the radius stays constant.
o Must use radians when using both of these equations.
o v t is tangential velocity, or the linear velocity of an object moving in a circle.
o at is tangential acceleration, or the linear acceleration of an object moving in a circle. 2
Both tangential quantities are tangent to the circle the object is moving along. This
also means they are perpendicular to the radius of the circle the object is moving
Uniform Circular Motion is where objects move in a circle with an angular acceleration of zero.
o = 0 (The symbol for angular acceleration is alpha, .)
o Even though the magnitude of the objects velocity does not change, the direction of the
velocity does, that means the velocity is not constant, therefore there must be an
acceleration. The acceleration responsible for this change in the direction of the velocity
is called centripetal acceleration, ac.
A rigid object with shape is rotating. Every piece of this object has kinetic energy. The total kinetic
energy is the sum of all of the kinetic energies of every small piece of the object:
( )
( )
1 1
( 1
2 2
KEt = i KE i = i mi v i = i mi ri i = i mi ri2 i2 = i mi ri2 2 = I 2
2 2 2 2 2
o This uses v t = r and that every part of the object has the same angular velocity,
1 2
o KE rotational = I : Rotational Kinetic Energy of a rigid object with shape or a system of
particles that is not changing shape.
I = i mi ri2 where I is called the Moment of Inertia or Rotational Mass.
o This is the Moment of Inertia for a system of particles.
o Units for Moment of Inertia: I = i mi ri 2 kg m2
Moment of Inertia for a rigid object with shape: I = lim m0 ri 2 mi I = r 2 dm
o Not to be confused with the equation for the center of mass of a rigid object with shape:
rcm = r dm
Deriving the Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Thin Hoop about its Cylindrical Axis
o I z = r 2 dm = R 2 dm = R 2 m I cm = mR 2
o Thin means all of the dms are located a distance R from the center of mass.
o Uniform means the hoop is of a constant density.
o Cylindrical Axis means the line through the center of the hoop and normal to the plane
of the hoop.
Deriving the Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Rigid Rod about its Center of Mass
m dm m
o = = dm = dx dm = dx
L dx L
m is the total mass of the rod
L is the total length of the rod
is the linear mass density of the rod, which is
constant in this uniform rod.
2 m m m x3 2
o I y = r dm = r
dx = x dx =
L L L L 3 L
L 3
m 2 2 m L3 L3 m 2L3 1
o Iy = = L 24 + 24 = L 24 = 12 mL
L 3 3
12 2 12 4 12 12 12 3
Example: Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Thin Hoop about its Rim.
Known for Uniform Thin Hoop about its Center of Mass: I cm = mR
o I rim = I cm + mD 2 = mR 2 + mR 2 = 2mR 2
Torque: = rF sin
o This is the magnitude of the torque. Torque is a vector.
o r is the distance from the axis of rotation to the location
on the object the force is applied.
o F is the magnitude of the force.
o is the angle between r and F.
O d
o sin = = d = r sin is the moment arm or
H r
lever arm or effective distance
o Units for torque are N m
Not to be confused with the units for energy, joules, even though joules are also
N m.
But What is torque? Torque is the rotational equivalent of force. Force is the ability to cause an
acceleration of an object. Torque is the ability of a force to cause an angular acceleration of an
! ! ! !
The rotational form of Newtons Second Law: F = ma = I
o Must identify axis of rotation when summing the torques.
o Must identify what objects you are summing the torque on.
Note: The angular acceleration of each object around the axis of rotation must be
the same.
o Must identify the direction of positive rotation.
o Now that we have defined Moment of Inertia, pulleys can have mass. When pulleys have
mass the force of tension on either side of a pulley are not the same!
Right Hand Rule for direction of torque
o Dont be too cool for the right hand rule. Limber Up!
o Use your right hand.
o Fingers start at the axis of rotation.
o Point fingers along direction of r.
o Curl fingers along the direction of F.
o Thumb points in the direction of the torque.
i j k
! !
A B = 1 1 2 = 1 2 i 1 2 j + 1 1 k
2 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 3
! !
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
A B = 1 4 2 3 i 1 4 2 2 j + 1 3 1 2 k
! !
A B = 4 6 i 4 + 4 j + 3 2 k = 2 i + k
An object is in Translational Equilibrium if the net force acting on it equals zero, which means the
! ! !
object is not accelerating: F = 0 = ma a = 0
An object is in Rotational Equilibrium if the net torque acting on it equals zero, which means the
! ! !
object is not angularly accelerating: = 0 = I = 0 (must identify axis of rotation)
o This means the object is either not rotating or has a constant angular velocity.
o If an object is in translational equilibrium and in rotational equilibrium about one axis of
rotation, then the object is in rotational equilibrium about any axis of rotation.
L is Angular Momentum and it is a vector! !
! ! dp!
! ! ! ! dL
o F = ma = I & F = =
dt dt
For a particle or any object which is not rotating:
! ! !
o Just like torque, we have a cross product equation for angular momentum: L = r p
r is the position vector from the axis of rotation to the location of the center of
mass of the moving object.
And a magnitude equation for angular momentum: L = rmv sin
With this equation, need to use Right Hand Rule to find direction.
o Yes, a particle or a rigid object which is not rotating can have an angular momentum!
! !
For a rigid object with shape: L = I
! rad kg m2 rad kg m2
o Units for angular momentum:
L = I kg m2 (
= ) s
! !
dp ! !
Derivation of conservation of linear momentum: Fexternal = = 0 pi = pf
! dL ! !
Derivation of conservation of angular momentum: external = = 0 Li = Lf
O y
o sin gi = = y = rgi sin gi ymg v gi = rgf mg v gf sin gf + I c f
H rgi
o v gf = v t = R f ymg v gi = Rmg R f sin 90 + mc R 2 f
m ymg v gi
o ymg v gi = R 2 f mg + c f =
2 m
R 2 mg + c
FYI: Sawdog, one of my Quality Control Team members, pointed out that, after colliding with the cylinder,
the gum is moving in a circle, so its angular momentum can be described using I g f . More specifically:
( )
Lgf = I g f = mg rg 2 f = mg R 2 f Its a slightly different solution that results in the same answer.
Thank you to Aarti Sangwan for pointing out that I didnt include a rotational form of work in the video.
Name: Linear: Rotational:
! ! ! !
Work (constant force) W = F r = F r cos W =
xf f
Work (non-constant force) W = Fx dx W = d
xi i
0202 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Rotational vs. Linear Review (Mechanics).docx page 1 of 1
Flipping Physics Lecture Notes:
o Assumes constant density Earth. (Which is not true, however, we often assume it is.)
o The Gravitational Potential Energy which exists between the two objects when the object
Gmo mE
is on the surface of the Earth is: Ug =
What is the minimum amount of work necessary to completely remove an object from a planet if
the object is resting on the surface of the planet? This is called the Binding Energy. Assume the
object is moved infinitely far away, has zero velocity when it gets there, and there is no friction.
E system = T ME + E internal = WF
Gm1m2 Gmo mp
WF = ME f ME i + 0 = 0 U gi = 0 = (Binding Energy)
r Rp
What is the minimum velocity to launch an object off the Earth and have it never return? This is called
Escape Velocity. Assume no atmosphere and no Earth rotation. Note: Mechanical Energy is conserved:
Gmo mE 1 1 GmE 2GmE
ME i = ME f U gi + KE i = 0 + mo v i 2 = 0 v i 2 = v escape =
RE 2 2 RE RE
What is the total mechanical energy of an object in circular orbit?
Gmo mplanet 1
ME total = U g + KE = + mo v o2
r 2
The only force acting on the object moving in circular orbit is the force of gravity which acts
inward. So we can sum the forces on the object in the in direction:
Gmo mp v o2
1 Gmo mp
F in
= Fg = mac
r r 2
= mo
2r 2 o o
m v 2 = KE o =
o The result of this is that the closer an object is to the planet during an orbit, the faster its
orbital speed will be.
Lets derive Keplers 3 law: We assume circular orbit. The only force acting on the orbital object
is the force of gravity acting inward. Sum the forces in the in direction:
Gmo mp Gmp
4 2 4 2
F in
= Fg = mac
= mo r 2
= =2
T = 2
T 2
= r
T Gmp
An object is in Simple Harmonic Motion if the acceleration of the object is proportional to the
objects displacement from an equilibrium position and that acceleration is directed toward the
equilibrium position. a x
For example: A horizontal mass-spring
system on a frictionless surface has the
following free body diagram:
o F x
= Fs = max kx = max ax =
o Amplitude, A, is defined as the maximum distance from equilibrium position. Therefore:
amax = A
dv dx d dx d 2 x
o Note: a= &v= a= =
dt dt dt dt dt 2
d2 x k
o Therefore: = x
dt 2 m
o Let = 2 where is called the angular frequency
o Therefore: 2
= 2 x
This is the condition for simple harmonic motion.
This equation is not on the AP equation sheet. Memorize It!!
k 2 m
o Note: = = = T = 2 (The period of a mass-spring system)
m t T k
o Period of a pendulum: T = 2 (know how to derive)
1 2
o T= & = = 2 f = 2 f
f T
Frequency, f, is the number of cycles an object goes through per second.
Angular frequency and frequency are related, = 2 f , however, they are not
the same.
0204 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Simple Harmonic Motion Review (Mechanics).docx page 1 of 3
One equation that satisfies the condition for Simple Harmonic Motion is: () (
x t = Acos t + )
o This equation is on the AP physics equation sheet, however, the equations for velocity
and acceleration in simple harmonic motion are not.
o Have to use angles in radians in this equation.
o or phi is the phase constant or the phase shift
of the wave. For example:
y = cos + is phase shifted to the
left from y = cos by radians.
dx d
dt dt
( (
Acos t + = A sin t + )) ( ( )) ( )
o v t = A()
( ( )) d
cos t + = A sin t +
t +
( ( )) ( )
o v (t ) = A sin ( t + )
o & v max = A
dv d
dt dt
A sin t + = A
( )) d
sin t + = A cos t +
( (
t +
)) ( ) ( )
o ( (
a = A cos t + ))( ) a(t ) = A 2
cos t + )
o & amax = A 2
() ( (
a t = 2 Acos t + = 2 x t )) () d2x
dt 2
= 2 x
0204 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Simple Harmonic Motion Review (Mechanics).docx page 2 of 3
Simple Harmonic Motion is NOT Uniformly Accelerated Motion
0204 Lecture Notes - AP Physics C- Simple Harmonic Motion Review (Mechanics).docx page 3 of 3
Flipping Physics Lecture Notes:
While I am not a fan of memorization and do my best to avoid having my students memorize, there are a
few items which are not on the equation sheet which I do suggest you memorize.
x =
( )
v + v i t (The fourth Uniformly Accelerated Motion equation)
2 f
The Force of Gravity or Weight of an object: Fg = mg
Fg = mg cos & Fg = mg sin (The components of the force of gravity parallel and
Wfriction = ME (only true when there is no energy added to or removed from the system via a
ME i = ME f (only true when there is no energy added to or removed from the system via a force
and there is no work done by a nonconservative force.)
Fx = (The equation which relates a conservative force and the potential energy
associated with that force.)
That every derivative is an integral and every integral is a derivative. For Example:
x U
dU f f
o Fx = Fx dx = dU Fx dx = dU W = U
dx x U i i
Book Example:
( ) (
WF = Fg r cos = mg hcos 180 = mgh WF = U g) g
! !
pi = pf (Conservation of Momentum. It may seem obvious,
however, you need to remember when it is valid.)
! !
dp ! !
o Fexternal = = 0 pi = pf
! !
Li = Lf (Conservation of Angular Momentum. Again, it may
seem obvious, however, you need to remember when it is valid.)
! dL ! !
o external = = 0 Li = Lf
rcm = r dm (The center of mass of a rigid object with shape)
m m
= & = (Volumetric Mass Density and Linear Mass Density)
s = r & at = r (arc length and tangential acceleration)
f2 = i2 + 2 ; =
( )
+ f t (Uniformly Angularly Accelerated Motion equations)
2 i
I = I cm + mD 2 (The parallel axis theorem)
= 2 x (The condition for simple harmonic motion)
dt 2
v max = A (The maximum velocity during simple harmonic motion)
amax = A 2 (the maximum acceleration during simple harmonic motion)
There are equations which many of you will want to memorize, however, I strongly discourage.
! ! ! 1
FR = bv & FR = D Av 2 (Resistive force equations)
o Neither of these equations are on the equation sheet. Dont memorize these equations.
! 1
The problem will specify to use FR = D Av 2 and give you that equation or tell
! !
you the drag force is proportional to the velocity, which means FR = bv .
746 watts = 1 hp (will be provided if you need it)
11 N m2
Do not memorize: G = 6.67 10
kg 2
o Instead, be familiar with the Table of Information and the page of general math formulas
on the AP Physics equation sheet.
Do not memorize the following equations; instead know how to derive them. This will be of much
more use to you during the AP exam because they want you to understand where these
equations come from and therefore will generally ask you a question that relates to their
derivations. I did all of these derivations during the review.
o v cm =
mv i i
& acm =
ma i i
(velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of a
m i m i
system of particles. Simply take the derivative with respect to time once or twice of the
position of the center of mass of a system of particles to get these equations.)
o Terminal velocity: v terminal =
Gmo mp
o Binding Energy: WF =
a Rp
o Escape Velocity: v escape =
o Velocity in simple harmonic motion: () (
v t = A sin t + )
o Acceleration in simple harmonic motion: ()
a t = A 2 cos t + ( )
o Moments of Inertia of
Uniform Hoop or thin cylindrical shell about its cylindrical axis: I cm = mR 2
Uniform rigid rod about its center of mass: I cm = mL2
Uniform Solid cylinder or disk about its cylindrical axis: I cm = mR 2
Okay, I didnt do this one during the review.
Use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia of any of these about
any other axis.
A quick note about moments of inertia and the AP Exam. If you need the
equation for a Moment of Inertia to solve a problem, it will be provided. And,
while you do not need to memorize the equations for moments of inertia of
various objects, you do need to be able to determine relative relationships
between various moments of inertia of objects and those are just based on the
basic equation for moment of inertia: I = i mi ri 2