nse Code is a dimensional matrix barcode readable by a sma example, a company might include a QR code on a
rtphone or scanner. The structure of the QR Code can be bro document to verify that it is an official document and has
ken down into three main parts: not been tampered with.
Finder Patterns: There are the three big squares pla 5) QR code-based document translation: QR codes can be
ced on the corners of the QR Code. They are used to align a used to provide translations of documents in different
nd orient the code so that it can be scanned correctly. languages. For example, a museum might include QR
Alignment Patterns: These are the smallest squares codes next to exhibits that provide information in
in the center of the QR code. They are used to help the scan multiple languages when scanned.
ner align the code and ensure high quality scans. to generate
QR codes in batches.
Data Region: This is the area of the QR code that
contains the coded information. It consists of a series of small
black or white squares. The data is encoded in this square
Each square in the data region represents a bit of
data. A black square represents a binary "1" and a white
square represents a binary "0". The data is encoded in the QR
code using a specific algorithm that determines the placement
of the black and white squares. This algorithm ensures that
the QR code can be read correctly, even if part of it is
obscured or damaged. Fig. 2: Detailed QR Code Structure
In addition to the above, QR codes can also include Overall, QR code-based document retrieval can be a
format information and version information, which are useful tool in many contexts, making it easier and faster for
encoded in the same way as the data. Format information users to access the information they need.
includes information about the type of data stored in the QR
code, and version information includes information about the III. CHALLENGES FACED IN EXISTING SYSTEM
size of the QR code. This information helps the scanner to
read the QR code correctly and to determine the error QR codes that are dynamic are used. The current
correction level used in the QR code. QR codes can store a technology only enables image retrieval through QR
wide range of data types, including text, URLs, contact codes, not 2D QR codes.
information, and even images or videos. The amount of data The usage of several algorithms has made the system's
that can be stored in a QR code is determined by the size of functioning complex.
the code and the error correction level used. Larger QR Dedicated storage increases spending.
codes with higher error correction levels can store more data The current system simply employs a variety of methods
than smaller codes with lower error correction levels. for encoding text into QR codes.
It doesn't have a notion for document retrieval and
QR code scanning can be used as a convenient way to retrieve
documents, especially in scenarios where people need quick IV. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
access to information on-the-go. Here are some related Due to their high levels of security and authentication, QR
approaches and works on document retrieval through QR codes are routinely used to store and download both personal
code scanning: data and documents alongside general information. With the
1) QR code-based document management system: A QR help of JWT authentication, we put forth a unique concept to
code can be assigned to each document in a document increase website security. In order to use the system, the user
management system, allowing users to scan the code and must first register with it. Once registered, the user can store
instantly retrieve the corresponding document. This all of his documents and other personal information on his
approach can save time and make document retrieval dashboard. The system will produce QR codes that are
more efficient. specific to the system's user base based on those information.
2) QR code-based library catalog: Libraries can use QR After that, the user will be able to authenticate and scan the
codes to provide users with quick access to information documents. In response, the system will send the QR code to
about books and other resources. Scanning a code can the user after receiving their information, as shown in Figure
take the user to the library's online catalog, where they 4.
can search for and locate the desired item.
3) QR code-based document sharing: QR codes can be used
to share documents between devices or users. For
example, a user can generate a code for a document on
their device and then have another user scan the code to
download the document onto their device.
4) QR code-based document authentication: QR codes can
be used to verify the authenticity of documents. For
Fig. 5: QR Dashboard
Fig. 3: System Architecture The generated QR code, can now be shared by users
The least expensive and most flexible of all the with anyone who requests their contact information. Suppose
solutions is using a QR code to access the necessary a user can scan this QR code if they are an outside user who
document. Cheating can be prevented with the automatic has not signed up for the system. After scanning the QR code,
generation of JWT tokens. they will be taken to a page with all the essential information
This system is unique in that users must register with and a link to the storage drive where the documents are kept.
the system in order to create their own QR codes, which The system retrieves the appropriate user's access code after
include all pertinent information in text format and links to clicking download. which is the JWT token mentioned by the
all soft copies of the document. In other cases, registration is proprietor of the QR code generator as a means of accessing
not necessary for a user to download and access another user's information.
details by scanning their QR code. You can download the
document even if you aren't a System registered user. Users
must supply legitimate credentials for authentication in order
to prevent the misuse of the document. In this system, OTP
and the JWT authentication procedure are both used.
The most affordable and flexible solution among all the
solutions is using a QR code to access the specified
document. To accommodate that, there is no need to modify
the infrastructure. It is frequently used extensively in
universities due to the popularity of smartphones and internet
accessibility. Cheating is prevented by using JWT tokens that
are generated automatically. The need for QR codes will
decrease as technologies continue to advance.
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