Arvind Patwardhan-CARPET AREA PDF
Arvind Patwardhan-CARPET AREA PDF
Arvind Patwardhan-CARPET AREA PDF
Various litigations have aroused due to unclear definition as there are different
guidelines issued by concerned departments of Government and other bodies.
In simple words,
Carpet area is the total area of a carpet spread on the floor of the premises
extending from one wall to another.
Carpet area shall mean the floor area of the usable rooms at any floor level.
Residential Buildings
The rentable area shall be carpet area as worked out in `5’ but shall further
include the following:
At First PLINTH AREA of the building shall be worked out as per `4’ of IS
5.1 From the plinth area as worked out in 4, the area of the wall shall be
deducted ( see also 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.2 ). Thickness of wall shall be
inclusive of finishes.
5.2 The carpet area shall be the area worked out as in 5.1 excluding the area
of the following portion:
a) Verandah;
b) Corridor and passage;
c) Entrance hall and porch;
d) Staircase and stair-cover ( mumty )
e) Shaft and machine room for lift;
f) Bathroom and lavatory;
g) Kitchen and pantry;
h) Store;
1.3 As per IS CODE, working of Carpet Area of Flat is too clumsy as,
1) First you have to arrive at Plinth Area of the Building As per `4’ of IS CODE.
2) Second Step Measurement of Carpet as per `5’ narrated above.
d) Pillar projection exceeding 300 cm2 in area shall be deducted from Carpet
area of premises.
e) Chullah platform projecting beyond the face of the wall shall not be
excluded from carpet area of room..
f) Lofts above toilets, kitchen and other habitable rooms shall be excluded.
The carpet area is measured by its length and breadth from plastered wall to
plastered wall. All structural projections like columns that form niches and
offsets in measurable area are included in the measurable area. Toilets and
bathroom areas with tiled cladding shall have length and breadth measured
from tile surface to tile surface.
22. “Carpet Area” - The covered area of the usable rooms of a dwelling unit / at
any floor (excluding the area of the walls).
(k) "carpet area" means the net usable floor area of an apartment, excluding the
area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive
balcony or verandah area and exclusive open terrace area, but includes the
area covered by the internal partition walls of the apartment
For the purpose of this clause, the expression "exclusive balcony or
Verandah area" means the area of the balcony or verandah, as the case
may be, which is appurtenant to the net usable floor area of an apartment,
meant for the exclusive use of the allottee; and "exclusive open terrace area"
means the area of open terrace which is appurtenant to the net usable floor
area of an apartment, meant for the exclusive use of allotttee.
5.0 Carpet area is often hidden by builders and developers to disguise the true
value of an apartment. Carpet area is one of the best metrics to evaluate the
real value of a building as it provides the actual usable area.
If we want to put it in a simplistic form, Carpet area is the total area of a carpet
spread on the floor of the house extending from one wall to another. This
metrics cannot be manipulated by builders and hence are often hidden on
brochures and advertisements.
6.0 As per Stamp Duty Ready Reckoner & Market Value of Properties published by
Government of Maharashtra Rates for Stamp Duty are on Built-up Area / which is 1.2 times of Carpet Area.
ISI CODE is required to be modified and its language should be clear cut and
Simplified which a consumer can understand.