Phy201 Lect8

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Physics 201, Lecture 8

Today’s Topics

q Physics 201, Review 1

q Important Notes:
v This review is not designed to be complete on its own. It is not
meant to replace your own preparation efforts
v Exercises used in this review do not form a test problem pool.
v I do not endorse any past exams.
v Please practice more with end of chapter problems.
About Exam 1
q When and where
§ Monday Oct 2 5:30-7:00 pm
§ Room allocation: Ag Hall 125
q Format
§ Closed book
§ One 8x11 formula sheet allowed, must be self prepared.
(Absolutely no sample problems, examples, class lectures, HW
etc. And no photocopying)
§ 20 multiple choice questions.
§ Bring a calculator (but no computer). Only basic calculation
functionality can be used (see my earlier email for details)
§ A B2 pencil is required to do with Scantron
q Special needs/ conflicts:
§ Should have been settled by now (except for emergency).
§ All alternative test sessions are in our lab room, only for
approved requests.
Chapters Covered
q Chapter 1: Physics and Measurement.

q Chapter 2: Motion in 1-D

§ Sections 2.1-2.7 .

q Chapter 3: Vectors
(will largely be tested indirectly via physics problems)

q Chapter 4: Motion in 2-D

§ All Sections

Super Friday Tomorrow

From 10am-5pm, the lab room will be staffed by TAs to answer questions.
You are welcome to drop by at any time, regardless of your sections.
Basic Concepts and Quantities
q Measurements
§ Units and Units Conversion
§ Significant figures
§ Scalar and Vector Quantities

q Kinematics:
§ General quantities: Displacement, Travel distance, Time
interval, (average, instantaneous) Velocity/Speed/Acceleration.

§ Circular motion specific : radius, circumference, Centripetal

acceleration, period, angular velocity, linear velocity
§ Kinematical equations
§ Relative velocity.

v End of chapter “Concepts and Principles” section is a good helper.

Basic Techniques
q Count number of sig. figures.
q Apply addition/subtraction, multiplication/division rules for sig.
q Basic vector operations
q Read x-t, v-t, graphs (1D only).
q Use kinematical equation to convert among x, t, v, a.
q For uniform circular motion, relate ac to v, r, ω.
q For uniform circular motion, calculate T from r and v.
q Decompose a vector quantity (v, a) into x, y projection. (For
now, only 2D projection is required.)
q Calculate relative velocity when switching from one reference
frame to another.
q Deal with applications such as:
§ Free Fall and Projectile (1D and 2D)
• Flight time, maximum height, range...
§ Kinematics of Uniform Circular Motion.
A Trivial Conceptual Exercise:
Number of Sig. Figures
q What is the number of sig. figures for : 0.0043500?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 8
D: none of above

Answer: 5. Sig. figures do not include leading zeros.

Reminder: Rules On Significant Figures
q Rule 1:
§ In direct measurement, keep all “sure” digits but only one
estimated digit. (estimated digit the least significant figure).
e.g. 41.2 cm, 23.5s, ...
q Rule 2:
(Definition). Number of sig. figures = number of significant digits
not counting leading zeros
e.g. 41.2 N of sig. fig. = 3, 0.0032N of sig. fig. = 2,
3.20N of sig. fig. = 3.
q Rule 3:
In additions or subtractions, the least significant figure of the final
result can not be more accurate than that of any operands. e.g.
13.8m+2.05m-0.062m (=15.788m) =15.8m
q Rule 4:
In multiplication or division, the N of sig. figures of the final result
equals the lowest num. of sig. figures among all operands.
e.g. 13.8 m x 2.05 m x 0.062 m (=1.75398) = 1.8 m3
Exercise 1: Sig. Figure Rules
q A rectangular wood block is measured 3.20 cm, 75 mm, and
0.1431 m in height (h), width (w), and depth (d), respectively.
With the sig. fig. rule, what is its side length (s=h+w+d) ?
a. 2.501 x 101 cm
b. 2.50 x 101 cm
c. 2.5 x 101 cm
d. 3 x 101 cm

Solution: see board. Please make sure that the values are
converted to the same unit first.
Reminder: Kinematical Quantities to
Describe a Motion
Basic Quantities
§ Displacement:
change of position from t1  t2
§ Velocity:
rate of position change.
• Average: Δx/Δt
• Instantaneous: dx/dt
§ Acceleration:
rate of velocity change.
• Average: Δv/Δt
• Instantaneous : dv/dt
Exercise 2: Average Velocity
q An object moving uniformly around a circle of radius r has a period T.
§ what is its average velocity over the period T ?
 A: 0
B: 2πr/T
C: r/T
D: Not enough information as the mass of the object is not given.
E: None of above

v Average velocity is displacement divided by time interval. And

displacement depends only on initial and final positions.

§ Conceptual questions like this will make up about 1/3 of the exam.
Exercise 3: Acceleration and Speed
q A particle moving in 1-D has a negative constant acceleration, which
of the following statement is true?
A: The particle’s velocity must be in negative direction.
B: The particle must be speeding up
C: The particle must be slowing down.
 D: None of above is necessarily true.

v In physics, the acceleration is defined per

*velocity* while in daily language, the term
acceleration is defined per *speed*.
Note the difference.
Reminder: Basic Kinematics
q Useful formulas for motion with constant acceleration:
§ a(t) = a0
§ v(t) = v0 + a0t
§ vav = (v0 +v)/2 set a0=0 for constant velocity
§ x(t) = x0+v0t + ½ a0t2
§ v(t)2 = v02 + 2a0(x-x0)

Ø If two dimensional, x and y projections are independent of each other

X projection Y projection
vx(t) = vx0 + ax0t vy(t) = vy0 + ay0t
x(t) = x0+vx0t + ½ ax0t2 y(t) = y0+vy0t + ½ ay0t2
vx(t)2 = v0x2 +2ax0(x-x0) vy(t)2 = v0y2 +2ay0(y-y0)

q Free fall and projectile: ax=0, ay=-g (if up = positive y)

Exercise 4: Use Basic Kinematic Equations
q A boat is traveling at 4.0 m/s as it passes the starting line of a
race. If the boat accelerates at 1.0 m/s2 , the distance the boat
has traveled after 6.0 seconds is:
 § A. 42m
§ B. 18m x(t) = x0 + v0t + ½ a0t2
§ C. 26m = 0 + 4x6.0 + ½ x1.0x6.02
§ D. 20m =42 m
§ E. 14m

§ Questions on basic calculations like this one will make up

another 1/3 of the exam.
Review: Projectile
horizontal: constant velocity
at top: vy=0 ax=0, vx=vxi=vicosθi, x=x0+vxit

vertical: constant acceleration

ay=-g, vyi=visinθi
vy=vyi - gt
y=y0+vyit + - ½ gt2
vy(t)2 = vyi2 - 2g(y-y0)

2 2
v = vx + v y
tan θ v =
Practical Technique:
Decompose Kinematic Parameters
q Decomposition
j (y) j (y) j (y)

r v a
y vy ay
θv θa
i (x) i (x) i (x)
x vx ax
r = x i +y j v = vx i +vy j a = ax i +ay j

x = r cosθ
vx = v cosθv ax = a cosθa
y = r sinθ
vy = v sinθv
ay = a sinθa

q Inversely: 2 2
v = vx + v y
2 a = ax + a y
r = x2 + y2
vy ay
y tan θ v = tan θ a =
tan θ = vx ax
Review Exercise: Projectile Motion
(Lecture 5)
q A projectile is shot at an initial speed vi at an angle θ. After which, it
is in motion only under gravitational force. Find position at any time,
air time, the range, maximum height.
Step 1: decompose vi  vi =(vix,viy) = (vicosθi, visinθi), ax=0, ay= - g
§ Position at any t (Treat x, and y separately ) :
x(t) = 0 + vixt = vicosθi t
y(t) = 0 + viyt + ½ ay t2 = visinθi t - ½ gt2

§ air time (think vertically Δy=0) :

at tB , Δy=0  tB= 2 visinθi /g = Tair

§ Range (Think horizontally)

R= vicosθi Tair = 2 vi2sinθicosθi /g
§ Maximum height ( think vertically vy_A=0):
at A: vy=0  tA= visinθi /g (= ½ tB !), h= yA = viy tA – ½ gtA2 =½ vi2sin2θi /g
(or use 02 = viy2 – 2hg)
Conceptual Exercise: Projectile
q Two balls have trajectories A and B, as shown below. (ignore air
friction). Without further information, what can we say about the

a. The launch speed of ball B must be greater than that of ball A.

b. The launch speed of ball A must be greater than that of ball B.
c. Ball A is in the air for a longer time than ball B.
d. Ball B is in the air for a longer time than ball A.
e. None of above can be concluded with given information.
Exercise 5: Projectile
q A projectile is projected on the ground with a velocity of 45.0 m/s at
an angle of 60.0 degrees above the horizontal. On its way down, it
lands on a rooftop of 4m high. What is the flight time?
§ A.0.1 s
 § B. 7.9 s
§ C. 2.5 s
§ D. 15.0 s
solution 1:
vyi=vsin60o = 39.0 m/s

y=y0 + vyit - ½ gt2  ½ gt2 +39t +4=0
solving quadratic eq. gives t=7.9 s

Solution 2:
vyi=vsin60o = 39.0 m/s
vy(t)2= vyi2-2g(y-y0)  vy=-38 .0 m/s

t= (vy(t)-vyi)/(-g) = 7.9 s
Exercise 6: Same Projectile
q A projectile is projected on the ground with a velocity of 45.0 m/s at
an angle of 60.0 degrees above the horizontal. On its way down, it
lands on a rooftop of 4m high. What is the horizontal distance
between the launching and landing points?
§ A. 10 m
§ B. 40 m
§ C. 121 m
 § D. 178 m
§ E. 236 m


vxi=vcos60o = 22.5 m/s
x-x0 = vyxit = 22.5 x 7.9 = 178 m

Additional possible questions: Maximum height? landing velocity? ...

Uniform Circular Motion: Useful Formulas
q ω = 2π /T ( or T = 2π/ω )
q Linear speed v=rω = 2πr/T
q Centripetal Acceleration (ac)
ac = r ω2 = v2/r

q Be familiar to the directional relationship of r, v, ac

Exercise 7:
Do not forget basic definitions
Figure below shows a particle in uniform circular motion. The
radius of the circle is R=3.0m and the period of the motion is
T=4.0s. The particle goes counter-clockwise, at time tA, the
particle passes point A, and at a later time tB=tA+T/4, it passes B.
q What is the magnitude of the particle’s average velocity
between tA and tB?
a. 4.7 m/s
b. 4.2 m/s
c. 3.5 m/s
d. 6.4 m/s
e. none of above is within 5% from the correct answer.
Review: Relative Motion
q Conversion between reference frames (Galilean Transformation)

  
vobj _ wrt _ FrameB = vobj _ wrt _ FrameA + vFrameA _ wrt _ FrameB

vo_A vo_B

One example Same principle but
a different configuration

visualization example : A=bus, B=earth, o=water drops

Exercise 8: Relative Velocity
q If there is no wind, rain drops will fall to earth vertically down.
To a passenger in a moving bus, which picture represents the
correct vision of rain traces he observes? (Trivial)

vbus vbus vbus

q (not so trivial but still doable) If the bus speed is 16 m/s and the
speed of rain drops is 9 m/s,
To the passengers in the bus, what is the inclination angle the rain
drops make with vertical line? (answer 60.6o, Practice after class).
Hint: use relative velocity relationship
vrE vrb
Quick Quiz: Relatively Velocity
q Two stones, A and B, are released from rest at a certain height,
one after the other.
As they are falling down, will the difference in their velocities
increase, decrease, stay the same?


vA_wrt_B = vA_wrt_Earth – vB_wrt_Earth

ΔvA_wrt_B/Δt = ΔvA_wrt_Earth /Δt – ΔvB_wrt_Earth/Δt =g –g =0

Special Consulting Hours
q As announced, there will be a “super Friday” review session
tomorrow in our lab room.

TAs will be there to answer your questions from 10:00am to 5pm

q In addition, there will still be regular office hours in our consulting

room. Check course web for schedule.

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