Digital Marksheet Generator by Using QR Code

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The key takeaways are that the proposed system aims to generate digital marksheets using QR codes to address issues of fake/unauthenticated marksheets and certificates. It uses encryption and compression techniques to securely store marksheet data in a QR code.

The purpose of the proposed system is to provide a secure and authenticated way for students to access their digital marksheets by scanning a QR code. This prevents issues with fake/modified marksheets and makes marksheet verification more convenient.

The proposed system generates digital marksheets by encrypting student data and storing it in a database. It then generates a unique QR code for each student's marksheet. When scanned, the QR code decrypts and displays the student's marksheet details.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Digital Marksheet Generator by Using QR Code

Abrar Mungi, Mehfooz Ali Sayyed, Mustafa Khan, Mohd Saad Shaikh
Anjuman-I-Islams Kalsekar Technical Campus,
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Mumbai

Abstract In todays digital world we have often hear the the help of QR code i.e user can view marksheet by just
news about fake marksheet and unauthenticated scanning the QR code of that particular marksheet. QR code
certificate, so it is a big challenge to provide security and used to store very less amount of data in it around 4KB, so to
authenticity of digital data. Our aim is to provide a digital store whole marksheet in QR code we will use some
marksheet which cant be modified from third party and compression techniques. Generally QR code consists a
and also user can access their marksheet in any smart machine readable code consisting of an array of black and
device. For that we are using encryption and decryption white squares, typically used for storing URL or other
technique with the help of QR code based system. information for reading by the camera on a smartphone.

Keywords: -QR Code, Encryption, Decryption. A. What is QR Code?

A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type

I. INTRODUCTION of matrix - barcode (or two-dimensional bar code)[5]. QR
Codes were introduced by the Japanese corporation Den so
As we know that in this era we are moving towards digital Wave Incorporated[10]. Originally it was designed to be used
world, so many of the people are using internet for storing the to track parts in the vehicle manufacturing industry, but its use
data on the cloud so that data can be accessed efficiently from has since grown tremendously[8]. QR codes are increasing
any corner of the world. Also many of the people avoid their popularity as they appear more place in the Urban
carrying the hard copies of their documents wherever they are environment.Apart from marketing, QR Codes have been also
going, as taking care of these documents is a tedious task for adopted in different areas such as the on-line payments. The
them. And due to this, there may be a chance of getting lost of use of QR codes is license-free. A bar code is 2 dimensional
their documents which will be probably more difficult for code that contains data in only one direction but QR Code
them to get these lost documents back again, as they have to contains information in both the vertical and horizontal
follow some procedures to get their lost documents back. So to directions therefore QR code can hold considerably greater
avoid all these stuffs, we mostly used to put it all on the information than a bar code[11]. These Quick Response (QR)
internet like google drive or cloud etc, we just scan our codes are versatile. In this new mark-sheet system, we embed
certificates and useful documents and kept it on any of the a QR code in the mark sheet which encodes the mark detail of
cloud as these documents can be use in emergency work. And the student, grades obtained, students name, roll number,year,
nowadays we often hear about fake marksheets as many of the semester etc. So any HR or any employer who needs to verify
unauthorized users are creating the certificate with their own the the marksheet can just take his mobile phone and use the
name and if someone wants to verify that certificate then long QR code reader application which is available for free of cost
procedure she/he have to follow like first write an application and scan the code. If the student or alumni wants to see his
to the University or the Institution in which certificate number marks digitally or wants to send his own academic data to any
is mentioned and then the University or Institution will search other educational institute in digital format, then he has to just
for that certificate by its certificate number and if they found scan the QRCode, decrypt the data and send the
then cross verification will be done and if they didnt found information.[9]This system can easily be implemented and it
then that particular certificate is said to be fake as its details is virtually impossible to alter the QR code that is embedded
are not available with University or Institute in their databases. within a marksheet. So it increases the complexity of the
So now the question is how to get rid from all these things. forget process and hence it is computationally secure as per
For that reason we are proposing a system to overcome all the laws of security. The system ensured several layers
these things, the system will provide digital marksheet with

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165

In the above figure, the three prominent boxes in the Corners C. Need of Digital Marksheet
of each node indicates the location of the image(so it can be In todays world we are often hear the news about fake
centered by the image parser). Another smaller box in the marksheets and unauthenticated certificates so that we should
lower right aligns the image. The rest of the blocks indicate have such system in which the modification cant be possible.
the information specific to the international standards and And also if someone wants to verify whether the marksheet is
finally the identifying data contained within the code[7][6]. genuine or fake then instead of writing applications to
Universities and Institutes, we just have to scan the QR code
B. What is Digital Marksheet? which is there on the marksheet. If it displays the same
marksheet after scanning the QR code then it means that the
Digital Marksheet is a softcopy of the marksheet which is marksheet is genuine and if it doesnt display the marksheet
generated by scanning the QR code. Digital Marksheet or not displaying the same marksheet then it means that this
consists of all the information of the student like student's marksheet is not genuine. So this saves our time for
Name, Roll number, Marks, Percentage, etc. verification process. And also students did not have to stand
and waste their time in queue for getting the marksheets from
the exam cell instead they can just go to this systems website
and from there they can get the QR code through which they
get their marksheets softcopy after scanning it.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165


There are two Ends of the system: III. ENCRYPTION

Admin End.
User End. The data entered by the admin get encrypted and saved into
the database using PHP's encryption function
A. Admin End mcrypt_encrypt() followed by mcrypt_rjindael_256 method
(AES encryption) and result will be encoded into base64 by
All the back-end work is done by the Admin. Admin will using base64_encoded() function for providing more security
login with its credential. After login Admin will enter the to the data.
information of students which will be get stored into the
database in an encrypted form and by using these information IV. DECRYPTION
marksheet will be created by the system itself. System will
generate the QR code for particular marksheet of the student The data which is encrypted in the database is get fetched first
and keep the QR code stored in the database. from the database and get decrypted using PHP's decryption
function mcrypt_decrypt() followed by mcrypt_rjindael_256
B. User End method (AES decryption) and result will be decoded into
base64 by using base64_decoded() function after that this
Students will enter their information such as Name, Seat decrypted data is used for generating the softcopy of the
Number and semester then OTP verification will be done. marksheet.
After successful verification, system will display the QR code.
As the student scan QR code, marksheet will be displayed and
student has two options, either to save the marksheet or to V. COMPRESSION
print it.
The marksheet's softcopy will be compress using JPEG image
compression technique as the image of the marksheet will be
in large size.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165


Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165


We have selected this topic because Marksheet is a sensitive

document and to preventing it from getting misused by the
unauthorized user. As distribution of the Marksheets takes too
much time and maintaining these mark sheets is also a big deal
so to overcome all these problems this system is propose.


We would like to thank our guide Prof. Mubasshir Khan and

Prof. ApekshaGopale for their great support for making this
paper and guiding us in the right direction.


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