Folder Flexya Ita Pag Affiancate

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of flexibility The simple heart

t e c h n o lo g i cal v i s i o n o f c o lla b o r at i v e r e s ea r c h : a v e r s at i le , FLEXYA wa s born of the ex p e r i e n c e and i n n ovat i v e

pa t i e n t s . With F L E X YA , simplicity and au to m at i o n c o m p le t e and a u t o m at e d instrument designed for chronic
optimised and i n t e g r at e d in a s i n g le therapeutic system. are applied to the widest p o s s i b le range of t r eat m e n t s

Flexya for nephrologists Flexya for patients

Clinical medicine requires suitable tools The patient takes centre stage

Innovative treatments

simply simply
Effective therapy
T he widest therapeutic choice P
 ersonalised treatments

flexible flexible
S imple delivery of complex treatments S
 afety based on innovation
M aximum flexibility in adapting to all needs
are the bedrock of a monitor capable of providing
summarise the support this monitor offers all every patient with the appropriate treatment.

flexible flexible

Flexya for the environment Flexya for dialysis operators

The environment demands attention The daily challenge of operation requirements

C ompact and reduced blood lines C omplete and advanced automation

T otal elimination of priming, infusion and L eading-edge control system technology
reinfusion bags
T reatment time optimisation
E limination of hard-shell containers for
powdered bicarbonate
are the tools that make the difference for those that

ADV. DEPT - 12.12 IBSPR5001 REV. 02

C oncentrated powder disinfectant
need to operate every day.
drastically reduce disposables waste.

of ou r t i m e : T h e c h al l e ng e
e fficacy and efficiency Bellco S.r.l.
to g o be yo nd m anag e m e nt
Via Camurana, 1
m a n ag e m e n t o f a l l t h e t r e at m e n t p h a s e s 41037 Mirandola (MO) Italy I n t e g r at e d TO GO and au to m at i c
Tel: +39 0535 29111
ATTENT I O N TO PAT I ENTS . Servi c e Fax: +39 0535 25501 a l l o w s t h e s t a f f t o d e d i c a t e MA X I MUM
[email protected]
be c o m e a c o n c r e t e p o s s i b i l i t y. o p t i m i s a t io n and cost REDUCT I O NS

Beyond therapeutic standards Beyond functional Beyond well-being

The h i sto ry o f Bellco i n many ways iden t ifies with the his tory of dialys i s : standards standards for dialysis
c o n sta n t c o m m it m e n t a nd passion at the service of C olla b orative R es e a r c h and The dialysis monitor must also satisfy the most stringent A dialysis treatment can be considered a therapy if it improves
C l i n i ca l M e d i c i n e to offer therapeu tic solu tions sui ted to the ever g r ow i n g operating requirements, the daily challenge of pressing delivery tolerability and the well-being of patients: in short, if
n u m be r o f e l d e r ly a n d c ri tical patien ts : patien ts who require appr opriate t r e atm e nt . dialysis shifts, tight timetables for each operation and complex it improves quality of life. Given the great diversity of patients
treatments. Being complete, automated and intuitive, FLEXYA the monitoring and biofeedback systems, both based on
O n ly a n e x t e n s i v e r a n g e of solu tions can make this o b jective achieva b l e . can overcome these challenges whilst paying maximum biochemical signals and the clinical status of patients during
attention to patients. the session, make it possible to recognise potentially critical
Flexya i s p r e c i s e ly t h at : a moni tor wit h the wides t range of treatmen t m o da l it i e s , events and to prevent or minimise intra-dialysis complications.
e n s u r i n g e ac h pat i e nt r e ceives exclusive atten tion . COMPLETE
Innovative treatments Bellco has been working in this field for a long time and through
Maximum availability of hemodialysis therapies collaboration with universities and leading clinical centres, has
Monitoring and biofeedback systems developed instruments which revolutionise the approach to
MODEL OF DIALYSIS In particular, flexya integrates the evolution of two exclusive
AUTOMATED systems which help prevent and mitigate hypotension events
Integrated and multifunctional cassette lines during dialysis.
Auto-recognition of the single use extracorporeal
HFR integrates selective clearance and total circulation device
biocompatibility for patients suffering from Autodiagnostic test of the single use circuit
more serious malnutrition and inflammatory
Complete availability of online liquids for priming, infusion,
boluses and reinfusion AEQUILIBRIUM
SUPRA exploits the exclusive architecture of
Total self-management of all the preparation phases This biofeedback system, when used in conjunction with
HFR to push forward the frontiers of traditional
Complete automatic control of infusion and profile flows HFR in the prevention of hydro-electrolytic imbalances and
purification and open up to treatment areas,
many of which have yet to be explored. INTUITIVE hypotension, has proven effective in daily therapeutic use. The
Large and adjustable touch screen latest iteration features a dynamic adjustment of the systems
Mid-Dilution combines pre- and post-dilution
in an intelligent way in order to push wide- Synoptic and immediate operator interface mathematical model according to patient characteristics.
spectrum purification to a maximum. Flexible management manoeuvre sequence The measurement of plasmatic natremia using ionic dialysance,
PHF applies a further disposable ultrafiltration Bicarbonate in a handy dedicated bag lastly, extends the application of the system beyond HFR.
barrier to the online infusion fluid for a safety Integrated concentrated powder disinfectant
level never seen before. Service-oriented architecture
Online HDF is by now universally considered SOGLIA
the golden standard. Careful selection of the

Beyond technological
Dynamic analysis of the partial oxygen saturation during
dialysers, concentrates and every treatment
detail, and the possibility to choose from Pre, sessions has led to the surprising identification of a signal
Post, Pre+Post (SN, DN) makes this standard
special. standards predicting possible hypotension events.
This non-invasive monitoring, available on all Flexya
Online HF Pre, Post, Pre+Post (SN, DN) to make Superior performance of a monitor is the product of treatment modalities, allows hemodynamic instability to be
all the advantages of convection available. experience, know-how, research and technological reported well in advance.
BD (SN, DN) flexibly adapts to less critical investments. The reliability and clinical practicality of this monitoring system
requirements without neglecting any detail. Flexya incorporates smart, leading-edge solutions, is a significant innovation in daily dialysis practice.
making it truly innovative and exclusive.

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