MARCH 2006 LRFD Bridge Design 1-1: 1.1 Overview of Manual 5-392

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1. This section contains general information about the manual along with a
INTRODUCTION general description of the Bridge Office and its procedures.

1.1 Overview of This manual contains Mn/DOT Bridge Office policies and procedures for
Manual 5-392 the design, evaluation, and rehabilitation of bridges. Except where
noted, the design provisions herein employ the Load and Resistance
Factor Design (LRFD) methodology set forth by AASHTO.

Mn/DOT utilizes a decimal numbering system to classify documents. The

5 before the hyphen represents a publication related to engineering this
is a test functions. The 300 series of documents is assigned to the
Bridge Office; the 90 series indicates that this is a Manual. The last
digit 2 specifies that the subject matter of the document is Design.

The original bridge design manual, numbered 5-392, provided guidance

for the design of highway structures in Minnesota in accordance with
allowable stress design methods. Subsequently, it has received periodic
updates as design methods have changed. This version of the Bridge
Design Manual contains significant changes. It presents Mn/DOTs design
practices in conformance with a new design methodology, Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), and also contains fifteen
comprehensive design examples.

Use of this manual does not relieve the design engineer of responsibility
for the design of a bridge or structural component. Although Bridge
Office policy is presented here for numerous situations, content of the
manual is not intended to be exhaustive. Therefore, use of this manual
must be tempered with sound engineering judgement.

1.1.1 Material After the introductory material provided in this section, the manual
Contained in contains material arranged around the following section headings. To
Manual 5-392 simplify locating material, section numbers correspond to those used in
the LRFD specifications:
1) Introduction
2) General Design and Location Features
3) Loads and Load Factors
4) Structural Analysis and Evaluation
5) Concrete Structures
6) Steel Structures
7) Reserved
8) Wood Structures
9) Decks and Deck Systems
10) Foundations

11) Abutments, Piers, and Walls

12) Buried Structures
13) Railings
14) Joints and Bearings

1.1.2 Updates to This manual will be updated multiple times each year as procedures are
Manual 5-392 updated and new information becomes available. Current files for each
section of the manual are available on the Bridge Office Web site at: .

1.1.3 Format of Each section of the manual contains general information at the start of
Manual References the section. Design examples (if appropriate) are located at the end of
each section. The general content is divided into subsections that are
identified with numerical section labels in the left margin. Labels for
design example subsections are identified with alphanumeric labels in the
left hand margin. The left hand margin also contains references to LRFD
Design Specification Articles, Equations, and Tables. These references
are enclosed in square brackets.

Within the body of the text, references to other sections of this manual
are directly cited (e.g. Section 10.1). References to the LRFD
Specifications within the main body of the text contain a prefix of: LRFD.

1.2 General Bridge A bridge is defined under Minnesota Rule 8810.8000 as a structure
Information having an opening measured horizontally along the center of the roadway
of ten feet or more between undercopings of abutments, between spring
line of arches, or between extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes.
Bridge also includes multiple pipes where the clear distance between
openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening.

In accordance with Minnesota Statute 15.06 Subd. 6, the Commissioner

of Transportation has delegated approval authority for State Preliminary
Bridge Plans, and State, County and City Final Bridge Plans to the State
Bridge Engineer. Plans for all bridge construction or reconstruction
projects located on the Trunk Highway System, and plans on County or
City highways funded fully or in part by state funds shall be approved by
the State Bridge Engineer.

1.2.1 Bridge Office The Bridge Office is responsible for conducting all bridge and structural
design activities and for providing direction, advice, and services for all
bridge construction and maintenance activities. The responsibilities
Providing overall administrative and technical direction for the office.
Reviewing and approving all preliminary and final bridge plans
prepared by the office and consultants.
Representing the Department in bridge design, construction and
maintenance matters with other agencies.

The Office is under the direction of the State Bridge Engineer. It is

composed of sections and units as shown on the organizational chart
(Figure Each of these subdivisions with their principal functions
is listed as follows:
1) Bridge Design Section
Responsible for the design, plans, and special provisions activities for
bridges, and miscellaneous transportation structures.
a) Design Unit
i) Designs and drafts bridge plans.
ii) Reviews bridge plans prepared by consulting engineers.
iii) Prepares special provisions for bridge plans.
iv) Designs and drafts plans for miscellaneous highway structures.
v) Provides technical assistance, designs, and plans for special
bridge and structural problems.
b) Bridge Standards and Research Unit
i) Provides design aids and standards for the office and for
consultants, counties, and cities.
ii) Coordinates the development and users of computer
programs with data processing systems.
iii) Supports computer users throughout the office and manages
the local area network.
iv) Provides oversight for research projects, which involve the
Bridge Office.
c) Design/Build Unit
i) Provides oversight of design/build projects.
d) LRFD Implementation
i) Maintains LRFD Bridge Design Manual.
ii) Provides support to office and consulting engineers concerning
LRFD issues.
2) Bridge Planning Section
Responsible for program, cost estimates, preliminary bridge plan
activities for Trunk Highways and review of state aid bridges.
a) Bridge Agreements and Estimates Unit

i) Selects and negotiates with consulting engineers and

administers engineering agreements for the preparation of
bridge plans.
ii) Provides liaison between the office and the consulting
engineer retained to prepare bridge plans.
iii) Coordinates public and private utility requirements for
iv) Prepares preliminary, comparative and final cost estimates.
v) Maintains and provides current program and plan status
b) Preliminary Plans
i) Conducts preliminary studies from layouts and develops
preliminary bridge plans.
ii) Provides liaison with district and central office road design
through the design stage.
iii) Obtains required permits from other agencies for bridges.
c) State Aid Bridge Unit
i) Reviews bridge plans and special provisions for county,
township, and municipal state aid projects.
ii) Provides technical assistance to counties and municipalities,
when requested, for nonparticipating projects.
3) Bridge Construction and Maintenance Section
Responsible for bridge construction and maintenance specifications,
and bridge construction and maintenance advisory service activities to
the office and to the job site.
a) Construction and Maintenance Unit; North, Metro and South
i) Provides construction and maintenance advisory service to
bridge construction and maintenance engineers in the field.
ii) Writes bridge construction and maintenance specifications,
manuals and bulletins.
iii) Writes and maintains the file of current special provisions for
bridge construction and maintenance.
iv) Performs preliminary, periodic and final review of bridge
construction and maintenance projects and makes
v) Reviews bridge plans and special provisions prior to lettings
and makes recommendations.
vi) Aids municipal and county engineers with bridge construction
and maintenance problems, upon request.
vii) Provides foundation design including selection of pile type,
length, design load, and foundation preparation.
viii) Reviews bridge improvement projects and prepares
recommendations for scope of work.

b) Bridge Ratings Unit

i) Makes bridge ratings and load postings analysis for existing
bridges and maintains the records.
ii) Reviews and approves special load permit requests.
c) Structural Metals Inspection Unit
i) Provides inspection services for structural metals, fabrication
and assembly to ensure conformity with plans and
d) Fabrication Methods Unit
i) Reviews and approves structural metals shop drawings
submitted by fabricators.
ii) Provides fabrication advisory service to designers, fabricators
and field construction and maintenance personnel.
iii) Provides overhead sign design services to the Office of Traffic
Engineering, including the design of bridge-mounted sign
e) Bridge Management Unit
i) Maintains inventory and inspection data for the 19,600
bridges in Minnesota. Works with all agencies to make certain
appropriate data is collected.
ii) Responsible for implementing bridge management systems to
provide information on bridges for maintenance, repair,
rehabilitation and replacement.
f) Bridge Inspection Unit
i) Provides expert assistance to the Districts in organizing and
conducting inspections of complex bridges, special features,
and fracture critical bridges.
ii) Conducts quality assurance inspections of all agencies
responsible for bridge inspections in Minnesota.
iii) Reviews, recommends and provides bridge inspection training
for District, county, and municipal bridge inspectors.
4) Hydraulic Engineering Section
Responsible for providing statewide hydraulic engineering services
that include design, construction and maintenance activities. In
addition, the section provides leadership in the development and
implementation of hydraulic automation technology, establishes policy
pertaining to hydrology and hydraulics, prepares design aids, provides
client training, participates in research projects, and represents the
department on state and national committees.
a) Bridge Design Hydraulics Unit
i) Provides bridge and culvert waterway designs for trunk
highway, county, city and township projects.
ii) Analyzes and evaluates inplace bridges for scour.

iii) Provides technical assistance to counties and municipalities

upon request.
iv) Provides training in hydrology and hydraulics.
b) Road Design Hydraulics Unit
i) Evaluates and codes all bridges over water for scour.
ii) Provides technical assistance to Districts on all aspects of
drainage design.
iii) Reviews and cost prorates storm drains on the municipal and
county state aid system.
iv) Coordinates the review of new products and development of
specifications and policies pertaining to their use.
c) Hydraulics Automation Unit
i) Provides leadership and technical direction for managing the
statewide hydraulic automation effort.
ii) Develops and implements the means to integrate the
hydraulic design process with the road design process.
iii) Develops, implements, and supports a hydraulic information
system to facilitate the sharing of hydraulic data among all
users and stakeholders.
iv) Provides statewide training and support in the implementation
and use of hydraulic automation techniques.

For more information, visit the Bridge Office Web site at:

Mn/DOT Bridge Office Organization Chart

1.2.2 Highway Highways throughout the nation are divided into systems. These system
Systems designations are important to know because design standards can vary
between the systems. The various highway systems are classified
according to the Agency that has responsibility for their improvement,
maintenance and traffic regulation enforcement. Listed below are the
jurisdictional divisions in Minnesota:
1) Trunk Highway System
The Trunk Highway System consists of all highways, including the
Interstate routes, under the jurisdiction of the State of Minnesota.
These routes generally are the most important in the state, carry the
greatest traffic volumes, and operate at the highest speeds.
2) County Highway System
The County Highway System is made up of those roads established
and designated under the authority of the county board. They
generally are the more important routes within a county that are not
on the Trunk Highway System.
3) Township Road System
The Township Road System is made up of the roads established under
the authority of the town board. They generally are of local
4) Municipal Street System
The Municipal Street System is all roads within a municipality not
designated as a trunk highway or county road. They are generally
of local importance.

1.2.3 Bridge All publicly owned bridges either on or over a trunk highway and over
Numbers 10 feet in length measured along the centerline of the highway are
assigned a number for identification and cost accounting purposes.

The numbering scheme followed in assigning bridge numbers depends on

the time of construction. With few exceptions, the numbering procedure
is as follows:
1) Prior to about 1950, all bridges were numbered consecutively from 1
to 9999 as they were constructed. The 8000 series was used for
culverts over 10 feet in length (measured along the centerline of the
highway). The 7000 series was reserved for county bridges at trunk
highway intersections. Five-digit bridge numbers beginning with L or
R designate bridges in local bridge systems.

2) Since about 1950, a five-digit number has been assigned to each

bridge as it was constructed. The first two digits coincide with the
county number (01-87) in which the bridge is located (99 refers to
temporary bridges). The last three digits are assigned consecutively
using the following guidelines:

a. 001-499 are used for regular trunk highway bridges.

b. 500-699 are used for county bridges.
c. 700-999 are used for interstate bridges (any bridge on or over the
interstate system).

3) In 1991, additional numbers were required for bridges on the state

aid system in Hennepin County and for interstate bridges in Hennepin
County. To allocate more numbers for bridges on the local system an
alpha character is used as the third character of the bridge number.
For example, the next bridge number after Bridge No. 27699 will be
Bridge No. 27A00. Note that this happens only after 500 and 600
series have been exhausted.

To allocate more numbers on the Interstate road system, the 400

series of numbers will be used along with the 700, 800, 900's
presently used. For a bridge number XXYZZ, the following now
XX = County identification number (99 = Temporary Bridge)
Y = 0, 1, 2, 3, or R, T, U (for Trunk Highway Bridges)
Y = 4, 7, 8, 9, or V, or W (for Interstate Bridges)
Y = X and Y (Trunk Highway or Interstate Culverts)
Y = 5 or 6 or A through H (for non-trunk highway Bridges)
Y = J through N, and P, Q (for non-trunk highway Culverts)
ZZ = Sequence number (00 through 99)

4) In cases of twin bridges, a westbound or southbound lane bridge is

generally assigned a lower number than an eastbound or northbound
lane bridge.

All bridge numbers are assigned by the Bridge Office. A complete listing
of all numbered bridges is available in computer printout form entitled
Minnesota Trunk Highway Bridge Log- Statewide Listing. See
Table for a listing of the county identification numbers.

Table Minnesota County Identification Numbers

County No. County Name District County No. County Name District
01 Aitkin 1&3 45 Marshall 2
02 Anoka Metro 46 Martin 7
03 Becker 4 47 Meeker 8
04 Beltrami 2 48 Mille Lacs 3
05 Benton 3 49 Morrison 3
06 Big Stone 4 50 Mower 6
07 Blue Earth 7 51 Murray 8
08 Brown 7 52 Nicollet 7
09 Carlton 1 53 Nobles 7
10 Carver Metro 54 Norman 2
11 Cass 2&3 55 Olmsted 6
12 Chippewa 8 56 Otter Tail 4
13 Chisago Metro 57 Pennington 2
14 Clay 4 58 Pine 1
15 Clearwater 2 59 Pipestone 8
16 Cook 1 60 Polk 2
17 Cottonwood 7 61 Pope 4
18 Crow Wing 3 62 Ramsey Metro
19 Dakota Metro 63 Red Lake 2
20 Dodge 6 64 Redwood 8
21 Douglas 4 65 Renville 8
22 Faribault 7 66 Rice 6
23 Fillmore 6 67 Rock 7
24 Freeborn 6 68 Roseau 2
25 Goodhue 6 69 St. Louis 1
26 Grant 4 70 Scott Metro
27 Hennepin Metro 71 Sherburne 3
28 Houston 6 72 Sibley 7
29 Hubbard 2 73 Stearns 3
30 Isanti 3 74 Steele 6
31 Itasca 1, 2 & 3 75 Stevens 4
32 Jackson 7 76 Swift 4
33 Kanabec 3 77 Todd 3
34 Kandiyohi 8 78 Traverse 4
35 Kittson 2 79 Wabasha 6
36 Koochiching 1&2 80 Wadena 3
37 Lac Qui Parle 8 81 Waseca 7
38 Lake 1 82 Washington Metro
39 Lake of the Woods 2 83 Watonwan 7
40 Le Sueur 7 84 Wilkin 4
41 Lincoln 8 85 Winona 6
42 Lyon 8 86 Wright 3
43 McLeod 8 87 Yellow Medicine 8
44 Mahnomen 2

1.2.4 Limit States Bridge designs shall typically consider Strength, Service, Extreme Event,
to Consider in and Fatigue limit states. The limit state checks will vary with the
Design component under consideration. Not all elements will require
consideration of all limit states. For example, the fatigue limit state need
not be considered for fully prestressed pretensioned elements.

1.3 Procedures This section covers the Bridge Office procedures for checking of bridge
plans, scheduling of projects, and revising or creating standards.

1.3.1 Checking of The general practice of most engineering offices is to require that designs
Mn/DOT Prepared they produce be checked before they are reviewed and certified by the
Bridge Plans Engineer in Responsible Charge. Although this practice has always
been required for structures designed for Mn/DOT, it is recognized that
the quality of the checking process often varies according to time
restraints, confidence in the designer, and the instructions given to the
checker. Therefore, in order to maintain a consistent design checking
process the following guidance is given for routine bridge designs.

For more complex or unusual designs, the checker is advised to discuss

additional requirements with the design unit leader. Also, the checking
process described is not meant to apply to the check or review functions
required for Mn/DOT review of consultant plans (see Section 1.3.2.) or
for construction false work reviews. (See the Bridge Construction

Three types of design checking will apply:

1) An independent analysis of the completed design.
2) A check of original design computations for mathematical accuracy,
application of code, and accepted engineering practice.
3) A review of drafted details for constructibility and accepted
engineering practice.

Generally, an independent analysis to confirm the adequacy of the

complete design is preferred. Significant differences should be discussed
and resolved before the plan is certified. The separate set of calculations
should be included with the design file as a record of the completed
design check.

When circumstances prevent a complete independent analysis, as a

minimum, an independent analysis shall be completed for the following:
1) Live and dead loads
2) Critical beam lines
3) A pier cap

4) A pier footing
5) Main reinforcement for high abutments
6) An abutment footing

However, for the elements not independently analyzed, the original

computations should be checked for mathematical accuracy of original
design computations, applications of code, and accepted engineering
practice. Checked computations should be initialed by the checker, and
the independent analysis should be included in the design file.

When doing a separate analysis, the checker may make simplifying

assumptions to streamline the checking process. However, when major
differences are found, results must be discussed and resolved with the
designer. For instance, for normal piers, piling might be analyzed for
dead and live loads only if lateral loads appear to have been reasonably
applied in the original computations or the AISC Beam Diagram and
Formula Tables may be used to approximate pier cap moment and

Whether the check is a completely independent analysis or a minimal

analysis combined with a computations check, some details, such as the
reinforcing details in a wall corner, also require review by the checker.
Often referencing old bridge plans with similar details allows the checker
to compare the current design to details that have performed well in the

1.3.2 Checking of Consultant prepared bridge plans are created by private engineering
Consultant firms through contracts with the Department. The finished plans are
Prepared Bridge complete to the extent that they can be used for construction.
Since these plans receive final approval of the State Bridge Engineer,
there must be assurance that the plans are geometrically accurate and
buildable; structural design is adequate and design codes have been
correctly applied; proper direction is given to the construction contractor;
and all construction costs are accounted for. Plan errors may cause
costly construction delays or safety may be compromised by an
inadequate design.

To keep consultant plan reviews consistent and timely, a procedure was

developed as a guide that assigns priority to specific items in the plans.
The overall review includes a Thorough Check and Cursory Review of
various items. The distinction between Thorough Check and Cursory
Review is as follows:

Thorough Check refers to performing complete mathematical

computations in order to identify discrepancies in the plans, or
conducting careful comparisons of known data and standards of the
Project with values given in the plan.

Cursory Review refers to a comparative analysis for agreement with

standard practice and consistency with similar structures, all with
application of engineering judgment. Mathematical analysis is not
required, but may be deemed necessary to identify the extent of a

The review procedure is listed on the CONSULTANT BRIDGE PLAN

REVIEW form following this section. Headings on this list are defined as

PARTIAL PLAN: In order to assure that the consultant is proceeding in

the right direction, an early submittal of the plan is required. This
submittal usually consists of the General Plan and Elevation sheet
showing the overall geometry of the structure and the proposed beam
type and spacing; the Bridge Layout Sheet; the Framing Plan sheet; and
the Bridge Survey sheets. Errors and inconsistencies found in this phase
can be corrected before the entire plan is completed. For example, a
framing plan, including the proposed beams, must be assured as
workable on the partial plan before the consultant gets deep into the
design of the remainder of the bridge.

FINAL PLAN: A final plan should be complete in all areas to the extent
that it can be certified by the designer, although a certification signature
is not required for this phase.

THOROUGH CHECK: Items indicated for checking on the consultants

partial plan must be correct. Given geometry must fit the roadway
layout. Most of this information can be checked using data from the
approved preliminary plan. Approval of the partial plan will indicate that
Mn/DOT is satisfied with the geometry and proposed structure, and the
consultant may proceed with further development of the plan. For the
final plan, obvious drafting and numerical errors should be marked to
point out the errors to the consultant, however, the reviewer should not
provide corrections to errors in the consultants numerical computations.

Checking on the final plan should be thorough to eliminate possible errors

that may occur, such as the pay items in the Schedule of Quantities.
Plan notes and pay items can be difficult for a consultant to anticipate
because of frequent changes by Mn/DOT. Pay items must be correct

because these are carried throughout the entire accounting system for
the Project. Plan (P) quantities must also be correctly indicated.

CURSORY REVIEW: Normally, a cursory review would not require

numerical calculations. This type of review can be conducted by reading
and observing the contents of the plan in order to assure the
completeness of the work. The reviewer should be observant to
recognize what looks right and what doesnt look right. Obvious errors or
inconsistencies on any parts of the plan should be marked for correction.

Although structural design is usually the major focus of any plan, most
consultants are well versed in design procedures and should need only
minimal assistance from our office. A comparison of the consultants
calculations with the plan details should be performed to assure that the
plans reflect their design and that the applicable codes are followed. An
independent design by our office is time consuming and is not
recommended unless there is a reasonable doubt as to the adequacy of
the consultants design.

NO REVIEW: A thorough review of these items would be time-consuming

and may not produce corrections that are vital to construction; therefore,
it is recommended that little or no time be spent on the listed items.
Numerous errors can occur in the Bills of Reinforcement and quantity
values. However, checking this information is also time-consuming,
hence the burden of providing correct data should be placed on the


Br. No. ________ RTE ____ DATE: PARTIAL PLAN REC'D. _____ DATE FINAL PLAN REC'D. ______
DESIGN GROUP _______________________ CONSULTANT ______________________________
No. OF SHEETS IN PLAN ______ DESCRIBE COMPLEXITY_________________________________
Horizontal and vertical clearances Pay items and plan quantities
Stations and elevations on survey line Project numbers
Deck and seat elevations at working points Design data block & Rating on GP&E sheet
Deck cross-section dimensions Job number
Working line location and data Certification block
Coordinates at working points and key stations Standard plan notes
Substructure locations by station Concrete mix numbers
Framing Plan Construction joint locations
Conformance to preliminary plan Prestressed beam design if inadequate design is suspected
Design loads Bridge seat elevations at working points
Utilities on bridge
Existing major utilities near bridge
Steel beam splice locations and diaphragm spacing; flange
plate thickness increments (enough to save 800+ # of
Abutment and Pier design to be checked against
consultants calculations
Conformance to foundation recommendations.
Pile loads and earth pressures. Check against consultants
CURSORY REVIEW Rebar series increments (min. 3")
Proposed precast beams [per 5-393.509(2)] Interior beam seat elevations
Precast conformance to industry standards Bottom-of-footing elevations (for adequate cover)
Proposed steel beam sections Railing lengths and metal post spacing (check for fit)
Use of B-details and standard plan sheets
Conformance to aesthetic requirements
Notes General, construction, reference, etc.
Quantity items on tabulations
Precast beam design (Check against consultants
Diagonals on Layout sheet
Figures in Bills of Reinforcement
Bar shapes and dimensions
Rebar placement dimensions
Bar marks on details against listed bars
Quantity values (including total of tabulations)

1.3.3 Schedule for To meet the Departments schedule requirements for construction
Processing lettings, the following schedule for processing bridge plans, special
Construction provisions and estimates must be followed. This schedule applies to all
Lettings projects: Federal Aid, State Funds and Maintenance. In general,
processing of bridge plans, special provisions and estimates for lettings
shall be given priority over all other work, and every effort must be made
to complete the processing in advance of the times shown, which are

Deadline Time Before Letting Date

Schedule and Remarks
Federal Project State Project

Bridge plans complete to the extent that 14 Weeks 12 Weeks

processing can be completed on schedule. (Friday) (Friday)

Preliminary bridge pay items and quantities

13 Weeks 11 Weeks
for estimate (to Estimating Unit Design
(Friday) (Friday)

Bridge plan and special provisions review 13 Weeks 11 Weeks

complete (by Bridge Construction Unit) (Friday) (Friday)

Bridge special provisions complete, other

information or material for inclusion in
12 Weeks 10 Weeks
Roadway Special Provisions complete (to
(Friday) (Friday)
Special Provisions & Final Processing Unit
Design Services)

Bridge plans complete, approved and dated 12 Weeks 10 Weeks

(to Office Management Unit) (Friday) (Friday)

Final bridge pay items and quantities for

12 Weeks 10 Weeks
estimate (to estimating Unit Design
(Friday) (Friday)

Final computer runs for bridge estimate during 9th week during 8th week

Office copy and final bridge plans (Bridge

81/2 weeks 7 weeks
plans to Special & Final Processing Unit
(Tuesday) (Friday)
Design Services for submittal to FHWA)

7 weeks
Federal Project to FHWA 71/2 weeks (Tuesday)

6 weeks
Preliminary advertisement 61/2 weeks (Tuesday)
Final advertisement 5 /2 weeks (Tuesday) 5 weeks (Friday)

Sale of plans and proposals 5 weeks (Friday) 5 weeks (Friday)

Last date for mailing letter addendums by

10 days 10 days
Special Provisions & Final Processing Unit
(Wednesday) (Wednesday)
Design Services

1.3.4 Bridge Completing a bridge design project for contract letting is a multiple step
Project Tracking process that involves input from a variety of work units and personnel.
System Projects are tracked by Mn/DOT using the Program and Project
Management System (PPMS). Within PPMS, projects are divided into
activities and the activities are further divided into work tasks. For
example, Activity 1260 is Preliminary Structure Plans and Work Task 2
of Activity 1260 is Draft Preliminary Bridge Plan. Progress of the work
tasks on active bridge projects is updated monthly.

Following are tables that list work tasks for the major bridge activities
within PPMS. Table contains a listing of the PPMS work tasks for
Activity 1260, Preliminary Structure Plans. Tables and
contain listings of the PPMS work tasks for Activity 1270, Final Structure

For more information on activities and work tasks within PPMS, refer to
the PPMS Activity Manual located on the Mn/DOT internal web site at
http://ihub.ots/projdev/pmu/ppms/ .

PPMS Work Tasks for Mn/DOT or Consultant Prepared Preliminary
Bridge Plans (Activity 1260)
Percent of
Number Work Task Activity
Receive and review information (grades, alignment,
1 surveys, layout, Hydraulics report, Project Design 15%
Memo., Environmental report)
2 Draft Preliminary Bridge Plan 60%

3 Check Preliminary Bridge Plan 75%

4 Prepare Aesthetics Recommendation 80%

5 Receive and Plot Borings 85%

Receive Foundation Recommendations from
6 88%
Regional Bridge Construction Engineer
7 Obtain State Bridge Engineers Signature 90%
Distribute Signed Plans & Distribute responses on
8 91%
need for Signs, Lighting, TMC
9 Preliminary Estimate and District Letter 95%

10 Obtain FHWA Approval 99%

11 Turn over and meet with final Design 100%


PPMS Work Tasks for Mn/DOT Prepared Final
Bridge Plans (Activity 1270)
Percent of
Number Work Task Activity
Completed *
Receive Preliminary Bridge Plan, Final Repair
1 5%
Recommendation, or Special Structure Request
Receive District Design Information (Signal,
Lighting, Signing, TMS, etc.)
2 Receive Utility Information 10%

Receive Stage Construction Sheets

3 Establish Geometrics 20%

4 Conduct Analysis and Design, Including Check 45%

Draft and Check Plan Sheets

5 75%
Incorporate Standard Detail Sheets

6 Construction Unit Review 80%

7 Figure Quantities 85%

8 Send Informational Copies to FHWA and District 88%

9 Final Check of Plan Set by Unit Leader 90%

10 Frame Special Provisions 95%

11 Final Revisions and Check of Plan Set 99%

12 Obtain State Bridge Engineers Signature 100%

* May vary by job complexity.

PPMS Work Tasks for Consultant Prepared Final
Bridge Plans (Activity 1270)
Percent of
Number Work Task Activity

1 Consultant kick-off meeting 25%

2 Partial Plan Delivery and Review 45%

3 Final Plan Delivery and Review 85%

4 Submit for Signature 100%


A listing of the work type codes used in PPMS is given in Table

PPMS Bridge Work Type Codes
Work Type Description
01 New Bridge
1A New Bridge (Phase 1) (Early Steel or Stage Construction)
1B New Bridge (Phase 2)
02 Culvert
2X Culvert Extension
2B Concrete Arch
03 Temporary Bridge
04 Pedestrian Bridge
05 Renovation
06 Widen w/Substructure Work
6A Widen w/Substructure Work (Phase 1) (Early Steel or Stage
6B Widen with Substructure Work (Phase 2)
6T Temporary Widening
07 Widen without Substructure Work
08 Bridge Length/Short
09 Replace Deck
10 Deck Overlay
11 Replace Railing or Median Barrier
12 Bridge Painting
13 Substructure Repair
14 Remove Bridge
15 Miscellaneous
16 Raise Bridge
17 Replace Superstructure - No Preliminary Plan Req'd
18 Repair Railing or Median Barrier
19 Replace Joints
23 Widen without Substructure Work & Replace Deck
24 Widen without Substructure Work & Deck Overlay
25 Widen without Substructure Work, Deck Overlay & Paint
26 Widen without Substructure Work & Other Minor Work
27 Widen without Substructure Work & Paint
28 Replace Deck & Paint
29 Replace Deck & Other Minor Work
31 Deck Overlay & Replace Railing or Median Barrier
32 Deck Overlay, Replace Railing or Median Barrier & Paint
33 Deck Overlay & Other Minor Work

PPMS Bridge Work Type Codes (Continued)
Work Type Description

35 Deck Overlay & Paint

37 Replace Railing or Median Barrier & Paint
38 Replace Railing or Median Barrier & Other Minor Work
39 Paint & Other Minor Work
40 Repair Railing or Median Barrier & Replace Joints
41 Widen without Substructure Work, Replace Deck & Paint
42 Replace Railing or Median Barrier & Replace Joints
44 Deck Repair & Replace Joints
45 Deck Overlay & Repair Railing or Median Barrier
46 Deck Overlay, Repair Railing or Median Barrier & Replace Joints
47 Deck Repair - Rail Rehab
48 Minor Work (Deck Repair, Paint, & Repair Railing or Median Barrier)
49 Deck Overlay, Paint & Repair Railing or Median Barrier
50 Retaining Wall
51 Parking Garage
52 Repair Concrete Arch
54 Riprap
58 Paint & Replace Joints
60 Widen with Substructure Work & Replace Deck
61 Widen with Substructure Work & Deck Overlay
62 Widen with Substructure Work, Deck Overlay & Paint
63 Widen with Substructure Work & Paint
64 Widen with Substructure Work, Replace Deck & Paint
66 Widen with Substructure Work & Replace Superstructure
68 Widen with Substructure Work & Replace Railing or Median Barrier
69 Miscellaneous Major
71 Deck Overlay & Replace Joints
91 Probably Bridge
92 Probably Culvert
98 Bridge Scoping
99 Bridge Study

1.3.5 Approval
Process for FOR
(Includes B-Details and Standards)

Request For New Standards

Or Revising Existing Standards

Bridge Standards Unit

Modific ation Yes
To Existing


Solic it/Rec eive Com ments

Input from:
R & D Comm. Consultants
SSRC Comm Industry
Other Bridge Offic e Engr./Staff Cities/Counties
Other Mn/DOT Personnel FHWA

New Standard Created,

Existing Standards Revised
Show New

Review By SSRC

Review By R & D

Modific ations


Revision Yes
Affec t Others
Outside Of Bridge
Offic e?


Standard Signed By Yellow

State Bridge Engineer Routing
Proc ess

Transmittal Mem o
To Manual Users

Publish On Web Site


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