BDM 2021

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Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Introduction

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
Preface ................................................................................................................. 1
Organization of the Manual .................................................................................. 2
Revising the Manual ............................................................................................. 3

Note: Revisions for May 2021 are marked with yellow highlight. Deleted text is not marked; past editions of
the BDM are available for comparison at



The Bridge Design Manual (BDM) provides a reference for those involved in preparing ODOT bridge design
deliverables. The purpose of the manual is to:

• Document design standards and detailing practices (Section 1).

• Provide guidance in selective design, and bridge type selection and geometric layout (Section

• Provide guidance in bridge design and quality processes, and items to coordinate with other
disciplines (Section 3).

An effort has been made to make the Bridge Design Manual informative, comprehensive, and accurate. It is
a guide to acceptable ODOT practices. The manual should be used in the design of State Highway bridges.
Use on other bridges in the State of Oregon should only be as noted in this manual, or as directed by the
bridge owner.

The manual is not a legal document. There is no substitute for sound engineering judgment.

Bridge Design Manual users are encouraged to submit comments, corrections, and proposals for new or
revised materials.

Any comments or questions about the Bridge Design Manual should be directed to:

Bridge Design Standards Engineer

Oregon Department of Transportation
Technical Services – Bridge Engineering Section
4040 Fairview Industrial Drive S.E., MS #4
Salem, OR 97302-1142
(503) 986-4200
[email protected]

May 21 i-1
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Introduction

For more information on the organization and format of the manual, see the BDM Format Guide.

The Bridge Design Manual is divided into three main sections:

• Section 1: Design Standards and Detailing Practices

• Section 2: Design Guidance, Type Selection and Layout

• Section 3: Processes

The acronym “BDM” and a number refers to a section, subsection, etc., of this Manual unless another
reference is specifically called out. So, you will see BDM 2.1, BDM, etc.

The acronym “BCM” and a number refers to a section of the Bridge CAD Manual.

The acronym “LRFD” and a number refers to a section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

The acronym “SP” and a number refers to a section of the ODOT Construction Specifications.

Except for the “Introduction”, each Section has:

• Main body of text

• Appendix

The page numbers of the Section’s text are prefixed with the Section number. Thus, for Section 2, the page
numbers are 2-1, 2-2, etc.

The Table of Contents is linked to the Section’s text for Sections 1, 2 and 3. The “Bookmark” navigation
function is active in all Sections. Also, the “Search” and “Find” functions enable fairly rapid location of

For the sake of brevity or in order to use a familiar term in place of an unfamiliar “official” version, some
editorial liberties have been taken when referring to organizational names or titles:

Manual Official
Bridge Section or Bridge HQ Bridge Engineering Section
Roadway Section Roadway Engineering Section
Traffic Section Traffic Management Section
Region Tech Center Regional Technical Centers

May 21 i-2
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Introduction

Only the Bridge Design Standards Engineer, Bridge Standards

Technical Specialists, or the State Bridge Engineer (or his/her
designee) are to circulate communications concerning matters of or
revisions to design practices.

(1) Put It in Writing - Research and develop a written proposal using three general subject headings:

• Problem Statement

• Proposal

• Analysis / Research / and Other Supporting Data

A template letter is shown at the end of this Section. An electronic version of this template can be found on
the BDM webpage at

Complete your written proposal and submit directly to the Bridge Design Standards and Practices Engineer
at the address or email shown in the Preface.

(2) Review and Approval - After reviewing a written proposal for completeness, the Design Standards
Engineer will:

• Acknowledge receipt of the proposal and provide an initial assessment response:

o Accepted for consideration as submitted
o Accepted for consideration as noted
o Proposal tabled, see Remarks
o Proposal not accepted, see Remarks

• For accepted proposals, post the proposal on the BDM webpage and Projectwise Folder for
review and comment.

After the review period, responses to comments will be prepared. The Standards Engineer will see that one
of the following is done:

• Proposals with resolved comments will be included in the BDM.

• Proposals without resolved comments will be tabled (and possibly reconsidered at a future
update should the proposer so elect).

Proposals will be forwarded to the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) for review, comments and
approval. Any FHWA comments on a proposal will be reviewed and given a final approval.

(3) Implementation of Approved Revision - After a proposal has final approval, the Standards Engineer will
include it in the Manual update on the Bridge Engineering web page. Revised or added text will be
highlighted in yellow. If a revision is urgent, it may be distributed immediately in a Technical Bulletin and
incorporated into the BDM later.

May 21 i-3
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Introduction


M A N U A L Bridge Engineering Section

Office Phone: (503) 986-4200
R E V I S I O N R E Q U E S T Fax Number: (503) 986-3407

DATE: Month XX, 20XX

TO: Rebecca Burrow

Bridge Design Standards Engineer

FROM: [Name] Phone#: xxx-xxx-xxxx

[Position Title]

SUBJECT: Proposed Revision to Bridge Design Manual

RE: BDM Section x.x.x.x –

P roblem Statem ent:

P roposal:

Modify/Add Section x.x.x.x as follows:

May 21 i-4
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Introduction

Analysis / R esearch / Other Supporting Data:


Bridge Engineering Section R esponse:

Accepted for consideration as submitted Accepted for consideration as noted
Proposal tabled, see Remarks Proposal not accepted, see Remarks

[Name of Author] Date

[Title of Engineer Author]

[Name of Reviewer] Date

Bridge Design Standards Reviewer

Cc: file

May 21 i-5




Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Table of Contents
1.1 Section 1 – I ntroduction ................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Bridge Design, General .................................................................................................. 8
1.2.1 Bridge Design Standards........................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Bridge Design Deviations (DD) and Roadway Design Exceptions (DE) ............................. 10
1.2.3 Bridge Design Categories ........................................................................................................ 12
1.2.4 Bridge Design Procedures ....................................................................................................... 15
1.3 Loads and Distributions ............................................................................................... 16
1.3.1 Dead Loads ............................................................................................................................... 16
1.3.2 Live Loads ................................................................................................................................ 17
1.3.3 Sidewalk Loading .................................................................................................................... 22
1.3.4 Vehicular Collision Forces: CT .............................................................................................. 24
1.3.5 Change in Foundations Due to Limit State for Scour .......................................................... 27
1.3.6 Thermal Forces ........................................................................................................................ 27
1.3.7 Wind Load................................................................................................................................ 27
1.4 Structural Analysis ....................................................................................................... 28
1.4.1 Ductility, Redundancy and Operational Importance (LRFD 1.3.3, 1.3.4 & 1.3.5) ............ 28
1.4.2 Shear Correction Factor for Skewed Girders ....................................................................... 28
1.5 Concrete....................................................................................................................... 29
1.5.1 Concrete, General .................................................................................................................... 29
1.5.2 Concrete Finish ........................................................................................................................ 30
1.5.3 Concrete Bonding Agents ....................................................................................................... 32
1.5.4 Curing Concrete ...................................................................................................................... 32
1.5.5 Reinforcement .......................................................................................................................... 33
1.5.6 Precast Prestressed Concrete Elements ................................................................................. 52
1.5.7 Cast-In-Place Superstructure ................................................................................................. 64
1.5.8 Post-Tensioned Structures ...................................................................................................... 69
1.5.9 Camber Diagrams ................................................................................................................... 77
1.5.10 Pour Schedules .................................................................................................................... 79
1.6 Steel Structure Design and Detailing .......................................................................... 83
1.6.1 Structural Steel, General ........................................................................................................ 83
1.6.2 Structural Steel, Design............................................................................................................ 86
1.6.3 Welding................................................................................................................................... 113

May 21 1-1
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
1.6.4 Galvanizing and Painting...................................................................................................... 118
1.6.5 Bolts and Connections ........................................................................................................... 122
1.7 Alum inum ................................................................................................................... 124
1.7.1 Aluminum............................................................................................................................... 124
1.8 Tim ber Bridge Design and Detailing .......................................................................... 125
1.8.1 Timber Bridge Locations ...................................................................................................... 125
1.8.2 Timber Design and Details.................................................................................................... 125
1.8.3 Timber Connections .............................................................................................................. 126
1.8.4 Timber Rails........................................................................................................................... 126
1.8.5 Preservative Treatments ....................................................................................................... 126
1.8.6 Field Installation .................................................................................................................... 126
1.9 Decks ......................................................................................................................... 127
1.9.1 Design and Detailing.............................................................................................................. 127
1.9.2 Deck Screeding....................................................................................................................... 139
1.9.3 Deck Construction Joints ...................................................................................................... 140
1.9.4 Deck Overlays ........................................................................................................................ 141
1.10 Foundation Considerations ........................................................................................ 152
1.10.1 Foundations, General ........................................................................................................ 152
1.10.2 Lateral Earth Restraint .................................................................................................... 153
1.10.3 Underwater Construction ................................................................................................. 154
1.10.4 Foundation Modeling (Foundation Springs) .................................................................. 155
1.10.5 Foundation Design ............................................................................................................ 172
1.11 Substructures ............................................................................................................ 192
1.11.1 Retaining Structures, General ......................................................................................... 192
1.11.2 End Bents ........................................................................................................................... 192
1.11.3 Interior Bents..................................................................................................................... 210
1.12 Buried Structures ....................................................................................................... 224
1.12.1 Culvert Design, General ................................................................................................... 224
1.12.2 Tunnels (structural elements) .......................................................................................... 224
1.13 Rails, I m pact Attenuators and P rotective Screening ................................................ 225
1.13.1 Bridge Rail, General ......................................................................................................... 225
1.13.2 ODOT Standard Vehicular Railings ............................................................................... 227
1.13.3 Bicycles and Pedestrians ................................................................................................... 229
1.13.4 Joints in Concrete Bridge Rail ......................................................................................... 230

May 21 1-2
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
1.13.5 Bridge Modernization Projects ........................................................................................ 231
1.13.6 Bridge Retrofit Projects .................................................................................................... 233
1.13.7 Bridge Preservation Projects............................................................................................ 236
1.13.8 Bridge Rail Transitions..................................................................................................... 237
1.13.9 Rails over Low Fill Culverts............................................................................................. 238
1.13.10 Temporary Barriers .......................................................................................................... 238
1.13.11 Protective Screening or Protective Fencing .................................................................... 240
1.13.12 Impact Attenuators ........................................................................................................... 247
1.14 Bearings and Ex pansion Joints .................................................................................. 248
1.14.1 Bearings.............................................................................................................................. 248
1.14.2 Expansion Joints................................................................................................................ 256
1.15 Soundw alls ................................................................................................................ 263
1.15.1 Soundwalls, General ......................................................................................................... 263
1.15.2 Soundwalls mounted on Bridges ...................................................................................... 263
1.16 ADA Com pliance for Bridge W ork .............................................................................. 264
1.16.1 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance for Bridge Projects ................................ 264
1.16.2 General Guidance.............................................................................................................. 264
1.16.3 Work Activity Triggers..................................................................................................... 265
1.16.4 Design Considerations ...................................................................................................... 269
1.17 Seism ic Design ........................................................................................................... 271
1.17.1 Design Philosophy ............................................................................................................. 271
1.17.2 Applications of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications .................................... 272
1.17.3 Applications of AASHTO Guide Specs for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design .................. 282
1.17.4 Liquefaction Evaluation and Mitigation Procedures ..................................................... 288
1.17.5 Costs ................................................................................................................................... 290
1.17.6 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................. 291
1.17.7 Dynamic Isolators.............................................................................................................. 291
1.17.8 Seismic Restrainer Design (New Designs and Retrofits)................................................ 292
1.18 FRP Com posites ......................................................................................................... 297
1.18.1 FRP Composites ................................................................................................................ 297
1.19 (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 298
1.20 Concrete Anchors ....................................................................................................... 299
1.20.1 Anchor Bolts / Rods .......................................................................................................... 299
1.20.2 Post-Installed Anchors ...................................................................................................... 300

May 21 1-3
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
1.21 Structural W ire Rope (Cables) and Turnbuck les ....................................................... 306
1.21.1 Structural Wire Rope (Cables) and Turnbuckles, General........................................... 306
1.21.2 General Notes for Structural Wire Rope, Turnbuckles and Connections ................... 307
1.21.3 Special Provisions for Wire Rope .................................................................................... 308
1.21.4 Special Provisions for Turnbuckles and Socket Connections ....................................... 309
1.21.5 Design Properties .............................................................................................................. 309
1.22 (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 310
1.23 Bridge Approach Slabs and Slope P aving .................................................................. 311
1.23.1 Bridge Approach Slabs and Supports ............................................................................. 311
1.23.2 Skewed Bridge Approach Slabs ....................................................................................... 313
1.23.3 Slope Paving and Railroad Slope Protection .................................................................. 314
1.24 Bridge Drainage ......................................................................................................... 315
1.24.1 General, Bridge Drainage ................................................................................................. 315
1.24.2 Standard Design/Drawing/Details ................................................................................... 315
1.24.3 Selection Guidance ............................................................................................................ 315
1.24.4 Design Code Guidance ...................................................................................................... 316
1.24.5 Design Guidance & Lessons Learned .............................................................................. 316
1.24.6 Detailing ............................................................................................................................. 317
1.24.7 Construction ...................................................................................................................... 319
1.25 Utilities ...................................................................................................................... 320
1.25.1 General Requirements ...................................................................................................... 320
1.25.2 Design and Detailing Guidelines ...................................................................................... 322
1.25.3 Providing for Utility Installations .................................................................................... 323
1.25.4 Special Utility Considerations .......................................................................................... 323
1.25.5 Attachments to Existing Bridges ...................................................................................... 324
1.25.6 Utility Costs and Agreements ........................................................................................... 325
1.26 Corrosion P rotection .................................................................................................. 326
1.26.1 Marine Environment ........................................................................................................ 326
1.26.2 Marine Environment Protection ...................................................................................... 326
1.26.3 Deck and Approach Slabs Reinforcement Protection.................................................... 327
1.26.4 Waterproofing Membranes .............................................................................................. 329
1.26.5 Protection for Steel Piling ................................................................................................. 330
1.27 On-Bridge Sign & I llum ination M ounts ..................................................................... 333
1.27.1 Traffic Structures Mounted on Bridges, General .......................................................... 333

May 21 1-4
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
1.27.2 On-Bridge Sign Mounts .................................................................................................... 333
1.27.3 On-Bridge Illumination Mounts ...................................................................................... 334
1.28 Truss and M onotube Cantilever Sign Bridges ............................................................ 335
1.28.1 Truss and Monotube Cantilever Sign Bridges, General ................................................ 335
1.29 Bridge Raising ............................................................................................................ 336
1.29.1 Bridge Raising, General.................................................................................................... 336
1.29.2 Bridge Raising Using Falsework ...................................................................................... 336
1.29.3 Bridge Raising Using Chip-in Method ............................................................................ 336
1.30 Strengthening of Bridges ........................................................................................... 338
1.30.1 Strengthening of Bridges, General .................................................................................. 338
1.30.2 Strengthening Methods and Details................................................................................. 339
1.30.3 Existing Rebar and Concrete Cover Investigation......................................................... 342
1.30.4 Epoxy Injection.................................................................................................................. 343
1.31 (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 344
1.32 P reservation and Repair ............................................................................................ 345
1.32.1 Preservation and Repair ................................................................................................... 345
1.33 Bridge P aint ............................................................................................................... 346
1.33.1 Bridge Paint ....................................................................................................................... 346
1.34 (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 347
1.35 Covered B ridges ......................................................................................................... 348
1.35.1 Covered Bridges ................................................................................................................ 348
1.36 M oveable Bridges ...................................................................................................... 349
1.36.1 Moveable Bridges .............................................................................................................. 349
1.37 (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 350
1.38 Bridge Tem porary W ork s ........................................................................................... 351
1.38.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 351
1.38.2 Diversion Bridges .............................................................................................................. 352
1.38.3 Agency Provided Diversion Bridge .................................................................................. 353
1.38.4 Falsework ........................................................................................................................... 354
1.38.5 Shoring ............................................................................................................................... 361
1.38.6 Cofferdams......................................................................................................................... 361
AP P ENDI X – SECTI ON 1 – Glossary ...................................................................................... 369
AP P ENDI X – SECTI ON 1 – Abbreviations (I nitialism s and Acronym s) ................................. 390
AP P ENDI X – Section 1.2 – AASHTO/ BDM Cross-Reference.................................................. 401
AP P ENDI X – Section 1.11 – Substructures ........................................................................... 407

May 21 1-5
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
AP P ENDI X – Section – Resin Anchor design ........................................................... 415

May 21 1-6
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Note: Revisions for spring 2021 are marked with yellow highlight. Deleted text is not marked; past editions
of the BDM are available on the Bridge Engineering Section website for comparison.

1.1 Section 1 – Introduction

BDM Section 1 contains standards and practices pertinent to highway bridges and structures design.

See BDM Section 2 for design guidance pertinent to highway bridges and structures design.

See BDM Section 3 for standards and practices pertinent to design procedures and quality processes for
completing highway bridge and structure design.

See Bridge CAD Manual (BCM) for standards and practices pertinent to detailing of highway bridges and

May 21 1-7
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.2 Bridge Design, General

1.2.1 Bridge Design Standards

1.2.2 Bridge Design Deviations

1.2.3 Bridge Design Deliverables

1.2.4 Bridge Design Procedures Standard Specifications and Standard Drawing Manuals

• LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (9th Edition, 2020) published by the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

• AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (2nd Edition, 2011 with 2012, 2014 and
2015 interims).

• AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for Accelerated Bridge Construction (1st Edition, 2018).

• LRFD Guide Specifications for the Design of Pedestrian Bridges (2nd Edition, December 2009 with 2015
interims) published by AASHTO.

• Manual for Railway Engineering of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way
Association (AREMA) as modified by the individual requirements of each railroad company.

• Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction, published by ODOT and pertinent special provisions
(for all construction except bridges carrying railways).

• Oregon Standard Drawings, published by Oregon Department of Transportation, Standards Engineer.

The International Building Code (IBC) as adopted by Oregon does not apply to structures within a public
right of way, such as bridges, culverts, retaining walls, traffic structures, signals, sound walls, or railings.
Ref: Oregon Structural Specialty Code, Section 101.2.1 General. Use of Oregon Standard Drawing and Standard Details

The Standard Drawings and Standard Details prepared by ODOT have been developed through a long
history of collaboration with Oregon contractors and fabricators. Consider impacts to both when making

Oregon Standard Drawings are to be used without significant change, as determined by the drawing
Engineer of Record. Where a significant change to a standard drawing is needed, submit a design
deviation request to the State Bridge Engineer. Where an equivalent ODOT Standard Drawing or
accompanying design detail exists, do not use Standard Drawings or design details from another state or
agency without approval of a design deviation from the State Bridge Engineer.

May 21 1-8
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

The Standard Details do not include the seal of the Technical Owner. The Designer or the Engineer of
Record (EOR) is responsible for sealing the contract plans with the Standard Details, and the design
calculations which is specific to the project where the Standard Details are used.

May 21 1-9
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Since the bridge design field is an art that is constantly changing, it is understood that designers will
occasionally want to use innovative details or methods that may differ substantially from those contained in
this manual and on the standard drawings. Designers having experience in other states may also want to
introduce details and methods which have worked well in those states. In addition, context-sensitive design
requires the exercise of engineering judgement and sometimes leads to details or methods that satisfy the
intent of this manual or the standard drawings, but do not meet the “letter” of these documents.

Submit a request for a Design Deviation according to the process below before replacing an
established drawing or method from this manual. This may include design methods or details
established in other states, presented in research reports, or developed by designers. Engineers are
encouraged to exercise good engineering judgment, which may result in innovative solutions, including new
materials or techniques. Design Deviations allow the opportunity for these ideas to be documented and
shared, potentially resulting in revisions to standard practice in the BDM.

In cases where a Standard Drawing or BDM design requirement is not applicable to the project
circumstances and must be modified, a Design Deviation is necessary. This commonly occurs to meet a
project goal, incorporate new technology or to meet a technical requirement e.g. significant modification
to accommodate project geometry; ADA requirements; any modified attachments; existing elements;
Local Agency standards; or aesthetics. Modifications made in these instances cannot be based on
preference or economy. They must be justified by structure geometry, configuration, constructability, and
intended purpose. In other words, use a Standard Drawing if it satisfies the need. When modifying a
Standard Drawing, comply with appropriate design specifications (LRFD, BDM, etc.) to the fullest extent

Modifications to Standard Drawings on repair and rehabilitation projects do not require Design Deviations,
except on bridge rail drawings or when new design techniques or materials are used. This is due to the
often unique needs and project specific circumstances on rehab and repair projects. These projects
must still comply with LRFD and BDM design requirements or a design deviation is necessary. The
Bridge Reviewer should devote extra attention to modified drawings and raise concerns to the Standard
Drawing owner when appropriate.

Some elements of bridge work may require a Roadway Design Exception (refer to ODOT Highway
Design Manual Chapter 14 for more about Roadway Design Exceptions). All Design Exceptions related
to bridge rail must be signed by the State Bridge Engineer prior to approval by the State Roadway
Engineer. In addition, when Design Exceptions involve structural work, such as sidewalk widening, the
State Bridge Engineer is also expected to concur. A Design Deviation is not required for project elements
where a Design Exception is submitted. If it is unclear whether a Deviation or Exception is required,
contact the relevant technical resource as early in the design process as possible.

When the State Bridge Engineer needs to provide concurrence on a Roadway Design Exception, modify
the Roadway Design Exception Process as follows:
1. Complete the Roadway Design Exception Form. It will likely be necessary to get information
from both Roadway and Traffic designers to complete the form. Contact the ODOT Design
Exception Mailbox ([email protected]) to get a control number.
2. Add a “Concurred By” signature line for the State Bridge Engineer between the “ODOT
Region Tech Center Manager or Region Roadway Manager” line and the “State Roadway
Engineer” line.
3. Send a link to the draft Design Exception to the relevant Bridge Technical Resource and all
necessary Region resources, for review prior to signing.

May 21 1-10
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
4. After addressing comments, save the Design Exception as a PDF, create the necessary
signature fields, and sign the file.
5. Submit a link to the file for Region signatures according to the appropriate Region process.
6. After Region signatures are complete, the Design Exception should be submitted to the
ODOT Design Exception Mailbox for final processing. Depending on the Region, this step
may be the responsibility of the Designer.
7. The form will be sent to Bridge Section for the State Bridge Engineer’s signature as part of
final processing.
8. The submitter will be notified once signing of the Design Exception is complete.

(1) Design Deviations – Prior to submitting a design deviation request, it is prudent to contact the BDM
technical specialist for guidance. They can discern when a design deviation is necessary; an e-mail
inquiry about the proposed modification suffices for confirmation on whether a formal design deviation is
necessary or not.

A design deviation form is available on the ODOT Bridge Engineering website. In the request, include a
brief description of the project, an explanation of the issues, what is being proposed, a justification for the
proposed deviation, and any supporting documents. The request may be submitted by e-mail. Send
deviation requests to both:

Ray Mabey, State Bridge Engineer, [email protected],

Ray Bottenberg, Interim State Bridge Engineer, [email protected]
Rebecca Burrow, Bridge Standards and Practices Engineer, [email protected]

The request will be distributed to and evaluated by the BDM technical specialists. The State Bridge
Engineer makes the final decision to accept or reject a request for design deviation. A response to each
request will be returned by e-mail within 10 business days.

(2) Technical Bulletins – From time to time, technical issues arise between scheduled BDM updates which
require urgent distribution of guidance to the design community. These are handled by Technical Bulletins.
Check the ODOT Bridge Engineering web page for status of Technical Bulletins.

May 21 1-11
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Bridge Design Categories, General

Bridge design categories determine the design criteria and requirements for projects on bridges.
These categories include: Modernization, Retrofit, Preservation, or Maintenance.
For projects involving multiple bridges, determine the category per bridge. Bridge Program will
complete an initial categorization at desk scoping, when possible. Validate the categorization
during field scoping. For projects initiating outside Bridge Program, establish the bridge design
category at field scoping. Contact the Bridge Design Manual Standards Engineer with questions
regarding the bridge design category. Document the identified category in the Bridge Design
Criteria. When project needs change after scoping, contact the Program Manager according to
BDM 3.9.5 prior to changing the design category for any bridge.
These categories operate independently from the roadway design standards identified in the
Highway Design Manual A project involving bridges will have both a roadway design
standard and at least one bridge design category. For projects initiating outside of Bridge
Program, the bridge design category may be based on the work required by the roadway design
standard; however the bridge design category must still be determined.
The design requirements governed by these categories include:
• The level of alternatives analysis required and type of documentation, i.e.:
o Bridge TS&L Report.
o Bridge Strategy Memo.
o Bridge Design Criteria and Standards Assessment (DCSA).
• The extent of bridge rail work.
• The level of seismic retrofit.
• The amount of Bridge Section review required.
Roadway design standards and other agreements govern work outside of the bridge footprint,
including approach slabs, drainage features and bridge rail transitions.

May 21 1-12
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Bridge Modernization

The bridge modernization design category applies to the following project types:
• New bridge construction.
• Bridge replacement.
• New bridge deck or superstructure.
• Phase 2 seismic retrofit projects.
• Bridge widening requiring the addition of one or more girder lines.
On bridge modernization work, use full current bridge design standards for the entire bridge,
except where practical design opportunities or innovations are available. In these cases, document
all variations from bridge standards in Design Deviations or Exceptions, as described in BDM
1.2.2. Per BDM 3.9.5, submit a Bridge TS&L Report for all bridge modernization category work. Bridge Retrofit

The bridge retrofit design category includes any work that upgrades the functional
characteristics of a bridge, including load-carrying capacity, except that covered by
modernization. A bridge retrofit project can include multiple work elements. Potential work
elements include:
• Bridge strengthening.
• Structural overlays.
• Overhang or sidewalk widening.
• Bridge raising.
• Bridge rail replacement.
When evaluating projects that include bridge retrofit work during the scoping and Project
Initiation phases, consider the bridge holistically. Consider what other related elements of the
bridge should also be updated. As an example, retrofitting a bridge rail may be appropriate
during a structural overlay, or a strengthening may also include phase 1 seismic retrofit. Clearly
document modifications to scope from this process in the project documents (Scoping Notes,
Project Charter, CMR or DCSA, depending on project phase) and solicit Program Manager
approval prior to proceeding.
Identify required Design Deviations and Design Exceptions in the DCSA. Use a Bridge Strategy
Memo, according to BDM 3.9.6, to communicate these decisions to the project team. Bridge Preservation

The bridge preservation design category applies to work that does not change the functional
characteristics of a bridge, including load-carrying capacity. Relevant work includes:
• Bridge coating.
• Joint repairs and replacements.
• Protective screening.
• Phase 1 seismic retrofit.

May 21 1-13
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Deck overlays (that do not trigger updating the load rating per ODOT LRFR 1.7).
The following qualify as bridge preservation, unless other work on the bridge requires another
• Bridge rail height modifications using BR285 or similar.
• Strengthening required to carry temporary construction loads, i.e. containment.
This category of work does not require Design Deviations. Instead, use the DCSA to document
project decisions, such as overlay type, and as documentation of communication with the
relevant technical experts. Use the DAP Narrative to communicate all bridge work with the
project team, without requiring a Bridge TS&L Report or Bridge Strategy Memo.
When using innovative methods on bridge preservation projects, submit a BDM Revision
Request form so the method can be evaluated and possibly adopted into the BDM. Thoroughly
describe the method and how it applied to the project(s) on which the innovation was used. Bridge Maintenance

The bridge maintenance category includes those projects, of any scale, that are funded
exclusively with Major Bridge Maintenance (MBM) funds or other similar sources of state
funding. Design these projects according to the Bridge Maintenance Design Manual and
coordinate with the Bridge Maintenance Engineer and the District Bridge Supervisor.

May 21 1-14
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

See BDM 3 for the following information:

• Design Software

• Overview of Design Procedures

• Roles & Responsibilities

• Quality

• QPL / Research

• Preliminary Design / TS&L

• Final Design / PS&E

• Advertisement & Award

• Construction Support

• Other Discipline Coordination

May 21 1-15
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.3 Loads and Distributions

1.3.1 Dead Loads

1.3.2 Live Loads

1.3.3 Sidewalk Loading

1.3.4 Vehicular Collision Force: CT

1.3.5 Change in Foundations Due to Limit State for Scour

1.3.6 Thermal Forces

1.3.7 Wind Load

General – Knowledge of the capacity of each bridge to carry loads is critical prior to increasing dead load
or any change to section properties of main load carrying members. A Load Rating that reflects the
current condition of each bridge is a valuable tool that is used to identify the need for load posting or
bridge strengthening. Review the latest load rating or conduct load rating for feasibility study of a project
at scoping stage.

When the load rating of the existing structure is available check the latest Bridge Inspection conditions’
rating report against condition rating used for load rating. Rating of a structure decreases with an
increase in dead load and may result in posting of the bridge. Contact the Bridge Program unit when you
need assistance in a load rating.

For all non-load-path-redundant steel truss bridges, the designer will verify that the stress levels in all
structural elements, including gusset plates, remain within applicable requirements whenever planned
modifications or operational changes may increase stresses.

(1) Box Girder Deck Forms - Where deck forms are not required to be removed, include an allowance of 10
psf for form dead load.

(2) Shortening - Dead load should include the elastic effects of stressing (pre or post-tensioned) after
losses. The long-term effects of shrinkage and creep on indeterminate reinforced concrete structures
may be ignored, on the assumption that forces produced by these processes will be relieved by the
same processes.

(3) Utilities - Where holes are provided for future utilities, estimate the dead load of such utilities as that for
a water-filled pipe of 2 inches smaller nominal diameter than that of the hole. For 12 inch holes, the
dead load may be assumed to be 90 plf.

May 21 1-16
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(4) Wearing Surface - Provide the following minimum present wearing surface (pws) and future wearing
surface (fws) allowances.

pws fws

All bridges with CIP concrete decks 0 40 psf

(3 inches)

PPC 12 psf 25 psf

(1 inch) (2 inches)

Side-by-side construction 0 psf 40 psf

(3 inches)

For side-by-side construction with PPC, provide additional pws allowance above the 12 psf as
needed to account for crown and superelevation buildup. The 3 inch minimum ACWS thickness is
intended to provide sufficient thickness such that future maintenance resurfacing can be performed
by removal and replacement of the upper 1.5 inches.

(1) New Vehicular Traffic Structures - Design by AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications using all of
the following loads:

Service and Strength I Limit States:

• HL-93: Design truck (or trucks per LRFD or the design tandems and the design lane

Strength II Limit State:

• ODOT OR-STP-5BW permit truck
• ODOT OR-STP-4E permit truck

Note: ODOT Permit Loads are shown in Figure 1.3.2A. In May 2006, ODOT Permit Load designations were
changed as follows:

OR-STP-5B changed to OR-STP-4D

OR-STP-5C changed to OR-STP-4E
OR-STP-5BW no change

Axle weights and axle spacing’s did not change, only the designations.

For single-span bridges with prismatic girders, Figures 1.3.2B to 1.3.2E are provided to help determine the
controlling permit truck for various span lengths.

May 21 1-17
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure 1.3.2A

May 21 1-18
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Live + Impact for Single-Span Prismatic Members

Moment @ Mid-Span - Strength Limit States




Moment (ft-kips)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

Span (ft)

Figure 1.3.2B

Live Load + Impact for Single-Span Prismatic Members

Moment @ Mid-Span - Strength Limit States



Moment (ft-kips)


160 200 240 280 320 360 400

Span (ft)

Figure 1.3.2C

May 21 1-19
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Live Load + Impact for Single-Span Prismatic Members
Maximum Shear - Strength Limit States


HL-93 STP-4D

Shear (kips)


30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

Span (ft)

Figure 1.3.2D

Live Load + Impact for Single-Span Prismatic Members

Maximum Shear - Strength Limit State




Shear (kips)


160 200 240 280 320 360 400

Span (ft)

Figure 1.3.2E

May 21 1-20
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(2) Pedestrian Structures – For bridges designed for only pedestrian and/or bicycle traffic, use a live load of
90 psf. If an Agency design vehicle is not specified, use AASHTO Standard H-5 or H-10 Truck loading
as shown in Figure 1.3.2F below to check the longitudinal beams. A vehicle impact allowance is not
required. For a pedestrian and/or bikeway bridge clear deck width less than 7’ do not consider the
maintenance truck. See also the AASHTO “LRFD Guide Specifications for the Design of Pedestrian

Clear deck width 7’ to 10’ 10,000 lb. (H5 Truck)

Clear deck width over 10’ 20,000 lb. (H10 Truck)

Figure 1.3.2F

(3) Widening of Vehicular Traffic Structures – When widening an existing structure, the widening will
generally be designed using the loading given in BDM 1.3.2(1). Designs using a lesser design live load
will require a design deviation from the State Bridge Engineer. Live loading will never be less than the
design live load for the existing structure.

(4) Structure Repair and/or Strengthening – When repairing or strengthening an existing structure it is not
necessary to meet the loading given in BDM 1.3.2(1). Design repair or strengthening projects for the
maximum load effect from the following permit trucks using the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications Strength II Limit State (see Figure 1.3.2A for vehicle descriptions and LRFD Table 3.4.1-1
for Load Factors):


May 21 1-21
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(5) Distribution Factors - New, Replacement, & Strengthening Bridge Designs: Use the live load distribution
factors and procedures provided in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to determine load
effects on bridge members. Higher level techniques such as finite element analysis or grillage analysis
will not be accepted as a basis for adjustment of AASHTO live load distribution factors in LRFD and for design of new bridges.

For complex bridges outside of the range of applicability of LRFD and Submit
design deviation according to BDM 1.2.2 and supported with the following information to use refined
method of analysis per LRFD 4.6.3:
• Name, version, and release date of design software used to perform refined method of
• Proposed table of live load distribution factors for controlling moment and shear at critical
locations in each span to aid in permit issuance and load rating of the bridge for all standard
load rating trucks listed in ODOT LRFR Manual Section 1.5 and report rating factors using
ODOT LRFR Section 11 Load Rating Summary Workbook (excel).
• Apply an addition 1.10 factor to the Strength I Load Combination obtained from the refined
method of analysis.
• Provide a comparison of the moment and shear (to be included in the calculation book) for an
equivalent single girder line with AASHTO Distribution Factors vs refined method of analysis
(with lower distribution factors and lower demands) for both the live load and dead load.

For single-span bridges with prismatic girders, Figures 1.3.2B to 1.3.2E are provided to help
determine the controlling permit truck for various span lengths.

For repair and/or strengthening of prestressed concrete structures, ensure the requirements of
Service I and III Limit States are satisfied using HL-93 loading.

See BDM 1.30 for additional criteria for strengthening bridges.

Bridge Load Ratings: Use live load distribution factors provided in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications to make the initial analysis. However, if the load rating is not acceptable, a higher level
technique such as finite element analysis or grillage analysis may be considered. Using a higher level
technique is acceptable for load rating because we are analyzing the loading conditions on an
existing bridge and trying to avoid needlessly spending money to strengthen a bridge or post a bridge
that may not need it.
See the ODOT Load Rating Manual for further guidance.

For sidewalks not separated from traffic by a structural rail, account for the potential for a truck to mount the
sidewalk. Design the sidewalk for the greater of:

• 0.075 ksf pedestrian loads considered simultaneously with the vehicular load in the adjacent lane as
stated in BDM of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Per LRFD, impact does not
apply to pedestrian loads.

• The LRFD design truck placed with a line of wheels 2.0 feet from the face of rail. Do not apply a lane
load with the design truck, but do include impact. Consider this load only under the Strength I limit
state. Do not consider trucks or vehicle loads in adjacent lanes. Do apply the multiple-presence factor
(m) for this case.

May 21 1-22
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
In addition to the above cases, ensure the supporting member (exterior girder) is adequate for HL-93
loading when the sidewalk is removed and an approved barrier type (BR290 or BR208) is placed at the
edge of deck per BDM 1.13.5.

May 21 1-23
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Modify LRFD 3.6.5 as follows:

Where the design choice is to redirect or absorb the collision load, use pier systems with three or more
columns and protection shall consist of a minimum 42 inch high MASH crash tested rigid TL-5 barrier with
standard pin anchorage to subgrade. Use minimum column sizes as follows:

a. For barriers 0-3.25 feet clear distance from the face of the pier component to the traffic face of the
barrier, use a minimum 48” circular (or equivalent square) column with 1-1/8 % minimum longitudinal steel
reinforcement and #4 spiral reinforcement with 4 inch pitch.

b. For barriers 3.25 feet or greater clear distance from the face of the pier component to the traffic face of
the barrier, use a minimum 36” circular (or equivalent square) column with 1-1/8 % minimum longitudinal
reinforcement and #4 spiral reinforcement with 4 inch pitch.

Earth Mounds are no longer an acceptable method of column protection. At this time, however, existing
earth mounds do not need to be removed.


The standard detail for barrier protection of a structure (column, wall, traffic support pole, or other structure) places
the curb face of the barrier 4’-0” minimum from the face of the structure. This detail dates back at least as far as the
mid 1990’s. The 4 feet dimension is intended to allow room for “rollover” when a truck impacts the barrier. It should
be noted that barrier impacts can create a rollover scenario that exceeds 4 feet. Therefore, offsets exceeding 4 feet
should be considered when it can be provided without impacting roadway width standards. AASHTO 9th Edition has
updated this spacing to 3.25 feet to match current research.

If 4 feet or more offset can be provided, the proposed barrier placement detail will meet standards and no special
consultation with the roadway designer is necessary. It should be understood that such a detail may pose some risk of
structure impact, even if small.

Where the 4 feet offset cannot be achieved, consultation with the roadway designer is needed to confirm what offset can
be provided. It should be noted that any offset less than 4 feet results in additional risk for catastrophic impact of the
structure being protected. Therefore, consideration of reducing roadway shoulder width should be considered. The
result should be to find an acceptable balance between roadway risk (due to inadequate shoulder width) and structure
risk (of impact to the structure being protected).

When evaluating the roadway and structure risk, the following factors should be taken into account:
• Alignment of the roadway – straight vs. curved, inside of curve vs. outside of curve
• Length of roadway width reduction (example, single sign support vs. long retaining wall)
• Ability of the structure to absorb a hit (single column vs. wall abutment)
• Traffic volume – Higher traffic volume means higher risk of an incident
• Consequences of structure failure

When offset must be minimized, a detail with 3 inch offset from the back of pinned barrier to the face of the structure is
provided. Understand that use of this detail includes accepting significant risk! The 3 inch minimum offset is intended
to minimize the amount of horizontal impact load that would be transferred from the impacted barrier to the structure
being protected. The void between the back of the barrier is typically filled with pea gravel. Note that 3 inch concrete
surfacing is often provided at the top of barrier for aesthetic purposes. This surfacing is expected to disintegrate upon
impact and so would not be expected to transit unacceptable forces to the structure being protected.

May 21 1-24
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
In cases where reduction of the offset width provides an unacceptable risk against rollover, the barrier can be
transitioned from a safety shape to vertical. Vertical barrier will reduce vehicle rollover and in some cases can
provide an installation with an acceptable level of risk.

Intrusions zones for TL3 and TL4 barrier per Guidelines for Attachments to Bridge Rails and Median Barriers
Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF); University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, 2003 are shown below.

May 21 1-25
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

May 21 1-26
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

In lieu of LRFD bullet two and LRFD 3.7.5, apply the Extreme Limit States in accordance with
LRFD 3.4.1 and only include the anticipated scour depth due to channel degradation in Extreme Event I
Limit State. Note LRFD bullet one still apply. Obtain estimates of channel degradation from the
Hydraulic Designer.

Use the following temperature ranges:

Metal Structures Concrete Structures

Section I Mild Climate +100 F. to +1100 F. +220 F. to +720 F.
Section II Moderate Climate -100 F. to +1200 F. +120 F. to +820 F.
Section III Rigorous Climate -300 F. to +1200 F. 00 F. to +820 F.

Section I designates that portion of the state west of the Coast Range, Section II the valley region between
the Coast Range and Cascade Mountains, and Section III the Cascade Mountains and all of eastern
Oregon. For structures in the Columbia River Gorge, use Section III.

Figure the rise and fall in temperature from an assumed temperature at time of erection. The annual mean
temperature for Sections I and II is 52 degree F. and for Section III is 47 degree F.

Determine wind load according to LRFD 3.8.1. Determine the design 3-second gust wind speed used in the
determination of design wind loads on bridges and walls from the figure shown in standard drawing TM672
LRFD Ultimate Design Wind Speed Map. The wind velocity map is adapted from AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications and uses the wind speed maps shown in the 2014 Oregon Structural Code to
account for locations in the State with special wind regions.

May 21 1-27
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.4 Structural Analysis

1.4.1 Ductility, Redundancy and Operational Importance

1.4.2 Shear Correction Factor for Skewed Girders

LRFD 1 provides three adjustment factors; ηD for ductility, ηR for redundancy and ηI for operational
importance. Apply the ductility and redundancy factors per LRFD without change. Submit a deviation to the
State Bridge Engineer before using a redundancy factor < 1.0. For the operational importance factor,
consider all bridges as “typical” (ηI = 1.0).

Apply a live load shear correction factor according to LRFD Table to the critical shear section
near the support for longitudinal beam (girder) members that are on skewed bents. Vary the correction
factor along the length of the girder linearly from full value at the critical shear section to zero at midspan.

The shear correction factor is intended to protect against increased loading at obtuse corners. Therefore,
the additional shear capacity is really only needed at the obtuse corners. However, for simplicity of
construction it is recommended that the both obtuse and acute girder ends be detailed the same.

May 21 1-28
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.5 Concrete
1.5.1 Concrete, General

1.5.2 Concrete Finish

1.5.3 Concrete Bonding Agents

1.5.4 Curing Concrete

1.5.5 Reinforcement

1.5.6 Precast Prestressed Concrete Elements

1.5.7 Cast-In-Place Superstructure

1.5.8 Post-Tensioned Structures

1.5.9 Camber Diagrams

1.5.10 Pour Schedules

Designate the concrete class by the minimum compressive strength at 28 days followed by the maximum
aggregate size (e.g., Class 4000 – 3/4). Unless otherwise specified, Class 3300 – 1-1/2, 1 or 3/4 is called
for by the Standard Specifications. The maximum ultimate strength on which allowable stresses are based
is 5000 psi, except for prestressed concrete. Use High Performance Concrete (HPC) in all cast-in-place
concrete decks and approach slabs, with the exception of pedestrian bridge decks. Pedestrian bridge
decks do not require HPC unless they are at a location using significant amounts of deicing chemicals.

Classes of Concrete
(For design and to be shown on plans)

HPC4500 – 1-1/2 All poured decks [except Box Girder decks that require greater strength
and Pedestrian Bridge decks]

Note: This concrete strength works well with both Grade 80 and Grade
60 rebar and therefore would facilitate use of Grade 80 rebar, but still
allow Contractors to consider Grade 60 rebar without the need to
change to a different concrete mix. The use of more coarse aggregate is
to achieve more durable decks.

HPC4500 – 1-1/2 Approach Slabs

4000 – 3/8 Drilled Shafts

XXXX – 3/4 Prestressed members [Does not include poured deck on prestressed
members, see above]

May 21 1-29
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
XXXX – 1/2 or 3/8 Post-tensioned box girder bottom slab and stem walls

XXXX – 3/4 Compression Members

3300 – 1-1/2, 1, or 3/4 All other concrete

Use internally cured concrete for bridge deck when shrinkage cracking is a concern. Internal curing (IC) is a
practical way of supplying additional curing water throughout the concrete mixture. This water can improve
the hydration of cement, reduce autogenous shrinkage, and improve durability. Use of IC with lightweight
fine aggregate for concrete is allowed to mitigate cracking due to shrinkage in bridge decks.

ODOT implemented internally cured concrete on a few projects in recent years. Due to its fairly new
application, contact ODOT Bridge Engineering Section and Structure Services prior to selecting internal
curing. Internally cured concrete utilizes lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA) according to ASTM C1761.
The availability of lightweight fine aggregates (expanded clay or shale) depends on the local suppliers.

By replacing normal weight fine aggregate with lightweight fine aggregate for IC, the unit weight of the
concrete is lighter. For concrete having an equilibrium density less than 0.135 kcf, the concrete can be
considered lightweight concrete. When using lightweight concrete, adjust reinforcement development
length for lightweight concrete per LRFD SP02001 is required when internally cured concrete is
specified. Curing time before subsequent loading may be shortened.

Concrete finishes are defined in SP 00540.53 of the Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction. The
usual finishes are General Surface Finish and Class 1 Surface Finish. Occasionally, Class 2 Surface Finish
is used as mentioned in the following paragraph.

Generally, concrete finishes are selected as follows:

• For bridges whose superstructure and substructure can be viewed by the public, such as grade
separations and river crossings in or near populated areas, exposed surfaces receive a Class 1
Surface Finish. In special situations of high visibility to traffic or people, use of a Class 2 Surface
Finish may be considered. Normally, it is limited to the concrete rail sides facing the
roadway/bikeway and the tops.

• For bridges not viewed by large segments of the public, such as stream crossings in sparsely
populated areas, exposed surfaces, except portions of the concrete bridge rail, receive a General
Surface Finish. The concrete rail sides facing the roadway/bikeway and tops receive a Class 1
Surface Finish.

Review your selected surface finish with your Design Team.

Pedestrian concrete bridge decks do not require Deck Roadway Texturing with saw cutting according to SP
00540.50(c). Instead apply a Deck Sidewalk Finish according to SP 00540.50(d).

Do not use color additives in concrete mixes. Provide color to concrete only by coating with either concrete
stain or concrete paint products from the QPL.

Include details similar to Figures 1.5.2A, 1.5.2B, or 1.5.2C for all contract plans:

May 21 1-30
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure 1.5.2A

Figure 1.5.2B

May 21 1-31
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure 1.5.2C

Bonding agents are used to help new concrete adhere to existing concrete. To obtain better bond with
agents the existing surface must be clean, dry and at proper temperature. The surfaces must also be well
exposed to facilitate brush application of the bonding agent. Two principal bonding agents are in use today:

• Epoxy - These agents provide the best bond when properly applied. However, they are highly volatile
and if the agent is allowed to dry before placement of the new concrete, a bond breaker may be formed.
For this reason restrict the use of epoxy agents to critical situations where control can be guaranteed.

• Concrete - These agents have longer pot life and improved bond. They may be applied with greater
lead time, but have the same application requirements as epoxy agents.

At normal construction joints, a bonding agent is not generally needed. Mating surfaces prepared to the
specifications are considered sufficient to provide acceptable bond and shear transfer through the
roughened surface and rebar holding a tight joint.

SP 00540.51 in the standard specifications require cast-in-place concrete to be cured with water. Design all
structures assuming concrete is cured using the ODOT standard. Acting as EOR, assure that alternate
curing methods are not allowed without prior approval of the ODOT Structure Materials Engineer.

May 21 1-32
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Bridge Decks must also be cured with water. Although ODOT does use curing compounds for some
pavement and sidewalk applications, curing compounds are not be allowed on bridge decks. ODOT
experimented with curing compounds in the early 1990’s. The results were not consistent from batch to
batch. Also, more recent experiments with curing compounds revealed that cylinders cured with a curing
compound achieved only 80 percent compressive strength compared to water cured cylinders.
The ODOT water cure requirement also applies to bridge columns, abutments and retaining walls. Since it
is difficult to keep vertical surfaces saturated during the cure period, vertical forms must often be left in place
for the entire cure period. Contractors will often request to use a curing compound so that forms can be
stripped sooner and production increased. However, due to the negative impacts of curing compounds,
their use is rarely permitted.

For applications that receive a coating, use of curing compounds can inhibit adherence of the coating.
Generally, curing compounds must be removed by sandblasting before subsequent coatings can be
applied. Removal of a curing compound would be even more problematic on textured surfaces.

In summary, do not use curing compounds. Exceptions require approval from the ODOT Structure
Materials Engineer, but do not require a design deviation from Bridge Section. Reinforcement, General

Make sure there is enough room for bars to fit and to place concrete. Be sure steel can be placed and
supported. Show bolster bars on reinforcement details when needed. Standard Bar Chart

Bar # Nominal Dia. (in) Area (in2) Weight (lb/ft)

3 0.375 0.11 0.376
4 0.500 0.20 0.668
5 0.625 0.31 1.043
6 0.750 0.44 1.502
7 0.875 0.60 2.044
8 1.000 0.79 2.670
9 1.128 1.00 3.400
10 1.270 1.27 4.303
11 1.410 1.56 5.313
14 1.693 2.25 7.650
18 2.257 4.00 13.60


May 21 1-33
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Minimum Bar Covering

Provide a minimum 2 inch covering measured from the surface of the concrete to the face of any
uncoated or coated reinforcing bar except as follows:

Location: Cover (in)

Top of deck slab (main reinforcing)* 2.5

Bottom of deck slab* 1.5

Stirrups and ties in T-beams, bottom rebar of slab spans, and curbs and rails* 1.5

Stirrups in box girder stems with non-bundled ducts ** 2.5

Stirrup ties in box girder stems with non-bundled ducts ** 2

Bottom slab steel in box girders 1

All faces in precast members (slabs, box beams and girders) 1

Pier and column spirals, hoops or tie bars+ (increase to 4” if exposed to marine environment or 2.5
concrete is deposited in water)

Footing mats for dry land foundations (use 6” if ground water may be a construction problem) 3

Footing mats for stream crossing foundations 6

*Use 2 inches minimum cover for all surfaces exposed to the effects of a marine environment, BDM 1.26.
**For box girder stems with bundled ducts, provide 3 inches clearance to ducts and place stirrups directly
against ducts.
+Cover over supplementary crossties may be reduced by the diameter of the tie.


May 21 1-34
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Reinforcement for Shrinkage and Temperature

Provide reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses near exposed surfaces and in structural
mass concrete according to LRFD 5.10.8. Use an area of reinforcement per surface of at least 0.0008 times
the gross concrete area with a minimum of #4 at 18 inch centers. Space the reinforcement no farther apart
than three times the concrete thickness or a maximum of 18 inch centers.


(in) (in2/ft) (inches)
6 0.062 #4 @ 18
9 0.091 #4 @ 18
12 0.118 #4 @ 18
15 0.144 #4 @ 15
18 0.170 #4 @ 12
21 0.194 #4 @ 12 #5 @ 18
24 0.217 #4 @ 10 #5 @ 15
27 0.239 #4 @ 10 #5 @ 15
30 0.260 #5 @ 12 #6 @ 18
36 0.300 #5 @ 12 #6 @ 15
48 0.371 #5 @ 10 #6 @ 12 #7 @ 18
60 0.433 #6 @ 12 #7 @ 15


Since the amount of reinforcement is somewhat empirical, convenient spacing can be assumed as shown in
the above table. The table is intended for preliminary purposes only. It is based on a least width dimension
of 10 feet. Spacing of Shear Reinforcement

Where shear reinforcement is required and placed perpendicular to the axis of the member, spacing is not
to exceed 18 inches. Negative Moment Reinforcement

For cantilever crossbeams with wide bents, extend at least one-half of the negative reinforcement the full
length of the crossbeam.

May 21 1-35
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Minimum Bar Spacing

Bar # Nominal Dia.(db) 2.5 x db or 1.5”+db (1.5x1.5) + db (1.5x0.75)+ db

(in) (in) for 1.5” agg. for 0.75” agg.
(in) (in)
3 0.375 1-7/8 2-5/8 1-1/2
4 0.500 2 2-3/4 1-5/8
5 0.625 2-1/8 2-7/8 1-3/4
6 0.750 2-1/4 3 1-7/8
7 0.875 2-3/8 3-1/8 2
8 1.000 2-1/2 3-1/4 2-1/8
9 1.128 2-7/8 3-3/8 2-1/4
10 1.270 3-1/4 3-1/2 2-3/8
11 1.410 3-5/8 3-5/8 2-1/2
14 1.696 4-1/4 4 2-7/8
18 2.257 5-5/8 4-1/2 3-3/8
Figure *Modified Tension Development Length - GRADE 60 – Uncoated Deformed Bars

Provide details to achieve λrc = 0.4 reference to LRFD The following modified tension
development length is calculated using λrc, reinforcement confinement factor, equal to 0.4.

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 15.46 14.04 13.24 12.56 12.00
4 20.61 18.72 17.65 16.74 15.28
5 25.76 23.40 22.06 20.93 19.11
6 30.92 28.08 26.47 25.12 22.93
7 36.07 32.76 30.89 29.30 26.75
8 41.22 37.44 35.30 33.49 30.57
9 46.50 42.23 39.82 37.77 34.48
10 52.35 47.55 44.83 42.53 38.82
11 58.12 52.79 49.77 47.22 43.10
14 69.79 63.39 59.76 56.69 51.75
18 93.03 84.50 79.67 75.58 69.00
* Top bars are horizontal bars placed so that more than 12” of fresh concrete is cast below the

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
4 15.85 14.40 13.58 12.88 12.00
5 19.82 18.00 16.97 16.10 14.70
6 23.78 21.60 20.36 19.32 17.64
7 27.74 25.20 23.76 22.54 20.58
8 31.71 28.80 27.15 25.76 23.52
9 35.77 32.49 30.63 29.06 26.53
10 40.27 36.58 34.48 32.71 29.86
11 44.71 40.61 38.29 36.32 33.16
14 53.68 48.76 45.97 43.61 39.81
18 71.56 65.00 61.28 58.14 53.07
* Other horizontal bars.

May 21 1-36
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 *Modified Tension Development Length - GRADE 60 – Epoxy Coated Deformed Bars

Provide details to achieve λrc = 0.4 reference to LRFD The following modified tension
development length is calculated using λrc, reinforcement confinement factor, equal to 0.4.

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 20.21 18.36 17.31 16.42 14.99
4 26.95 24.48 23.08 21.90 19.99
5 33.69 30.60 28.85 27.37 24.98
6 40.43 36.72 34.62 32.84 29.98
7 47.17 42.84 40.39 38.32 34.98
8 53.90 48.96 46.16 43.79 39.98
9 60.80 55.23 52.07 49.40 45.09
10 68.46 62.18 58.62 55.61 50.77
11 76.00 69.03 65.09 61.75 56.37
14 91.26 82.89 78.15 74.14 67.68
18 121.66 110.50 104.18 98.84 90.23
* Top bars are horizontal bars placed so that more than 12” of fresh concrete is cast below the
* Cover less than 3db or clear spacing between bars less than 6db.

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 17.84 16.20 15.27 14.49 13.23
4 23.78 21.60 20.36 19.32 17.64
5 29.73 27.00 25.46 24.15 22.05
6 35.67 32.40 30.55 28.98 26.45
7 41.62 37.80 35.64 33.81 30.86
8 47.56 43.20 40.73 38.64 35.27
9 53.65 48.73 45.94 43.59 39.79
10 60.40 54.86 51.73 49.07 44.80
11 67.06 60.91 57.43 54.48 49.73
14 80.52 73.14 68.95 65.42 59.72
18 107.35 97.50 91.93 87.21 79.61
* Other horizontal bars.
* Cover less than 3db or clear spacing between bars less than 6db.

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 18.55 16.85 15.88 15.07 13.76
4 24.73 22.46 21.18 20.09 18.34
5 30.92 28.08 26.47 25.12 22.93
6 37.10 33.70 31.77 30.14 27.51
7 43.28 39.31 37.06 35.16 32.10
8 49.46 44.93 42.36 40.18 36.68
9 55.80 50.68 47.78 45.33 41.38
10 62.82 57.06 53.80 51.03 46.59
11 69.74 63.35 59.73 56.66 51.72
14 83.74 76.06 71.71 68.03 62.11
18 111.64 101.40 95.60 90.70 82.79
* Top bars are horizontal bars placed so that more than 12” of fresh concrete is cast below the
* Cover not less than 3db and clear spacing between bars not less than 6db.

May 21 1-37
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)
Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 14.27 12.96 12.22 12.00 12.00
4 19.02 17.28 16.29 15.46 14.11
5 23.78 21.60 20.36 19.32 17.64
6 28.54 25.92 24.44 23.18 21.16
7 33.29 30.24 28.51 27.05 24.69
8 38.05 34.56 32.58 30.91 28.22
9 42.92 38.98 36.75 34.87 31.83
10 48.32 43.89 41.38 39.26 35.84
11 53.65 48.73 45.94 43.59 39.79
14 64.42 58.51 55.16 52.33 47.77
18 85.88 78.00 73.54 69.77 63.69
* Other horizontal bars.
* Cover not less than 3db and clear spacing between bars not less than 6db. *Class B Tension Lap Splice (in) - GRADE 60 – Uncoated Deformed Bars

Provide details to achieve λrc = 0.4 reference to LRFD The following modified tension
development length is calculated using λrc, reinforcement confinement factor, equal to 0.4.

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 20.09 18.25 17.21 16.33 15.60
4 26.79 24.34 22.94 21.77 19.87
5 33.49 30.42 28.68 27.21 24.84
6 40.19 36.50 34.42 32.65 29.81
7 46.89 42.59 40.15 38.09 34.77
8 53.59 48.67 45.89 43.53 39.74
9 60.45 54.90 51.76 49.11 44.83
10 68.05 61.81 58.28 55.29 50.47
11 75.56 68.63 64.70 61.38 56.03
* Top bars are horizontal bars placed so that more than 12” of fresh concrete is cast below the

Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in) Ld (in)

Bar #
f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =4.5 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi f'c =6.0 ksi
3 15.46 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.60
4 20.61 18.72 17.65 16.74 15.60
5 25.76 23.40 22.06 20.93 19.11
6 30.92 28.08 26.47 25.12 22.93
7 36.07 32.76 30.89 29.30 26.75
8 41.22 37.44 35.30 33.49 30.57
9 46.50 42.23 39.82 37.77 34.48
10 52.35 47.55 44.83 42.53 38.82
11 58.12 52.79 49.77 47.22 43.10
* Other horizontal bars.

May 21 1-38
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Minimum Column Bar Lengths in Footings – GRADE 60 Bars & f'c = 3.3 ksi


May 21 1-39
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Welded Splices and Mechanical Connections

When field welding of reinforcing steel is anticipated, use ASTM A706 reinforcing steel. Welding of ASTM
A615, Grade 60 reinforcing steel is not permitted without prior approval from the ODOT Welding Engineer.

Welding of ASTM A706 for splices for column spiral reinforcing is permitted.

Use approved mechanical splices for #14 and #18 vertical column bars. Stagger splices as shown below, to
avoid adjacent bars being spliced in the same plane.


Show lap splices on structure plans with the option of approved mechanical splices available to the

Special cases such as steel in back walls of abutments of post-tensioned concrete bridges and splicing
reinforcement in existing structures may require the use of mechanical splices. *Lap Splices – GRADE 60


May 21 1-40
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Development of Flexural Reinforcement

The added length, "X", is to provide for unanticipated loading conditions or shifting of the moment diagram
due to shear cracking.

Figure Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement

For moderate exposure conditions, use γe = 1.0. For severe exposure conditions such as structures subject
to the effects of sea spray, deicing chemicals or other corrosive environments, use γe = 0.75. In decks, use
γe = 1.0. Bundled Bars

Tie bundled bars with No. 9, or heavier, wire at 4’-0” maximum centers. Use of bundled #14 or #18 bars
requires the approval of the Supervisor.

When bundled bars are used in columns, the minimum clear distance between bundles is 2.5 times the
diameter of the largest bar in a bundle.

It is preferred bundled bars not be used in bridge decks. If they are so used, increase the thickness of the
deck by the diameter of the bar throughout the length where bundling is used. Headed Reinforcement

Headed reinforcement can be used to reduce congestion or reduce development length over a standard
hook. Headed reinforcement will always require less development length compared to a standard hook.

Headed rebar is only available for ASTM A706 and ASTM A615 applications. It is not available for stainless
steel applications. The cost of headed rebar will generally exceed that of a standard hook. Therefore, only
use them where the benefit of reduced congestion and/or shorter development length is significant.

May 21 1-41
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Do not use headed reinforcement where their use will reduce concrete cover below the minimum required.
For this reason, it may be necessary to use standard hooked bars in the corners of a rebar cage that
otherwise contains headed bars.

Designate bars which require headed reinforcement on the plans. The SP 00530 boiler plate special
provision requires headed reinforcement to meet ASTM A970. It also requires headed reinforcement
products be selected from the ODOT QPL. Therefore, there is no reason to say anything other than
“headed bar” on the plans.

Heads may be square, rectangular, round or oval. Minimum head size for square and round heads are
provided below. Rectangular and oval head area must exceed 10 times the bar area.

Minimum Head Size for Headed Reinforcement

Bar Size Min. Width for Square Heads (in) Min. Diameter for Round Heads (in)
4 1-1/2 1.6
5 1-3/4 2.0
6 2-1/8 2.3
7 2-1/2 2.7
8 2-3/4 3.1
9 3-1/8 3.5
10 3-1/2 4.0
11 4 4.4
14 4-3/4 5.3


Headed reinforcement will not require project testing. Testing is required as part the QPL approval process.
Q/C testing by the manufacturer is also required by ASTM A970.

When proposed by a Contractor, headed reinforcement meeting the minimum head size requirement will
generally be acceptable as a direct replacement for standard hooks, except where the head will not allow
the required minimum concrete cover.

Use the following minimum development lengths for headed reinforcement.

Development Length for Headed Reinforcement, Fy = 60 ksi

Bar # f'c =3.3 ksi f'c =4.0 ksi f'c =5.0 ksi
4 6” 5” 5”
5 7” 6” 6”
6 8” 8” 7”
7 10” 9” 8”
8 1’-0” 10” 9”
9 1’-6” 1’-2” 10”
10 1’-10” 1’-6” 11”
11 2’-1” 1’-8” 1’-0”
14 3’-0” 2’-4” 1’-3”
* Note: Increase lengths for epoxy coated bars per LRFD


May 21 1-42
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Apply the modification factors and tie requirements in LRFD and LRFD to headed
reinforcement also.

Place adjacent headed bars at a minimum spacing of 6*db. Spacing less than 6*db can be used if heads
from adjacent bars are spaced longitudinally (along the length of the bar) a minimum of 8*db as shown in

When bundled bars are used, one bar in the bundle may be terminated using headed rebar. Terminate
other bars in the bundle using standard hooks as shown in Figure


Use of headed reinforcement can result in high concrete compressive stresses under the bar head.
Consider the load path for head compression loads and provide distribution steel perpendicular to a
headed bar to ensure satisfactory distribution of compressive stresses. The following articles may be
useful to understand the load distribution of headed bars:

• Strut-and-Tie Models for Headed Bar Development in C-C-T Nodes, Chun and Hong, ACI
Structural Journal, Vol. 106, No. 2, March-April 2009, pg. 123-130.

• Investigation of Dispersion of Compression in Bottle-Shaped Struts, Sahoo, Singh and Bhargava,

ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 106, No. 2, March-April 2009, pg. 178-186.

LRFD 5.11.3 allows for mechanical devices as anchorage. Headed rebar meeting or exceeding the size
required by ASTM A970 has been extensively tested. A summary of such testing can be found in Texas
Research Report 1855-1, “Anchorage Behavior of Headed Reinforcement Literature Review”, May 2002.

The minimum development lengths for headed reinforcement are based on the greater of:

• 50% of the equivalent hooked bar development length

• Calculations using a combination of head bearing capacity and bar development

May 21 1-43
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Development length calculations were based on concrete bearing capacity under the head plus additional
straight bar development length as required to fully develop the yield strength of the bar. The concrete
bearing capacity was taken from LRFD equation 5.7.5-2 and was adjusted using a resistance factor of 0.7
for bearing on concrete per LRFD Some of the proposed development lengths were increased
to provide reasonable transitions between different bar sizes.

ACI 318 allows headed reinforcement, but requires a development length equal to 75 percent of the
equivalent hooked bar development length. ODOT believes this is overly conservative for bridge

The following chart illustrates the difference between ODOT and ACI development length requirements.

Development Length for Headed Reinforcement, Fy = 60 ksi

f'c 3.3 ksi 4.0 ksi 5.0 ksi

#4 6" 7.8" 5" 7.1" 5" 6.4"
#5 4" 7" 9.8" 2" 6" 8.9" 0" 6" 8.0"
#6 8" 8" 11.8" 6" 8" 10.7" 3" 7" 9.6"
#7 10" 10" 13.7" 8" 9" 12.5" 4" 8" 11.2"
#8 12" 12" 15.7" 9" 10" 14.3" 3" 9" 12.7"
#9 18" 18" 17.7" 14" 14" 16.1" 7" 10" 14.4"
#10 22" 22" 19.9" 18" 18" 18.1" 9" 11" 16.2"
#11 25" 25" 22.1" 19" 20" 20.1" 7" 12" 18.0"
#14 36" 36" 26.6" 28" 28" 24.1" 12" 15" 21.6"

Development length controlled by 50 percent of equivalent hooked bar development length

Development length based on ODOT calculations, but less than ACI development length

Development length based on ODOT calculations and exceeds ACI development length

ACI development length = 75 percent equivalent hooked bar development length

Calc = Calculated development length from combination of head capacity and bar development


For concrete strengths above 5.0 ksi, the required minimum development length for headed
reinforcement can be calculated using 50 percent of the equivalent hooked bar development length.

May 21 1-44
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 High Strength Reinforcement

ASTM A706 Grade 80

ASTM A706 Grade 80 reinforcement is available on the market. The cost premium for A706 Grade 80
reinforcement is approximately 6-10% over Grade 60. Local steel mills (Cascade Steel Rolling Mills) are
producing #5, #8, and #11 bars on a regular cycle and stock these bars. Avoid specifying other bar sizes,
otherwise a minimum (combined size and length) of 50 tons is required. However, there can be some
flexibility for smaller quantities. Contact Cascade Steel Rolling Mill for requirements when high strength
rebar in non-standard rebar sizes is considered for a project with less than 50 tons.

When using A706 Grade 80 reinforcement, the design yield strength is 80 ksi. ASTM A706 reinforcement
is weldable. Welding would be needed when A706 Grade 80 reinforcement is used for confinement
hoops. The contractor needs to submit a PQR and WPS for approval as is typical for any rebar welding.

ASTM A1035 Grade 100

ASTM A1035 Grade 100 reinforcement has a design yield strength of 100 ksi. Proprietary products that
meet the requirements of ASTM A1035 specifications are sold under the brand names of ChromX 9100
(formerly known as MMFX2), ChromX 4100, and ChromX 2100. The main difference between the three
products is the chromium content; the higher the number, the greater chromium content.

The reduced chromium content results in lower cost, when high corrosion resistance is not required. The
products are not weldable. Currently, Cascade Steel produces ChromX 9100, ChromX 4100, and
ChromX 2100 with a cost premium of approximately 192%, 70% and 45% respectively. Cascade Steel
carries some inventory of #5, #8 and #11 bars. For non-stock items, a minimum (combined size and
length) of 50 tons is required. However, there can be some flexibility for smaller quantities. Contact
Cascade Steel for requirements when high strength rebar in non-stock rebar sizes is considered for a
project with less than 50 tons.

ASTM A615 Grade 100

Grade 100 reinforcement according to ASTM A615 requirements is available. The cost premium for A615
Grade 100 reinforcement is approximately 35% over Grade 60. Similar to other high strength
reinforcement products, even though there is a required minimum order of 50 tons for combined size and
length, there can be some flexibility for smaller quantities. Contact Cascade Steel for requirements when
high strength rebar is considered for a project with less than 50 tons.

The cost premiums shown in this article are preliminary and for rebar production only.

Application of High Strength Reinforcement

Do not use high strength reinforcement in members designed for plastic seismic performance (such as
bridge columns). Although A706 Grade 80 reinforcement has similar ductile properties compared to A706
Grade 60, testing of full-scale seismic models sufficient to satisfy AASHTO concerns has not yet been

For A1035 Grade 100, the stress-strain property is very different from A706. There is not a well-defined
yield plateau. More experimental testing is necessary before its full implementation in members designed
to form plastic hinges. The overstrength magnifier as defined for A706 in the Guide Specifications for
LRFD Seismic Bridge Design may not be appropriate. At this time, an overstrength magnifier of 1.4 is
recommended when high strength reinforcement is used in capacity-protected members.

May 21 1-45
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Use of high strength reinforcement is recommended in the following areas:

• Bridge decks – When high strength reinforcement is used in a bridge deck, use it for both
longitudinal and transverse bars. Refer to Figure 1.9.1C and Figure 1.9.1D for deck
reinforcement design charts.

• Drilled shafts – Use of high strength reinforcement reduces cost and congestion in drilled shafts
thereby making them more constructible. Drilled shafts are designed for elastic seismic
performance and so there would typically be no concern with the seismic performance.

• Crossbeams & End beams – Use of high strength reinforcement can reduce cost and congestion
in negative and positive moment areas of crossbeams and end beams. Normally these members
are capacity-protected; therefore they are designed to remain elastic during a seismic event.
High strength reinforcement can be used for temperature steel and stirrups as well.

Grade 80 bars are anticipated to be a better option for a replacement of Grade 60 bars due to lower cost
premium and shorter development length compared to Grade 100 bars. In addition, Grade 80 has stress-
strain behavior similar to Grade 60 with greater yield stress and ultimate strength.

Within the same member, do not mix different rebar grades of the same bar size. This policy is to avoid
any confusion that may occur during construction. It is acceptable to specify different rebar grades in the
same member, when the different grades of bar are also significantly different in bar size (at least two bar
sizes apart). For instance, longitudinal #8 bars in a crossbeam can be Grade 80 bars, whereas #5
stirrups and temperature bars can be Grade 60.

Figure illustrates rebar quantities in the previously mentioned members that are allowed to be
reinforced with high strength reinforcement. Note that the quantities shown in the figure will be different if
high strength reinforcement is used. A reduction of 10% - 30% in quantities can be anticipated when
Grade 60 rebar is replaced by Grade 80 reinforcement.

All bridges in Figure consist of precast prestressed concrete girders with a CIP deck. Most
spans are simple for dead load and made continuous for live load. The bridges include drilled shafts with
different lengths depending on the soil condition at the sites. Several bar sizes are grouped together
since these bars can be alternately used in the design to reduce a number of different bar sizes. It is
good practice to specify only a few and commonly available bar sizes in each member.

No. Deck Crossbeams* Drilled Shaft

Bridge Length Deck Area
Drilled Span Description (tons) (tons) (tons)
No. (ft) (ft2)
Shaft #4 - #6 #7 - #9 #4 - #7 #8 - #11 #5 - #6 #9 - #11
22008 968 44015 8 - 8ft 6 - 150ft + 1 - 50ft 106 45 54 51 43** 218**
deck girder spans
21576 249 31665 15 - 6ft 2 - 122ft deck girder 87 20 36 55 48 87
21343 524 25152 4 - 8ft 3 - 180ft deck girder 75 57 29 18 6 37
22248 84 11344 16 - 3ft 1 - 80 ft deck girder 33 1 12 8 4 10
*includes intermediate diaphragms, end beams, and cap beams.
**A706 Grade 80 rebar

May 21 1-46
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
As shown in the Figure, when non-stock rebar is specified, the amount of deck reinforcement in one bar
group can meet the required minimum quantity for the first three bridges. The rebar quantities in
crossbeams and end beams are not sufficient when a 20% reduction due to the use of high strength rebar
is applied. For drilled shafts, the amount of reinforcement in one bar group can meet the required
minimum quantity only for the first two bridges. However, if high strength rebar of the same size is also
used in other members of the bridges, it is possible that the quantities of each bar size will reach the
minimum order requirement.

Showing two options of rebar grades on bridge plans is encouraged to accommodate a Contractor that
may not be able to obtain high strength bars during a construction project. When this approach is taken,
all dimensions need to be prepared to work with both options, especially details related to splice lengths
and development lengths. Splice lengths and development lengths for high strength rebar are longer
compared to Grade 60.

Couplers are available on the market for high strength reinforcement. These couplers are capable of
meeting 125 percent of yield strength. The ODOT Materials Lab has the capability to test rebar couplers
up to #14 bars in Grade 100. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Reinforcement

Glass fibers have an advantage over other fibers for composite materials because of an economical
balance of cost and specific strength properties. Glass fibers are commercially available and exhibit good
electrical insulation properties. When glass fibers are encapsulated in suitable resin as a system, the
composite material is less sensitive to alkaline environment, freezing and thawing condition, and
extremely elevated temperature. These properties make GFRP suitable for use as reinforcement for
concrete structures. Through a number of research projects, it has been found that GFRP bars exhibit
minimal loss in strength when subjected to sustained tension and have good resistance to fatigue. When
GFRP bars are embedded inside concrete, there is no UV exposure concern.

ODOT has used GFRP bars on a number of projects particularly in bridge decks and sound walls. Using
GFRP bars in the bridge decks was due to good corrosion-resistant and non-conductive properties. The
non-conductive property of GFRP bars does not have detrimental effect to cathodic protection system
often used for preserving coastal bridges as long as electrical continuity of adjacent steel reinforcement is
maintained. For sound walls, wall weight needed to be minimized. Use of GFRP bars resulted in
thickness reduction, since smaller concrete cover could be specified.

Since the release of the 1st Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Guide Specifications for GFRP-
Reinforced Concrete in 2009, there have been advancements in material specifications along with new
knowledge and field experiences. AASHTO published the 2nd edition of the guide specifications in 2018,
which incorporated the new comprehension and extended design provisions for other structural members
in addition to bridge decks and traffic railings.

For material specifications, ASTM D7957 published in 2017 includes requirements for material standards
of GFRP reinforcing bars. GFRP bars are commercially available from multiple manufacturers and can
be produced for construction with a reasonable lead time.

GFRP rebar is a good corrosion-resistant reinforcement alternative for reinforced concrete bridges in
corrosive environment compared to ferrous reinforcement due to cost and material strength. Use of
GFRP bars does not require electrical isolation to other ferrous reinforcement. Tensile strength of GFRP
bars is slightly higher than mild steel reinforcing bars, however GFRP bars have linear elastic behavior,
much lower modulus of elasticity, and smaller ultimate tensile strain. Deformation or surface texture, or
both, are required to ensure adequate bond capacity. Nominal material properties used for design are
shown in Table

May 21 1-47
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Ultimate tensile strength (ksi) 90 ksi (#4 - #6)

75 ksi (#7 - #10)
Tensile modulus of elasticity (ksi) 6,500
Ultimate tensile strain (in/in) 1.1

GFRP reinforcement is recommended for structural members that are located in corrosive environment
and do not require high ductility. Service limit states often control design over strength limit states. Do
not use GFRP reinforcement in structural members designed for seismic loads and to form plastic hinges.

GFRP bar weight is lighter than steel reinforcement, therefore construction workers are able to handle the
reinforcing bars with ease, but more rebar ties are required to maintain GFRP bar position in the rebar
cage during concrete pour. GFRP bars are susceptible to abrasion and impact from studded tires and
removal tools, therefore use in bridge concrete deck is limited in specific area as shown in Table 1.26.3A. Bar Lengths

Use stock bar lengths whenever possible without sacrificing economy. Unless absolutely necessary, don't
call for bars longer than 60 feet because they are difficult to handle and transport.

Bar Size Stock Length *

3 20’ & 40’
4 and 5 20’, 30’ & 40’
6 thru 18 60’

* Only small quantities of #14 and #18 bars are stockpiled by the supplier because of size and weight and
may require special mill orders.

Bar lengths specified include hook lengths unless detailed otherwise.


May 21 1-48
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Interim Reinforcement for T-Beams and Box Girders

When the deck slab of a continuous T-beam or box girder is placed after the concrete in the stem has taken
its set, place at least 10 percent of the negative moment reinforcing steel full length of the longitudinal beam
to prevent cracks from falsework settlement or deflection. In lieu of the above requirement, 2 - #8 bars full
length of longitudinal girders may be used.

In concrete crossbeams whose principal negative reinforcement lies in the deck slab, locate a portion of the
negative reinforcement in the stem of the crossbeam below the level of the deck slab construction joint.
Provide sufficient ultimate reinforcement capacity to support 150 percent of the dead load of the crossbeam
and superstructure 5 feet along the centerline of the structure either side of the center of bent. Use no less
than 10 percent of the total negative reinforcement.

In cases where the bent crossbeams are skewed to the deck steel, place the top crossbeam steel in the top
of the stem below the deck (dropped panel). See the following page for typical details.


May 21 1-49
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Additional Shear Reinforcement

As shown below, provide additional reinforcement to the calculated shear reinforcement in cantilevered
portions of crossbeams. Pay careful attention to clearances and possible conflicts with post-tensioning
ducts and other reinforcement. Detail the size and number of bars to provide at least 20 percent of the
factored Strength I Limit State shear demand at the face of the column. Apply this provision to cantilevered
sections of crossbeams when the crossbeam cantilever from the face of the column exceeds the crossbeam
depth at the face of the column. This additional reinforcement may be omitted if the shear reinforcement
provided from the critical shear section to the face of column provides 20 percent additional capacity above
the controlling strength limit state.

Figure Diaphragm Beam Reinforcement

The detail below assumes the deck reinforcement is stopped 6” clear of the transverse beams. The added
bars provide reinforcement for Beam-D and the deck overhang. If straight bars are used, the spacing of the
deck steel will be continuous over the transverse beams and no additional bars will be required.

May 21 1-50
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


May 21 1-51
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Design of Precast Prestressed Elements

The nature of precast prestressed elements requires special handling in several areas.

Design – General
• Each precast prestressed element is to be designed job specific.
• Deck requirements:
o Side-by-side slabs and box beams: 5 inch minimum HPC thickness with a single mat of
reinforcement (8 inch maximum centers each way). 7 inch minimum thickness for any
portions overhanging the exterior slab or box beam.
o Side-by-side Bulb-T and deck Bulb-T girders: 7-1/4 inch minimum HPC thickness with
two mats of reinforcement (8 inch maximum centers in each mat and each direction).
o Spread slabs and box beams: 8 inch minimum HPC thickness with two mats of
reinforcement (8 inch maximum centers in each mat and each direction).
o Bulb-T (not side-by-side) and Bulb-I girders: 8 inch minimum HPC thickness (see BDM
o Deck Bulb-T girders with UHPC connection: Precast concrete Deck Bulb-T girders are
connected using UHPC at flange ends to form bridge deck. Air entrained concrete is
required for girder top flange portion (8 inch minimum thickness). The deck girder system
and connection details are shown in Figure See BDM for more
information on UHPC. 3/4” thick minimum PPC overlay is applied on top of the deck
girder system.

Figure Section View

May 21 1-52
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Flange Detail

• HPC decks must be cast-in-place, unless full-depth precast panels are used with either longitudinal
post-tensioning or ultra-high performance concrete closures.

• Asphalt concrete wearing surfaces are not recommended on concrete bridge decks and may be
used only with an appropriate membrane per BDM 1.26.4. Approval from the bridge owner is
required for the use of asphalt concrete wearing surfaces on all new bridges.

• Concrete Strength – Ensure concrete design compressive strengths are not higher than actual
design requirements. List the required concrete strengths in the General Notes.

• The allowable range of design compressive strengths of concrete at 28 days (f’c) to be used are:

Minimum Maximum
for precast, prestressed slabs and box beams 4000 psi 7000 psi

for precast, prestressed girders, and integral deck girders 5000 psi 9000 psi

When precast, prestressed members are used without a cast-in-place deck, the 28-day
compressive strength is limited to 6000 psi. This limitation is required to ensure adequate air
entrainment and to ensure adequate workability. Higher strength concretes generally are less
workable and therefore are more difficult to achieve an acceptable finish suitable for a riding
surface. If a separate concrete mix (6000 psi or less) is used for the top flange, then higher
strengths (up to 9000 psi) may be used for the remainder of the member.

• The allowable range of design compressive strengths of concrete at release of prestress (f’c) to be
used are:
Minimum Maximum
all precast, prestressed members 4000 psi 7000 psi

May 21 1-53
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Do not exceed the compressive strengths listed above without an approved design deviation from
the State Bridge Engineer.

o Concrete Tensile Stress Limits:

 3 * sqrt(f’c), where f’c is in psi.

 Modify LRFD Table as follows:

 Modify the 9th bullet to 0.0948 * sqrt(f’c), where f’c is in ksi.
 “No Tension” criteria in 6th and 8th bullets still apply.

 Modify LRFD Table as follows:

 Modify the 1st and 8th bullets to 0.0948 * sqrt(f’c), where f’c is in ksi.
 “No tension” criteria in 3rd, 5th and 7th bullets still apply.

 Simple-Span Girders Made Continuous for Live Load – When precast girders are made
continuous for live load, design the positive moment area as if the girder was simply-
supported. A maximum concrete tensile stress up to 6*sqrt(f’c) in the positive moment
area will be allowed for this condition. Also ensure that the maximum concrete tensile
stress in the positive moment area does not exceed 3*sqrt(f’c) when the girder is
considered continuous for live load.

• Use a load factor of 0.80 for live loads in Service III load combination to check tensile stresses in
prestressed concrete members with prestressing strands and reinforcing bars.

• Prestress Losses – Calculate prestress losses in precast members according to LRFD –
Refined Estimates of Time-Dependent Losses. This method of calculating losses is the “Detailed”
method presented in NCHRP Project No. 18-07.

An Excel spreadsheet for calculating prestress losses using the NCHRP 18-07 methods is available
from the Bridge Engineering Section. This spreadsheet includes multiple methods for calculating
prestress losses. Use the “Detailed” method.

Prestress loss estimates by past ODOT bridge designers have generally been in the 35 to 45 ksi
range. The LRFD loss calculations appear to be consistent with earlier loss predictions.
And these loss levels have resulted in relatively accurate predictions of camber at the time of deck
placement. There has also been no record of service cracking in bridges designed using these
prestress loss levels.

Using prestress gain from loads permanently applied to girders, such as selfweight, bridge deck,
superimposed dead loads, is allowed.

Do not include the prestress gain due to application of live load in the total long-term loss

The amount of prestress gain due to application of live load can be more than 20 percent of the total
prestress loss. ODOT’s policy of not including this gain results in a conservative estimate of final
girder stresses. Note that prestress loss affects girder stress, but does not change the ultimate
strength or capacity to carry permit loads.

Transforming the prestressing strand to increase section properties is not recommended. As stated
in NCHRP 18-07, prestress losses should be calculated differently (no elastic losses or gains) when
transformed properties are used for the prestressing strand. If so, the final girder stresses will be
approximately the same whether gross or transformed section properties are used. Therefore, there
is no significant advantage in using transformed section properties.

May 21 1-54
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

• Girder Shape Selection

General – The Oregon Bulb-T girder shape is preferred for most Oregon bridge applications. This
shape has a 4 foot wide top flange. This top flange provides safety for workers who must form
bridge decks and ensures stability of the girder during shipping. Use Bulb-T girder shapes
whenever it is appropriate to do so.

Bulb-I girders are a standard variation of the Bulb-T. To make a Bulb-I, the fabricator will start with
the Bulb-T form and add blockouts to portions of the top flange to make the Bulb-I shape. Use the
Bulb-I shape only when it has benefits over a Bulb-T. Since Bulb-I girders have a narrow top
flange, it requires less concrete build-up over the girder compared to a Bulb-T. Therefore, bridges
with high superelevation (generally, greater than 7 percent) may be candidates for the Bulb-I shape.

Since the Bulb-I section is 3 inches taller than the equivalent Bulb-T, it may be preferred for span
lengths slightly longer than the equivalent Bulb-T capability. A Bulb-I section may provide benefits
over a deeper Bulb-T section. However, due to shipping stability and worker safety concerns, a
deeper Bulb-T might still be preferred if the deeper section can be accommodated within the
available vertical clearance.

Modified Bulb-T girders include those having a non-standard top flange width and those having a
wider web. Fabricators are generally able to adjust the top flange width anywhere from 24 inches to
48 inches. At least 3 inches can also be added to the top flange. Discuss any modifications to the
top flange with Oregon fabricators before placing modified details on plan sheets. Design
deviations are not required for top flange modifications.

Only adjusted web thickness when necessary to accommodate post-tensioning (such as for spliced
girders). For such cases, increase the web thickness from 6 inches to 7.5 inches. When doing so,
increase the top and bottom flange widths by the same amount.

BT90 & BT96 girder sections are the largest in the Oregon inventory. These sections have a 5 foot
wide top flange which is necessary to ensure shipping stability of very long girders. Do not consider
changes to the top flange width without concurrence from Oregon fabricators. The longest girder
available from Oregon fabricators is around 185 feet total length. Verify availability for any girder
length exceeding 180 feet.

BT96 girders have not yet been used in Oregon. Verify availability of this section before specifying
it on a project.

Roadway surface is directly provided by Deck-Bulb Tee girders with UHPC connection. Because
girders are erected plumb, the top flanges are required to be cast on a slope equal to a specified
superelevation. To ensure constructability of flange concrete, a superelevation is limited to 5%
maximum. Specify thicker PPC overlay (3.75 inches maximum) and thickened flange near beam
ends as required to match roadway vertical profile. See DET3385 and DET3386 for details.

Due to its function as the roadway surface, construction requires minimal differential camber
between adjacent girders in the span. The construction specification requires a tight camber
difference, however there will be some residual camber variation due to construction tolerances.
Also, overfilling of the connection is a common placement method for casting UHPC. As a result,
grinding is required to smooth out the uneven surface. Subtract ½ inch flange thickness in the
design to account for top surface grinding. 15% over-designed capacities are recommended as
reserve capacities for locked-in force effects from the girder camber adjustment during construction.

May 21 1-55
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

AASHTO Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V shapes do not have the same efficiency as Bulb-T
shapes. Therefore, use Bulb-T shapes in most cases. Use of AASHTO shapes is generally limited
to bridge widenings where the existing bridge has AASHTO shapes. There may also be rare cases
when an AASHTO shape may provide slightly less vertical clearance compared to the available
Bulb-T shape.

WSDOT Shapes – Obtain approval of a design deviation before specifying a standard WSDOT
shape on an Oregon project. Approval of design deviations will generally only be considered where
there is no equivalent Oregon section to meet an application. The standard specifications allow
contractors to propose an alternate shape provided it is similar to the specified shape and meets all
project requirements (see SP 00550.03). However, the original contract plans must use Oregon

Spliced Girders with post-tensioning can be used to extend span capabilities of precast concrete
girders. Consult with Oregon fabricators regarding the appropriate section and segment lengths for
spliced girder applications.

Consult with Oregon fabricators before considering using haunched girders. Although haunches
may provide an aesthetic benefit, any structural benefit from haunching a prestressed girder is

Trapezoidal Box Girders are available for applications that require special aesthetic considerations.
Trapezoidal box girders can either have a uniform depth or parabolic haunches. Horizontally
curved trapezoidal boxes have been used in Colorado.

Strand Type – Bulb-T and AASHTO girders were developed for use with 0.5 inch diameter
prestressing strand. Do not consider use of 0.6 inch diameter strand for these sections without first
consulting with Oregon fabricators. Modification of the girder section may be needed to
accommodate 0.6 inch strand. BT90/96 sections were developed for use with 0.6 inch strand.

Shipping – When selecting the appropriate girder type, review potential shipping routes to make
sure the proposed girder type can be shipped to the bridge site. Narrow roads and sharp curves
may restrict the length of girder that can be used. Our Oregon fabricators can generally provide
assistance in this analysis.

Oregon Fabricators – The following northwest precast concrete fabricators can provide precast
concrete members to Oregon bridge projects:
o RB Johnson, McMinnville, OR
o Concrete Tech, Tacoma, WA
o Knife River, Harrisburg, OR and Spokane, WA

• Detailing – General

Consider whether or not it is economical to detail interior girders the same as exterior girders,
where additional steel to meet the design loading is minor. The benefit of a single girder design
can outweigh the additional cost.

Standard drawings for precast, prestressed members assume each member will have the same
shear reinforcing details at each end of the bridge. Due to the shear correction factor loading,
required shear reinforcing details can be different. For simplicity of construction it is
recommended that both ends be detailed the same. In the rare case when ends are not detailed
the same, add contract provisions to ensure the intended bent location for each girder end is
clearly marked on the girder before the girder is transported to the job site.

May 21 1-56
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Camber - See BDM 1.5.9 for special requirements pertaining to ACWS, sidewalk, and rail
• Deck Drainage - See BDM 1.24 for details specific to slab and box beam elements.

• Girder Storage and Shipment - SP 00550.49 prohibits transportation before 7 days and only after
the 28-day compressive strength has been achieved. There may be special construction
circumstances when a member needs to be transported and placed before the 7 days, but it is not
recommended before the 28-day compressive strength has been achieved.

• When design requires a delay for placing the girder on bearing devices to decrease the bearing
thickness or encasing the beam ends for fixed connection to reduce restraint moments due to long-
term shrinkage and creep effect, specify a required wait time on the plan sheet.

• Skew - Limit skew to 45 degrees for precast slabs and 30 degrees for precast boxes. Excessively
skewed slabs and boxes tend to warp more, making fit and obtaining uniform bearing on the
bearing pads more difficult. Stair stepping the bearing pads may be necessary to obtain uniform

• Stage Construction of Slabs and Boxes with cast-in-place HPC decks – Do not use side-by-side
slabs or boxes with HPC decks when precast elements must be placed in stages. Such stage
construction does not allow tie rods to be placed as detailed in BR445. Spread slabs or boxes
with a 7-1/4 inch minimum deck thickness (two mats of deck steel) would be an acceptable option
for bridges constructed in stages.

• Transverse Connection for Side-by-Side Slabs and Boxes – Connect side-by-side slab and box
elements with transverse tie rods as detailed on BR445. Alternate connection details, such as
intermittent weldments, are not allowed.

• Surface Finish for Precast Members - The standard specifications requires a light broom finish on
the tops of members having an asphalt wearing surface and a roadway finish for members having
a HPC deck. A roadway finish combined with extending stirrup legs up into the deck is
considered sufficient to provide adequate capacity to ensure composite action between the girder
and deck. It is not necessary to require additional roughening.

• Interface Shear – For all members with a cast-in-place deck, provide interface shear
reinforcement full length of the member regardless of whether or not it is required by design. This
requirement is satisfied by extending stirrups from the precast member up into the deck slab and
will result in minimum reinforcement across the interface shear plane equal to two #4 bars at 18
inch centers.

• Joint and Keyway details - see standard drawings for recommended details.

• See Appendix 1 Figures for other typical details.

May 21 1-57
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Design and Detailing of Precast Prestressed Girders Stay-in-Place Forms

Where the spacing between edges of precast concrete girder flanges is no greater than 2 feet, steel stay-in-
place deck forms may be used. However, do not use stay-in-place forms in exterior bays.

Steel stay-in-place deck forms may also be used behind end beams where the deck is continuous over
interior bents. Hot-dip galvanize all steel stay-in-place forms.

If stay-in-place deck forms are used, provide a minimum section modulus of 0.15 in3/ft and a maximum form
height of 1.5 inches. Install stay-in-place forms such that the top of the form is at the design bottom of deck
thickness. The weight of a form meeting these requirements is likely to be less than 2 psf. This weight is
not significant and need not be included in the design. However, add 10 psf additional non-composite dead
load in the girder design to account for extra concrete weight.

Do not use stay-in-place forms at deck overhang areas or where the edges of girder flanges are greater
than 2 feet apart. In such cases, access for inspection and future maintenance of the deck precludes the
use of stay-in-place deck forms.

Do not use stay-in-place forms in coastal areas.

These provisions apply to precast girders, slabs and boxes.

Where stay-in-place forms are considered, add the following statement with the loading section of the
general notes:

“Stay-in-place deck forms may be used except for exterior overhangs and between the exterior girder and
the first interior girder on each side of the structure. XX psf additional non-composite dead load has been
included in the girder design to account for extra concrete and form weight associated with stay-in-place

May 21 1-58
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Diaphragm Beam Restraint

Figure Beam Seat or Top of Crossbeam Elevation

Provide a note on the plans indicating if the beam seat (or top of crossbeam) elevations shown are for deck
buildups based on three months camber. Adjust the beam seat (or top of crossbeam) elevations during
construction to correct for the revised deck buildups.

May 21 1-59
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Continuous Deck Reinforcement

Provide additional deck reinforcement for bridges composed of precast simple span elements with
continuous deck as shown below. This detail does not apply to bridges made continuous for live load.
When girders are made continuous for live load, the deck reinforcement must resist the negative moments
generated. The result will be substantially more deck steel than the detail below. NCHRP Report 519
provides design examples for girders made continuous.

Figure Beam Stirrups

Bulb-T and Bulb-I standard drawings show stirrups with 90 degree shop bent hooks at the top of the girder.
These hooks must protrude at least 3 inches above the bottom of the deck. If they do not, because of
excessive build-up, the standard drawing requires the use of "U" bars to fill the gap.

There is no need for the stirrup hooks or "U" bars to extend to the top mat of deck reinforcement, as has
been shown in the past. Detail plans to reflect these requirements.


May 21 1-60
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Structure Widenings, Precast Beam Bridges

Detail connections between superstructures to prevent widening dead loads from being transferred to the
existing beams. This may be accomplished by delaying the connection pour (diaphragm and deck) until
most of the dead load is applied to the widening. The designer chooses the appropriate placement method.


Note: In the above closure pour method, the deck screed machine would normally be placed or supported
on the widening beams. As the concrete is placed, the beams tend to deflect equally. This equal deflection
normally gives better control of deck thickness and deck steel cover.


May 21 1-61
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Note: In the above delayed diaphragm pour method, the deck screed machine rails would normally be
placed or supported with one rail on the existing structure and one rail on the widening beams. As the
concrete is placed, the new beams would tend to deflect more than the existing composite beams. This
unequal deflection makes it more difficult to control deck thickness and deck steel cover, especially at the
new beam adjacent to the existing structure. Deck Pour Sequence

Place decks on precast prestressed beams no less than 60 days after stress transfer. This is to allow a
majority of the prestress camber to occur, thus enabling more accurate determination of beam build-up for
the deck screeding. Diaphragm Beams

Intermediate diaphragms distribute loads from over-height vehicle, vessel and large debris collision. Use
CIP diaphragm beams at ends of each span. Use full depth CIP diaphragms. The full depth diaphragms
are more effective in distributing the impact loads.

Use the following span length criteria to determine the number of intermediate diaphragms for bridges
crossing over major truck routes including Interstate 5, Interstate 84 and routes with 20-year projected ADTT
> 5000; or waterways where there is a high probability of large debris or vessel collision.

Span Length Location

40 ft – 80 ft Midspan
81 ft – 120 ft 1/3 points
> 120 ft 1/4 points

For other bridges, one set of intermediate diaphragms at midspan is recommended. Stagger and place
intermediate diaphragms perpendicular to girder centerline, when the skew is greater than 25 degrees.

Install temporary diaphragms midway between the end and midspan diaphragm beams before pouring the
end and midspan diaphragm beams (see BR350). Temporary beams may be removed after removing the
deck overhang brackets. Earthquake Restraint Details

See cost data books for sample plans and details. Fixed Girder Connections

Where girder ends are designed with a fixed connection to an end beam or bent cap, embed the girder into
the end beam (or bent cap) a minimum of 8 inches. Provide transverse bars/rods through the girder ends
as shown on the standard drawings (BR300 & BR310). In addition to the above requirements, provide
strand extensions and/or dowels at the end of the girder as needed to ensure adequate transfer of loads to
the substructure.

To minimize restraint moments due to girder creep and shrinkage, establish continuity when the age of the
girders is at least 28 days after casting. Submit a design deviation when the construction schedule requires
earlier continuity construction. When a certain concrete age is required by design to minimize the time-
dependent effect, include the following note in the plan sheet with continuity details: “Place continuity
diaphragm at least XX days after the girders are manufactured.”

May 21 1-62
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Girder Spacing

Limit girder spacing to 9 feet for girder sections up to BT72 and 1.5 times girder depth for larger girders.

(1) Precast Members topped with ACWS - Side-by-side elements have been historically topped with
ACWS over a waterproofing membrane. This type of construction works well in a stage construction
scenario as long as the elements are placed consecutively from one side to the other.

When using this type of construction, the previous stage precast element at the stage construction joint
must carry some of the wearing surface dead load from the subsequent stage since adjacent slabs must
have their tie rods connected before the wearing surface is placed for the subsequent stage. This additional
load is generally ignored (i.e., the members are designed as if they were all placed in one stage). Long term
creep is thought to mitigate this condition. To date, annual inspections have found no distress in precast
elements due to this practice.

For cases where elements cannot be placed consecutively from one side to the other, it becomes
impossible to place standard transverse tie rods. For this reason, select a different structure type (ex.,
spread slabs or girders with CIP deck) when elements cannot be placed consecutively. Any side-by-side
precast slab or box element must be connected to adjacent elements with transverse tie rods as detailed in
BR445. Alternate details, such as intermittent weldments, are not allowed.

The use of asphalt concrete wearing surfaces are no longer recommended due to long term maintenance

(2) Precast Members topped with CIP concrete – Side-by-side elements may be topped with an HPC
deck. See BDM for minimum deck thickness and reinforcing requirements.

For this type of construction, the deck dead load is substantially larger than the PPC or ACWS case. For
this reason, this type of construction must be detailed to prevent the deck dead load from later stages from
being transferred to previous stages.

One solution to this problem is to provide a space (12 to 18 inches) between the stages that is filled with a
CIP closure girder which is placed after full deck dead load is applied to both adjacent sections. For this
case, design the precast members adjacent to the construction joint as exterior girders. Design the CIP
closure girder to carry a contributory portion of live load under the strength limit states.

Use of spread slabs or boxes is another possible solution for stage construction. If so, use 7-1/4 inch
minimum deck thickness with two mats of steel as required by BDM

Any side-by-side precast slab or box element must be connected to adjacent elements with transverse tie
rods as detailed in BR445. Alternate details, such as intermittent weldments, are not allowed.

May 21 1-63
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 General Design

(1) Structure Depths

See BDM 2.5.2(2) for minimum depth and live load deflection requirements.

(2) Computations of Deflections

Base computed deflections on the effective moment of inertia of the section.

Estimate long-term deflections as instantaneous deflection times a factor of three for reinforced concrete
elements. Interim Reinforcement for T-Beams

See BDM Diaphragm Beam Steel

See BDM Box Girder Stem Flare

Taper changes in girder stem thickness for a minimum distance of 12 times the difference in stem thickness.
See Standard Detail DET3125 for details. Shear Keys and Construction Joints

Normally, shear keys at construction joints are unnecessary. Show construction joints with a roughened
surface finish unless shear keys are required and shown on the plans.

At construction joints between the stem and slab of concrete girder bridges, use the following note:

Roughened surface finish. See SP 00540.43(a).

May 21 1-64
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Standard Access and Ventilation in Concrete Box Girders

Provide permanent access to all cells of concrete box girders. Access may require using manholes and/or
access holes through bottom slabs, diaphragm beams, crossbeams and longitudinal beams. Standard
Drawings BR135 and BR136 show standard access and ventilation details. See BDM 2.6 for additional
accessibility guidance.

In addition to the standard drawing for Access Holes, draw a section on the plans normal to the girder
through the access hole showing the relationship of the longitudinal stems, utility lines, and crawl holes to
the access hole and ladder. If the drawing is to scale, dimensions need not be shown.

Use the following guidelines tempered with engineering judgment.

• Deck Access Holes – Avoid placing access holes through the deck of a structure. There is a
potential for the access hole cover to leak. Also avoid disruption of traffic and the need for traffic
protection and direction.

• Bottom Slab Access Holes - Single span bridges will normally require one access hole per cell.
Multiple span bridges will normally require one access hole per cell at each end of the bridge.
Locate access holes in accordance with the guidelines shown on the standard drawings. The 8 feet
minimum height to the access hole is recommended to discourage unauthorized access into the
structure. Keep the inspector in mind when choosing the access locations. Do not place access
holes over railroad tracks.

• Girder Stem Access Holes - Girder stem access holes are to be provided through the interior stems
at the midpoint of all spans. These lateral access points will allow the inspector to complete their
inspection of span or spans without having to exit and reenter the structure.

• Crossbeam Access Holes - These are not detailed on the standard drawing since their design will
vary widely because of structural requirements. However, only one access hole will be required per
crossbeam if the girder stem access holes are provided.

• Bottom Slab Ventilation Holes - These ventilation holes, similar to the bottom slab access holes in
design except top opening, are intended to be used in all cells of each span not having access
holes. Generally, the ventilation holes would be located near the opposite end of the span from an
adjacent span having access holes. The holes provide additional ports for removing forms, serves
as an exhaust hole when forced ventilation is required and provides additional natural ventilation.

• Stem Ventilation Holes - These holes provide for the escape of lighter-than-air gases and are
located near the high point of each span as detailed on the standard drawings.

• Ladder Support - The ladder support provides a safe support for the ladder while the inspector
unlocks the access hole cover. After the cover is unlocked, reposition the ladder through the
access hole so the inspector can grab onto the ladder while entering or leaving the box girder cell.

• Access Cover Prop - The access cover prop is designed to facilitate the opening or closing of the
cover when the ladder is supported by the Ladder Support. Once the ladder is through the access
hole, release the prop so the cover will lie flat. The prop would be re-engaged upon exiting the box.

May 21 1-65
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Form Removal

All forms are to be removed from cells where access is provided.

Deck forms to be removed may be supported off the bottom slab if the bottom slab is fully supported,
designed to support the added load and has no detrimental effect on the structure.

Deck forms for non-accessible cells may be left in place. Deck forms left in place are not to be supported
off the bottom slab. Web supported deck forms are acceptable. Include an allowance for deck form dead
load in the design loads, see BDM 1.3.4. Bottom Slab Details

Generally, show the bottom slab of box girders to be parallel to the top slab in transverse section so that all
girder stems will be the same depth.

Provide a bottom slab thickness of no less than 6 inches.

For skewed box girders, orient bottom slab transverse bars the same as the deck transverse bars. See
BDM 1.9.1 and LRFD for requirements.

Place a 4” x 4” drain hole through each diaphragm beam at the low point of each cell. Place a 4 inch
diameter drain hole through the bottom slab at the low point of each series of cells in a span. For cells that
carry water lines, increase 4 inch diameter to 6 inch diameter.

Figure Crossbeams
See BDM and BDM

May 21 1-66
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Fillets
Provide adequate fillets at the intersections of all surfaces within the cell of a box girder, except at the
junction of web and bottom flange where none are required.

Provide a 4 x 4 inch fillet at the intersection of the crossbeam and the deck; and the end diaphragm beam
and the deck.

May 21 1-67
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Structure Widenings, Cast-in-Place Superstructures

Detail connections between superstructures to prevent widening dead loads from being transferred to the
existing beams. One method is to temporarily support the beam adjacent to the widening during
construction. Designate locations where supports are required and expected maximum reactions. An
alternate method requires closure pours for the diaphragm and deck slab.

Figure Stay-in-Place Forms for Deck

For deck construction, stay-in-place forms will not be allowed. Loss of access for inspection and future
maintenance of the deck preclude the use of stay-in-place deck forms.

May 21 1-68
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 General Design

(1) Structure Depths

See BDM 2.5.2(2) for minimum depth and live load deflection requirements.

(2) Shrinkage and Creep Stresses

The stresses in the superstructure and substructure of post-tensioned concrete bridges which result from
elastic shortening may be assumed to remain in the structure indefinitely. The stresses which might be
assumed to develop as the result of shrinkage and creep may be assumed to be relieved by creep.

(3) Shortening of Post-Tensioned Bridges

The following values for shortening of post-tensioned, cast-in-place concrete bridges are based on field
measurements by the ODOT Bridge Section. Compare the design values with the field measured values
and use the more conservative value.

Shrinkage prior to tensioning (theoretical)

0.4 x .0002 ft/ft x 12 in/ft x 100 ft = 0.10”/100’
Elastic shortening 0.44”/100’
Shrinkage and creep after tensioning to 1 year 0.29”/100’
Shrinkage and creep 1 year to 20 years (anticipated) 0.10”/100’

These structures were stressed to an average concrete stress of 1200 psi (1000 to 1300 psi). For other
values, the elastic shortening and creep is roughly proportional. ODOT data indicates that variation of these
values by 50 percent would not be unusual.

(4) Deflections

Estimate long-term deflections as the net instantaneous deflection (DL + Prestress) times a factor of two for
cast-in-place post-tensioned elements.

(5) Curved Post-Tensioned Ducts

Design for the radial prestress forces resulting from curved tendons in post-tensioned structures. Additional
shear/flexural reinforcement may be required to resist the lateral web forces and ties to resist the web
bursting forces.

May 21 1-69
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(6) Design Moments at Interior Bents of Post-Tensioned Bridges

For crossbeams with widths less than the distance between the top and bottom slab, do not include the
crossbeam in the superstructure section properties. Project the stem and slab dimensions to the centerline
of the bent and use those dimensions to calculate section properties. Use the negative moment at the bent
centerline for design.


For greater crossbeam widths, use the above section properties and consider adding supplementary
reinforcing steel across the top of the crossbeam to control any theoretical cracking that may occur from live

(7) Skewed Box Girders

Box girder bridges with skews of over 20 degrees cannot be safely designed without taking into account the
effects of skew. These effects generally increase as any of the following increase: skew angle, span length,
torsional rigidity of the superstructure. The principal effect of skew is to increase the reactions at the obtuse
corner of the structure and to reduce those at the acute corners (sometimes even causing uplift). This
increases shear in the beams adjacent to the obtuse corners and produces transverse shear in the deck
and bottom slab. These effects can be reduced by reducing the skew, which generally means lengthening
the structure and/or by placing crossbeams at interior bents normal to the centerline of the structure.

When torsion due to skew is a problem, consider reducing the torsional stiffness of the structure. RCDG
bridges, either cast-in-place or with precast girders, are torsionally limber.

Do not design box girder bridges with bents skewed more than 45 degrees from the normal to the structure

Careful design of post-tensioning with regard to the deflection and slope of the girder at a skewed end can
nullify or reverse the tendency of the obtuse corner of the skewed structure to take a disproportionate part of
the dead load. Theoretically, this could be done so that under full DL+LL+I, the reactions would be equal at
all bearings. Even an approximation of this condition will benefit the design.

(8) Concrete Tensile Stress Limits

The concrete tensile stress limits given in BDM also apply to post-tensioned members.

May 21 1-70
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 General Details

Details and practices stated in BDM 1.5.7 generally apply to post-tensioned box girders as well as
conventional box girders.

(1) Conventional Box Girders

See Standard Details DET 3125 and DET 3130 for general details.

(2) Precast Trapezoidal Box Girders

See Standard Drawing BR133 and Standard Details DET 3131, DET 3132 and DET 3134 for general

(3) Access and Ventilation

See Standard Drawings BR135 and BR136 for general details. Post-Tensioned Deck Overhangs

Place post-tensioning ducts and deck reinforcement normal to the centerline of the structure.


May 21 1-71
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Stress Rod Reinforcement of Bearing Seats

A recent example of a stress-rod reinforced bearing seat is shown below. In order to retain a significant
amount of prestressing force, provide a rod with stressed length of not less than 10 feet.

Figure Segmental Construction

Where precast and cast-in-place concrete elements are joined in a continuous, segmental structure,
chamfer the exterior corners of the cast-in-place portion to match the precast elements. It is standard
practice to chamfer precast elements, even though the chamfer may not be shown on our drawings or the
shop drawings.

May 21 1-72
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Support Tower Details and Notes

Design the support tower at the end of the suspended span to support the reaction from the suspended
span including the additional reaction due to post-tensioning. Show on the plans the approximate total
reaction in kips. Design the tower to accommodate the elastic shortening of the superstructure due to
post-tensioning. Make provisions so that the superstructure may be returned to the plan elevation (raised or
lowered) in the event that actual settlement at the top of the tower differs from the anticipated settlement.
Keep the support tower in place until the suspended span is fully supported by the cantilever and adjoining


May 21 1-73
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Reinforcement of Deck Overhangs

In order to prevent cracking at the end of post-tensioned spans, extend the end diaphragm beam to the
edge of the deck or provide additional diagonal deck reinforcement similar to shown below.


May 21 1-74
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Post-Tension Strand Duct Placement

Place ducts for post-tensioned bridges using the detail provided on DET3130. The most common type of
duct arrangement has been the bundled duct detail. This detail can be used when the duct size does not
exceed 4-1/2 inches and when the horizontal curvature of the bridge does not require the use of
supplemental ties (see LRFD When the horizontal curvature does result in the need for
supplemental ties, do not use bundled ducts. When supplemental ties are required due to horizontal
curvature, use the following detail:


Detail post-tensioned box girders to allow pouring the bottom slab and stems as separate pours. Design the
prestressed tendon path to ensure that the ducts do not fall in the area of the bottom slab. See Standard
Details DET 3125 and DET 3130 for general details. To ensure the ducts are fully encased in concrete, do
not place ducts in the bottom slab and keep ducts at least 1 inch below the fillet construction joints near the
top slabs. Show the following details on the project plans if needed:


May 21 1-75
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


In some cases it may be necessary to place ducts outside the limits shown above. If so, special concrete
placement details will normally be needed to ensure the ducts are fully encased in properly consolidated
concrete for the entire length of the bridge. For these cases, submit a design deviation request which
shows the proposed duct placement detail. Include with the request the details and/or specification
language intended to ensure the concrete will be fully consolidated in areas where the ducts penetrate
either into the bottom slab or above the stem fillet construction joint.

May 21 1-76
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Camber Diagrams, General

Show camber diagrams on the plans for all types of cast-in-place concrete structures. The camber diagram
shall be titled, “Camber Diagram” and be accompanied by the applicable portions of the following note:

Camber is designed to compensate for deflection due to prestressing, the dead load of all concrete,
stay-in-place forms and wearing surface and the long-term effects of shrinkage and creep.

An example of a camber diagram for a cast-in-place structure is shown below.


May 21 1-77
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Precast Slabs and Box Beams

Camber of precast elements has increased in recent years due to higher strand forces. Reflect allowances
for camber and grade correction in top of slab elevations. Rail posts lengths and curb heights will have to be
increased accordingly near the ends to obtain the proper finish rail height and curb exposure. Note on the
Typical Deck Section that post lengths may vary due to camber and/or superelevation. Include information
on the contract plans as follows:


May 21 1-78
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Pour Schedules, General

In order to avoid misunderstanding and claims by the contractor, take care to make sure that construction
sequences and pouring schedules are clearly described. Particular care is needed if symmetrical structures
are covered by sketches showing half of the structure.

In general, longitudinal pours in continuous spans are stopped near the bents to allow concrete shrinkage to
occur in the majority of the span. Closure pours over the bent are generally shorter to minimize shrinkage
cracking that could occur between fixed supports or placements.

It is recommend to place bottom slab or beam construction joints at a falsework bent rather than a
permanent bent. Cracking may develop at a permanent bent, if the adjacent falsework settles or deflects
during the concrete placement. T-Beams Supported on Falsework

A typical sketch and pour sequence is shown below.



1. Pours (1) and (2) are the longitudinal and transverse beams to the bottom of deck (or fillets). Make
all Pours (1) prior to Pours (2). Beam construction joints shall not be near a permanent bent but shall be
made at a falsework bent. Delay adjacent beam pours by a minimum of 3 days.

2. Pour (3) is the (fillets and) deck. Pour (3) to be delayed a minimum of 3 days after completion of all
Pours (2). A deck construction joint may be made over any transverse beam. Delay pouring adjacent
sections of deck a minimum of 5 days. Do not remove bulkheads for deck pours until at least 3 days after
completion of pour. Deck pours may extend over any part of a span or spans so long as they meet these

May 21 1-79
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Box Girders on Falsework



1. Pours (1a) and (1b) are the bottom slab. Stop Pours (1) at a falsework bent and not at a
permanent bent. Delay a minimum of 3 days between adjacent Pours (1). Complete all Pours
(1a) prior to starting Pours (1b). Complete all Pours (1) prior to starting Pours (2).

2. Pours (2a) and (2b) are the longitudinal and transverse beams to the bottom of the fillets. Stop
Pours (2) over a falsework bent. Delay the start of Pours (2) a minimum of 5 days after bottom
slab Pours (1) are complete. Delay a minimum of 3 days between adjacent Pours (2).

3. Pour (3) includes the fillets and deck slab. Pour (3) to be delayed a minimum of 3 days after
completion of all Pours (2). Pours (3) may be stopped over any transverse beam, with the use of
a deck construction joint. Delay a minimum of 5 days between adjacent Pours (3). Do not
remove bulkheads for deck pours until at least 3 days after completion of the pour. Deck pours
may extend over any part of a span or spans as long as they meet these requirements.

Generally, it is preferred that the bottom slab be completely poured first and separately from the longitudinal
beams. This ensures a more uniform bottom slab thickness, the slab provides a good base for stem forms,
and the continuous bottom slab helps stabilize the falsework system. It also allows the falsework to take its
initial settlement without affecting other superstructure components.

May 21 1-80
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Drop-In Precast Prestressed Elements

Complicated types of construction require detailed construction sequence notes, such as the following:



1. Make Pour (1).

2. Make Pour (2) , includes Bent 2 column.

3. Make Pour (3a) , includes bottom slab and webs to bottom of top fillet, Beam "C" to bottom of deck.

4. Make Pour (3b) , includes deck and top fillets for cast-in-place section. Delay Pour (3b) a minimum
of 3 days after completion of Pour (3a).

5. Apply Stage I post-tensioning to cast-in-place section. Stressing to begin a minimum of 14 days after
completion of Pour (3) , but not until concrete in Pour (3) has reached its design strength.

6. Place prestressed beams. Beams to be placed so that the number of beams in one span does not
exceed by more than 4 the number in the opposite span.

7. Make Pour (4) , includes diaphragm beams "D" and end beams "E".

8. Make Pour (5) , (no less than 60 days after transfer of stress in precast, prestressed beams), includes
deck on prestressed beams to diaphragm beam nearest Bent 2.

9. After Pour (5) has been made in Spans 1 and 2, make Pour (6a) , includes remainder of Beam "C".
Let concrete take initial set, and make Pour (6)b , includes remainder of deck.

10. Apply Stage II post-tensioning to assembled Spans 1 and 2. Stressing to begin a minimum of 14 days
after completion of Pour (6) , but not until concrete in Pour (6) has reached its design strength.

11. Pour curbs.


1. Bents 1 and 3 footings and walls may be poured any time up to 7 days prior to placing of
prestressed beams, but concrete must have reached its design strength prior to beam
placement. No part shall interfere with post-tensioning operations.

May 21 1-81
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
2. Paving slab and sidewalls may be poured at any time except that no part shall interfere with
post-tensioning operations.

3. Screed deck concrete parallel to bents.

4. Composite decks and/or closure pours shall not be made until at least 60 days have
elapsed from the time of transfer of prestressing force in the precast elements. Continuous Cast-in-place Slabs on Falsework

For pours over 600 cy, allow a transverse deck construction joint at 0.2(span) from the next interior bent. End Bents

If the fit of superstructure elements is critical, be sure to consider the end bent construction sequencing.
Normally the end wall construction is delayed until the superstructure elements are in place. Delaying the
end wall construction also allows the contractor to compensate for errors in superstructure element lengths
and end bent locations. Show a construction sequence diagram, with notes, as needed. Steel Girders

See BDM for example.

May 21 1-82
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.6 Steel Structure Design and Detailing

1.6.1 Structural Steel, General

1.6.2 Structural Steel, Design

1.6.3 Welding

1.6.4 Galvanizing and Painting

1.6.5 Bolts and Connections

This chapter covers primarily the design and construction of steel plate and box girder bridge
superstructures. It provides guidance for bridge designers working on ODOT projects to achieve optimal
quality and value in steel bridges. Design Considerations

Familiarity with design and construction specifications is the key for steel bridge design. Designs that
merely satisfy the design specifications are often problematic. Good designs must consider and reflect
fabrication requirements, construction techniques, and maintenance needs. In particular, the designer
must consider the following:
• Use the most recent version of the design specifications.
• Become familiar with construction and fabrication specifications and standard drawings applicable
to steel structures.
• Evaluate how construction and fabrication specifications influence the design and what
modifications or special provisions may be required.
• During the initial evaluation of design options, consider consulting with the Steel Bridge
Standards Engineer, fabricators, steel erectors, or contractors for ideas on achieving an
economical, easy to build, and robust design.
• Ensure that all individual bridge components fit well together by accounting for how rotation,
deflection (especially differential deflection), twist, stiffness (vertical bending, lateral bending, and
torsion), and skew affect interaction between different elements.
• Provide clear and distinct load paths that mitigate or, preferably, eliminate out-of-plane bending.
• Provide adequate access for bolting, welding, and painting. Keep design simple by maximizing
the use of common details and minimizing the number of plate sizes and rolled shapes fabricators
are required to purchase. Complicated details are always difficult to fabricate and build.
• Do not use details that permit water and debris to collect on girders. Codes and Standards

Design according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications unless specified otherwise in this
document. See NSBA Guide to Navigating Routine Steel Bridge Design for a guide to designing routine
steel I-girder bridges.

May 21 1-83
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The following AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration publications are available to aid in the design
and fabrication of steel bridges. These publications can be downloaded from the AISC website at
• G13.1-2019, Guidelines for Steel Girder Bridge Analysis
• G12.1-2020, Guidelines to Design for Constructability
• G1.4-2006, Guidelines for Design Details
• S10.1-2019, Steel Bridge Erection Guide Specification
• G9.1-2004, Steel Bridge Bearing Design and Detailing Guidelines
• G1.2-2003, Design Drawing Presentation Guidelines
• S2.1-2018, Steel Bridge Fabrication Guide Specification
• S8.1-2014, Guide Specification for Application of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich Primers to
Steel Bridges
• S8.2-2017, Specification for Application of Thermal Spray Coatings for Steel Bridges
• G1.3-2002, Shop Detail Drawing Presentation Guidelines
• G1.1-2000, Shop Drawing Approval Review/Approval Guidelines
• G4.4-2006, Sample Owners Quality Assurance Manual
• G4.1-2019, Steel Bridge Fabrication QC QA Guidelines
• G2.2-2016, Guidelines for Resolution of Steel Bridge Fabrication Errors
• G4.2-2006, Recommendations for the Qualification of Structural Bolting Inspectors

The following FHWA Steel Bridge Design Handbook, which includes 19 volumes of steel bridge design
aids and 6 design examples, are also available as design aids and can be downloaded from the FHWA
website at:
• Bridge Steels and Their Mechanical Properties–Volume 1
• Steel Bridge Fabrication–Volume 2
• Structural Steel Bridge Shop Drawings–Volume 3
• Structural Behavior of Steel–Volume 4
• Selecting the Right Bridge Type–Volume 5
• Stringer Bridges–Making the Right Choices–Volume 6
• Loads and Load Combinations–Volume 7
• Structural Analysis–Volume 8
• Redundancy–Volume 9
• Limit States–Volume 10
• Design for Constructability–Volume 11
• Design for Fatigue–Volume 12
• Bracing System Design–Volume 13
• Splice Design–Volume 14
• Bearing Design–Volume 15
• Substructure Design–Volume 16
• Bridge Deck Design–Volume 17
• Load Rating of Steel Bridges–Volume 18
• Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges–Volume 19
• Design Example 1: Three-span Continuous Straight Composite Steel I-Girder Bridge
• Design Example 2A: Two-span Continuous Straight Composite Steel I-Girder Bridge
• Design Example 2B: Two-span Continuous Straight Composite Steel Wide-Flange Beam Bridge
• Design Example 3: Three-Span Continuous Horizontally Curved Composite Steel I-Girder Bridge
• Design Example 4: Three-Span Continuous Straight Composite Steel Tub Girder Bridge
• Design Example 5: Three-Span Continuous Horizontally Curved Composite Steel Tub-Girder

May 21 1-84
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 ODOT Steel Bridge Practice

ODOT does not require Certified Erector qualification for erection of steel bridges. For a complex projects
in which a contractor with such qualification is deemed necessary, obtain Bridge Engineering Section
approval prior to including such requirement in the contract documents. Curved and skewed deck girder
bridges have the potential for three dimensional deflection and rotation. Longer spans magnify the
rotation of the girders and cause unaccounted stresses on the diaphragm connections.

Steel tub (box) girders are visually pleasing structures and are more expensive than usual steel plate
girders because of fabrication cost. One of the main concerns in steel tubs or box girders in the State of
Oregon is corrosion inside the girders. In the construction drawings, require inside surfaces of boxes or
tubs (bottom flange, top flange, web and diaphragm) to be painted with a silver gray prime coat. Painting
inside the tub (box) girders will prevent corrosion resulting from leakage thru the deck and condensation.
Light color paint also increases illumination inside the tub (box) and eases detection of corrosion or
cracks in steel members. Consider other corrosion protection measures as specified herein.

Whenever the end of steel members is cast inside concrete, the end of the member cast in concrete
requires a three coat paint system as shown in Figure

Fatigue Design Requirements – Design all welded and bolted connections for infinite fatigue design life
using ADTT from LRFD Table Do not use details category E or E’ in any connections for
primary load-carrying members. Estimating Structural Steel Weights and Preliminary Design

For preliminary quantities or preliminary girder design, an estimate of steel weights for built-up plate
composite I-girders can be obtained from the Span to Weight Curves from the AISC website. The Steel
Span to Weight Curves are the quickest way to determine the weight of steel per square foot of bridge
deck for straight, low skew, plate girder bridges. The Curves are organized by span arrangement (1, 2 or
3 or more span bridges) and girder spacing. The Curves also provide a good double check for final

For a more detailed design, refer to the Continuous Span Standards on the AISC website. The
Continuous Span Standards include 88 unique solutions for 3 span bridges with center spans between
150'-0" and 300'-0", girder spacing between 7’-6" and 12'-0", and plate girder designs utilizing both
homogenous and hybrid steel options. Each conceptual solution presented in these tables is organized
based on the following:
• girder plate sizes
• diaphragm spacing
• intermediate stiffener sizes and locations
• shear connector spacing
• camber
• girder weights

For preliminary quantities and girder design of short span bridges (40’-0” to 140’-0”), refer to Short Span
Steel Bridge Alliance website:

Bid items

Use following bid items for structural steel. Use horizontally curved steel (plate or box) girder bid item
when the radius of horizontal curve on the structure is less than 1000ft.
• Steel Rolled Beam
• Steel Plate Girder
• Steel Box Girder

May 21 1-85
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Steel Plate Girder with haunch
• Trapezoidal Steel Box Girder with haunch
• Horizontally Curved Steel Plate Girder
• Horizontally Curved Steel Box Girder
• Specialty Bridges (tied arches, Cable Stayed)
• Structural Steel Maintenance Steel Grade Selection

Identify all steel by grade on the contract plans.

Provide structural steel for bridges conforming to ASTM A709 (AASHTO M270). These specifications
include Grades 36, 50, 50W, HPS 50W, and HPS 70W. ASTM A709 steel specifications are written
exclusively for bridges wherein supplementary requirements for Charpy V-Notch Impact tests are
mandatory. Grade HPS 70W steel has recently been developed and provides high strength, enhanced
durability and improved weldability. Depending on the availability, Grade HPS 70W may be economical
only in hybrid girders. With Grade 50W webs, use a hybrid configuration with HPS 70W tension and
compression flanges in high moment regions. Specify Grade HPS 50W and HPS 70W to be “Quenched
and Tempered” in the contract document and for thermo-mechanical control processed require the
contractor to provide test samples at both ends of each rolled plate. Plates that pass the required test are
acceptable for fabrication.

Provide structural Steel for steel piling, metal sign structures and other incidental structures conforming to
ASTM A36, ASTM A572 or ASTM A588. Incidental structures include luminaire and traffic signal
supports, bridge metal rails and metal rail posts, guardrail connections, earthquake restraints, bridge deck
expansion joints, fencing post connections, etc. Merchant quality steel (non-spec) is used in items such
as catch basin frame, catch basin, deck drain grate, manhole rungs and steps, access hole cover,
guardrail spacer blocks, shims, anchor bolt plate embedded in concrete, etc. where a high degree of
internal soundness, chemical uniformity or freedom of surface defects are not required. Acceptance of
such items is on the basis of visual inspection.

ASTM A36, A572, or A588 may be used for structural steel for bridges provided the supplementary
Charpy V-Notch Impact test requirements are included in the Special Provisions. If Charpy V-Notch
Impact tests are required for ASTM A36, A572 or A588 structural steel, use the supplementary
requirements of ASTM A709.

Do not use A709 (Grades 36, 50, 50W) steels for plates thicker than 3 inches, nor butt welds in tension
members over 3 inches. Limit plate thickness for HPS 50W and HPS 70W to 2 inches. Consult with the
Steel Bridge Design Standards Engineer for specific project needs.

Specify ASTM A709 Grade 50 steel for all structures that require yield strengths between 36 ksi and 50
ksi and are to be painted or galvanized. Weathering Steel

Similar to regular construction steel, weathering steels also rust under a wide range of exposure
conditions, but during this process it forms oxides that remain tightly adherent to the steel substrate and
develops a much more stable oxide layer than non-weathering steel. Shortly after blast cleaning to

May 21 1-86
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
remove mill scale, weathering steel turns “rusty” in appearance. Through several cycles of wetting and
drying (usually between 6 and 24 months, depending on the environment), the surface of the steel
develops a tight oxide coating (patina) that provides its own corrosion resistant surface finish, eliminating
the need for painting and resulting in minimal future maintenance and lower life cycle costs.

Consider the use of ASTM A709 Grade 50W, HPS 50W, and HPS 70W weathering steel with some
caution. Poor performance of weathering steel was attributed to improper detailing and overextension of
the technology to highly corrosive applications such as marine environments, excessive application of
deicers, accumulated debris, and long periods of wetness.

Conditions or locations of concern include:

• Marine Coastal areas (as defined in BDM 1.26.1)
• Frequent high rainfall, high humidity or persistent fog
• Industrial areas where concentrated chemical fumes may drift onto the structure

• Grade separations in tunnel like conditions
• Low level water crossings
• Conditions that do not allow for the drying of the steel necessary to develop a good patina.

Good performance from weathering steel can be achieved with proper design and detailing. The Engineer
must be aware of and comply with the following requirements:
• Provide adequate drainage beneath overpass structures to prevent ponding and continual traffic
spray from below. Communicate the importance of adequate drainage to roadway designers.
• Do not detail deck drains that can discharge water onto the steel, especially in regions that use
de-icing chemicals.
• Avoid any type of open joint that allows runoff to reach the steel.
• Provide details that take advantage of natural drainage.
• Provide drip plates (also called drip tabs) to divert runoff water and protect abutments and
columns from staining.
• Eliminate details that retain water, dirt, and other debris. Provide stiffener clips for proper
ventilation and drainage.

Review the following references for appropriate application of weathering steel:

• FHWA Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Volume 19 – Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges
• FHWA Technical Advisory T 5140.22, “Uncoated Weathering Steel in Structures”
• NCHRP Report 314, Guidelines for the Use of Weathering Steel in Bridges

Refer to ASTM G101 “Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels” for long-
term corrosion exposure data. Weathering capability is calculated using the heat analysis compositions in
an equation to calculate an atmospheric corrosion resistance index, “I”. The higher the index, “I”, the
more corrosion resistant is the steel. Data show that in industrial and rural environments, the rate of
corrosion for weathering steel stabilizes to a negligible corrosion rate of approximately 0.3 mils per year
per side (or lower in many cases). Understanding the steady state corrosion rate of weathering steel
allows the designer to determine the amount of sacrificial plate thickness to include in the design once the
service life has been established. Simple-Spans-Made-Continuous

Span configuration plays an important role in using steel efficiently. Two-span continuous girders are not
always efficient because of high negative moments. Three-span units with interior spans about 20 to 30
percent longer than end spans are preferable, but not always possible. The designer is encouraged to

May 21 1-87
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
consider Simple-Spans-Made-Continuous bridges in the design of multi-span structures when efficient
span configuration is not achievable. Simple-Spans-Made-Continuous bridges reduce uplift in unbalanced
spans, reduce negative moments at the bents, simplify fabrication, and eliminate the need for bolted field

Critical to the functionality of Simple-Spans-Made-Continuous structures is the continuity connection at

the interior bents. Use of concrete diaphragms over the bridge piers is a feasible connection detail for
providing live load continuity over the pier in an SDCL (simple for dead and continuous for live load) steel
girder system when conventional construction methods are employed. See DET3620.

For designs intending to eliminate the deck joint at interior bents while allowing simple-span bridge
behavior to be retained, consider the use of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) link slabs as a
continuity connection. Link slabs are proven to be an economical detail for eliminating deck joints on
bridges. Elimination of the deck joint increases a bridge’s service life, reduces the need for frequent
maintenance, and provides a smooth riding surface.

As new research in steel industry practices are continuously improving, designers are encouraged to
discuss with Steel Bridge Standards Engineer regarding the most appropriate connection details for
design and construction. Uplift

If the end spans are much shorter than the interior spans, uplift at the girder ends can occur and create
design and construction problems. If end spans are too long in relation to interior spans, a
disproportionate amount of steel will be required for the end spans.

Always consider the presence of uplift at the ends of continuous girders, particularly with light, rolled
beam units or short end spans. Commentary to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Article
C3.4.1, indicates that uplift needs be checked under a strength load combination. It also provides
guidance in the appropriate use of minimum and maximum load factors. Uplift restraint, when needed,
must satisfy the Strength limit state and the Fatigue and Fracture limit state. Girder Spacing

Use wider girder spacing to reduce the number of lines of girders, which will reduce shop and field labor.
Many studies show that the weight of structural steel per square foot of deck area decreases as girder
spacing increases. However, the optimization of girder spacing must consider the following:
• ODOT prefers a minimum of four I-shaped beams/girder span for vehicular bridges.
• Stability and redundancy of the structure during future re-decking.
• Thicker concrete deck results in more concrete and reinforcing steel, and possibly in more
superstructure weight.
• Wide girder spacing can create challenges for deck formwork, and slabs (or floor systems) cannot
adequately support certain overloads.
• On straight bridges, interior and exterior girders must be detailed identically. Spacing must be
such that the distribution of wheel loads to the exterior girder is close to that of the interior girder.


• Refer to G12.1-2020, Guidelines to Design for Constructability Article 1.2 for more information. Generally, for
a bridge with an average span length less than 175′, there is not an appreciable difference in the structural steel
unit weight for the various girder spacing summarized in the graph in G12.1 Article 1.2. For a bridge with an
average span length more than 175′, the designer may want to consider a wider girder spacing, perhaps
between 11′ and 13′, as this wider girder spacing trends to a lighter steel superstructure.

• The fatigue live load specified in AASHTO LRFD Article shall be used for checking girder details in

May 21 1-88
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
accordance with Article 6.6. A single fatigue truck, without lane loading or variable axle spacing, is placed for
maximum and minimum effect to a detail under investigation. The impact is 15 percent, regardless of span
length. As specified in Article, multiple presence factors are also not to be applied to the fatigue limit
state check for which one design truck is used. The load factor is 1.75. It is generally possible to meet the
constant amplitude fatigue limit (CAFL) requirement for details with good fatigue performance. Limiting the
calculated fatigue range to the CAFL ensures infinite fatigue life.

With wider girder spacing and AASHTO simplified live load distribution factor, the fatigue limit-state check at
the crossframe connection-plate weld to the bottom flange could control the design of the bottom flange. It is
prudent for the designer to consider moving the crossframe away from high flexural location, or use refined
analysis to determine the stress at the crossframe connection-plate weld to the bottom flange to achieve
economical girder design, rather than increase the bottom flange thickness for the entire girder segment.

Bolted tab plate detail is not recommended (Refer to G12.1-2020, Guidelines to Design for Constructability
Article Shop Lengths of Welded Girders

Optimize the girder segments by reducing the number of field splices. Maximum girder or girder field
segment lengths without a field splice is 130 feet to 150 feet depending upon cross section. There may be
locations where girder lengths will be controlled by weight or access to the bridge site. Long and deep
girders may also require auxiliary lateral support during transportation.

It is typical to show an optional bolted field splice to allow the fabricator and contractor some flexibility in
fabrication and transportation. Locate field splices in welded steel beams by not exceeding the following
shop lengths and mass (all field splices must be bolted):
• 150 feet when bridge site is readily accessible (longer girders have been fabricated and hauled to
project sites, however contact fabricators and the Steel Bridge Standards Engineer if project
needs requires girder segments longer than 150 feet).
• 130 feet when bridge site is not readily accessible.
• Fabricators are limited to their shop crane sizes. Contact fabricators in the State of Oregon for
project specific needs and requirements.
For curved girders, limit the girder sweep plus the flange width to 6 feet for ease of shipping. The current
legal vehicle width is 8 feet 6 inches without a permit. Limiting the overall shipping width of curved girders
to 6 feet permits fabricators to offset the girder on the trailer, as is frequently done, while not exceeding
an overall width of 8 feet 6 inches. Add optional field splices if required. Rolled Beam Sections

Rolled beams can be more economical than plate girders for their applicable span lengths (up to 80 feet)
because of decreased fabrication costs. Do not use sections smaller than W18. Select beams that have a
top flange that is sufficiently wide to provide adequate spacing for three stud connectors per row. The
beams must be large enough that the elastic neutral axis of the composite section is within the steel
beam (not within the slab or haunch). Rolled beams usually do not need bearing stiffeners. Verify the
need of bearing stiffeners for rolled beams by using the provisions in LRFD D6.5. The diaphragms
between beams usually consist of rolled shapes with channels being the most common choice. Plate Girders

See Standard Details DET3600, DET3605 and DET3610 for general details.

May 21 1-89
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Flange Width and Thickness

Minimize the number of changes in flange size, as the cost of a butt weld will offset a considerable length
of excessive flange area. When locating flange thickness transitions (shop flange splices), include no
more than two butt splices or three different flange thicknesses for an individual flange between field
splices, except for unusual cases such as very long or heavy girders or mill length availability limits.

Constant width flanges enable the fabricator to order the flanges in multiple width plates which are more
economical than universal mill plates. The shop flange splices can be made while the plates are in wide
slabs and cut to widths simultaneously with multiple cutting torches. Limit the maximum change between
adjacent plates to 6 inches in width, at both welded and bolted connection section changes.

Efficiently locating thickness transitions in plate girder flanges is a matter of plate length availability and
the economics of welding and inspecting a splice compared to the cost of extending a thicker plate. Refer
to NSBA G12.1 Guidelines to Design for Constructability Article 1.5.1 for optimizing flange thickness
transitions. The rule of thumb is to limit flange transitions such that the smaller flange at a welded
transition is no less than 50% of the area of the larger flange, which accomplishes two things. First, the
bending stress gradient in the girder web due to the change in section properties does not become overly
steep when this criterion is met. It has also been demonstrated in past designs that, if the flange transition
results in greater than a 50% reduction in flange area, either the transition is not in the optimum location
or an additional transition may prove to be economical.

The minimum size flange is 3/4” x 12”. The minimum 3/4 inch flange thickness is to minimize the
distortion of the flange due to welding of the flange to the web.

It may not be prudent to minimize the top flange. Flange width affects girder stability during handling,
erection, and deck placement. Keep the girder length (field section length) to flange width ratio below 85.
The girder needs significant lateral load capacity to resist lateral transportation loads and lateral loads
from deck overhang brackets and deck placements. Another side benefit of providing generous top
flange is that the non-composite deflections are reduced.

Make top and bottom flanges a constant width where possible. Minimizing the number of changes in the
top flange will also facilitate easier deck forming. If a change in bottom flange width is needed, make it at
a bolted splice location.

Limit the maximum flange thickness to 3.0 inches. At welded flange splices, the thinner plate must not be
less than one-half the thickness of the thicker plate.

Generally, use a minimum flange width that is equal to the width of the flange resisting the maximum
positive moment. Widen the flange as necessary in negative moment areas so the flange thickness will
not exceed 3.0 inches at the bent. Web Depth and Thickness

Girder depths, particularly for haunched girders, may be limited because of transportation constraints.

Use constant depth girders where possible. Commonly used web plates are in the range of 48 inches to
96 inches. Minimum web thickness is 1/2 inch. Thinner plate is subject to excessive distortion from

Use web plate of sufficient thickness to eliminate the need for transverse stiffeners either entirely or
partially. In high shear regions, if transverse stiffeners spaced at about 8 to 10 feet prevent the need for a
thicker web, the use of a stiffened web can be justified. The labor to place and weld one foot of stiffener
is equal to about 25 pounds of steel. Un-stiffened webs reduce fabrication, painting costs (for non-

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weathering steel) and flange sizes. Thicker webs are also helpful in reducing web distortion due to
welding and in supporting deck overhang brackets for the deck placement.

Design web plates in 1/16 inch increments with a note that the contractor may increase the web thickness
shown by 1/16 inch at no additional cost to the state. Minimize web transitions as the cost of a butt weld
web splice often exceeds the cost of the added material between sections.

The cost of a square butt joint web splice is equal to about 800 pounds of steel per foot of splice. When
web plates are over 80 feet long and constant thickness, provide the fabricator an optional shop splice on
the design plans. The most economical bid can then be prepared according to the mill length extras,
market areas available, and transportation and handling costs. Girder Splices

Locate splices to avoid conflicts with wind bracing, diaphragms and/or intermediate stiffeners. Layout
locations of all intermediate stiffeners, diaphragms and wind bracing to avoid conflicts with the flange
cutoff points (and possible splice locations).

Splices are a natural location to make changes in the flange size to eliminate flange welds. Maintain the
same web thickness on each side of the splice. For flexural members, it is recommended that the smaller
section at the point of splice be taken as the side of the splice that has the smaller calculated moment of
inertia for the non-composite steel section. Intermediate Web Stiffeners

Where transverse intermediate stiffeners are used, provide them on both faces of the webs of interior
girders and on the interior faces, only, of exterior girders. Specify stiffener widths in 1/2-inch increments.
Specify thickness in 1/8-inch increments using 3/8-inch as an absolute minimum.

Rigidly connect the stiffeners to the compression portions of the flanges. Stiffeners may be welded to
compression flanges. Ends welds about 1/4” away from the edge (snipe, clip, etc.) to avoid a poor quality
weld termination.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Bearing Stiffeners

Bearing stiffeners and the web act as a column section, transferring loads from the superstructure to the
substructure. In combination with the end frames, they also transfer lateral loads from the superstructure
to the substructure. Minimum size of fillet weld is the minimum specified in BDM Fabricators
strongly discourage full-penetration welding of bearing stiffeners to flanges. Full-penetration welds distort
the bearing area of the bottom flange. Select bearing stiffener widths in increments of 1/2 inch. Specify
thickness in 1/8-inch increments. Bearing stiffeners should extend to about 1/2- to 3/4- inch from the
flange edge.

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Limit bearing stiffeners skew angle at end bents or interior bents to the values shown in Figure 2.3 of the
AWS D1.5 for bearing stiffeners to web connection. Discard the footnotes of the figure which permits
angles less than 60 degrees. When the skew angle exceeds limit shown on the Figure, use bent plates. Check Samples and Fracture Critical Members

Check Samples

Tension members and elements that require notch toughness check samples are to be clearly identified
on the plans. Check samples are required for cross-frame members on curved steel girders.

Fracture Critical Members

Clearly identify fracture-critical members on the plans.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Fit-up and Intermediate Cross-Frames

Fit-up of steel bridge members is a critical component in the overall success of a project. The designer
must be able to clearly convey to the fabricator and erector the intent of the design as it relates to bolting
and pinning, camber, bolted field splices, and differential deflections. State in the contract documents the
fit condition for which the cross-frames or diaphragms are to be detailed according to LRFD 6.7.2.

Include a note in the contract drawings stating that the girder webs are plumb in the final condition. This
requires the erector to force fit the diaphragms with the girders out-of-plumb prior to deck placement.
Rotation of girders resulting from the deck placement plumbs the girders web and releases stresses
caused from force fitting the diaphragms.


• Steel bridges, including straight and skewed bridges, should be detailed so they are plumb in the final
condition. For steel girder bridges this means that the girder webs should be plumb after deck and barrier
placement. This is accomplished by detailing the cross-frames to the final position. The girders are then
installed to fit the cross-frames, requiring that for skewed bridges they be “rolled” during fit-up so that they
are out of plumb under steel dead loads. The design intent again needs to be spelled out clearly on the plans
so that the fabricator and erector are aware of the intent when bidding and constructing the project.
Tolerances for web plumbness/girder layover are specified in the AASHTO/NSBA Guide Specification S10.1-
2014, Steel Bridge Erection Guide Specification Section 9.

• Steel Dead Load Fit (SDLF, also known as Erected Fit): For bridges which are detailed for SDLF the girder
webs should be plumb (within reasonable construction tolerance) at the end of steel erection, prior to deck
placement. If they are not plumb at the end of steel erection (prior to deck placement), the engineer should be
consulted and remedial action should be considered. Later, when the deck is placed, the webs will lay over
and be out of plumb. This sequence of webs being plumb prior to deck placement and out of plumb after deck
placement is normal and generally does not represent a problem.

• Total Dead Load Fit (TDLF, also known as Final Fit): For bridges which are detailed for TDLF the girder
webs should be plumb (within reasonable construction tolerance) at the end of deck placement. The webs
will be out of plumb at the end of steel erection, prior to deck placement. If the webs are plumb at the end of
steel erection (prior to deck placement), or are out of plumb in the wrong direction or beyond reasonable
construction tolerances, remedial action should be considered. If the webs are in their correct, anticipated
out of plumb position prior to deck placement, then when the deck is placed the webs will rotate (twist) to a

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plumb position (within reasonable construction tolerance), at least at the supports. This sequence of webs
being out of plumb prior to deck placement and plumb after deck placement is normal and generally does not
represent a problem.

Skewed and Curved I-Girder Bridge Fit and Framing Arrangements

See Skewed and Curved Steel I-Girder Bridge Fit (Standalone Summary) and Skewed and Curved Steel
I-Girder Bridge Fit (Full Document) for more information.

Recommended Fit Conditions for the following I-girder bridges:

• straight bridges where one or more support lines are skewed more than 20 degrees from normal;
• horizontally-curved bridges where one or more support lines are skewed more than 20 degrees
from normal and with an L/R in all spans less than or equal to 0.03;
• horizontally-curved bridges with or without skewed supports and with a maximum L/R greater
than 0.03;

L = actual span length bearing to bearing along the centerline of the bridge (ft)

R = girder radius at the centerline of the bridge (ft)

Fit Condition – deflected girder geometry associated with a targeted dead load condition for which the
cross-frames are detailed to connect to the girders.

Loading Condition Fit Construction Stage Fit Description

No-Load Fit (NLF) Fully-Cambered Fit The cross-frames are detailed to fit to the girders
in their fabricated, plumb, fully-cambered position
under zero dead load.
Steel Dead Load Fit Erected Fit The cross-frames are detailed to fit to the girders
(SDLF) in their ideally plumb as-deflected positions under
bridge steel dead load at the completion of the
Total Dead Load Fit Final Fit The cross-frames are detailed to fit to the girders
(TDLF) in their ideally plumb as-deflected positions under
the bridge total dead load.

Recommended Fit Conditions for Straight I-Girder Bridges (including Curved I-Girder Bridges with L/R in
all spans ≤ 0.03):

Square Bridges and Skewed Bridges up to 20 deg Skew

Recommended Acceptable Avoid
Any span length Any None
Skewed Bridges with Skew > 20 deg and Is ≤ 0.30 +/-
Recommended Acceptable Avoid
Any span length TDLF or SDLF - NLF
Skewed Bridges with Skew > 20 deg and Is > 0.30 +/-
Recommended Acceptable Avoid
Span lengths up to
200’ +/-
Span lengths greater
than 200’ +/-

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Recommended Fit Conditions for Horizontally Curved I-Girder Bridges ((L/R)MAX > 0.03):
Radial or Skewed Supports
Recommended Acceptable Avoid
All other cases SDLF NLF TDLF

• Detail for a Steel Dead Load Fit, unless the maximum L/R is greater than or equal to 0.2.
• When (L/R)MAX ≥ 0.2, detail for No-Load Fit, unless the additive locked-in force effects from Steel
Dead Load Fit detailing are considered.


Design and detail cross frame based on rational analysis for all stages of construction and service life
according to LRFD 6.7.4.
• Rational analysis of cross-frames depends on accurately analyzing the structure and determining
the appropriate force effects.
• When a bridge is designed using line girder analysis methods, the cross-frames should be
evaluated for minimum stability bracing strength and stiffness requirements as well as wind loads
and construction loads.
• Where cross frame fatigue forces control the design, live load force effects in cross-frames and
diaphragms should be calculated by 2D grid or 3D analysis model. See G13.1-2019, Guidelines
for Steel Girder Bridge Analysis Section 4 and Appendix B.
o LRFD C6. – Calculate fatigue stress using only a single transverse lane position.
Determine maximum fatigue stresses in cross frames with the truck confined to one
critical transverse position per each longitudinal position throughout the length of the
bridge. Standard grid design software is generally not considering this. This requires
isolating loading from individual lanes in the analysis. To satisfy this requirement, an
influence-surface grid of 5 feet (longitudinal) by 4 feet (transverse) has been shown to
adequately capture the maximum force effects.
o For 2D models using equivalent beam, use Timoshenko beam approach, see G13.1-
2019, Guidelines for Steel Girder Bridge Analysis Section 3.11.3. The Timoshenko beam
approach provides the most realistic estimate of the cross-frame stiffness because it
considers both flexural and shear deformations. Include the transverse stiffness of the

For skewed (>20°) and curved I-girder bridges:

• See LRFD C6.7.4.2 for discussion about beneficial framing arrangements in skewed and curved
I-girder bridges to alleviate detrimental transverse stiffness effects.
• It is recommended to offset the first intermediate cross-frame placed normal to the girders
adjacent to a skewed support:

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• Framing of a normal intermediate cross-frame into or near a bearing location along a skewed
support line is strongly discouraged unless the cross-frame diagonals are omitted.
• At skewed interior bents and end bents, place cross-frames along the skewed bearing line, and
locate intermediate cross-frames greater than or equal to the recommended minimum offset from
the bearing lines.
• For curved I-girder bridges, provide contiguous intermediate cross-frame lines within the span in
combination with the recommended offset at skewed bearing lines.

Member Selection and Detailing

Select the most economical cross-frame members which meet the strength and detailing requirements of
the design. Minimize the number of different types or sizes of members used in a given design. Consider
the following for cross-frame member selection:
• Equal leg angles are often more cost-effective than unequal leg angles. Do not use back-to-back
angles as cross-frame members. Common angle sizes for diaphragms range from L3 x 3 x 5/16
to L6 x 6 x 5/8.
• WT sections may be used when design forces exceed the capacity of angle sections,. Do not use
WT shapes in small quantities.
• If channel sections are used, C shapes are preferable to MC shapes. A bent-plate diaphragm, in
the shape of a channel, is a possible option to provide to the fabricator for diaphragms on shallow
plate girders (4-foot-deep web or less) or rolled beams.
• Design and detail cross-frames such that they can be erected as a single unit. Fabricators and
erectors discourage diaphragms that require erection in separate pieces.
• Efficient cross frames are as deep as practical so that the diagonals of the cross frame have large
enough angles to prevent the gusset-type plates at the ends of the cross frame from becoming
too large.

See the following reference for additional guidance:

• Proposed Modification to AASHTO Cross-Frame Analysis and Design
o Appendix B: Cross-Frame Design Example (Straight Bridge)
o Appendix C: Cross-Frame Design Example (Curved Bridge)
• G12.1-2020, Guidelines to Design for Constructability Section 2.2.6
• FHWA Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Volume 13 – Bracing System Design

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
In choosing between intermediate cross-frames of "K" or "X" form, in general, use the "X" form when the
ratio of the beam spacing to the frame depth is less than 2 and the "K" form when the ratio is greater than
2. Consider a solid plate diaphragm when the depth of the frame approaches 3 feet or less.

Also consider maintenance and inspection requirements in the cross-frame design. Providing adequate
clearance for sandblasting and painting is recommended. Avoid inaccessible areas. It may also be
necessary to provide for maintenance walkways and/or utilities through the cross-frames.

Rigidly connect cross-frames to the top and bottom flanges to prevent web distortions and cracking.
Weld stiffeners to compression and tension flanges as shown on Figures and Stop
ends of welds about 1/4 inch away from the edge (snipe, clip, etc.) to avoid a poor quality weld


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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Cross-Frames at Bents

Cross-frames at bents are more critical to transfer seismic forces from the superstructure to the
substructure. One solution is to use detail Figure with a W shape beam between the girders at
the top of the cross-frame. Welded studs are added to the top flange of these W shape beams to provide
the lateral resistance. The shear studs at the ends are critical in transferring the transverse seismic forces
from the deck slab into the steel superstructure. A top chord connecting the deck slab to the end cross
frames was found to be effective in transferring these forces and resist rotation at the top of the girders in
the absence of sufficient studs on top of the girders.

If a joint system is required for a cross-frame at end bents, it may be necessary to use details similar to
cross-frames at continuous beam interior bents. See Figure

Diaphragms or cross-frames are required along skewed interior bents and end bents.

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It is desirable to have all cross-frame member centerlines intersecting at a common point. But, it is often
easier to design for the eccentric loads in the connection than to get a common intersection point of the
member centerlines. Composite Action and Flange Shear Connectors

Provide shear connectors in all portions of continuous spans, positive or negative moment. Old practice
was to not use concrete reinforcement to increase the moment capacity of composite girders in the
negative moment areas. However, for deflection and moment calculations include longitudinal reinforcing
steel in the composite section properties of the girder in the negative moment areas.

Extend shear connectors at least 1 inch above the mid depth of the deck. Generally, the deck build up on
steel girders is constant except for bridges with variable cross-slopes (super elevation) along the bridge.
However the top flange plate thicknesses may vary. Consider the effect of top flange thickness variation
and bridge deck super elevations when checking the shop drawings or specifying the shear connector’s
length. The advantages of longer shear connectors are in distributing load to larger area of the bottom
mat reinforcing steel when a girder fails in fatigue. The concrete deck will distribute a portion of the
unsupported load of the failed girder to adjacent girder/girders.

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May 21 1-101
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Beam Camber

(1) Beam Camber, General

Steel beams are cambered to compensate for dead load, shrinkage deflections and gradelines. The final
position of the bottom flange is either flat or follows the grade, except in a sag vertical curve. Do not
place a final negative camber in a beam. Profile grades can be incorporated into the camber by either
added camber in the beam or by varying the deck flange build-ups along the beam. Sag vertical curves
always require flange build-ups. Consider the superelevation of the deck in the design of minimum flange

Slope adjustment or build-up for straight girders on curved roadways must also be considered. Deck
grades are based on the roadway centerline and straight girders are offset at midspan from the
centerline. As a result, the adjustment is the superelevation times the midspan offset. Additional beam
camber at midspan or additional build-up at the ends will be required. See Figure

In addition to girder deflections, show girder rotations at bearing stiffeners. This will allow shop plan
detailers to compensate for rotations so that bearing stiffeners will be vertical in their final position.


Sketches of the camber options for simple spans are shown in Figures through


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(2) Shrinkage Camber

Bridge deck shrinkage has a varying degree of effect on superstructure deflections. The designer shall
use some judgment in evaluating this effect on camber. Bridge deck shrinkage should be the smallest
portion of the total camber. It has greater influence on shallower girder sections, say rolled beams. Simple
spans will see more effect than continuous spans. For calculation, apply a shrinkage strain of 0.0002 to
the long-term composite section using 3n. Tests have indicated that the unit shrinkage of the slab in
composite beams (i.e., the shrinkage strain adjusted for long-term relaxation effects) may be taken equal
to 0.0002.

The steel stresses in straight simple spans may be approximated by considering the composite cross-
section as an eccentrically loaded column with a load of 0.0002EcnAc applied at the centroid of the slab
and using n = Es/Ec.

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M = moments applied to structure due to concrete shrinkage

= (0.0002 in/in)EcAcYt in kip-inches


Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete (ksi)

f’c = Concrete Strength (psi)
Ac = total area of concrete (in²)
Yt = distance from cg of the deck to the cg of the composite section *. (inches).

* Note: Use 3n for modular ratio in calculating section properties.

Example of a two span bridge with two different girder sections:


For two span bridge, the magnitude of the applied moments is equal to the compression force times the
distance from the mid-depth of the deck to the c.g. of the composite section for that segment. Where two
segments join the applied moment is the difference between the calculated moments for each segment.

The deflections of the first pour are based on the whole girder acting non-composite, then the deflections
of the second pour are based on the area of the first pour acting compositely with the rest of the girder
non-composite and so on until the last pour. The deflections due to each pour sequence are added
together and only the total is shown in the camber table.

For structures requiring close tolerances on girder cambers, refined analysis of shrinkage effects utilize
structural analysis software such as MIDAS Civil may also be used provided they are based on the same
concrete shrinkage strain.

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(3) Camber Diagrams

Show the following data for steel beam camber on the contract drawings:
Grade line camber........................................................
Dead load camber.........................................................
Superimposed Dead load camber.................................
Shrinkage camber.........................................................
Total Camber.................................................................
Camber due to weight of steel beam and diaphragm…

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Camber diagram examples:


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May 21 1-107
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Deck Pouring Sequence

Deck pouring sequences for continuous steel spans must be developed according to the span and
deflection characteristics of the particular bridge.

The general principal is to first place the sections that are outside of the negative moment zones.
Subsequent placements may produce negative flexure in the previously placed sections (See LRFD
C6.10.3.7 for commentary). Provide minimum negative flexure slab reinforcement per LRFD as
needed. Set retarding admixture may be required to reduce excessive induced stresses in adjacent
spans placed sequentially.

Any changes to the pouring sequence during construction must be analyzed by the Contractor’s Engineer
to determine any effects on stresses and camber. This review will need to be completed early in the
process, because it may affect the beam fabrication.

The following steps are a general rule for pouring sequence of continuous steel bridges:
1. Pour (1) consists of all positive moment areas along the bridge which will not cause upward
deflection on other span/s. No waiting period is required between these spans.
2. Pour (2) consists of multiple separate placements of all positive moment areas of spans that cause
upward deflection on other spans. The wait period between these span placements is a minimum
of three days after the last pour (1) ended and reaches 70% of final strength. If multiple spans are
placed sequentially in the same pour, set retarding admixture may be required to reduce excessive
induced stresses in adjacent spans.
3. Pour (3) consists of all negative moment areas. The pour can be placed a minimum three days
after the last pour (2) ended.

The pouring sequence of three span continuous balanced bridges is shown below:


The deck pouring sequence for bridges designed continuous for live load consists of two pours. Pour (1)
for all positive moment areas except for closure pours. Pour (2) consists of all closure pours at interior
and/or end bents a minimum of three days after pour (1).

May 21 1-108
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 End Bents Detailing

It is desirable to eliminate end bent joints or make construction jointless to protect the girder steel from
leaking joints. See BDM for additional guidance.

Use the extended deck detail or semi integral abutments similar to Figures or

Use the integral abutments when geometry and span length allow. Show a coated or painted section at
the ends of plate girders. On jointless bridges coat/paint the end of the girder for a length of 1’-0” outside
the concrete interface and 4 inches inside the concrete interface. See Figure

Where joints cannot be avoided, show a coating/painting detail at the end of plate girders. Coat/paint the
end of the girder for a length at least 1.5 times the depth of the girder and all attachments within this limit.
See Figure The paint color is to match the developed weathering steel patina 2.5 years after
completion of the bridge construction. See Figure


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Figure Expansion Joint Blockouts

Show a blockout detail (see Figures on the plans to allow the expansion joint assembly to be
placed a period of time after the final deck pour. Providing a blockout makes the adjacent deck pour
easier, provides smoother deck transition to joint, and allows the majority of the superstructure shrinkage
to occur prior to joint assembly placement. Bearings and Anchor Rods

Due to high cost, try to avoid using built up steel bearings, pot bearings, and spherical bearings.

Design integral jointless bridges or use elastomeric bearings wherever possible.

Use circular elastomeric bearings on curved steel girders.

See also BDM 1.14.1.

See G9.1-2004, Steel Bridge Bearing Design and Detailing Guidelines for additional guidance. See
Drawing E2.3 for prefer bearing anchor rods connection detail. Structure Widening

Generally, to avoid transferring dead loads from the widening to existing beams, diaphragms are
temporarily connected to resist lateral loads only and a closure pour is made between the deck pours. An
example is shown below.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Figure Welding, General

Technical Assistance – The ODOT Welding Engineer may be consulted for assistance with welded

General categories of welding - The following three categories loosely describe the most common types
of welding needed for design work in roadway and bridge sections.

Incidental Structures (AWS D1.1): Welding under this category consists of light structural joining such as
handrails, fencing, and sheet metal products. In general the weld is not required to fully develop the
strength of the joining parts. Visual inspection of the final product is all that is expected.

General Structural Welding (AWS D1.1): Welding under this category consists of partially or fully
developing the strength of the joining parts such as pile splices and attachments, guard rails, signing and
lighting support, expansion joints(unless prefabricated by an approved supplier), seismic restraint fixtures

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
and bearings (unless directly welding to main structural elements of a bridge). In general the weld will
develop the ultimate strength of the joining parts but is not expected to provide maximum fatigue life
unless nondestructive testing is specified for acceptance.

Structural Welding of Reinforcing Steel (AWS D1.4): Welding under this category consists of splicing
and/or anchoring either new construction or existing reinforcing steel in concrete columns and girders.
Note that LRFD does not allow welded splices of bridge deck reinforcement due to fatigue
considerations. The particular weld joint design usually consists of either flare-bevel welds or butt joints
with back up bars see Figure for examples. In general it is desired to develop the full strength
of the reinforcing steel to be joined. Almost any type of reinforcing steel can be successfully welded
provided the chemistry of the steel is known (from either mill certifications or field testing) and an
appropriate welding procedure is developed and followed. Unknown steels need to have a sample
extracted (approximately 2 to 4 grams) and testing for chemistry. The welding procedure is developed
from AWS D1.4 using the carbon equivalent method. This type of welding is almost always performed in
the field and thus needs to be monitored by a certified welding inspector (CWI). Acceptance is usually
based on visual examination but other methods can be used if the designer is concerned about fatigue.
Make sure that the Contractor provides a CWI during field welding.

Bridge Welding (AWS D1.5): Welding under this category consists of fabricating or modifying any main
load path carrying members of a bridge that have some or all portions that experience tensile stresses
under normal loads. This includes girders, floor beams, stringers, trusses, and hanger assemblies. The
member does not necessarily have to be fracture critical. In general the welding is expected to develop
both full ultimate strength of the joining parts and maximum fatigue performance. Joint toughness and
nondestructive testing are typically required for acceptance.

Certification of Steel Fabricators: SP 00560.30 requires the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Category CBR (Major Steel Bridges) Certification for fabricators of structural steel bridges. If the structure is
Fracture Critical, the fabricator also is required to have the AISC Fracture Critical endorsement.

Typical pathways for successful welding in your design:

Incidental welding:

1) Specify the welds needed on the drawings (type, size, and length).

2) In general welding procedure specifications and welder certification are not required to be

3) Quality assurance will be based on general appearance (visual testing) only. If you want a
trained person to inspect the workmanship send a copy of the plans to the ODOT Portland Materials
Inspection Crew. The same inspectors will also check for quality of painting and galvanizing. If the
workmanship is poor then the parts can be rejected.

General Structural Welding:

1) Specify the welds needed on the drawings (type, size, and length). Even though the Standard
Specifications invoke AWS D1.1 welding code for all incidentals structures, it is recommended that
the following statement be included on the drawings (usually the plan and elevations):

“All welding shall conform to the AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code.”

2) Generally welding procedure specifications (WPS) and welder certification are required to be
submitted and approved. Any shop drawings that have welding shown are not legally approved until
the WPS are approved under AWS D1.1.

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3) Quality assurance is typically based on visual inspection by a certified welding inspector (CWI)
and may also incorporate nondestructive testing such as ultrasonic (UT), radiographic (RT), and
magnetic particle (MT) testing if specified on the design drawings. Various stages of the fabrication
process may also be monitored if necessary. It is recommended that a copy of all plans and
specifications that require this category of welding be sent to the ODOT Portland Materials
Inspection Crew.

Reinforcing Steel Welding:

1) Specify the welds needed on the drawings (type, size, and length).

2) In the general notes for the job, put the following:

"All reinforcing steel welding shall conform to AWS D1.4 Structural Reinforcing Steel"

3) If the steel is not ASTM A615 or A706 a field chemistry sample needs to be extracted and
analyzed for the carbon equivalent. The welding procedure shall be based on this information. If
the steel is A615 or A706 the D1.4 welding code has recommended heat inputs.

4) Inform the ODOT Portland Materials Office of the work and have a CWI review the welding
procedure, welder certification and observe the welding.

Bridge Welding:

1) Specify the welds needed on the drawings (type, size, and length). Calling out the specific weld
ID number (i.e. TC-U4a is an example) is preferable but not required. Typically this category of
welding requires a significant Quality Assurance (QA) effort so please include this in your
construction cost estimate.

Even though the Standard Specifications invoke AWS D1.5 welding code for all bridge welding it is
recommended that the following statement be included on the drawings (usually the plan and

“All welding shall conform to the AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code.”

2) Welding procedure specifications (WPS) and welder certification are required to be submitted and
approved by the Engineer of Record. Any shop drawings that have welding shown are not legally
approved until the WPS are approved under AWS D1.5.

3) Quality assurance is based on a more complicated Owner/Fabricator relationship that involves

frequent inspections during the entire fabrication and erection process. Most individuals involved
have stringent requirements for their duties including certified welders, inspectors, fabricators, and
testing personnel. Most welding in this category requires some form of nondestructive testing for
acceptance. Theoretically all materials and processes are traceable with archived documentation.
Send a copy of all plans and specifications that require this category of welding to the ODOT
Portland Materials Inspection Crew. Fillet Welds

When adequate structural performance from fillet welds in "T" and corner joints can be obtained, use fillet
weld in preference to groove welds. Fillet welds can be non-destructively inspected with greater certainty
of result and at lower cost. The minimum fillet weld size for prequalified joints is shown below:

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Material Thickness of Thicker Part Joined (T) (in) Minimum Size* of Fillet Weld (in)
To 3/4 inclusive 1/4 **
Over 3/4 5/16 **

* Except that the weld size need not exceed the thickness of the thinner part joined. For this
exception, take particular care to provide sufficient preheat to ensure weld soundness.

** Welds of this size must be made in a single pass.

Size fillet welds in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications.

Web to flange connection

Use the minimum fillet weld necessary to join the flange to the web. This size will vary along the length of
the girder depending on the size of the plates being joined.

Shear stress capacity of fillet welds (equal legs):

• LRFD Design - Fv= 0.6x0.8Fexx x 0.707"t" (LRFD

where: Fexx = 58,000 psi for Grade 36 Steel

Fexx = 65,000 psi for Grade 50 Steel
"t" = length fillet leg

Fillet Weld Capacity - LRFD Design (lb/in)

Leg Length "t" (in) Grade 36 Steel Grade 50 Steel
3/16 3690 4135
1/4 4920 5510
5/16 6150 6890
3/8 7380 8270
7/16 8610 9650
1/2 9840 11,025
9/16 11,070 12,405
5/8 12,300 13,785

Figure Flange Welds

The design tensile stress in butt welded joints may equal the allowable stress in the base metal.

Show flange butt weld splices as in the detail below. Include this detail on all steel structure plans.
Indicate the type of butt weld splice for each splice on the plans. This may be accomplished by:
• Adding the word "tension" or "compression", whichever is the case, to the tail of the weld
• Indicating which flanges or which portions of the flanges are in compression (C) and which
are in tension (T).

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Figure Welded Web Splices in Steel Bridge Girders

Use complete joint penetration butt weld in web splices. Ground off 100 percent of the weldments
reinforcing of all web splices. To facilitate NDE during fabrication, specify on the design drawings which
portion of the girder webs are tension and compression. (see Figures and

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Figure Processes

Galvanizing is a process of applying a sacrificial metal (zinc) to a base metal. The zinc will corrode, or
sacrifice itself, to protect the base metal. Hot-dip galvanizing involves cleaning the items with a
combination of caustic and acidic solutions and the dipping them into a tank of molten zinc for a specified
period of time. After removal, small items are spun to remove excess zinc.

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Mechanical galvanizing involves cleaning as mentioned above and then loading the items in a multi-sided
rotating barrel. The barrel contains a mixture of various sized beads and water. As the barrel turns,
chemicals and powdered zinc are added. The collision between the items, the glass beads and zinc
causes the zinc to cold weld to the part. Powdered zinc is added until the required thickness is obtained.

Hot-dip galvanizing has proven to provide better long term corrosion protection and should be required for
all galvanized items. Detailing

To ensure proper hot-dip galvanizing, venting and drain holes must be provided in details. These insure
proper circulation and removal of cleaning solutions and the molten zinc. They may also prevent potential
explosions during dipping caused by trapped air.

Provide a minimum vent opening of 25 to 30 percent of the cross-sectional area of a tubular section if full
open venting is not possible. Provide drains holes at closed corners or clip all corners at gusset plates to
allow complete drainage. Silicon Control

The silicon content of the steel influences the corrosion resistance and strength of the galvanized coating
and the thickness of the zinc layer. The silicon content of the steel must be held within either of the range
of 0 to 0.06 percent, or 0.153 to 0.25 percent to obtain and maintain a pleasing appearance. Call out all
members that will have visual impact on the drawings with "Galvanize - Control Silicon". Examples of
these members are the chords, posts and diagonals of sign bridges; arms and shafts of luminaire, sign
and signal support structures; steel traffic rail posts and railing members and pedestrian railings.

For economic reasons, silicon need not be controlled in galvanized structural members that are hidden
from motorist view or are too small to have significant visual impact. Generally, these members that are
too small to have significant visual impact are steel shapes whose least dimension does not exceed 3

An example of an exception is pedestrian rail members that should have silicon control. Examples of
hidden members and others which for practical reasons do not require silicon control are base plates and
guard rail connection plates, flex-beam rails and their posts and single-post, breakaway sign posts.

The general notes on each contract drawing that includes members are to be called out as "Galvanize-
Control Silicon". The specification for control of silicon in steels to be galvanized is included in the
Standard Specifications for Construction. Painting or coating of new or existing metal

Coating of metal structures is discouraged in most circumstances due to maintenance costs of recoating.
Weathering steel and galvanizing are preferred options. Sacrificial thickness is another option that may
be appropriate in some circumstances. Perform a life cycle cost comparison when considering sacrificial
thickness vs coated steel. Include the cost comparison in the TS&L narrative. Coating steel may be
appropriate in the following situations:
• Marine environments (as defined in BDM 1.26.1)
• When use of weathering steel is improper per BDM
• Structure is easily accessible and has minimally restricted lane closures (i.e. does not cross a

Coating work consists of preparing and coating new metal structures and features in the shop and in the
field, and preparing and coating existing metal structures. This includes all:

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

• Interior and exterior steel surfaces

• Steel railings, bridge bearings, and bridge expansion joint assemblies
• Other miscellaneous steel
Coating of metal structures shall be in conformance with SP 00594 and the special provisions. Powder
coating is discussed in SP 00593. Design Features of Coated Steel

Provide the following design features for bridges fabricated from coated structural steel:

1. Where structure access and lane closures are expected to be improbable, consider providing
additional vertical clearance beyond the required minimum (per BDM according to the
following criteria. Allow for future ACWS overlay if applicable.
• For box girders: Half of the box girder bottom flange width + 1 foot, but not exceeding 3
• For plate girders: Width of the girder bottom flange, but not exceeding 3 feet
• All other situations: 1.5 feet

Additional vertical clearance only needs to be provided at girders over traffic lanes or where low
water clearance is expected. This is to allow a minimal amount of access for work platforms and
performing the work on the lowest members over traffic, without affecting freight movement.
Evaluate providing additional clearance with the project team based on the following criteria:
• Projected AADT – projected AADT high enough to impact future lane closures
• Railroad project involvement – railroad involvement will restrict structure access
• Freeway projects - either on or above
• Urban locations – surroundings (buildings, structures, utilities, etc.) may confine and limit
Weigh the economic impact of increasing vertical clearances against future recoating
• When evaluating increased project construction cost due to a raised profile, consider the
following items that may be affected:
o Roadway construction due to a grade profile change
o Environmental impact and mitigation
o Additional right-of-way needs
o Retaining wall(s) needs
o Seismic requirements (i.e. increased column heights, foundation stabilization)
o Over-height warning system - for protecting workers on platforms over live traffic
• When only the minimum required clearance is provided (no additional), it will be more
difficult and costly to recoat the bridge in the future. Reduced clearances typically require
lane closures, detours, or night work to gain access to the work. In high traffic areas
where lane closure are prohibited the efficiency of the work can be further degraded
when allowable work shifts are too short. Evaluate the following items, with assistance
from the Senior Cost Engineer and the Structure Coatings Engineer, when considering
lifecycle costs of future painting when only the minimum required clearance (no
additional) is provided:
o Over-height warning system
o Additional traffic control
o Detours
o Effect of night work
o Mobilizing and demobilizing equipment each work shift; effect of work shifts that are
not long enough for reasonable efficiency
• Increase in access and containment cost due to complexity and additional setups
• Increase in surface preparation cost due to reduced efficiency

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• Increase in coating application cost due to reduced efficiency
• Increase in traffic control or detour costs due to reduced efficiency
o Increased overhead costs due to reduced efficiency (longer calendar duration of
• Delay costs borne by the public

Document the various clearance alternatives, including cost comparisons (based on the items
outlined above) and justifications in the TS&L narrative. Submit a design deviation when
providing additional clearance beyond the required minimum.

2. A minimum of 3 feet horizontal separation between the front face of traffic rail and the nearest
steel surface (e.g. tied arch and stacked deck structures). This is to allow a minimal amount of
access for scaffolding, worker and/or traffic protection shielding, and performing the work on the
members closest to traffic, without affecting traffic or freight movement.

3. Stainless steel padeyes, stainless steel eyebolts or deck inserts located at appropriate intervals
(approximately 15 by 15 foot to 20 by 20 foot grid typical) for support of future work platforms
from upper structure members above roadway, main structure members below roadway, and the
deck. This is to allow surface preparation and coating of members without having to move
hangers, beam clamps, chains, cables or chokers. These temporary attachment points require
extra work and often receive poor surface preparation and coating. List the allowable loading for
the attachment points in the structural notes on the bridge plans. This requirement may be
coordinated with the inspection requirements of BDM 2.6.2.

4. In the LRFD Strength and Service design include a Temporary Load representing the dead loads,
live loads and wind loads acting on work platforms, scaffolding and containment needed to recoat
the bridge. Add this Temporary Load to each applicable Load Combination as shown in LRFD
Table 3.4.1, using a load factor of:
• 1.50 for Strength and Extreme Event limit states
• 1.00 for Service I and Fatigue limit states
• 1.25 for Service II limit state.
Design work platforms that access the structure with little need for scaffolding for a DL + LL of 25
pounds per square foot of platform area. Design work platforms that require significant
scaffolding to reach the structure for a DL + LL of at least 50 pounds per square foot. Assume
work platforms and containment extent to 5 feet beyond the sides of the structure and full length
to 5 feet beyond the ends of the entire structure or each span. List the permissible work platform
sizes and loading, and the permissible containment sizes and wind speeds in the structural notes
on the bridge plans. It may be necessary to separate the work platforms and/or containment into
zones for structural reasons, in which case carefully size the zones to allow efficient work by the
recoating contractor.

5. Do not create spaces where blind sides of members cannot be reached for surface preparation
and coating work.

6. Closed members or areas which are too small for workers to enter to perform surface preparation
and coating work are highly discouraged. When the member is too small for a worker to turn
around in, but larger than 2 by 3 feet, provide access openings 18 by 30 inches minimum with
semicircular ends, spaced from 42 to 60 inches on centers. For members up to 2 by 3 feet,
provide hand hole access 6 by 12 inches with semicircular ends, spaced 30 inches on center.
For members large enough for workers to enter see BDM 2.6 for additional accessibility

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Figure Process for recoating of an existing metal structure

Be aware of an existing structure’s condition prior to completing TS&L of a recoating project. Recoating of
an existing bridge is very costly and requires a careful examination of the structure’s condition. Older
structures are typically painted and have potential deficiencies that may need to be addressed during a
recoating project. Collect all necessary information for such projects. The Steel Bridge Recoating
Checklist provides a list of required information and guidance on specifications. Complete the checklist
and include in the TS&L Report.

Include additional costs for access, paint removal and recoating rivet or bolt replacements, if rivets or
bolts are outside normal paint area limits.

Design all high-strength bolted connections as slip-critical connections. Assume Class B faying surfaces
where inorganic zinc primer is used. If steel will be given a full paint system in the shop, the primed faying
surfaces need to be masked to maintain the Class B surface. High Strength Bolts

High-Strength Bolt Use Guidelines:

• ASTM F3125 GR A325 & GR F1852 - Headed structural bolt for use in structural connections.
These may be hot-dip galvanized. Do not specify for anchor bolts.

• Use Type 3 bolts conforming to ASTM F3125 when specifying weathering steel.

• ASTM A449 - Steel bolts and studs for general applications including anchor bolts.
Recommended for use where strengths equivalent to ASTM F 3125 GR A325 bolts are
desired but custom geometry or lengths are required. Strengths for ASTM A449 bolts are
equivalent to GR A325 up to 1” diameter. If using bolts of larger diameter, a reduction in
strength as indicated in the table below shall be accounted for. These bolts may be hot-dip
galvanized. Do not use these as anchor bolts for seismic applications due to low CVN impact

• ASTM F3125 GR A490 & GR F2280 - Alloy steel headed structural bolt for use in structural
connections. Do not use ASTM F3125 GR A490 bolts in bridge applications. If there is a

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
compelling reason to use ASTM F3125 GR A490 bolts, request a BDM Deviation. When a
deviation is approved, do not galvanize these bolts because of high susceptibility to hydrogen
embrittlement. Instead of galvanizing, require two or three coats of approved zinc rich paint.
Do not specify for anchor bolts.

• F1554 Grade 105 - Higher strength anchor bolts to be used for larger sizes (1½″ to 4″). When
used in seismic applications, such as bridge bearings that resist lateral loads, specify
supplemental CVN requirement S4 with a test temperature of -20°F. Lower grades may also
be suitable for sign structure foundations. This specification should also be considered for
seismic restrainer rods, and may be galvanized. Properties of High-Strength Bolts

Material Bolt Diameter (in) Tensile Strength (ksi) Yield Strength (ksi)
ASTM F3125 GR A325 ½ – 1½ 120 92
& GR F1852 Over 1½ Not Available
¼–1 120 92
1⅛ – 1½ 105 81
1¾ – 3 90 58
Over 3 Not Available
ASTM F1554 GR 105 ¼–3 125 – 150 105
ASTM F1554 GR 55 ¼–4 75 – 95 55
ASTM F1554 GR 36 ¼–4 58 – 80 36
ASTM F3125 GR A490 ½ – 1½ 150 – 173 (max) 130
& GR F2280 Over 1½ Not Available

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1.7 Aluminum
1.7.1 Aluminum

(Reserved for future use)

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1.8 Timber Bridge Design and Detailing

1.8.1 Timber Bridge Locations

1.8.2 Timber Design and Details

1.8.3 Timber Connections

1.8.4 Timber Rails

1.8.5 Preservative Treatments

1.8.6 Field Installation

Timber structures may be considered as an alternate to concrete structures on low volume highways or
roads with an AADT of less than 500, especially for sites located away from possible concrete sources.
Timber bridges are generally best suited to the drier climate east of the Cascade Mountains. Consult the
individual Regions in the early stages of a project to determine whether a timber bridge is desired.

Before specifying structural grades for timber members, check with the fabrication industry for actual

Unless timber is submerged, it may be considered dry for design.

ODOT does not design composite wood-concrete structures and has no corresponding construction

For structures carrying only pedestrian and/or bicycle traffic, the maximum allowable live load deflection
• For simple or continuous spans span/360
• For cantilever arms arm length/135

Glued laminated timber bridges

Glued laminated timber bridge single spans are generally feasible up to 50 feet. To achieve longer
spans, consider cantilever techniques. The width of glued laminated beams is generally limited to 10-3/4”
or less, but 12-3/4”, 14-3/4”, and 16-3/4” widths are available for extra cost.

Give consideration to performance specification for glued laminated timber members. Identifying actual
stresses for bending, horizontal shear, etc., is preferred by the fabrication industry instead of specifying
an actual glued laminated timber grades.

The preference of the Bridge Section at this time is the use of a non-interconnected glued laminated
timber deck as opposed to an interconnected glued laminated timber deck. A longitudinal timber stiffener

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
under the deck between longitudinal beams for transverse deck bridges may be beneficial for differential
deflection control.

A glued laminated longitudinal deck bridge is a possible solution for short spans (under 25 feet) with a
tight freeboard clearance requirement. These deck members could be used in a continuous span
arrangement to increase member efficiency.
Include a waterproofing membrane according to BDM 1.26.4 when using an asphalt wearing surface.

For smaller timber members, such as posts, rails, etc., specifying solid sawn timber as an option to glued
laminated timber may be more cost effective.

Timber substructures are not recommended.

Use of the "Weyerhaeuser clip" to connect timber decking to timber beams allow for easy fabrication and
installation of the timber members.

Steel diaphragm beams, as opposed to timber diaphragm beams, between longitudinal glued laminated
timber beams are recommended.

Use slotted holes whenever possible in the steel connectors to allow for shrinkage and expansion of the
wood, and for construction tolerances.

A crash-tested rail has been completed for a longitudinal glued laminated timber deck bridge. Several
other glued laminated timber bridge configurations will be crash-tested in the near future. Thrie beam
railing can be used as an alternate in lieu of timber.

Pentachlorophenol Type A (heavy solvent) or Pentachlorophenol Type C (light solvent) is recommended

for most locations as a preservative treatment.

Eliminate all field cuts and bores if possible. Treat any field modifications with copper napthanate.

Shop assembly of the timber bridge components immediately after fabrication is recommended to
eliminate any possible future field installation problems, especially on more complicated projects.

Field staking of the structure before fabrication is recommended to eliminate any future installation

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.9 Decks
1.9.1 Design and Detailing

1.9.2 Deck Screeding

1.9.3 Deck Construction Joints

1.9.4 Deck Overlays


Design decks according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Do not use the empirical design method for deck reinforcing steel. Excessive deck cracking, apparently
due to under reinforcement, precludes the use of this method until further notice.

Do not consider bridge railings to be structurally continuous for the purposes of distributing the deck loads
per LRFD as this limits options for bridge rail retrofits in the future.

For additional deck requirements on Precast Prestressed elements, see BDM
For deck protective practice requirements, such as cover and reinforcement type, see BDM 1.26.3.

For cast-in-place decks, discount ½ inch deck thickness when calculating composite properties for
girder/slab systems. For a typical 8 inch deck, 7½ inch would be considered structural and 1/2 inch would
be considered a sacrificial wearing surface and included as non-composite dead load.

The preferred orientation of the top mat of deck steel will have the transverse bars on top when the
direction of primary loading is transverse.

For skewed decks, orient transverse bars according to LRFD Per LRFD, the primary
reinforcement may be orientated along the skew for skew angles that do not exceed 25 degrees, where
the skew angle is measured from a line that is perpendicular to the centerline of the bridge to the
centerline of the support. However, there is no guidance when skew angle exceeds 25 degrees.

The acute corners of a skewed (> 25 degrees) concrete deck slab are often difficult to adequately
reinforce. As the angle of skew increases, large portions of the deck can be unreinforced and therefore
subject to spalling and chipping, as shown in Figure 1.9.1. Because the orthogonal bars are too short to
develop, it is typically necessary to detail diagonal bars that extend into the deck over the girders, to carry
the deck overhang loads. Similarly, acute corners in concrete barriers are also difficult to reinforce, and
require special consideration.

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Figure Inadequate reinforcement provided in acute corner of concrete deck slab

Use breakback detailing where the ends of the skewed deck are turned so that the end is normal to the
longitudinal edge of the deck, as shown in Figure 1.9.2. This breakback detailing effectively eliminates the
acute and obtuse corners of the concrete deck and barriers. Use a minimum breakback width of 3’-0” and
increase width with increased skew angle.

Figure Breakback detailing to eliminate skew effects associated with detailing acute
corners at ends of skewed deck slab

On skewed bridges with concrete end diaphragms and when a breakback detail is not used, place
additional reinforcement in a radial manner to eliminate diagonal cracks which form in the acute corners
of concrete deck. See Figure for the reinforcement pattern. The objective of the reinforcement fan
is to offset buildup of shrinkage across the long diagonal dimension of the slab which would pull a
shrinkage crack across the weak corner of the slab. A portion of the bars must extend back into the
corner sufficiently to terminate above the junction of exterior beam and end diaphragm. Place a note on
the plans that states “Place the corner reinforcement beneath the longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement in the top of the slab.”

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Corner Reinforcing Detailing

In skewed box girders, orient bottom slab transverse bars the same as the deck transverse bars. See
BDM for additional bottom slab requirements. Note the intended bar placement on the bridge
contract plans.

Do not use deck reinforcement larger than a #6 bar in typical deck steel, except when needed to resist
negative moment for continuous-span girders. If necessary, larger bars may be used in distinct sections
such as joints and post tensioned anchorage areas. When the top mat has longitudinal bars on top, any
longitudinal reinforcement larger than a #6 bar will need to be placed in the bottom mat.

Unless a project specific deck reinforcement design is developed, for design and detailing use the
“Concrete Deck Reinforcement (LRFD Design)”, Figure 1.9.1A or 1.9.1B for Grade 60 reinforcement and
Concrete Class HPC 4500, or Figure 1.9.1C or 1.9.1D for Grade 80 reinforcement and Concrete Class
HPC 4500.

Use of Grade 80 rebar is expected to reduce construction cost and potentially reduce rebar congestion.
Verify the quantity of deck steel to determine if Grade 80 rebar is appropriate:
• When the quantity of deck steel using Grade 80 rebar exceeds 30 tons, provide details only for
Grade 80 rebar.
• When the quantity of deck steel using Grade 80 rebar is less than 30 tons, provide details for
both Grade 80 and Grade 60 rebar. Use Grade 80 for the primary details with Grade 60 shown
as an alternate.

Ensure project specific deck design conforms to the following minimum requirements:

• LRFD Section

• Concrete Class: HPC4500 – 1-1/2 (except box girder decks that require greater strength)
• Reinforcement: Grade 60 or Grade 80
• Reinforcement no larger than #6 bar (except in distinct areas)
• Reinforcement spacing ≥ 5 inches and ≤ 8 inches (applies to top mat only)
• Surface wear allowance = 1/2 inch
• Limit top of concrete compressive service stress due to positive moment in the deck (between
girders) to 0.4f’c.

Note that LRFD (Control of Cracking by Distribution of Reinforcement) is applicable for negative
moment steel for bridges made continuous for live load, but is not applicable to bridge deck slab
reinforcement. The 8 inch maximum bar spacing is adequate to control cracking in bridge decks.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Submit a design deviation request to the State Bridge Engineer for any concrete bridge deck designs not
meeting any one of the minimum requirements listed above in Figures 1.9.1A 1.9.1B, 1.9.1C or 1.9.1D.
With the request, include the following:

• Design loading assumptions (dead, live, and future wearing surface)

• Documentation of which minimum requirements were met and which were not met
• Orientation of the top mat (longitudinal on top or transverse on top)
• Deck thickness
• Maximum service stress in the top of the deck due to positive moment in the deck (between
• Maximum service stress in the bottom of the deck due to negative moment in the deck (over a

Use cast-in-place HPC concrete or full depth precast deck panels with high-strength abrasion-resistant
concrete in accordance with BDM for bridge decks. Partial depth precast deck panels will not be

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Steel Girders & Cast-In-Place Concrete Box Girders - Simple Spans

Specifications: LRFD

Concrete Class: HPC 4500

Reinforcement: Grade 60

Top Mat Orientation: Transverse bars on top

Dead Load: 150 pcf + 50 psf future wearing surface

Deck DL moments: Negative -0.10wS²

Positive +0.08wS²

Live Load: LRFD Table A4-1 using 6" from ℄ of girder

to the negative moment design section

Design Moment: 1.25*DL + 1.5*DW +1.75*LL

(Impact included in LRFD Table A4-1 live loads)

Surface Wear: 1/2" allowance for surface wear subtracted

from positive moment "d".

Steel Girders: Top flange width not less than 24". Project
specific design is required when top flange
is less than 24".

Concrete Box Girders: Girder stem width not less than 12"
For girder stem greater than or equal
to 16", use Deck Design Chart for
Precast P/S Concrete Members.

Additional reinforcement to accommodate rail loads at
deck overhangs is not included in these details. The
designer is responsible for design of overhangs.

"S" is measured parallel to the transverse bars. Bar spacing
is measured perpendicular to the bars.

Place bottom mat bars directly below and in line with a

top mat bar. At expansion and construction joints, however,
it is not necessary for all bottom mat bars to be directly
below a top mat bar.

* For coastal locations, specify 2" clear top and bottom.

See also BDM 1.26.3 for additional corrosion
protection recommendations.

Figure 1.9.1A

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Standard Precast Prestressed Concrete members - Simple Spans

Specifications: LRFD

Concrete Class: HPC 4500

Reinforcement: Grade 60

Top Mat Orientation: Transverse bars on top

Dead Load: 150 pcf + 50 psf future wearing surface

Deck DL moments: Negative -0.10wS²

Positive +0.08wS²

Live Load: LRFD Table A4-1 using 8" from ℄ of girder

to the negative moment design section

Design Moment: 1.25*DL + 1.5*DW +1.75*LL

(Impact included in LRFD Table A4-1 live loads)

Surface Wear: 1/2" allowance for surface wear subtracted

from positive moment "d".

Additional reinforcement to accommodate rail loads at
deck overhangs is not included in these details. The
designer is responsible for design of overhangs.

"S" is measured parallel to the transverse bars. Bar spacing
is measured perpendicular to the bars.

Place bottom mat bars directly below and in line with a

top mat bar. At expansion and construction joints, however,
it is not necessary for all bottom mat bars to be directly
below a top mat bar.

* For coastal locations, specify 2" clear top and bottom.

See also BDM 1.26.3 for additional corrosion
protection recommendations.

Figure 1.9.1B

May 21 1-132
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Steel Girders & Cast-In-Place Concrete Box Girders - Simple Spans

Specifications: LRFD

Concrete Class: HPC 4500

Reinforcement: Grade 80

Top Mat Orientation: Transverse bars on top

Dead Load: 150 pcf + 50 psf future wearing surface

Deck DL moments: Negative -0.10wS²

Positive +0.08wS²

Live Load: LRFD Table A4-1 using 6" from ℄ of girder

to the negative moment design section

Design Moment: 1.25*DL + 1.5*DW +1.75*LL

(Impact included in LRFD Table A4-1 live loads)

Surface Wear: 1/2" allowance for surface wear subtracted

from positive moment "d".

Steel Girders: Top flange width not less than 24". Project
specific design is required when top flange
is less than 24".

Concrete Box Girders: Girder stem width not less than 12"
For girder stem greater than or equal
to 16", use Deck Design Chart for
Precast P/S Concrete Members.

Additional reinforcement to accommodate rail loads at
deck overhangs is not included in these details. The
designer is responsible for design of overhangs.

"S" is measured parallel to the transverse bars. Bar spacing
is measured perpendicular to the bars.

Place bottom mat bars directly below and in line with a

top mat bar. At expansion and construction joints, however,
it is not necessary for all bottom mat bars to be directly
below a top mat bar.

* For coastal locations, specify 2" clear top and bottom.

See also BDM 1.26.3 for additional corrosion
protection recommendations.

Figure 1.9.1C

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Standard Precast Prestressed Concrete members - Simple Spans

Specifications: LRFD

Concrete Class: HPC 4500

Reinforcement: Grade 80

Top Mat Orientation: Transverse bars on top

Dead Load: 150 pcf + 50 psf future wearing surface

Deck DL moments: Negative -0.10wS²

Positive +0.08wS²

Live Load: LRFD Table A4-1 using 8" from ℄ of girder

to the negative moment design section

Design Moment: 1.25*DL + 1.5*DW +1.75*LL

(Impact included in LRFD Table A4-1 live loads)

Surface Wear: 1/2" allowance for surface wear subtracted

from positive moment "d".

Additional reinforcement to accommodate rail loads at
deck overhangs is not included in these details. The
designer is responsible for design of overhangs.

"S" is measured parallel to the transverse bars. Bar spacing
is measured perpendicular to the bars.

Place bottom mat bars directly below and in line with a

top mat bar. At expansion and construction joints, however,
it is not necessary for all bottom mat bars to be directly
below a top mat bar.

* For coastal locations, specify 2" clear top and bottom.

See also BDM 1.26.3 for additional corrosion
protection recommendations.

Figure 1.9.1D

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Wearing surface on cast-in-place concrete decks – New structures with cast-in-place decks will not have an
AC wearing surface without a Design Deviation.

If, in rare cases, an ACWS is used, a waterproofing membrane per BDM 1.26.4 is required. If a Class "F"
mix (free draining) is used, special attention needs to be given to drainage details at joints and deck drains
to prevent trapping water adjacent to these areas.

Occasionally there are requests to install thermal ice-melting equipment on bridge decks or problematic
sections of highway. Bridge Section recommends against these installations unless there is a natural
source of warm water at the bridge, as exists in the city of Klamath Falls. All other installations in Oregon
have been turned off due to overly expensive power bills and/or early failure of key components. A Design
Deviation is necessary to install a thermal system on a bridge deck. Contact the Bridge Preservation Unit for
further information.

For typical deck steel placed in two mats, place bottom mat bars such that each bottom mat bar is directly
below and in line with a top mat bar. At deck expansion joints and at deck construction joints, however, it
is not necessary for all bottom bars to be directly below a top bar.

Inlaid Durable Striping on Bridge Decks – Concrete deck surface removal of up to ¼ inch is acceptable
for placing longitudinal inlaid striping on new bridges. Placement of such striping will likely reduce wear at
stripe locations. In nearly all cases, the majority of wear for concrete bridge decks occurs within the travel
lane. Therefore, it is unlikely ¼ inch maximum removal will significantly impact bridge load capacity.

Allow concrete removal using a diamond grinder according to SP 00503. Note that SP 00503 also
permits removal by micro-milling and by hydroblasting. However, only allow diamond grinding for striping
applications. Note that SP 00850 also requires diamond grinding equipment for installation of
inlaid/grooved pavement markings.

Do not allow inlaid striping on concrete decks where the striping would be placed in the transverse
direction. Concrete removal for such striping would reduce the load capacity of the bridge.

Do not allow rumble strips on concrete bridge decks.

For existing concrete bridge decks, allow inlaid striping only in the longitudinal direction and in locations
where there is no significant rutting or other deck wear.

Allow raised pavement markers on concrete bridge decks only when they can be installed without
removal of any deck concrete (no grooving).

For existing asphalt concrete wearing surfaces, grooving up to 5/8” depth for striping (longitudinal or
transverse) or rumble strips is acceptable.

Limit the use of stay-in-place forms for decks as required in BDM


Vibrations from adjacent traffic and/or construction activity are not likely to cause cracking in freshly placed
deck concrete. One ODOT project recorded vibrations up to 0.6 in/sec during a second stage deck
placement with only minor deck cracking near the closure area. Typical deck closure placements may have
even higher vibrations. For this reason, minor cracking can be expected in deck closures placed under
traffic. However, this cracking rarely results in long-term maintenance concerns. See the “Deck Closure
Pours” discussion below for a discussion of closure pour options.

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The following is a very rough guide to vibration levels:

0.08 in/sec vibrations perceptible

0.1 in/sec continuous vibrations may begin to annoy people
0.2 in/sec short-term vibrations may begin to annoy people
0.4 to 0.6 in/sec typical max. short-term vibration, concrete bridge < 100 foot span
0.6 to 1.0 in/sec typical max. short-term vibration, concrete bridge > 100 foot span

Although damage to concrete due to vibrations is rare, it is good practice to avoid unnecessary vibrations
where reasonable measures can be taken. For staged construction, providing deck closure segments is
preferred to minimize both vibrations and the effects of adding additional deck dead load, creep and
shrinkage to the first stage.

Providing either a joint or closure segment between substructure (cap) stages will also reduce potential for
traffic vibrations to be transmitted through those elements.

Where there is a concern that vibrations may be excessive, the following practices can be considered as

• Low-slump concrete – Although concrete damage due to vibrations is rare, use of low-slump
concrete (greater than 4 inches) will minimize the risk. ODOT’s HPC deck concrete mix is generally
a low-slump mix that meets this requirement. Therefore, generally no change to the standard HPC
deck concrete mix is necessary.
• Reinforcing details – Do not use hooked bars in closure segments. Ensure lap splices are in
contact and well-tied as much as possible. Where lap splices cannot be in contact, use two rows of
longitudinal bars tied to both lap splice segments to create a rebar mat that cannot be easily moved.
• Retarder admixture – Varying amounts of set retarder admixture can be used such that the entire
deck will set up at about the same time. The Structure Quality Engineer from the ODOT
Construction Section can assist in determining when this admixture is needed and how to apply it.
• Reduce vehicle speed – Where vibration is due to adjacent traffic, reducing vehicle speed will
generally reduce the amount of vibrations. However, vehicle speeds will generally need to be
reduced down to around 15 mph before a significant reduction in vibrations can be obtained.
Therefore, only consider this measure in extreme circumstances. Where possible, moving traffic
laterally from an adjacent deck placement will likely be more effective than reducing vehicle speed.

Deck Closure Pours

Where deck closures are placed under traffic, minor cracking within the closure can be expected. This
cracking is typically minor and does not result in significant long-term maintenance. The amount of cracking
expected will be a function of the traffic induced vibrations at the site.

The use of Polypropylene fibers are required in all portions of the deck, including the deck closures. Precast Concrete Deck Panels

Standard details are available for precast concrete deck panels to be used with precast concrete girders
and steel girders. Bridge deck construction can be accelerated by using precast deck panels. At the
same time, deck quality can be improved compared to CIP deck construction since precast deck panels
are fabricated under factory-controlled conditions. The current standard details for precast deck panels
limit the maximum deck panel length to 50 feet and the effective width to 10 feet. These dimensions are
limited by shipping weight and maximum shipping width (assuming panels are placed flat).

To make deck panels fit on a bridge span, provide either CIP end segments or precast exterior deck
panels (end pieces). CIP end segments can accommodate construction tolerances; variations; and are a

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better option for most cases. For a precast option, a different panel width may be required. When deck
panels are post-tensioned, end pieces may need to be thickened to accommodate post-tensioning

Prestressed reinforcement is typically used on the long side of deck panels that span between the bridge
girders. This is the main reinforcement that provides flexural strength for resisting applied loads during
shipment, erection, superimposed dead load, and vehicular live load. Panel thickness may be increased
to accommodate final surface grinding and reinforcement detailing.

Deck panels can accommodate skew, superelevation, slight horizontal curve, and vertical roadway
profile. For a mild vertical roadway profile, a flat layout of deck panels constructed on bridge girders is
adequate and makes the construction of joint connections easier. When the vertical roadway profile is
significant, chorded deck panels are recommended to fit the profile with CIP reinforced concrete joints
connecting the deck panels. Reinforcement and anchor bolts for bridge railing can be cast into the deck
panels as well.

Two possible types of transverse joint connections are CIP reinforced concrete and longitudinal post-
tensioning along the length of the bridge. Each connection type has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Cast-in-place Option

For CIP joint connections, Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is the preferred material due to its
superior bond properties, durability, compressive strength, and tensile strength. There are a number of
proprietary UHPC products on the global market, such as BCV®, BSI®, CRC®, Densit®. The only
satisfactory UHPC joint material available on the domestic market is Ductal® JS1000 by Lafarge North
America, Inc. Since use of this material would be considered a “sole source”, a finding of public interest
letter (with approval from FHWA) must be secured before going to bid. In the past there was also an
issue with steel fibers used in the Ductal® JS1000 product since the steel fibers were manufactured in
Europe and therefore did not meet the “Buy America” provisions for steel. Based on an FHWA Policy
Memorandum published on February 12, 2014, steel fiber reinforcement, as used in the Ductal® JS1000
product, is now produced by Bekaert Corporation at a production facility in Rome, GA and commercially
available to all potential purchasers. For other UHPC products made outside the USA, they would be
able to meet the “Buy America” requirements as long as they used the steel fibers from the Rome, GA

Note also that there are other types of steel fiber reinforcement that are made in the USA. However, at
this time only those from the Rome, GA are thought to meet the size and shape needed for the UHPC

Due to the nature of new superior materials, UHPC is much more expensive than conventional concrete.
Based on an FHWA publication, FHWA-HRT-13-100 published October 2013, the commercially available
product by Lafarge is sold for about $2000/yd3. This price includes material cost of the proprietary blend
and fiber reinforcement, as well as costs associated with development and delivery. The same
publication also reveals that there are a number of researchers, who have conducted testing programs to
develop non-proprietary cost-effective UHPC mixes, which meet all the requirements for UHPC. All
materials used in the research project were locally available in three regions across the U.S. One of the
material sources is from the Pacific Northwest area. The result shows that it is possible to produce UHPC
under $1000/yd3 using these domestic materials with a non-proprietary blend. Note that the fiber
reinforcement is responsible for one half the total cost.

With the excellent bond behavior provided by UHPC, a non-contact splice length for rebar extending out
from deck panels is significantly shorter than that required in conventional concrete. To ensure good
bonding against precast deck panels, pre-wetting the interface and an exposed aggregate finish is

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recommended. FHWA Research, Development, and Technology published FHWA-HRT-14-084 in
October 2014. This document provides substantial information regarding design and construction of
UHPC. Post-Tensioning Option

Two post-tensioning options are recommended, i.e. grouted keyway and match cast joints. During the
design, a point of no movement and the direction of the movement due to post-tensioning need to be
identified and accordingly detailed on the bridge plan. Compressive stresses from post-tensioning in
positive bending zones need to be accounted for in the composite section. Placing PT ducts at the CG of
the deck panel section is ideal, so that camber or deflection of deck panels do not occur after post-
tension. When there are geometric constraints that prevent locating PT ducts at the CG of the section,
the movement after post-tensioning needs to be considered in the design or provide hold-down devices to
maintain the deck panel position.

(1) Grouted keyway

This post-tensioning option includes deck panels constructed with shear key edges, erected on girders
having a 1-3/4 inch wide space, filled with keyway grout, and then post-tensioned together. The grouted
keyways are similar to the joints between precast prestressed slab and box girders. Post-tensioning
ducts are spliced in pockets with an air and water-tight seal. All splicing pockets and keyways need to be
filled with grout and gain specified strength before the post-tensioning operation to ensure continuous
flow of the compressive force.

(2) Match cast

The other recommended post-tensioning option is match casting. Deck panels are match cast at the
precaster site. Each deck panel is identified, delivered to the site, and erected in sequence as an
erection plan. Duct couplers used in precast segmental construction are recommended. With a proper
installation, this type of duct couplers provides a continuous, air, and water tight seal. In the U.S. a
number of PT suppliers can provide segmental-type duct couplers. Historically only a few suppliers have
furnished post-tensioning for bridge construction projects in Oregon. Verify coupler availability before a
project goes to bid. Since duct coupler dimensions vary from different suppliers, detail deck panels to fit
all possible duct couplers.

Applying epoxy at deck panel interfaces is recommended before post-tensioning. As each deck panel is
added, temporary post-tensioning is used to secure the new panel to previously installed panels until the
epoxy begins to set. The epoxy serves as a lubricant during placement of the deck panels, prevents
water intrusion, and provides some tensile strength across the joint. This construction technique reduces
the number of pockets in the finished deck panels. Leveling Bolts

Leveling bolts are used to place deck panels to the appropriate elevation before duct splice openings and
joints are filled with concrete or grout. During erection of deck panels, leveling bolts are required to rest
on all supporting girders to ensure proper load distribution. Steel plates placed on top of precast concrete
girders under the leveling bolts are recommended to accommodate deck panel erection. Leveling bolts
may be removed or left in place by cutting down the top 1-1/2 inch minimum below the finish surface. Fill
leveling bolt holes with non-shrink grout.

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Consider deck constructability issues when specifying deck screeding requirements.

If the deck width or skewed dimension causes the length of the screed equipment to be excessive (more
than 100 feet), the deck may need to be placed in stages with or without a closure pour. Where staging is
shown on the plans, place a longitudinal joint along a longitudinal beam line and not in a wheel line.
Consider this in the beam layout.

Also on skewed decks, a sharp vertical curve on the structure may cause problems with screeding on the
skew. It may be necessary to perform some unique sequencing, such as preloading the deck with plastic
concrete far enough ahead of the screed machine to preload the beams to get unison deflections and allow
the screed to run normal to the beams.

Consider whether the finishing machine can follow the actual slope of the roadway in one placement. Deck
screeds can accommodate a crown section in one placement, full width, if the superelevation remains
constant. If the superelevation rates vary, the deck will normally need to be placed in separate placements.
As noted previously, it is best to have a longitudinal joint along a longitudinal beam and to consider this in
the beam layout.

If a structure has different skews at adjacent bents, base the skew of the screed equipment on the average
of the bent skews.

If a structure is curved with radial bents, the screed equipment and deck placement remains normal to the
roadway centerline. In this case, the screed equipment must be equipped with variable speed capacity at
both ends.

Perform sufficient geometric calculations to determine the best method or direction of deck screeding. When
necessary, place the required sequencing and/or direction of screeding, skewed or normal, on the detail

Beams not Supported by Falsework

The main concern of this type of placement is that the beams deflect equally in unison, so deck thickness
and clearances end up as shown on the plans. To deflect equally the beams need to be loaded equally.
Thus when the structure has a skew, the screed should run on a skew, parallel to the bents.

Add a note to the plans specifying that the screed equipment shall run parallel to the bents.

Falsework Supported Beams

There is less concern regarding how the concrete is placed for falsework supported beams. There will still
be a small amount of falsework crush due to the added dead load of the deck. Ideally it would be best to
place and screed skewed decks on the skew, but practically it is not required.

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Minimize the number of deck construction joints to avoid potential leaks through the deck. However, it is
often necessary to provide deck construction joints to avoid shrinkage or deflection cracking.

Normally for non-continuous spans, deck concrete placements are full length or stopped at a transverse
beam. The construction joint surface is normally vertical and roughened, according to SP 00540.43(a),
between placements.

For continuous spans or for emergency situations, provide a shear key with a roughened surface between
placements. Show typical key details on the plans as detailed below.

Figure 1.9.3

May 21 1-140
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Introduction

The purpose of an overlay on a bridge deck can be to:

• restore the structural integrity of the deck
• improve the load capacity
• improve or restore rideability
• improve skid resistance
• improve deck drainage
• improve deck cross-section
• seal deck cracking
• provide sacrificial wearing surface

There are 3 overlay categories available for use on bridge decks:

• Structural Concrete Overlays (SC)
• Polymer Concrete Overlays (PC) – Including Multi-Layer Polymer Concrete Overlay (MPCO) and
Premixed Polymer Concrete (PPC)
• Asphalt Concrete Wearing Surface (ACWS)

The term "structural" is used to describe an overlay that is rigid enough and thick enough to increase the
stiffness of the deck and decrease live load deflections. SC overlays are typically placed on a bridge deck
with a minimum thickness of 2 inches. Include the structural overlay in the stiffness and capacity
calculation. SC overlays typically have a compressive strength and elastic modulus similar to conventional
concrete, but it may vary depending on the specific product used. Do not include the top ½ inch of overlay
in the structural deck thickness, since it is considered a sacrificial wearing surface.

Polymer Concrete (PC) is used in special situations where structural integrity is not an issue and does not
add to the deck stiffness.

ACWS may only be used with membrane waterproofing. Use ACWS only on bridges with existing ACWS.
Consider the option of replacing the ACWS with another overlay type, where roadway ACP depths allow.

ACWS does not add to the deck stiffness and is not considered to be a "structural" overlay..

Overlay selection is discussed further in BDM Structural Concrete Overlays

SFC, often referred to as Microsilica Concrete (MC), has been the most common structural overlay type for
the last decade. Due to problems with cracking, High Performance Concrete (HPC) overlays are now
preferred. HPC is a similar mix to SFC, but uses larger aggregate, among other changes, to reduce

Other structural overlay materials include High-Early and Latex Modified. Specification of these overlay
types requires a Design Deviation.

Review SP 00559 for structural overlay requirements and restrictions.

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SFC is a specialized concrete mix with a silica fume modifier. Batching is normally done at a batch plant.
SFC placement is accomplished with more conventional construction methods.

Latex Modified Concrete (LMC) is a concrete mix with a latex emulsion modifier. The latex emulsion has a
milky color and texture and is added during batching. Batching is done in mobile mixers at the job site.

LMC overlay technology has been used since 1958, and the design life of the material can be predicted
from historical data, but it has not been used in Oregon for many years.

The use of LMC offers many construction advantages. Since the material is batched in a mobile mixer, the
pour schedule does not depend upon the concrete plant schedule. Also, the pour is not influenced by the
projects distance from the concrete plant. LMC was a common type of structural overlay in the past.
Equipment may be available, but verify with local contractors before specifying LMC.

LMC does have some disadvantages, however. Placement of the LMC overlay is very labor intensive,
increasing construction costs. The rate of construction for an LMC overlay is about 6400 sf to 7400 sf per 8-
hour work shift. LMC is also very sensitive to atmospheric conditions which often control not only the pour
schedule but the contract time as well. Review SP 00559 for placing limitations. Surface preparation and
curing are the most critical factors to achieving a good quality end product and are often the most neglected. Polymer Concrete Overlays – General

Polymer is a very general term used to classify a wide variety of compounds that chemically combine in a
reaction (polymerization).

Polymer binder resins are formulated in hundreds of different combinations, depending upon the properties
desired. The most common categories of polymer binder resins in use as bridge deck overlays or patching
material include:
• Epoxy
• Polyester

PC is a composite material in which coarse aggregate is bound together with the polymer binder resin.

PC can be placed as an overlay in generally two different ways – as a MPCO (also known as broom and
seed) or as PPC, which is screed finished to grade.

The most common polymer used for MPCOs is epoxy. The most common polymer used for PPCs is

PC overlays have many construction advantages:

• PC overlay flexibility reduces the potential for cracking due to thermal or design load movement.
• PC overlays are very light as compared to SC overlays. This reduction in dead load can be
significant on load posted bridges or movable bridges.
• PC overlay construction time is much less compared to SC overlay applications. The short
construction time provides a great advantage in time critical urban areas.
• PC overlay bond strength is typically double that of an SC overlay.

PC overlays also have some construction disadvantages:

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• Atmospheric conditions: The prepared deck surface must be dry prior to placement. This provision
could influence construction schedules. For off-season applications, SP 00556 and SP 00557
provide guidance for Inclement Weather Plans, which can involve heating the bridge deck to force
it to dry. This will impact traffic control requirements and costs, so avoid scheduling PC overlays
for winter applications when possible. Multi-layer Polymer Concrete Overlays

MPCO’s are a composite material formed by combining polymer binder resin and coarse aggregates.

MPCO’s are constructed using any of the commonly available polymer resins. Each resin has its own
advantages and disadvantages and should be used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

MPCO’s have a significantly lower modulus compared to PCC and therefore cannot be considered a
“structural” overlay. MPCO’s have been used on the interstate and appear to be performing well. MPCO’s
are typically placed to a nominal 3/8” thickness.

MPCO’s applications don’t require specialized equipment and are well suited for maintenance crews and
smaller contractors. There have, however, been advances in application methods which have increased
application efficiency vs. traditional manual application methods.

MPCO aggregates have a tendency to polish in the wheel lines, potentially reducing skid resistance as
compared to other overlay types. Avoid high traffic volume locations when selecting MPCO’s. Consult with
the bridge maintenance engineer for additional guidance.

A typical MPCO is constructed by first removing all dirt, debris and laitance on the deck surface. This is best
accomplished with the use of a shot blast system. Since the deck surface must be clean and dry prior to the
application of the MPCO, the industry recommends the use of the shot blasting method. Shot blasting
leaves the surface dry and vacuumed.

A layer of polymer is next applied to the prepared deck using a squeegee, broom, spray bar or other
methods at a rate specified by the manufacturer. The aggregate is then broadcast, at a specified rate, over
the surface. The excess aggregate is swept off the surface. Apply lifts according to manufacturer's
directions to achieve a nominal 3/8” thickness. Place additional MPCO material in ruts to provide a finished
MPCO surface that is free of ruts, depressions, and irregularities.

Application rates can be estimated from between 2000-4000 square feet/hr.

The finished MPCO surface is not tined or screeded.

Refer to either the Conditional Products List or the Qualified Products List for MPCO products that are being
evaluated for approval or have been approved for use. MPCOs and MPCO Aggregates are listed
separately on the QPL. The MPCO binder manufacture is required to select the appropriate MPCO
Aggregate from the QPL. SP 00556 covers the use of MPCOs. Premixed Polymer Concrete Overlays

PPC is a composite material formed by combining polymer binder resin and coarse aggregates in a mobile
mixer, then applied to the deck and screed finished to grade.

PPC has a significantly lower modulus compared to PCC and therefore cannot be considered a “structural”

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PPC overlays have been used on the interstate and appear to be performing well. Preliminary numbers
indicate a slight advantage over MPCO’s in skid resistance.

PPC overlays are typically placed to a nominal 3/4” thickness and are more appropriate for minor grade
improvements than MPCO’s, due to the grade controls of the screed finish machine. Due to the increased
material thickness, PPC overlays are more expensive than MPCO’s.

PPC is rapid setting and is best placed with a screed finish machine whenever practical. There are
circumstances where a screed cannot be used, such as along the gutter lines which will require manual
finishing. Application rates can be estimated at a maximum of 5000 square feet/hr. Unit weight of PPC is
typically 135 pcf.

A typical PPC is constructed by first removing all dirt, debris and laitance on the deck surface. This can be
accomplished with the use of a shot blast system. Since the deck surface must be clean and dry prior to the
application of the PPC mixture, the industry recommends the use of the shot blasting method over the
others. Shot blasting leaves the surface dry and vacuumed.

A layer of primer is next applied to the prepared deck surface using a squeegee or brooms. Next the
polymer resin binder is mixed with the other components into a premixed condition. The premixed material
is then placed onto the primed surface and finished to grade with specialized equipment designed for PPC
applications. Silica sand is broadcast in areas of high resin content to maintain skid resistance.

The final product looks similar to PCC but with longitudinal tining.

PPC is currently not listed on the QPL and needs to be specified accordingly. Special Provision 00557
covers the use of PPC. Field Investigation

Upon receiving a project assignment, review the latest bridge inspection report, noting the ratings for the
deck, superstructure, bridge rails, deck joints and deck drains. A site visit may also be needed to gather
additional information. Obtain guidance from the Corrosion Engineer and, per their guidance, core the
deck and test for chloride levels or other chemicals of interest. In rare cases, additional cores may be
required for compressive strength testing or to perform petrographic analysis.

Use rebar detector to locate existing deck reinforcement. Avoid coring through existing rebar.

For chloride testing take minimum 4-inch diameter cores with minimum 4.5 inches long.

Take a minimum of four cores at a frequency of a pair of two cores for every 10,000 square feet of bridge
deck, not to exceed 12 cores total. For each pair include one core within a wheel track/rut and one core
between wheel track/ruts. Sampling a single lane of a multi-lane structure is often sufficient.

Take photos of the cores and core holes to assist designer. Log photos and cores holes on a pdf of the
existing plan sheet. Provide information in Chloride Report or ProjectWise as appropriate.

Test all remaining cores for chloride analysis according to ASTM C1152 or AASHTO T260. Discard the top
0.25 inches and slice cores in 0.5 inch increments to a depth of 2.75 inches below the surface of the
concrete or the bond line between overlay and substrate materials. Typically, an additional 2-inches below
the deepest test is necessary to cut and pulverize the core for testing. For thin decks or thick overlays
where 2.5 inch depth testing is not practical, test as many sample depths as possible.

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Spread locations of coring evenly throughout the surface area of the deck without causing major traffic
interruption. Avoid coring at locations where worker and public safety is compromised. Repair core
locations with a rapid setting repair mortar from Section 02015.20 of the QPL. Warrants for Overlays

Use the following overlay criteria and engineering judgment to determine whether an overlay is warranted.
• Bridge deck overlays are not recommended if any of the following conditions are met:

o The deck condition is rated as a 7 or greater (category 3) in Item 58 of the bridge inspection
report. The deck is still in good condition.

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are less than 1 percent of the deck area. The deck is still
in good condition.

• Bridge deck overlays are not recommended, and deck replacement should be considered, if any of the
following conditions are met:

o The deck condition is rated as a 4 or less (category 1) in item 58 of the bridge inspection report
and any additional investigation confirms that the deck deterioration has become too severe to

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are greater than 15 percent of the deck area and any
additional investigation confirms that the deck deterioration has become too severe to repair.

o Corrosion has deteriorated the deck to an extreme level or the chloride content exceeds 0.040
percent by mass of sample at the depth of rebar. See "Corrosion Considerations" below.

• Bridge deck overlays are recommended if any of the following conditions are met:

o The deck condition is rated as a 5 or 6 (category 2). See item 58 of the bridge inspection report.

o The deck condition is rated as a 4 or less (category 1) in item 58 of the bridge inspection report
and thorough investigation shows that the deck deterioration has not become too severe to repair.

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are greater than 15 percent of the deck area and thorough
investigation shows that the deck deterioration has not become too severe to repair.

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are greater than 5 percent but less than 15 percent of the
deck area.

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are greater than 1 percent but less than 5 percent of the
deck area and the annual average daily traffic (AADT) is at least 3000.

o Delaminated, patched or cracked areas are greater than 1 percent but less than 5 percent of the
deck area and the structure carries interstate highway traffic.

o Corrosion has not deteriorated the deck to an extreme level or the chloride content is less
than0.040 percent by mass of sample at the depth of rebar. See "Corrosion Considerations"

o MPCOs may be used as a preservation measure on decks in good condition at the request of

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“Thorough investigation” means a delamination survey of the entire deck and chloride profiles taken from
areas of highest exposure to drainage, and requires concrete cores. Chloride content at the surface is not
adequate as levels can vary greatly. These results are used to determine the remaining concrete deck
integrity before determining the appropriate deck treatment or if deck replacement is warranted. Corrosion Considerations

Determine whether the structure is in a "marine environment". A marine environment is defined in BDM

If the structure is in a marine environment, deck rebar corrosion is visible, or there is other reason to suspect
the structure may be occasionally salted during winter months, discuss the proposed overlay project with the
Corrosion Engineer in the Preservation Engineering Unit. Replacement of an existing deck may need to be
considered depending upon the extent of chloride content and rebar corrosion. If the maximum acceptable
chloride level in the deck has been exceeded, deterioration of the deck rebar will continue regardless of the
presence of a new overlay.

ACWS with membrane waterproofing

FHWA requires deck surface protection from top down chloride intrusion. Therefore, when ACWS is the
only feasible option for overlay, install a waterproofing membrane per BDM 1.26.4. Design and Construction Considerations

After determining whether a bridge deck overlay is warranted, consider whether a SC overlay, a PC overlay
or an ACWS will be used. Typically, one type will be better suited for the project than the other. Some
factors to consider are:
• Short construction time windows (typically in urban areas) favor a PC overlay or an ACWS over a SC
overlay due to speed of placement and cure time. LMC requires a 4 day cure time. SFC requires a 7
day cure time.
• Dead weight critical structures favor a PC overlay over a SC overlay or an ACWS because of their thin,
lightweight nature. However, contribution of a structural overlay can be included in stiffness and
strength calculations of deck sections.
• Decks requiring extensive buildup due to grade corrections or wheel rutting favor a SC overlay or an
ACWS over a PC overlay due to the difficulty and cost of building up a PC overlay.
• The construction budget. When the initial cost is a major consideration, ACWS is the least expensive.
• Region/Project Manager's experience. During the Scoping and TS&L design phase, check with Region
to see if they have a preference between the different types of overlays.
• SC overlays need elastomeric concrete nosings or armored corners at the bridge ends and joints. It
may be possible to place a PC overlay and not do any work to the joints.

Check the structure for the possibility of a bridge rail and/or bridge rail transition retrofit or replacement, deck
joint repair or replacement, the addition of reinforced concrete approach slabs, the addition of protective
fencing, the need for scour protection, seismic retrofit and bearing repair.

For load restricted bridges, confirm that the weight of the overlay construction equipment will not overstress
the bridge. Restrictions may be required on the spacing of a paving train or the size of the milling

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The following chart provides some guidance for selecting an overlay type based on design criteria.
Economy - Initial Cost X
Construction Time - Fastest X X X
Grade Correction or Buildup Required X X X
Dead Load Limitations X X
Deck Sealer for Corrosion Protection X X X
Proven Longevity X
Low Traffic Volumes X X
Deck Crack Sealer X

During the overlay selection process, review the structure's "As Constructed" plans, paying special attention
to the following items:

• Effect of Additional Dead Load - Typically the dead load from a 2 inch concrete overlay has little effect
on the capacity or operation of the structure. Exceptions to this are load posted bridges or movable
bridges, where a SC overlay's dead load may have a significant impact. A thinner or PC overlay may
be required.

• Existing Bridge Rail – Review the existing bridge rail for functional adequacy and replace if
unacceptable (see BDM 1.13). Check the dimension from the top of the rail to the overlay finish grade
to make sure that the minimum rail height is still met.

• Deck Joints – Clean and repair deck joints (if necessary) prior to placing the overlay. Review the Bridge
Inspection Report or field notes for information to determine if any deck joint work is needed.
Additionally a field trip may be necessary in order to determine the best type of joint repair or
replacement. See Standard Joint Drawings for typical deck joint reconstruction details. See Standard
Specifications and SP 00585 for expansion joints. Asphaltic Plug Joint Seals must be replaced when
overlay thickness exceeds 3/8 inch.

• Elastomeric concrete nosing is recommended for SC overlays, because of the high incidence of
debonding at expansion joints or at bridge ends. See SP 00584 for specifications developed for
concrete nosing.

• Deck Drains – Note existing deck drains on the overlay plan view. Generally, raise deck drain grates to
match the new deck surface. For a PC overlay, the existing deck drain taper is adequate. Verify if deck
drain grates need to be upgraded for bicycle safety. See BDM 1.24 for additional information about
bridge drainage.

• Bridge Approach Slabs - The need for bridge approach slabs can be confirmed by reviewing the current
Bridge Inspection Report and the Maintenance file records. A field trip may be necessary to determine
whether or not adding approach slabs to the structure is the best choice to minimize pavement cracks
and/or settlement at the bridge ends.

Bridges constructed after 1960 generally have paving ledges at the bridge ends, even though approach
slabs were not installed at the time of construction. For older bridges, without paving ledges, or for
bridges with paving ledges that are too small, new corbels will need to be detailed to provide support for
proposed bridge approach slabs.

Traffic restrictions may require staging of the approach slab installation or the use of Type III cement
(high-early strength concrete) to accelerate construction times. See BDM 1.23 and SP 00545 for
additional information about bridge approach slab design.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Check for the presence of an existing overlay or wearing surface. If one is present, note what material type
it is. Also, check for the presence of an existing waterproof membrane. Some Oregon bridges may have
asbestos containing membranes, which require additional testing and care during removal. This information
is used in estimating unit costs for Deck Preparation. Use SP 00504 for removal of existing overlays and

There is a statewide priority list for protective fencing. Since the 1993 law (ORS 366.462) which required
all freeway overpasses and overcrossings over facilities with 4 or more lanes to have protective screening is
still in effect, if a structure to be overlayed crosses over a roadway and does not have existing protective
screening, consult with the Bridge Program Manager during Scoping to determine whether screening is
appropriate to include with the overlay project.
SC Overlay Depth:

On SC overlay projects, adjust nominal overlay depths according to the following guidelines:

• For depths of 2 to 3 inches: use a full depth SC overlay with no added reinforcing.

• For depths between 3 to 4 inches contact the Bridge Standards Engineer for options to decrease

• For depths 4 inches or greater: provide shear dowels from existing concrete to improve bond
according to Figure


• For depths greater than 5 inches, include both shear dowels and temperature reinforcing steel.
Dowels are designed for shear loading only. [Removed]

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 TP&DT / Stage Construction

Temporary protection and direction of traffic (TP&DT) requirements are important design considerations and
could control project cost, project scheduling and, as a result, the type of overlay. Urban projects or narrow
roadway width structures may require very short overlay cure times that could limit the use of a SC overlay.
Discuss traffic control issues early in the project with both Region and the Traffic Control Designer.

When stage construction is proposed, arrange the stage construction widths so that the overlay can be
constructed in widths between 6 feet and 30 feet which are comfortable widths for SC overlay finishing
machines and placement of PC overlays or ACWS. Avoid placing longitudinal construction joints in the
wheel paths. Quantity Estimates

All overlays require the use of SP 00504. Bridge decks with existing ACWS also require SP 00503.

Use any necessary removal bid items, depending on the existing bridge deck surface. All existing overlay
removal is measured by square yard. If the ACWS is too thick to be removed in one pass (i.e. greater than
2 inches), increase the unit cost for the additional passes required. For structures with ACWS, core samples
may need to be taken to determine the thickness. Identify any membranes present during coring operations.
Bonded waterproofing membranes, such as spray-on or polymer membranes have an additional bid item in
SP 00504 for removal. Fabric membranes are removed as incidental to SP 00503.

Once the existing overlay or membrane is removed, the deck is prepared per SP 00504. Class 1
Preparation takes place in areas where no additional concrete removal is necessary to reach sound
concrete. This level of preparation is not measured and payment for it is included in the construction of the
new overlay.

Class 2 Preparation is any removal of unsound concrete that does not extend the full depth of the deck. It is
measure by the square yard. The repair method and pay item for Class 2 preparation varies depending on
the new overlay type.

Class 3 Preparation is any removal that extends through the entire deck. Class 3 Deck Preparation is
usually required due to severe deep delaminations, a severely cracked deck in all directions, a badly spalled
bottom deck or poor aggregates. In most cases, the quantity of Class 3 Deck Preparation is very small. If
so, no bid item is necessary. The work will normally be performed on an extra work basis.

If there is a known quantity, a separate bid item should be used. The quantity should be estimated after
consulting with maintenance and the bridge inspector. A field visit may be required. Additional Class 3 Deck
Preparation beyond the known quantity can then be paid for as extra work.

A deck survey is required to confirm the estimated quantity of both Class 2 and Class 3 Deck Preparation.
Visual inspection and sounding (e.g. chain drag) are the primary methods for determining quantities.
Advanced non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods, such as infrared scanning, impact echo, or ground
penetrating radar (GPR) have been used in limited, high-risk, environments. Consult with Structure
Services prior to using advanced methods.

A typical SC overlay for a bridge deck consists of the following structure bid items in addition to any
Removal items:

• Class 2 preparation for SC Overlay Installations (per sy)- SP 00504

• Furnish Concrete Overlay (per cy) – SP 00559

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Construct SC Resurfacing (per sy) – SP 00559

• Saw Cut Texturing (per sy) – SP 00559

Class 1 Deck Preparation, which is not paid or measured separately from the overlay placement, includes
roughening the surface to a surface texture depth profile of 1/8 in.

Furnish Concrete Overlay – Calculate this quantity from the Class I deck preparation area and a depth of
1/2 inch greater than the specified minimum depth. This increase accounts for field quantity overruns due to
minor grade corrections and irregular Class 1 deck preparation. If Class 2 deck preparation has been
identified, add that quantity into the "Furnish Concrete Overlay" total. Work with the Roadway Designer to
confirm that the 3D model, if available, and roadway finish grade profile match the estimated overlay

Construct SC Resurfacing - This quantity is typically measured for gutter to gutter and end joint to end joint.

A typical PC overlay for a bridge deck consists of the following structure bid items in addition to any
Removal bid items:

• Class 2 Preparation (per sy) – SP 00504

• Furnish MPCO Material (per sy) – SP 00556

• Furnish PPC Material (per cy) – SP 00557

• Construct PC Concrete Overlay (per sy) – SP 00556 or SP 00557

Deck Preparation - Deck preparation for PC overlays is constructed per SP 00504. Class 1 Preparation for
PC Overlays requires roughening the existing deck to a 1/16” surface texture profile depth. Class 2
Preparation for PC Overlays includes repairing the deck with a PCC repair material at least 5 days prior to
placing the overlay.

Furnish PC concrete overlay – Calculate this quantity from deck area (gutter to gutter and end joint to end
joint) and a depth of 1/8 inch greater than the specified nominal depth.

Construct PC concrete overlay – Calculate this quantity from the deck area (gutter to gutter and end joint to
end joint).

A typical ACWS for an existing bridge deck consists of the following bid items:

• Bridge Deck Cold Plane Pavement Removal (per sy) – SP 00503

• Class 2 Preparation (per sy if needed) – SP 00504

• Membrane waterproofing (per sy)

• Asphalt concrete mixture (per ton)

The Membrane Waterproofing bid item includes full compensation for applying the membrane waterproofing
system and the asphalt tack coat.

The asphalt concrete bid item is typically the responsibility of the Roadway Designer. Communicate with
the Roadway Designer to make sure all the bid items are covered.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
In addition to these bid items, the following items may also be required:

• Deck joints (each or linear feet)

• Deck drain construction (each)

• Bridge rail retrofit or replacement (linear feet)

• Reinforced concrete approach slabs (per sy) Preparing Plans and Specifications

Use detail reference notes to indicate the overlay construction work required and other work, such as:

• Construction of approach slabs.

• Construction of paving ledges.

• Deck drain raising locations.

• Expansion joint work.

• Bridge rail retrofit or replacement.

• Bridge rail transition retrofit or replacement.

• Protective fencing.

• Stage construction (coordinate with the Traffic Control Plans Unit).

Miscellaneous details may need to be added to clarify the work to be done in specific areas. These details
can be placed on the plan sheet or a second sheet if more space is required.

If stage construction is used, temporary concrete barrier may be required on the bridge deck. Check with
the Traffic Control Designer for recommendations. See BDM for temporary barrier detailing
and anchorage requirements.

Indicate in the "Designer's Notes to Specifications" under which bid item the miscellaneous details are to be
paid for. Expansion joints and deck drain work may be paid for under the bid item for overlay construction if
the cost is minor. Approach slabs, paving ledges, bridge railing and protective fencing will need separate
bid items.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.10 Foundation Considerations

1.10.1 Foundations, General

1.10.2 Lateral Earth Restraint

1.10.3 Underwater Construction

1.10.4 Foundation Modeling (Foundation Springs)

1.10.5 Foundation Design

The Geotechnical designer will provide data and recommendations with respect to types of footings, footing
elevations, nominal and factored resistances, types of piling, pile tip reinforcing, and drilled shaft tip
elevations which are to be used at each bridge site. The Designer should be satisfied that the
recommendations are adequate with respect to factored loads and economy. If there are questions in this
matter, they should be discussed with the Geotechnical designer. Special factors in the type of construction
selected may cause a reconsideration of the original recommendation. Some basic guidelines include:

• If the Geotechnical report is not available, the fact should be noted and the basis for the design
of the footings should be indicated.

• Except for special cases, provide a minimum of 2 feet of cover over the top of spread footings.

• Make the top of footings within the right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad a minimum of 6
feet below the bottom of the low rail to allow for future underground utilities.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

If passive earth pressures are used in design to resist seismic or other lateral loads, detail the plans to
ensure assumed soil conditions exist after construction. Where possible, plans should specify placing
footings against undisturbed material. The soil type may be such that it will not stand vertically after
excavation. If soil is disturbed, SP 00510.41 requires backfilling with compacted granular material. If there
is any question concerning this, consult with the Geotechnical Designer. If the excavation will not stand
vertically, add a reference note, "See Standard Specifications for Construction" to the "Structure Excavation
Limits" detail shown on the plans. The Contractor will be allowed to excavate beyond the footing limits and
backfill with compacted granular structure backfill (SP 00510.46). If footings, such as pile supported, etc.,
do not require the lateral soil resistance for stability, then do not call for pouring against undisturbed

Figure 1.10.2A

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Underwater Foundation Design Considerations

• Requirements for scour protection, potential scour depths and elevations, recommendations for
riprap protection can be found in the Hydraulic Report.
• The seal size, which ultimately determines the cofferdam size should be large enough to
accommodate the footing plus footing forms inside the cofferdam walers. A minimum of 2 feet on
each side of the footing should be provided.
• Require the contractor to remove all underwater formwork.
• In streams where there is a potential for scour, riprap should be placed as soon as possible and
before removal of the cofferdam.
• Scour calculations do not take into account debris loading. A pile of debris will cause a larger
obstruction thereby increasing the scour depth.
• Streambeds are often "mobile" and the top few feet or so are moving downstream all the time.
During extreme flood events the mobile streambed material cannot be counted on for protection.
• The depth component of the bearing resistance equation has the most significant contribution
to the footing's ability to support the load.
• Riprap is not considered permanent protection against scour for seals.
• When placing a footing in a stream, the material around and over the footing has been
reworked and doesn't have the in situ strength of the native streambed.
• Another factor that is not always taken into account during a scour calculation is that the stream
may be degrading or have the possibility of degrading in the future. Footing Embedment

On stream crossings and where horizontal forces are involved, the following sketch should appear on the
plans if the foundation material is suitable.


The bottom of footings in streambeds shall be a minimum of 6 feet below the normal streambed, except in
solid rock. If in solid rock, the top of the footing shall be flush with the rock line.

May 21 1-154
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

In foundation modeling it is common practice to first assume translational and rotational fixity of the
foundation supports and perform a preliminary structural frame analysis. The resulting reactions are
checked against the factored resistances. This procedure underestimates global deflections but
establishes an upper bound for forces. This type of foundation modeling may be sufficient in certain
loading conditions, such as thermal expansion, where deflections are not a controlling factor in design
provided the forces are not excessive. However, under higher lateral loading conditions, such as
moderate to severe seismic loading, more accurate deflections and forces are desirable. Excessively
conservative design forces can be expensive to accommodate. In these cases, foundation springs are
typically used in the structural frame analysis. The computer program such as Midas Civil or SAP2000
allows the use of these springs. Foundation springs are typically equivalent linear springs representing
the translational (horizontal), axial (vertical) and rotational load-deflection behavior of a nonlinear soil
response. The use of foundation springs can significantly reduce the upper bound foundation reactions
and more accurately models the entire soil-structure interaction system. Nominal geotechnical
resistances are typically used with seismic loading conditions unless otherwise directed by the
Geotechnical Designer. Factored resistances are typically used for all other load combinations. Factored
resistance is the nominal resistance multiplied by the appropriate resistance factor. General Modeling Techniques

There are three options for foundation modeling:

(Option 1) Fixed foundations

(Option 2) Fully coupled foundation spring model
(Option 3) Uncoupled translation and rotational springs

Option 1 fixes all foundation supports in the computer model. The resulting forces are simply compared
to the resistances stated either in the Geotechnical Report or as determined in this section of the design
manual. If the resulting forces exceed the resistances, foundation modeling using springs is

Option 2 allows stiffness coupling for both shear and moment and also cross-coupling (off diagonal). This
option is not required for most problems. This option should be used for drilled shafts, trestle piles and for
some pile foundations where the piles are connected to the substructure or superstructure such that a
fixed condition exists. A massive footing with deeply embedded piles is an example. The method is
applicable to all types of foundations.

Option 3 is the most commonly used method to represent footing and piling flexibility. It is a simplified
version of the fully coupled spring model (Option 2) and is used in cases where there is no significant
moment transfer between superstructure and foundation elements. This option is appropriate for most
problems except as noted in Option 2 above. Use this option with vertical piling only. Battered piles
result in larger lateral stiffness, which this option does not presently address. General Procedures and Typical Values

The following guidelines are provided for Option 3 as general information, and are intended to be
supplemented with engineering judgment. Methods are presented for developing foundation springs,
including factored and nominal resistances, for the following foundation types:

• Abutments and wingwalls

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Spread footings
• Piles and pile caps

Foundation springs are typically nonlinear in form although some are represented in bilinear form. The
curve typically consists of an initial (straight line) stiffness followed by a nonlinear relationship leading up
to a nominal resistance. Various methods are used, depending on the type of spring, to develop the
entire nonlinear load-deflection curve (spring).

The procedures described in this section, and typical values, come from the following sources:

• “Seismic Design of Highway Bridges”, Workshop Manual by Imbsen & Associates, Inc., prepared
for the FHWA, October, 1989.

• “Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations”, FHWA Workshop Manual, Volume 1,
December, 1996.

• Design Manual 7.2, “Foundations and Earth Structures”, Dept. of the Navy, May, 1982.

• “Foundation Analysis and Design”, (4th ed.) by Joseph E. Bowles.

• “Design Manual for the Foundation Stiffnesses Under Seismic Loading”, prepared for Washington
DOT by Geospectra, April, 1996.

• “Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering For Highways”, Volumes I & II; FHWA
Report No. FHWA-SA-97-076-77, May, 1997.

• Pile capacity and stiffness work done by Bridge Engineering and Geotechnical Group personnel
in 1996 and 1997.

Standard Penetration Test (SPT) numbers presented in the Design Manual (“Nc” values) refer to “N”
values for granular soils corrected to an effective overburden pressure of 1 tsf. Uncorrected “Nc” values
should be used for cohesive soils. The Geotechnical Designer should be consulted for representative
values to use in these methods.

(1) Abutments and Wingwalls:

Use translational springs in both the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Translational Stiffness:

The abutment and wingwall translational stiffness should account for displacements resulting from
expansion joints associated with seat abutments.

Initial backfill stiffness, is determined by the backfill of the abutment and wingwalls. Wingwalls should
be modeled similar to the abutment. Direction of the wingwall contribution is into the approach fill. The
initial stiffness should be adjusted proportional to the backwall width and height according to the
following equation where the height of the backwall is normalized (Maroney 1995).

Use this value for unknown backfill or when the backfill does not meet the requirements shown on

𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖 = 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

When the approach fill is constructed/reconstructed using granular structure backfill and meeting the
limits shown on DET3160 the following value for initial stiffness can be used.
𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖 = 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖

The stiffness of the abutment is calculated with the following:

𝐾𝐾𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖 ∗ 𝑊𝑊 ∗ 𝐻𝐻/5.5𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 /𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝑊𝑊 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝐻𝐻 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

Piles: Refer to “Pile Supported Footings and Abutments” (see BDM below). Use pile
translational stiffnesses in tables below for loading conditions other than seismic. For seismic loading
conditions, perform an analysis using soil response program such as LPILE. Consult with the
Geotechnical Designer to verify LPILE soil properties.

Translational Capacities:

The passive force resisting the movement at the abutment is modeled using a bi-linear curve with
respect to displacement. The ultimate static passive force should be calculated using the following
equation. Maximum passive force can only be applied once the soil has been mobilized. Acceptable
passive mobilization values are found in AASHTO Table C.3.11.1-1. When the wall is backfilled with a
medium dense sand or compacted silt a value of 0.02H (where H is the height of the wall in ft) should
be used. When granular structure backfill is used to fill the active and passive wedge a value of 0.01H
should be used to determine if mobilization occurs. Only when this deformation is equal to or exceeds
this value, then the ultimate passive force can be employed.

𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = 𝑊𝑊𝐻𝐻2
𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘

𝑊𝑊𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝐻𝐻𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

Piles: For seismic loading, use ultimate values derived from LPILE analysis by comparing the
maximum yield moment of the pile to the maximum moment output from LPILE. Take end slope and
side slope effects into account. Generally assume dense granular fill representing granular wall
backfill. This material should be present in the entire passive wedge area. Consult with the
Geotechnical Designer to verify LPILE soil properties. Use allowable pile capacities in tables below
for loading conditions other than seismic.

Translational Load-Deflection Curve:

Use the initial stiffness up to the capacity limit. The curve form is:

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

(2) Skewed Abutments with Wingwalls:

Recent large scale testing and numerical modeling of skewed abutments with wingwalls parallel with the
roadway show a significant reduction in passive pressure as well as increased displacements, and
increased bending moment that must be accounted for in design (Rollins and Snow, 2019). When the
abutment is skewed the passive force calculated above is further reduced using the following and applied
perpendicular to the skewed bent.

𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢−𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 ∗ 𝑅𝑅𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠

𝑅𝑅𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝑒𝑒 −𝜃𝜃/45°
𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟.
𝐹𝐹𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢−𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑎𝑎 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂.
𝜃𝜃 = 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
𝑅𝑅𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓
To allow for modeling of the bridge in the longitudinal direction the ultimate static passive resistance
distribution is modified by increasing it at the obtuse corner of the bridge deck by 1.25 and decreasing at
the acute corner by 0.75 as shown in the figures below.


May 21 1-158
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


(3) Spread Footings: - Unless constructed on solid bedrock, use translational and rotational springs in
both the longitudinal and transverse directions. In general, footings keyed into a rock mass that has
an elastic (Young’s) modulus typically greater than 14,000 ksf (Unconfined Compressive Strength =
1000 psi) can be considered “fixed” against both rotation and translation. Consult with the
Geotechnical Designer to determine the compressibility of very soft or highly fractured bedrock

Translational and Rotational stiffnesses:

Use the equivalent circular footing formulas on the following pages with information from Table A, to
develop translational and rotational spring constants. Consult with the Geotechnical Designer for the
appropriate soil values to use in Table A.

SPT E Poisson’s G
“Nc”* (ksf) Ratio (v) (ksf)
V. Loose 4 300 .35 110
Loose 10 1000 .35 370
Medium 30 2000 .35 750
Dense 50 3000 .35 1100
Soft 4 400 .50 150
Stiff 8 1000 .50 350
Very Stiff 16 1500 .50 500
Hard 32 2000 .50 650

* “Nc” is the average of Nc values over a depth of 2B below the footing, (B = footing width).

May 21 1-159
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Stiffness Calculations for Spread Footings:

Spring constants for rectangular footings are obtained by modifying the solution for a circular footing bonded
to the surface of an elastic half-space. The formula is as follows:

k = αβK0
k = initial stiffness (spring constant)
α = foundation shape correction factor; (from graph)
β = embedment factor, (from graph)
K0 = stiffness coefficient for the equivalent circular footing (see formulas in Table B below)

The stiffness term, K0, is calculated using the equations in Table B below:

Displacement Degree-of-Freedom K0
Vertical translation 4GR/(1-v)
Horizontal translation 8GR/(2-v)
Torsional rotation 16GR3/3
Rocking rotation 8GR3/(3(1-v))

TABLE B: Stiffness coefficient, K0, for a circular footing at the ground surface
G = Shear Modulus (low strain range)
v = Poisson’s ratio for elastic half-space material
R = Equivalent footing radius as determined from the following equations:


x x

y 2B
D z R y



May 21 1-160
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Shape Factors For Rectangular Footings



Shape Factor,α








1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50


Horizontal Translation (X-Direction) Horizontal Translation (Y-Direction)

Rocking X-axis Rocking Y-axis
Vert.Trans. (Z-Direction) Torsion Z-axis

Embedment Factors For Footings, β

3.00 9.0

2.75 8.0

2.50 7.0

Torsional and Rotational β

Translational (vertical and horizontal)

2.25 6.0
Embedment Factor, β

2.00 5.0

1.75 4.0

1.50 3.0

1.25 2.0

1.00 1.0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


Horizontal (left axis) Vertical (left axis) Torsional (right axis) Rocking (right axis)

May 21 1-161
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

4 BL
 ( 2 B)( 2 L) 3  4
ROTATIONAL: R=  ; for x-axis rocking
 3π 
 ( 2 B) 3 ( 2 L )  4
R=  ; for y-axis rocking
 3π 
 4 BL( 4 B2 + 4 L2 )  4
R=  ; for z-axis torsion
 6π 

Translational Capacities:

The use of the following values depends on the footing construction method (i.e. formed with backfill
material or poured against undisturbed material). Only the passive resistance developed from the front
face of the footing, combined with the shear resistance along the footing base, is considered. Column
and footing side resistance is neglected. Consult with the Geotechnical Designer for recommended soil
properties, groundwater levels and proper effective unit stress to use in the analysis. Scour effects
should also be considered.

Use the values from Table C in the general formula:

Force Capacity = (Kp x effective unit stress x footing face area) + (Su x footing face area)
+ (µ x support reaction) + (Su x footing base area)

Use appropriate components depending upon soil type. Consult with the Geotechnical Designer for the
appropriate soil values to use.

Note: Effective Unit Stress = (Buoyant Unit Weight x Depth to middle of footing)


“Nc” Unit Wt.
Granular Kp Su (ksf) µ
V. Loose 4 2.7 0 .34 0.090
Loose 10 3.0 0 .40 0.100
Medium 30 3.7 0 .47 0.115
Dense 50 4.6 0 .56 0.120
Soft 4 - 0.5 - N.A.
Stiff 8 - 1.0 - N.A.
Very Stiff 16 - 2.0 - N.A.
Hard 32 - 4.0 - N.A.


May 21 1-162
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Deflection required to fully activate capacities (∆max):

Loose .06H
Dense .02H

Soft .04H
Stiff .02H

H = Soil surface to middle of footing depth

Specific applications may require the use of less than the full capacity due to deflection restrictions.

Rotational Capacities:

The rotational capacity is typically determined by comparing the total footing pressure, including the
overturning moment, to the factored bearing resistance provided in the geotechnical report, unless
otherwise directed by the Geotechnical Designer. The bearing resistance of footings with overturning
moments and eccentricity are determined using “effective” footing dimensions.

Translational Load-Deflection Curve:

The following equation may be used in conjunction with the translational stiffnesses and capacities for
developing a translational load-deflection curve for spread footings and pile caps.

1  ∆ 
+  Rf ×
k max  Pult 

where: P = Load at deflection ∆

Pult = Ultimate passive force (neglect base shear for pile caps)
kmax = Initial stiffness
Rf = Ratio between the actual and the theoretical ultimate force. Rf can be
determined by substituting ∆ max from the previous section for ∆ and Pult for P in
the above equation and solving for Rf.
∆ = Translational deflection, inches

An example of the use of this equation is given below. This graph represents the form of the equation


Passive Force, kips






0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

May 21 Translational deflection, inches 1-163

Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Rotational Load-Deflection Curve: Use the initial stiffness up to the capacity limit. The curve form is:

(3) Pile Supported Footings

Use translational and rotational springs for pile supported footings in both the longitudinal and transverse
directions. This approach is recommended in cases where seismic loading is the controlling factor in the
structural frame analysis. Springs may also be used to model pile supported footings in non-seismic
conditions at the designer’s discretion. Nominal resistances may be used for both non-seismic and
seismic design conditions unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Designer.

In cases where seismic loading is not the maximum group loading for the structure, the stiffnesses and
nominal lateral resistances given in the following tables are acceptable for most design cases, provided
the site conditions generally satisfy the assumptions made in developing these values. In general, for
soils with “Nc” values less than 4, the pile translational stiffness should be evaluated using a soil
response program such as LPILE programs and the Geotechnical Designer should be consulted for
further guidance.

The use of battered piles is generally discouraged due to the greatly increased stiffness contribution from
the battered piles. This in turn can result in excessive battered forces and induce undesired or unrealistic
uplift forces in adjacent piles. In lieu of battered piles, it is recommended to use vertical piles throughout
the footing.

Refer to the seismic design example problem for further clarification.

Translational Stiffnesses:

Normally the translational stiffness should include the lateral pile stiffnesses (total pile group stiffness)
plus the passive soil stiffness on one side of the footing. Typically, a single lateral pile-head stiffness is
estimated from either the pile-top, load-deflection curve generated by LPILE soil response program output
or from pile stiffness values given in the following tables. This single pile-head stiffness is then multiplied
by the number of piles in the group and the resulting group stiffness value is then multiplied by a group
reduction factor depending on pile spacing. Instead of using a group reduction factor, pile group effects
may also be accounted for using p-y curve multipliers as described under “Pile Group Reduction Factors
and p-y Multipliers”.

Pile cap, or footing, stiffnesses should be developed using the methods described under “Spread
Footings”, except the soil stiffness contribution along the base of the pile cap should be neglected. This
is accomplished by calculating the stiffness of the pile cap (footing) at the ground surface (D = 0) and
subtracting this value from the stiffness calculated for the embedded pile cap footing. The resulting
stiffness curve is then combined with the pile group stiffness curve as described in “Translational Load-
Deflection Curve”.

May 21 1-164
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Seismic Controlled Loading Condition – Extreme Event Limit State
The pile-head translational stiffness curve is generated using a soil response program such as LPILE
using soil input parameters supplied by the Geotechnical Designer. Pile head boundary conditions (fixed,
free or fixed-translational) must be assigned by the designer. Refer to the LPILE computer program
manuals. This method is shown in Figure

Non-seismic Loading Conditions

For non-seismic loading conditions the following pile stiffnesses may be used provided the site
conditions generally satisfy the assumptions given below.

Pile Translational Stiffnesses (k/in):

Axis - SPT HP 10x42 HP 12x53 HP 12x74 HP 14x89 HP 14x117

W=Weak “Nc”
S=Strong *
Granular W S W S W S W S W S
V. Loose 4 5 8 6 10 7 11 9 13 10 14
Loose 10 12 14 12 18 14 20 16 24 18 24
Medium 30 16 20 18 27 20 30 25 38 28 41
Dense 50 25 34 29 44 31 46 40 61 44 64
Soft 4 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 4
Stiff 8 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 7 9
Very Stiff 16 8 10 9 12 10 13 12 15 12 16
Hard 32 14 19 17 22 18 24 21 27 23 30

Pipe SPT 12x 0.25 12x 0.38 16x 0.38 16x 0.50 24x 0.38 24x 0.50
Piles “Nc”*
V. Loose 4 7 8 11 12 20 22
Loose 10 14 15 20 21 33 37
Medium 30 20 23 29 34 48 57
Dense 50 32 37 46 54 81 87
Soft 4 2 3 3 3 4 4
Stiff 8 6 7 8 9 11 12
Very Stiff 16 10 11 13 14 18 18
Hard 32 18 20 24 26 34 36

Prestressed SPT 12” 14” 16”

Piles “Nc”* prest. prest. prest.
V. Loose 4 8 8 11
Loose 10 12 14 19
Medium 30 22 24 28
Dense 50 34 38 45
Soft 4 3 3 3
Stiff 8 7 7 8
Very Stiff 16 12 12 14
Hard 32 22 23 26

May 21 1-165
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Typical Example
Top of Pile Load-Deflection Curve
(Translation Spring)
100 5000

90 4500

80 Load-Deflection Curve 4000

70 3500
Lateral Load, kips

Pult = 60 kips

Moment, kips-ft.
60 3000

Maximum Moment Curve 2500
My=2064 in-kips (Plastic Hinge Capacity)
40 2000

30 Enter with My, find 1500

intersection with 1000

Max. Moment
Curve, project to
10 500
∆Head =
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Lateral Deflection, inches
(At Pile Head)


Translational Capacities:
The base shear resistance of pile supported footings, or caps, is typically not included in calculating the
nominal passive resistance. The same equation used for determining the nominal translational capacity of
footings should be used for pile caps, neglecting all base shear resistance. The nominal passive resistance
of pile caps can be used for both seismic and non-seismic design conditions.

For non-seismic loading conditions the following nominal resistances in the following table may be used
provided the site conditions generally satisfy the assumptions given below the table.

Nominal Pile Translational Resistances (kips):

W=Weak “Nc”* 10x42 12x53 12x74 14x89 14x117
Granular W S W S W S W S W S
V. Loose 4 12 21 14 25 25 43 29 50 41 69
Loose 10 13 23 16 27 28 48 33 55 46 82
Medium 30 16 26 17 31 31 53 37 62 51 86
Dense 50 17 29 20 34 34 59 41 69 57 93
Soft 4 16 25 17 28 29 47 34 53 45 69
Stiff 8 20 34 22 37 38 63 43 70 59 94
Very Stiff 16 24 43 25 47 49 83 55 90 76 122
Hard 32 30 54 29 58 58 104 63 113 92 155

May 21 1-166
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Pipe SPT 12x 0.25 12x 0.38 16x 0.38 16x 0.50 24x 0.38 24x 0.50
Piles “Nc”*
V. Loose 4 22 29 43 52 85 103
Loose 10 25 32 48 57 95 113
Medium 30 29 37 54 65 107 130
Dense 50 31 41 60 71 118 143
Soft 4 26 34 46 55 82 98
Stiff 8 34 44 60 72 104 126
Very Stiff 16 42 56 74 91 130 158
Hard 32 50 69 91 110 151 187

Prestressed SPT 12” 14” 16”

Piles “Nc”* Prest. prest. prest.
V. Loose 4 12 16 23
Loose 10 15 18 25
Medium 30 18 20 29
Dense 50 20 23 31
Soft 4 18 19 25
Stiff 8 22 23 31
Very Stiff 16 27 27 36
Hard 32 29 29 43

* The ”Nc” values to use are the averaged “Nc” values over a depth of 8 to 10 pile diameters (8D to

May 21 1-167
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The above translational stiffnesses and allowable capacities are based on the Broms’ method and the
following assumptions:

• Free head condition, no applied moment

• Pile top at the ground surface
• Level ground surface
• One, uniform soil layer with uniform soil properties
• No groundwater
• Static loading, no cyclic soil degradation
• Constant pile properties and dimensions
• Stiffnesses are for first 1/2 inch deflection (initial secant modulus)
• Values are for “long” pile conditions and minimum pile embedment depths are required. If
pile lengths are less than 75 percent of the assumed penetration lengths below, a separate
Broms’ or LPILE analysis is required.

“Nc” Assumed Length (ft)

Granular 4 55
10 50
30 40
50 35

Cohesive 4 55
8 50
16 40
32 35

The Geotechnical Designer should be consulted for piles installed in conditions outside of the above stated
assumptions and/or a LPILE analysis should be performed.

For seismic design conditions, the maximum moment capacity of the pile (My) must be calculated
separately and compared to the LPILE output to determine the nominal lateral resistance and associated
deflection. An example is shown in Figure

Translational Load -Deflection Curve:

Translational Load Non-seismic - Deflection estimates for piles designed under non-seismic conditions
should be determined using the initial pile stiffness values given in the above tables extended up to the
nominal pile resistance (bilinear curve). This curve, representing the pile group, is then added to the load-
deflection curve developed for the pile cap. A LPILE analysis may also be used as described below if so

Translational Load Seismic - Deflection estimates for seismic design conditions are determined from the
composite load deflection curves developed by combining the pile group stiffness from the LPILE analysis
with the stiffness contribution from the pile cap. An example of this procedure is provided in the section on
“Load-Deflection Curves, Stiffness Iteration Analysis and Capacity Checks”.

Pile Group Effects and P Multipliers:

The P multiplier approach, utilizing the LPILE program, is recommended to evaluate the response of pile
groups subjected to lateral loads. The P multipliers are applied to standard p-y curves to account for pile
group effects. LRFD 10 should be referenced for the P multiplier values to be used in the analysis. The
P multipliers are dependent upon the center to center spacing of piles in the group in the direction of
loading expressed in multiples of pile diameter. The Geotechnical Designer should be consulted for the
procedures to use in this design approach.

May 21 1-168
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Rotational Stiffnesses:

Normally the rotational stiffness should only include the moment versus rotation stiffness from the pile
group. The pile cap is usually considered rigid in this analysis and no additional stiffness due to soil
bearing at the base of the pile cap/footing is included. Therefore, the rotational stiffness of pile caps is
simply a function of pile axial compression and the pile group layout. See the example problem in the
Bridge Example Designs notebook for more details. Static formulas for pile compression are typically
used. The computer program APILE may also be used for a more detailed analysis of the predicted load-
deflection behavior of a single, axially loaded pile. This program takes into account unusual soil
conditions and the nonlinear aspects of pile-soil interaction. The Geotechnical Designer should be
consulted for axial pile stiffnesses using the APILE program.

The following formulas for axial pile stiffness may be used in developing rotational stiffnesses for pile
supported footings. For friction piles, the APILE program may also be utilized to better model axial stiffness
when axial loads are greater than about half of the nominal resistance of the pile.

End bearing pile: Friction piles:

Kv = Kv =

with: Kv = Axial Pile Stiffness (kN/mm)

A = Area of pile normal to load
L = Length of pile
E = Young’s Modulus of Pile Material

Compute the rotation stiffness (M vs. ∅) for a pile group as follows:

Assume a pile head deflection for the pile farthest from the pile group centroid.

Using the appropriate relation from above, determine the pile force accompanying this assumed pile head
deflection. Prorate the other pile forces by their location relative to the group centroid. Piles on one side
of the centroid will have positive forces and piles on the other side will have negative forces (uplift).

Determine the pile group moment by summing the product of the pile force and the pile-to-group centroid
distance for all piles. This is the moment (M) required to rotate the footing through an angle of ∅.
Determine the angle ∅ as the arctan of the assumed extreme pile head deflection divided by the pile-to-
centroid distance.

The relation of M to ∅ is the initial rotation stiffness.

Rotational Resistances:

For pile supported footings, compare computed pile loads to nominal axial pile resistances for seismic
cases and to factored axial pile resistances for non-seismic cases, unless otherwise recommended
by the Geotechnical designer.

May 21 1-169
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Rotational Load-Deflection Curve:

Use the initial stiffness up to the resistance limit. The curve form is:

(4) Load-Deflection Curves, Stiffness Iteration Analysis and Capacity Checks:

Using the previous information one develops a composite load-deflection relationship for each applicable
support spring. Next, an initial spring constant is assumed, the structure and loading analyzed and the
resulting load-deflection position compared to the initial assumption. Cycling through this process may be
needed to achieve reasonable closure. See the graphical explanation below.

It is also necessary to check the required resistance against the factored or nominal resistance.
Resistance factors of 1.0 are typically used in the case of seismic design, however this should be verified
by the Geotechnical Designer. Factored resistances are used for all other cases. For the rotational
capacity, this is normally done by checking the resultant forces against the maximum (nominal), effective
soil bearing resistance (footings) or nominal pile resistance.

For lateral pile resistances, the nominal resistance is either the maximum determined from the LPILE
analysis (based on My of the pile for seismic design), or from the tables. The nominal resistance may
also be a function of maximum allowable structural deflections. If the limiting resistance is exceeded
when using the initial spring coefficient then modified springs are required as shown in the graphical
explanation below.

May 21 1-170
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Composite Pile Cap and Group

Pile Load Deflection Curve (sum of
both curves)

Pile Cap Load-Deflection Curve

Pile Group P-∆ Curve truncated due to

buckling failure
Pile Group Load Deflection Curve


Development Composite Load - Deflection Curve

Initial Spring Constant, (trial 1)

F,anal.(1) 1
(exceeds resistance by >20%; >1.20

F,anal.(2) FB
FA Composite Load-Deflection Curve
Output from Trial 2 (acceptable, <1.20)

Modified Spring Constant, (input for trial 2)


Spring Iteration Process and Resistance Checks

May 21 1-171
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Drilled Shaft Modeling (Fully Coupled)

Programs Midas Civil or SAP200 and LPILE can be used in an iterative approach to model a drilled shaft
supported structure. The approach is to determine the approximate force magnitudes for the controlling
loading and then use these forces to develop a better representation of the superstructure/shaft/soil
problem. This allows a good approximation of soil stiffness non-linearity as well as the non-linearity of the
shaft-soil interaction.

The following steps would be typical for drilled shaft modeling for design and checking:

1. Develop a full Midas Civil or SAP2000 model (superstructure with substructure) using shaft fixity at two
shaft diameters below the groundline. Using the model, run the controlling load case – typically seismic
loading will be the controlling case and the worst effect, either longitudinal or transverse, will be used for
the next steps.

2. Develop LPILE models (shaft with soil) for each bent using the full shaft from its tip to its connection to
the superstructure.

3. Using the top of shaft shear and moment results from the first Midas Civil or SAP2000, load the LPILE
models to develop a stiffness matrix for each shaft. This represents a condensing of the
substructure/soil effect to the point of connection with the superstructure. The LPILE program can
develop a stiffness matrix for you.

4. Develop a new Midas Civil or SAP2000 model using only the superstructure and supports represented
by the LPILE developed substructure stiffness matrices. Run the same controlling load case.

5. Use the top of shaft shear and moment results from this latest Midas Civil or SAP2000 to again load the
LPILE models to develop new substructure stiffness matrices.

6. Use the latest Midas Civil or SAP2000 model with the most recent substructure stiffness matrices and
again run the same controlling load case.

7. Compare the results of this Midas Civil or SAP2000 with the previous Midas Civil or SAP2000 run for
correlation. If the results do not correlate well, cycle through steps 5 and 6 to get better convergence.
Results which change no more than 15% per cycle are normally sufficiently close and further cycling is
not required.

Foundation design should be performed in accordance with the most current version of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications. Foundation design should also follow the policies and guidelines described in
the ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual, available through the ODOT Geo-Environmental Section web

FHWA foundation design manuals are also acceptable methods for use in foundation design. Subsurface
investigations for all structures should be conducted in accordance with the AASHTO Manual On
Subsurface Investigations (1988). Materials classifications should be in accordance with the ODOT Soil and
Rock Classification Manual (1987).

May 21 1-172
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Foundation Design Process

A flow chart showing the overall foundation design process, related to plans development, is provided in
Figure It is important for the Foundation and Bridge Designers to establish and maintain good
communication and exchange of information throughout the entire bridge design process. Any questions
regarding foundation design issues should be brought to the attention of the Geotechnical Designer as early
as possible in the design process. For most typical bridge design projects two Geotechnical Reports are
provided, the TS&L Foundation Design Memo and the Geotechnical Report. A description of the phases


0% 30% 90% 100%

Minimum 12 weeks 60% 10%



Min 8 Min 4
weeks weeks FINAL




Starts when bent locations and alignments are known.

R/W, permits and access can delay drilling start-up

Ends at Bridge Preliminary Design Phase



(1) TS&L Foundation Design Memo

The purpose of this memo is to provide sufficient data for developing TS&L plans and cost estimates and for
permitting purposes. The memo is generally provided before the subsurface investigation is completed. It
provides a brief description of the proposed project, the anticipated subsurface conditions (based on existing
geologic knowledge of the site and/or as-constructed information) and presents preliminary foundation
design recommendations such as foundation types and preliminary resistances. The potential for
liquefaction and associated effects are also briefly discussed. The memo is to be provided no later than two-
thirds of the way through the TS&L design process.

May 21 1-173
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(2) Geotechnical Report

This report is to be provided by the end of the Preliminary Bridge Design phase, which is usually 90 percent
design. It provides the final foundation design recommendations for the structure and a Geotechnical Data
Sheet for each structure. In order to conduct a proper foundation investigation and complete this report the
Geotechnical Designer will need the following information:
• Bent locations and layout
• Proposed roadway grade (fill heights)
• Anticipated foundation loads
• Foundation size/diameter and depth required to meet structural needs
• Allowable structure settlements (total and differential)
• Proposed retaining wall locations
• Estimated scour depths (from Hydraulics Report)
• Construction or Environmental constraints that could affect the type of foundation selected

The report will contain the all geotechnical data on the site including final boring logs, Geotechnical Data
Sheets, laboratory test results, foundation soil design parameters, recommended foundation types, sizes
and resistances, and other recommendations. Construction recommendations are included along with
project specific specifications, which are to be included in the contract Special Provisions. Seismic
foundation design recommendations are provided including site characterization and soil coefficients,
estimated ground acceleration and any liquefaction mitigation measures considered necessary (See BDM

The Geotechnical Designer should review the final Plans and Special Provisions for the structure to make
sure they are consistent with the design recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Report. Any
discrepancies should be resolved and Addendums to the report issued if necessary. A copy of the
Geotechnical Report should be included in the project file and is made available to contractors through the
Project Manager’s Office when the project is advertised for bid. Bridge Foundation Records

“As-constructed” records on existing bridge foundations may be found in the Salem Bridge Engineering
Office from the following sources:
• Pile Record Books
• “As-constructed” Bridge Plans (available through ODOT intranet)
• Microfilm Construction Records
• Bridge Maintenance Files Spread Footing Foundation Design

Spread footings are considered early on in the design process as a possible economical foundation option if
the foundation conditions are suitable. The design of spread footings is usually an interactive process
between the Geotechnical and Structural Designers. The bottom of spread footings should be at least 6 feet
below the bottom of the streambed unless non-erodable bedrock is present. The bottom of spread footings
should also be below the estimated depth of scour for the 500 year flood event. The top of the footing
should be below the depth of scour estimated for the 100 year event. Spread footings are not to be
constructed on soils that may liquefy under earthquake loading. If spread footings are recommended the
Geotechnical Designer will provide the following design recommendations in the Geotechnical Report:

May 21 1-174
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(1) Footing Elevations

The elevations of the proposed footings will be provided along with a clear description of the foundation
materials the footing is to be constructed on.

(2) Nominal and Factored Bearing Resistances

The nominal and factored bearing resistances will be provided for various effective footing widths likely to
be used. Resistance factors for all applicable load combinations should be consistent with the most
recent version of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Bearing resistances corresponding to 1 inch of settlement (Service Limit State) should also typically be
provided unless other settlement limits are established by the structural designer. The Structural Designer
should communicate all footing settlement limits to the Geotechnical Designer. For soil conditions, the
bearing resistances provided assume the footing pressures are uniform loads acting over effective footing
dimensions B’ and L’ (i.e. effective footing width and length ((B or L) -2e) as determined by the Meyerhof
method. For footings on rock, the resistances provided assume triangular or trapezoidal stress
distribution and maximum toe bearing conditions.

Minimum footing setback on slopes and embedment depths will be provided.

(3) Sliding Stability and Eccentricity

The following soil parameters will be provided for calculating frictional sliding resistance and active and
passive earth pressures.

Soil Unit Weight, γ (soil above footing base)

Soil Friction Angle, φ (soil above footing base)
Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka
Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kp
Coefficient of Sliding, tan δ

(4) Overall Stability

The Geotechnical Designer will evaluate overall stability using the maximum footing load which can be
applied to the design slope while maintaining resistance factor of 0.65 as outlined in LRFD Pile Foundations

If spread footings are unsuitable or uneconomical for foundation support, driven piles should be considered.
Consult with the geotechnical designer to determine the most appropriate pile type, size and bearing
resistance to support the desired pile loads. Typical pile types, sizes and structural resistances
(0.9fy x Sectional area of pile) used on ODOT projects are listed below The Geotechnical Designer should
provide the nominal resistances required to achieve the required resistance for each limit state.

Steel HP-Piles


fy = 36 ksi (kips) fy = 50 ksi (kips) fy = 60 ksi (kips)
HP 10x42 402 558
HP 10x57 541 752
HP 12x89 839 1166 1399

May 21 1-175
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
HP 12x117 1115 1548 1858
HP 14 x 117 1115 1548 1858
HP 16 x 141 1351 1877 2252
HP 16 x 183 1753 2435 2921
HP 18 x 204 1950 2709 3251

Steel Pipe Piles


fy = 35 ksi (kips) fy = 45 ksi (kips)
PP 16 x 0.375 580 745
PP 18 x 0.5 865 1113
PP 24 x 0.5 1162 1494

When steel piles are installed under environmental conditions meeting corrosion criteria as described in
BDM 1.26.5, specify a method of corrosion protection for the steel piles or determine required cross-
section of the steel piles throughout the minimum design life. Corrosion rates for sacrificial thickness are
specified in BDM 1.26.5.

Do not use precast prestressed or timber piles.

Piling Considerations

(1) Pile Resistance

Nominal pile resistances will be provided according to AASHTO LRFD design procedures. The resistance
factor will be provided according to the construction quality control method recommended in the
Geotechnical Report (i.e. dynamic formula, wave equation, Pile Driving Analyzer, etc.). The geotechnical
and bridge designers should confer to make sure the pile types and sizes selected take full advantage of the
available geotechnical and structural resistances if possible.

(2) Downdrag Loads

Pile downdrag loads, due to soil settlement other than that caused by dynamic (seismic) loading, are added
to the factored vertical dead loads on the foundation in the Strength Limit state. Load Factors for downdrag
loads will be recommended by the Geotechnical Designer. Transient loads should not be included with the
downdrag loads in either the strength or service limit state calculations. Downdrag loads resulting from
liquefaction or dynamic (earthquake) induced soil settlement should be considered in the Extreme Event
limit state pile design. Downdrag loads resulting from soil liquefaction are different than those caused from
static loading and they should not be combined in the Extreme Limit state analysis.

At sites where downdrag conditions exist, the pile must overcome the frictional resistance in the downdrag
zone during installation. This resistance should not be included in the calculation of available factored
resistance since after installation it reverses over time becoming the static downdrag load.

(3) Uplift Capacity

In general, the uplift resistance is the same as the pile friction (side) resistance. Resistance factors and
factored uplift resistances will be provided in the Geotechnical Report. Friction resistance in downdrag
zones should be considered available for uplift resistance. The Geotechnical Designer should be consulted
regarding the ability of the piles to resist uplift forces under various loading conditions (static or dynamic).

May 21 1-176
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(4) Minimum Pile Tip Elevation

Minimum pile tip elevations (embedment depths) are typically required to meet one or more of the following
design requirements:
a) Lateral Load
b) Scour
c) Liquefaction
d) Uplift loads
e) Settlement and/or Downdrag
f) Required soil/rock bearing strata

The required pile tips elevations should be shown on the plans and labeled as “Required Minimum Pile Tip
Elevations”. Large lateral loads due to seismic, or other, conditions may result in the need for additional
piling, or larger piles, in order to satisfy lateral deflection criteria or other requirements. This may in turn
result in individual axial pile loads being much less than the maximum factored resistances available (either
geotechnical or structural). Conversely, if pile tip elevations are needed to meet scour, uplift, or other
requirements, the piles may need to be driven through very dense materials to nominal resistances much
higher than needed for supporting just the axial loads. Close communication is needed between the
Geotechnical and Bridge Designers to determine the most economical foundation design under these

(5) Pile Group Settlement

Pile group settlement should be compared to the maximum allowable settlement and pile depths or layout
adjusted if necessary to reduce the estimated settlement to acceptable levels.

(6) Pile Group Effects

For pile group lateral load analysis use the p-y multiplier methods described in LRFD and the FHWA Manual
on the “Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations”.

(7) Pile Spacing

Use a minimum spacing of 3 feet for piles placed underwater. Above water pile spacing should be no closer
than 2.5B.

(8) Pile Tip Treatment

Where pile tip reinforcement is required, specify commercial cast steel points or shoes.

Where closed-ended pipe piles are required, specify a welded end plate and/or a welded end plate with
stiffeners having the same diameter as the pipe pile. An analysis was performed for a range of pipe pile
sizes which verified sufficiency and the minimum dimensions for the end plate and stiffeners. This analysis
was conducted using 0.9fy as the maximum load, which is the maximum stress the pile will undergo and
what is allowed during pile driving. Provide dimensions for the end plate and stiffeners on plan sheets for
each project. Deviation from the minimum dimensions below requires project specific shell and buckling
analyses and driving stress from the Geotechnical Designer.

Table provides the minimum dimensions for a welded end plate and a welded end plate with
stiffeners. Use these dimensions with Figures Welded End Plate and Figures
Welded End Plate with Stiffeners. The figures are available online in the Standard Details at the following
location Welded_Plate_Details. These details are available for project specific use.

May 21 1-177
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1



May 21 1-178
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
En d Plate
Th ic kn es s No En d Plate Th ic kn es s With Stiffen er s
Stiffen er s
Gr 2 Pipe Gr 3 Pipe
Gr 2 Gr 3
En d Stiffen er s Plate "B" En d Stiffen er s Plate "B"
Pipe Pile Size Pipe Pipe
Plate ( Plates "A " & "B") Len gth Plate ( Plates "A " & "B") Len gth

t t h x t a t h x t a

PP12 3/4 x 3/8 2.25 2.50 1.00 4 x 0.375 5.500 1.25 4 x 0.500 5.250

PP12 3/4 x 1/2 2.50 2.75 1.00 4 x 0.500 5.375 1.75 4 x 0.500 5.125
PP16 x 3/8 2.50 2.75 1.00 6 x 0.375 7.125 1.25 6 x 0.375 6.938
PP16 x 1/2 2.75 3.00 1.25 6 x 0.375 7.000 1.50 6 x 0.500 6.750
PP18 x 3/8 2.50 2.75 1.00 6 x 0.500 8.125 1.25 6 x 0.500 7.875
PP18 x 1/2 3.00 3.25 — — — — — —
PP24 x 1/2 3.25 3.75 — — — — — —
t=thickness; h=height; a=length


(9) Pile Foundation Design Recommendations

The Geotechnical Designer will provide final foundation recommendations in the Geotechnical Report, or
earlier in the design process as needed. The following recommendations will typically be provided as a

a) Pile Resistance: The nominal pile resistances (Rn) will be provided along with estimated pile
lengths for one or more pile types. These values may be in tables or graphs of Rn versus depth
may be provided. Modified Rn values will be provided as necessary to account for scour, and/or
liquefaction conditions. The resistance factor will be provided along with the recommended
method of construction control (i.e. dynamic formula, wave equation, etc.). Downdrag loads, if
present, will be provided along with an explanation of the cause of the downdrag loads. The
depth or thickness of the downdrag zone will be provided.
b) The nominal pile uplift resistance will be provided either as a function of depth or for a given pile
length (typically associated with the minimum tip elevation). The pile uplift resistance will be
provided for normal static conditions and for any reduced capacity condition such as scour or
liquefaction. The resistance factor will be provided.
c) P-Y Curves: Foundation design parameters will be provided to develop p-y curves for lateral load
analysis using either the LPILE or other soil response computer programs. Two sets of data may
be required, one for static conditions and one for dynamic (liquefied soil) conditions.
d) Required Pile Tip Elevations: Required minimum pile tip elevations will be provided along with an
explanation of their basis. These tip elevations (minimum pile embedments) should be checked
to see if they need to be modified to meet other design requirements, such as lateral loading
requirements. Any changes to the recommended required tip elevations should be reviewed by
the Geotechnical Designer.
e) Special Provisions: The following foundation related items will be provided, as necessary, for
Section 00520 of the project Special Provisions:
i. Wave Equation Input (if WEAP is specified for driving criteria)
ii. Recommended number of pile splices
iii. Pile tip treatment, tip reinforcement recommendations and specifications
iv. Recommendations regarding pile freeze, jetting, preboring or use of followers

May 21 1-179
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Piling Details

(1) Steel Pile Footing Embedment to Develop Fixity

It may be necessary to develop lateral load resistance in piles or pile groups. To develop the required
lateral load capacities, piles must be embedded in pile caps or footings adequately to develop the full
moment capacity of the pile section.

If lateral load capacity is not needed, a pile embedment length of 12 inches is sufficient.

A simplified method of determining minimum pile embedment was developed as follows:


Typical minimum embedment to develop fixity for f’c = 3.3 ksi and fb = 36 ksi is:

Piles: Embedment
( in )
HP 10X42 and HP 12x53 20
HP 12X74 and HP 14X89 24
HP 14X117 27
PP 10 ¾ X 0.38 and PP 12 ¾ X 0.38 15
PP 16 X 0.38 and PP 16 X 0.50 20

May 21 1-180
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(2) Pipe Pile Cover Plates

Provide a welded cover plate as detailed below in Figure


(3) Steel Pile Splices

If splicing of steel piles is anticipated, show one or both of the following details on the plans.


* – Manufactured A709 Grade 36 H-pile splices may be used if located a minimum of 40 feet below the
bottom of the footing and installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

May 21 1-181
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(4) Anchor Piles

Two methods of anchoring piles are shown. Other methods such as extending the top plate and using
welded studs or other shear connectors may be appropriate.


May 21 1-182
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Drilled Shafts

Consider the use of drilled shafts for bridge foundations only if the Geotechnical Designer has
recommended drilled shafts for the preferred foundation type and the design is economical (relative to other
deep foundation designs). Consult with the Geotechnical Designer regarding site constraints, environmental
issues, constructability and lateral loads before selecting drilled shafts for foundation design. The location of
drilled shafts should be made early in the design process so an exploration drill hole can be located as close
as possible to all drilled shaft locations for design and construction purposes.

A Drilled Shaft Task Force Group exists to aid Geotechnical and Bridge Designers in resolving
constructability issues, revising specifications, and successfully implementing new technology. The Drilled
Shaft Task Force Group is led by Sr Bridge Geotechnical Designer and comprised of ODOT personnel and
representatives from the drilled shaft industry. Consider engaging this group early in the design process.

Drilled Shaft Design

(1) Drilled Shaft Diameters, Cover Requirements, and Horizontal Tolerances

The Geotechnical and Bridge designers should confer early in the design process to decide the most
appropriate shaft diameter(s) to use for the bridge given the axial and lateral loads, column diameter,
subsurface conditions, and other relevant factors.

Common shaft sizes range from 3 – 12 feet in diameter. Large shafts are difficult to construct to precise
horizontal tolerances. Do not design columns the same diameter as the shaft. Consider allowable
horizontal tolerances, 3 in. for 6-feet shaft or smaller and 6 in. for shaft larger than 6 ft, in shaft sizing and
design. Provide additional shaft capacity to resist possible load demands in shaft that is not constructed
at as-specified location.

Size drilled shaft diameters, concrete cover in drilled shafts, and column diameter using the following

Diameter Concrete Horizontal

Shaft Max. Column Cover Tolerance
3'-0" 2'-0" 3"
3'-6" 2'-6"
4'-0" 3'-0"
4'-6" 3'-6" 4" 3"
5'-0" 4'-0"
5'-6" 4'-6"
6'-0" 4'-0"
7'-0" 5'-0"
8'-0" 6'-0"
9'-0" 7'-0" 6"
10'-0" 8'-0"
11'-0" 9'-0"
12'-0" 10'-0"

May 21 1-183
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(2) Non-Contact Shaft/Column Splice

Detail shaft/column splice regions in accordance with Figures or The splice region is
(1.7Ld + a) rounded up to the nearest 3 inches. Note that Ld is the modified development length per LRFD The non-contact splice detail allows the column to be adjusted horizontally when the shaft is
slightly out of position (but still within the horizontal tolerance for the shaft). The shaft vs. column size limits
are selected to ensure this adjustment can be made without increasing the tolerance more than the
standard 1 inch for the column.

Non-contact splices require a lot of equipment, often in space-limited areas. Use of permanent casing
should be considered for instances when the Geotechnical Designer recommends or identifies caving
conditions, restricted space, and worker safety. Permanent casing changes the resistance of the drilled
shaft. Use of permanent casing must be communicated with the Geotechnical Designer so new Depth vs
Resistance graphs can be developed and provided to the Bridge Designer. Permanent casing may result in
longer drilled shafts.

Often, during construction temporary casing cannot be extracted. Bridge Designers should review the
consequences of temporary casing becoming permanent casing. Communicate with the Geotechnical
Designer these consequences so that an appropriate Drilled Shaft Installation Plan is approved during
construction. Casing configurations shown on Figures and are shown as examples


May 21 1-184
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


(3) Downdrag Loads

Downdrag loads, due to soil settlement other than that caused by dynamic (seismic) loading, are added to
the factored vertical loads on the foundation in the Strength Limit state. Load Factors for downdrag loads
will be provided by the Geotechnical Designer. Downdrag loads resulting from liquefaction or dynamic
(seismic) induced soil settlement should be considered as a permanent load and included the Extreme
Event Limit State shaft design.

(4) Shaft Uplift Resistance

Shaft uplift resistance is usually the same as the side friction resistance. Friction resistance in downdrag
zones should be considered available for uplift resistance.

May 21 1-185
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(5) Shaft Rock Sockets

Minimum shaft embedment depths into hard rock, or rock sockets, may be required due to one or more of
the following design requirements or conditions:

• Lateral Load, due to earthquake loading

• Scour
• Liquefaction
• Uplift loads
• Settlement and/or downdrag
• Required soil/rock bearing strata

For rock sockets constructed inside shafts that will require either temporary or permanent casing, consider
designing the diameter of the rock socket smaller than the diameter of the cased shaft above the rock
socket. This is necessary to accommodate rock auger tools which are smaller in diameter than the nominal
outside diameter of the cased shaft. Reduce the shaft diameters of rock sockets by at least 6 inches in
these cases.

The required rock socket embedment depths should be shown on the plans. Under this condition, shaft tip
elevations should be shown as “Estimated Tip Elevations” since they are likely to change depending on the
actual elevation of the top of rock or hard bearing strata encountered during construction. The Geotechnical
Designer should provide an additional shaft length that accounts for the uncertainty in the top of the bearing
layer and this additional length should be specified in the Special Provisions. In these cases, add the
additional reinforcement required for this additional shaft length into the estimated quantities provided in SP
00512. Also adjust the concrete quantities to include this additional length. Extra reinforcement length can
quickly and easily be cut off to provide the proper cage length once the final tip elevation is determined.

(6) Shaft Settlement

Refer to AASHTO methods to calculate the settlement of individual shafts or shaft groups. Compare this
settlement to the maximum allowable settlement and modify the shaft design if necessary to reduce the
estimated settlement to acceptable levels. End bearing shafts on soil will typically settle more than friction
shafts in order to mobilize end bearing resistance.

(7) Shaft Group Effects

For group lateral load analysis use the p-y multiplier methods described in AASHTO and the FHWA Manual
“Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures and Design Methods”

(8) Shaft Spacing

Use a minimum spacing of 3 feet for drilled shafts.

May 21 1-186
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(9) Shaft Foundation Design Recommendations

The Geotechnical Designer will provide final foundation recommendations in the Geotechnical Report, or
earlier in the design process as needed. The following recommendations will typically be provided as a

• Shaft Resistance: The nominal shaft resistance (Rn) will be provided along with estimated shaft tip
elevations for one or more shaft diameters. This may be in the form of tables or graphs of Rn versus
depth may be provided. Modified Rn values will be provided as necessary to account for scour,
liquefaction or downdrag conditions. The resistance factors used will be provided. Downdrag loads, if
present, will be provided along with an explanation of the cause of the downdrag loads. The depth or
thickness of the downdrag zone will be provided.

• Shaft Settlement: Estimates of shaft settlement will be provided for the range of loads expected. The
Geotechnical Designer will need to know the anticipated service loads on the shaft for these calculations
along with any limiting settlement criteria.

• Shaft Uplift Resistance: If required for design, the nominal shaft uplift resistance will be provided either as
a function of depth or for a given shaft length. The uplift shaft resistance will be provided for normal static
conditions and for any reduced capacity condition such as scour or liquefaction. The resistance factors
used will be provided.

• P-Y Curves: Foundation design parameters will be provided to develop p-y curves for lateral load
analysis. Two sets of data may be required, one for static conditions and one for dynamic (liquefaction)
conditions if they exist.

• Special Provisions: The following foundation related items will be provided, as necessary, for SP 00512:

 Designation as either a “friction” or “end-bearing” shaft; for cleanout purposes.

 Permanent casing (if recommended by Geotechnical Designer or otherwise
 Crosshole Sonic Log testing requirements.

(10) Post Installation Verification Testing

Crosshole Sonic Log (CSL) Testing

In general CSL tubes are installed in all drilled shafts unless otherwise recommended in the Geotechnical
Report. CSL tubes may not be required in some cases where foundation conditions may be very favorable
and there is redundancy in the foundation design. Consult with the Geotechnical Designer regarding the
CSL testing that should be performed on the project.

The rule of thumb is one CSL tube per foot diameter of shaft, with no less than four tubes and rounding up.
They are equally spaced around the shaft as shown in Figure

CSL tubes are comprised of 1-1/2 inch I.D. schedule 80 steel pipe, must be water tight and removable caps
at the top for access. PVC access tubes can be used however are discouraged because debonding is more
prevalent than with steel.

May 21 1-187
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Thermal Integrity Profile Testing

Thermal Integrity Profile (TIP) testing is a post installation integrity verification test and should be considered
in addition to CSL testing in some cases. TIP should be used for drilled shafts which are non redundant, or
large, or constructed underwater. Unlike CSL, TIP is able to provide rebar cage cover in addition to integrity
of the drilled shaft core. TIP thermal sensors are spaced at 1 foot intervals. Quality control specifications for
the use of TIP are being developed, contact Sr Bridge Geotechnical Designer at 503.986.3377 for additional

(11) Shaft Reinforcement

Determine the moment to be transferred from the column to the top of shaft according to the AASHTO
Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design. The maximum shaft moment depends on the soil-
structure interaction and is generally be larger than the top of shaft moment.

Design shaft transverse reinforcement for the lesser of the plastic shear or elastic seismic shear of the
column. Since the shaft diameter must exceed the column diameter, the shaft essentially remains elastic
under seismic loads. If so, there is no need to satisfy the volumetric ratio and spacing requirements for
transverse reinforcement in LRFD

As well as meeting plastic shear or seismic shear demands, ensure shaft transverse reinforcement within
the non-contact splice region meets the requirements in LRFD

Detail shaft reinforcing to minimize congestion and facilitate concrete placement. Space both longitudinal
and transverse reinforcement to provide 5 inches minimum and 9 inches maximum clear spacing between
bars. In non-contact splice regions, transverse reinforcement spacing in the column can be as small as 3
inches in some cases. Provide 5 inches minimum clear spacing between transverse reinforcement in the
shaft to minimize congestion. Transverse shaft reinforcement may include spiral bars, hoops and/or
bundled pairs.

May 21 1-188
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

(12) Shaft Concrete

Use Class 4000 – 3/8 concrete in all drilled shafts. Concrete for drilled shafts should generally have a high
slump and relatively small aggregate size in order to properly flow through the shaft reinforcement and
provide the required fluid pressures against the sides of the bore hole. This is necessary to develop the
desired friction resistance. Placement of concrete may be by free fall (in dry holes) or by tremie pipe (in dry
or wet holes). At the present time, free fall placement of concrete in dry holes is allowed to unlimited depths.
Refer to the report “Effects of Free Fall Concrete in Drilled Shafts” (ADSC Report No. TL112) for more

(13) Reinforcement Connections

Do not specify hooked longitudinal bars at the top of the shaft (extending into footings or caps) that will
conflict with temporary casing removal. Design and detail reinforcement considering the requirements of
temporary casing.

(14) Reinforcement Splicing

For shafts constructed at locations where a minimum penetration into the rock (or hard strata) is required
and the elevation of the top of rock is uncertain, consider adding additional lengths of reinforcement to avoid
the need for splicing. Once the final tip elevation is determined, any remaining rebar length can be cut off
and removed. Splicing of reinforcement is undesirable because it usually results in delaying the concrete
pour which could lead to other problems. If splicing is required, provide splicing details on the plans.

(15) Shaft Elevations

Show or list the “Top of Shaft” elevation on the plans for each drilled shaft. This elevation is the top of the
drilled shaft concrete. Also show or list shaft tip elevations. If shaft tip elevations are anticipated to vary due
to uncertainties in the top of the bearing strata then label these as “Estimated Tip Elevations” and show the
required penetration depth into the bearing strata.

(16) Permanent Casing

The use of permanent casing may be beneficial in locations especially where the top of shafts are
constructed in open water such as rivers or lakes. The use of permanent casing can simplify construction
by eliminating the need for any temporary casing and forms. If permanent casing is desired it should be
taken into account in the structural analysis of the bridge because it increases the stiffness and strength of
the shaft and may significantly affect the overall response of a bridge subject to large lateral loads. It also
affects the geotechnical side resistance. Consult with the Geotechnical Designer if permanent casing is to
be used.

When permanent casing is specified remember to take OSHA requirements into account when determining
casing lengths. OSHA may require casing to extend at least 2 feet above the ground surface during
construction. This additional length may later be cut off and removed after the shaft is constructed.

If permanent casing is required, provide casing diameters, thicknesses and lengths in the special provisions.

(17) Shaft Diameter for Seismic Analysis

Drilled shafts are generally constructed slightly larger than the nominal diameter shown. For example, in
soil conditions where casing is required, a 6-foot diameter shaft cannot be drilled inside a 6-foot diameter
casing. A larger size casing diameter is required. Discuss with the Geotechnical Designer whether or not

May 21 1-189
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
casing may be required and a larger shaft size should be checked in the structure stiffness analysis (i.e.,
seismic analysis). An oversize of 6 inches is recommended for shafts up to 6 ft. diameter and 12 inches is
recommended for larger diameter shafts.

(18) Drilled Shaft Preconstruction Meeting

Preconstruction meetings are held prior to beginning drilled shaft construction. This meeting should be
attended by the structural designer who designed the shaft. Seismic Foundation Recommendations

The geotechnical designer shall provide the seismic ground motion values for the Cascadia Subduction
Zone Earthquake and the 1000-year return period earthquake. Liquefaction potential is addressed along
with recommendations regarding estimated lateral deformations of embankments and/or dynamic
settlement and downdrag potential. Downdrag loads resulting from liquefaction or dynamic compaction
(settlement) will be provided. Liquefaction mitigation measures and recommendations are addressed if
necessary (see BDM 1.17.4 for Liquefaction Mitigation Procedure). Overall Stability Evaluation

The geotechnical designer shall evaluate the overall stability of the approach fills leading up to the bridge
and all other unstable ground conditions, such as landslides or rockslides, that may affect the structure.
This analysis shall include both static and dynamic analysis of slope stability as related to the service and
extreme limit state designs. This analysis is to determine potential impacts to the bridge and approach
fills which may result from embankment instability, landslide movements, settlement or other potential
ground movements. A thorough geotechnical investigation, focused on slope instability, should be
conducted in accordance with the ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM). Methods for evaluating
overall stability and for estimating settlements and displacements are also described in the GDM. The
overall stability analysis should include both non liquefiable and liquefiable foundation soil conditions as
appropriate. This evaluation should be completed as early as possibly in the design process to allow for
possible changes in location and/or modifications to the bridge design to accommodate slope instability
conditions. Coordinate with the geotechnical designer to resolve any slope instability issues that will affect
the final bridge design.

For the Service Limit State, the overall stability of bridge approach fills not supporting abutment spread
footings should provide a minimum factor of safety of 1.3, (roughly equivalent to a resistance factor of
0.75). A factor of safety of 1.5 against overall stability should be provided for end bent spread footings
supported directly on embankments or bridge retaining walls. For bridges that are located in landslide
areas, or in areas that could be affected by slide movements, the slide should be stabilized to the same
factors of safety as stated above for approach fills or as determined by the region Tech Center Office and
Bridge Headquarters.

For Extreme Limit State I (seismic loading) conditions, the overall stability and displacement of the
approach fills should be evaluated. In addition, other potentially unstable ground conditions, such as
landslides or rockfalls, should also be investigated and evaluated for their potential impacts on the
structure due to earthquake forces. A minimum factor of safety of 1.1 should be provided for the pseudo
static analysis of bridge approach fills, landslides and any other potentially unstable ground conditions
that may affect the structure. This criterion applies to sites with or without liquefiable foundation soils. In
addition to this requirement, ground displacements (lateral and vertical) should be estimated and
evaluated in terms of meeting the seismic design performance criteria described in BDM 1.17.1. This
performance criterion also applies to liquefiable or non-liquefiable foundation soil conditions. The
Newmark approach is recommended for estimating the lateral displacements of approach fills, adjacent

May 21 1-190
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
slopes, landslide masses or other ground features that may affect the structure. Other methods for
estimating lateral ground deformations under seismic loading are presented in the ODOT Geotechnical
Design Manual. If estimated ground displacements result in excessive deformation or damage to the
bridge such that the performance criteria cannot be met, then mitigation measures should be pursued.
The limits of liquefaction mitigation described in BDM 1.17.4 also apply to all non-liquefiable soil
conditions that require mitigation measures to meet the specified performance criteria.

May 21 1-191
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.11 Substructures
1.11.1 Retaining Structures, General

1.11.2 End Bents

1.11.3 Interior Bents

Retaining walls that support bridge bents will typically be designed by the structure designer, and
drawings will be the same size and included with the structure drawings.

For all other free-standing retaining walls, refer to the ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual, Chapter 15. Determining Bridge Length

Options for the end bent in relation to the end fill intersection with the finish grade include:

• Option A, no wingwalls, but a longer structure than for options B and C.

• Option B, the structure length is shorter, but short wingwalls to retain the fill.

• Option C, the structure length is shorter yet, but longer wingwalls and a taller abutment wall to retain
the fill.

Generally, option B will provide the least cost, especially for prestressed slab spans. For option C, larger
longitudinal forces from lateral soil loads must be resisted by the superstructure and substructure.

May 21 1-192
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Wingwall Location

Wingwalls for end bents may be located as follows:

• Walls parallel to the structure are used for filled or "false" (unfilled) bents. These are generally used
for grade separation structures where the face of the bent is quite a distance back from the toe of
the slope under the structure.

• Walls parallel to bridge bents are generally avoided due to safety or stream flow considerations.

• Walls at an angle to both structure and lower roadway or stream. The angle is generally half the
angle between the structure and the lower roadway or stream center lines, as this usually leads to a
minimum length wall. The end of the wall is determined by plotting final contours off the upper and
lower profile lines. The point where the contours of equal elevation intersect determines the
location of the end of the wall.

May 21 1-193
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


May 21 1-194
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Wingwall Design and Construction

For cantilever wingwalls on abutments with relatively stiff footings (footing width is at least 3 times abutment
wall thickness), the horizontal reinforcement in the fill face of the abutment wall resisting the moment caused
by earth pressure on the wingwall need not extend farther from the wingwall-abutment juncture than the

For the top 2/3 of the abutment wall height 1.5H

For the bottom 1/3 of the abutment wall height 0.75H

Where abutment walls with wingwalls are designed with thickened tops for bearing seats or backwalls, those
thickened portions should be designed to carry 1/2 to 2/3 of the bending moment in the upper half of the
abutment wall. Reinforcing between the abutment wall and the wingwall should extend beyond the juncture
enough to develop the strength of the bar reinforcement.



When wingwalls are cantilevered from an abutment or pilecap, the Designer should consider all stages of
construction. If the abutment or pilecap would be unstable or overstressed under the dead load of the
wingwalls before the superstructure and/or backfill are placed, the "Bent Construction Sequence" on the
plans should require that the concrete in the wingwalls not be placed until the superstructure and/or backfill
are in place. Do not count on there being soil under the wingwall unless the wall has its own footing.

The height of the wingwall at the outer end of the wall should be a minimum of 3 feet. The slope of the
bottom of the wall should be a maximum of 2:1.

May 21 1-195
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The Special Provisions and detail drawings should require that the embankment fill be placed to the
elevation of the bottom of the wall before the wingwalls are constructed. In other words, bridge end bent
wingwalls shall be cast against undisturbed material or well compacted backfill. The designer may want to
use some discretion in this matter. A 24 foot wall would normally always need to be constructed on
compacted fill, while a 6’ wall could be constructed and backfilled at later time.

For walls shorter than about 8 feet, the bottom of the wall can be formed level, at the discretion of the
Designer or at the contractor's option. This adds some cost in materials, which may be offset by cost
savings from easier construction. Potential benefits:

• Wingwalls are founded on level ground, no sloped or elevated bottom forms are required
• Adds stability to abutment
• Helps contain approach embankment at stream crossings if primary scour protection fails

Due to concerns about stability and the potential for migrating of fresh concrete over the top of wingwall
forms, the slope of the top of a wingwall should not exceed the maximum slope of the adjacent embankment
nor 1.5:1 without a special stability investigation.

Figure End Bents


Where end bents or retaining walls are located adjacent to roadway construction, locate the top of footings
at or below the elevation of the bottom of the roadway subgrade. Locate the top of the footing a minimum
of 1 foot below the surface of the ground. The effect of items such as utilities, ditches and future widening
should also be considered.


In this section and elsewhere in the BDM, the terms “end bent” and “abutment” are used interchangeably.
“Integral Abutment” is the industry standard term used to describe abutments that provide a continuous
connection between the superstructure and the substructure. However, for consistency on ODOT bridge
drawings, all bridge support locations are referred to as “bents”. Refer to the glossary in the Appendix for
definitions of the terms “Abutment”, “Bent” and “Pier”. A possible exception could include the rehabilitation
of an existing bridge, where the original plans called out “abutments” (or “piers”, etc.) and it would be less
confusing to keep the same terminology as the existing plans.

May 21 1-196
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Lateral earth pressures at the end bent must be well-thought-out by both the Bridge Engineer and the
Geotechnical Engineer. To more consistently model the behavior of the bridge and to ensure the design
loads are constructed a detail has been developed for use in the plan set. The Bridge Engineer is
responsible for including the completed detail, and pay limit diagram. The load diagram and associated
notes in the plan set will be provided by the Geotechnical Engineer.

Provide access for inspection of bearings, shear lugs and backwalls for semi-integral abutments and
access inspection for backwalls of integral abutment per BDM 2.6.2.


Historically a one-foot neat-line with drain material has been used as a detail. This detail allows for easy
calculation of the excavation and drain material quantities. However, the detail does not provide limits for the
backfill at the end bents and wing walls and while the specifications require granular structure backfill there is not
consistent direction for the extent of the backfill. Thus, there are no assurances that the designed lateral earth
pressures are achieved in construction which will also limit deformation.

When Earthquake Restraining Systems and Earthquake Resisting Elements are used for passive restraint the
engineering soil parameters and construction become more critical for the operational performance of the bridge.
Increases in height to mobilize the passive soil pressure for seismic resistance may be necessary to achieve sufficient

Bents on MSE Walls

Refer to the ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual, Chapter 15 for the design of MSE Walls. Provide a
concrete facing for all MSE abutment walls and wing walls.

Integral Abutments

Use integral abutments wherever site conditions and structure geometry are suitable for such structures and
the conditions and criteria described in this section are met. In integral abutments, expansion joints and
bearings are eliminated and the superstructure is fully integral with the abutment. This results in numerous
potential benefits including:

• Greater structure redundancy

• Simplified construction
• Reduced construction cost and time
• Reduced maintenance cost
• Stiffer longitudinal response at abutments

For a continuous bridge with expansion end bent connections, the interior bents take all of the longitudinal
and transverse force effects. By using integral abutments in place of the expansion end bent connections,
some of the longitudinal and transverse forces are distributed into the integral abutment (piles and backfill
soils), thereby reducing the net forces on the interior bents. Integral abutments can reduce the longitudinal
and transverse force effect considerably in a continuous bridge as compared to a bridge with expansion
joints at the abutments.

May 21 1-197
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Use integral abutments under the following conditions:

1. When the end bent is founded on steel pipe piles or H-piles. Do not place integral abutment
foundations on top of, or through, MSE retaining wall reinforced backfill. For all other foundation
types, see guidelines for semi-integral abutments.

2. When bed rock is a minimum of 12 feet from the bottom of the pile cap. Avoid using pre bored
piles when bed rock is close to the surface, since this type of construction has been

3. When there is negligible potential of abutment settlement which does not affect the serviceability
of the bridge.

4. When the radius of horizontal curvature is greater than 1200 feet.

5. When the skew angle is less than 30 degrees.

6. When, for all service limit states, movement at the top of integral abutment piles does not exceed
±1.5 inches from the undeflected position. The corresponding range of pile movement is therefore
3.0 inches if the superstructure is made integral with the piles at the mean annual temperature.

Design Guidelines for Integral Abutments:

1. Use a U-shaped abutment (wingwalls parallel to roadway alignment) if possible.

2. Use H-pile with strong axis in the direction of temperature movement. See Figure


3. Embed piles into the pile cap to develop moment fixity. See BDM Piling Details (1)

May 21 1-198
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
4. Preboring may be necessary in some cases where pile design stresses are excessive due to
thermal movements and cannot be accommodated without special foundation design and
construction. The cost of preboring for the piles should be compared to the benefits gained by
using an integral abutment design. Increasing the number of piles or the use of larger piles in the
abutment may decrease individual pile stresses to acceptable limits. If preboring is required, and
cost effective, then consider preboring an oversized hole. The prebore dimensions should be at
least 4 inches or more in diameter larger than the diagonal dimension of the pile and large
enough to accommodate the estimated pile deflection. Backfill the area around the pile with
loose sand conforming to the current SP 00360.10 or as recommended by the Geotechnical
Designer. Do not compact the sand backfill material. Bentonite or pea gravel backfill are not
recommended since they may not provide for the long term flexibility required of the pile and soil
system. The depth of prebore should be 10 feet or more or as required to provide the required
pile flexibility to decrease pile stresses to an acceptable limit.

5. Detail piles of integral abutments to resist uplift force from temperature differential between top
and bottom of the pilecap. Refer to Figure for pile anchorage details.

6. The design of integral abutment bridges with a grade change between abutments should consider
both vertical and horizontal components of bridge longitudinal loads such as uniform temperature
changes, creep, shrinkage, braking, seismic, and lateral earth pressure, on the resulting axial and
flexural stresses in the piles.

7. Develop a LPILE model using the full pile for soil and pile interaction. Evaluate pile deflections,
bending moments and stresses using LPile computer program analysis.

8. At the service limit state, H-pile flange yielding at each flange tip should not exceed 5 percent of
the total flange area. See Figure For steel pipe piles no yielding of section is


9. Consider the relative stiffness of the superstructure, substructure and any asymmetric span
lengths in calculating end bent movement. Consider the potential for unequal thermal
movements at end bents (integral abutments) due to asymmetric span lengths or changes in
substructure stiffness.

10. Consider torsion in components connected to integral abutments.

11. Consider the combination of worst case events (except seismic) with temperature rise and fall.

May 21 1-199
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
12. Specify placement and compaction requirements and an increased frequency of field density test
requirements of the backfill material (minimum of two tests per stage of construction at each end
bent) to achieve consistent soil stiffness behind both end bents.

13. Consider the friction force between the bottom of the approach slab and structure back fill
(expansion and contraction) in the superstructure design at the service limit state. Assume a
friction coefficient of 0.54 unless specific measures are taken to reduce friction.

14. Connect superstructure and end bents with a closure pour. Require a minimum of three days
wait period between concrete deck placement and closure pour to release shrinkage stress in
bridges with steel superstructures and include long term creep in your design for concrete
superstructures. Include a note which requires backfill behind the abutment after closure pour.

15. Where the range of abutment movement is 1 inch or less, the approach slab may be fixed to the
superstructure and thermal movements accounted for by providing a saw cut in the approach
pavement at the end of the approach slab. Where the range of abutment movement exceeds 1
inch, provide an expansion joint between the approach slab and the deck so the approach slab is
not dragged back and forth with thermal expansion and contraction. See Figure

16. In integral abutment bridge staged construction, a continuous abutment is capable of transferring
traffic live load vibrations in one stage to the girders and the deck that are under construction in
another stage. These vibrations can damage fresh concrete in the deck. To minimize these
vibrations, provide an expansion joint or closure segment in the integral abutment located
between the stages of construction.

17. Specify deck casting sequences and deck closure pours at integral abutment connections and
specify the range of temperature when the contractor may place the concrete on the plans and in
the special provisions. Keep the range of temperature in the closure pour to not adversely affect
the pile stress during temperature fall or rise.

18. See design example in the following publication of the American Iron and Steel Institute
HIGHWAY STRUCTURES DESIGN HANDBOOK, Vol. II Chapter 5, “Integral Abutments For
Steel Bridges", prepared for the National Steel Bridge Alliance by Tennessee DOT.

May 21 1-200
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Semi-Integral Abutments

Recommendations for integral abutments also apply to semi-integral abutments, except as noted in this

Consider the use of semi-integral abutments, rather than integral abutments, on foundations that are stiff
in the longitudinal direction, such as spread footings, drilled shafts, and concrete piles. These foundations
do not provide the required flexibility in the longitudinal direction required for integral abutments. Also
consider semi-integral abutments, rather than integral abutments, when the abutment is founded on top of
or passes through MSE retaining wall reinforced backfill.

Two points that need to be evaluated on semi-integral abutments (especially on skewed bridges) are
torsional forces affecting the bearings, and the effectiveness of shear keys used. If geometry requires a
stiff footing, this type of construction is recommended.

May 21 1-201
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
For skewed bridges, consider the load path from thermal forces to the substructure. Skewed semi-
integral abutments may rotate (finish condition). Strutted Abutments

Abutments of single span bridges with the superstructure in place before backfilling may be designed using
the strutting action to resist earth pressure overturning. For such abutments, apply soil pressure based on
an at-rest or neutral condition of the soil. Footings for these abutments are not required to satisfy the
"uniform bearing" under the dead load requirement. Investigate the bridge for the case of backfill being
washed out behind one abutment. For this case, use active soil pressures with no live load surcharge on the
opposite abutment. A factor of safety against overturning of the whole structure of 1.25 will be considered
adequate, and 125 percent of the allowable bearing pressure will be acceptable.

Figure Pile Cap Abutment Details

Pile Cap Elevations - Show the bottom of the pile cap elevations on the pile cap “Elevation” view. If the
pile cap is sloped, show the elevation at each end.

Fixed (Integral) action – Double row of reinforcing bars provides the connection between superstructure
and substructure. Shear and moment are transferred. Pile embedment to develop fixity is required, if the
number and size of piles are selected to resist a specified load.

May 21 1-202
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Fixed (Integral) action with elastomeric bearing pads – This option allows the use of a 1/2 inch
elastomeric bearing pad to be placed on top of the concrete grout pad. The precast beam can then be
placed on top of the pad prior to the placement of the full width backwall. The beam should be placed just
after a wet 1/2 inch grout layer has been placed under the bearing pad as specified in BDM A
double row of reinforcing bars provides the connection between superstructure and substructure. Shear
and moment are transferred. Pile embedment to develop fixity is required, if the number and size of piles
are selected to resist a specified load.

A reinforced concrete pad is required to resist temporary bearing loads. Hand placement of grout under
the bottom flange of the beam may be required to fill the 2-1/2 inch gap.

May 21 1-203
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


The performance of the 1/2 inch bearing pad under the vertical load and rotation resulting from deck load
and diaphragm load was evaluated according to LRFD for BT48 to BT90 girders. For BT48 to
BT84 girders, a 7” x 22” pad is required. For BT90 girders, a 7” x 28” pad is required. Beam weight was not
included in the end rotation calculations because the wet grout layer placed below the elastomeric pad at
the time of beam placement eliminates any rotation of the pad due to beam end rotation from beam dead

Expansion allowed (nominal amount of movement) – No reinforcement is provided between the

superstructure and substructure. This type is appropriate when nominal movement is expected on a non-
yielding type of foundation.

May 21 1-204
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Expansion allowed (movement allowed as required) - No reinforcement is provided between the

superstructure and substructure. This type is appropriate when movement needs to be accommodated in
the design. Various types of bearings and joints can be used for the movement required.


May 21 1-205
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Abutment Details for Prestressed Slabs

See BDM Appendix 1.11 for Prestressed Slab End Bent Design/Detail Sheets for more details.

Shallow Abutments (Pile Cap) – Precast Slab or Box

Most common and most economical type of end bent. It requires the least amount of excavation and cast-in-
place concrete.


May 21 1-206
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Partial Depth Abutment – Precast Slab or Box


May 21 1-207
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Forming of Backwalls for End Beams

Details should be developed that will allow the removal of forming materials. Forming materials, including
expanded polystyrene must be removed. Forming material is normally not yielding and can cause cracking
as the structure expands and contracts.

Figure Bent Joint Details

Provide an open joint between the abutment and the deck-and-girder section, as shown below. Note on the
plans of post-tensioned structures that if expanded polystyrene is used to form the joint, it must be removed
before tensioning.


May 21 1-208
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Backwall Reinforcement for Post-tensioned Structures

When detailing the vertical reinforcement for the backwalls of abutments for post-tensioned spans, the
Designer should take into account the location of the post-tensioning anchorages. Spacing of bars and/or
splicing details should be such that the vertical bars do not have to be bent out of the way for the post-
tensioning operation and bent back to their final positions. Beam Seat Drainage

Slope the beam seats of abutments to drain away from the front face. Provide scuppers through the bearing
pedestals and backwall or drain pipes at low points to pick up any water that might leak into this area.

Figure Reinforced Concrete Approach Slabs

See BDM 1.23 for approach slab requirement criteria. Detail all bridges with paving ledges or other
provisions so that present or future reinforced concrete approach slabs can be supported. Detail structures
with sidewalks with a ledge or other provision to support an approaching concrete walk (present or future) if
there is no approach slab in the walk area. When reinforced concrete approach slabs are required, show
them on the bridge plans and include them in the bridge quantity estimate. In most cases, the bridge rail
should be extended to the end of the approach slab. Bent Width Provisions with Precast Units

All pile caps, crossbeams, abutments, etc. supporting adjacent precast units (such as slabs, boxes, integral
bulb-T's, etc.) should be detailed for the total width of all units with an additional width of a minimum of 1/2
inch per precast unit. This is required because unit fit-up is not exactly true and "growth" in width occurs.
The 6 inch minimum closure pour on each side of the exterior units at abutments as shown on End Bent
Detail drawing may be used for adjustment due to these misfits. The 6 inch dimension may be increased
where necessary for wider roadways.

May 21 1-209
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Interior Bents, Design and Detailing


Design structure for stability under all stages of construction. The following conditions, in particular, should
be checked:

1. Stream flow and wind load w/o superstructure.

2. Dead load of one or more girders plus wind load and stream flow. Note: Contractor is responsible
for stability of girder itself.
3. Lateral system must be sufficient to insure stability of girders under wind load without deck.
4. Top flanges must have sufficient support not to buckle under dead load of (fluid) concrete without
the aid of deck forms.


May 21 1-210
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Effective Span Length

When computing the maximum negative moment for a crossbeam on a column or pier, the crossbeam may
be considered to be supported by a concentrated reaction, the following distance inside the face of the
column or pier:


May 21 1-211
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Provide all dimensions and details necessary for the reinforcing steel fabricator and contractor to construct


See BDM and BDM for details of column reinforcing. Interior Bent Details for Prestressed Slabs

- See BDM Appendix 1.11 for Prestressed Slab Interior Bent Design/Detail Sheets.

May 21 1-212
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Structure Widening, Interior Bents

Generally, connections between structure bents should be detailed to tie the structures together, but prevent
dead load and concrete shrinkage loads from being transferred to existing bents.

Example details are shown below and on the following pages.

The method below allows the new x-beam to deflect during the construction loadings with minor load
transfer to the existing crossbeam.


May 21 1-213
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The method below allows the widening construction to be completed before the connecting bars are grouted
and able to transfer loading from the new crossbeam to the existing crossbeam.


May 21 1-214
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Columns in Slopes

Special attention should be given to situations where new fill could exert lateral pressure against bents other
than the end bents. Such situations may require special construction sequence notes and/or special footing
design including battered piling.

Figure Column Design, General

See BDM Appendix 1.2 for column loading criteria for vehicular impact, depending on type and location of
barrier used (ODOT Instructions for LRFD 3.6.5).

For column designs controlled by seismic loading, provide shear and confinement reinforcement detailing
according to 2nd edition of AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, Section 8.6.

For both tied and spiral columns, ensure adequate space for man access for tying and inspection.

Multiple interlocking spirals are the preferred choice for non-circular columns. Use 0.75 spiral diameters as
the maximum center-to-center spacing of spirals. In this way, the smaller column dimension will dictate the
larger column dimension. Closer center-to-center spacing of spirals is possible but would reduce the access
space for tying and inspection. At least 4 vertical bars must be placed within the spiral overlap area. A
photo log from FHWA is available showing how multiple spirals have been constructed.

Corners will normally be filleted or rounded. Using rectangular corners would normally require nominal
corner vertical bars with ties developed within the core area. Such ties would interfere with bar tying and
inspection. Therefore, design corners to be considered "expendable" in an earthquake, by detailing the
rebar so that it is not developed within the core.

Bundled bars should only be oriented tangentially (both bars touching the spiral). Multiple concentric rings
of bars are not a constructible option with multiple interlocking spirals, but may be used in detailing of
circular columns.

Apply LRFD equations (,, and using volumes for a
single spiral, using a theoretical minimum-cover column with 2 inches of cover to determine gross area in
these equations. The maximum spiral yield strength to be used in determining spiral spacing is 60 ksi. The
heavier spiral confinement requirements for plastic hinge areas do not apply to tops of columns that are

May 21 1-215
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Where columns are supported by drilled shafts, use a non-contact splice as shown in Figures or Ensure column diameter is less than shaft diameter according to BDM Provide
confinement reinforcement meeting the requirements in LRFD for column segments extending
into drilled shaft as shown in Figures and

Specify ASTM A706 reinforcement for vertical column bars when columns are supported on drilled shafts or
when plastic hinging is anticipated in either the top or bottom of the column.

Specify 3/4 inch maximum aggregate size in footings, columns and crossbeams. To maintain the shape of
the spirals, use a maximum vertical bar spacing of 8 inches.

Containing an 8 inch diameter drain pipe within the column and taking it out between spread bars at the
bottom is not an option since confinement requirements would be violated. Spiral Reinforcing

Use spiral reinforcing for all columns. For column designs not controlled by seismic loading, extend spirals
from a minimum 2 inches below the top of the footing to the bottom of the steel in the cross beam or
longitudinal beam.

Where plastic moment capacity is required between column-to-crossbeam connections, extend the spirals
into the crossbeam to the top crossbeam steel.


The following notes apply to the specification above and are for designer information only:

• Deformed bars (ASTM A615 Grade 60 or ASTM A706) can be specified in sizes from #3 through

• A706 is formulated to be weldable so submission of chemical analysis is unnecessary. It is also

preferred because it is the most ductile.

May 21 1-216
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• A1064 plain steel wire cannot be mechanically spliced because it lacks deformations. It is available
only in sizes 5/8 inch diameter or less.
• ASTM A1064 and A615 Grade 60 bars are available in coils. Average A1064 bar coils have a
weight of approximately 1500 pound, and A615 deformed bar coils have a weight of 3000 pound to
4500 pound, depending on the size of the bar.

• For ease of handling, spirals are generally fabricated without splicing in weights up to a maximum of
200 pound per piece for diameters 8 feet and under.

• Coated spiral bars are fabricated using ASTM A706 bars. Stock lengths are generally 40 feet to 60
feet. Bars are spliced using the weld lap splice method. Maximum shipping mass is 200 pound for
ease of handling and protection of the coating.

• Approved mechanical fasteners may be used provided the full strength of the bar is developed.

• Use of lapped splices should be avoided because of the 80d lap requirement and because hooks
into the core will inhibit access for tying and inspection. Use of lapped splices is not permitted for
spirals less than 3’-0” diameter. Although the lap splice detail is structurally acceptable, and
permissible by the code, it causes construction challenges. While casting concrete, the tremie gets
caught in the protruding 10 in. hooks, making accessibility to all areas and its withdrawal

• The plans should state the type of spiral reinforcement used in computing reinforcing quantities.
Normally the Designer should assume A706 with welded splices.

May 21 1-217
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Standard spiral splice and termination details are shown below.


May 21 1-218
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Column Steel Clearance in Footings

Column steel hooks are placed on top of the footing mat to avoid the need for threading footing steel
through the column steel cage.

Figure Column Hoops

Due to seismic requirements, use hoops and ties only to supplement spiral reinforcement for architecturally
shaped columns to provide some confinement to concrete that is "expendable" in a major seismic event.
Terminate these supplemental hoops and ties without the normal extension (hooks) into the interior mass of
the column concrete. Because these architectural features are expendable and are not considered in the
analysis and design we want to allow their failure. They should be detailed so they do not add undesired
stiffness and strength.


May 21 1-219
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Vertical Bar Splices

Do not splice vertical column bars for columns less than 30 feet in length (no footing dowels). For longer
columns, splices may be made as shown below in the middle 1/2 (preferably at mid-height) of the column
(outside the plastic moment areas). Lap splice is allowed for #11 bars and smaller. For #14 and #18 bars
Type 2 mechanical splice is required. Type 2 mechanical splice is required to develop at least 125 percent
of the specified minimum yield strength and 100 percent of the specified tensile strength of the reinforcing

The development requirements may require 180 degree hooks of the column verticals in the cap beam.
Pay attention to how the column verticals, extended spirals, bottom cap beam bars, and post-tensioning
ducts all fit together.

Figure Optional Hoop Detail at Bottom of Column

The detail below will facilitate more effective concrete placement in the core area of the footing. The 6 inch
gap is used to facilitate placement of the top mat of reinforcement.


May 21 1-220
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Footing Reinforcing

Provide a mat of reinforcing steel (minimum of #5 bars at 12 inch centers each way) in the top of all footings.
If calculated loads require larger amounts of reinforcement, the latter controls. Also provide U-bars at 12
inch centers around the periphery of the footing.

Extend spirals at least two inches into the footing. Place the footing top mat immediately below the spiral
termination. Place additional spirals below the mat (use a 6 inch spiral gap) down to the vertical bar's point
of tangency. Use the same spiral pitch at all locations.

See Guide Spec. 6.4.7 for footing joint shear reinforcement for Seismic Design Category (SDC) C and D.

Figure Example of Footing Reinforcing

May 21 1-221
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Example of Footing Reinforcing, Isometric View

May 21 1-222
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Sloped Footings

General criteria for sloped footing tops are:

• The required footing thickness adjacent to the column should be at least 4’-6”. (No minimum edge
thickness is specified except as required for shear.)

• The amount of concrete saved should be at least 10 cy.

• The top may be sloped either two ways or four ways, but should not be steeper than 2:1.

• A horizontal area should be provided 6 inches to 12 inches wide outside the base of the column to
facilitate forming the column.

May 21 1-223
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.12 Buried Structures

1.12.1 Culvert Design, General

1.12.2 Tunnels (structural elements)

Concrete culverts, metal pipe culverts and pipe arches will typically be designed or administered by the
Region Tech Centers. Large culverts (diameter or span 6 feet or greater) are processed like bridges.
Request a structure number, drawing number(s), etc. for large culverts. A single culvert span, or out-to-
out sum of closely spaced culvert spans, of 20 feet or more is defined as a “bridge” and is included in the
National Bridge Inventory (NBI). NBI culverts must be load rated per the ODOT Load Rating Manual.
Refer to the ODOT Highway Design Manual and Hydraulics Manual for additional guidance.

Precast culverts are designed by the manufacturer according to SP 00595. Ensure that the designs of
large culverts comply with the following requirements:

• Precast Elements should consist of individual cells with continuous vertical joints, unless an engineered
substructure is provided.

• For precast wingwalls, provide positive connections between wingwalls and RCBC end sections with
short closure pours or weldments.

• Provide reinforcement continuity between precast footings and concrete aprons.

The decision of whether to use roadway or bridge railing standards on a culvert is related to both culvert
length and fill depth. For culverts under 6 feet in span or diameter, use roadway standards. For culverts
between 6 and 20 feet in span, use roadway standards unless the location is considered high risk. Follow
the guidance of BDM for guardrail layout in low fill. For NBI culverts, use bridge standards unless
fill depth is greater than 2’-8”.

(Reserved for future use)

May 21 1-224
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.13 Rails, Impact Attenuators and

Protective Screening

The current roadside safety crash test Bridge rails are roadway safety features. In
standard is the Manual for Assessing Safety most cases, the primary goal is keeping
Hardware (MASH) 2016. vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on the
road safely. Due to the dynamic nature of
impacts, crash testing of all roadway safety
features is performed to assure that critical
failure modes such as vehicular stability
and occupant compartment deformation are
satisfied. MASH establishes the vehicles,
speeds, and angles for the collisions
required to achieve a passing crash test.
Prior to MASH, the controlling crash test
standard was NCHRP 350, which itself
replaced NCHRP230. MASH crash test
vehicles are taller than previous standards,
requiring higher railings to maintain
After Dec. 31, 2019, all bridge rails on the MASH requirements are directed at new
National Highway System (NHS) must construction. Thus far, AASHTO has not set
meet MASH, per “AASHTO/FHWA Joint acceptance criteria for retrofitting existing
Implementation Agreement for Manual for non-standard bridge rails, leaving it to the
Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH)”. If no owner to establish warrants.
MASH alternative exists, states can approve
In Oregon, local agency projects off the
lesser standards, but should aim for MASH
NHS may use NCHRP 350, at the request of
whenever possible.
the local agency. Use LRFD Chapter 13,
rather than this chapter, when local agency
projects use NCHRP 350.
Due to the change to MASH, where this AASHTO is currently preparing to update
section is in conflict with LRFD Section 13, Section 13 of LRFD to better accommodate
the BDM controls for all state-owned MASH testing.
bridges and bridges on the NHS.

May 21 1-225
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Under MASH, roadside safety features are More information on the different test levels
evaluated based on six different Test Levels is available in LRFD 13.7.2.
(TL), each including different vehicles and
crash speeds and angles. The levels are
intended to correlate to different levels of
In Oregon, bridges on or over all interstate TL-3 is the lowest level FHWA permits on
routes and National Highway System NHS routes.
(NHS) routes require a minimum crash test
rating of TL-4 for all bridge rails. ODOT
promotes highway planning that replaces or
upgrades railing on existing bridges on
these routes to TL-4.
FHWA allows existing bridge rails that are See BDM 1.13.6 and 1.13.7 for more
compliant with NCHRP 350 to remain in information on when NCHRP 350
place under certain circumstances. All compliant rails must be replaced.
undamaged rails constructed after 1994 are
assumed to be compliant. Contact the
Bridge Rails Standards Engineer for pre-
1994 rails when compliance cannot be
To determine the appropriate TL for a In some situations, the test level reached
bridge, follow the procedure of NCHRP through NCHRP Report 22-12(03) may not be
Report 22-12(03), which uses a risk-based appropriate due to other design features or
methodology. When this method does not conditions, such as wide sidewalks or very
correlate well with a specific bridge site, low speeds. In these cases, prepare a Design
contact the Bridge Rail Standards Engineer Exception to use a different test level.
for alternatives.
In addition to the safety requirements of On state highways, 42-inch high bridge rails
MASH, bridge rails should also meet OSHA are preferred. BR200 has transverse holes to
requirements for the safety of maintenance enable workers to tie off for fall protection.
and inspection personnel. OSHA “Fall Rail height is measured vertically from a 10-
Protection – Walking-Working Surfaces” foot straight edge placed perpendicular to
requires a 42-inch high railing or other fall the lanes on the bridge deck to the top of
protection accommodations. the highest load resisting rail member.

May 21 1-226
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Submit Design Exceptions per BDM 1.2.2.

Include in the Design Exception:
• Discussion of why an ODOT standard is not appropriate.
• Evaluation of appropriate test level.
• Crash test data documentation for alternate rail or one similar to the proposed design and
conclusions that the rail performed acceptably in all three categories (structural adequacy,
vehicle stability and occupant compartment deformation).

Table 1.13.2A lists the ODOT standard bridge railings with current MASH test levels.
Transitions are presented in 1.13.8. More information about these rails are available in the
standard drawing reports and on Projectwise.

Table MASH Bridge Rails

Drawing Description Tested or MASH OSHA

No. Evaluated Test Compliant
BR200 Concrete Bridge Rail Type “F” Evaluated 3 With
BR208 3-Tube Curb Mount Rail Tested 4 Yes
BR214 Concrete Parapet with Steel Post Evaluated 4 No
BR216 Sidewalk Mounted Combination Bridge Evaluated 4 Yes
BR222 Vertical Concrete Parapet, 42-Inch Evaluated 4 Yes
BR285 Type “F” Concrete Rail Rectangular Tube Evaluated 4 Depending
Retrofit on existing
BR290 3’-6” Type “F” Rail Evaluated 5 Yes

May 21 1-227
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Table 1.13.2B lists other ODOT standard bridge railings that have not yet been evaluated or
tested under MASH. Use of these rails on a state highway requires a Design Exception. More
information about the specific rails is available in the standard drawing reports.

Table ODOT Standard Bridge Rails without a MASH Crash Test Equivalency

Drawing Description Crash Test Estimated

No. Standard NCHRP 350
Test Level
BR206 2-Tube Curb Mount Rail NCHRP-350 4
BR212 Concrete Post and Beam Bridge Rail Unknown -
BR220 Flush Mounted Combination Bridge Rail NCHRP 230 4
BR221 32” Vertical Concrete Parapet NCHRP 230 4
BR226 2-Tube Side Mount Rail NCHRP 230 4
BR233 Thrie-Beam Rail and Transition NCHRP 230 2
BR250 Pedestrian Rail on Sidewalk Mounted Concrete Parapet None 2
BR253 Sdwk. Mounted Conc. Parapet with Chain Link Fencing None 2
BR256 Pedestrian Railing on Type “F” Concrete Bridge Rail NCHRP 350 4
BR260 Chain Link Fencing on Type “F” Concrete Bridge Rail NCHRP 350 4
BR266 Modified Type 2A Rail NCHRP 230 2
BR273 Thrie Beam Rail Retrofit for Curb and Parapet Rail NCHRP 350 4

Orient bridge rail posts and joints normal to When deck superelevations exceed 8%,
grade in the longitudinal direction and consideration can be given to orienting
vertical in the transverse direction for ease posts normal to grade in both directions to
of construction and aesthetics. be more aesthetically pleasing.
Apply modifications to all rail components
so they are all oriented the same (i.e.
concrete parapet and attachments).

Maintain the minimum concrete cover requirements when using architectural treatments on
concrete bridge rails. Cover can be increased to accommodate formliner patterns. Architectural
treatment on the traffic face of a traffic barrier is only permitted within the limits of NCHRP
Report 554. When that standard is met, no design exception is required.

May 21 1-228
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Bridge rail designs from any state or local agencies that have been crash tested to MASH may be
used with a Design Exception. Submit requests to the Bridge Rail Standards Engineer for
frequently used rails to be added to ODOT’s Bridge Rail Standard Drawings.

On a case-by-case basis, rails that have not been crash tested may be permitted on state-funded
projects with the submission of a Design Exception. The rails must be designed according to
LRFD Section 13, and usage must be limited to TL-2 locations. Contact the Bridge Rail Standards
Engineer early in the project if this option is considered for a state-owned bridge.

Use bicycle and pedestrian railing or

combination railing on the outside of
structures that are specifically designed to
carry bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Combination railing alone may be used in
conjunction with a raised curb and sidewalk
where vehicular design speeds are less than
40 mph. Separate bicycle and pedestrian
traffic from vehicular traffic by a
combination rail when vehicular design
speeds exceed 40 mph and provide a
pedestrian railing on the exterior of the
Bicycle and pedestrian rails must exceed 42 At locations with high bicyclist traffic, rail
inches in height. Opening sizes on bicycle, height can be increased up to 54 inches.
pedestrian and combination rails are
defined by LRFD 13.8.1.
Use curbs above the level of the sidewalk This requirement is intended to keep debris
under all pedestrian railings where there from being kicked under the railing onto
will be significant pedestrian, vehicular or traffic below.
boat traffic under the structure. Runoff from
sidewalks does not need to be carried off of
a structure, see BDM 1.24.5 for additional

May 21 1-229
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Place scoring joints at 15-foot maximum For typical ODOT standard concrete rails,
centers, equally spaced between Type ‘B’ space joints in the range of 10 to 15 feet. Do
joints and expansion joints. Show the not consider these joints to be end segments
location of each joint on the deck plan for the purpose of overhang calculations.
without dimensions.
The joint spacing must equal or exceed the For ODOT Standard Rails, 𝐿𝐿𝐶𝐶 is listed on the
critical length, 𝐿𝐿𝐶𝐶 , of the yield line failure ODOT Bridge Engineering website –
pattern (see LRFD A13.3.1) for a vehicle Software Tools for Design. It is typically in
impact within a wall segment. The bottom the range of 8.5 to 12.5 feet.
two longitudinal bars are continuous
through scoring joints but terminate two
inches before all other joint types.
To reduce shrinkage cracks in the rail, form Do not consider these joints to be end
a joint using ¼ inch preformed expansion segments for the purpose of overhang
joint filler through the rail. These joints also calculations.
reduce the tendency of the rail to act
compositely with the superstructure.
Provide rail joints at every bridge deck
expansion joint to prevent cracking or
spalling of the rail or structure. Show rail
details at expansion joints on the drawings.
Skew rail joints to match the deck joint for
skew angles up to 20 degrees. For skew
angles in excess of 20 degrees, orient the rail
joint normal to the rail.
Do not leave rail joints as open joints, It is a potential problem when water passes
including joints between the bridge end and through the joint and erodes the
bridge approach slab. See expansion joint embankment. RR overcrossings may have
standard drawings for the rail joint material additional requirements for joints in rails,
and arrangement. For expansion joints depending on the RR.
greater than two inches, use expansion joint
cover plates to prevent vehicle snagging.

May 21 1-230
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

On Bridge Modernization projects, replace

bridge rails to meet the required MASH TL
criteria at the bridge site. The structural
designer works with the project team to
select the best rail for a given site.
Considerations include:
• Roadway geometry.
• Traffic volume.
• Speed.
• Truck traffic.
• Accident history.
• Pedestrian needs.
• Sight distance.
• Occupant risk.
• Aesthetics.
• Corridor context.
• Maintenance.
• Inspection.
• Cost/benefit and related factors.
For new bridges, design the overhang to The intent is to reduce the risk of future
resist the test level of the rail or TL-4, strengthening over the life of the bridge.
whichever is greater.
When designing deck overhangs per LRFD, LRFD A13.4.2 describes the design approach
rail design capacities are available for for deck overhangs supporting concrete
ODOT standard rails on the ODOT Bridge parapet railings. The design approach does
Engineering website – Software Tools for not specify vehicular-collision loads.
Design. Using the calculated parapet Overhangs are designed for the maximum
resistance, 𝑀𝑀𝑐𝑐 and T, of the parapet at its inelastic force effects generated and
base per LRFD A13.4.2. LRFD rail design transmitted by the railing resisting a
capacities will give overly conservative vehicular impact. This results in an
results in most cases. extremely conservative deck overhang that
is not in accordance with observed field

May 21 1-231
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Instead, for LRFD A13.4.2 design case 1 for Based on observations of impacted bridge
concrete parapet railings in TL-4 locations, railings from crash testing, an overhang
design the deck overhang to resist the lesser designed with typical deck reinforcing of #5
of a vehicular impact moment, 𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 , and at six inches does not fail when a railing
coincidental axial tension force, 𝑇𝑇𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 , failure occurs due to a collision. See TTI Test
calculated as follows, for the end and wall Report No. 9-1002-5, Figures 3.1-3.3, 6.3 and
conditions: 6.4. In the absence of a more rigorous
1.25×𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡 ×𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 method for designing overhangs, many
𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝐿𝐿 , and
𝑐𝑐,𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 +𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 +𝑋𝑋 states use the loads shown here, based on
𝑇𝑇𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝐿𝐿
. finite element impact simulations from
𝑐𝑐,𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 +𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 +𝑋𝑋 NCHRP funded research.
1.25×𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡 ×𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒
𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = 𝐿𝐿 , and The end condition, at bridge ends and
𝑐𝑐 +2𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 +2𝑋𝑋

1.25 × 𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡 expansion joints, controls design due to the

𝑇𝑇𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶,𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = limited distribution length.
𝐿𝐿𝑐𝑐,𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 + 2𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 + 2𝑋𝑋
𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 = Effective height of the vehicle rollover
force (ft).
𝐿𝐿𝑐𝑐 = Critical length of yield line failure
pattern (ft).
X = Lateral distance from toe of barrier to
deck design section (ft).
𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡 = Transverse force specified in Table
1.13.5 for MASH TL-4 impact load for
different barrier heights (kips).

Table 1.13.5 Design Forces and Designations

for Standards Barrier Heights (in)

Standard Barrier 36” 39” 42”


𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡 Transverse (kip) 67.2 72.3 79.1

𝐹𝐹𝐿𝐿 Longitudinal (kip) 21.6 23.6 26.8
𝐹𝐹𝑣𝑣 Vertical (kip) 37.8 32.7 22
𝐿𝐿𝑡𝑡 and𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 (ft) 4 5 5
𝐻𝐻𝑒𝑒 (in) 25.1 28.7 30.2

May 21 1-232
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
When designing or checking overhangs, do Impact loading is different in effect from
not reduce capacity due to development sustained loading. Testing shows that
length of the deck bars. typical development length calculations do
not apply.

Establish required test level for the site. When a deck overlay will reduce the
Upgrade the rail when any of the safety relative height of the rail, this negatively
warrants exist (BDM, regardless of impacts the structural adequacy of the rail.
the project scope. Otherwise, when the
project scope impacts the rail, assess the
existing bridge rail for structural adequacy,
vehicle stability, and occupant
compartment deformation, in the post-
project configuration (BDM
Based on the deficiencies and required test Research is on-going into the behavior of
level, select a retrofit or replacement option. resin bonded anchors under impact loading.
When an appropriate standard drawing or Anticipate new standard rail attachment
detail is not available, it is permissible to details upon completion of this research.
design one for a specific project. A Design
Exception is required in these cases.

Structural adequacy is a function of a For more information on the assessment of
barrier’s ability (including deck overhang) existing bridge rails, see NCHRP 22-14(03).
to effectively contain and redirect a vehicle.
Vehicles may not penetrate, underride, or
override the barrier. It is possible to use
engineering analyses, based on yield line
theory or plastic design procedures, to
compute the load capacity of rigid or semi-
rigid barriers. Then compare that with
known design forces for the desired test
level. All aluminum tube rails are
structurally inadequate.

May 21 1-233
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Since structural adequacy also requires the
vehicle not override the barrier, barrier
height is critical. For required height based
on test levels, see Table 1.13.6 A.
These heights are not the same as LRFD
Table 13.6-C – Minimum Bridge Rail Heights
Table A13.2.1 due to MASH testing.

Test Level Minimum Height

TL-2 27
TL-3 29
TL-4 36
TL-5 42

In order to ensure the safety of vehicle Whenever possible, assess this through
occupants, a vehicle must remain upright comparison with previously crash tested
during and after a collision with the barrier. rails.
MASH evaluates this based on a maximum
pitch and roll of the vehicle during testing.
This is a common failure mode for bridge
Curbs and sidewalks that project in front of Many states only permit unprotected curbs
the face of rail negatively impact vehicle and sidewalks, where design speeds are 45
stability. Comply with LRFD for mph or less.
sidewalk height.
Occupant compartment deformation is Improved vehicle design has reduced
commonly associated with snagging of the occupant compartment deformation,
vehicle on the rail. Consider extensions or making this a less critical factor for
recessions beyond two inches as potential evaluating barriers under MASH. Rails that
snag points; rails comprised of separate satisfied this criteria under NCHRP 350
unconnected elements. should be expected to meet MASH testing
as well.
Evaluate snag hazard based on post setback
distance, ratio of contact width to height,
and vertical clear opening based on LRFD
Section 13.

May 21 1-234
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Rails are considered candidates for

replacement as part of a bridge retrofit
category project when any of the following
are true:
• Three or more accidents or a fatality
has occurred in the past five years at
the bridge site.
• The rail is in a condition state four.
• The rail height is less than 27 inches. Existing rails may be raised to meet height
requirements, provided the existing
strength capacities are not reduced by the
revised configuration.
• The rail has aluminum components. Aluminum rails are structurally inadequate
under most impact conditions. In some
cases it is possible to simply replace
aluminum tubes with steel tubes without
significant cost.
• The bridge is located on an interstate
or high-speed, high-volume facility
(for this purpose high volume is
considered AADT of 30,000 or higher
and has shoulder widths of less than
three feet).
• A safety assessment by the Region Consult the Region Traffic Engineer for
Traffic Engineer recommends an concurrence, when postponing or deferring
upgrade. a rail upgrade on a bridge retrofit category
project. The Region Traffic Engineer will
perform a safety assessment to analyze
existing safety hazards and determine when
the implementation includes the
appropriate solution. See HDM,,, and 7.7.2 for additional
information on safety assessments.
Document their concurrence in the DCSA.

May 21 1-235
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Options for anchoring a replacement bridge This is required to ensure shear loads from
rail to an existing deck include through impact transmit evenly to the deck.
bolting and resin bonded anchors. When
through bolting, oversize the drilled holes
to create a ¼” annular space, seal the
bottom of the bolt hole and grout the
annular space around the bolt with high
strength grout.

It is only necessary to strengthen a bridge The intent of this policy is to avoid

deck overhang as a result of a rail retrofit if unnecessary deck strengthening for
any resulting damage would be within a situations that will not cause loss of life or
traffic lane. To determine this, identify the irreparable damage to the bridge. Capacities
critical sections in the deck. If a critical below 60% indicate the possibility of
section is within a traffic lane, evaluate the concrete deck cracking. Cracks under live
capacity to demand ratio and design a traffic are harder to repair. All other cracks
strengthening when less than 60%. that may occur after a collision can be
repaired as part of rail repair.

Bridge preservation projects only require Where projects negatively impact bridge
bridge rail modifications when: rail height, BR285 is a reasonable, cost-
effective repair.
• The relative height of the existing
bridge rail is reduced below 29 inches
(32 inches on interstates and other
divided highways).
• The project is part of a 3R project on
an NHS route and the existing bridge
rail is not NCHRP 350 compliant.
In these cases, correct the deficiency or
submit a Design Exception.
Correct transitions and blunt ends per

May 21 1-236
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Rail transitions are required on rail Research indicates transitions that passed
installations. They provide a controlled NCHRP 350 testing will continue to meet
variation in stiffness from the approach MASH criteria (NCHRP Project 22-14(03)).
guardrail to the more rigid bridge rail. The
current transitions are crash-tested and
have very close post spacing.
Select a transition, in conjunction with the In low speed locations (45 mph or less)
roadway designer, appropriate for the where approach rail is not used, slope the
speed. bridge rail end down or shield it using a
crash cushion. See HDM 4.6.6 for additional
All projects must upgrade transitions when
unprotected ends or unconnected
transitions are present per Technical
Bulletin RD20-01(B). RD20-01(B) applies
unless the work is considered a single
function project that does not permanently
modify the traveled way.
Problems have arisen when the first post off Possible remedies include:
the structure conflicts with the bridge end.
• Remove concrete to allow room for
Consider any post conflicts and detail a
the normal post to fit.
solution in the contract plans. Prepare a
• Add a concrete pad (with anchor
design exception if adjusting the post
bolts) to the existing concrete, and
add a base plate to the first post.
• Mount a structural steel spacer block
to a vertical face of a rail end block, in
place of a post.

May 21 1-237
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

When applicable, use Standard Drawing BR266 uses the same system reported in the
RD470 for guardrail over low-fill culverts. Transportation Research Record No. 1198.
When span lengths are over 25 feet, use
Standard Drawing BR266, Modified Type
2A Rail, when the fill height above a box
culvert or rigid frame is less than the
standard embedment of timber guardrail
Using this standard drawing eliminates the During the test, the steel posts yielded
need for transitions. about 32 inches, which is similar to ODOT’s
timber post system. The crash test report
claims this system is acceptable for fill
heights from zero to three feet.

FHWA requires that temporary bridge rails The ODOT anchored barrier is adapted
meet TL-3 performance criteria using from barrier used in a Lincoln, Nebraska
successfully crash tested systems. crash test, documented in report TRP-03-
Ordinarily temporary bridge rail is 134-03 dated August 22, 2003. The current
constructed from pin and loop median standard detail does not reflect the
barrier secured against sliding and validated test results from Nebraska’s 2019
overturning as shown in Standard Details crash test.
DET3295 and DET3296. Restraints are not
required when the barrier can be displaced
5.5 feet or more away from the traffic side(s)
without infringing on a traffic lane, a work
area, or beyond the edge of the deck.
Coordinate with the Traffic Control Plans For more information regarding temporary
(TCP) designer to confirm the assumed barriers, see Section 2.6.1 and 3.4.25 of TCP
layout of temporary barrier on the bridge Design Manual.
agrees with the final layout shown in traffic
control plans, and to determine when the
detail plans must note the reflectorized
barrier. Modify DET3295 accordingly.

May 21 1-238
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Use resin bonded anchor bolts with fully
threaded rods in accordance with ASTM
F1554 Grade 36. Use anchor bolts for
through bolting in accordance with ASTM
A307 or ASTM F1554 Grade 36. Use nuts in
accordance with ASTM A563 or ASTM
A194. Use flat washers in accordance with
ASTM F436 and plate washers shall be in
accordance with ASTM A36 or ASTM A709
Grade 36.
Install four (4) anchor bolts per barrier on
the traffic side, as shown in Standard
Details DET3295 and DET3296. Do not drill
into or otherwise damage the tops of
supporting beams or girders, bridge deck
expansion joints or drains. Install anchor
bolts and nuts so that the maximum
extension beyond the face of the barrier
units is ½ inch. Snug tighten the nuts on the
anchor bolts. For through bolted
installations, snug tighten the double nuts
on the underside of the deck against each
other to minimize the potential for
Omit one (1) anchor bolt within a single
barrier unit if a conflict exists between the
anchor bolt location and a bridge deck
expansion joint or drain. Install each
adjacent barrier units with the standard
four (4) anchor bolts.
Other temporary rail options: At least one
crash tested proprietary steel safety shape
rail system exists, which could be a
contractor option for temporary rail use.
Example: see FHWA Acceptance Letter B-

May 21 1-239
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Oregon law mandates the installation of protective screening. ORS 366.462 states:
1. The DOT shall construct fences on all freeway overpasses that are built on and after
Nov. 4, 1993. The fences shall be designed to deter persons from throwing objects from
the overpasses onto the freeways.
2. The DOT shall construct fences on existing freeway overpasses that involve the greatest
risk factors.

Provide protective screening at the

following locations on projects that modify
the rail or when required by the facility
• All structures crossing freeways Contact the Bridge Standards and Program
(interstates and similar controlled Manager for a list of applicable freeways.
access highways with at least four
lanes) that carry vehicles and/or
• Pedestrian structures which cross
high-speed facilities (posted speed ≥
55 mph) and are located within half
mile of a school, playground, park,
athletic field, shopping center, or
other facility likely to generate
pedestrian traffic
• Structures with sidewalks which
cross high-speed facilities (posted
speed ≥ 55 mph) and are located
within half mile of a school,
playground, park, athletic field,
shopping center, or other facility
likely to generate pedestrian traffic
• All other structures (with or without
sidewalks) crossing high-speed
facilities (posted speed ≥ 55 mph)
with regular pedestrian traffic
• Railroad overcrossings, when
required by the railroad.
• In front of ITS elements attached to
bridge structures.

May 21 1-240
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Protective screening need not be provided
at freeway ramp structures that typically do
not have any provisions for pedestrians.
When a project impacts the bridge rail,
install protective screening when any of the
situations above apply.

Design protective screening to deter

persons from throwing objects from the
overpasses onto freeways. Design
protective screening using the following
• Use dead load per standard drawing.
• Able to carry pedestrian rail loading
when pedestrians are not separated.
• Openings three inch square or less. A two inch chain link mesh is generally
Minimize projected area to less than acceptable, with a one inch mesh being used
30% of total area. for special cases.
Use details that are difficult to climb (e.g. no
• No more than one quarter inch Ensure the bottom of screening has sufficient
opening between the bottom of stiffness to prevent permanent large
screening and top of concrete surface. deflections.
• Minimum eight feet high from top of
walk surface. Minimum 10 feet high
at railroad overcrossings from top of
walk surface. When ornamental
screening has a variable height,
maintain minimum height at all
locations crossing over travel lanes.
• Provide splash boards in ice or snow
zones at railroad crossings; where
switching occurs; and where there
are other frequent activities. See
BR245 for splash board details.

May 21 1-241
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Protective screening limits and extents:
• Provide protective screening over all Coordinate with roadway to consider future
travel lanes plus a minimum of 10 widening when determining screening
feet beyond the travel lanes on each limits.
• Where on or off ramps also cross In areas where aesthetics is a consideration
under a structure, ensure screening and when screening does not extend to the
extends a minimum of 10 feet beyond end of the structure, provide a transition
the end of any ramp travel lanes. panel (sloped panel or partial height panel)
at the end of each run of screening as an
aesthetic termination.
• For divided highways, continue For unusually wide medians and divided
protective screening uninterrupted highways with a significant elevation
through the median. difference for each direction, protective
screening may be interrupted through the
median with the use of transition panels.
• Provide protective screening on both
sides of a structure, even when a
sidewalk is provided on only one
side. Where twin structures cross a
high-speed facility, provide
protective screening for the center
opening between structures.
• Provide protective screening 25 feet
minimum from centerline of nearest
track or railroad access road.

Submit a design deviation when protective Due to public safety concerns, public and/or
screening is not provided for structures legislative oversight of design deviations for
specified in BDM 1.13.4. protective screening is likely.
Submit a design deviation when protective
screening details deviate from standard
drawings, as is the case for retrofit

May 21 1-242
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Submit a design deviation request to Screening may obscure sight distance on
exclude screening at locations that present a horizontally curved structures; of signage;
sight distance hazard. and the intersection sight distance at ramps,
cross-streets, or driveway accesses off the
end of the structure. Non-signalized
intersections increase this potential hazard.
Specialized designs may be considered to
address sight distance issues, such as
adjusting screening limits.
Provide the following with a design
deviation request:
• Basis for the proposed design
• A description of pedestrian activity
including width of sidewalks and
proximity to pedestrian sources such
as schools, playgrounds, parks,
shopping center or athletic fields
• The history of incidents and signs of
graffiti at the bridge site or sites in
the vicinity
• The distance to adjacent bridges also
crossing the facility and whether they
have screening
In addition, when the basis for the design
deviation is for sight distance provide the
• Concurrence from the Region
Roadway Manager
• A plan of the bridge showing sight
lines obstructed by the proposed
• The approximate cost of widening
the structure when widening would
avoid a sight distance hazard

May 21 1-243
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

When placing a barrier between the Protective screening affects bridge

sidewalk and roadway, use protective inspection using under bridge inspection
screening in place of a pedestrian rail along trucks (UBITs). Details should be discussed
the outer edge of the structure. with the Region Bridge Inspector prior to
installation over bridges with limited
When no separated barrier exists, place
inspection access.
screening behind or attached to the
combination rail along the outer edge of the
When installing ITS elements on a structure,
use Type ‘A’ fencing.
Use Type ‘A’ fence BR240 on pedestrian

Consider curved screening when a sidewalk Certain sweepers will not fit through
is present. Curved screening does not curved fence enclosures. Region 1 sweepers
require end treatment. Curved screening measure 10 foot-5 inches. Standard Drawing
can be used in combination with Type A, B, BR240, Type "A" Fence has provisions to
C and D fence. allow access. Contact region to determine
an acceptable type of fence.
Curved screening is an additional deterrent
because it forces the thrower into the
roadway in order to clear the screening.
Curved screening may cause additional
sight obstruction. Curved screening may
require additional height to accommodate
bicycles and, in some cases, horses with
riders. Curved screening is not preferred in
the Portland area due to aesthetic concerns.

May 21 1-244
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
It is difficult to construct curved screening
On structures with tight horizontal curves,
on a tight curve and obtain proper fit of the
consider using straight screening rather
chain link fabric.
than curved. When chorded screening is
used on a tight curve, ensure any “gap”
between the bottom of screening and the
curved edge of the bridge does not exceed
three inches. Such “gaps” may be closed
using plates attached to concrete surfaces
near the bottom of the screening.

There are proven low-cost methods
Chain link is the most economical screening
available for improving the aesthetics of
available and used as the default screening
chain link screening:
type. However, chain link has very low
aesthetic value.
• End treatment – Providing a special
termination section at each end of
each screening run is a low-cost and
effective aesthetic enhancement. This
can be as simple as tapering the ends
(for example, see Dwg 65137) or a
reduced-height panel. Any end
treatment with a height less than the
minimum required must start at least
10 feet beyond any travel lanes or
ramps (25 feet from tracks or access
road for railroad crossings).
• Color – Use of vinyl-coated chain link
can improve the appearance of chain
link at a very modest increase in cost.
Possible colors are black, navy blue,
or dark green, depending on location.
Hot-dip galvanize screening before

May 21 1-245
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Designers are encouraged to seek input
from others (designers, district, and/or local
community) when using aesthetic concepts
outside these methods.
ODOT has received requests to install
ornamental screening on structures. See
Standard Detail DET3243 and DET3244.
Address the following before a request can
be processed:
• Funding – Ornamental screening can
be included in bridge modernization
and retrofit projects when deemed an
important architectural item by the
project team and supported by the
environmental study. For retrofit to
an existing structure (not associated
with an ODOT project), include
possible funding sources with the
• Permits – When an entity outside
ODOT proposes to install a feature in
ODOT right-of-way, it must obtain a
permit from the district office.
• Design – Do not create a distraction
for drivers with ornamental
protective screening. Review design
outside of ODOT’s normal standards
through a review process with the
district maintenance, Tech Center
and others to assure it is appropriate
and meets ODOT clearances and

May 21 1-246
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Maintenance – Establish maintenance
responsibility in case of damage or
deterioration. Districts receive
funding to maintain ODOT
standards. When designed and
installed by forces outside of ODOT,
resources are required to maintain it,
which should include a bond, city or
county taking responsibility.
Powder coat ornamental screening. Paint
can be used, when requested, for a specific
reason and agreed to by maintenance.
Also see BDM 2.3.10, “Structure
Appearance and Aesthetics,

Attenuators are required in areas where hazardous objects cannot be removed from the possible
paths of vehicles. Such locations include gore points of diverging roadways and columns in
Avoid geometry where attenuators will be required on structures.

May 21 1-247
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.14 Bearings and Expansion Joints

1.14.1 Bearings

1.14.2 Expansion Joints Design, General

Provide provisions for bearing replacement, including temporary jacking and support for all manufactured
bridge bearings. There is a potential of bearing failure during the service life of a bridge, which requires that
provisions for bearing replacement be provided in the design drawings. Providing temporary jacking support
(design, detailing and construction) on existing structures is complex and increases the maintenance cost
and life cycle cost of a bridge. Including consideration of jacking and temporary support in the original
design will reduce future rehab cost and ease future bearing replacement. This work may require pilecap or
crossbeam widening, or widening under each girder. Show grout pad locations in the contract drawings for
temporary jacking support and a bearing replacement sequence and minimum jacking loads. Check the
adequacy of all affected structural elements during bearing replacement and stability of the structure. Elastomeric Bearing Pads

Elastomeric bearings are used to accommodate movements on short to medium-span structures. The three
types of pads include:
• plain pads
• laminated pads reinforced with fabric (fiberglass)
• laminated pads reinforced with steel.
Plain pads are made from elastomer molded or extruded into large sheets, vulcanized and then cut to size.

Do not use cotton duck pads or random Oriented Fiber Pads bearing for slabs and box beams construction.
Use plain elastomeric (neoprene) pads instead.

Fabric reinforced pads are made from alternate layers of elastomer and fabric (usually fiberglass) in large
sheets, vulcanized and then cut to size. Fabric reinforced pads are restricted to short to medium spans with
little or no skew.

Steel reinforced pads are made from alternate layers of elastomer and steel cut to size and then vulcanized.
A thin cover layer of elastomer encapsulates the steel to prevent corrosion. The exposed edge voids in the
pads caused by the steel laminate restraining devices are shop sealed with an appropriate caulking

Use Method “A“ to design elastomeric bearings. Where there is a need to use Method “B”, specify in the
Special provisions and contract drawing that the Method “B” was used. Elastomeric bearings designed
using Method “B” requires extra testing.

May 21 1-248
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Use the following movements for pad thickness design:

ES + LF1*(CR+SH) + LF2*(TF or TR)

ES = elastic shortening movement
CR = creep movement CR = (ES)(CF)
SH = shrinkage movement
TF = temperature fall movement
TR = temperature rise movement
CF = creep factor
LF1 = from LRFD 3.4.1
LF2= TU, Load Factor from LRFD Table 3.4.1-1

Use proper signs and the Service Limit State Load Factor that produces the largest
movement in each load combination.

The final elastomer thickness is 2 times the design movement. Size the nominal pad thickness in multiples
of 1/2 inch, from 1/2 inch to 6 inches maximum. The actual finished thickness will vary depending on the
type of reinforcement. Fabric has a negligible thickness. Steel plate thickness may vary with the
manufacturer, but be a minimum of 14-gauge.

The creep factor above is taken as 1.5 for both prestressed and post-tension concrete structures.
Shrinkage movement is calculated using 0.0004 times the total length of the structure. For prestressed
concrete structures 40 percent of this movement takes place within the first thirty days after manufacture.
Therefore, the amount of creep and shrinkage movement for these structures, after placement, can normally
be taken as 60 percent of the total.

Values for shortening of post-tensioned, cast-in-place concrete bridges have been determined by field
measurements by the ODOT Bridge Section. See BDM Compare the design values with the field
measured values and use the more conservative values.


Pad thickness called for on detail plans is the total thickness of the elastomer required. If bearing pad
elevations are shown, list the assumed finished pad thickness. Use circular elastomeric bearing pads for
curved steel girders.

May 21 1-249
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Examples are shown below.


For prestressed slab and box beam bearing pad sizes, use Figure A1.11.1.7D (end bents) or Figure
A1.11.2.2C (interior bents).

May 21 1-250
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Proprietary Pot, Disc, Slide, Radial, or Spherical Bearings

These bearings are normally used on long-span and post-tensioned concrete structures where the design
movement cannot be accommodated with elastomeric bearings.

When provided to allow longitudinal movement for concrete superstructures, design bearings to
accommodate the anticipated effects of shrinkage, creep and elastic shortening (where applicable) as well
as temperature.

Use the following movements for proprietary bearings:

Shortening: ES + LF1*(CR + SH) + LF2(TF)

ES + LF1*(CR + SH) + LF3(EQ)

Lengthening: LF2*(TR)
ES + LF1*(CR + SH) + LF3(EQ)

ES = elastic shortening movement
CR = creep movement CR = (ES)(CF)
SH = shrinkage movement
TF = temperature fall movement
TR = temperature rise movement
CF = creep factor
EQ = Maximum design earthquake displacement (movable bearings)
LF1 = from LRFD 3.4.1
LF2= TU, Load Factor from LRFD Table 3.4.1-1
LF3= Load Factor from LRFD Table 3.4.1-1

Use proper signs and the Service Limit State Load Factor that produces the largest
movement in each load combination.

The creep factor above is taken as 1.5 for both prestressed and post-tension concrete structures.
Shrinkage movement is calculated using 0.0004 times the total length of the structure. For prestressed
concrete structures 40 percent of this movement takes place within the first thirty days after manufacture.
Therefore, the amount of creep and shrinkage movement for these structures, after placement, can normally
be taken as 60 percent of the total.

Values for shortening of post-tensioned, cast-in-place concrete bridges have been determined by field
measurements by the ODOT Bridge Section. See BDM Compare the design values with the field
measured values and use the more conservative values.

May 21 1-251
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Detail the initial position of expansion bearings so that the bearing will behave satisfactorily after the design
movement has taken place.


Performance Specifications for Approved Proprietary Bridge Bearings are now covered by the Standard
Specifications. Approved bearings are listed in the Qualified Products List, which is available on the ODOT

The designer must check the shop drawings, specified test results, and certifications for compliance with
these specifications.

When proprietary bearings are used, show the following details and information in the contract plans:

(1) Schematic Drawing - A schematic drawing of the bearing showing the method of attachment of the upper
and lower units to the superstructure and substructures, respectively. See Figure for an example.

(2) List design notes for:

• Required clearance to edge of concrete support

• Maximum allowable concrete bearing stress
• Minimum rotational capacity of bearing (not less than 0.015 radian)
• Any restriction as to type of bearing (pot, disc or spherical)
• Reference to bearing schedule for load and movement capacity.
• Reference to standard specifications for painting.
• Reference to the Qualified Products List for approved bearings.

Paint all exposed surfaces of the bearing devices except teflon, stainless steel, machine finished or polished
bearing surfaces, as set forth in SP 00594. Provide a primer coat only for portions to be in contact with
concrete and for steel to steel contact surfaces.

May 21 1-252
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


(3) Bearing Schedule – Include the following items in the Bearing schedule:

• Location of bearing (bent number)

• Number of bearings required (number per bent)
• Bearing fixity (fixed, guided or non-guided)
• Final dead load (load/bearing)
• Vertical design capacity (dead load + live load + impact, load/bearing)
• Horizontal design capacity of fixed and guided bearings (not less than 10 percent of the
vertical design capacity).

May 21 1-253
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The specification requires each guided bearing to resist the entire horizontal load at any one bent. Use no
more than two guided bearings per bent or hinge. Where more than two guided bearings are required,
provide devices independent of the bearings to resist horizontal loads. Use non-guided bearings at these

Design movements for:

• Mean temperature
• Temperature rise
• Temperature fall
• Creep, shrinkage and elastic shortening
• Change in bearing centerline per specified temperature increment

Ensure the top bearing plate dimensions are adequate to compensate for the initial bearing offset shown.

Provide additional bolted plates with the top and bottom plates of the bearing assembly to facilitate removal
of bearing for repair or replacement and to provide a level surface for the bearing unit.

Figure Bearing Replacement

Consider the potential of expansion bearing replacement during the life of the structure in sizing of
crossbeams and bents. Provisions may need to be made for jacking locations.

If a bent is accessible (close to the ground, out of traffic, etc.) it may be assumed that a falsework jacking
bent can be constructed and no special provisions on the bent are required. See BDM 1.38.4 for additional

If the bent is not easily accessible, provide provisions for jacking, such as a wider crossbeam or
strengthened diaphragm beam.

May 21 1-254
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Reinforced Concrete Bearing Seats

(1) Clearance - The minimum horizontal clearance from the edge of a bearing plate, or 1 inch and thicker
elastomeric bearing pad, to the edge of a concrete bearing seat shall be 6 inches, or 3 inches plus the
thickness of grout under the bearing, whichever is greater. Where the bearing is skewed with the bent, this
dimension may be reduced at the corner of the pad. Locate anchor bolts a minimum of 6 inches clear of the
nearest face of concrete.


(2) Additional Reinforcement - Generally, detail a reinforced concrete buildup, as shown below, under the
bearings of all prefabricated beams, except precast slabs and box beams less than 70 feet in length.

Certain bearings may require no concrete buildup but have the bearing surface ground to grade.


May 21 1-255
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Unreinforced Bearing Seats (Prestressed Slabs and Boxes)

(1) General – For prestressed slabs and boxes, provide bearing details as shown in Figure

Set precast concrete slabs over 40 feet in length on elastomeric bearing pads. Do not allow cotton duck
pads as a replacement for elastomeric bearing pads.


(2) Construction Procedure -

STEP 1. Pour 1-1/2 inch concrete pad, allow concrete to cure for 3 days or until concrete obtains design

STEP 2. Place 1/2 inch concrete layer as shown in Figure Definitions and General Information

Armored Joint - Steel armoring to protect the vertical edges of a joint opening. The armor may be steel

Asphaltic Plug Joint (APJ) Systems - A closed expansion and contraction joint system composed of
aggregate and flexible binder material placed over a steel bridging plate.

May 21 1-256
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Closed Expansion Joint - A joint in which a seal material is placed to prevent water or debris from
entering the joint. This includes poured joint seals, compression joint seals, asphaltic plug joint systems,
preformed strip seals, and modular bridge joint systems.

Control Joint - A joint created by sawing a groove in a surface and filling it with a poured material,
creating a weakened vertical plane that controls the location of cracking developed due to restraint

Filled Joint - A filled joint using a preformed joint filler placed prior to the concrete pour. Hot applied joint
sealant is placed on top of the joint filler.

Hot Applied Joint Sealant - A hot-poured asphaltic material used for sealing cracks and joints from
water penetration to prolong pavement and joint life.

Modular Bridge Joint Systems (MBJS) - A closed expansion and contraction joint using a series of
continuous preformed strip seals inserted into steel shapes to seal the joint.

Poured Joint Seal - A closed expansion and contraction joint sealed with a rapid-cure poured joint
sealant (2 part silicone).

Precompressed Foam Silicone Joint (PFSJ) Seal - A closed expansion and contraction joint system
consisting of a preformed, pre-compressed, silicone-coated, self-expanding foam joint system bonded to
joint faces using epoxy adhesive.

Preformed Compression Joint Seal - A closed expansion and contraction joint sealed with a continuous
preformed elastomeric compression gland.

Preformed Joint Filler - A preformed expansion joint material having small extrusion and substantial
recovery after release from compression.

Preformed Strip Seal System - A closed expansion and contraction joint using a continuous preformed
elastomeric gland (strip seal) inserted into an extruded or formed steel retainer bar with steel anchors. Design Guidelines for Joint Seals and Systems

Consider integral abutment or semi-integral abutment wherever criteria in BDM are met. Design
expansion joints to provide for the effects of temperature, shrinkage and creep.

Use skew angle a minimum of ±5 degrees different from snow plow angle for all joints except asphaltic
plug joints. Normally the angle of attack of snowplows is skewed 30 degrees to the roadway alignment.
Snowplow blades can fall into the joint where the skew angle of the joint matches the snowplow’s angle,
resulting in danger to the snowplow driver or traffic. Consider the effect of skew angles on future
widening of the structure.

Strip Seal System - Use preformed single strip systems to seal deck joints with up to 4 inch range of
movement (1-1/2 inch minimum installation width). For joints of greater anticipated movement, use a
modular bridge joint system. It is not recommended to use a modular bridge joint system solely to provide
for possible seismic movements.

Preformed Compression Seal - Preformed compression seals may be specified for joints with a design
movement of up to 1-3/41/2 inches. Specify a seal size to ensure that the seal remains in compression
throughout the service life.

Poured Joint Seal - Poured joint seal may be specified for a design movement up to 1-1/2 inches.

May 21 1-257
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Asphaltic Plug Joint System - Asphaltic plug joint systems are suitable for joints between 2 pavements
with asphalt concrete wearing surface and may be specified where following conditions are satisfied:

• Maximum range of design movement up to 1-1/2 inches (total)

• Maximum bridge skew less than 45 degrees
• Maximum lateral movement at joint 1/4 inch
• Maximum vertical movement at joint (uplift) 1/4 inch
• Maximum superelevation of 6%

Asphaltic plug joint systems do not perform well under following conditions:

• Where traffic is accelerating or decelerating, such as intersection with traffic lights or stop signs.
• Bridge with a curved horizontal alignment.
• Longitudinal joint between two structures. Skid resistance of this joint diminishes with time and it
may become a hazard to motorcyclist and bicyclists.

Precompressed Foam Silicone Joint Seal - Specify precompressed foam silicone joint seals for joint
rehabilitation only. PFSJ seals may be specified for joints with a design movement up to 2-1/2 inches. Limit
a joint installation width smaller than 3 inches to ensure joint performance. Field verify the joint width. This
joint system can be field-spliced, which makes it suitable for staged construction and partial joint repair.
Specify factory-fabricated bends for inside corners at the gutter line. Field verify a bend angle required for
the existing inside corner and show the bend angle on project plans. When joints cross sidewalk on a
bridge, specify a PFSJ seal system that is suitable for pedestrian traffic and provide joint details according to
RD722. Splicing between bridge and pedestrian PFSJ seals are possible.

Filled Joint - Use filled joints for short span bridges with pin end bent connection. These joints are the least
expensive joint and easy to repair.

Control Joint - Use a control joint to control the location of cracking at the end of bridge approach slab and in
pavement over joints. For rehabilitation projects, control joints can be used in continuous concrete bridge
deck over intermediate bents when it is necessary to control cracking in a particular location. Use 1/2 inch
sawcut width to accommodate hot applied joint sealant installation. The control joint may be specified for
contraction movement up to 1/4 inch.

Check the Qualified Products List for the currently acceptable materials and joint systems. Expansion Joint Setting

Use a minimum change of joint width due to shrinkage of 1/4 inch per 100 feet for the full length of non
post-tensioned concrete segments (both pretensioned and conventional).

Use a minimum change of joint width due to creep and shrinkage of 1/2 inch per 100 feet for the contributing
length of post-tensioned segments.

May 21 1-258
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Use the following equations for calculating thermal effects:

Steel Girder Superstructure: R = LF*(TR + TF)

Concrete Superstructure: R = LF*(TR + TF) + LF*(CR + SH)


Smin = Minimum serviceable seal width
Smax = Maximum serviceable seal width
R = Required seal range
RP = Provided seal range (Smax - Smin)
CR = Creep movement CR = (ES)(CF)
SH = Shrinkage movement
TF = Temperature fall movement
TR = Temperature rise movement
ES = Elastic shortening
CF = Creep factor
LF = Load Factor from LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and LRFD 3.4.1
Use the Strength Limit State Load Factor that produces the largest movement in each load


For the compression seals shown on Drawing BR140 Smin and Smax are the width of the seal under a
compressive force of 50 and 10 pounds per inch, respectively. In skewed joints, Smin and Smax may be
limited by the allowable shear deformation of the seal. For the seals shown on BR140, always limit shear
deformation of the seal to 10 degrees.

(4) Joint Setting at Mean Temperature

In most cases, the range of serviceable seal width provided by a standard joint seal (RP) will be somewhat
larger than the range required by design (R). Equally distribute this excess [E = RP - R] for expansion and

May 21 1-259
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

The following schematics show joint settings for the two design cases above:


Use the following form to call out joint settings on the plans:


Decrease Joint setting ___ inches for every 100F of structure temperature above ___0F.

Increase joint setting ___ inches for every 100F of structure temperature below ___0F.

Expansion joints are normally set after pretensioning is complete, so elastic shortening is not included in the
joint setting width. Details for Expansion Joints

See Standard Drawings BR139, BR140, BR141, BR145, BR157, DET3138 and DET3150 for joint details.

Drawings BR141, BR145 and DET3150 show the depth of metal to be 8 inches, with a plate being welded
to the 2 inch deep rail section.

For modular joints, the bottom of the rail section must be the same depth as the bearing boxes, as noted
as “Point F” on Drawing DET3150.

(1) Expansion Joint Blockout

Show a blockout detail on the plans to allow the expansion joint assembly to be placed a period of time after
the final deck pour. Providing a blockout makes the adjacent deck pour easier, provides smoother deck
transition to joint, and allows the majority of the superstructure shrinkage to occur prior to joint assembly

May 21 1-260
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


(2) Electrical Conduit Expansion Joint

At those locations on the structure where an electrical conduit crosses an expansion joint, show a detail
similar to the following on the plans:

Figure Measurement and Payment of Joints

List joint types and estimated quantities of joints in SP 00585.

May 21 1-261
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Normally, filled joints do not need bid items, because the payment for filled joints is included in payment for
constructing bridge elements next to the filled joints. Hot applied joint sealant in filled joints is also included.
Control joints shown on BR165, which includes sawcutting and hot applied joint sealant, are paid with
paving work. For rehabilitation projects, new control joints are sometime specified. When the control joint is
not included in payment for paving work, SP 00585 has an option to list the new control joints as a bid item.

Hot applied joint sealant is usually paid with paving work. When replacement of hot applied joint sealant is
specified for rehabilitation projects and is not paid with paving work. Use SP 00585 to add the hot applied
joint sealant work to the list of bid items.

May 21 1-262
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.15 Soundwalls
1.15.1 Soundwalls, General

1.15.2 Soundwalls mounted on Bridges

Design soundwalls according to the guidelines provided in LRFD Section 15, and ODOT Geotechnical
Design Manual, Section 16.6.

Investigate the soil condition specific to the soundwall site and included in the Geotechnical Report. It is
recommended that this be taken care of early in the project's development.

The design and detailing requirements for soundwalls on bridges and retaining walls adjacent to the
traveling public are different than the ones away from the traveling public. The failure of these soundwalls
is a safety hazard for the traveling public.

Soundwalls should not be located on bridge structures where feasible alternative locations exist.
Soundwalls on bridge structures cause a disproportionate increase in bridge cost because of
strengthening of the deck overhang and exterior girder. These structures may cause increase in risk to
traffic below during seismic events or in case of vehicular impact. In addition, Soundwalls on bridges
interfere with normal maintenance inspection access and detract from the aesthetic quality of the

Where feasible alternative locations do not exist and soundwalls must be located on bridges, limit the
total height, as measured from the top of bridge deck to the top of the soundwall, to 8 feet. Obtain
approval of a design deviation before specifying soundwalls taller than 8 feet.

For soundwall located on bridge, only crash tested soundwall is allowed.

On bridges where the soundwall does not meet crash test requirements of MASH Test Level 4, place
soundwalls at minimum of 4 feet beyond the gutter line of an ODOT approved standard bridge railing.
Soundwalls may be combined with the traffic railing as long as the structural system meets the crash test
requirements of MASH Test Level 4 criteria.

In lieu of crash-testing, design soundwalls for vehicular collision forces according to LRFD Section 15.8.4.

May 21 1-263
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.16 ADA Compliance for Bridge Work

1.16.1 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance for Bridge Projects

1.16.2 General Guidance

1.16.3 Work Activity Triggers

1.16.4 Design Considerations

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for
persons with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations,
commercial facilities, and transportation. Implementation guidelines, standards, and court decisions provide
guidance on how to comply with the law.

Although these sources are applied to transportation construction and maintenance decisions, there is
limited guidance about specific work activities on bridges. This document provides guidance on the ADA
application to the unique situations created by bridge rehabilitation and maintenance projects.

The ADA regulation prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities by government entities.
Government entities must make services accessible and usable to all people, including people with
disabilities. For the purpose of this document, the sidewalk of a bridge is a facility that, if provided, must be
accessible and usable by people with disabilities, regardless of whether the bridge is in an urban or rural
setting. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has an obligation to ensure that a bridge
infrastructure is accessible and usable, including bridge sidewalk facilities. ODOT addresses that obligation
in several ways. Through the ODOT ADA Title II Transition Plan, all pedestrian facilities are brought into
compliance over time. Specific work will also trigger a requirement to bring certain facilities into compliance
at the same time as the work is performed. Examples of specific work that triggers accessibility
improvements include when a new bridge is constructed, when a new sidewalk is added to a bridge, or
when the level of work on a bridge is considered to be an “alteration.” Activities that result in below-standard
sidewalks require a design exception. Additionally, a project’s scope of work must not be modified solely to
avoid triggering accessibility upgrades. Altering Access or Usability of a Pedestrian Access Route

When alterations affect access to a sidewalk on a bridge, it is necessary to ensure that the sidewalk can be
accessed from the approaching shoulder or sidewalk utilizing a curb ram design. When alterations affect the
usability of the sidewalk itself, it is necessary to ensure that the sidewalk is readily accessible to people with

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disabilities to the maximum extent feasible unless it is technically infeasible to do so. Explore alternatives to
improve the level of accessibility of an existing sidewalk if it is below ODOT standards. Address accessibility
barriers which include narrow passages, obstructions or routes lacking sufficient passing space. Alterations
must follow current ODOT policy.

Where sidewalks are not present, pedestrian travel may be expected on or along the roadway except
where prohibited. Pedestrian travel in the shoulder or in the roadway when there is no shoulder is
allowed, but not an exclusive service. When a sidewalk is not present, treat the existing shoulder as a
pedestrian access route when determining the impact of alterations.

The US DOJ/FHWA memorandum defines an “alteration” as: A change that affects or could affect the
usability of all or part of a building or facility. Alterations of streets, roads, or highways include activities such
as reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing, widening, and projects of similar scale and effect. Activities
defined as maintenance by the US DOJ/FHWA on streets, roads, or highways, such as filling potholes, are
not alterations. Upgrade each facility or part of a facility that is altered to be readily accessible and usable by
individuals with disabilities to the maximum extent feasible.

Examples of alterations of bridges include rail retrofit, widening, bridge deck concrete overlays, and asphalt
concrete overlays when part of a full width paving project that extends beyond the bridge. Further, when
changes are made that affect the accessibility or usability of the pedestrian access route, accessibility
requirements need to be addressed. An existing bridge is considered to have a sidewalk, or pedestrian
access route, when the horizontal surface is at least 32 inches wide. Conversely, when the clear horizontal
surface is less than 32 inches, it is not considered to be a pedestrian facility.

The work types in the list below are not considered “alterations” and are considered maintenance activities.
The list is not exhaustive. Evaluate additional activities on the basis of their impact to the usability of the
pedestrian facility; activities that affect the usability are considered “alterations”.

• Individual activities that do not result in changes to usability of the pedestrian facility:
o Structural deck overlays, premixed polymer concrete overlays, deck seals, and ACWS
overlays, provided these activities do not overlap the pedestrian facility (sidewalk,
shoulder, and/or crosswalk)
o Thin bonded polymer system overlays and deck seals that do or do not overlap the
pedestrian facility (sidewalk, shoulder, and/or crosswalk)
o Deck repair patching, repair of deck soffit, full depth deck repair when these activities do
not span the length of the bridge or more than ¾ of the width of the pedestrian facility
(sidewalk, shoulder, and/or crosswalk)
o Under deck superstructure repair
o Spot sidewalk repair
o Repair of sidewalk soffit, repair of longitudinal sidewalk beams, repair of cantilevered
sidewalk supports
o Bridge Painting, cathodic protection
o Repair in-kind of existing bridge rails
o Concrete patching of superstructure elements, prestressed components, concrete
surface finishing
o Bonded structural strengthening (FRP, titanium, other metals, surface or near-surface),
resin injection of concrete cracks
o Seismic retrofits

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o Expansion joint repair or replacement
o Bearing device cleaning and lubrication
o Substructure or Foundation repair

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Existing Bridges

Existing bridges may support pedestrian facilities, either by providing a sidewalk or by providing adequate
shoulder width. Do not reduce existing pedestrian facilities below applicable standards.

Existing bridges that have “safety curbs” do not have sidewalks. “Safety curbs” are features with similar
appearance as sidewalks, but are provided as part of a bridge rail system and do not provide access for
pedestrians. The clear width of the horizontal surface of a “safety curb” is less than 32 inches.

Figure Existing Bridge, Section Rail with Safety Curb

Figure Existing Bridge, Section Rail with Sidewalk

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Figure Existing Bridge, clear width examples

When work on an existing bridge with sidewalk is an alteration as described in BDM 1.16.3, upgrade
accessibility to meet full standards or to the maximum extent feasible. Refer to HDM 13.4.3 for sidewalk

Feasibility of upgrades depends on numerous factors including:

• Structural capacity of the bridge to accept additional dead load and pedestrian load. Perform load
rating to determine if the main structural system has additional capacity to support the upgrade.
• Additional strengthening required to support the proposed upgrade. Determine if the project may
include girder strengthening.
• Structural system.
o Thickness and reinforcement of existing concrete cantilevered sidewalks (if the existing
sidewalk is thin and lightly reinforced, strengthening of the existing sidewalk might not be
feasible, for example).
o Spacing and configuration of sidewalk brackets and edge beams supporting a sidewalk.
o Bridge deck thickness.
o Girder spacing (may limit reasonable widening).
o Presence of truss or arch members above deck.
• Interaction of the proposed upgrade with future program work such as rail retrofit or bridge deck
widening (if a major rail or widening project is planned or needed, it may be most reasonable to
improve accessibility at the same time).
• Historic preservation needs (some accessibility modifications may impact the significance of
historic features of the bridge, while others may be acceptable due to limited scope of impacts or
reversibility). See BDM for historic bridges.
• Roadway geometrics or roadway cross section. Roadway geometrics and cross section elements
that can be reconfigured to increase accessibility of the pedestrian access route or sidewalk on
one or both sides of the bridge need to be evaluated.

Document the feasibility of upgrades or reasonable upgrades/options considered. Document the rationale
(i.e., the justification) for “why” the upgrade(s) or option(s) was (were) not feasible.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Rail Retrofit or Replacement

Bridge rail replacement requires upgrade of existing pedestrian facilities unless a design exception is
obtained. For installation of bridge rail retrofit or bridge rail transitions at bridge ends, do not decrease the
width of an existing sidewalk unless the final sidewalk width results in an accessible pedestrian route.
Submit a design exception when sidewalk clear width is less than ODOT standard width. Intersections on Bridge Structures

In some cases, intersections are located on bridge structures or at the bridge ends. The ADA requires
providing or upgrading curb ramps at intersections in projects that either provide sidewalk or alter streets,
roadways, or highways and span from one intersection to another. If a bridge alteration project includes
an intersection it triggers the obligation to provide curb ramps at the intersection. Coordination with the
roadway designer is critical in preparing curb ramp details for construction and should be reviewed by
both disciplines for constructability. Appendix 1: ADA Design of Bridge Curb Ramps or Appendix 2: ADA
Bridge Works Examples are posted on the Bridge Standards website for general guidance. Temporary Traffic Control and Work Zones

For temporary traffic control and construction work, avoid impacting the pedestrian access route to the
maximum extent feasible. If an existing pedestrian route is available and is impacted by work activities,
provide a temporary accessible route for pedestrian traffic. For example, if an existing shoulder across a
structure is four feet wide, provide a four-foot temporary pedestrian access route for pedestrian traffic.
See Temporary Pedestrian Accessible Routes (TPAR) for more guidance. Historic Bridges

For bridges that are considered a historic resource, where accessibility modifications may impact the
significance of historic features of the bridge, consult with the Region Environmental Coordinator and the
Historic Resource Coordinator to ensure the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) comments are
addressed. Where upgrading accessibility would conflict with federal law regarding historic preservation,
neither law supersedes the other.

When there is a conflict between federal historic preservation requirements and accessibility
requirements, a Design Exception is required to validate and justify any deviation from meeting the
accessibility standards. With the supporting document in the Design Exception, include a letter from
SHPO declaring that an adverse effect would be caused by meeting the full requirements of the ADA.
Ensure the letter describes whether alternative designs or incremental ADA improvements would create
adverse effects. Consider and document mitigations that will be used to minimize the impact to
pedestrians with disabilities. Mitigating options might be posted minimum widths or possible accessible
detours. Technical Infeasibility and Design Exception

ADA compliance requirements are not the same as ODOT geometric design standards. The Roadway
design exception process is used when geometric standards cannot be achieved. ODOT also uses the

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Roadway design exception process to document when it is technically infeasible to meet all the ADA criteria.
Early coordination before DAP with the ODOT Roadway Engineering Unit regarding impacts to either the
ODOT geometric standards or the ADA requirements is especially important. Justification for not meeting
standards is a required section of the design exception request. While costs can be used to justify
exceptions to geometric standards it is not a justification for ADA criteria. See Chapter 14 of the ODOT HDM
– Design Exception Process for the design exception process.

a. 4R Standard: 4R or modernization projects are considered the highest level of design and
as such ODOT geometric standards for horizontal and vertical alignments, super elevation,
lane width, shoulder width, sidewalk width are expected to be used. Document the
justification for any non-standard feature not meeting the geometric design standards and
the options considered in a design exception request. ODOT geometric standards for
sidewalk width are wider than the minimum ADA compliance width but the ODOT
geometric standard of 7 foot wide sidewalks are required unless there is an approved
design exception.

b. 3R Standard: 3R or Rehabilitation projects are more common than 4R projects. These

projects are able to retain many of the existing geometric features even when they do not
meet full ODOT geometric design standards. On a 3R project a sidewalk that does not
meet the full 7 foot width but does meet the accessibility criteria of a 5 foot wide sidewalk
does not require a design exception. When the sidewalk width is below 5 foot, a design
exception is required and 5 foot by 5 foot passing spaces must be provided every 200
feet along the sidewalk. Other geometric features that are non-standard need to be
evaluated by the Roadway designer for design exception requirements.

c. 1R Road Paving: 1R or Resurfacing projects are the most common project type. These
projects have a narrow scope defined to just surface treatments. When the resurfacing is
classified as an alteration and road pavement surfacing extends from one intersection to
another, provide or upgrade curb ramps at all intersections and crossings. Utilize the
ODOT curb ramp process for upgrading curb ramps.

d. Single Function Standard: Single Function projects are very limited in scope. The
feature addressed in a single function project is to use 4R design standards for that
specific feature. Design exceptions are not required for non-standard geometric
elements not impacted by the single function work. If the sidewalk is not being modified,
but the railing is being modified, which reduces the width of the sidewalk below the
minimum 4 foot width, a design exception is required. If the reduction in usable sidewalk
width retains the minimum 4 foot width, but not the ODOT standard width, a design
exception is required for not meeting the ODOT standard.

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1.17 Seismic Design

1.17.1 Design Philosophy

1.17.2 Applications of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

1.17.3 Applications of AASHTO Guide Specs for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design

1.17.4 Liquefaction Evaluation and Mitigation Procedures

1.17.5 Costs

1.17.6 Instrumentation

1.17.7 Dynamic Isolators

1.17.8 Seismic Restrainer Design (New Designs And Retrofits)

The 2008 Interim Revisions to the 4th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications were
developed in late 2007. Though these revisions still support a “force-based” design philosophy, they
represent a significant update to many areas of the seismic design provisions in AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications. In 2008, AASHTO also adopted the Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge
Design, a standalone document, which represents a “displacement-base” design philosophy.

Design all bridges for full seismic loading according to the 2nd edition of AASHTO Guide Specifications for
LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (Guide Spec.). Obtain approval by the ODOT State Bridge Engineer if the
use of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications is to be considered for any unique project on state-
owned bridges.

Comply with ODOT’s additional requirements and guidelines summarized in BDM 1.17.2 if designing
seismically according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications or BDM 1.17.3 if designing
seismically according to AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design.

Notify and consult ODOT Bridge Section for decisions involving deviations to the standard seismic design
practices described in this manual. Deviations from the following guidelines should be justified and
documented. The documentation should be in the permanent bridge records.

At the end of the design process, fill in and submit to ODOT Bridge HQ a copy of the Seismic
Design/Retrofit Data Sheet.

Seismic load effects should be considered for all projects using the following guidelines:

May 21 1-271
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 General Considerations

New Bridges: Design all bridge components for full seismic loading according to the current edition of
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, except as modified by BDM to, and
1.17.1 to 1.17.8. Consider the load factor for the Live Load on Extreme Event Load Combination I, γEQ =
0 (LRFD 3.4.1), unless the bridge is designated by Bridge Section as a major, unusual or unique

The Structural Engineer/Designer should rely on the project Geotechnical Designer to provide the seismic
hazards, ground motions, deformations and additional permanent loads.

Design new bridges on or West of US97 for a two-level performance criteria; Life Safety and Operational.
Design new bridges east of US97 for the Life Safety criteria only.
Seismic Design Criteria for Life Safety and Operational are described below.

“Life Safety” Criteria: Design all bridges for a 1000-year return period earthquake (7% probability of
exceedance in 75 years) to meet the “Life Safety” criteria using the 2014 USGS Hazard Maps. The
probabilistic hazard maps for an average return period of 1000-year and 500-year are available at ODOT
Bridge Section website, but not available on USGS website. To satisfy the “Life Safety” criteria, use
Response Modification Factors from LRFD Table using an importance category of “other”.

To aid in providing consistency and efficiency, Bridge Section has developed an excel application for
constructing the probabilistic response spectrum using the general procedure (three-point curve).
Latitude, Longitude, and Site Class are the needed input. Version 2014.16 of this excel application has
been released to incorporate the updated Site Coefficients associated with the 2014 hazard maps and
can be obtained at the following link:

Replace LRFD Tables,, and with Tables 1.17.3-1A, 1.17.3-1B, 1.17.3-1C.

“Operational” Criteria: Design all bridges on and West of US97 to remain “Operational” after a full rupture
of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (CSZE). The full rupture CSZE hazard maps are available at
the ODOT Bridge Section website. To satisfy the “Operational” criteria, use Response Modification
Factors from LRFD Table using an importance category of “essential”. When requested in
writing by a local agency, the “Operational” criteria for local bridges may be waived.

The CSZE is a deterministic event, and a deterministic Design Response Spectrum must be generated.
To allow for consistency and efficiency in design for the CSZE, an application for generating the Design
Response Spectra has been developed by Portland State University. Latitude, Longitude, and Vs,30 are
the needed input for running the application. This application can be accessed at the following link:

Non-conventional Bridges: LRFD 3.10.1 states that the seismic provisions of that manual are applicable
for conventional bridges. For seismic design of non-conventional bridges, consult with the Seismic Design
Standards & Practice Engineer to discuss whether special analysis and design procedures are warranted.

Bridge Widenings: Design selected bridge portions for seismic loading as directed by the flowchart shown
in Figure 1.17.2-1A. Design by the same criteria as for "New Bridges".

Potential Factors Affecting Seismic Performance of Bridge Widenings – The following considerations refer to

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
the flow chart in Figure 1.17.2-1A. The consideration number refers to the corresponding numbered
decision box on the flow chart.
Consideration 1

• Widening without adding new columns will make a bridge more vulnerable to seismic loads.
Clearances for railroads or highways under structures may prevent adding new columns.

Consideration 2

• Widening on both sides will increase the potential for the new portion to be able to resist seismic
loads for the full widened structure.

• Widening on one side only may actually result in a completed structure that is more vulnerable than
the original structure.

• If widening is on one side only, is there a possibility another future widening could be placed on the
opposite side?

• It will not normally be practical for a widening to resist the total seismic load (existing and widening)
when widening on only one side; however, there could be exceptions.

Consideration 3

• A formal seismic analysis may be required to answer this question. A “yes” answer to
Consideration 3 assumes only minimal work (such as column jacketing) will be needed for the
existing structure.

• Although the existing structure may have inadequate capacity, it will have some capacity that can
probably be taken advantage of.

• If existing columns are not stressed beyond the elastic range they will probably not need a Phase 2

• The existing structure will have to go through the same deformations as the new portion even
though the capacity may not be included in the seismic analysis.

Consideration 4

• Structures which are connected must have compatible deflections at connections.

• We are usually not concerned about the seismic load generated from one structure colliding with an
adjacent structure; however, there could be exceptions.

• Providing a joint between the widening and existing structure will probably increase the potential for
the new portion to resist seismic loads. If the widening adds enough width for at least two lanes
and the longitudinal joint would not be in a travel lane, a joint should be considered.

Consideration 5

• Base isolation is strongly encouraged, especially when bearing replacement is required anyway.

• When footing strengthening is required, Phase 2 will probably not be practical due to the high cost.
If cost is the primary decision factor, a realistic estimate of Phase 2 retrofit cost should be prepared.

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Don't say it costs too much without knowing how much too much is!

• The closer footings are to the ground surface, the more practical Phase 2 will become.
Consideration 6

• If you can't see the new portion acting separately, do not waste time assuming it will!

• Widenings with only one new column per bent vs. multiple columns on the existing structure
probably do not need to be modeled separately.

• When widening with 2 or more columns or with drilled shafts, it is probably reasonable to model the
new structure separately.

• Consider the potential for another future widening. Perhaps size the footings larger than necessary.

Consideration 7

• Is it even possible to close the structure to replace it? Can it be replaced in stages? Is it historic?

• A new structure will usually be far superior to a "band-aided" structure.

Consideration 8

• FHWA requirements take effect when the new structure actually has more travel lanes than the
existing structure. Widenings that add only shoulder width or median width are not affected. FHWA
requirements may assist in convincing Region of including Phase 2 seismic retrofit, but it is not
intended to force a Phase 2 retrofit when it really is not practical.

• For projects exempt from FHWA review, the Technical Services Branch Manager will approve
exceptions to FHWA policy.

Consideration 9

• Region holds the money. They may have factors/priorities we don't know about.

• Refusal by Region to fund the needed retrofit and refusal by FHWA to grant an exception (if federal
funding) could lead to cancellation of the project.

• It would be desirable to calculate a cost-benefit ratio.

Seismic Detailing for Bridge Widenings: Figure 1.17.2-1A provides a framework for evaluating the level of
seismic design required for bridge widenings. When detailed seismic modeling and analysis is not required,
provide seismic detailing of all new bridge components. Seismic detailing consists of providing the
reinforcement of the Earthquake Resisting Elements within the limits recommended in the design
specifications, including:
• Maximum and minimum shear reinforcement (per Guide Specs 8.6.4 & 8.6.5)
• Maximum and minimum longitudinal reinforcement (per Guide Specs 8.8.1 & 8.8.2)
• Maximum spacing of longitudinal reinforcement (6” or 8”, depending on the shape of the column)
• Minimum size of lateral reinforcement (per Guide Specs 8.8.9)
• Maximum spacing of lateral reinforcement in plastic region (4”), where the plastic hinge region is
determined according to the Guide Specs 4.11.7
• Joint proportioning (per Guide Specs 8.13.2) and minimum joint shear reinforcing (per Guide Specs

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Figure 1.17.2-1A

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Seismic Retrofit: There is currently no funding within ODOT solely to upgrade the seismic load resistance
of selected structures. However, when the seismic retrofit design is included in a project, use a phased
approach for establishing a practical and economical retrofit strategy. The publication "Seismic Retrofitting
Manual for Highway Structures" (FHWA-HRT-06-032) is recommended as a reference source to
supplement the Bridge Design Manual and Bridge CAD Manual.

The following steps are provided to help designers initiating the design process:

o Most Oregon bridges fall under importance category of “standard”, based on the Bridge
Importance Category definitions provided on FHWA-HRT-06-032. Contact Bridge HQ
when this category becomes questionable for a given structure.
o Contact Bridge HQ for information on the Anticipated Service Life (ASL) of the bridge.
o Revise the top-half of the Table 1-2 of FHWA-HRT-06-032 with the following:

Table 1.17.2-1A

Minimum performance levels for retrofitted bridges

Standard Essential

Lower Level
Ground Motion
Cascadia Subduction Zone
Earthquake – Full Rupture

Upper Level
Ground Motion

7 percent probability of
PL04 PL1 PL1 PL04 PL1 PL2
exceedance in 75 years;

return period is about 1,000


For assessing the seismic performance of existing bridges use the following concrete strain limits for
existing bridge columns with poor confinement detailing:

Confinement Inadequate Hoops and Hoop Spacing1

Design Detailing
Criteria Inadequate Lap Splice2 Adequate Lap Splice

Operational 0.002 0.002

Life Safety 0.003 0.004

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
1) As adequate hoops are qualified those that meet the definition of “seismic hooks” in Article 8.8.9
of AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Bridge Design and are spaced no more than 6
inches apart.
2) As adequate lap splice are qualified those that meet the requirements of Article of
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Class B splice.

Phase 1

The Phase 1 Seismic Retrofit is considered to achieve “Life Safety” performance of Oregon bridges under
seismic induced loading. Work during this phase is intended to prevent superstructure pull-off and bearing
failure. Phase 1 Retrofit is not required on bridge painting projects or any projects where the scope of work
does not extend below the deck.

Incorporate Phase 1 Seismic Retrofit on bridge rehabilitation projects when bridges are located in Seismic
Zone 3 or 4. Bridges located in Seismic Zone 2 may be considered for Seismic Retrofit if situated between
bridges (on the same route) that have received or are receiving Seismic Retrofit, or between new bridges
built to current seismic design standards.

As a minimum, for a Phase 1 Retrofit ensure that the girders will not pull off longitudinally or slide off
laterally from the bents. This will normally involve addition of cable restraints, shear blocks, and/or beam
seat lengthening and widening.

Identify a seismic design concept which will accomplish the intent to preclude span pull off or collapse of
the superstructure. Depending on the concept selected, some strengthening of the superstructure may
be required to ensure loads generated at the restraints or shear blocks can be transmitted without
exceeding design stresses in the superstructure. For steel truss bridges, ensure all truss elements and
connections provide sufficient resistance to failure or plastic deformation under seismic induced loading.
Short pedestals or secondary columns above the main bent cap level must also be investigated for
seismic induced loading and strengthened or braced, if necessary.

Upgrade existing bearings to elastomeric bearings, if needed to assure the designer’s concept will work.
Upgrading bearings to elastomeric should, also, be considered to improve seismic performance when
existing bearings are known to have poor seismic performance, such as steel rocker bearings. Analysis
for Phase 1 Retrofit will normally consist of a single degree of freedom model, which may be sufficient for
normal bridges. However, a higher level analysis may be required, if needed to fully develop the
designer’s concept, or for bridges with irregular column lengths of multi-column bents or if the bents have
significantly different stiffness. Use full column sections (uncracked) for this level of analysis to develop
connection design loads. This is the minimum level of work that must be included. A cracked section
analysis may be used to investigate the maximum anticipated movements.

Phase 2

Work during this phase involves substructure (columns, footings and foundations) ductility enhancement
and strengthening. Any additional or deferred Phase 1 Retrofit work would also be included. The end
product is a retrofitted bridge with as much seismic loading resistance as a new bridge would have for the
site. The Phase 2 Seismic Retrofit is considered to achieve the “Operational” performance of Oregon
bridges under the seismic loading induced by the full rupture of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake.

Evaluate the structure to investigate the level of effort and scope of work needed to do Phase 2 Retrofit.
Phase 2 involves a complete seismic analysis of the widened or rehabilitated bridge for full seismic
loading, including consideration of strengthening or restraints to the superstructure, substructure and
foundations. The work may involve column and footing strengthening or enlargement, or the use of
isolation bearings, and soil improvement, if there is potential for liquefaction. The decision about whether

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
to actually do Phase 2 Retrofit in the project will be made after developing a retrofit concept, rough cost
estimate and evaluation of the relative importance of the bridge to the transportation network, in
comparison to the estimated cost and available funding for the project. The remaining service life, existing
condition, and retrofit cost versus replacement cost are also important factors and must be evaluated.
Consult with the Bridge Section before proceeding with any Phase 2 seismic retrofit. The flowchart for
seismic design of widenings in BDM (Figure 1.17.2-1A) can be used as a guide to make the

A seismic retrofit analysis typically requires the use of a “Site Factor” to develop the response spectrum
used in the analysis. Site factors are based on the soil conditions at the site, (categorized as Site Classes
A - F) as described in the FHWA Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures, Table 1-3. For most
normal bridges requiring Phase 1 retrofit work the site class can be determined using either existing soils
data or a general knowledge of the site geology and soil conditions. If limited knowledge is available the
default designation of Site Class D is acceptable. However, for Phase 2 level retrofit analysis more
detailed soils information is required to better determine the design response spectrum and also to
adequately characterize and model the foundations in the analysis. Additional exploration work may be
required to obtain this information. This additional work is justified due to the increased cost of Phase 2
retrofit work and the need for a more refined analysis.

Rail Upgrade, Deck Overlays, Preservations, Repair, Strengthening, and Others:

These projects should include seismic retrofit as described previously for "Seismic Retrofit".

Temporary Detour Bridges:

Design all temporary detour bridges meeting one of the following criteria according to LRFD 3.10.10:
o Bridge is expected to be in service for more than one year and ADT > 10,000
o Bridge is expected to be in service for more than two years

For all other temporary detour bridges, provide the minimum support length requirement according to LRFD Specification Interpretations and Modifications


Figure 1.17.2-2A

Response Modification Factors and other Special Items:

All Single Spans:

• No response modification factors -- not applicable.

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• Provide for connection force of: “Tributary weight” x "As", where As = Fpga*PGA, or provide the
specified minimum support length according to LRFD

• Free standing abutments (expansion jointed systems) are to be designed for pseudostatic
Mononobe-Okabe method lateral earth forces.

Seismic Zone 1:

• No response modification factors -- not applicable.

• Provide for connection force of:

0.15*Fv, when As < 0.05, or
0.25*Fv, when As ≥ 0.05, where Fv is the vertical reaction at connection, or
provide the specified minimum support length.

Seismic Zone 2:

• Design and detail Zone 2 structures by Zone 3 and 4 criteria except for the following design

• When determining the capacity for compression-controlled sections for extreme event limit state
use Resistance Factors of Φ = 0.75 as specified for Zone 2 in LRFD

• When designing the reinforcement for compression members, design in accordance with LRFD “Limits of Reinforcement” for Seismic Zone 2.

Zones 3 and 4:

• Columns and Piers:

• Moment: R = 2 to 5 (LRFD Table, right column)
• Shear: R=1
• Axial: R=1

NOTE: The plastic hinging capacity should be determined from column interaction curves with axial and
moment Φ values of 1.0. Enter the curve with the unfactored dead load axial force (plus any redundancy
induced axial force due to lateral seismic loading), determine the accompanying moment capacity and
multiply this value by 1.3. This is the plastic moment capacity.


• Pile Bent: Treat as columns and piers (R=5). Design splices to at least the lesser of
1.3(Mplastic) for the portion above or below the splice. This splicing requirement does not apply to
full penetration welded splices.

Footing - pile cap - piles:

• Moment, shear & axial: R = 1 (elastic analysis forces) or,

• Moment: Plastic moment capacity of the selected column.
• Shear and Axial: Value accompanying the plastic moment capacity of the column (see "Columns"
Other Special Items:
• Confining Reinforcement (plastic hinge zones)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
o Provide transverse reinforcement for confinement in plastic hinging zone to satisfy LRFD
equations,, and

o Plastic zone limits are defined as the greatest of maximum column dimension, (column
height)/6, or 18 inches.

o Extend confining reinforcement into footing or crossbeam by the greatest of (maximum

column dimension)/2, or 15 inches.

o Maximum confining reinforcement spacing is the lesser of (the least member dimension)/4, or
4 inches.

Shear reinforcing meeting the detailing requirements of confining reinforcement may be

considered as part of the required confining reinforcing.
Column Moment Strength Reduction Factor (Φ factor)

• Use Φ = 0.9 on checking the P-Δ Requirements as per LRFD

Column Shear Strength Modifications (end regions)

• End region limits are defined as the greatest of maximum column dimension, (column height)/6 or
18 inches.

• If axial stress > 0.1f´c use Vc as specified in LRFD 5.8.3. Vary Vc linearly from normal value to 0
for axial stress between 0.1f´c and 0.

Longitudinal Reinforcement Development

• Provide anchorage development for steel stress ≥ 1.25fy. Detailing

(1) Columns:

• For column design and reinforcement practices, see BDM 1.11.3.

(2) Footings:

• All footings must have a top mat of bars whether or not uplift is calculated. Extend spirals at least
2 inches into top of the footing. Place the footing top mat immediately below the spiral
termination. Place additional spirals below the mat (use a 6 inch spiral gap) as needed to meet
the confining reinforcement layout of BDM Use the same spiral pitch at all locations.
See the optional detail for alternate containment reinforcing in the column to footing connection in

• Note the allowable reduction in reinforcement development length for bars enclosed within a spiral

(3) Crossbeams:

• For column to crossbeam connections where plastic moment capacity is required, provide spirals
extending into the crossbeam in the same general manner as described above for the column-to-
footing connection.

May 21 1-280
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Structure Modeling
(1) Structure Modeling, General:

• Use a "first cut" analysis with fixed supports. These results will be easier to interpret than a spring
supported model and will give a baseline for comparison with additional analyses. With these
results, make a rough substructure design. Now a new analysis can be performed with footing
springs and the substructure design checked and refined. Additional cycles of redesign, analysis,
and force comparison to previous analyses could be used in some cases but generally would not be
required or warranted.

• A reasonable target for a seismic design check is 20 percent. Designer and Checker should
resolve differences greater than 20 percent, but it is impractical to try to refine the design beyond

(2) Footing Springs:

• See BDM 1.10.4.

(3) Programs:

• The Uniform Load and single mode dynamic analysis methods are acceptable for many structures
(see the code limitations) but multi-mode dynamic analysis by computer may be easier. The result
of any analysis method must be judged for correctness. Is the result reasonable? Reviewing the
calculated periods, modal participation factors and mode shapes can greatly aid this judgment. A
high level of engineering judgment will be required at all times.

• MIDAS and GTStrudl are ODOT’s primary in-house static and dynamic analysis programs, and are
available for bridge designers working at Bridge HQ or Region Tech Centers. Many design firms
have adopted the use of SAP2000 or STAAD for seismic design of bridges. Other programs are
also acceptable, provided the programs satisfy the analysis requirements and have been previously

(4) Sample Problems:

• Sample problems are shown in the Bridge Example Design notebook, and can be downloaded
under Seismic Design Examples. Footing/Pile Cap Design

(1) Piling:

• Nominal pile resistances should be used with the seismic load case (LRFD Table 3.4.1-1, Extreme
Event-I) to determine pile requirements. Uplift resistance may be used for friction piles if the piles are
properly anchored. Consult with the Geotechnical designer for site specific values. Piles under
tension that are not capable of resisting uplift should be neglected during analysis for seismic
loadings. The remaining piles must provide sufficient support and stability.

(2) Reinforcing Steel:

• Control of cracking requirements of LRFD do not apply to seismic load cases.

• Pile supported footings should normally have the bottom mat reinforcing above the pile tops.
Footings with this scheme are preferable to thinner footings with the bottom mat detailed lower
(between the piling). This is for constructability.

May 21 1-281
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 General Considerations

As of 2009, ODOT has fully adopted the use of AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge
Design for designing Oregon bridges subjected to earthquake loading. The following summarizes ODOT’s
additional requirements and deviations from the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge

Design all bridge components for full seismic loading according to the 2nd edition of AASHTO Guide
Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (Guide Spec.), except as modified by BDM to, and 1.17.1 to 1.17.8. Consider the load factor for the Live Load on Extreme Event Load
Combination I, γEQ = 0, unless the bridge is designated by Bridge Section as a major, unusual or unique

The Structural Engineer/Designer should rely on the project Geotechnical Designer to provide the seismic
hazards, ground motions, deformations and additional permanent loads.

Design new bridges on or West of US97 for a two-level performance criteria; Life Safety and Operational.
Design new bridges east of US97 for the Life Safety criteria only.
Seismic Design Criteria for Life Safety and Operational are described below.

“Life Safety” Criteria: Design all bridges for a 1000-year return period earthquake (7 percent probability of
exceedance in 75 years) to meet the “Life Safety” criteria using the 2014 USGS Hazard Maps. The
probabilistic hazard maps for an average return period of 1000-year and 500-year are available at ODOT
Bridge Section website, but not available on USGS website.

To aid in providing consistency and efficiency, Bridge Section has developed an excel application for
constructing the probabilistic response spectrum using the general procedure (three-point curve).
Latitude, Longitude, and Site Class are the needed input. Version 2014.16 of this excel application has
been released to incorporate the updated Site Coefficients associated with the 2014 hazard maps and
can be obtained at the following link:

To satisfy the “Life Safety” criteria, comply with the following requirements and guidelines:

Seismic Design Categories (SDC) A, B and C

• Meet all design requirements for SDC A, B and C according to the AASHTO Guide
Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design.

Seismic Design Category (SDC) D

• Meet all design requirements for SDC D according to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for
LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, except as modified below:

o The maximum concrete strain in confined section of the columns (εcc) does not exceed

May 21 1-282
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
90% of the ultimate concrete strain (εcu), computed by Mander’s model.
o The maximum strain of reinforcing steel does not exceed the εRsu as defined on Table
8.4.2-1 of the AASHTO Guide Spec.
o The maximum strain of prestressing steel does not exceed εRps,u = 0.03

The above guidelines are applicable even for the other Seismic Design Categories, if Pushover Analysis will
be used instead of the implicit equation.

Replace AASHTO Guide Spec Table with two following tables:

Table 1.17.3-1A

Values of Site Factor, Fpga, at Zero-Period on Acceleration Spectrum

Mapped Peak Ground Acceleration Coefficient (PGA)1

Site Class
PGA ≤ 0.1 PGA = 0.2 PGA = 0.3 PGA = 0.4 PGA = 0.5 PGA ≥ 0.6
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
C 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
D 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1
E 2.4 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1
F2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2

Table 1.17.3-1B

Values of Site Factor, Fa, for Short-Period Range of Acceleration Spectrum

Mapped Spectral Acceleration Coefficient at Period 0.2 sec (SS)1

Site Class
SS ≤ 0.25 SS = 0.5 SS = 0.75 SS = 1.0 SS = 1.25 SS ≥ 1.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
C 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
E3 2.4 1.7 1.3 *3 *3 *3
F2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2

May 21 1-283
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Replace AASHTO Guide Spec Table with following table:

Table 1.17.3-1C

Values of Site Factor, Fv, for Long-Period Range of Acceleration Spectrum

Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Coefficient at Period 1.0 sec (S1)1

Site Class
S1 ≤ 0.1 S1 = 0.2 S1 = 0.3 S1 = 0.4 S1 = 0.5 S1 ≥ 0.6
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
C 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4
3 3 3 3 3
D3 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7
3 3 3 3 3 3
E 4.2 3.3 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.0
F2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2

1 – Use straight-line interpolation for intermediate values of PGA, SS, or S1.

2– Perform a site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analysis for all
multi-span bridges in Site Class F.
3 – Consider performing a ground motion hazard analysis and/or dynamic site response analysis

for multi-span bridges.

“Operational” Criteria: Design all bridges on and West of US97 to remain “Operational” after a full rupture
of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (CSZE). The full rupture CSZE hazard maps are available at
the ODOT Bridge Section website.

The CSZE is a deterministic event, and a deterministic Design Response Spectrum must be generated.
To allow for consistency and efficiency in design for the CSZE, an application for generating the Design
Response Spectra has been developed by Portland State University. Latitude, Longitude, and Vs,30 are
the needed input for running the application. This application can be accessed at the following link:

To satisfy the “Operational” criteria, comply with the following requirements and guidelines:

Seismic Design Categories (SDC) A, B, C and D

• Verify the “Operational” performance for Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake when
potentially liquefiable soils are present on site.

Seismic Design Categories (SDC) A and B

• No structural analysis is required for “Operational” criteria.

Seismic Design Category (SDC) C

• Satisfy equation 4.8-1 of the AASHTO Guide Spec (ΔLD < ΔLC) for each bridge bent, where ΔLC
is determined from the equation of the AASHTO Guide Spec (displacement capacity for

May 21 1-284
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Seismic Design Category (SDC) D

• Meet all design requirements for SDC D according to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for
LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, except as modified below:

o Ensure the maximum concrete strain in confined section of the columns does not
exceed εcc = 0.005
o Ensure the maximum strain of reinforcing steel does not exceed 2*εsh, where εsh is
defined on Table 8.4.2-1 of the AASHTO Guide Spec.
o Ensure the maximum strain of prestressing steel (for 270 ksi strands) does not exceed
εps,EE = 0.0086

Non-conventional Bridges: Guide Spec. 3.1 states that the seismic provisions of this Manual are
applicable for conventional bridges. For seismic design of non-conventional bridges, consult with the
Seismic Design Standards & Practice Engineer to discuss whether special analysis and design
procedures are warranted.

Pedestrian Bridges: Design new pedestrian bridges over roads carrying vehicular traffic per the
requirements of this section. Pedestrian bridges that do not cross roads carrying vehicular traffic do not
need be designed for the “Operational” Criteria.

Buried Structures: According to Guide Spec. 3.1, buried structures, generally, do not need be designed
for seismic loads. However, for all buried structures supported on piling or drilled shafts type foundations,
design the structure for seismic loading as required by this section. Specification Interpretations and Modifications

The following items summarize ODOT’s additional requirements and deviations from AASHTO Guide
Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design:

• Design all bridges to satisfy the Type-1 Global Seismic Design Strategy (ductile substructure with
essentially elastic superstructure), Guide Spec. 3.3. However, in case of a steel substructure, design
the bridge according to the latest edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Type-2 Global Seismic Design Strategy (essentially elastic substructure with ductile superstructure) is
not permitted by ODOT.

Type-3 Global Seismic Design Strategy (elastic superstructure and substructure with a fusing
mechanism between the two) can be considered if approved by the State Bridge Engineer. Include a
clear description of the selected Seismic Design Strategy in the appropriate Calculation Book for the

• The following types of Earthquake Resisting Systems (ERS) or Earthquake Resisting Elements (ERE)
provided in Guide Spec. 3.3 are permissible ERS or ERE for ODOT bridges:

o Type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Figure 3.3-1a

o Types 1 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11*, 12 and 14 on Figure 3.3-1b
* To use this Earthquake Restraining Element the following must be applied:
1. Liquefaction induced-lateral spread and slope instability are deemed unlikely to occur
under the design earthquake.
2. For the Life Safety criteria a maximum of 70% of the passive abutment resistance can be
used in seismic analyses in accordance with AASHTO Guide Spec.

May 21 1-285
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
3. For the Operational criteria a maximum of 30% of the passive abutment resistance can
be used in seismic analyses.
• Obtain approval from the State Bridge Engineer before considering the application of the following types
of Earthquake Resisting Systems (ERS) or Earthquake Resisting Elements (ERE) provided in Guide
Spec. 3.3:

o Type 6 on Figure 3.3-1a

o Types 4, 5, and 6 on Figure 3.3-1b
o Types 1 and 2 on Figure 3.3-2

• The following types of Earthquake Resisting Systems (ERS) or Earthquake Resisting Elements (ERE)
provided in Guide Spec. 3.3 are not permissible ERS or ERE for ODOT bridges:

o Type 13 on Figure 3.3-1b

o Types 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on Figure 3.3-2
o Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Figure 3.3-3

• Identify the ERS for bridges in SDC B (Guide Spec. 3.5) when 0.25 ≤ SD1 < 0.30.

• Pushover analysis can be used instead of the implicit equations to determine the Displacement
Capacity for SDC B and C as prescribed on Guide Spec. 3.5. When pushover analysis is performed,
provide SDC D Level of Detailing regardless of the design SDC.

• Satisfy the balanced stiffness and balanced frame geometry requirements for all bridges in SDC C and
D (Guide Spec. 4.1.2 and 4.1.3).

• Use Procedure Number 2 (Elastic Dynamic Analysis) to determine seismic designs for all bridges with
two or more spans (Guide Spec. 4.2).

• Use Procedure 3, (Nonlinear Time History Analysis) if the Geotechnical Engineer is performing a site-
specific hazard motion analysis and any of the following exists:
o The maximum bridge span length is more than 300 feet or the total bridge length is more than
1,800 feet
o Bridge geometry does not allow for the balanced stiffness or balanced frame geometry
requirements be satisfied
o Special bearing and damping devices (isolation bearing, shock transmission units, etc.) and
non-conventional expansion joints are expected to be installed
Nonlinear Time History Analysis is the most expensive seismic analysis procedure; however, the extra
design cost is often offset by construction cost savings and can be effectively used to manage risk.
Consult the project Geotechnical Engineer to determine if there are geotechnical factors that may lead
to pursuing the development of ground response and non-linear time history analyses. Some of these
could include:
o Bridge is within 6 miles of an active fault
o Soils at bridge site are defined as Site Class “E” or “F” soils
o Soil profile supporting the bridge varies significantly among bridge bents

• Use a Damping Ratio of 5 percent (Guide Spec. 4.3.2) on all new bridges for seismic loading. The
application of the reduction factor, RD, is not allowed without approval from the State Bridge Engineer.

• Use Design Method 3 (Limited-Ductility Response in Concert with Added Protective Systems) for
designing the lateral seismic displacement demand (Guide Spec. 4.7.1) only upon approval from the
State Bridge Engineer.

May 21 1-286
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• For SDC C or D, if columns or pier walls are considered an integral part of the energy-dissipating
system but remain elastic at the demand displacement (Guide Spec. 4.2), design and detail the capacity
protected members to resist the lesser of:
o 2.0 times the elastic forces resulting from the demand displacement
o Column/pier overstrength plastic moment and shear

• Design Longitudinal Restrainers (Guide Spec. 4.13.1) in accordance with BDM 1.17.8.

• Participation of the approach slab, wingwalls, and backwalls in the overall dynamic response of bridge
systems may be considered in seismic design of bridges using BDM

• Select the Foundation Modeling Method (FMM) (Guide Spec. 5.3.1) according to BDM 1.10.4.
Do not allow uplift or rocking of spread footings in all SDCs.

• Perform Liquefaction Assessment for all bridge sites according to Chapter 6 of the ODOT Geotechnical
Design Manual.

• Use the provisions in Guide Spec. 7.2 in conjunction with the forced-based seismic design procedure
utilized in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification and requirements of this section of the BDM.

• Provide minimum shear reinforcement for bridges in SDC A, when 0.10 ≤ SD1 ≤ 0.15, according to the
requirements of Guide Spec. 8.6.5 for SDC B, in addition of satisfying the requirements of Guide Spec.

• Do not use wire rope or strands for spirals, and high strength bars with yield strength exceeding 75 ksi.
Deformed welded wire fabric (Guide Spec. 8.4.1) may be used with approval from the State Bridge

• The same size vertical bars may be used inside and outside of interlocking spirals (Guide Spec. 8.6.7).

• Provide minimum longitudinal reinforcement (Guide Spec. 8.8.2) of 1 percent for columns in SDC B, C
and D.

• Extend the vertical column bars into oversized drilled shaft according to BDM, in lieu of Guide
Spec. 8.8.10.

• Revise the third bullet of Guide Spec. as follows:

o Exterior column joints for box girder superstructures and other superstructure types if the
cap beam extends beyond the joint far enough to develop the longitudinal cap

May 21 1-287
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

• The liquefaction potential of foundation soils will be determined by the Geotechnical designer.
If foundation soils are predicted to liquefy, the effects of liquefaction on foundation design and
performance will be provided as described in BDM 1.10.5. The need for liquefaction mitigation
will be in accordance with the following ODOT Liquefaction Mitigation Policy.

May 21 1-288
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Geotechnical Designer evaluates liquefaction potential using

the Cascadia Subduction Zone event and estimates
approach fill deformations
(lateral displacements, settlement and global stability).

Is there potential for large embankment

No deformations? (see Note 1 below)
Check liquefaction and
estimate displacements Yes
under 1000 year event.
Geotechnical and Bridge Designer discuss and determine
damage potential to structure and serviceability of bridge.
Will the bridge and/or approaches be damaged such that the
bridge will be out of service? (see Note 2 below)
Geotechnical and Bridge
Designer determine damage
potential to structure and
possibility of collapse.

Proceed with Mitigation Design Alternatives.

Yes Evaluate all of the possible options,
including ground improvement, structural
Is there a possibility of strengthening, or a combination of both.
bridge collapse? (See Note 3 below)

Typical Design

Note 1: For meeting the performance requirements of the Cascadia Subduction Zone event (Operational), lateral
deformation of approach fills of up to 12 inches are generally considered acceptable under most circumstances
pending an evaluation of this amount of lateral deformation on abutment piling and abutment/cap. Larger structural
lateral deformations and settlements may be acceptable under the 1000 year event as long as the “Life Safety”
criteria are met.

Note 2: The bridge should be open to emergency vehicles after the Cascadia Subduction Zone event, following a
thorough inspection. If the estimated embankment deformations (vertical or horizontal or both) are sufficient enough
to cause concerns regarding the serviceability of the bridge, mitigation is recommended.

Note 3: Geotechnical and Bridge Designer to submit all liquefaction mitigation designs and cost estimates to Bridge
Standards for review and approval.

A continuous discussion between the Geotechnical and Bridge Designers is to be expected for determining the most
cost-effective mitigation alternative. The iteration for both geotechnical and structural analyses start with the
Geotechnical Designer providing the Bridge Designer the following information:
• lateral soil displacement,
• vertical soil displacements,
• vertical and horizontal loading on piling and/or end bent due to the soil displacement

Bridge Designer determines the lateral and vertical deformation demand and capacity of the bridge foundation and
follows up with the Geotechnical Designer on the need for soil mitigation. Evaluation of the mitigation alternatives
should consider both structural improvements and soil mitigation by maintaining a cost balance and equal risk
between these two forms of mitigation. Final cost estimates should reflect this evaluation.

May 21 1-289
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Refer to ODOT research report SPR Project 361: “Assessment and Mitigation of Liquefaction Hazards to Bridge
Approach Embankments in Oregon”, Nov. 2002 and “Ground Modification Methods Reference Manual, Volume I &
Volume II”, (Pub. No. FHWA-NHI-16-027 & NHI-16-028) for mitigation alternatives and design procedures.

As a general guideline, the foundation mitigation should extend from the toe of the bridge end slope (or face of
abutment wall) to a point that is located at the base of a 1:1 slope which starts at the end of the bridge approach

(1) Construction costs:- Apply the following factors to TS&L (preliminary) structure cost estimates to
approximate the additional cost of seismic criteria (excluding liquefaction):

• Single Spans: 1.00

• Multiple Spans: 1.30 Irregular (widely varying columns lengths or support materials;
unusual geometry or curvature)
• 1.10 Other

(2) Design costs:- Apply the following factors to TS&L (preliminary) design cost estimates to
approximate the additional cost of seismic design criteria (excluding liquefaction):

• Single Spans: 1.00

• Multiple Spans: 1.20 Trestles

1.50 Irregular (widely varying columns lengths or support materials;
unusual geometry or curvature)
1.35 Other

May 21 1-290
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Consider placement of accelerometers on the ground and on structure portions for large or unusual
structures. Consult with the State Bridge Engineer to determine if this is appropriate and fits with the ODOT
Strong Motion Program.

Isolators may be useful for either new construction or retrofit work. Isolators change structure response by
lengthening the periods of primary vibration. This tunes the structure response away from the typical
earthquake's maximum response frequencies. This effect, along with added damping, works to reduce the
system response. The result is reduced substructure forces.

Typical steps to model an isolated structure include:

1. Compute service loads (D, L, LF, CF, W, WL, R, S and T) for the worst single girder.

2. Use these loads, and the applicable seismic loading, in the Dynamic Isolation System, Inc. (DIS)
program PC-LEADER to get a preliminary isolator size and its properties. DIS has given us
permission to use the program even though we will not specify only their bearing.

3. Develop a full structural model (superstructure, substructure, and bearings/isolators). Normally this
will be done on a per girder basis so the substructure should be proportioned to fit this basis. The
model can often be a two dimensional model.

4. In the structural model use the equivalent isolator stiffness (Keff). This stiffness should be further
modified to fit modeling assumptions of a bearing cantilevered from the substructure at interior

5. Load the structural model with dynamic loading through a modified response spectrum. The
response spectrum can be taken from the PC-LEADER output or developed from the Guide
Specification for Seismic Isolation Design.

6. Develop another full structural model to represent the "as-is" structure. Dynamically load this model
with a normal response spectrum. This gives a basis to evaluate the isolation effectiveness.

7. It may be necessary or desirable to adjust the relative isolator stiffness to better distribute the
dynamic forces. It is important the final isolator properties function adequately for service loads.
The isolator characteristics must also be realistic and achievable.

An example isolator modeling is given in the Bridge Example Design notebook.

Other computer programs are acceptable, provided the programs satisfy the analysis requirements and
have been previously verified.

May 21 1-291
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Seismic Restrainer Design, General

The intent is to prevent superstructure pull-off and bearing failure. Work restrainers only in the elastic range.
Design the restrainer connection for 125 percent of the restrainer design force.

Note that LRFD requires “sufficient slack” so that the restrainer does not start to act until the design
displacement is exceeded.

Restrainers may be omitted where the available seat width meets or exceeds “N” of the Design
Specifications and 4 times the calculated design earthquake elastic deflection. Seat widths meeting these
criteria are presumed to accommodate the large elasto-plastic movements of a real structure under seismic
Design restrainers for a minimum force equal to the peak site bedrock acceleration coefficient “A” times the
weight of the lighter portion being connected.

In all instances it is necessary to design or check the transfer mechanism for force transfer from
superstructure to substructure (bearings, diaphragms). Information for Restrainer Design

(1) Concrete:

Concrete bearing strength based on 0.85f’’c (Φ = 1.0).

Maximum increase for supporting surface wider than loaded area = 2.0.
Multiply by 0.75 when loaded area is subject to high edge stresses.

For concrete shear lugs, use LRFD equation for shear friction as outlined in LRFD 5.8.4.

(2) Structural Steel:

Design structural steel members using the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

(3) Fasteners:

(Steel to Steel)

A 307 A 325
Diameter Nominal Tension Shear Tension Shear
Area (in2) (0.76 x 60 ksi) (0.38 x 60 ksi) (0.76 x 120 ksi) (0.38 x 120 ksi)
0.75” 0.4418 20.1 k 10.1 k 40.3 k 20.1 k
0.875” 0.6013 27.4 k 13.7 k 54.8 k 27.4 k
1.0” 0.7854 35.8 k 17.9 k 71.6 k 35.8 k

Note: Tension loads are based on LRFD equation

Shear loads are based on LRFD equation assuming one shear plane per bolt and with threads
included in the shear plane.

May 21 1-292
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Shear loads may be increased 25% if the threads are excluded from the shear plane.

(4) Steel Rods:

A307 A449
Fu = 58 ksi Fu varies
Diameter Stress Area Tension (kips) Tension (kips) Fy
( in2 ) Ft=Fy=36 ksi Ft = Fy (ksi)
0.750 0.334 12.0 30.7
0.875 0.462 16.6 42.5 92
1.00 0.606 21.8 55.8
1.125 0.763 27.5 61.8
1.250 0.969 34.9 78.5 81
1.375 1.155 41.6 93.9
1.500 1.405 50.6 114.0
1.750 1.900 68.4 110.0 58
2.250 2.500 90.0 145.0
Tensioning of A 449 steel rods must be specified, if required by the design.
Tensioning requirements are not part of the specification as they are with A 325.
Use nominal area for elongation calculations.

(5) Wire Rope:

See BDM 1.21 for a complete discussion of Structural Wire Rope, Wire Rope Connections & Turnbuckles.
Ft = (0.95)(176.1 ksi)(area) = 0.95(minimum breaking strength).
Note: Yield strength is approximately equal to minimum breaking strength.

Diameter (in) Area (in2) Minimum Breaking Strength (kips) Design Load (kips)
1/2 0.119 23.9 22.7
3/4 0.268 52.9 50.2
7/8 0.361 71.6 68.0
1 0.471 93.0 88.3
1 3/8 0.906 173.0 164.0

The area values above are based on ASTM A603. The minimum breaking strength above is based on
ASTM A1023. The design load above is based on 0.95 x the minimum breaking strength. For sizes other
than 7/8 inch diameter, ASTM A1023 is likely to be used.

E for wire rope = 10,000 ksi

fy for wire rope = 176.1 ksi

ASTM A603 lists the E for structural wire rope as 20,000 ksi for "prestretched" wire rope. Wire rope used for
seismic applications will not be prestretched, however, so an E of 10,000 ksi should be used.

(6) Resin Bonded Anchors:

See BDM 1.20.2, "Drilled Concrete Anchors"

(7) Concrete Inserts:

Use hot-dip galvanized expanded coil concrete inserts with closed-back ferrule threaded to receive UNC
threaded bolts.

May 21 1-293
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Inserts are readily available in 1/4 inch sizes. Other sizes are only available in very large quantities.
Therefore, only the standard sizes listed below are recommended.

Diameter Tension ( kips ) Shear ( kips )

( in ) A307 or A325 A307 A325
3/4 12.6 7.4 12.6
1 19.3 13.4 19.3
1-1/4 34.4 21.4 34.4
1-1/2 54.3 31.0 54.3

Tension and shear capacity for concrete failure is based on equation 6.5.2 from the PCI Design Handbook
(3rd Edition) with Φ = 1.0 and with a factor of safety of 1.5. Equation 6.5.2 controls both shear and tension
for shallow embedment depths. See the PCI Design Handbook for group effects, edge distance effects and
combined tension and shear.

Tension capacity of the insert cannot exceed the tension capacity of the bolt. Shear capacity of the insert
cannot exceed the shear capacity of the bolt or the insert tension capacity.
Tension capacity of the bolt = 0.76Abfub, where Ab = bolt stress area (LRFD equation
Shear capacity of the bolt = 0.38Abfub (LRFD equation Longitudinal Restrainer Design

(1) In-span hinges: Use the following general procedure (a modified CALTRANS method):

• Estimate restrainers to use (with elongation) and gapping desired/allowed.

• Determine joint openings (including approximate temperature movement (fall) and creep and
shrinkage if appropriate).
• Determine frame stiffness and capacity.
• Determine adjacent frame stiffness and capacity.
• Plot force/deflection relationship considering component stiffnesses, joint openings (including
temperature, creep, and shrinkage openings), and restrainer gapping.
• Assume a final force and deflection under single-mode response to get equivalent stiffness.
• Calculate period and resulting response coefficient.
• Calculate dynamic force and locate on the force/deflection curve.
• Review that the force capacity of the system is not exceeded, the assumed/acceptable
deflection is not exceeded, and the equivalent stiffness and period are approximately as before.
• If checks are not okay modify system and recycle through as needed.

(2) Bents with superstructure continuous over the bent:

• Connect superstructure to substructure with capacity to form plastic hinging in the column(s).

(3) Bents with only the deck continuous over the bent:

• Connect each span to substructure to form plastic hinging in the column(s).

May 21 1-294
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(4) Bents with no superstructure continuity over the bent:

• With frames each side of bent:

Connect each span to substructure to form plastic hinging in the column(s). Also connect
adjacent superstructure portions by the same techniques as “in-span hinges.” The adjacent
super-structure portions may be connected by span to substructure connections of adequate
capacity to function for both portions.
• With simple spans each side of bent:
Connect each span to the substructure to form plastic hinging in the column(s).

NOTE: The plastic hinging capacity should be determined from column interaction curves with axial and
moment Φ values of 1.0. Enter the curve with the unfactored dead load axial force (plus any redundancy
induced axial force due to lateral seismic loading), determine the accompanying moment capacity and
multiply this value by 1.3. This is the plastic moment capacity. Transverse Restrainer Design

(1) In-span hinges:

• Design for force transfer of 2.5(A)(supported dead load).

(2) Bents with superstructure continuous over the bent:

• Connect supported spans with force to form a failure mechanism (plastic hinging at the top of frame
(column or crossbeam) and plastic hinging at bottom of column.

(3) Bents with only the deck continuous over the bent:

• Connect supported spans with force to form a failure mechanism (plastic hinging at the top of frame
(column or crossbeam) and plastic hinging at bottom of column.

• Prorate design force to ahead and back side of bent by dead load ratio.

(4) Bents with no superstructure continuity over the bent:

• Connect supported spans with a force equal to 2.5(A)(supported dead load).

NOTE: The plastic hinging capacity should be determined from column interaction curves with axial and
moment Φ values of 1.0. Enter the curve with the unfactored dead load axial force (plus any redundancy
induced axial force due to lateral seismic loading), determine the accompanying moment capacity and
multiply this value by 1.3. This is the plastic moment capacity. Hold-downs

Hold-downs or bearing replacement may be needed at vulnerable bearings such as fixed or rocker type
steel bearings.

May 21 1-295
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Use of State Stockpile Wire Rope (Cable) for Seismic Retrofit

The Agency is no longer stockpiling wire rope.

May 21 1-296
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.18 FRP Composites

1.18.1 FRP Composites

(Reserved for future use)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.19 (Reserved)

May 21 1-298
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.20 Concrete Anchors

1.20.1 Anchor Bolts / Rods

1.20.2 Drilled Concrete Anchors Materials

Anchor bolts / rods, including those for bridges, signs, traffic signals, and illumination structures, should
normally be specified according to one of the following specifications:

ASTM F1554 is the preferred specification.

• ASTM F1554, Grade 36 for low-strength

• ASTM F1554, Grade 55 for medium-strength

• ASTM F1554, Grade 105 for high-strength

Equivalent ASTM designations for anchor bolts / rods are:

• ASTM A307 - Low-strength carbon steel bolts for general use (non-headed rods conform to

• ASTM A449 - Medium carbon steel bolts and rods to 3 inch diameter. Proof load requirements
are similar to ASTM F3125 GR A325.

Galvanize anchor bolts or rods full length, if galvanizing is desired.

Anchorage of anchor bolts and rods may be accomplished by hooks for ASTM A307 and Grade 36
materials. For higher strength materials, a bearing plate tack welded to a nut or a plate between two nuts
should be used.

If tensioning of anchor rods or bolts is desired, load indicator washers may be used up to 1-1/4 inch
diameter (the largest available). Specify load indicator washers on the plans or in the Special Provisions,
when required. Recognize that concrete creep and shrinkage may significantly reduce anchor rod stress
over time. Anchor Bolt Sleeves

To allow for some flexibility in placement and small corrections in bearing locations, an anchor bolt sleeve
is often used. The anchor bolt can be field bent slightly to fit the required bearing location. The bearing
plate can be temporarily shimmed and then the pad constructed or the pad can be constructed with a
blockout around the bolt. The sleeve is grouted at a later time. There are commercially produced anchor
bolt sleeves or a fabrication detail can be added to the drawings.

May 21 1-299
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure Materials

(1) Resin Bonded Anchors - Normally specify ASTM F1554, as the anchor rod material. ASTM
specifications may be substituted as follows:

Anchor Rod Specifications ASTM Specifications

ASTM F1554 GR 36 A307
ASTM F1554 GR 105 A193 (Grade B7) or A449
M31 Rebar, Grade 60 A706 or A615

• Galvanizing is only required if portions of the anchor are exposed.

• Anchor rods do not necessarily need to be fully threaded. Specify the thread length to best fit
the particular application.

Bonding material - Use a resin bonding system from the Division's QPL for anchor bolts 1 inch diameter
or less. For larger anchors, use other types of anchorage such as epoxy grout or cementitious grouts
with traditional development lengths.

(2) Mechanical Anchors - A mechanical anchor system consists of multiple materials and differs from one
manufacturer to another. Corrosion-resistant materials are required for mechanical anchors installed in
bridge elements. As a minimum, specify hot-dip galvanized coating. Type 316 stainless steel is preferred.
All mechanical anchor products on the QPL have an option for providing corrosion-resistant materials.
Use the same type of materials for attachments connected to mechanical anchors. If this is unavoidable,
provide electrical isolation for all dissimilar metals to avoid galvanic corrosion.

May 21 1-300
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Design

Ensure that post-installed anchors are embedded in good concrete without active cracks. Avoid using
anchors in sections of the bridge with high tensile stresses perpendicular to anchor holes. Drilled holes in
concrete attract or even induce cracks at the hole location. Cracks in the concrete will then tend to break
down the bond between concrete and epoxy resin for resin bonded anchors or compromise the
mechanical anchor system. Do not use post-installed anchors to resist earthquake forces in plastic hinge
zones. Use of post-installed anchors for shear lugs and beam seat extensions is acceptable.

(1) Resin Bonded Anchors - Design the steel portion (rod or reinforcement) of the concrete anchor
according to the appropriate AASHTO design specification. Do not specify anchors larger than 1 inch in
diameter using a resin bonded anchor system.
Anchors - Diameters and Stress Areas
Diameter (in.) Stress Area (in²) Bar Size Stress Area (in2)
0.5 0.142 4 0.20
0.625 0.226 5 0.31
0.75 0.334 6 0.44
0.875 0.462 7 0.60
1.00 0.606 8 0.79

FHWA Technical Advisory T5140.34 regarding use of adhesive anchor under sustained tension loads
was issued in January 2018. According to the Technical Advisory, FHWA recommends that post-installed
adhesive anchors can be used for resisting sustained tension loads only if specific requirements are met.
The recommendations were based on NCHRP Reports 639 and 757, ACI 318, and ACI 355.4. Anchoring
to concrete design guidance was added to Section 5 of the AASHTO LRFD design specifications, which
refers to the ACI design code. The new requirements apply to all new Federal-aid projects.

Design resin bonded anchors with loads, load factors, and load combinations specified in LRFD Section 3
and with resistance factors according to ACI 318 Chapter 17 with the following modifications:

• Uncracked concrete is assumed for design of resin bonded anchor system.

• Use a resin bonded anchor system in concrete with a compressive strength of 2,500 – 8,000 psi.
• Use resistance factors as shown in Figure for applicable failure modes.
Failure Mode Strength Reduction Factor φ
Strength Limit State Extreme Event II
Others Sustained Tension Limit State
Reinforcement in tension 0.75 0.75 1.00
Concrete breakout in tension 0.65 0.65 0.90
Adhesive bond in tension 0.65 0.33 0.90
Reinforcement in shear 0.65 0.65 1.00
Concrete breakout in shear 0.70 0.70 0.90
Concrete pryout in shear 0.70 0.70 0.90
Figure – Resistance Factors for Design of Resin Bonded Anchors

• For concrete breakout strength in tension, kc = 24. Use ψc,N = 1.0.

• Use characteristic bond stresses from Figure for bond strength calculation. The bond
stresses shown in the figure are obtained from the Evaluation Service Report (ESR) of epoxy
resin products on the QPL. The reports are approved by the International Code Council
Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICC-ES). The recommended bond stresses are based on threaded rod
or reinforcing bars installed in holes drilled with a hammer drill and carbide bit.

May 21 1-301
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Short-Term Peak Temperature (24 hrs.) Load Application τuncr (psi)
Equal or Less than 130 F Others 1200
Sustained Tension 480
Greater than 130 F but less than 176 F Others 800
Sustained Tension 320

Figure – Characteristic Bond Stress for Bond Strength in Tension Check

Before 2019, ODOT used a set of equations developed in-house using historical test data for calculating
anchor capacities. The equations are located in the appendix.

(2) Mechanical Anchors - Each manufacturer establishes its own material strength and it differs for
different anchor sizes. Do not specify anchor sizes larger than 3/4 inch (nominal) in diameter. Use the
following nominal material strengths for anchor design:

Undercut Anchor

Material Stainless Steel Hot-Dip Galvanized

Yield strength (psi) 87,000 Not on the QPL
Tensile strength (psi) 105,000 Not on the QPL
Expansion and Screw Anchors

Material Stainless Steel Hot-Dip Galvanized

Yield strength (psi) 75,000 55,000
Tensile strength (psi) 90,000 75,000

Figure – Material Properties for Design of Mechanical Anchors

Design mechanical anchors with loads, load factors, and load combinations specified in LRFD Section 3
and with resistance factors according to ACI 318 Chapter 17 with the following modifications:

• Uncracked concrete is assumed for design of mechanical anchor system.

• Use a mechanical anchor system in concrete with a compressive strength of 2,500 – 8,000 psi.
• Use resistance factors as shown in Figure for applicable failure modes.

Failure Mode Strength Reduction Factor φ

Strength Limit State Extreme Event II Limit State
Reinforcement in tension 0.75 1.00
Concrete breakout in tension 0.65 0.90
Pullout strength in tension 0.65 0.90
Reinforcement in shear 0.65 1.00
Concrete breakout in shear 0.70 0.90
Concrete pryout in shear 0.70 0.90

Figure – Resistance Factors for Design of Mechanical Anchors

• For concrete breakout strength in tension, kc = 24. Use ψc,N = 1.0.

Mechanical anchors from each manufacturer have different details and specifications. The recommended
design parameters listed in Figure ensure that an anchor product on the QPL can meet the
design requirements.

May 21 1-302
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Undercut Anchor

Nominal Diameter (in.) 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750

Anchor O.D., da (in.) 0.625 0.750 1.000 1.125
Effective embedment depth, hef (in.) 3.75 4.75 7.25 9.75
Effective cross-sectional area, Ase (in2) 0.078 0.131 0.226 0.334
Pullout strength, Np, uncr (lbs) Use ψc,P = 1.0. 12600 16000 21000 31000
Hole depth (in.) 4.75 5.75 8.25 10.75
Minimum member thickness (in.) 7.25 8.0 10.75 14.0

Expansion Anchor

Nominal Diameter (in.) 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750

Anchor O.D., da (in.) 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750
Effective embedment depth, hef (in.) 1.5 2.0 3.25 4.0 5.0
Effective cross-sectional area, Ase (in2) 0.020 0.051 0.101 0.162 0.237
Pullout strength, Np, uncr (lbs) Use ψc,P = 1.0 1600 3200 5400 7100 11600
Hole depth (in.) 2.75 3.25 4.50 5.25 6.25
Minimum member thickness (in.) 4.0 4.25 5.5 6.25 7.5

Screw Anchor

Nominal Diameter (in.) 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750

Anchor O.D., da (in.) 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750
Effective embedment depth, hef (in.) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0
Effective cross-sectional area, Ase (in2) 0.024 0.099 0.183 0.276 0.414
Pullout strength, Np, uncr (lbs) Use ψc,P = 1.0 900 3000 3600 4800 9500
Hole depth (in.) 2.75 3.25 4.0 5.25 6.0
Minimum member thickness (in.) 4.0 4.25 5.0 6.25 7.0

Figure – Design Parameters for Mechanical Anchor design

Undercut anchors are good alternative to resin bonded anchors for overhead situation with sustained
tension loading.

Overall design calculations for mechanical anchors are similar to resin bonded anchors without bond
strength check. Adequate member thickness is important for mechanical anchors to avoid splitting
failures. If the member thickness is limited and there is not much space for a longer anchor than the
design, add a note on the plan.

For mechanical anchors, the difference between effective embedment depth of anchors (hef) and total
drilled hole depth can vary from 1/2” to 2” depending on each manufacturer. Use the hole depths shown
in Figure as a guide to ensure that anchors will fit inside the member and around existing rebar
during the design.

When any of the above design requirements cannot be met, contact post-installed anchor technical
resource for guidance.

May 21 1-303
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Drilling Holes in Concrete

If existing reinforcing steel is required by design, require bars to be located prior to drilling.

Drill holes according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Spalling of adjacent concrete is the main
concern when determining the hole location and type of drill to be used. If recommendations to prevent
spalling do not exist, use the following drilling methods:

(1) Resin Bonded Anchors

Center of hole is 6 inches or less from the edge of concrete

• Use either a diamond bit core drill or a carbide bit rotary hammer with four cutting edges
on the diameter.

Center of hole is more than 6 inches from the edge of concrete

• Use either an air hammer, maximum 9 pound class, or a carbide bit rotary hammer with
two cutting edges on the diameter.

(2) Mechanical Anchors

• Use either a diamond bit core drill or a carbide bit rotary hammer with four cutting edges on
the diameter.

(3) Grouted Anchors

• Any type of drill will normally be acceptable. Grouted anchors should always be placed more than 6
inches from the nearest concrete edge. Plan Details

Post-installed anchors are considered critical when failure of the anchors can compromise public safety.
Anchors installed in the following members are considered critical.

• Items attached from tunnel ceiling or under bridge deck

• Bridge rail anchor
• Shear lug
• Beam seat extension
• Sign structure support
• Structural connection between existing and new concrete or different materials
• Fencing support

List all anchors specified for a construction project in SP 00535.45(c). Indicate which tests are required
for the specified anchors, especially for critical anchors. For anchors that are not critical and will not see
significant loads, tests during construction may be omitted.

(1) Resin Bonded Anchors

For horizontal applications, show drilled holes angled down a minimum of 15 degrees on plan sheets. For
thin members, such as bridge decks, a smaller angle of drilled holes may be specified to avoid protrusion of
the anchors. Specify a minimum drilled angle of 5 degrees. If any down angle of drilled holes will not work
with the design, specify horizontal drilled holes. SP 00535 will require a certified anchor installer to ensure
good quality of installed resin bonded anchors.

May 21 1-304
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
When critical resin bonded anchors are used, include the following note on the plans:

Provide and install ( “ diameter F1554 Grade (36) (55) (105)) or (# AASHTO M 31, Grade
60 rebar) resin bonded anchors with epoxy resin from the QPL. The characteristic bond stress
used in the design is ____ psi. The minimum pullout strength is lbs with a minimum
embedment (hef) of _____ in. Install anchors according to the manufacturer's

The minimum pullout strength is the smaller unfactored strength of steel reinforcement and adhesive
bond in tension obtained from calculation. For anchors subjected to sustained tension, the characteristic
bond stress is reduced by a factor of 0.40 in design as shown in Figure, however use the
characteristic bond stress of 1,200 psi in calculation for the minimum pullout strength and show it on the
plans for field testing purposes.

(2) Mechanical Anchors – When critical mechanical anchors are specified, include the following note on
the plans:

Provide and install “ nominal diameter Type (A Undercut) (B Expansion) (C Screw)

mechanical anchors using a product from the QPL. The minimum pullout strength is lbs
with a minimum effective embedment depth (hef) of _____ in. (The maximum depth of the
drilled hole is _____ in.) For the design, the steel anchor yield strength is _______ psi and the
tensile strength is ______ psi. Provide anchor materials with (Type 316 stainless steel) (hot-
dip galvanized coating). Install anchors according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

The minimum pullout strength is the controlling factored strength of the mechanical anchor system in
tension using resistance factors for Extreme Event II Limit State. Testing Requirements

Two types of field tests are required during construction to ensure proper installation and to achieve as-
specified capacity of post-installed anchors. Demonstration Test includes installation of anchors using
the same material and methods as shown on the plan and testing the anchors to a load at minimum pull
out strength. Production Test is performed during construction on actual anchors used in final position up
to a load level specified in the Special Provisions. Construction

Drill types - See BDM or SP 00535 for the drill type to be used.

Holes - Holes for resin bonded anchors are normally 1/8 inch diameter larger than the nominal bolt
diameter. Holes should be cleaned with compressed air, a non-metallic brush and water. Concrete dust
is one of the most destructive elements to a resin bonded system and water is the best method to remove
the dust. Holes for mechanical anchors are dependent on the type and manufacturer. Holes for grouted
anchors are normally 1/4 inch diameter larger than the anchor diameter.

Temperature - Epoxy resin is not allowed for low temperature applications. The set times become quite
long at low temperatures. It will normally be better to use a deeper embedment with a non-epoxy product
at low temperatures.

Tightening – SP 00535 requires tightening to only 1/4 turn past snug tight. Consider what tightening is
appropriate for the application and show on the plans, if different than the specifications. Anytime load
indicator washers are used, tightening must meet the washer requirements. Also check if distribution
plates are needed to transfer the bearing loads (from the tensioned bolt) to the concrete.

May 21 1-305
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.21 Structural Wire Rope (Cables) and

1.21.1 Structural Wire Rope (Cables) and Turnbuckles, General

1.21.2 General Notes for Structural Wire Rope, Turnbuckles and Connections

1.21.3 Special Provisions for Wire Rope

1.21.4 Special Provisions for Turnbuckles and Socket Connections

1.21.5 Design Properties

Structural wire rope (cable) may be used in seismic retrofit and safety cable applications. For these
applications, structural wire rope must have zinc coating for corrosion protection. ASTM A603 structural
wire rope with a Class C coating is the preferred wire rope specification. This wire rope has large wires
and significant zinc coating. However, A603 wire rope is only available by special order at a minimum of
10,000 feet.

ODOT currently has a stockpile of 7/8 inch diameter A603 wire rope that is available for use on seismic
retrofit applications (see BDM The stockpile material was purchased as part of the Willamette
River (Abernethy) Br. (Seismic Retrofit) Section (Contract No. 12349). The wire rope was received at the
District 2B Lawnfield facility in Clackamas on September 19, 2000. As of October 2009, 2500 feet of the
stockpile wire rope was still available.

Use A603 wire rope for all coastal seismic retrofit applications. If there is not sufficient quantity of wire
rope available in the stockpile, a new order of 10,000 feet should be purchased using project funds. Such
a purchase will require preapproval from FHWA since the excess wire rope will be stockpiled for use on
future projects.

For non-coastal applications, A603 wire rope is still preferred. However, ASTM A1023 wire rope can be
used where less corrosion protection is considered acceptable. A1023 wire rope uses smaller wires and
has approximately one-third the zinc coating compared to A603. However, A1023 wire rope is readily
available on the market and so does not need to be stockpiled. Optional sizes of A1023 wire rope are
also readily available. Those sizes are listed in BDM 1.21.5.

A603 and A1023 are the only wire rope specifications recommended for seismic retrofit applications.
Other types of wire rope investigated are ASTM A586 and ASTM A741. A586 wire rope is used for high-
strength structural tension members, but is not readily available on the market. A741 wire rope is used
for safety barrier applications (such as I-5 median between Portland and Salem). A741 has less strength
compared to A603 and A1023, is difficult to make swaged connections, and is also not readily available.

May 21 1-306
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
7/8 inch diameter wire rope is recommended for most seismic retrofit applications. 1/2 inch diameter wire
rope is recommended for safety cable applications and seismic retrofit applications where the wire rope
must be wrapped around tight corners. Bending radius for A603 wire rope should be as follows:

Wire Rope Diameter (in) Suggested (in) Minimum (in)

1/2 18 11
7/8 32 18

ASTM A1023 wire rope can be bent to a slightly smaller radius:

Wire Rope Diameter (in) Suggested (in) Minimum (in)

1/2 13 9
3/4 19 13
7/8 23 15
1 26 17
1-3/8 35 24

The bending radius values above are based on a 1997 Bethlehem Wire Rope product catalog from
Williamsport Wirerope Works, Inc.

Use the following general notes on the plans for structural wire rope in seismic retrofit applications using
the 7/8 inch diameter wire rope from the ODOT stockpile:

Zinc-coated 7/8 inch diameter structural wire rope for seismic restraint devices will be provided by
the Agency.

Use the following general notes on the plans for structural wire rope in seismic retrofit and/or safety cable
applications using ASTM A1023 wire rope:

Provide zinc-coated X” (1/2”, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” or 1 3/8”) structural wire rope for seismic restraint devices
(and/or safety cables) according to ASTM A1023.

Use the following general notes on the plans for turnbuckles and wire rope connections in seismic retrofit
and/or safety cable applications:

Provide hot-dip galvanized turnbuckles according to ASTM F1145.

Provide hot-dip galvanized socket connections. Ensure socket connections can develop the
minimum breaking strength of the connecting wire rope.

May 21 1-307
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Under the heading "Structural Wire Rope for Seismic Restraints & Safety Cables" use the following:

[When using 7/8 inch wire rope from the ODOT stockpile for seismic retrofit:]

Zinc-coated 7/8” diameter structural wire rope for seismic restraint devices will be provided by the
Agency. Agency provided wire rope was manufactured according to ASTM A603 with Class C
coating. Wire rope construction is 6 x 7 with a Wire Strand Core (WSC). Agency provided wire rope
has been previously certified to meet a minimum breaking strength of 71,600 pounds. Wire rope is
stored on spools with up to 2500 feet on each spool.

Agency provided wire rope is stored at the following location:

c/o District 2B Manager
Oregon Department of Transportation
9200 SE Lawnfield Rd
Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: 971-673-6200

Notify Bridge Engineering Headquarters of the quantity of wire rope removed within 24 hours.
Follow up this notification with a written memo documenting the time of removal, quantity removed
(to the nearest foot), and the project for which it will be used. Send the memo to:

Bridge Operations & Standards Managing Engineer

Bridge Engineering Headquarters
4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS #4
Salem, OR 97302-1142
Phone: 503-986-3323
FAX: 503-986-3407

The quantity of wire rope included for use in this project, including both testing and installation, is
(____) linear feet. This quantity of wire rope will be provided at no cost to the Contractor. Additional
wire rope required by the Contractor due to fabrication errors and/or waste must be purchased from
the Department at the Department’s cost as established by the Engineer.

[When using ASTM A1023 wire rope for seismic retrofit:]

Provide zinc-coated X” (1/2”, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” or 1 3/8”) diameter wire rope for seismic restraint devices
according to ASTM A1023. Provide 6 x 19 wire rope construction with a steel core. Manufacture
wire rope from extra improved plow steel. Ensure a minimum breaking strength of XX,XXX pounds
(insert appropriate strength from design properties in BDM 1.21.5).

[When using 1/2 inch wire rope for safety cable:]

Provide zinc-coated 1/2” diameter structural wire rope for safety cable according to ASTM A1023.
Provide 6 x 19 wire rope construction with a steel core. Manufacture wire rope from extra improved
plow steel. Ensure a minimum breaking strength of 23,900 pounds.

May 21 1-308
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Use the following special provisions for turnbuckles and/or socket connections in seismic retrofit and/or
safety cable applications:

Provide Type 1 hot-dip galvanized turnbuckles according to ASTM F1145.

• Ensure turnbuckles develop the minimum breaking strength of the connecting wire rope.

• Provide turnbuckles with a 24 inch take-up unless shown otherwise.

• Test turnbuckles according to the requirements outlined in ASTM A1023.

• For seismic restraint devices, provide either a jam nut or lock wire at each end of each
turnbuckle. For safety cables, provide lock wire at each end of each turnbuckle. Provide
14 gage or heavier lock wire that is either hot-dip galvanized or plastic coated.

Testing for Socket Connections – Select an independent laboratory to test three sets of wire rope
assemblies. Provide approximately 3 foot segments of wire rope with galvanized stud attachments
at each end. Provide stud attachments of similar size and material as to be used on the project.
Test each wire rope assembly to failure in tension. Ensure the tested wire rope assembly develops
the minimum breaking strength of the wire rope and ensure that failure does not occur in the
connecting parts. Ensure all three wire rope segments meet the minimum breaking strength
requirement. However, if the wire rope breaks at a load less than the minimum breaking strength of
the wire rope and at a location at least 6 inches from a connection, that test will be disregarded. If
any wire rope assembly fails to meet these requirements, except as noted above, revise the
connection details and prepare and test three new wire rope assemblies.

Modulus of elasticity for wire rope (non-prestretched) = 10,000 ksi.

Approximate gross metallic area and minimum breaking strength for wire rope:

Wire Rope Diameter (in) Area (in2) Strength (lb) Weight (lb/ft)
1/2 0.119 23,900 0.46
3/4 0.268 52,900 1.04
7/8 0.361 71,600 1.41
1 0.471 93,000 1.85
1-3/8 0.906 173,000 3.49

Area values above are approximate and are based on ASTM A603. Minimum breaking strength and weight
values above are based on ASTM A1023. Note that A1023 does not provide area values. Weight values
for A603 are slightly smaller.

The sizes of ASTM A1023 zinc-coated wire rope shown above are readily available from northwest

May 21 1-309
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.22 (Reserved)

May 21 1-310
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.23 Bridge Approach Slabs and Slope


Provide reinforced concrete bridge Approach slabs were formerly known as

approach slabs for bridges. bridge end panels in Oregon.
Show the general outline of approach slabs Refer to BDM 1.26.3 for approach slabs
on the bridge plans with reference to the corrosion protective practices, such as
slab details shown on Bridge Standard reinforcement type and cover.
Drawings or detail plans.
Detail ledges or other methods of approach For bridges with sidewalks and no
slab support on all bridges (even if approach slabs, provide a method of
approach slabs are not called for when the supporting approaching sidewalks at the
bridge is built). bridge ends (present or future).
For integral and semi-integral end bents, For integral and semi-integral end bents
design and provide additional confinement where the approach slab movement is used
and dowel reinforcement at bearing seat to accommodate thermal expansion,
connection where the approach slab consider providing a sleeper slab and joint
movement is used to accommodate thermal at the roadway end of the approach slab to
expansion. accommodate movement. Consider
replacing the 180-degree hook bars with a
horizontal connection bar for approach
panels being dragged for thermal

May 21 1-311
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
The required width of the approach slab Avoid supporting barriers on wingwalls (rail
depends on the approach rail type. cast with wingwall) because water leaks into
the subgrade along the wall. Rather, place
• If the approach rail is a flex-beam
barriers on approach slabs.
rail, provide an approach slab width
of inside face to inside face of the
flex-beam rails at the end of the
• Where the approach rail is concrete
barrier, support the barrier on the
approach slab and provide a slab
width equal to the out-to-out
dimension of the barriers at the end
of the bridge. Add one foot to each
side to the approach slab width
where the barriers are precast.
Use a nominal approach slab length of 20 The measured length of approach slabs is
feet, unless otherwise required due to site- 20’4” to simplify rebar fabrication while
specific settlement concerns. accommodating two inch cover.
Following the introduction of DET3160 and
the use of granular structural backfill behind
the abutment, it is no longer required to use
30’-long approach slabs for typical bridges.
Use asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) on the With flexible pavement, if the approach slab
approach slab, when the approach is flexible settles, compensating overlays can be easily
pavement. Where the approach roadway is feathered onto the existing ACP.
rigid pavement, provide a sleeper slab at the
The intent of adding a sleeper slab and joint
roadway end of the approach slab. Work
for rigid pavement is to reduce roadway
with the pavement designer to modify
impact on the bridge.
DET1604 to the site.
Evaluate the roadway end of the approach
slab for movement. Consider if a larger
bridge joint is appropriate to address any
anticipated large movement.
When widening a bridge with existing
approach slabs, use the same approach slab
length for the new portion as the existing.
Connect the new approach slab segment to
the existing with dowels.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
It is not necessary to add approach slabs to On-going settlement is noted in maintenance
an existing bridge where ongoing settlement records or when inspection element 999
is not an issue and no impacts to the (roadway impact) is in condition state 3 or
abutments, grade or backfill are included in higher.
the project.
Approach slabs on new bridges may be
excluded under certain unique conditions,
which must be documented in a design
deviation. Include a geotechnical and
structural evaluation as supporting
documents to the design deviation.


See BDM 1.9.1 for reinforcing details in acute

corners of approach slabs.
Flexible Approach Pavement
For bridges with paved approach slabs, Skews greater than 25 degrees may require
detail the roadway end of the bridge modification of the expansion joint. Skews
approach slab to parallel the bridge end. greater than 45 degrees require a unique
design for the approach slab reinforcement.
Rigid Approach Pavement
For bridges with unpaved approach slabs, The roadway end of bridge approach slabs
detail the roadway end of the bridge may be stepped to reduce size. A general
approach slab normal to the roadway rule of thumb is that if approach slab area
centerline. can be reduced by 50 SY or more, consider
methods for reducing approach slab area.
Provide a minimum 20-foot approach slab
length at any point. If stepped, provide the
absolute minimum number of steps and
locate the longitudinal construction joint(s)
on lane lines. See Figure for

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Figure 23.2.1 - Stepped Approach Slab


Where required, provide slope paving on the Slope paving is generally required where a
bridge end fill according to Bridge Standard roadway passes under a bridge. Also
Drawing BR115. consider slope paving where a bridge crosses
over a sidewalk or park.
For a highway bridge crossing over a Rock slope protection may be required on
railroad, consult with the railroad to the end fill slope of railroad undercrossings.
determine required slope protection.

May 21 1-314
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.24 Bridge Drainage

1.24.1 General, Bridge Drainage

1.24.2 Standard Design/Drawing/Details

1.24.3 Selection Guidance

1.24.4 Design Code Guidance

1.24.5 Design Guidance & Lessons Learned

1.24.6 Detailing

1.24.7 Construction

Some form of drainage system is normally needed on or adjacent to bridges that have curbs or concrete
parapet rails. The Roadway Plans drainage details should be carefully reviewed. If drains are required, the
Hydraulics Unit will do the design and determine the size and spacing. The Hydraulics Designer will need
the bridge length, deck grades, cross-slope, typical section, and deck surface to determine the deck drain

Normally, drainage retrofitting needs to be addressed only when the project involves a major rehabilitation of
the bridge. Generally, retrofitting existing bridges from a ‘direct discharge’ to a piped system is not
necessary. Bridge widening normally can use the same type of drainage system as the existing bridge.

DET 3120

(1) Design Goals – Provide a “hole” thru the bridge deck to pass water.

(2) Design Criteria – [note criteria here]

(3) Design Assumptions – [note assumptions here]

(4) Use Guidance / Notes to Designers – [note guidance here]


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Special environmental considerations may be required on some projects (see Environmental BDM 3.14.8).
Hydraulic requirements take precedence over water quality requirements (see Storm Water BDM 3.14.9).

Capture drainage upslope of the bridge in inlets before coming onto the bridge. When grades allow, carry
drainage off the bridge to inlets. Drainage not carried to inlets at the ends of the bridge is removed from the
bridge deck using drains.

Drains are not allowed to discharge directly into:

• designated water quality limited streams
• streams with severe non-point source pollution problems or
• streams with populations of listed, proposed or candidate threatened and endangered species of
fish or other aquatic life.

In these cases provide a piping system that carries the drainage to a storm water collection swale or other
dispersal system. However, only roadway surface runoff needs to be actively contained and treated
because it is a pollutant source. Sidewalks are not seen as a pollutant source, and thus sidewalk runoff
does not need to be transported off the structure but can sheet flow off. Include sidewalk runoff in
drainage calculations. If new sidewalks are added to an existing bridge where storm water previously
sheet flowed off the side, the runoff from the roadway surface will need to be contained and treated for
the new condition.

When the above conditions are not present, direct discharge to the ground below may be allowed.
Drainage directly discharged to the ground below is not to cause erosion or be a hazard to the public. To
prevent exposure of the superstructure to the drainage, carry it by drain pipes to 3 inches below the bottom
of the superstructure.

In all cases, the Bridge Designer is to coordinate with the Project Team members representing
Environmental and Storm Water to determine the appropriate bridge drainage system.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Provide minimum 8 inch diameter galvanized steel drain pipe.

Figure 1.24.1A

Present seismic design requirements for concrete containment within columns precludes placement of drain
pipes within columns.

Deck drains and drain pipes become easily clogged and are a continual maintenance problem. High
pressure hoses used for cleaning cannot make 90 degree turns. For 90 degree pipe connections, use 2-45
degree connections or a 4 foot minimum radius sweeping 90 degree connection. Add clean-out ports or
junction boxes at every 90 degree connection. Clean-outs should be at a 45 degree angle to the main line.

The Bridge Designer must verify that the gutter profiles do not result in "birdbaths" or unsightly dips in the
rail. If there is a question, plot the gutter grade.

Place drains upslope from expansion joints to capture drainage before it reaches the joints.

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Figure 1.24.1B

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Figure 1.24.1C


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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.25 Utilities
1.25.1 General Requirements

1.25.2 Design and Detailing Guidelines

1.25.3 Providing for Utility Installations

1.25.4 Special Utility Considerations

1.25.5 Attachments to Existing Bridges

1.25.6 Utility Costs and Agreements

As an early design task, determine if there are:

• Requirements for carrying existing and future utilities on bridges

• Requirements for accommodating utilities in the vicinity of box culverts, sound walls, or retaining
walls, especially mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls.

Design utility installations so that a failure will not result in damage to the bridge; be a hazard to traffic; or
endanger the public.

If a proposed utility installation requires a structural evaluation, the utility plans / calculations must be
stamped by an Engineer that is registered in the State of Oregon.

Include calculations for the following in the submittal:

• Vertical, lateral, and longitudinal loading, as appropriate
• Maximum and operating pressures for pressurized systems
• Waterline thrust blocks
• Loadings to be carried by the bridge and their location

If the proposed utility weighs more than 100 pounds per linear foot, the utility company will be required to
provide a load rating of the bridge, with the utility loading superimposed onto the bridge, so that it can be
determined whether the bridge has sufficient loading carrying capacity for the installation of the utility. If
available, ODOT will provide a set of bridge plans for their use. All plans must be field verified, because
not all As-Constructed bridge plans are accurate.

Use existing utility provisions located on the bridge, when possible.

Locate the utility installation to minimize the effect on the appearance of the bridge; minimize installation,
inspection, and maintenance access problems; and minimize the risk of potential vehicle impacts when
the bridge spans another roadway or railroad crossing. In most cases, this will mean installing the utility

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between girders or in the sidewalk or rail. Locate the utility as close as possible to the exterior of the
bridge to allow access by snooper crane, if no other access is provided. This may not be possible if
staging of the bridge is not compatible. See BDM 2.6 for Safety and Accessibility guidance.

Provide sufficient space around utilities for maintenance activities such as cleaning and repainting steel

Do not extend utilities and supports below the bottom of the superstructure except when transitioning to a
buried utility. Transitions are only allowed at bents or abutments.

If the utility is placed on the outside of the rail or exterior girder on stream crossings, place it on the
downstream side of the bridge to minimize the chance of damage from floating debris.

Do not hang utilities against the sides of decks that have no curb. If required to put them on the side,
move them out from the deck so they do not trap debris.

Avoid exterior mounted utilities in heavily sanded areas.

Some bridges have drains through the concrete railing, do not attach utilities below these drains.

Avoid attaching utilities to timber elements. Many timber elements require replacement during the
bridge’s life.

Avoid going through shallow end bents with no approach slab and a history of approach settlement.
Excavation may increase settlement, settlement may cause the utility to shear, or the utility may get in the
way of installing sheet pile or approach slabs in the future.

The utility will agree that they will promptly respond to and provide a process to repair failing utilities and
removing abandoned utilities.

Utilities are to be labeled at each approach or first anchorage to the bridge and every 200 feet according
to American Public Works Association (APWA) standards with color code and owner, contact information,
etc. Adjust spacing to include one label in each bay bounded by beams and diaphragms. See SP 00589
– “Utility Attachments to Structures” for additional requirements.

Install wire line type crossings in conduit.

Provide expansion fittings at each expansion joint or install on rollers as allowed by applicable safety
codes. Install appropriate jumpers across expansion fittings for electrical installations.

High voltage power distributions lines greater than 22,000 volts will generally not be allowed, except in
extraordinary circumstances where alternate crossings are not practical. In general, additional cost to the
utility will not be considered reason enough to place power lines on bridges. Lines with voltage greater
than 600 volts will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and require written approval from the State
Bridge Engineer.

Provide adequate shielding for electric power distribution lines to eliminate adverse effects of
electromagnetic fields on radio signals, fuel injection systems, reinforcing and structural steel, and
maintenance personnel. Provide adequate circuit protection to reduce the risk of electric shock hazards
and allow for disconnection of the line upon request from ODOT. Locate disconnects within 1000 feet of
the utility’s first anchorage to the bridge.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Utility attachments may exert large forces at the point of connection. Design individual members and the
entire bridge for all loads imposed by the utility. Consider loads or movements that might be imposed on
the utility by the bridge, such as from temperature or earthquake movements.

Ensure all loads are considered in the design, including dead, temperature, vibration, inertia loads, etc.
Use longitudinal and transverse supports or anchorages as needed.

Include calculations for attachment connections or brackets designed by the utility company in the
submittal for the designer to review. State maximum design and operating pressures for pressure
systems. See SP 00589 – “Utility Attachments to Structures” for additional requirements.

Design attachments that use a single anchor at each attachment point to remain serviceable if one of the
other nearest attachments were to fail.

When drilled concrete anchors are required, follow the requirements of BDM 1.20.2.

Place holes in transverse members near the inside face of the outside longitudinal beams.

Maintain the alignment of utility holes as straight as possible, both vertically and horizontally, to avoid
difficulties in placing utility pipes.

Construction tolerances and variables need to be considered in the design of brackets and hangers.
Incorporate slotted holes, adjustable rod lengths, etc. into the attachment design.

Where utility holes are provided in the ends of the bridges for future utilities and an approach slab is
required, provide each hole with concrete culvert pipe, galvanized smooth steel pipe (1/4” min. thickness),
or Sch. 40 PVC pipe of the same inside diameter as the utility hole, extending from the hole to a point 5
feet minimum beyond the end of the approach slab. Extend such pipes parallel to the centerline of the
bridge. Form a hole 1 inch larger in diameter than the pipe into the backwall or end beam. After the pipe
is installed, fill the void around the pipe with a compressible material.

Utility holes and pipes under approach slabs may need to be a larger diameter to accommodate joint
splices, couplers, or bells at connections.

In the absence of specific instructions from the utility company, provide hot-dip galvanized expanded coil
concrete inserts with closed-back ferrule, threaded for 3/4” diameter bolts installed in the deck at 10 foot
maximum centers above each line of utility holes (minimum insert length 4-5/8”, minimum safe working
load in tension 5,890 pounds). If the inserts are not to be used immediately, install short galvanized bolts
in the inserts to prevent rusting of the threads.

Encased conduit is to be PVC or approved equal pipe. Hot-dip galvanize external steel conduit.

Provide suitable expansion joints at bridge expansion joints.

Hot-dip galvanize steel utility supports, including fasteners and anchorages.

Steel Bridges – Suspend utility lines from the deck; do not hang from cross-frames, diaphragms, or main

Prestressed Slab or Box Bridges - Provide for future utilities through the end wall closure pours with
capped 8 inch diameter blockouts or by embedding a 6 inch diameter PVC pipe in the wall and extending

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it 8 to 10 feet beyond the bridge bent. See Appendix Figure A1.11.1.7A.

When allowed by the bridge design, provide for utilities as follows:

• Agency Communication Infrastructure – on new National Highway System bridges, provide a
minimum of two – 2 inch I.D. conduits for Highway communications use. Follow the detailing
guidelines for utility installation in BDM 1.25.4.
• For bridges carrying a freeway over a river, provide for utilities that have been approved by the
FHWA. Provide for future utilities on a judgment basis.
• For bridges carrying highways over freeways and other classes of highways, provide for utilities
that have requested space. Provide for future utilities on a judgment basis.

Also see BDM 1.25.5 for acceptable accommodation of utilities in bridges.

Provide for future utilities based on the proximity to heavily populated areas and the probability of future
requests for utilities.
• For bridges inside city limits, provide for future needs with two 12 inch diameter holes on each
side of the bridge in addition to the specific utility requirements.

Provide access for utilities as follows:

• Utilities are not accommodated on bridges unless access can be provided for inspection and
maintenance by the utility, with the exception of telephone and electrical conduits continuously
encased in concrete.

• Do not provide access from the freeway for bridges carrying highways over freeways. In special
cases, access may be provided from freeway right-of-way, but not from the traveled roadway or

(1) Gas Lines

Gas lines, or other lines carrying volatile materials, are to be Schedule 40 steel pipe or approved equal,
and cased full length of enclosed or box type bridges. Install automatic shut-off valves at or near each
end of the bridge.

Casings must be vented to outside of the bridge at each end and at high points.

Protect exposed lines from damage, both accidental and intentional. This could include barrier and
fencing with locked access.

Provide transverse supports for gas lines.

Submit proposals for approval with details of the pipe, casing, vents and attachments to the bridge.
Submit calculations to show that the proposed piping and casing system will be adequate for the intended

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Have gas line corrosion protection systems reviewed by the Bridge Section Preservation Unit.

(2) Water Lines and Sewer Lines

Case water and sewer lines placed adjacent to bridge footings if failure of the line could cause
undermining of the footing or be an environmental hazard.

Water lines are to be hot-dip galvanized steel, ductile iron pipe, or approved equal. Corrosion protection
systems may include cathodic protection.

Provide transverse supports near each coupling for water lines.

In box girders, make provisions for a water line failure. Provide additional drain holes or grating at low
points in the cells. Provide low pressure sensing shut-off valves fully encase the line.

Provide water line thrust blocks as required.

(3) Traffic Barrier

Limit the number and size of conduits in the bridge rail to assure ease of placement and proper
consolidation of the concrete. Give special attention to details at expansion joint couplings because these
tend to be much larger in diameter than the conduit.

Requests for attachments to existing bridges normally come to the Region‘s District Manager. The
District Manager submits the proposal to the Region Bridge Lead Engineer for review, comments, and
recommendations. The Regions will make the final decision on any proposal. See SP 00589 – “Utility
Attachments on Structures” for additional requirements.

Review attachments to existing bridges with the same concerns and considerations of new bridges.
Some additional concerns include:
• Attach conduits or brackets to concrete bridges with resin bonded concrete anchors.
• Consider Mechanical anchors on a project-by-project basis if the following considerations are
• Anchors are of a type that will maintain capacity under dynamic or vibratory type loads.
• Provide at least two anchors (4:1 safety factor per anchor) per attachment for redundancy,
or design attachments with a single anchor to provide a factor of safety of 6:1.
• Avoid drilling through reinforcing steel. If critical reinforcing steel is hit, move the anchor
location and patch the hole with an approved patching material. The level of concern
about cutting reinforcement depends on the location of the section, amount of
reinforcement at the section, and the type of reinforcement (moment, shear, temperature,
• Protect exposed pipe and hardware against corrosion.
• Include utility hanger details in the utility request.
• Drill holes with low-impact rotary drill.
• Patch any abandoned holes.

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On new construction, the State normally provides the concrete inserts in the deck for hangers, holes
through diaphragms, crossbeams and endwalls, and pipes under the approach slabs. This is regarded as
providing minimal accommodation which essentially has zero or negligible cost (“de minimus”, or below
the threshold of actually costing the program) compared to not providing these items, and is acceptable
per a January 2005 opinion from the Oregon Department of Justice. All other costs for materials and
labor related to the utility installation are the responsibility of the utility company.

If a utility company requests the addition of conduits in a sidewalk or concrete rail, special attachment
brackets, inspection walkways, etc., it is the expense of the utility company.

In such a case, an agreement is needed between the State and the utility company before the work can
be included in the project. The Utility & Railroad Coordinator in the Right of Way Section writes the
agreement. Notify the Utility & Railroad Coordinator as soon as possible in the project development
process (preferably at the TS&L stage or before), to ensure an agreement can be reached and the work
can be included in the project.

May 21 1-325
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.26 Corrosion Protection

1.26.1 Marine Environment

1.26.2 Marine Environment Protection

1.26.3 Deck and Approach Slab Reinforcement Protection

1.26.4 Waterproofing Membranes

1.26.5 Protection for Steel Piling

The level of effort to prevent reinforcing steel corrosion depends mainly on the potential for exposure to a
corrosive environment.

For the purposes of determining when the specified corrosion protection is required a Marine
Environment is defined as any of the following:

• A location in direct contact with ocean water, salt water in a bay, or salt water in a river or stream
at high tide (substructure).

• A location within 1/2 mile of the ocean or salt water bay where there are no barriers such as hills
and forests that prevent storm winds from carrying salt spray generated by breaking waves.

• A location crossing salt water in a river or stream where there are no barriers such as hill and
forests that prevent storm winds from generating breaking waves.

Provide the following minimum protection system for structures in a Marine Environment:

• Stainless steel for all deck, girder and crossbeam reinforcing steel.

• Black steel (no epoxy coating) for prestressing strands in precast members (to allow for future
cathodic protection if needed).

• Minimum 2 inch cover on all cast-in-place members.

• HPC (microsilica) for all precast and cast-in-place concrete.

Review additional protection measures including concrete sealers, cathodic protection or others with the
Corrosion Specialist on a project-by-project basis.

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The protection system for deck and approach slab reinforcement is shown in Table 1.26.3A below.
Required reinforcement cover for all decks is 2.5 inches for the top mat and 1.5 inches for the bottom

For reinforcing steel extending out of the deck or approach slab into bridge rails, curbs or sidewalks, use
the same type of reinforcement as used in the deck or approach slab. Use black (uncoated) steel for all
other bridge rail, curb or sidewalk reinforcement.

Examples are shown on the following pages in Figures 1.26.3A and 1.26.3B.

Table 1.26.3A


Coastal Areas
(within 1 air mile of the Snow/Ice Areas* Mild Areas**
Pacific Ocean)

Concrete Type HPC (microsilica) HPC (microsilica) HPC (microsilica)

Reinforcement Deck – Stainless steel

Type or GFRP top and Epoxy coated or Black (uncoated) top
bottom mats ChromX 4100 top and and bottom mats in both
bottom mats in both the deck and approach slab
Approach Slab– Black deck and approach slab
(uncoated) top and
bottom mats

* Snow/Ice areas are defined as all areas of central and eastern Oregon, the Columbia River Gorge,
Jackson County, and any other areas above 1500 feet elevation or otherwise identified by the
associated maintenance district.

** Mild areas are defined as all areas not in a coastal area or in a snow/ice area. This includes all of
western Oregon below 1500 feet elevation that is not within 1 mile of the Pacific Ocean.

May 21 1-327
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Non-Coastal Cast-in-place Decks - For cast-in-place concrete decks, provide 2-1/2 inches of cover over
the top mat of reinforcing steel. If a corrosion protection system is required, provide corrosion resistant
rebar for top and bottom longitudinal and transverse mats (including "truss" bars) and for all bars
extending from the deck into the sidewalk, curb or railing. Stirrups for precast girders do not need to be
corrosion resistant.

Figure 1.26.3A

Non-Coastal Precast Slabs and Boxes - Precast slabs and box beams require PPC overlay or cast-in
place HPC deck. ACWS with waterproof membrane may be used on existing bridges. If corrosion
protection systems are required, provide corrosion resistant rebar for the top mat bars and bars extending
from the precast elements into the sidewalk, curb or railing. See the standard drawings for other
corrosion resistant bars in the precast slabs and box beams.

Figure 1.26.3B

When multiple metals are specified for reinforcing bars in the same elements, provide electrical isolation
between the different rebar metals to avoid galvanic corrosion.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Waterproofing membranes are used as part of an overall deck protection concept. They are required
when paving a bridge with asphaltic concrete wearing surface (ACWS). Membranes serve the following

• Protect reinforcing steel in concrete members from corrosion by preventing moisture from
roadway runoff (which potentially contains chlorides and other contaminates) from penetrating the
concrete surface.

• Protect galvanized tie rods in precast prestressed concrete members placed side-by-side from
roadway runoff.

• Protect timber bridge decks from moisture damage.

• Prevent roadway runoff water from passing through bridge elements to a roadway, bikeway or
pedestrian way underneath the bridge.

• Prevent untreated roadway runoff water from passing through bridge elements to a waterway
underneath the bridge.

Spray and Polymer waterproofing membranes are selected from the ODOT Qualified Products List.

Rolled membranes are specified by Section 00592 and accepted according to 00592.10. There is not
currently a rolled membrane section in the ODOT Qualified Products List.

Consult with Structure Services to select the correct membrane type for each structure.

New State Bridges

For new bridges, ACWS is not permitted without a design deviation.

Existing State Bridges

FHWA requirements for State owned bridges states that “If deicing salts may be used in the future, some
type of deck protection shall be used”.

All areas of Oregon potentially use deicing chemicals. Actual use of deicing chemicals in the project area
can be verified by contacting the ODOT District Maintenance Manager.

Perform chloride testing on the existing bridge deck when warranted per BDM to verify existing
chloride levels are acceptable.

Use a structural concrete overlay when warranted by BDM

As mobilization is a significant cost to bridge paving projects, do not skip bridges during roadway paving
operations. Remove all ACWS and existing membranes during paving projects, except when the existing
membrane is a spray or polymer membrane that is performing well. If possible, protect these types of
membranes in place during paving operations.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
New or Existing Local Agency Bridges

A deck protection system is desirable and should be investigated on each project, whether NHS or Non-
NHS. All federally funded projects require a deck protective system.

If a Local Agency chooses not to use a cast-in-place deck or ACWS with a waterproofing membrane for
side-by-side construction, obtain written confirmation from the Local Agency. Include a copy of the Local
Agency confirmation in the calculation book. Also confirm with the project environmental coordinator
whether elimination of a membrane is acceptable when there is potential for roadway runoff to enter a
waterway by leakage through adjacent bridge members.

Assess all steel piling used in permanent structure applications for corrosion potential and design for the
long term effects of corrosion. Reference LRFD 10.7.5 for design requirements and guidance regarding
steel pile corrosion assessment and protection. The design requirements and guidance provided in
LRFD are further defined and supplemented in this section. Guidance on the extent of site investigations,
including the soil sampling and testing required for corrosion assessment, are presented in the ODOT

The corrosion potential of buried steel piling depends primarily on the electrochemical nature of the soil
surrounding the piling and the presence of oxygen and moisture. In this case, corrosion is most likely to
occur at or above the water table and in disturbed stratified soils such as man-made fills, especially those
containing cinders, slag or ash.

Steel pilings in waterways that extend above ground such as in estuaries, lakes or streams may also be
subject to significant corrosion, especially in marine environments where the salinity of the water may be
very high.

Recommended pile corrosion assessment measures, and associated design guidance, is provided below
for two distinct site conditions (or physical environments): Marine and Non-Marine.

Marine Environments

Marine Environments, as defined in BDM 1.26.2, are typically the most highly corrosive conditions found
and require the highest level of protection against steel pile deterioration. Protect all steel piling in Marine
Environments with one or more of the corrosion protective systems described below. Project sites located
beyond the limits described for Marine Environments may still have a significant potential for pile
corrosion depending on site specific conditions. For example, if brackish water is present, or there are
other indications of potential corrosive conditions consider additional soil and water testing to assess the
need for additional pile corrosion protective measures.

Corrosion Protective Systems

Corrosion protection systems may be provided by the use of coatings, concrete encasement, cathodic
protection, or selection of corrosion-resistant alloys. Guidance on protective coatings and cathodic
protection systems are discussed below. The other protective measures, such as concrete encasement
or special steel alloys, may also be considered on a case by case basis. Contact the Bridge Section
Corrosion Engineer for additional guidance.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
(1) Protective Coatings

When specifying protective coatings on steel pilings, two types of coating systems are available to
designers, 3-coat system and a 4-coat system.

The 3-coat protective coating system is comprised of a zinc-rich primer followed by two coats of moisture-
cured urethane/urethane-tar. The 4-coat protective coating system includes the same 3-coat protective
coating system followed by a top coat.

Specify the 4-coat protective coating system for piles in direct contact with water. Coat piles full length at
bents with pile tips within 25 feet of groundline. Specify 3-coat protective coating system for all other
cases. Coat all other piles from final cutoff elevation to 25 feet below groundline.

Use both SP 00520 and SP 00594 for protective coatings. SP 00520 identifies where and what kind of
coating system is to be used. SP 00594 provides the preparation, application, materials, testing,
measurement and payment for the specified coating system.

(2) Cathodic Protection

Galvanic anode cathodic protection can be applied to existing steel pilings or to new steel piling
installations. For new piling installations, use cathodic protection in conjunction with protective coatings in
order to minimize anode consumption.

Guidance for design and installation of anode systems for pilings in marine waters is provided by NACE
Standard SP0176. Guidance for design and installation of anode systems for pilings in soil is provided by
NACE Standard SP0169.

Make the electrical connection to the piling by brazing a brass stud on the downstream side of the piling.
Provide the following project note:

“Remove coating from piling surface (approximately 4” x 4” area) and install ½”-13 x 2” brass stud
using an approved brazing process. Provide 2 brass nuts and 2 brass washers with stud.
Recoat piling surface with protective coating after installation of brazed stud.”

This method of corrosion protection requires regularly scheduled inspections of the exposed piling and
periodic maintenance for the replacement of anodes.

Non-Marine Environments

Non-marine environments are all locations not designated as “Marine Environments”. In these areas,
piles that are permanently buried and are always below the water table have a low potential for steel
corrosion and therefore soil investigations and testing are not required. These areas generally have low
corrosion potential; however there are special circumstances or site conditions that indicate the potential
for severe corrosion potential, such as:

1. Landfills or fill materials composed of cinders, ash or slag

2. Sources of mine or industrial drainage (acidic groundwater)
3. Sites with stray electrical currents, such as electric (DC) transit systems, or high voltage
power lines

Investigate these highly corrosive sites with a thorough soil and groundwater testing program consisting
of soil resistivity, pH, sulfate and chloride concentrations. Corrosion protection systems, as described for
Marine Environments, are required when any of the following conditions are found:

1. Soil resistivity is less than 2000 ohm-cm

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
2. Soil pH is less than 5.5
3. Sulfate concentrations are greater than 1000 ppm
4. Chloride concentrations are greater than 500 ppm

When all soil test results pass the above criteria, follow the corrosion design procedures described below
for routine, non-marine environments.

For routine Non-Marine environments, the minimum amount of field investigation consists of resistivity
and pH testing of the soils in the vicinity of the proposed piling. When soil resistivity is greater than 2000
ohm-cm and soil pH is greater than 5.5, no further evaluation is required and the steel piling should be
designed with a minimum sacrificial steel thickness as described below. If either test result does not meet
the resistivity or pH criteria then conduct additional testing, consisting of chloride content and sulfate
content, and consult the Bridge Section Corrosion Engineer to evaluate the need for either corrosion
protective systems or other alternatives.

Additional guidance and background information on the corrosion of steel piling in non-marine
environments can be found in NCHRP Report 408 and AASHTO R-27-01 (2015). The minimum pH
criteria of 4.0 recommended in these reference documents does not supersede the 5.5 value used in

Recommended Sacrificial Steel Thickness

For sites where the measured resistivity and pH results indicate low corrosion potential a sacrificial steel
thickness may be used to account for steel section loss over the life of the structure. Determine thickness
loss over a minimum design life depending on project design criteria and use this reduced thickness in
the pile design. At a minimum, specify a thickness loss of 1/16” to account for possible corrosion loss
occurring in the steel piles. Corrosion rates for use in determining thickness loss are specified below (ref.
WSDOT BDM, 2014).

• Soil embedded zone (undisturbed soil) 0.001 inch/year

• Soil embedded zone (fill or disturbed natural soils) 0.003 inch/year
• Immersed zone (fresh water) 0.002 inch/year

Double the corrosion loss for steel H-piling since there are two surfaces on either side of the web and
flanges that are exposed to corrosive conditions. For pipe piles, shells, and casings, the corrosion
allowance is only needed for the exterior surface of the pile. The interior of the pile will not be exposed to
sufficient oxygen to support significant corrosion.

Use this approach with caution since it can limit opportunities to extend the life of the structure in the

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.27 On-Bridge Sign & Illumination Mounts

1.27.1 Traffic Structures Mounted on Bridges, General

1.27.2 On-Bridge Sign Mounts

1.27.3 On-Bridge Illumination Mounts

The following traffic structures may be located on bridges, although standard traffic lighting poles are the
only traffic structures with standard bridge connection designs. The placement of other traffic structures
on bridges should be discouraged. In special cases where other (larger) traffic structures must be located
on a bridge, they should be connected directly to a bent.

• Standard lighting poles

• Camera poles

• Structure mounted signs (signing for traffic passing under bridge)

• Miscellaneous small signs (signing for traffic on bridge)

When a traffic structure is on a bridge, the Bridge designer will be responsible for the connection between
the traffic structure and the bridge, including the anchor bolts, and will review or check the shop drawings
associated with the bridge design responsibilities. In this case, the Traffic Structures Designer will have
very limited involvement with the bridge structure. The ODOT Traffic Structures Design Manual has
design loads and guidance for many common applications.

The decision on whether the traffic structure may be located on the bridge and the exact location of the
traffic structure on the bridge will be made by the Bridge designer in conjunction with the project team.
Structure mounted signs should preferably not exceed 7 feet in height. However, especially in urban
areas the required sign legend may dictate a larger sign panel. The bridge designer should work with the
project team to arrive at an acceptable solution, considering effects on aesthetics, sight distance, and
related factors.

The Bridge designer will be responsible for the connection between the traffic structure and the Bridge,
including the anchor bolts, and will review or check the shop drawings associated with the bridge design

Position all new side mounted signs on bridges such that the bottom of the sign or lighting bracket does
not extend below the bottom of the bridges (bottom of girder flange). To ensure that the bottom of the sign
is above the bottom of the bridge, maintain at least a nominal 2 inch dimension between the bottom of the
sign and the bottom of the bridge to account for construction tolerances and bracket arm sag. Design
bridge side mounted sign brackets to account for the weight of added lights, and for the wind effects on
the lights to ensure bracket adequacy if lighting is attached in the future.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Do not place signs under bridge overhangs. Do not place signs directly under the drip-line of the
structure. Provide a minimum 2 inches of clearance between the back side of the sign support and edge
of the bridge.

[Reserved for future use]

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.28 Truss and Monotube Cantilever Sign

1.28.1 Truss and Monotube Cantilever Sign Bridges, General

Refer to ODOT Traffic Standard Drawings internet webpage 600 series drawings for standard truss and
monotube cantilever sign bridges. For new truss and monotube cantilever sign bridges design, see ODOT
Traffic Structures Design Manual and LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, 1st Edition for further guidance.

See ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM) Chapter 16 Foundation Design for Signs Signals,
Luminaires, Sound Walls and Buildings for foundation design guidance for truss and monotube cantilever
sign bridges.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.29 Bridge Raising

1.29.1 Bridge Raising, General

1.29.2 Bridge Raising Using Falsework

1.29.3 Bridge Raising Using Chip-in Method

Provide enough information in the contract document that enables the Construction Contractor’s Engineer
to design supporting elements for a bridge raising and stability of the structure during this operation.

Different construction procedures could be employed in raising a bridge. More common procedures are
using falsework or ‘chip-in’ construction. A check needs to be made whether the bridge should be open
to permit loads while under construction. Take a concrete sample of each column to verify the column’s
concrete strength.

Design assumptions and criteria include:

• Total dead load: Superstructure and substructure above the ‘Chip-in’ point, superimposed dead
loads, utilities, signs, other dead loads that will remain on the bridge during the raising operation
(field verify all dead loads at Project Initiation).
• Design live load: HS-25 when bridge is open.
• Close the bridge during the actual raising operation.
• For falsework design use 1.5 load factor for dead and live loads.
• When bridge is open to permit loads use 1.5 dead load factor and 1.35 live load factor.
• Temporarily pin concrete barriers that protect the bridge from damage from adjacent traffic.
Provide at least 1 foot clearance between the barrier and the bridge or falsework elements.

The ‘Chip-in’ method is a popular construction method for raising bridges. In this method concrete at the
mid-point of each column is removed to provide enough room to place a jack and shims. The remaining
concrete is removed and the reinforcing steel severed. After the bridge deck is brought to the desired
elevation, the severed reinforcing steel is spliced and the void between the two portions of the column is
filled with non-shrink concrete.

Design assumptions and criteria include:

• Total dead load: Superstructure and substructure above the ‘Chip-in’ point, superimposed dead
loads, utilities, signs, other dead loads that will remain on the bridge during the raising operation

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(field verify all dead loads at Project Initiation).
• Design live load: HS-25 when bridge is open during ‘Chip-in’ operation; however, traffic should
not be permitted in the lane adjacent to the columns that ‘Chip-in’ is in progress.
• Close the bridge during the actual raising operation.
• For dead loads and super imposed dead loads use 1.5 dead load factor.
• When bridge is open to traffic after the raising operation use 1.35 live load factor.
• Bridge cannot be open to permit loads unless adequacy and stability of bridge was checked for
permit loads. In this case use 1.35 load factor for permit loads.
• Temporarily pin concrete barriers that protect the bridge from damage from adjacent traffic.
Provide at least 1 foot clearance between the barrier and the bridge elements.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.30 Strengthening of Bridges

1.30.1 Strengthening of Bridges, General

1.30.2 Strengthening Methods and Details

1.30.3 Existing Rebar and Concrete Cover Investigation

1.30.4 Epoxy Injection

The terms “Strengthening” and “Repair” are sometimes used interchangeably to describe an action, but
they are not the same. Strengthening is the addition of load capacity beyond the level provided for in the
original design. Repair is the restoration of the load capacity to the level of the original design.

Bridge strengthening is required when the critical load rating factor for a bridge falls below 1.0. Design
bridge strengthening to resist the live load given in BDM 1.3.2(4).

When critical load rating factors are below 1.0 or when the bridge inspection report indicates quality issues,
consider conducting material testing according to The Manual for Bridge Evaluation Sections 5.3 and 5.4.
Take concrete compressive cores from each concrete grade, with at least 3 samples from each. Additional
sampling locations or tests may be required for large bridges or to address localized problems. Repair all
concrete sampling locations with hand patching Materials from Section 02015.30 of the QPL designated for
vertical and overhead application.

Bridge repair projects are typically limited to isolated portions of the bridge and address specific needs
such as substructure issues and collision damage. Examples of such cases are:

• Footings and/or columns

• Piling
• Girder damage from over height collision
• Bridge rail collision damage

In rare cases there may be extenuating circumstances to support a “do nothing” or reduced design
criteria. For such cases, approval of a design deviation is required. FHWA review will also be required if
a bridge is to remain in service with a critical rating factor less than 1.0. Factors to be considered in the
design deviation approval process may include:

• Estimated cost of repair or strengthening

• Existing permit truck volume and potential for future increases
• Existing girder cracking
• Number of lanes and shoulder widths
• Alternate routes available
• Existing bridge detailing

May 21 1-338
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

The following are preferred methods for strengthening girders in flexure and shear. Alternative methods
are encouraged and can be used with an approved design deviation (used to document use of innovative
materials). Section Enlargement

Adding depth and width to beams can increase flexural and shear capacity. Interface shear
reinforcement details are important to ensure composite section behavior between new and old concrete.
Steel dowels can be used for achieving the composite section by drilling holes into the existing concrete
substrate, installing reinforcing bars or bolts, and anchoring the steel dowels with epoxy resin. For bridge
elements that require section enlargement with concrete cover less than 4 in. thick and are situated in a
marine environment, consider using nylon drywall anchors or stainless steel screw anchors to attain
composite section.

Consider high strength rebar for flexural and shear reinforcement in new concrete section, when space is
limited. The high strength rebar reduces size and quantity of new rebar. Post-Tensioning

Post-tensioning is an active means to restore or increase flexure, shear, and anchorage capacity of
bridge structural elements. Ensure that force due to post-tensioning is not excessive to avoid unintended

When longitudinal post-tensioning is used as part of a strengthening system, understand that long-term
relaxation of the post-tensioning system may reduce the effectiveness of the strengthening. Account for
any long-term relaxation unless provision for future tightening is included. If strengthened structural
elements are located in corrosive environment, consider using corrosion-resistant high-strength bars,
strands, and anchorage assemblies. Use of corrosion-resistant ducts filled with grout to encase PT
strands is also an option. Internal Shear Anchors

Internal shear anchors (ISA) for shear strengthening can be installed either from above or below the
girder. Installation from above may be easier and considered where practical. Specialty contractors are
generally available for drilling 1 inch diameter holes up to 48 inches in depth. For this reason, limit
internal shear anchor size to 3/4 inch. Do not use larger sizes or depths unless the availability of multiple
contractors has been verified. Internal shear anchors should normally be placed at an angle 30 degrees
from vertical. This angle provides 96 percent of the capacity compared to 45 degree anchors and is
much easier to install.

Internal shear anchors require development length at each end of the rod. Calculate the required
embedment depth to develop anchor rod ultimate strength according to ACI 318 17.4.5 with modification
according to BDM Provide adequate bar length greater than the calculated embedment length
at both ends. The effective length of an internal anchor is the length remaining after subtracting the
development length at each end of the bar. The shear capacity from internal shear anchors in normal
weight concrete can be calculated as follows:

May 21 1-339
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦 𝑑𝑑𝑣𝑣_𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 (𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 + 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 ∝)𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 ∝


Effective shear depth, 𝑑𝑑𝑣𝑣_𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 = 𝐿𝐿𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠α

Effective length, 𝐿𝐿𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝐿𝐿𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 − 2𝐿𝐿𝑑𝑑_𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼

𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦
Development length, 𝐿𝐿𝑑𝑑_𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 = τ𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 π𝑑𝑑𝑎𝑎

As = area of internal shear anchor (in.2)

fy = minimum specified yield strength of ISA (ksi)
da = diameter of ISA (in.2)
τuncr = characteristic bond stress (ksi) (see Fig.
Lanchor = total length of ISA (in.)
α = angle of inclination of ISA to longitudinal axis (degrees)
θ = angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses (degrees)
sISA = spacing of ISA (in.)
Parameters in the above equations are shown in Figure

Figure Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Wet-Layup System

Design CFRP strengthening according to ACI 440.2R-08 or AASHTO Guide Specifications for Design of
Bonded FRP Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge Elements. Do not use CFRP
laminate strips unless the critical rating factor is greater than 0.80. Strengthening with CFRP laminate
strips can be considered a long-term (more than 20 years) strengthening solution. Use intermittent strips
with 4 inch minimum gap on girder webs for shear strengthening to allow for inspection of the bare
concrete between the strips. Do not specify more than 3 plies of CFRP laminate to avoid crack-induced
debonding failure mode.

Provide positive anchorage at the ends of CFRP laminate strips. Anchorage using CFRP laminate strips
transverse to the loaded direction is not acceptable. Proper surface preparation is critical to ensure a
successful FRP application.

May 21 1-340
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1 Near Surface Mounted System

Near surface mounted (NSM) system includes cutting shallow grooves into existing concrete substrate
and embedding reinforcement surrounded by epoxy resin inside the groove. NSM is less prone to
delamination, environmental degradation and allows for effective inspection of concrete surfaces
compared to the CFRP wet-layup system. Consider the following reinforcement materials for near
surface mounted application:

• CFRP bar
• High strength bar
• Stainless steel bar
• Titanium alloy bar

NSM system can be used for flexure, shear, and anchorage strengthening of bridge structural elements.
Consider using NSM system for the following bridge elements:

• Cap beams
• Girders
• Deck overhang
• Bridge deck
• Footing

CFRP is a conductive material, which can develop galvanic corrosion, when installed in concrete
elements reinforced with steel rebar. Electrical isolation details are required. CFRP has linear properties
up to rupture. To avoid a brittle failure, design ultimate strain is limited well below the rupture strain,
therefore bond strength between CFRP bars, epoxy resin, and concrete is required to develop the tensile
capacity. On the other hand, metal reinforcement has a yield point with large strain before fracture and
can be bent for mechanical anchorage into concrete substrate. Mechanical anchorage at terminations is
added for metal reinforcement by using standard 90-deg. hooks at both ends to provide anchorage.
Design NSM-CFRP system according to ACI 440.2R-08.

NSM system using stainless steel and titanium alloy bars was investigated through tests for strength and
long-term performance at OSU. See ODOT SPR 750, and SPR 775 research reports for test information.
The research studies found that the materials are suitable for strengthening bridge structural elements.
However, NSM system with titanium alloy bars (NSM-TiABs) is more efficient than the system with
stainless steel rebar due to higher strength.

ASTM B1009 describes material standards for NSM system with titanium alloy bars. See AASHTO Guide
for Design and Construction of Near-Surface Mounted Titanium Alloy Bars for Strengthening Concrete
Structures for design guidance and design examples with the following modifications:

• Reduce nominal cross sectional area using a factor of 0.96 due to surface deformations to
enhance bond
• Use a specified yield strength of 130 ksi for design
• Specify a maximum system length of 19 feet (excluding the hooks) for #5 bars or smaller and a
maximum system length of 18 feet for #6 bars. The stock length for titanium bars is 20 feet total
including the lengths of hook tails. Lengths up to 35 feet are possible, but not recommended. The
additional length results in a much higher unit cost.
• Avoid specifying #6 titanium alloy bars, due to the required 12” hook tails

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Consider smaller diameter bars for strengthening thin structural elements, since required tail length for
end hooks is shorter. For instance, use #3 bars for deck overhang strengthening, where a tail length of 5
inches is required for hook ends.

Even though titanium alloy bars have the strength advantage over CFRP, stainless steel, and other high
strength bars, unit cost of titanium alloy bars is much higher than the others. Therefore NSM-TiABs is
more suitable for localized strengthening such as poor anchorage, specific deficient areas, etc.

Concrete substrate for NSM system needs to be in good condition without significant cracking, spalling
and delamination. When concrete cover repair is required, additional steps for strengthening would
negate advantage of NSM construction. For structural elements with extensive concrete damage, section
enlargement with high strength rebar would be more appropriate. Other Strengthening Systems

External stirrups (vertical rods) have been used for temporary shear strengthening of concrete girders,
but they are not considered adequate for permanent strengthening.

Do not use bonded and/or bolted steel plates attached to the sides of concrete girders for shear
strengthening without prior approval from Bridge Section. Strengthening Plan Details

EOR of a bridge design project is responsible for strengthening design except for CFRP wet-layup and
CFRP-NSM systems. For the CFRP strengthening systems, provide the following information on plan
sheets for contractor’s CFRP strengthening designers:

• Existing reinforcing details including material properties, concrete section, and relevant
reinforcing details for capacity calculation
• Locations and limits of deficiencies in structural element
• Required total capacity from existing section and strengthening system
• Conceptual strengthening details
• Required minimum material properties of CFRP
• Required locations of CFRP reinforcement termination for full development
• A reduction factor of 0.85 (ψf) required in the strength contribution of CFRP reinforcement

Also include the following data of CFRP and composite materials used for the design of the CFRP
strengthening system in General Notes sheet:

• Section properties
• Ultimate and design tensile strength
• Tensile modulus of elasticity
• Ultimate strain

When the CFRP strengthening system used in construction is different from design plans, document
CFRP and composite material properties listed above in as-constructed drawings. The material data are
necessary for future evaluation and load rating of the bridge.

May 21 1-342
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Obtain as-constructed drawings and evaluate existing bar size, location, spacing, and cover thickness
during design. Ensure that strengthening system is possible to be constructed, especially the
strengthening methods that require drilling or cutting into existing concrete section. It is often difficult to
avoid existing deck steel or existing flexural steel. The designer needs to give clear instructions to the
contractor concerning how potential conflicts are to be either avoided or resolved. Possible solutions are:

• Locate existing bars and measure concrete cover using high precision rebar detector or Ground
Penetrating Radar (GPR) before drilling holes or groove cutting
• Expose the top mat of reinforcement before drilling
• Relocate drilled hole or groove to an equivalent location, when a conflict is discovered
• Add reinforcement, when cutting existing bar cannot be avoided.

Epoxy inject shear and/or shrinkage cracks with widths 0.016 inches and larger and where the bridge is:

• Located in a Snow/Ice area*, or

• Located in a Coastal Area (within 1 air mile of the Pacific Ocean), or
• The bridge shows signs of corrosion.

* Snow/Ice areas are defined as all areas of central and eastern Oregon, the Columbia River Gorge,
Jackson County, and any other areas above 1500 feet elevation. These areas are intended to include all
areas with the potential to receive periodic application of deicing chemicals.

Epoxy injection is not considered a strengthening method for either flexure or shear. However, it
improves corrosion protection. Injection of cracks smaller than 0.016 inches is difficult and is only
marginally effective. Cracks greater than 0.040 inches will require strengthening so the bridge will not be
considered to be Structurally Deficient.

During installation of FRP repairs, epoxy inject shear and/or shrinkage cracks in the repair area with
widths 0.016 inches and greater.

Reference concrete crack widths in specification documents and on plan sheets using one of the
available widths provided on the ODOT crack comparator (gauge). The available widths (in inches) are
as follows:


For concrete cracks greater than 0.025 inches, show crack size to the nearest hundredth.

May 21 1-343
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.31 (Reserved)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.32 Preservation and Repair

1.32.1 Preservation and Repair

(Reserved for future use)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.33 Bridge Paint

1.33.1 Bridge Paint

(Reserved for future use)

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1.34 (Reserved)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.35 Covered Bridges

1.35.1 Covered Bridges

(Reserved for future use)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.36 Moveable Bridges

1.36.1 Moveable Bridges

(Reserved for future use)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.37 (Reserved)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

1.38 Bridge Temporary Works

Temporary works include any temporary The following tables include common
construction used to construct highway Special Provisions and Standard
related structures but are not incorporated Specifications.
into the final structure.
Table 1.38.1-A - Special Provisions
Temporary works required for construction
of permanent structures include:
Title Section
• Diversion bridge. Number
• Work bridge.
Temporary Roadbed and 00230
• Falsework. Surfacing
• Formwork.
Diversion Bridges 00250
• Shoring.
• Cofferdams. Agency Provided Temporary 00251
• Temporary retaining structures.
Design temporary works, except seismic Temporary Work Bridges 00252
loading, according to the AASHTO Guide Temporary Work Access and 00253
Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Containment
Works, 2nd Edition, 2017, unless specified Temporary Retaining Walls 00256
otherwise herein.
Construct temporary works according to Table 1.38.1-B - Standard Specifications
AASHTO Construction Handbook for Bridge
Temporary Works, 2nd Edition, 2017, unless Title Section
included in the Oregon Standard Number
Specifications for Construction and Special Structure Excavation and Backfill 00510
Provisions. (shoring and cofferdams)
Structural Concrete (Falsework) 00540
Trench Protection 00405.41(f)
Temporary Trench Plating 00405.46(c)
Jacking Pits 00406.41(b)

May 21 1-351
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Diversion bridges are those bridges with a maximum service life of five years to carry traffic
while an existing structure is replaced. Diversion bridges have the same requirements as that of
a permanent structure, except as specified in this section.
Design diversion bridges using latest edition AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. For
seismic design requirements, refer to BDM
Hydraulic requirements apply to diversion structures designed by ODOT, and those designed
by a Contractor.
The hydraulics report provides recommendations for the diversion bridge. The data will
include seasonal limitations, flow area of the structure, and minimum elevation of the diversion
Prepare a brief statement about the proposed location of the diversion. Other information about
the diversion may include a discussion of maintenance needs such as monitoring for debris or
scour. The diversion structure must conform to the temporary water management plan
regarding fish passage.
Only use a dry season diversion during the dry season. The hydraulics report defines the start
and end of the dry season. The design and check floods are based on the maximum predicted
discharges for the months the diversion will be in place. Use the 2-year flood as the minimum
design flood event.
An all-year diversion may be used throughout the year. The all-year diversion must pass the 5-
year flood event at a minimum. Use the 10-year and 25-year check flows to determine the risk of
damage if they occur during the time the diversion is in place.
The minimum road elevations for dry season and all-year diversions are the elevations at which
the roadway will not overtop during the 2-year or 5-year flows, respectively. Section 3.9 of the
ODOT Hydraulics Manual furnishes more detailed guidance on requirements for either
duration detour.
Consider and address other issues, such as maintenance needs, fish passage, navigational
clearance, or other site-specific needs.
The crossing of FEMA floodways with temporary structures requires special consideration.
Temporary structures must meet additional hydraulic requirements if they are in place across
the floodway between November 1 and May 31.
During the design process, contact ODOT Regional Technical Center staff for assistance as soon
as possible when the structure is to cross a floodway during these months.
Section 3.8 of the ODOT Hydraulics Manual furnishes more detailed guidance on FEMA policy

May 21 1-352
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Design all structures on public roads, temporary or permanent, to carry all anticipated loads,
and forces. Temporary structures must also resist lateral loads caused by hydraulics, debris, ice,
wind and other applied forces when they exist. Design diversion bridges over waterways
assuming scour depths and design flood in accordance with the ODOT Hydraulics Manual and
Hydraulics Report.
Mechanically connect members of the diversion bridge together. Design mechanical connections
with a minimum capacity to resist a load in any direction, including uplift on the stringer, of not
less than 500 pounds. Install all associated connections before traffic is allowed to pass beneath
the span. All members at a connection need to resist the developed connection force. Design the
substructure to resist all applied combined axial and lateral loads and the minimum connection
design force.
Contractor designed diversion bridge will follow all required design steps as the design of
permanent bridges. Provide necessary data to the contractor in the Special Provisions (SP 00250)
to accelerate design such as:
• Geotechnical report
• Hydraulics report
• Environmental study and limitations
• In water work window
Furnish information on the plans not limited to following:
• Minimum structure width, length and number of traffic lanes
• Permit load (for permit load route)
• Minimum vertical and horizontal clearances when over crossing existing
• All project specific requirements (utilities, sidewalk, railroad, etc.)


ODOT has one-lane and two-lane diversion Contact ODOT Bridge Operations Manager
bridges ready to erect at different locations. at (503) 986-3337 for availability, scheduling
Provide a drawing showing the bridge and technical information of these bridges.
footprint and foundation drawings.
Use Special Provision (SP 00251) for these
diversion bridges.

May 21 1-353
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Provide minimum jacking force capacity for Refer to SP 00540.41 and SP 00540.42 for
lifting an existing superstructure for bearing additional design requirements at highway
replacement or bridge raising of 1.50 times and railroad traffic openings.
superstructure loads (including any
Refer to Caltrans Falsework Manual for
supported live loads) at jacking time.
more guidance and example problems.
The vertical load used for the design of
falsework posts and foundation shall be at
least 150 percent of the distributed load to
that post.
When an existing structure footing supports
the post, limit the stress on the concrete
footing from all combined loads to 80
percent of permissible concrete stress.
Additionally limit the foundation loads to
the allowable foundation bearing capacity.
Seismic design load is not required for
temporary falsework.
For falsework spans over roadways and
railroads, mechanically connect all
falsework stringers to the falsework cap or
framing. The mechanical connections shall
be capable of resisting a load in any
direction, including uplift on the stringer, of
not less than 500 pounds. Install all
associated connections before traffic is
allowed to pass beneath the span.
For falsework over navigable waterways,
obtain US Coast Guard (USCG) approvals
and/or permits, as required. Provide details,
clearances, requirements and details
required by the USCG.

May 21 1-354
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Provide, as a minimum, the following
design calculations and detailing of
falsework drawings, for a falsework
supported by existing columns of a
structure for widening projects or
maintenance work:
• Complete connection details.
• Location of resin bonded anchors
with a note to locate the existing
reinforcing prior to drilling holes
with GPR or approved equal method.
• Provide note for the contractor to
field verify the location of holes prior
to connection fabrication when using
resin bonded anchor rods or thru
holes for bolted connections to
support endplates or bracket
• Connection designed for 150 percent
of the applied loads.
• Connection designed for wind load.
• Stress on existing column and
supporting foundation does not
exceed 80 percent allowable of each
• Limit the foundation loads to the
allowable foundation bearing


The deck form for interior girders is usually The Construction Handbook for Bridge
set on the joists hung on from top flanges or Temporary Works has design examples for
supported by post from bottom flanges. cantilever deck forming for steel girders
ODOT does not recommend use of and deck overhang brackets.
embedded hangers welded to top flanges or
shear studs projecting from top flanges.
Do not drill or punch holes through the web
of interior girders for temporary work.

May 21 1-355
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
During deck placement operations there is a
tendency for exterior girder to laterally
deflect and rotate. If the deflection at the
overhang tip (∆) is larger than 3/16in, the
displacement and rotation can lead to thin
decks and an upward shift in bar mats
which can decrease concrete cover. The
tendency to laterally deflect and rotate is
greater for shallow girders with large deck

Figure Girder Rotation

May 21 1-356
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Horizontal loads applied to the girder
flanges by the falsework will produce a
torsional moment in the girder. To prevent
possible overstressing of the permanent
diaphragm connections and distortion on
girder web, the falsework design must
include temporary struts and/or ties to
resist the full torsional moment and to
prevent appreciable relative vertical
movement between the edge of deck form
and the adjacent steel girder.
Include the following requirements in the
specification to control the manner
falsework loads are applied to the steel
girder, and thus prevent undesirable
distortion of the permanent structure.
The contractor is responsible to provide
sufficient temporary bracing to minimize
lateral deflection and rotation of exterior
steel girders during deck placement.
Partially or fully installed permanent
bracing as shown in the plans shall not be
assumed sufficient to minimize lateral
deflection and rotation of exterior girders
during deck placement.
Construct falsework and concrete forms on
steel structures such that loads applied to
girder webs:
• Are applied within six inches of a
flange or stiffener.
• Do not produce local distortion of the
• Provide temporary struts and ties to
resist lateral loads applied to girder
flanges and prevent appreciable
vertical movement between the edge
of deck form and the adjacent steel

May 21 1-357
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Temporary bracing shall not be
welded to the steel girders or its
attachments including the studs.
When drilled holes are used to attach the
falsework brackets, note the following
• Leaving bolt holes unfilled can
reduce the fatigue performance of the
• Unfilled holes need subsequent
bridge inspection.
• Moisture entrapment and
acceleration of main member
deterioration due to rust.
When drilled holes are used to attach the
falsework brackets, the contractor is
responsible to fill the hole with a high-
strength ASTM AF3125 Type 3 fully
tensioned bolt, rotational capacity testing
not required. The use of button-head twist-
off bolts (ASTM F1852 or F2280) is also
allowed and may improve the aesthetics.
The contractor may provide double
overhang brackets to minimize lock in
stresses in exterior girders. Figure
illustrates typical deck forming details
using opposed overhang brackets attached
to a steel girder.

May 21 1-358
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Figure – Typical Deck Forming

May 21 1-359
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
When using piling to support the falsework, the falsework plans shall specify the minimum
required bearing capacity and the required depth of penetration for the piling. Provide the field
method for determining the required pile bearing capacity.
Also, the falsework drawings shall show the maximum horizontal distance the top of a
falsework pile may be pulled in order to position the pile under the cap. The falsework plans
shall show the maximum allowable deviation of the top of the pile, in the final position, from a
vertical line through the point of fixity of the pile.
The calculations shall account for pile stresses due to combined axial and flexural stress and
secondary stresses. Show the stresses and deflections in load supporting members in the design
When spread footings are used to support falsework, the falsework plans shall specify the
minimum required bearing capacity, depth of embedment for the footings, and maximum
allowable settlement. Design spread footings to adequately resist all imposed vertical loads and
overturning moments.
Provide the soil parameters and groundwater conditions in the design calculations for the
spread footings. Provide design calculations for allowable bearing capacity and settlement.
Show the estimated footing settlement under the imposed design loads on the plans. Provide
provisions for addressing the effects of footing and falsework settlement.
Do not attach bracing to concrete traffic barrier, guardrail posts, or guardrail.
Design all falsework bracing systems to resist the horizontal design loads in all directions with
the falsework in either the loaded or unloaded condition. The falsework plans must show all
bracing, connection details, specific locations of connections, and hardware used.
Thoroughly analyze falsework diagonal bracing. Give particular attention to the connections.
The allowable stresses in the diagonal braces may be controlled by the joint strength or the
compression stability of the diagonal.
Design cross-bracing members and connections to carry tension, as well as compression, to
prevent falsework beam or stringer compression flange buckling. The falsework plans must
show all components, connection details and specific locations. Install bracing, blocking, struts,
and ties required for positive lateral restraint of beam flanges at right angles to the beam in plan
view. When possible, set bracing in adjacent bays in the same transverse plane. However, if
because of skew or other considerations, it is necessary to offset the bracing in adjacent bays, the
offset distance shall not exceed twice the depth of the beam.

May 21 1-360
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Provide bracing to withstand all imposed loads during erection of the falsework and all phases
of construction for falsework adjacent to any roadway, sidewalk, or railroad track which is open
to the public. Install all details of the falsework system that contribute to horizontal stability
and resistance to impact, including the bolts in bracing, at the time each element of the
falsework is erected and shall remain in place until the falsework is removed. The falsework
plans shall show provisions for any supplemental bracing or methods to be used to conform to
this requirement during each phase of erection and removal. Include wind loads in the design
of such bracing or methods.

Refer to the ODOT Geotechnical Design Manual Section 15.3.26 for the design of temporary
shoring, and defined shoring systems. Shoring is exclusive of cofferdams.
See SP 00510.04 for plan requirements. Modify the special provision to include acceptable types
of shoring as allowed. Consult with the geotechnical designer to determine safe slopes,
minimum shoring lengths, and if there are unusual soil, clearance, or site conditions that may
make shoring construction difficult.
Provide shoring stationing on the project plans and list stationing in the Special Provision. Earth Pressure

If cofferdams are required and passive earth pressures are assumed in the design, show a detail
similar to Figure on the plans. Material outside cofferdams should also be undisturbed
and backfilled with riprap if disturbed

May 21 1-361
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure – Typical Cofferdam Detail Cofferdam Seals

Only use seals when the sheet piles cannot be driven to sufficient depth to cut off the water
The sheet piling must penetrate and form a seal in the soil so that there is no water flow under
the sheet piling. In practice there will be some water entering the cofferdam. Energy is
dissipated as the water flows down around the bottom of the sheet piles. Develop a flow net to
determine the actual hydrostatic forces. The equipotential flow lines will show a reduction in
the hydrostatic uplift forces. The hydrostatic uplift forces will be resisted by the friction
between the soil and the sheet piles and the buoyant weight of the soil plug. Additionally,
horizontal hydrostatic forces are present and must be designed for. These are special conditions
and require detailed hydraulic and foundation studies.
There may be some locations and soil types where a seal may not be required for footing and
column construction. The normal sequence of construction for a cofferdam without a seal
Water level is the same inside and outside the cofferdam:
• Construct cofferdam - normally driven interlocking steel sheet pile.

May 21 1-362
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Cut vent holes in the sheet piling. Place vent holes at the maximum design water level
elevation and allows water to enter the cofferdam. Cut a vent hole at the design elevation
to prevent cofferdam failure.
• Excavate material inside the cofferdam to the bottom of the footing elevation. Excavation
may also be done after dewatering, when there is no seal required, if the internal bracing is
in place.
• Place internal bracing. Usually horizontal bracing consists of wales, frames, and/or struts
to resist the horizontal hydrostatic forces.
• Drive footing piles, when required. This may also be done after dewatering and after
Water is removed from the cofferdam:
• Install continuous pumping system. Cofferdams are never completely watertight and a
sump system is normally installed to keep the cofferdam relatively dry.
• Cut piles to the specified elevation, if used.
• Construct footing and column in the dry.
Cofferdam is flooded:
• Remove internal bracing.
• If agreed to by the environmental section, riprap is placed before or after the sheet piling is
removed. It may be desirable to place riprap inside the cofferdam. Check with the
geotechnical designer.
• Extract sheet piling.
A seal is usually an unreinforced mass of concrete that seals the bottom of a cofferdam and
allows construction of the footing and column inside of a dewatered or dry cofferdam. (See

May 21 1-363
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Figure – Seal Thickness Detail

The normal sequence of construction of a cofferdam with a seal depends on water level.
When water level is the same inside and outside the cofferdam:
• Construct cofferdam - normally driven interlocking steel sheet pile.
• Cut vent holes in the sheet piling. Place vent holes at the maximum design water level
elevation and allows water to enter the cofferdam. Cut a vent hole at the design elevation
to prevent cofferdam failure. The contractor may propose to use a lower vent elevation
and thinner seal, if the anticipated water elevation is lower at the time of construction.
• Excavate material inside the cofferdam to the bottom of the seal elevation.
• Place internal bracing. Usually horizontal bracing consists of wales, frames, and/or struts
to resist the horizontal hydrostatic forces.
• Drive footing piles, when required.
• Place seal concrete.
• With a tremie: A tremie is a long pipe that extends to the bottom of the seal and prevents
the concrete from segregating as it passes through the water, as well as permitting a head
to be maintained on the concrete during placement. The bottom of the tremie is kept
submerged in the mass of concrete to minimize water intrusion into the mix.
• With a concrete pump: Similar principle to the tremie.
When water is removed from the cofferdam:
• Dewater cofferdam, only after the concrete has gained sufficient strength to resist
hydrostatic loads.

May 21 1-364
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
• Install continuous pumping system. Cofferdams are never completely watertight and a
sump system is normally installed to keep the cofferdam relatively dry.
• Cut piles to the specified elevation, if used.
• Prepare seal for footing construction. Level and clean, as needed, for constructing footing
• Construct footing and column in the dry.
When cofferdam is flooded:
• Remove internal bracing.
• Place rip-rap before or after the sheet piling are removed. It may be desirable to place rip-
rap inside the cofferdam. Check with the geotechnical designer.
• Extract sheet piling. Seal Design Considerations

The seal forms a plug at the bottom of the cofferdam. It uses a combination of seal mass and/or
friction between the seal concrete and piling to resist the hydrostatic forces.
Scour protection for the footing influences the location (depth) of the footing and must be
incorporated into the design. The Hydraulics Unit provides this information.
The top of the footing should be below the 100-year scour depth and the bottom of footing
below the 500-year scour depth. The Hydraulics Unit provides these elevations.
Normally the friction or bond between the seal concrete and steel piling is assumed to be 10 psi
for the surface area of the embedded pile. Check with the geotechnical designer for bond values
of other pile types.
An uplift capacity of driven piling should also be obtained from the geotechnical designer to
include in the overall stability or factor of safety of the system.
The minimum factor of safety of the system should be one. Note: The actual factor of safety is
greater because the bond between the seal and sheet piling has been neglected.
A general rule of thumb, or good starting point, for seal thickness is 0.40 times (head of water
plus an estimated seal thickness) for spread footings and 0.25 times (head of water plus an
estimated seal thickness) for pile supported footings.
Use a minimum depth of seal of four feet, where piles are calculated to resist uplift in order to
reduce seal depth.
Design pile footings that includes a seal for bending and shear ignoring any beneficial effects of
the seal. This is due to the uncertain quality of the seal concrete and because the seal may be
reduced or eliminated during construction.

May 21 1-365
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
There are two ways of looking at the cofferdam system when determining the seal thickness.
Each should result in the same seal thickness:
• Method 1: Assume there is some leakage around the seal and the actual water
level inside the cofferdam is at the top of the seal. Base the hydrostatic uplift
force on the depth of water to the top of the seal, but because it is submerged
the weight of the seal must be determined using the buoyant weight.
• Method 2: Assume the seal prevents any leakage and the hydrostatic uplift
depth is to the bottom of the seal. Use the full weight of the seal to resist the
uplift forces.

May 21 1-366
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Figure – Method 1
Determine the seal thickness for a 16’ x 20’
cofferdam. Water depth is 16 feet from the vent to the
top of the seal.

𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 𝑇𝑇 = 0.4 ∗ (16′ + 10′ 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒. 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖) = 10.4′

Summing vertical forces:

𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑


∗ (𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤)

𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = (16′) ∗ (20′ ) ∗ (16′ 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ)

∗ (0.0624 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3 )

𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠

𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑓 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = (16′) ∗ (20′ ) ∗ (𝑇𝑇 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)

∗ (0.15 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3 − 0.0624 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3 )

Uplift force = Force of seal

Solving for T:

𝑇𝑇 = 11.4′

Use 11.5’ seal thickness.

Note: F.S = 1.0 for T = 11.4’

May 21 1-367
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Determine the seal thickness for a 16’ x 20’ cofferdam, with 12 – 12” diameter steel piles. Uplift
capacity is 10 kips per pile. Water depth is 16 feet from the vent to the top of the seal.

𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 𝑇𝑇 = 0.25 ∗ (16′ + 10′ 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒. 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖) = 6.5′

Summing vertical forces:

𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = (16′) ∗ (20′ ) ∗ (16′ 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ) ∗ (0.0624 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3 )
𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 319.49𝑘𝑘

𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠

𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
= (16′) ∗ (20′ ) ∗ (𝑇𝑇 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖) ∗ (0.15 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3
− 0.0624 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3 )
𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 28.03 ∗ (𝑇𝑇) 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐

= (12 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝) ∗ (0.785 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 2 ) ∗ (𝑇𝑇 ′ ) ∗ (0.15
− 0.0624) 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 3
𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 0.825 ∗ (𝑇𝑇) 𝑘𝑘/𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = (12 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝) ∗ 𝜋𝜋 ∗ 1′ ∗ 6.5′ ∗ 0.010 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 ∗ 144 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖2 /𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 2
𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = 352.86 𝑘𝑘

𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = (12 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝) ∗ (10 𝑘𝑘/𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝)

𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 120 𝑘𝑘 < 352.86 𝑘𝑘

Use 120 k

𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = (𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ𝑡𝑡) − (𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑. 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐. )

+ (𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑦𝑦)

319.49 𝑘𝑘 = 28.03 (𝑇𝑇) − 0.825 (𝑇𝑇) + 120

Solving for T:

𝑇𝑇 = 7.33′

Use 7.5’ seal thickness.

Note: F.S. = 1.0 for T = 7.33’

May 21 1-368
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1


Abutment - Supports at the end of the bridge used to retain the approach embankment and carry the
vertical and horizontal loads from the superstructure. Current terminology is bent or end bent.

Access Control - The condition where the legal right of owners or occupants of abutting land to access a
highway is fully or partially controlled by the Department of Transportation.

Advance Plans – 95-100% complete plans including special provisions, normally sent at 15 weeks.

Advertisement - The period of time between the written public announcement inviting proposals for
projects and the opening of the proposals (bid or letting date).

Aggregate - Inert material such as sand, gravel, broken stone, or combinations thereof.

Aggregate, Coarse - Aggregates predominantly retained on the No. 4 sieve for portland cement concrete
and those predominantly retained on the 1/4” for asphalt concrete.

Aggregate, Fine - Those aggregates which entirely pass the 3/8” sieve.

Aggregate, Dense Graded - A well-graded aggregate so proportioned as to contain a relatively small

percentage of voids.

Aggregate, Open Graded - A well-graded aggregate containing little or no fines, with a relatively large
percentage of voids.

Aggregate, Well-Graded - An aggregate possessing proportionate distribution of successive particle


Air-Entraining Agent - A substance used in concrete to increase the amount of entrained air in the
mixture. Entrained air is present in the form of minute bubbles and improves the workability and frost

Allowable Headwater - The maximum elevation to which water may be ponded upstream of a culvert or
structure as specified by law or design.

Allowable Span – The greatest horizontal distance permitted between supports.

Anchor Bolts - Bolts that are embedded in concrete which are used to attach an object to the concrete
such as rail posts, bearings, steel girder-to-crossbeam connections, etc.

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) – The average 24-hour traffic volume at a given location over a full
365 day year.

Anode - The positively charged pole of a corrosion cell at which oxidations occur.

Apron - The paved area between wingwalls at the end of a culvert.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Arch - A curved structure element primarily in compression, producing at its support reactions having both
vertical and horizontal components.

Arch Pipe - A conduit in the form of a broad arch without a bottom.

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) - The average 24-hour traffic volume at a given location for some period of time,
being the total volume during a stated period divided by the number of days in that period. Unless otherwise
stated, the period is a year.

Axle Load - The load borne by one axle of a traffic vehicle.

Award - Written notification to the bidder that the bidder has been awarded a contract.

Backfill - Material used to replace or the act of replacing material removed during construction; also may
denote material placed or the act of placing material adjacent to structures.

Backwater - The water upstream from an obstruction in which the free surface is elevation above the normal
water surface profile.

Bar Chair - A device used to support horizontal reinforcing bars above the base of the form before the
concrete is poured.

Bar Cutting Diagram - A diagram used in the detailing of bar steel reinforcement where the bar lengths vary
as a straight line.

Base Course - The layer of specified material of designed thickness placed on a subbase or a subgrade to
support a surface course.

Bascule Bridge - A bridge over a waterway with one or two leaves which rotate from a horizontal to a near-
vertical position, providing unlimited clear headway.

Base Flood - Flood having 1% chance of being exceeded in any given year.

Battered Pile - A pile driven in an inclined position to resist horizontal forces as well as vertical forces.

Beam - Main longitudinal load carrying member in a structure, designed to span from one support to another

Bearings - Device to transfer girder reactions without overstressing the supports.

Bearing Capacity - The load per unit area which a structural material, rock, or soil can safely carry.

Bearing Failure - A crushing of material under extreme compressive load.

Bearing Seat - A prepared horizontal surface at or near the top of a substructure unit upon which the
bearings are placed.

Bearing Stiffener - A stiffener used at points of support on a steel beam to transmit the load from the top of
the beam to the support point.

Bedrock - The solid rock underlying soils or other superficial formation.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Bench Mark - A relatively permanent material object bearing a marked point whose elevation above or
below an adopted datum is known.

Bent - Supports at the ends or intermediate points of a bridge used to retain approach embankments and/or
vertical and horizontal loads from the superstructure.

Bicycle Lane - A lane in the traveled way designated for use by bicyclists.

Bicycle Path - A public way physically separated from the roadway, that is designated for use by bicyclists.

Bid Schedule - The list of bid items, their units of measurement, and estimated quantities, bound in the
proposal booklet. (When a contract is awarded, the Bid Schedule becomes the Schedule of Contract

Bidder - Any qualified individual or legal entity submitting a proposal in response to an advertisement.

Biennium - For the State of Oregon, a two-year period, always odd numbered years, starting July 1 and
ending two years later on June 30.

Bleeding (Concrete) - The movement of mixing water to the surface of freshly placed concrete.

Bowstring Truss - A general term applied to a truss of any type having a polygonal arrangement of its top
chord members conforming to or nearly conforming to the arrangement required for a parabolic truss.

Box Beam - A hollow structural beam with a square, rectangular, or trapezoidal cross-section.

Box Culvert - A culvert of rectangular or square cross-section.

Breakaway - A design feature that allows a device such as a sign, luminaire, or traffic signal support to yield
or separate upon impact. The release mechanism may be a slip plane, plastic hinges, fracture elements, or
a combination of these.

Bridge - A structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like, having a length
of 20 feet or more from face to face of abutments or end bents, measured along the roadway centerline.

Bridge Approach - Includes the embankment materials and surface pavements that provide the transition
between bridges and roadways.

Bridge Approach Slab - A reinforced concrete slab placed on the approach embankment adjacent to and
usually resting upon the abutment back wall; the function of the approach slab is to carry wheel loads on the
approaches directly to the abutment, thereby eliminating any approach roadway misalignment due to
approach embankment settlement.

Bridging - A carpentry term applied to the cross-bracing fastened between timber beams to increase the
rigidity of the floor construction, distribute more uniformly the live load and minimize the effects of impact
and vibration.

Bridge Railing - A longitudinal barrier whose primary function is to prevent an errant vehicle from going
over the side of the bridge structure.

Brush Curb - A curb 10” or less in width, which prevents a vehicle from brushing against the railing or

Buckle - To fail by an inelastic change in alignment as a result of compression.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Built-Up Member - A column or beam composed of plates and angles or other structural shapes united by
bolting, riveting or welding.

Bulkhead – A partition built into wall forms to terminate each placement of concrete.

Buoyancy - Upward force exerted by the fluid in which an object is immersed.

Bushings - A lining used to reduce friction and/or insulate mating surfaces usually on steel hanger plate

Butt Splice - A splice where the ends of two adjoining pieces of metal in the same plane are fastened
together by welding.

Butt Weld - A weld joining two abutting surfaces by combining weld metal and base metal within an
intervening space.

Cable-Stayed Bridge - A bridge in which the superstructure is directly supported by cables, or stays, passing
over or attached to towers located at the main piers.

CADD - Computer-Aided Design and Drafting.

Caisson - A watertight box of wood or steel sheeting; or a cylinder of steel and concrete, used for the
purpose of making an excavation. Caissons may be either open (open to free air) or pneumatic (under
compressed air).

Camber - A predetermined vertical curvature built into a structural member, to allow for deflection and/or
vertical grade.

Cast-in-Place - The act of placing and curing concrete within formwork to construct a concrete element in its
final position.

Catch Basin - A receptacle, commonly box shaped and fitted with a grilled inlet and a pipe outlet drain,
designed to collect the rain water and floating debris from the roadway surface and retain the solid material
so that it may be periodically removed.

Catenary - The curve obtained by suspending a uniform rope or cable between two points.

Cathode - The negatively charged pole of a corrosion cell that accepts electrons and does not corrode.

Cathodic Protection - A means of preventing metal from corroding; this is done by making the metal a
cathode through the use of impressed direct current and by attaching a sacrificial anode.

Catwalk - A narrow walkway to provide access to some part of a structure.

Chain Drag - A series of short medium weight chains attached to a T-shaped handle; used as a preliminary
technique for inspecting a large deck area for delamination.

Chamfer – A beveled edge formed in concrete by a triangular strip of wood (chamfer strip) placed in a form

May 21 1-372
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Change Order - A written order issued by the Engineer to the Contractor modifying work required by the
contract and establishing the basis of payment for the modified work.

Chord - A generally horizontal member of a truss.

Clay - Soil passing a No. 200 sieve that can be made to exhibit plasticity (putty-like properties) within a
range of water contents.

Clear Zone - Roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled way, that is available for safe use by
errant vehicles. Establishing a minimum width clear zone implies that rigid objects and certain other
hazards with clearances less than the minimum width should be removed and relocated outside the
minimum clear zone, or remodeled to make breakaway, shielded, or safely traversable.

Closed Spandrel Arch - A stone or reinforced concrete arch span having spandrel walls to retain the
spandrel fill or to support either entirely or in part the floor system of the structure when the spandrel is not

Cobbles - Particles of rock, rounded or not, that will pass a 12” square opening and be retained on a 3”

Cofferdam - A barrier built in the water so as to form an enclosure from which the water is pumped to permit
free access to the area within.

Cohesionless Soil - A soil that when unconfined has little or no strength when air-dried and that has little or
no cohesion when submerged.

Cohesive Soil - A soil that when unconfined has considerable strength when air-dried and that has
significant cohesion when submerged. Clay is a cohesive soil.

Commission - The Oregon Transportation Commission.

Composite Section - Two sections made of the same or different materials together to act as one integral
section; such as a concrete slab on a steel or prestressed girder.

Compression Seals - A preformed, compartmented, elastomeric (neoprene) device, which is capable of

constantly maintaining a compressive force against the joint interfaces in which it is inserted.

Concept Plans – plans to determine the basic features of a project including alignments, typical sections,
slopes, preliminary drainage and TS&L bridge plans.

Concrete Overlay – 1.5” to 2” of concrete placed on top of the deck, used to extend the life of the deck and
provide a good riding surface.

Contract - The written agreement between the Division and the Contractor describing the work to be done
and defining the obligations of the Division and the Contractor.

Contract Plans - Detailed drawings and diagrams usually made to scale showing the structure or
arrangement, worked out beforehand, to accomplish the construction of a project and/or object(s).

Contract Time - The number of calendar days shown in the proposal which is allowed for completion of the

Contraction Joint - A joint in concrete that does not provide for expansion but allows for contraction or
shrinkage by the opening up of a crack or joint.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Contractor - The individual or legal entity that has entered into a contract with the Division.

Coordinates - Linear or angular dimensions designating the position of a point in relation to a given
reference frame. It normally refers to the State Plane Coordinate System.

Core - A cylindrical sample of concrete removed from a bridge component for the purpose of destructive

Counterfort Wall - A reinforced concrete retaining wall whose vertical stem has triangular-shaped ribs
projecting into the soil and spaced at regular intervals to provide strength and stability.

Crash Cushion - An impact attenuator device that prevents an errant vehicle from impacting fixed object
hazards by gradually decelerating the vehicle to a safe stop or by redirecting the vehicle away from the

Crash Tests - Vehicular impact tests by which the structural and safety performance of roadside barriers
and other highway appurtenances may be determined. Three evaluation criteria are considered, namely (1)
structural adequacy, (2) impact severity, and (3) vehicular post-impact trajectory.

Creep - Time dependent inelastic deformation under elastic loading of concrete or steel resulting solely from
the presence of stress.

Cross-bracing - Bracing used between stringers and girders to hold them in place and stiffen the structure.

Cross-section - The exact image formed by a plane cutting through an object usually at right angles to a
central axis.

Crown Section - Roadway section with the height of the center of the roadway surface above its gutters.

Culvert - Federal Highway Administration definition: “A structure not classified as a bridge having a span of
20 feet or less spanning a watercourse or other opening on a public highway”; a conduit to convey water
through an embankment.

Curb - A vertical or sloping member along the edge of a pavement or shoulder forming part of a gutter,
strengthening or protecting the edge, and clearly defining the edge of vehicle operators. A curb is a
horizontal offset varying from 10” to less than 18”. The surface of the curb facing the general direction of the
pavement is called the “face”.

Curing - The preparation of a material by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use; treating
concrete by covering its surface with some material to prevent the rapid evaporation of water.

Cut-Off-Wall - A wall built at the end of a culvert apron to prevent the undermining of the apron.

Dead End - End of post-tensioned bridge where tendons are anchored but no jacking takes place (opposite
of jacking end).

Dead Load - Structure weight including future wearing surface on deck and attachments.

Deadman - A concrete mass, buried in the earth behind a structure, that is used as an anchor for a rod or
cable to resist horizontal forces that act on the structure.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Deformed Bars - Concrete reinforcement consisting of steel bars with projections or indentations to increase
the mechanical bond between the steel and concrete.

Delamination - Subsurface separation of concrete into layers.

Department - The Department of Transportation of the State of Oregon.

Design Volume or Design Hourly Volume - A volume determined for use in design representing traffic
expected to use the highway. Unless otherwise stated, it is an hourly volume.

Diaphragm - Structural: A structural member used to tie adjoining girders together and stiffen them in a
lateral direction as well as to distribute loads.

Diamond Grinding - Process to abrade or remove a surface, such as concrete, by the cutting action of
rotating circular blade with diamond-tipped teeth.

Direct Tension Indicator - Load-indicating washer for bolts.

Doby - A precast block of concrete of various sizes used to support or provide clearances between
reinforcing bars and formwork.

Dolphins - A group of piles or sheet piling driven adjacent to a pier. Their purpose is to prevent extensive
damage or possible collapse of a pier from a collision with a ship or barge.

Draped Strands - Strand pattern for prestressing strands, where strands are draped to decrease the
prestressing stress at the ends of the girder where the applied moments are small.

Drift Pin - A metal pin, tapered at both ends, used to draw members of a steel structure together by being
driven through the corresponding bolt holes.

Drip Groove - A groove formed into the underside of a projecting concrete sill or coping to prevent water
from following around the projection.

E - modulus of elasticity of a material; the stiffness of a material.

E&C – Engineering & Contingencies. Engineering costs are ODOT’s costs to administer the construction
contract. Contingencies are unforeseen costs due to construction extra work price agreements or types of
problems caused by weather, accidents, etc. by the contract pay item.

Elastomeric Bearing Pads - Pads ½” and less in thickness made of all rubber-like material that supports
girders and concrete slabs; pads over ½” in thickness consist of alternate laminations of elastomer and

End-Bearing Pile - A pile which provides support primarily due to reaction at its tip.

Environmental Classes – Classes (1, 2 or 3) that ????????

Environmental Class I Environmental Impact Statement: Projects that normally involve significant changes
in traffic capacities and patterns. These projects generally involve major right-of-way acquisitions. Both
draft and final Environmental Impact Statements are required.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Environmental Class II Categorical Exclusions: Projects that normally involve the improvement of pavement
conditions on traffic safety, but little, if any, change in traffic capacities or patterns. Right-of-way
requirements must be minor. These projects are categorically excluded from further environmental
documentation, unless permit requirements indicate otherwise.

Environmental Class III Environmental Assessment: Projects that do not clearly fall within Class I or Class
II. These projects require assessments to determine their environmental significance.

Epoxy - A synthetic resin which cures or hardens by chemical reaction between components which are
mixed together shortly before use.

Epoxy Coated Rebar - Steel reinforcement coated with a powdered epoxy resin, to prevent corrosion of the
bar steel.

Expansion Bearings - Bearings that allow longitudinal movement of the superstructure relative to the
substructure and rotation of the superstructure relative to the substructure.

Expansion Device - A device placed at expansion points in bridge superstructures to carry the vertical
bridge loads without preventing longitudinal movement.

Expansion Joint - A joint in concrete that allows expansion due to temperature changes, thereby preventing
damage to the structure.

Extra Work - Work not included in any of the contract items as awarded but determined by the Engineer
necessary to complete the project according to the intent of the contract. This may be paid on a negotiated
price, force account, or established price basis.

Extrados - The curved edge of an arch rib or barrel formed by the intersection of the top and side arch

Falsework - In general, a temporary construction work on which a main or permanent work is wholly or
partially supported until it becomes self-supporting. For cast-in-place concrete or steel construction, it is a
structural system to support the vertical and horizontal loads from forms, reinforcing steel, plastic concrete,
structural steel, and placement operations.

Fatigue - The tendency of a member to fail at a lower stress when subjected to cyclical loading that when
subjected to static loading.

Fatigue Crack - Any crack caused by repeated cyclic loading.

Federal-Aid System of Highways - The national system of interstate highways, Federal-aid highway system,
system of secondary and feeder roads, Federal-aid grade crossing projects, federal forest highway systems
and projects and other highway and related projects, all within the meaning of the Federal-Aid Road Act
(1916), and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and the federal regulations issued
under such acts.

Fender - A structure that acts as a buffer to protect the portions of a bridge exposed to floating debris and
water-borne traffic from collision damage.

Fiscal Year - For the State of Oregon, July 1 through June 30 of the next year; for the Federal government,
October 1 through September 30 of the next year. The Federal fiscal year (FY) is broken into quarters:

May 21 1-376
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
F1Q (October, November, December)
F2Q (January, February, March)
F3Q (April, May, June)
F4Q (July, August, September)

Felloe Guard - Timber curb, usually 10” x 12”, bolted to timber deck and timber rail post. Sometimes called
wheel guard.

Filler Plate - A steel plate or shim used for filling in space between compression members.

Fixed Bearings - Bearings that do not provide for any longitudinal movement of the superstructure relative to
the substructure, but allows for rotation of the superstructure relative to the substructure.

Flat Slab - A reinforced concrete superstructure that has a uniform depth throughout.

Flood Plain - An area that would be inundated by a flood.

Floodway - A stream channel plus any adjacent flood plain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so
that the 100-year flood can be conveyed without substantial increases in flood heights.

Floor Beam - A transverse structural member that extends from truss to truss or from girder to girder across
the bridge.

Flux - A material that protects the weld from oxidation during the fusion process.

Force Account Work - Items of extra work ordered by the Engineer that are to be paid for by material,
equipment, and labor.

Forms - A structural system constructed of wood or metal used to contain the horizontal pressures exerted
by plastic concrete and retain it in its desired shape until it has hardened.

Fracture Critical Members - Members of a bridge where a single fracture in a member can lead to collapse.

Fracture Mechanics - Study of crack growth in materials.

Free-Standing Retaining Wall – A retaining wall that is not part of the bridge abutment walls.

Friction Pile - A pile that provides support through friction resistance along the surface area of the pile.

Functionally Obsolete Bridges - Those bridges which have deck geometry, load carrying capacity
(comparison of the original design load to the current state legal load), clearance, or approach roadway
alignment which no longer meet the usual criteria for the system of which they are a part as defined by the
Federal Highway Administration.

Gabions - Rock-filled wire baskets used to retain earth and provide erosion control.

Galvanic Action - Electrical current between two unlike metals.

Galvanize - To coat with zinc.

Geotextiles - Sheets of woven or non-woven synthetic polymers or nylon used for drainage and soil

May 21 1-377
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Girder - Main longitudinal load carrying member in a structure (beam).

Glare Screen - A device used to shield a driver’s eye from the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.

Grade Separation - A crossing of two highways or a highway and a railroad at different levels.

Gravity Wall - A retaining wall that is prevented from overturning by its weight alone.

Green Concrete - Concrete that has set but not appreciably hardened.

Grid Flooring - A steel floor system comprising a lattice pattern which may or may not be filled with concrete.

Grout - A mixture of cementitious material and water having a sufficient water content to render it a free-
flowing mass, used for filling (grouting) the joints in masonry, for fixing anchor bolts and for filling post-
tensioning ducts.

Hammerhead Pier - A pier that has only one column with a cantilever cap and is somewhat similar to the
shape of a hammer.

Hanger Plate - A steel plate that connects the pins at hinge points thus transmitting the load through the

Haunch - An increase in depth of a structural member usually at points of intermediate support.

Haunched Slab - A reinforced concrete superstructure that is haunched (has an increased depth) at the
intermediate supports.

Headwall - A concrete structure at the ends of a culvert to retain and protect the embankment slopes,
anchor the culvert, and prevent undercutting.

High Performance Concrete (HPC) – Concrete with enhanced properties including higher strength, greater
durability and decreased permeability.

High Performance Steel (HPS) - Steel with enhanced properties including increased durability and

Hinge - A device used to hold the ends of two adjoining girders together, but does not allow for longitudinal
movement of the superstructure. A point in a structure where a member is free to rotate.

Holddown Device - A device used on bridge abutments to prevent girders from lifting off their bearings as a
result of the passage of live load over the bridge.

Honeycomb - A surface or interior defect in a concrete mass characterized by the lack of mortar between
the coarse aggregate particles.

Howe truss - A truss of the parallel chord type with a web system composed of vertical (tension) rods at the
panel points with an X pattern of diagonals.

Hydration - The process by which cement combines with water to form a hard binding substance.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Hybrid Girder - A steel plate girder with the web steel having a lower yield strength than the steel in one or
both flanges.

Hydrodemolition - Process to abrade or remove a surface, such as concrete, by streams of water ejected
from a nozzle at high velocity.

Incidental Work - Work necessary for fulfillment of the contract but which is not listed as a pay item in the
contract and for which no separate or additional payment will be made.

Initial Set (Concrete) - Initial stiffening of concrete, with time based upon penetration of a weighted test
needle. In the field, it is commonly assumed to be the time when the dead weight of vibrator does not
penetrate into the concrete.

Inlet Control - The case where the discharge capacity of a culvert is controlled at the culvert entrance by the
depth of headwater and the entrance geometry, including barrel shape, cross-sectional area, and inlet edge.

Intermediate Stiffener - A vertical transverse steel member used to stiffen the webs of plate girders between
points of support.

Internal File Number - Number assigned by the Bridge Front Office as part of office automation
(computerized files) and used to track all files.

Invert - The bottom or lowest point of the internal surface of the transverse cross-section of a pipe.

Inventory Rating (Design Load) - Load level that produces normal design stresses in the structures. The
inventory rated load is the load that can safely utilize an existing structure for an indefinite period of time.

International System of Units (SI) - The modernized metric system.

Intrados - The curved edge of an arch rib or barrel formed by the intersection of the bottom and side arch

Isotropic - Have the same material properties in all directions, e.g., steel.

Jacking End - End of post-tensioned bridge where jacking takes place (opposite of dead end).

Jetting - Forcing water into holes in an embankment to settle or to compact the earth. Forcing water
through holes in piles to install the piles to a specified depth before driving.

Key Number - Number assigned to a project by Program Section to identify it in the Project Control System
(PCS). All structures in a project have the same key number.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Kilogram (kg) - The base unit for mass in the International System of Units (metric).

King Post Truss - Two triangular panels with a common center vertical; the simplest of triangular trusses.

Lacing - Small flat plates used to connect individual sections of built up members.

Laitance - A weak mortar that collects at the surface of freshly placed concrete, usually caused by an
excess of mixing water or by excessive finishing.

Lamellar Tear - Incipient cracking between the layers of the base material (steel).

Lateral Bracing - Bracing placed in a horizontal plane between steel girders near the bottom and/or top

Latex Modified Concrete (LMC) - Emulsion of synthetic rubber or plastic obtained by polymerization used as
a concrete additive to decrease permeability.

Leaf - The movable portion of a bascule bridge which forms the span of the structure.

Lenticular Truss - A truss having parabolic top and bottom chords curved in opposite directions with their
ends meeting at a common joint; also known as a fish belly truss.

Level of Performance - The degree to which a longitudinal barrier, including bridge railing, is designed for
containment and redirection of different types of vehicles.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection - Nondestructive inspection process for testing for continuities that are open to
the surface, by using a liquid dye.

Live Load - Force of the applied moving load of vehicles and/or pedestrians.

Load Rating - Evaluation of the safe live load capacity of the weakest member of a bridge.

LRFD - Load Resistance Factor Design.

Longitudinal Stiffener - A longitudinal steel plate (parallel to girder flanges) used to stiffen the webs of
welded plate girders. Normally thicker webs are used to eliminate longitudinal stiffeners.

Low Relaxation Strands - Prestressing tendons that are manufactured by subjecting the strands to heat
treatment and tensioning causing a permanent elongation. This increases the strand yield strength and
reduces strand relaxation under constant tensile stress.

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MT) - Nondestructive inspection process for testing for the location of surface
cracks or surface discontinuities, by applying dry magnetic particles to a weld area or surface area that has
been suitably magnetized.

Microsilica (Silica Fume) (MC) - Very fine non-crystalline silica used as an admixture in concrete to improve
the strength, permeability and abrasion resistance.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Minor Structure Concrete (MSC) - Nonstructural concrete furnished according to contractor proportioning,
placed in minor structures and finished as specified. Previously called commercial concrete.

Modular Expansion Joints - Multiple, watertight joint assemblies for bridges requiring expansion movements
greater than 4 inches.

Mud Sill - A timber platform laid on earth as a support for vertical members or bridge falsework.

Mylars - Full-size drawings on mylar. The final “legal” drawing used for signatures and printing contract

NDT - Nondestructive testing, a method of checking the structural quality of materials that does not damage

Negative Moment - The moment causing tension in the top fibers and compression in the bottom fibers of a
structural member.

Negative Reinforcement - Reinforcement placed in concrete to resist negative bending moments.

Newton (N) - The derived unit for force (mass times acceleration or kg times m/s2) in the International
System of Units (metric).

Nominal - Used to designate a theoretical dimension, size, or slope that may vary from the actual by a very
small or negligible amount. Example: a 1” nominal diameter steel pipe has an actual 0.957” inside

Nominal Pile Resistance – LRFD term for the maximum axial pile bearing resistance. Equivalent to the
ultimate pile capacity term used in allowable stress design.

Non-Redundant Structure - Type of structure with single load path, where a single fracture in a member can
lead to the collapse of the structure.

Nosing – A bulkhead at the ends of bridges or at expansion joints made of a durable material to protect and
reinforce the slab edge. It also provides a smooth edge or surface at expansion joints to facilitate
installation and provide a better seal.

Operating Rating (Permit Loads) - The absolute maximum permissible stress level to which a structure may
be subjected. It is that stress level that may not be exceeded by the heaviest loads allowed on the
structure. Issue special permits for heavier than normal vehicles only if such loads are distributed so as not
to produce stress in excess of the operating stress.

Outlet Control - The case where the discharge capacity of a culvert is controlled by the elevation of the tail
water in the outlet channel and the slope, roughness, and length of the culvert barrel, in addition to the
cross-sectional area and inlet geometry.

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Orthotropic - A description of the physical properties of a material that has pronounced differences in two or
more directions at right angles to each other.

Parapet - A low concrete rail designed and placed to prevent traffic from passing over the edge of a bridge
deck or end of box culvert.

Pascal (Pa) - The derived unit for pressure or stress (Pa=N/m2) in the International System of Units (metric).

Paving Dam – (see Nosing) - – A bulkhead at the ends of bridges or at expansion joints made of a
durable material to protect and reinforce the slab edge and provide a stopping place for the wearing

Paving Ledge – A ledge or corbel attached to the end beam of a bridge, to provide support for a current or
future approach slab.

Performance Level - See Level of Performance.

Pier - Intermediate substructure unit of a bridge. Current terminology is bent.

Pile - A long, slender piece of wood, concrete, or metal to be driven, jetted, or cast-in-place into the earth or
river bed to serve as a support or protection.

Pile Bent - A pier where the piles are extended to the pier cap to support the structure.

Pile Cap - A member, usually of reinforced concrete, covering the tops of a group of piles for the purpose of
tying them together and transmitting to them as a group the load of the structure that they support.

Pipe Arch - A conduit in the form of a broad arch with a slightly curved integral bottom.

Plastic Deformation - Deformation of material beyond the elastic range.

Positive Moment - In a girder the moment causing compression in the top flange and tension in the bottom

Post-Tensioning - Method of prestressing in which the tendon is tensioned after the concrete has cured.

Pot Bearing - A bearing type that allows for multi-directional rotation by using a neoprene or spherical
bearing element.

Prestress Camber - The deflection in prestressed girders (usually upward) due to the application of the
prestressing force.

Pratt Truss - A truss with parallel chords and a web system composed of vertical posts with diagonal ties
inclined outward and upward from the bottom chord panel points toward the ends of the truss; also known
as N-truss.

Preliminary Plans – 85-90% complete plans, normally sent at 20 weeks.

Prestressed Concrete - Concrete in which there have been introduced internal stresses (normally
pretensioned steel) of such magnitude and distribution that the stresses resulting from given external
loadings are counteracted to a desired degree

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Pretensioned - Any method of prestressing in which the strands are tensioned before the concrete is placed.

Project Manager - The Engineer’s representative who directly supervises the engineering and administration
of a contract.

Proposal - A written offer by a bidder on forms furnished by the Division to do stated work at the prices

PS&E - Literally, Plans, Specifications, and Estimates. Usually it refers to the time when the plans,
specifications, and estimates on a project have been completed and referred to FHWA for approval. When
the PS&E has been approved, the project goes from the preliminary engineering phase to the construction

Pumping - The ejection of mixtures of water, clay and/or silt along or through transverse or longitudinal
joints, crack or payment edges, due to vertical movements of the roadway slab under traffic.

Queen-post Truss - A parallel chord type of truss having three panels with the top chord occupying only the
length of the center panel; unless center panel diagonals are provided, it is a trussed beam.

Radiographic Inspection - Nondestructive inspection process where gamma rays or X rays pass through the
object and cast an image of the internal structure onto a sheet of film as the result of density changes.

Redundant Structure - Type of structure with multiple-load paths where a fracture in a single member cannot
lead to the collapse of the structure.

Reflection Crack - A crack appearing in a resurfacing or overlay caused by movement at joints or cracks in
the underlying base or surface.

Rehabilitation – Work required to restore the structural integrity of a bridge, or bridge element, as well as
work necessary to correct major safety defects. Rehabilitation activities are considered bridge preservation.

Reinforced Pile Tip - Metal reinforcement fastened to the pile tip to protect it during driving.

Replacement – Total reconstruction of a structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridge, or bridge

element, with a new one constructed in the same vicinity. The replacement structure, or element, must
comply with current design codes, policies and practices.

Residual Camber - Camber due to the prestressing force minus the dead load deflection of the girder.

Retrofit – Work required to upgrade a bridge, or bridge element, beyond its original intended purpose and
design capacity. This work often includes strengthening to add structural capacity.

Right of Way - Land, property, or property interest, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to
transportation purposes.

Riprap - A facing of stone used to prevent erosion. It is usually dumped into place, but is occasionally
placed by hand.

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Roadside Barrier - A longitudinal barrier used to shield roadside obstacles or non-traversable terrain
features. It may occasionally be used to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic.

Roadway - The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use.

Rubble - Irregularly shaped pieces of varying size stone in the undressed condition obtained from a quarry.

Sacrificial Anode - The anode in a cathodic protection system.

Sand - Particles of rock that will pass a No. 4 sieve and be retained on a No. 200 sieve.

Scaffolding - Temporary elevated walkway or platform to support workmen, materials and tools.

Scarify - To loosen, break up, tear up, and partially pulverize the surface of soil, or of a road.

Scour - Erosion of a river bed area caused by water flow.

Scour Protection - Protection of submerged material by steel sheet piling, riprap, mattress, or combination of
such methods.

Screeding - The process of striking off excess material to bring the top surface to proper contour and

Seal - A concrete mass (usually not reinforced) poured under water in a cofferdam that is designed to resist
hydrostatic uplift. The seal facilitates construction of the footing in dry conditions.

Shear Connector - A connector used to joint cast-in-place concrete to a steel section and to resist the shear
at the connection.

Shear Lag - Nonuniform stress pattern due to ineffective transmission of shear.

Shed Roof - Roadway section with the height of one gutter greater than the centerline and other gutter.

Sheet Pile - A pile made of flat or arch cross-section to be driven into the ground or stream bed and meshed
or interlocked with like members to form a wall, or bulkhead.

Sheet Pile Cofferdam - A wall-like barrier composed of driven piling constructed to surround the area to be
occupied by a structure and permit dewatering of the enclosure so that the excavation may be produced in
the open air.

Shoofly - Detour alignment of temporary railroad track and bridge around the site of a permanent railroad
bridge replacement.

Shotcrete - Mortar or concrete pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface.

Shoulders - The portions of the roadway between the traveled way and the inside edges of slopes of ditches
or fills, exclusive of auxiliary lanes, curbs, and gutters.

Shy Distance (E-Distance) - The distance from the edge of the traveled way beyond which a roadside object
will not be perceived as an immediate hazard by the typical driver, to the extent that the vehicle’s placement
or speed will be changed.

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Shrinkage - Contraction of concrete due to drying and chemical changes, dependent on time.

Silt - Soil passing a No. 200 sieve that is non-plastic or exhibits very low plasticity.

Simple Spans - Spans with the main stress carrying members non-continuous, or broken, at the
intermediate supports.

Skew or Skew Angle - The acute angle formed by the intersection of a line normal to the centerline of the
roadway with a line parallel to the face of the abutments or piers, or in the case of culverts with the
centerline of the culverts. Left hand forward skew indicates that, look up station, the left side of the structure
is further up station that the right hand side. Right hand skew indicates that the right side of structure is
further up station that the left side.

Slip Base - A structural element at or near the bottom of a post or pole that will allow release of the post
from its base upon impact while resisting wind loads.

Slope - The degree of inclination to the horizontal. It is sometimes described by such adjectives as steep,
moderate, gentle, mild or flat.

Slope Paving - Pavement placed on the slope in front of abutment to prevent soil erosion.

Soffit - The bottom surface of a beam or an arch rib or barrel.

Spandrel - The area between the roadway and the arch in the side view of an arch bridge.

Special Provisions - The special directions, provisions, and requirements peculiar to the project that
augment the standard specifications. They are commonly referred to as “specials”.

Specifications - The body of directions, provisions, and requirements, together with written agreements and
all documents of any description, made or to be made, pertaining to the method or manner of performing the
work, the quantities, and the quality of materials to be furnished under the contract.

Spread Footing - A footing that is supported directly by soil or rock.

Spur Dike - A wall or mound built or extended out from the upstream side of an abutment used for training
the stream flow to prevent erosion of stream bank. May also be used where there is no bridge, but the
stream flows along the side of highway embankment.

Stainless Steel Teflon Bearings - Incorporated stainless steel and teflon with steel to provide the necessary
expansion movement.

St. Venant Torsion - Uniform torsion resulting in no deformation of the cross-section.

State Plane Coordinates - The plane-rectangular coordinate system established by the United States Coast
and Geodetic Survey. Plane coordinates are used to locate geographic position.

Station - A distance of 100 feet measured horizontally.

Stirrup - Vertical U-shaped or rectangular shaped bars placed in concrete beams to resist the shearing
stresses in the beam.

Strengthening – Work to add structural capacity to a bridge element or structure.

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Stress Relieved Strands - Any prestressing tendons that are manufactured by relieving the high residual
stresses that were introduced into the steel during the wire drawing and stranding operations. Stress
relieving is not a heat treatment and does not change the strand yield strength.

Strip Seal Joint - Molded neoprene glands inserted and mechanically locked between armored interfaces of
extruded steel sections.

Structurally Deficient Bridges - Those bridges which have been (1) restricted to light vehicles only, (2)
closed, or (3) require immediate rehabilitation to remain open, as defined by the Federal Highway

Subgrade - The top surface of completed earthwork on which subbase, base, surfacing, pavement, or a
course of other material is to be placed.

Substructure - Those parts of a structure which support the superstructure, including bents, piers,
abutments, and integrally built wingwalls, up to the surfaces on which bearing devices rest. Substructure
also includes portions above bearing surfaces when those portions are built integrally with a substructure
unit (e.g. backwalls of abutments). When substructure and superstructure elements are built integrally, the
division between substructure and superstructure is considered to be at the bottom soffit of the longitudinal
or transverse beam, whichever is lower. Culverts and rigid frames are considered to be entirely

Sufficiency Rating - A method of evaluating data by calculating four separate factors to obtain a numeric
value which is indicative of bridge sufficiency to remain in service. The result of this method is a percentage
in which 100 percent would represent an entirely sufficient bridge and zero percent would represent an
entirely insufficient or deficient bridge.

Superelevation - The difference in elevation between the inside and outside edges of a roadway in a
horizontal curve; required to counteract the effects of
centrifugal force.

Superplasticizer - A high range water-reducing admixture that increases the slump of freshly mixed concrete
without increasing the water content.

Superstructure - Those parts of a structure above the substructure, including bearing devices.

Surcharge - Any load that causes thrust on a retaining wall, other than backfill to the level of the top of the
wall. Also preloading of an embankment to minimize the time for initial consolidation of the subsurface soils.

Suspension Bridge - A bridge in which the floor system is supported by catenary cables which are supported
upon towers and are anchored at their extreme ends.

Suspender - A wire cable, metal rod or bar connected to a catenary cable of a suspension bridge at one end
and the bridge floor system at the other, thus transferring loads from the roadway to the main suspension

Tack Welds - Small welds used for temporary connections.

Telltale (Tattletale) - Any device designed to indicate movement of formwork or falsework.

Tendon - A name for prestressed reinforcing element whether wires, bars, or strands.

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Tenon - A constant diameter extension welded to the tip of the tapered metal arm of a luminaire support
pole to receive the luminaire.

Thixotropy - Property of a material that enables it to stiffen in a short period on standing, but to acquire a
lower viscosity again on mechanical agitation. A property desirable for post-tensioning duct grout.

Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis - Analysis in which a three-dimensional continuum is modeled

as an assemblage of discrete elements in three-dimensional space.

Three-Hinged Arch - An arch which is hinged at each support and at the crown.

Through Structure - A structure that has its floor connected to the lower portion of the main stress-carrying
members, so that the bracing goes over the traffic. A structure whose main supporting members project
above the deck or surface.

Tining - Is used on finished concrete deck or slab surfaces to provide friction and reduce hydroplaning.
Grooves are placed in the plastic concrete or cut into the hardened concrete.

Torsional Stress - Shear stress on a transverse cross-section resulting from a twisting action.

Transformed Section - A hypothetical section of one material so as to have the same elastic properties as a
section of two materials.

Transition - A section of barrier between two different barriers or, more commonly, where a roadside barrier
is connected to a bridge railing or to a rigid object such as a bridge pier. The transition should produce a
gradual stiffening of the approach rail so vehicular pocketing, snagging, or penetration at the connection can
be avoided.

Traveled Way - The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and
auxiliary lanes.

Tremie - A pipe or tube through which concrete is deposited underwater.

Trial Batch - A batch of concrete prepared to establish or check proportions of the constituents.

Turnbuckle - A long, cylindrical, internally threaded nut used to connect the elements of adjustable rod and
bar members.

Turn-of-the-Nut - A bolt-tightening method.

Two-hinged Arch - A rigid frame which may be arch-shaped or rectangular but is hinged at both supports.

Ultrasonic Inspection - A non-destructive inspection process where by an ultra-high frequency sound wave
induced into a material is picked up in reflection from any interface or boundary.

Unbonded Strands - Strands so coated as to prevent their forming a bond with surrounding concrete. Used
to reduce stress at the ends of a member.

Underpinning - The addition of new permanent support to existing foundations to provide additional

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Uplift - A force tending to raise a structure or part of a structure and usually caused by wind and/or eccentric
loads, or the passage of live-load over the structure.

Utility - A line, facility, or system for producing, transmitting, or distributing communications, power,
electricity, heat, gas, oil, water, steam, waste, storm water not connected with highway drainage, or any
other similar commodity which directly or indirectly serves the public. The term utility shall also mean the
utility company, district, or cooperative, including any wholly owned or controlled subsidiary.

Vierendeel Truss - A Pratt truss without diagonal members and with rigid joints between top and bottom
chords and the verticals.

Vibrator - An oscillating device inserted at selected locations to consolidate fresh concrete.

Wales - Horizontal support members in close contact with a row of sheet piles in a cofferdam or shoring
wall. Sometimes called whalers.

Warrants - The criteria by which the need for a safety treatment or improvement can be determined.

Warren Truss - A triangular truss consisting of sloping members between the top and bottom chords and no
verticals; members form the letter W.

Water/Cement Ratio - The weight of water divided by the weight of cement in a concrete; ratio controls the
strength of the concrete.

Waterproofing Membranes - Impervious material overlaid with bituminous concrete to protect decks from the
infiltration of chlorides and resulting deterioration.

Wearing Surface - The top layer of a pavement designed to provide structural values and a surface resistant
to traffic abrasion.

Weep Hole - A drain hole through a wall to prevent the building up of hydraulic pressure behind the wall.

Weld Inspection - Covers the process, written procedure, and welding in process. Post weld heat
maintenance if required, post weld visual inspection and non-destructive testing as specified in contract and
Standard Specifications.

Welded-Wire Fabric - A two-way reinforcing mat, fabricated from cold-drawn steel wire, having parallel
longitudinal wires welded at regular intervals to parallel transverse wires.

Well-Graded - An aggregate possessing a proportionate distribution of successive particle sizes.

Wetlands - Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration
sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.

Wheel Load – Half of an axle load.

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Wingwall - A wall attached to the abutments of bridges or box culverts retaining the roadway fill. The
sloping retaining walls on each side of the center part of a bridge abutment.

Yield - Permanent deformation (permanent set) which a metal piece takes when it is stressed beyond the
elastic limit.

Young’s Modulus - modulus of elasticity of a material (E); or the stiffness of a material.

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APPENDIX – SECTION 1 – Abbreviations

(Initialisms and Acronyms)
A&E Architectural and Engineering
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials (1921-1973)
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (since 1973)
AB Anchor bolt
AC Asphalt Concrete
ACEC American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement
ACT Area Commission on Transportation
ACWS Asphalt concrete wearing surface
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADT Average daily traffic (see Definitions)
ADTT Average Daily Truck Traffic
AEE Association of Engineering Employees
AGC Associated of General Contractors of America
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AITC American Institute of Timber Construction
a.k.a. Also known as
AML Automated Milepoint Log
AMT Area Management Team
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOC Association of Oregon Counties
AOH Access Oregon Highways
A.P. Angle Point
APA American Plywood Association
API Area of Potential Impact
APWA American Public Works Association
AREA American Railway Engineering Association
ARRA American Response and Recovery Act
ARS Accident Records System (Accident Data Unit, Transportation Research Section)
ARTBA American Road and Transportation Builders Association
ASAP As soon as possible
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (refers to files that are pure text)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATA Agreement to Agree
ATC Applied Technology Council
ATR Automatic Traffic Recorder
ATPM Asphalt-treated permeable material
AWPA American Wood Products Association
AWS American Welding Society

B-Team Team of Bridge Engineering Section Supervisors & Engineers
BAMS Bid Analysis Management System

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BBS Bulletin Board System (computers)
BDS Bridge Design System (AASHTO software)
BDS Bridge Data System (ODOT software)
BDWO Bridge Design Work Order
BIOS Basic Input/Output System (computers)
BLM Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Dept. of Interior)
BLT Bridge Leadership Team
BMP Best Management Practice
BMS Bridge Management System
BNRR Burlington Northern Railroad
Bot. Bottom
BPR Bureau of Public Roads (now FHWA)
BRASS Bridge Rating and Analysis of Structural Systems (software)
BRSFUP Bridge Rail Safety Features Upgrade Program
Bt. Bent
BUBB Bargaining Unit Benefit Board
BVC Begin vertical curve

C Degrees Celsius
CAC Citizens Advisory Committee or Community Action Committee
CAD Computer-aided drafting/computer-aided design
CADD Computer-aided drafting and design
CAE Computer-aided engineering
CalTrans California Department of Transportation
CCT Concrete Control Technician
CETAS Collaborative Environmental and Transportation Agreement for Streamlining
CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read-Only Memory
CF Cubic feet
CFS Cubic Feet per Second
CG Center of Gravity
CICS Customer Information and Control System (Transportation inventory and Mapping Unit
software on the mainframe)
CIM Corporate Information Management
CIP Cast-in-place
CIS Career Information System (Training & Employee Development Sect.)
CLT Construction Leadership Team
CMP Construction Mitigation Plan
Construction Management Plan
Corrugated metal pipe
COGO Coordinate Geometry language
COM Communications port (serial port on a computer)
CP Cathodic protection
CPM Critical Path Method (method of scheduling)
Consultant Project Manager
CPU Central Processing Unit (computers)
CQC Complete Quadratic Combination (method of combining seismic forces or
CRF Code of Federal Regulations
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
CRT Cathode Ray Tube display (monitor)
CS3 Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions
CTP Continuous Trip Permit
CY Cubic yard
CZM Coastal Zone Management

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DAP Design Acceptance Plans
DAW Design Acceptance Workshop
DB Design-Build
DBA Doing Business As
DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DEQ Department of Environmental Quality (Oregon)
DHV Design hourly volume
Dia. Diameter
DL Dead load
DLCD Department of Land Conservation and Development (Oregon) (formerly LCDC)
DLT Discipline Leadership Team
DOGAMI Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (Oregon)
DM District Manager
DMS District Maintenance Supervisor (old)
DMV Division of Motor Vehicles
DOJ Department of Justice
DOS Disk Operating System for personal computers
DS Top of deck to streambed distance
DSL Division of State Lands (Oregon)
DTI Direct Tension Indicator (load indicating washer for bolts)

E East
E&C Engineering and Contingencies (used in cost estimates)
EA Expenditure Account
Environmental Assessment
EAC Emulsified Asphalt Concrete
EAP Employee Assistance Program
EB Eastbound
ECL East city limits
EDMS Electronic Data Management System
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity program
EEO/AA Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
EF Each face
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
El. Elevation
Elev. Elevation
ELT Environmental Leadership Team
Emb. Embankment
EP Edge of pavement
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
ES Edge of shoulder
ESA Endangered Species Act or Environmental Site Assessment
EVC End vertical curve
EW Each way
Exp. Expansion

F Degrees Fahrenheit
FAPG Federal Aid Policy Guide (replaced FHPM 12/9/91)
FAS Federal Aid Secondary (class of highways)

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FAT File Allocation Table (on a computer disk)
FBN Film base negative
FBPM Film base positive matte
FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FF Far face (don't use for "fill face")
FFO Full Federal Oversight
FHP Federal-Aid Highway Program
FHPm Federal Highway Program Manual (replaced by FAPG)
FHWA Federal Highway Administration (formerly BPR)
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards system (IBM software)
FIS Flood Insurance Studies (conducted by FHWA)
FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact
FRP Fiber Reinforced Polymer
FS Far side
ft-k foot-kips
ft-lbs foot-pounds
FTA Federal Transit Administration
FTP File Transfer Protocol

Ga. Gauge
GAO General Accounting Office
GDM Geotechnical Design Manual
GHLT Geo-Hydro Leadership Team
GIS Geographic Information System
GLO Government Land Office
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Guard Rail
GSA General Services Administration
GSP Galvanized Steel Pipe
GUI Graphical User Interface for computers (such as Windows)

HBP Highway Bridge Program (funding)
HBR Highway Bridge Replacement (type of funding)
HBRR Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (type of funding)
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HDM Highway Design Manual
HIP Highway Improvement Plan (6-year plan of ODOT)
HLT Highway Leadership Team
HMAC Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HP&R Highway Planning & Research program
HPC High Performance Concrete
HQ Headquarters
HS High Strength
HSIS Highway Safety Information System (FHWA database)
Ht. Height
HW High Water
HWM High Water Mark

I/O Input/Output

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I4R Interstate Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (funding
IAMP Interchange Area Management Plan
IBM International Business Machines
ID Inside diameter
IDE Internal Drive Electronics (type of computer hard disk)
IDT Idaho Department of Transportation
IF Inside face (don't use!)
IGA Inter-Governmental Agreement
IO Intermodal Oregon
ILT Intermodal Leadership Team
IS Information Systems
ISB Information Systems Branch
ISPF Integrated System Productivity Facility (IBM mainframe software)
ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
IT Information Technology
ITIS Integrated Transportation Information System
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
IWRC Independent Wire Rope Core (cables)

J Joule, metric energy unit
JCL Job Control Language (mainframe)
JTA Oregon Jobs and Transportation Act of 2009

k Kilo, one thousand
K Kip (kilopound, 1000 pounds)
kg Kilogram, metric mass unit
km Kilometer (1000 meters)
kN KiloNewton, metric force unit
KSF Kips per Square Foot
KSI Kips per Square Inch

LAN Local Area Network (computers)
Lbs Pounds
LC Length of curve
LCD Liquid Crystal Display (computers)
LCDC Land Conservation and Development Commission (Oregon) (now DLCD)
LF Linear feet
LL Live load
LMC Latex Modified Concrete
LOC League of Oregon Cities
LPA Local Public Agency
LPT Line Printer (parallel computer port)
LRFD Load Resistance Factor Design
LRFD AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
L.S. Lump Sum
LSDC Low slump dense concrete
LT Leadership Team

m Meter, metric length unit
Milli, one thousandth

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M Mega, one million
MALT Modes and Area Leadership Team
MAPS-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (funding)
MBM,MFBM Thousand feet board measure
MC Microsilica modified concrete
MCTD Motor Carrier Transportation Division
MH Manhole
MHz MegaHertz (millions of cycles per second)
MLT Maintenance Leadership Team
MP Microfilm print
Milepoint, milepost (even milepoint)
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MSC Minor structure concrete
MSCS Management Scheduling Control System (to replace PCS)
MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MSE Mechanically Stabilized Earth (retaining walls)
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTPA Major Transportation Projects Agreement

N North
Newton, metric force unit
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NAVD 88 North American Vertical Datum 1988
NB Northbound
NBI National Bridge Inventory
NBIS National Bridge Inspection Standards
NCEER National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (Buffalo, NY)
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program (from the Transportation Research
NCL North city limits
NEPA National Environmental Protection Act of 1969
NF Near face
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum (MSL = 0.0)
NHI National Highway Institute
NHPP National Highway Performance Program
NHS National Highway System
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NICET National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAA National Oceanic 7 Atmospheric Administration (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
NSM Near Surface Mount
NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
NT New Technology (new version of Microsoft Windows)
NTS Not to Scale

OAR Oregon Administrative Rule
OBIS Oregon Bridge Inventory System
OC On Center (center-to-center)
OCAPA Oregon Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association, Inc.
OD Outside Diameter

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ODF&W Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
OERS Oregon Emergency Response System
OG Original Ground
OHP Oregon Highway Plan
OIT Oregon Institute of Technology
OMUTCD Oregon Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
OO, O-O Out-to-out
OPEU Oregon Public Employees Union
OPL Office of Project Letting
OPO ODOT Procurement Office
Ops. Operations
ORS Oregon Revised Statutes
OS Operating System
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S.)
OSHD Oregon State Highway Division
OSP Oregon State Police
Oregon State Parks
OSU Oregon State University
OTC Oregon Transportation Commission
OTIA Oregon Transportation Investment Act (I, II, & III)
OTP Oregon Transportation Plan
Oxing Overcrossing
OZ Ozalid print

Pa Pascal, metric stress or pressure unit
PA Price Agreement
PBLT Planning Business Line Leadership Team
PC Personal computer
Point of curvature
P/C Precast Concrete
PCA Portland Cement Association
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
Point on compound curve
PCF Pounds per Cubic Foot
PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute
PCP Prestressed concrete pipe
PCS Project Control System (to be replaced by MSCS)
Point of change from circular curve to spiral
PDG Project Delivery Guide
PDLT Project Delivery Leadership Team
PE Professional Engineer (registered)
Preliminary engineering
PEBB Public Employees Benefit Board
PERS Public Employees Retirement System
PI Point of intersection
Public Information
PL Project Leader
Performance Level of bridge rail
PM Project Manager
PMC Polymer-modified concrete
PMS Pavement Management System
PMT Photo transfer paper
PO Purchase Order

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
POC Point on circular curve
POR Professional of Record
POS Point on spiral
POT Point on tangent
PQR Pre-Qualification Request
PR Project Request (Federal-Aid Program)
Public Relations
Prest. Prestressed
PRC Point of reverse curve
PRN Printer port (parallel port on computer, =LPT)
PS Point of change from tangent to spiral
P/S Prestressed Concrete
PS&E Plans, Specifications & Estimate
PSBS Project Specifications Bid System
PSC Point of change from spiral to circular curve
PSF Pounds per Square Foot
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PSK Personal Services Contract
PSU Portland State University
PT Point of tangency
P/T Post-tensioned concrete
PTI Post-Tensioning Institute
PUC Public Utility Commission
PVC Point on vertical curve
Polyvinyl chloride
PVI Point of vertical intersection
PWRR Portland Western Railroad

QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QCT Quality Control Technician
QPL Qualified Products Listing

R Radius
R, 1R Resurfacing
R. Range (surveying)
R/D Rough Draft
R/W Right of Way
R&D Research and Development
RAM Random Access Memory
RBI Region Bridge Inspector
RC Reinforced Concrete
RCB Reinforced Concrete Box
RCBC Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert
RCBG Reinforced Concrete Box Girder
RCDG Reinforced Concrete Deck Girder
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
Rdwy. Roadway
REA Revised Environmental Assessment
Rev. Revised; revision date
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposals
RFQ Request for Qualifications

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
RLT Roadway Leadership Team
RMS Root Mean Square (statistical average)
ROD Record of Decision
ROM Read-Only Memory
RR Railroad
RRR, 3R Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation
RRRR, 4R Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
RSA Response Spectrum Analysis

S South
S. Section (surveying)
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy of Users of
SB Southbound
SC Structural Concrete
SCL South city limits
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface (type of computer hard disk)
SEAO Structural Engineers Association of Oregon
SEAOC Structural Engineers Association of California
Sec. Section (map location)
Sect. Section (on a drawing)
SF Square feet
SFC Silica Fume Concrete
SFLMC Silica Fume Latex-Modified Concrete
SH, Shld Shoulder
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program
SI "Systeme Internationale" (International System of units)
SI&A Structure Inventory and Appraisal
SIBC Slide In Bridge Construction
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module (type of memory chips)
SLT Safety Leadership Team
SOQ Statement of Qualifications
SOW Statement of Work
SP ODOT Construction Specifications
SPC Seismic Performance Category
SPFPC System Productivity Facility for Personal Computers (data file editing software)
SPIS Safety Priority Index System
SPRR Southern Pacific Railroad
SPT Standard Penetration Test for soils
SR Sufficiency Rating
SRCM Soils and Rock Classification Manual (ODOT)
SRSS Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (method of combining seismic forces or
SSDM Strategic Systems & Data Management (a unit within Technical Services)
SSPC Structural Steel Painting Council
STE Supervising Transportation Engineer
STP Single Trip Permit
Surface Transportation Program
S.T.R. Section, Township and Range (surveying)
STRAHNET Strategic Highway Corridor Network
STIP State Transportation Improvement Program
STRUDL Structural Design Language
SW Sidewalk

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
SY Square Yard

T. Township (surveying)
T&E Threatened and Endangered
Tan. Tangent
TAC Technical Advisory Committee
TAG Technical Advisory Group
TB Test boring
TCP Traffic Control Plan
TEAMS Transportation Environment Accounting System
TF Top Face
TFE Polytetrafluoroethylene (sliding surface for bearings)
TH Test hole
Thk Thick, thickness
TIFIA Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (FHWA)
TIP Transportation Improvement Plan
TLC Technical Leadership Center
TLT Technical Leadership Team
TMOC Transportation Management Operations Center
TMP Traffic Management Plan
TP&DT Temporary Protection and Direction of Traffic
TRB Transportation Research Board
TS Tube, Structural
TS&L Type, Size and Location (formerly called preliminary)
TSF Tons per Square Foot (don't use)
TSO Time Sharing Option (on mainframe computer)
TTS Tracings To Specifications
Typ. Typical

UBC Uniform Building Code
UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
U of O University of Oregon
UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
UP University of Portland
UPRR Union Pacific Railroad
URLT Utility Relocation Leadership Team
USACE, ACOE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USC&GC United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
USCG United States Coast Guard
USFS U.S. Forest Service (Dept. of Agriculture)
USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
USRS U.S. Reclamation Service
Uxing Undercrossing

V. Version (software)
Var. Varies
VC Vertical curve
VE Value Engineering
VGA Video Graphical Array (computers)
VM Vicinity Map

May 21 1-399
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
VMT Vehicle miles of travel

W West
W/ With
W/O Without
WAN Wide Area Network (computers)
WATS Wide Area Telephone Service
WB Westbound
WCL West city limits
WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau
W.M. Willamette Meridian
WOC Work Order Contract
WPS Welding Procedure Specifications
WS Wearing surface
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
WSC Wire Strand Core (cables)
Wt. Weight
WWF Welded Wire Fabric
WWM Welded Wire Mesh
WWPA Western Wood Products Association
WYSIWYG What-you-see-is-what-you-get (computer interface)

X'Sect Cross-section
XF Xerox film
Xing Crossing
XV Xerox vellum

May 21 1-400
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

APPENDIX – Section 1.2 – AASHTO/BDM Cross-

Bridge Design Manual

Section Title Section Title Comments

BDM adds specific design Bridge
Bridge Length floods and minimum freeboard
3.18.3 Waterway
to AASHTO specs.

BDM gives span-to-depth ratios

Structure Span to Depth for concrete bridges but leaves
Depth Ratios span-to-depth ratios for steel
bridges to AASHTO.

BDM states that AASHTO

optional live load deflection
Structure Criteria For criteria is not required for
Depth Deflection bridges that satisfy the span-to-
depth ratios in BDM

BDM Yields to AASHTO

Bridge, Slab Edge Requirements. AASHTO
3.17.1(1) Types and, Beam requirements also apply to CIP
Economics Requirements voided slabs if design deviation
is approved.

BDM states that bottom of

spread footings should be 6 feet
Hydraulics, below normal streambed. Bridge Scour
General AASHTO states that the bottom
of footing should be below the
scour depth.

BDM states that spread footings

should be at least 6 feet below
streambed and also below the
scour depth for the 500-year
Footing Bearing Depth flood event. AASHTO states
that the footings should be
located to bear below the
maximum anticipated depth of

May 21 1-401
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
BDM resistance factors for bearing
Nominal and of spread footings are higher than
Factored Spread those shown in Table in
Bearing Footings the AASHTO Specs for extreme
Resistances event conditions of scour and
earthquake loading.

BDM specifies a factor of safety

Spread 1.5 for overall stability. AASHTO
Overall Footing specifies phi factors for stability =
Stability 0.75 or 0.65 depending on
geotechnical information.

Nominal Axial BDM refers specifically to

Pile Pile AASHTO specs for determining
Resistance axial pile capacity.

BDM states that smallest shaft

Drilled Shaft diameter is 12 inches. AASHTO
Shaft Diameters and adds that if the shaft is to be
Requirements manually inspected, the diameter
should not be less than 30 inches.

AASHTO states that columns on

top of drilled shafts can be the
Column Maximum same size as the drilled shaft, but
Diameter Column Size BDM requires that columns be
smaller than shafts by 6 inch or 1
foot depending on shaft diameter.

BDM refers to AASHTO for the

Shaft Shaft determination of drilled shaft
Settlement Settlement

BDM overrides LRFD
Shaft because the shaft diameter is Ratio and
Reinforcement always larger than the column
rebar spacing

Reinforcement BDM adds a formula for computing
Shaft Ratio and transverse reinforcement required
transverse in non-contact splice region.
rebar spacing

Shaft Cover for Main BDM provides specific Reinforcement 5.12.3-1 Reinforcing reinforcement cover requirements
Cover Steel for drilled shafts.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Load From
BDM assumes 150 pcf for ACWS,
1.3.1(4) Wearing 3.5.1-1 Unit Weights
but AASHTO assumes 140 pcf.

Pedestrian Pedestrian Both BDM and AASHTO specify

Structures Loads 85 psf

Temperature ranges vary slightly

Thermal Temperature
1.3.6 between BDM and AASHTO for
Forces Ranges
Moderate and Rigorous Climates

BDM requires State Bridge

Ductility, Ductility, Engineer approval for Redundancy
Redundancy, Redundancy, Factor less than 1.0, and it states
1.3.3, 1.3.4,
1.4.1 and and that for the Operational Importance
Operational Operational Factor, use a value of 1.0 for all
Importance Importance bridges, assuming all bridges to be

BDM adds specific details for

Sidewalk Pedestrian
1.3.3 applying vehicular live load to curb
Loading Loads
mountable sidewalks.

Shear BDM includes additional design

Correction criteria for the application of the
1.4.2 Factor for skew correction factor for
Skewed computing shear in skewed
Girders beams.

BDM adds bar extension

requirements for abutments on stiff
footings to distribute flexure. Design and Wingwalls
AASHTO does state that bar
lengths should vary to avoid
"planes of weakness"

BDM specifies the use of AASHTO

Guide Specifications for LRFD
Seismic Bridge Design for projects
3.10, 5.10.11, initiated after May 1st 2009. For, projects initiated before May 1st
Seismic Earthquake
1.17 11.6.5, 2010, BDM specifies the use of
Design Effects
11.8.6, AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
11.10.7 Specifications. Additional
requirements and guidelines for
both AASHTO documents are
included in the BDM.

Concrete, Compressive BDM has independent concrete

General Strength classes.

Concrete, Modulus of BDM and AASHTO have same

General Elasticity formula

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Minimum Bar Concrete BDM and AASHTO have separate 5.12.3
Covering Cover tables

BDM bases reinforcement area on

concrete thickness only, but
Reinforcement AASHTO bases reinforcement
Shrinkage and
for Shrinkage area on ratio of volume of section 5.10.8 Temperature
and to perimeter of section. AASHTO
Temperature also has additional required
minimum spacing for specific

BDM specifies 2.5d for the bar

spacing, but AASHTO specifies
1.5d for clear distance between
Minimum Bar Spacing of 5.10.3 bars. Both state 1.5 inches
Spacing Reinforcement
minimum clear between bars and
1.5(maximum aggregate size) for
minimum clear between bars.

AASHTO gives two equations with

Compression Compression the one that results in the lowest Development Development value controlling. BDM specifies
Length Length the largest value from the

Precast AASHTO allows 0.19sqrt(f'c) for, Tensile Stress Prestressed certain situations but BDM allows Limits
Elements only 0.0948sqrt(f'c)

Post-Tension AASHTO specifies spacing
Tensioning Strand Duct requirements; BDM doesn't call out
Ducts C-C
Placement spacing requirements.

BDM specifies that AASHTO
Pads and
Method A should be used to
Elastomeric 14.7.5, Steel design bearing pads unless there
Bearing Pads 14.7.6 Reinforced
is a specific need to use AASHTO
Method B.

Pot, Disc, BDM provides a simplified
Shrinkage and Slide, Radial, approach for determining creep
or Spherical and shrinkage coefficients.

Empirical BDM excludes the use of the

Deck Design
1.9.1 9.7.2 Design of Empirical Method in AASHTO for
and Detailing
Decks deck design

May 21 1-404
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
BDM deck design tables utilize
Deck Design AASHTO specifications from LRFD
1.9.1 Decks
and Detailing to develop reinforcement

AASHTO specifies a maximum

Deck Compression skew angle for compression joint
1.14.2 Expansion and Cellular seals equal to 20 degrees, but this
Joint Seals Seals limitation is not stated in the BDM
or Standard Drawing.

Test Level
AASHTO Defines Test Level Rail Selection 13.7.2 Selection

Traffic Rail AASHTO provides design forces in Rail Selection A13.2
Design Forces rails in Table A13.2-1

BDM modifies this AASHTO

Flexural comment to reflect moment of
1.6.1 Steel Girders C6.
Members inertia of the smaller section rather
than the smaller flange.

AASHTO has specific

(Timber) (Wood)
requirements for the use of wood
1.4.1 Preservative Treatment
preservative chemicals on
Treatment Chemicals
pedestrian bridges.

1-2.1.2 AASHTO Guide Specs for Sound

(AASHTO Barriers provides wind load
1.15.1 Guide Specs Wind Load equations and exposure
for Sound categories. Example designs are
Barriers) also provided

AASHTO Guide Specs for Sound
Soundwall Barriers provides equations and
1.15.2 Guide Specs Seismic Load
Seismic Load factors for seismic loads on sound
for Sound

(AASHTO BDM uses AASHTO factors of
Overturning Spread
1.15.3 Guide Specs safety with slight modifications.
Factor of Footings
for Sound (Ice and snow load not included)

AASHTO calls out horizontal

Roadway clearance requirements that are Horizontal
Clearances consistent with the values shown
in BDM Figure

Figure 16 Bridge Deck See AASHTO Figure 16 for

1.38.4 Falsework
(AASHTO Falsework conceptual layout of deck

May 21 1-405
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
Construction overhang falsework.
Handbook for

Page 71
Construction Sealing and AASHTO confirms that force from
Cofferdams Handbook for Buoyancy sheet pile friction should not be
and Seals
Bridge Control included in uplift resistance.

ODOT Design
Instructions for
Vehicular BDM adds specific requirements
1.3.4 3.6.5 Collision for barriers in front of obstacle
LRFD Bridge
Force components.

ODOT Design
Instructions for BDM modifies AASHTO specs
AASHTO Hydraulic regarding scour depth and
1.3.5 2.6.4, 3.7.5
LRFD Bridge Analysis degradation and Extreme Limit
Design States

May 21 1-406
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

APPENDIX – Section 1.11 – Substructures

A1.11.1.7 End Bent Details for Prestressed Slabs and Boxes

Figure A1.11.1.7A

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure A1.11.1.7B

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Figure A1.11.1.7C

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Figure A1.11.1.7D

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Figure A1.11.1.7E

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A1.11.2.2 Interior Bent Details for Prestressed Slabs and Boxes

Figure A1.11.2.2A

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Figure A1.11.2.2B

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

Figure A1.11.2.2C

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1

APPENDIX – Section – Resin Anchor

This appendix contains the legacy equations used by designers prior to 2019, which were replaced by the
equations according to ACI 318 Chapter 17 with ODOT modifications. Use the legacy equations only
when it is required.

General Equation for Resin Tension Capacity

Ultimate tension capacity = R0*R1*R2*π*D*E*[U(max)-(35 lb/in3 * E)]


π = Pi = 3.14159
D = anchor diameter (inches)
E = anchor embedment (inches)
U(max) = 1400 psi for “low strength” resin
= 2300 psi for “high strength” resin

R0 = reduction factor for non-redundant applications. This applies when anchors are used with only
two anchors per attachment.
R0 = 0.85 for non-redundant horizontal applications
R0 = 1.0 for all other applications

R1 = reduction factor due to edge distance

R1 = 1.0 - (1.5-A)/2.5 when edge distance < 1.5 * E
R1 = 1.0 when edge distance ≥ 1.5 * E
where A = edge distance/E

R2 = reduction factor due to anchor spacing

R2 = 1.0 - (1.0-B)/1.7 when anchor spacing < 1.0 * E
R2 = 1.0 when anchor spacing ≥ 1.0 * E
where B = anchor spacing/E

Specify edge distance and anchor spacing greater than 6 * D or 0.5 * E, whichever is greater.

When rebar is anchor material, add 2 times the anchor diameter to the required anchor embedment. This
extra embedment is necessary for rebar since the exact location of rebar deformations cannot be known.
Most of the tension load in a rebar anchor is transferred to the concrete at the deformation location. For this
reason fully-threaded anchors are generally preferred for most resin-bonded anchor applications.

For horizontal applications, add 20 percent to the required anchor embedment. This extra embedment is
necessary since full resin coverage cannot be assured for horizontal applications. Horizontal applications
angled down a minimum of 15 degrees do not require the additional 20 percent.

Resin Tension Equation: Service Loads

Ultimate tension capacity ≥ 3 * design tension load

Resin Tension Equation: Seismic Loads

Ultimate tension capacity:

May 21 1-415
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 1
≥1.9 * design seismic load for “low strength” resin
≥1.6 * design seismic load for “high strength” resin

Note: for seismic loading, maximum rod loading ≤ 0.9 Fy

Fy = Yield strength of the anchor rod

Resin Tension Equation: LRFD Loads

0.5 * Ultimate tension capacity ≥ factored load

General Equation for Resin Shear Capacity

Ultimate Shear Capacity = R1 * R2 * λ * D * E * f'c


D = anchor diameter (inches)

E = anchor embedment (inches)
f'c = compressive strength of concrete
λ = 0.75 for “low strength” resin
= 1.0 for “high strength” resin

R1 = reduction factor due to edge distance

R1 = 1.0 - (1.5-A)/2.0 when edge distance < 1.5 * E
R1 = 1.0 when edge distance ≥ 1.5 * E

R2 = reduction factor due to anchor spacing

R2 = 1.0 - (1.0-B)/1.7 when anchor spacing < 1.0 * E
R2 = 1.0 when anchor spacing ≥ 1.0 * E

If concrete for an existing structure appears to be in good condition, use f‘c = 1.2 times the concrete
strength shown on the existing plans.

Resin Shear Equation: Service Loads

Ultimate shear capacity ≥ 3 * design shear load

Resin Shear Equation: Seismic Loads

Ultimate shear capacity ≥ 1.7 * design seismic shear load

Resin Shear Equation: LRFD Loads

0.5 * Ultimate shear capacity ≥ factored load

Combined Resin Tension and Shear

Combined Stress Ratio (CSR) ≤ 1.0

CSR= (ft / Ft) + (fv / Fv)2

ft , fv = factored loads (i.e., the right side of service load, seismic, or LRFD equations)

Ft , Fv = capacities (i.e., the left side of service load, seismic, or LRFD equations)

May 21 1-416




Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

Table of Contents
2.1 Section 2 – Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Guidelines .............................................................. 3
2.2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 ODOT encourages and supports ABC Projects ...................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Contracting Methods Allowed.................................................................................................. 4
2.2.4 Decision Making Framework ................................................................................................... 5
2.2.5 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Tool .................................................................................. 8
2.2.6 Steel Structures .................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.7 Concrete Structures .............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.8 Full Depth Deck Panels, Approach Slabs or Approaches and Wingwalls ............................ 12
2.2.9 Precast Connections in Seismic Regions ............................................................................. 12
2.2.10 Use of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT) ....................................................... 15
2.2.11 Geotechnical Considerations ............................................................................................ 15
2.2.12 Accelerated Embankment Construction............................................................................ 17
2.2.13 QA/QC, Quality Control for Prefabricated Concrete Elements ......................................... 18
2.2.14 Cost Considerations .......................................................................................................... 20
2.2.15 Listing of bridges replaced using ABC techniques: .......................................................... 21
2.3 Structure Appearance and Aesthetics ................................................................................... 23
2.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 23
2.3.2 Location and Surroundings ................................................................................................... 24
2.3.3 Horizontal and Vertical Geometry ......................................................................................... 24
2.3.4 Superstructure Type and Shape ........................................................................................... 25
2.3.5 Bent Shape and Placement................................................................................................... 25
2.3.6 End Bent Shape and Placement ........................................................................................... 25
2.3.7 Parapet and Railing Details ................................................................................................... 26
2.3.8 Colors .................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.9 Textures................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.10 Ornamentation .................................................................................................................. 27
2.4 Bridge Types & Selection Guidance ...................................................................................... 28
2.4.1 Bridge Types and Economics................................................................................................ 28
2.4.2 Substructure Guidance .......................................................................................................... 31
2.4.3 Special Considerations for Federal-Aid Projects................................................................... 31
2.4.4 Use of Salvage Materials ...................................................................................................... 33
2.5 Bridge Layout .......................................................................................................................... 34
2.5.1 Site Constraints ..................................................................................................................... 34
2.5.2 Spans and Proportions .......................................................................................................... 34
2.5.3 Bridge Length ........................................................................................................................ 36
2.5.4 Substructure Guidance .......................................................................................................... 36
2.6 Safety and Accessibility Requirements .................................................................................. 37
2.6.1 Uniform Accessibility Standards ............................................................................................ 37
2.6.2 Inspection and Maintenance Accessibility ............................................................................. 38
2.7 Bridge Security Design Considerations ................................................................................. 40
2.7.1 Bridge Security Design Considerations ................................................................................. 40
2.7.2 Placing Buildings Beneath ODOT Bridges ............................................................................ 42
2.8 Bridge Name Plates & Markers ............................................................................................. 44
2.8.1 Existing Bridge Name Plates ................................................................................................. 44
2.8.2 Bridge ID Markers ................................................................................................................. 44

May 21 2-1
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

Note: Revisions for May 2020 are marked with yellow highlight. Deleted text is not marked; past editions of
the BDM are available for comparison.


BDM Section 2 for design guidance pertinent to highway bridges and structures design.

See BDM Section 1 for standards and practices pertinent to design of highway bridges and structures.

See BDM Section 3 for standards and practices pertinent to design procedures and quality processes for
completing highway bridge and structure design.

May 21 2-2
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.2.1 Introduction

2.2.2 ODOT encourages and supports ABC Projects

2.2.3 Contracting Methods Allowed

2.2.4 Decision Making Framework

2.2.5 ABC – Decision and Economic Modeling Analysis Tool using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

2.2.6 Steel Structures

2.2.7 Concrete Structures

2.2.8 Full Depth Deck Panels, Approach Slabs or Approaches and Wingwalls

2.2.9 Precast Connections in Seismic Regions

2.2.10 Use of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT)

2.2.11 Geotechnical Consideration

2.2.12 Accelerated Embankment Construction

2.2.13 QA/QC, Quality Control for Prefabricated Concrete Elements

2.2.14 Cost Considerations

2.2.15 Listing of bridges replaced using ABC techniques

2.2.1 Introduction

Oregon has a long history of employing ABC methods to quickly deliver bridge projects using a variety of
techniques. Some were assembled or erected on temporary falsework located adjacent to an existing
structure and skidded into place. This method allowed contractors to close the facilities to vehicular traffic
for a relatively short time (a few days or weekend) and skid the bridge over after quickly demolishing the
existing bridge at night and working through weekends. Other bridges over navigable waterways were
replaced using barges to float new and whole superstructures into place (also known as switch out when an
existing structure is replaced). For wider structures that can accommodate staged construction, precast
concrete or concrete filled steel grid deck panels were installed using a partial closure of the roadway during
off peak travel times.

A few Oregon ABC projects were designed with rapid construction in mind to limit traffic interruptions, but
most were selected either based on VE proposals by contractors, incentive/disincentive provisions, or
design-build contracts. Generally, the project schedules specified a relatively short window for closing or
disrupting traffic operations on the facilities. The incentive/disincentive provision for each project was
normally based on user delay costs as a function of AADT, detour length and other variables. Those
projects have demonstrated ABC as an effective and efficient solution to alleviate congestion and/or long
detours where conventional methods such as off-site detour, on-site detour, stage construction or slight
realignment of the roadway were difficult or not feasible. They also resulted in improved public safety

May 21 2-3
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
through a shortened work zone exposure.
2.2.2 ODOT encourages and supports ABC Projects

ABC methods can be defined as using prefabricated bridge elements, combining elements into systems, or
moving a complete bridge span to quickly deliver a project and re-open a highway to traffic. Use of any of
these methods are encouraged and supported by ODOT. A compiled list of past Oregon projects that
described the ABC featured elements is provided here at the end of the Section for reference.

Construction activity results in delays to the public and incurs additional financial burdens on the people who
must contend with the effects. This essentially results in a temporary tax on the affected neighborhood.
Because of this, consider ABC methods even when it does not result in the lowest overall construction cost.
Designers are encouraged to consider traffic delay costs and other user costs associated with a project to
support stronger consideration of ABC methods. The ABC AHP Decision Making Program presented in
BDM 2.2.5 is available to assist in developing support for ABC.

Prefabricated elements consisting of deck panels, beams or girders, bent caps, pier columns and segments
have been demonstrated successfully. Systems may consist of bridge components assembled and
connected together to form a major portion or complete bridge span. Bridge movements such as
incremental launching, skidding, and/or transport by self-propelled modular transporters (SPMT) of a
partial/complete superstructure span are also found to be acceptable methods of construction. The
guidance provided here will help designers and owners decide when and where ABC is appropriate as a
method of project delivery. Although the Engineer on Record is responsible for the design as well as for
developing a unique method of construction/movement to fulfill ABC requirements, the owner needs to be
assured that quality and durability is not being compromised by the specific rapid construction technique
being considered.

2.2.3 Contracting Methods Allowed

A contract for specifying ABC method of delivery is allowed and will continued to be allowed under the
current design-bid-build specifications. A contractor may propose an alternate method of construction for
approval by the EOR/owner as part of the Cost Reduction Proposal provisions in SP 00140.70 of the
Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction. The third option allowing ABC is provided under the
design-build contract provisions. More discussions and guidance are provided elsewhere and will not be
elaborated here.

May 21 2-4
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
2.2.4 Decision Making Framework

A successful ABC project is dependent on deciding correctly at the beginning of a project planning to assess
when and where ABC would be most efficient and effective. The following criteria in the flowchart, Figure
2.2.4, for specifying a short window of closure may make ABC delivery the method of choice:

Figure 2.2.4

May 21 2-5
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
The following matrix is intended to help guide discussions when comparing ABC with conventional

ATTRIBUTES Accelerated BC (ABC) Conventional BC (CBC)

1. Complexity -Engineer less familiar with design required -Engineer more familiar with design
for accelerated bridge construction required for conventional construction
techniques techniques; therefore, considered less
-May require more surveys to establish complex.
control points - Contractors more familiar with
-May require pick points for prefabricated methods used in conventional
bridges construction, therefore considered less
-May require more complex construction complex
techniques -Standard specs exists
-May need new specs
-May add risk to Contractor
-May require special equipment
-Good with D/B and A+B with
ATTRIBUTES Accelerated BC (ABC) cont. Conventional BC (CBC) cont.
2. Schedule -Facility to reopen for traffic in hours or - Typical field construction season in
over weekends months or years
-Slightly longer design schedule due to -Typical design schedule
complexity (see above) -Often bridge work is controlling in
-Need more overall planning and CPM
coordination -Sequential activities typical and
-Parallel construction off CPM limitations may exist
-Typically can be done off-line and shorter -Public delay cost may be high
field erection season, pending ABC
method chosen.
-Approach or utility work may control
schedule if not outside CPM
-Good with incentive/disincentive
-Constructible connection details for
precast elements such as bent caps,
footings & pile heads require flexibility for
field closure pours.
-May require coordinated demolition plan
for change-over structures
-May require tight control of scheduling on
critical items
-The contract plan or designed details
should be simple or the precast element
detail may not fit.
-May require industry participation in
PBES/ABC to ensure successful transition
to field application.
-Include contractor on design or
constructability review team.
3. Budget -May be more expensive in construction -Typical estimate given condition and
cost due to non-typical construction conventional required structure type.
methods -Typical standard project costs.
-May increase design cost -Incentives and disincentives may be
-Limited historical bid item data included to accelerate construction and

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-ABC can significantly reduce the costs to reduce traffic impacts but they may not
highway users associated with traffic be effective and could adversely
queues and detours during the bridge impact project costs.
installation. -Careful analysis is needed to
-The contract bid cost for an ABC project effectively apply incentive/disincentive
may be more than a conventional bridge methods to accelerate bridge projects.
project but overall may be much less when
the savings due to reduced traffic impacts
and delays are factored in.
4. Design -Design quality could be just as good as -Design quality is expected to be good
Quality that of conventional from standard and best practice.
-Limited design criteria for some elements
-Construction loads may control design
and need check
-Require to show full connection details
ATTRIBUTES Accelerated BC (ABC) cont. Conventional BC (CBC) cont.
5. Construction -Individual prefabricated elements are of -Construction quality depends on the
Quality higher quality under shop-controlled contractor and inspection staff.
-Construction quality could suffer in the
field assembly due to time pressure.
6. Disciplines -May require more upfront coordination -Standard project design and
required between technical and non-technical construction teams
disciplines and public relations.
7. Experience -ABC experience is desirable especially -Standard project design experience.
needed regarding knowledge of ABC construction - Standard bridge construction
methods, new technologies and experience.
implementation of new design and details.
-Additional research effort and resources
may be required.
-May require specialty construction
8.Public -May require more early and upfront - Typical
Communications communication with the public for
temp/short road closures
-May need to develop a communication
plan with stakeholders
9. Demolition of -Require full demolition plan -Typical construction with either road
existing -May need to provide staging place near closure or requires staging
structure site for off-line demolition -Require full design of temporary
-Coordination for change-over structures structures for longer duration in place
-May not require temporary structure to be
in place for long duration
10. Quality -ABC elements should be verifiable during -Typical
Control construction
-May require constructability review
11. Owner Staff -Some additional effort may be expected of -Standard
the owner staff in design or review of non-
conventional details/procedures. Also may
require more staff in a much more
condensed timeframe.

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2.2.5 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Tool

ODOT has a tool for assisting project decision makers named “ABC AHP Decision Making Program”.
This program allows the project team to analyze various applicable and weighted criteria in a paired-wise
comparison. With input provided either by the designer or the project team, it captures the decision
based on the controlling criteria and computed utility value for each criteria.

We encourage all project designers and/or leaders to take advantage of this useful tool as part of their
decision making process to determine whether ABC is preferred over conventional construction. This
program may be used with input provided by the bridge engineer alone if he or she has all the available
information and feels comfortable to determine the relative importance between any two given criteria.
When a project is complex and involves issues or concerns by other disciplines, it would be appropriate
for the project team to provide input and thus build consensus in their decision making process. Input can
be collected with a survey form or entered directly into the program data fields either during or after the
project kick-off meeting or when more information become available for them to better gauge the relative
importance between any given paired criteria or sub-criteria. Instructions for using the “ABC AHP Decision Making Program”:

The AHP Program (in short) must be first loaded onto a personal desktop or laptop computer and must
include the “dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe”. It is recommended the AHP Program be copied into a
separate folder. It is assumed one is familiar through reading the manual (included in the CD folder) or
attended the training. In summary, here are the logical steps to get started in running the program:

1. Individual or team to establish the applicable criteria and sub-criteria for ABC decision. Refer to
Figure and mark the ones that apply to the specific project in question. Reminder: Always
save your work.
2. Optional step: Use the survey form to assign the relative value for each paired-wise criteria
comparison OR skip to next step.
3. Run the Program by clicking on “AHPTool.exe” file. This will open the program under Tab 1 (Decision
Hierarchy) and de-select the non-applicable criteria and sub-criteria determined in Step 1. User can
add a new criterion or remove one from the default by using the “add child” or “remove” button on the
4. Then click on Tab 2 (Pairwise Comparison) and enter the relative values from Step 2. Reminder:
Always save your entries.
5. Click on Tab 3 (Results)
6. To use Tab 4, please read and follow instructions in the Manual. Established Criteria and Sub-criteria for ABC decision

See Figure Generally speaking, most transportation project decision making require some
criteria that are important and specific to each site. Five main level criteria have been established and
they seem to be the standard criteria used by several states for decision with ABC projects. Within each
main level criterion is further defined by a sub-criterion that further expands to differentiate its elements.
The definitions for each criterion are provided in Table 1 below.

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Fig. – Main and Sub-Criteria for ABC Decision

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Table 1 – Definition list of Main criteria and sub-criteria

Main criteria Sub-criteria Definition

Construction This factor captures the estimated costs associated with the
construction of the permanent structure(s) and roadway. This
factor includes premiums associated with new technologies or
innovative construction methods. Premiums might result from
factors such as contractor availability, materials availability, and
contractor risk. It may include incentive/bonus payments for
early completion and other innovative contracting methods.
Maintenance of This factor captures the maintenance of traffic costs at the
Traffic (MOT) project site. MOT costs may impact preference due to its
impact on total costs. This factor includes all costs associated
with the maintenance of detours before, during, and after
construction. Examples of this factor include; Installation of
traffic control devices, maintenance of detour during
construction including flagging, shifting of traffic control devices
during staged construction, restoration associated with the
temporary detours upon completion of construction.
This factor captures the costs to design and construct
Design and
temporary structures and roadways to accommodate traffic
Construct Detours
through the project site.
Direct Costs This factor captures the cost to procure ROW. This factor
Right of Way
includes either permanent or temporary
This factor captures the costs associated with the design of
Project Design and
permanent bridge(s) and costs related to project development
based on the construction method.
This factor captures the costs associated with the need to
provide essential services that may be impacted by the
construction selected. Examples of this factor include alternate
routes or modes of transportation to provide defense,
Maintenance of
evacuation, emergency access to hospitals, schools, fire
Essential Services
station, and law enforcement, etc. This criterion is for situations
where measures needed to be implemented beyond those
already considered in the “MOT” and “Design and Construct
Detours” criteria.
Construction This factor captures the costs associated with the owner’s
Engineering contract administration of the project.
Inspection, This factor captures the life cycle costs associated with the
Maintenance and inspection, maintenance and preservation of individual bridge
Preservation elements.
This factor captures the loss of revenue due to the closure of a
Toll Revenue
toll facility.

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Main criteria Sub-criteria cont. Definition cont.

This factor captures costs of user delay at a project site due to
User Delay
reduced speeds and/or off-site detour routes.
This factor captures costs of freight delay at a project site due
Freight Mobility
to reduced speeds and/or off-site detour routes.
This factor captures lost revenues due to limited access to local
Revenue Loss business resulting from limited or more difficult access
stemming from the construction activity.
Indirect Costs
This factor captures the impact to the communities resulting
Livability During
from construction activities. Examples include noise, air quality,
and limited access.
Road Users This factor captures the safety risks associated with user
Exposure exposure to the construction zone.
Construction This factor captures the safety risks associated with worker
Personnel Exposure exposure to construction zone.
This factor captures the constraints placed on the project that
Calendar or Utility or might affect the timing of construction as a result of weather
RxR or Navigational windows, significant or special events, railroad, or navigational
This factor captures the constraints placed on the project by
Schedule resource agencies to comply with marine or wildlife regulations.
Marine and Wildlife
Constraints Examples include in-water work windows, migratory windows,
and nesting requirements.
This factor captures resource constraints associated with the
availability of staff to design and oversee construction. For
Resource Availability
example, a state may be required to outsource a project, which
may result in additional time requirements.
This factor captures constraints related to bridge span
Bridge Span
configurations. This element may impact owner preference
regarding bridge layout, structure type, or aesthetics.
This factor captures physical constraints that may impact
construction alternatives. Examples include bridges next to
fixed objects such as tunnels, ROW limitations, sharp curves or
steep grades, or other urban area structures that constrain
methods and/or bridge locations.
This factor captures the constraints placed on the project by
Environmental resource agencies to minimize construction impacts on natural
resources including marine, wildlife, and flora.
This factor captures historical constraints existing on a project
Archaeological This factor captures archaeological constraints existing on a
Constraints project site.

Main criteria Sub-criteria cont. Definition cont.

Customer This factor captures both the public’s opinion regarding the
Public Perception
Service construction progress and their overall level of satisfaction.
This factor captures the costs associated with the
Public Relations communication and management of public relations before and
during construction.

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2.2.6 Steel Structures

Steel structures are excellent examples of prefabricated bridge elements and systems. They are proven
to be cost effective for ABC applications. Steel girders are prefabricated and prime- coated as needed in
the shop and shipped to the job site. A short closure of the affected highway facility may be required to
erect them. Complete arches and trusses have been erected successfully on barges and floated into

Bridges built with plate girders (straight or curved) can accommodate precast concrete panels or steel
grid deck systems for rapid construction. Sample connection details can be found at:

2.2.7 Concrete Structures Prestressed and Precast Concrete (PPC) versus Cast-In-Place (CIP)

PPC bridge elements are typically mass produced in a PCI-certified plant under factory-controlled
conditions. This results in a high quality product. PCC products can be transported to the jobsite for just
in time delivery, thus avoiding re-handling or the need for storage space that might be difficult to provide
in urban areas. Traffic impact at the project site can be minimized and erection can normally be done
during off peak hours.

In Oregon, construction cost for PPC girders is lower than CIP girders. Unless there is a compelling
reason like curvature, aesthetics, and longer span requirements, PPC girders are preferred. There is
economy of scale for larger projects requiring repetition of similar spans. For elements other than girders,
there is opportunity to develop effective standard elements for connecting them into bridge systems. In
the erection of PPC elements, proven connection details are critical for long term performance. The
FHWA has developed a manual on proven connection details. See:

2.2.8 Full Depth Deck Panels, Approach Slabs or Approaches and Wingwalls

Full depth deck panels are used by many states. Connection details for both steel and concrete girders
exist. A survey of details used by various states was published in 2006 as NCHRP 12-65. ODOT has
constructed multiple projects using full-depth precast concrete deck panels, but has not yet settled on a
standard detail. ODOT does not allow partial-depth precast deck panels.

ODOT has existing standards for approach slabs/approaches and wingwalls that can be readily converted
into ABC.

Precast Approach Slabs

• Consider issues regarding subgrade compaction and the contractors’ ability to construct the
surface of the subgrade to a smooth level condition prior to placement.
• Consider the ability of precast slabs to accommodate differential settlement (especially if
subgrade is not level)
• Consider the design of the connection detail to pile cap/abutment wall and any joint construction.

2.2.9 Precast Connections in Seismic Regions

When assembling prefabricated bridge elements on site, a detailed assembly plan may be needed. For
single span bridges assembly is typically not complicated. For multi-span bridges, designing and
detailing of connections has to be treated with the same importance as designing the rest of the structure.

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Submit new connection proposals for approval to ODOT Bridge HQ. This requirement is intended to
ensure information about good connection details are subsequently distributed to other design groups.
Research into new connection details has been ongoing with special concern for finding details that
perform well under seismic loading. The NCHRP 12-74 research project “Development of Precast Bent
Cap Systems for Seismic Regions” identified a number of bent cap-to-column details that hold promise for
seismic applications. Their conclusions were released in 2011 as NCHRP Report 681. ODOT is willing
to implement a few of these details only for bridges in low-to-moderate seismic regions (Seismic Zones 1,
2 or 3):

a) Grouted Duct – Grouted duct connections consist of bent caps which have corrugated ducts to
accept reinforcement extending from supporting substructure elements.

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Figure 2.2.9A

b) Grouted Sleeve Coupler (Coupler in Cap) – Proprietary grouted sleeve couplers are used to
connect reinforcing bars in precast concrete components. These couplers are placed in the
bottom-half of the precast bent cap and are designed to withstand forces at overstrength as is
often required in plastic regions.

Figure 2.2.9B

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2.2.10 Use of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT)

SPMTs can support and move heavy loads using a flat-bed mounted on multi-axle, independent
suspension and steering wheel lines. They have the ability to maneuver in difficult and uneven terrain
with unmatched precision and distortion control of the payload.

SPMTs can move complete superstructure spans from a staging area (e.g. gore area or off the shoulders)
to the final bridge location. A bridge move can be performed on weekends or at night using the SPMTs to
erect a structure into final position within a matter of hours. FHWA has a user guide manual as a
resource for anyone contemplating an ABC project using SPMTs. The guide is available free of charge

2.2.11 Geotechnical Considerations

Geotechnical designers need to consult closely with the bridge designer and the project team regarding
the use of ABC methods at a particular bridge site. Continue to coordinate these efforts as necessary
during the bridge design process.

Driven piling is normally the most rapidly constructed foundation type. However, piles are not suitable at
every location. The most suitable foundation type for a bridge replacement or widening project depends
on several factors including the subsurface materials and conditions, construction or environmental
constraints and cost. Refer to the ODOT GDM; Chapter 8 for additional guidance regarding the selection
of foundation types. Once the most suitable foundation type is selected for a site, thought should be
given to how the foundation construction can be expedited. This should include how to minimize traffic
impacts due to foundation construction. At some locations the foundations (and substructure elements)
may be constructed under, or away from, the existing bridge thereby avoiding, or minimizing, any traffic
impacts. If this scenario is possible, the time required for foundation construction may be less significant
because it does not directly affect traffic. At sites where foundation construction will directly impact traffic
and multiple foundation types are possible, consideration should be given to the foundation system that
can be constructed in the least amount of time and with the least impact to traffic. Some general guidance
regarding the use of various foundation systems in ABC applications are described below. Spread Footings

Conventional Spread Footings

• Requires excavation to suitable foundation materials which may result in the need for large
excavation areas and/or temporary shoring and possibly dewatering.
• Requires setting rebar, a concrete pour and curing time (and form work, if needed).

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Precast Reinforced Concrete Spread Footings

This type of ABC foundation system is currently under development. Design and construction
standards and specifications do not currently exist. This type of foundation may be considered at
sites where conventional spread footings would be appropriate. Precast spread footings (PSF) are
currently recommended only for shorter, single span bridges at this time. Issues to consider in the
application of precast spread footings would include:
• Need for construction of a concrete footing leveling slab beneath the precast footing
(excavation/shoring, sloping bearing strata, presence of groundwater, etc.),
• Design of the connection between PSF and leveling slab,
• Design of the connection between the PSF and columns or abutment walls,
• Constructability issues when placing PSF directly on compacted soils,
• LRFD resistance factors for bearing and sliding resistance based on construction method, and
settlement analysis. Driven Piles

Often the quickest foundation construction method and can generally have the least impact and disruption
to traffic.

• Consider using fewer, higher capacity, piles per bent to expedite construction, however:

o Using higher capacity piles may result in significantly higher foundation costs due to the need
for larger pile driving hammers, leads and cranes and possible effects on the cost of work
bridges due to these higher loads.
o Using less than 5 piles per bent may result in a reduced LRFD resistance factor due to less
o May be most appropriate for sites with relatively short end bearing piles.

• Requires assessment of pile top alignment tolerances for precast pile cap connection:

o Standard specifications (SP 00520.41(f)) allow for a horizontal alignment tolerance of 6

inches from the plan location. If a smaller tolerance is required this reduced tolerance must
be specified in the special provisions. Consult with the project geotechnical engineer
regarding allowable horizontal tolerances for driven piles.
o Should piles be installed in prebored holes to meet the specified tolerances? Keep in mind
the final pile alignment is only as good as the prebore hole alignment. In soils where large
cobbles and/or boulders are present, or where preboring will encounter a bedrock unit with a
sloping surface, prebored holes should not be augered but instead excavated using core
drilling equipment. Augers tend to wander uncontrollably in these materials and borehole
alignment is very difficult to maintain.
o Consider the time and cost of preboring.
o Consider the risk of not preboring (possibly include preboring as an anticipated item).

• Minimize the potential for in-lead splices, particularly on pile with a wall thickness of greater than
0.50 inches such that extensive welding and welding QA/QC is not required.

• Increasing estimated lengths in variable subsurface conditions will help reduce the likelihood of
an in-lead splice for pile shorter than 60 feet. For longer pile consider specifying that the pile be
fabricated (spliced) on site prior to putting in the leads, taking into account the cost of using larger
size leads and cranes and other concerns similar to those discussed above when using fewer
high capacity pile.

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• Piles can be installed in existing travel lanes, in stages under traffic control, and covered over
with temporary steel cover plates to keep travel lanes open to traffic until the time for substructure

• At water crossings consider a trestle pile design which eliminates the need for a cofferdam (if an
above ground pile cap is permissible). Potential for drift buildup should be assessed relative to
the use of a trestle pile system. A web wall may be required if drift potential is significant. Drilled Shafts

• Usually takes the most time to construct. Drilled shafts are often the best method for rapid in-
water foundation construction, since they may omit the need for a cofferdam (unless required for
environmental considerations).

• Consider fewer, higher capacity, shafts per bent, (note that appropriate modifications to LRFD
resistance factors are required for bents with less than 2 shafts).

• Higher potential for increased risk of time delays due to problems with shaft construction or
negative NDT results. Micropiles

• Usually more expensive than other foundation types.

• Suitable for certain ground conditions, particularly manmade unconsolidated rock fragment fills
and low overhead clearance areas.

• May be installed to tight tolerances and drilled through pavement sections.

• Consider environmental concerns relative to spoils recovery since water is typically used to flush
out cuttings.

2.2.12 Accelerated Embankment Construction

The time required for embankment construction, (either an all new roadway embankment or a widening
section) depends primarily on the volume of material required, the type of embankment materials used,
the level of contractor effort and the subsurface conditions at the site. Other factors such as access,
retaining wall construction and weather can also play a role and affect the speed at which an
embankment can be constructed. Embankment construction may be accelerated in a number of ways.
In areas where very soft ground conditions exist there is potential for significant settlement and stability
issues. Consideration should be given to extending the bridge structure over these areas. This may
result in a better overall design with less environmental impacts and a shorter construction period.

For ABC projects, the geotechnical engineer is responsible for evaluating the site conditions and project
requirements to determine the most effective way of expediting embankment construction with the least
impact to traffic flow and mobility. Refer to ODOT GDM; Chapter 9 for more design guidance on the
analysis and design of embankments. ABC projects often replace bridges in the same location (same
horizontal alignment) as the existing bridge with the new bridge being wider. Therefore approach
embankments also need to be widened. The grade may also be raised resulting in a further increase in
embankment widening. Depending on the site constraints (available access/ROW, adjacent structures,
wetlands, etc) this widening can often be accomplished with minimal traffic impacts. The geotechnical
engineer plays a key role in the design of these widened sections to help determine the best approach for
expediting construction while taking all appropriate geotechnical design requirements into account.

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The need for retaining walls on a project should be carefully reviewed. Typically an embankment can be
constructed quicker than a retaining wall. Retaining wall needs are typically driven by roadway “typical
section” needs that may not have been optimized to reduce the need for retaining walls. For example, the
slope immediately behind a guardrail could be steepened from the typical 1V:3H or 1V:4H to steeper
slopes if longer (8’) guardrail posts are used rather than the typical 6 foot post lengths. Often typical fill
slope rates of 1V:2H are considered in typical sections. Steeper slopes, when permitted, may omit or
reduce the need for a wall. Use of stone embankment material may allow fill slopes to be constructed as
steep as 1V:1.5H. If so, 8 foot metal guardrail posts may be needed to assist in penetrating the stone
embankment material.

Retaining walls may be proposed in some areas to avoid, or minimize, environmental impacts. The need
for walls in these areas should be closely evaluated, in consultation with the appropriate environmental
specialists, to determine the underlying reasons for requiring a wall and whether or not it is the best
solution for the specific location.

Some suggested considerations for embankment construction on ABC projects are summarized below:

• Use “All-Weather Materials” (stone embankment) instead of common “borrow” materials where
available and appropriate. This allows construction to rapidly proceed regardless of wet weather
conditions and can greatly reduce the total embankment construction time.

• Soft Ground Conditions (settlement and stability issues)

o Lightweight fill material such as geofoam
o Geogrid reinforced embankments
o Ground improvement techniques
o Surcharge, with or without vertical wick drains

2.2.13 QA/QC, Quality Control for Prefabricated Concrete Elements Types

ODOT has used a variety of prefabricated concrete elements on many projects. Prestressed concrete
elements have been used since the 1960s. Use of non-prestressed prefabricated concrete elements
dates back even earlier. The types of prefabricated concrete elements used on ODOT projects have

• Prestressed slabs and box beams

• Prestressed girders
• Prestressed columns
• Prestressed arch ribs
• Prestressed piles
• Bridge railing
• Bridge approach slabs
• Pile caps/abutments
• Stay-in-place deck forms
• Culverts
• Manholes and utility vaults Prestressed Elements

When precast concrete elements include prestressing, SP 00550 of the standard specifications apply.
SP 00550.05 requires fabricators to be certified under the PCI Plant Certification Program. PCI
certification ensures that industry best practices are followed. The member tolerances specified in SP
00550.04 are those recommended by PCI.

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For non-standard prestressed concrete elements, the existing SP 00550 Oregon Standard Specifications
for Construction will likely be adequate without modification. The designer may need to create a unique
bid item since the available bid items only cover our current standards.

Verify new or modified details with local precasters (Knife River and/or R.B. Johnson Co.) before design
plans are final. Also confirm with the ODOT Structural Materials Engineer whether standard inspection
procedures are adequate. Non-Prestressed Elements

Specify concrete elements that are not prestressed under SP 00540. Since there is not a nationally
recognized certification program for non-prestressed elements, the designer will need to determine some
minimum qualifications for fabricators. Minimum qualifications may include:

• Submission of a Quality Control Plan

• Names and qualifications of key personnel
• History of similar projects
• Procedure for tracking material certifications

The nature and complexity of the project will determine which items above should be included in the
minimum contractor qualifications. Solicit input from the ODOT Bridge Materials Engineer before
finalizing any contract special provisions.

In addition to project qualifications, it may be desirable to require the contractor to identify the form
material and forming details. Lifting and shipping details may also be required. For unique lifting and
shipping situations and/or large elements, it may be necessary to require verification of lifting and
shipping details. Such verification could be achieved with review by a professional engineer or by testing.
Especially where there is potential for items to be fabricated by a contractor with little or no experience
with precasting concrete, include special provision language to clarify any requirements that ensure safe
and adequate lifting and transport details. In some cases, it may be desirable to add lifting and shipping
verification as part of the contractor’s Quality Control Plan.

Where precast concrete elements are specified under SP 00540, a special provision will be needed to
address measurement and payment. Most structural concrete is paid on a cubic yard basis. However,
precast concrete elements are typically paid either on a per length basis or per each.

Standard fabrication tolerances for structural concrete are provided in SP 00540.40. These tolerances
are based on typical cast-in-place concrete construction. For precast elements tighter tolerances may be
achievable and desirable. Consult with the ODOT Bridge Materials Engineer to determine reasonable
tolerances for your specific application.

Inspection of precast concrete elements is required both during the precasting operation and during
placement in the field. The ODOT Bridge Materials Engineer is responsible for inspection of precast
elements and should be notified when precast concrete elements are to be used. This will help ensure
ODOT staff is scheduled to be available for such inspections and whether any adjustment to the ODOT
Nonfield-Tested Materials Acceptance Guide is needed. Connection Issues

Current state-of-the art does not support connection of precast cap elements in high seismic locations.
This is currently being researched at the national level.

Connection of precast elements may involve the use of grout pockets to emulate cast-in-place

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construction. Where grout pockets are used, manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed
regarding when grout should be extended with aggregate. For many grout products, aggregate is
recommended when the pocket size reaches 2 inches or more.

2.2.14 Cost Considerations

It has been determined by numerous projects nationally that accelerating a project delivery will reduce the
costs to highway users associated with traffic queues and detours during the bridge installation. Utah
DOT has demonstrated that ABC can be successful and the initial costs of innovation are absorbed on
the first few projects when there is some assurance that more projects using the same technology are
being planned for the near future. The use of ABC should be justified on a specific project by analyzing
the user cost savings compared to the estimated cost of various methods of rapid construction (see
HYRISK discussion below).

ODOT has posted a Work Zone Traffic Analysis Tool that considers such topics as traffic delays and
operations, and long detours. Guidance on Incentive/Disincentive Program for designers is also
available. Incentive/Disincentive Program

Requirements related to reduced traffic impact and time must be clearly specified in the contract
documents. Innovative contracting strategies to achieve accelerated construction include
incentive/disincentive, a financial bonus or penalty for delivery before or after a time set in the contract;
A+B bidding, cost-plus-time based on the combination of contract bid items (A) and the time bid for
construction multiplied by daily user cost (B); lane rentals, assessed rental fees for lanes taken out of
service during temporary lane closures for construction; and no-excuse bonus, a modified incentive with
no time adjustment for problems such as delays due to weather or utility conflicts regardless of who is

Incentives and disincentives for early completion give contractors a financial reason to change their
conventional practices to accelerate construction. Contractors cannot count on incentives and, therefore,
may not reduce their bid price in anticipation of receiving incentives. Disincentives are necessary but
may result in higher bid prices because of the risk to contractors that they will not be able to meet the
reduced construction timeline. In some accelerated bridge project case studies, it was found that by
providing the right incentive/disincentive, contractors were able to lower overall total project costs when
compared to conventional delivery methods. Maintenance of Traffic Costs

Traffic management and user delay-related costs associated with bridge construction activities will
significantly influence the selection of the most cost-effective bridge technology.

Elaborate traffic control plans can significantly add to the cost of replacement, especially when the traffic
control plan changes significantly during the project due to development, local expansion, or other
projects in the area. Cost savings from the reduced duration of the traffic control plan through the use of
ABC method of delivery can be estimated based on the reduced number of days of traffic control cost
times the average daily operating cost of such measures for comparable bridge projects. Contractor’s Operation Costs

In general, contractors bid projects with the plan to complete onsite construction as quickly as possible to
increase profits. This is particularly true for projects with incentives for early completion. The contractor’s
costs, including overhead costs to staff projects, are reduced when the duration of the construction
project is reduced. Also, construction crew safety in the work zone is increased with reduced exposure

May 21 2-20
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2 Owner Agency’s Operation Costs

Agency overhead costs to staff projects, e.g., construction engineering and inspection support, are
reduced when the duration of construction projects is reduced. Prefabricated bridges, with their rapid
onsite installation, can significantly reduce these project costs.

The use of prefabricated bridges to accelerate construction cannot be approached in a conventional

manner by the owner. The owner will need to commit to working multiple shifts, odd hours, and under the
same constraints as the contractor.

The manufacturers of prefabricated components may be able to offer lower unit costs if they can spread
their fixed costs over many bridges and/or reuse formwork repeatedly. Bundling projects provides an
attractive incentive for a contractor to acquire new or special equipment when he can recoup his
investment on multiple applications. Available Tool: HYRISK

How much will it cost highway users if a bridge is closed or detoured? The bridge with the longer detour
requires additional time and mileage costs to negotiate the detour, and incurs the most cost to users. The
cost of bridge construction alone fails to capture the total cost of the project.

A method that blends bridge construction cost and the users economic losses associated with a bridge
construction is discussed below using HYRISK algorithm to compute the economic impact to a

AADT and detour length are extracted from the NBI record for the bridge. The assumed 2008 cost per
distance traveled was equal to $0.44/mi ($0.27/Km). It is assumed that the project would have one year
duration of the detour.

Detour Mileage Cost (DMC) = Duration * Length Detour (L) * Cost/Length (CpL) *ADT
Sample Bridge Project (Br # 00138)
Duration of facility for construction (D) in days 365
Detour length (L) in km 26
Cost per Mile per Vehicle driven of detour length (CpL)/km $0.27
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) 330
Time cost per person (TcP)/hr $16.31
Occupancy rate (person) per vehicle (O) 1.56
Time cost per truck (TcT)/hr $29.50
ADTT (Truck Traffic as a percentage of AADT; i.e. 10% this case ) .10
Speed of Traffic on Detour (DS) in km/hr 64
Detour Mileage Cost (DMC) = D*L*CpL*ADT $845,600
Detour Time Cost (DTC) = $1.265 M
Total Community Cost associated with bridge closure $2.11 M
2.2.15 Listing of bridges replaced using ABC techniques:

Contact ODOT’s ABC specialist or the Bridge Design Standards Engineer to request a project be added
to the list. Plans for these projects can be found using BDS (Bridge Data System).

May 21 2-21
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

Structure Region Project Title ABC Technique Used
BR22163 2014 5 Whiskey Creek, Wallowa County PS Slabs on steel pile caps – 2- week road closure.
BR22057 2014 2 US 26 West Humbug Creek Bridge Used precast and prefabricated elements. Precast deck panels.
Inverted rigid frames with precast prestressed slabs as top panels, 30-
BR22105 2014 5 OR 203 Branch of Ladd Creek Culvert
foot spans. Used short bypass 2-lane detour.
Partial ABC with CIP deck. Used some precast and prefabricated
BR00711 2013 2 US101B Lewis & Clark River Bridge
BR21548 Inverted rigid frames with precast top slabs to form a single cell box, 16-
2012 5 US 26 Dean and Dog Creek Culverts
BR21549 foot span. Used centerline shoring.
Precast PS Deck Panels with UHPC joints and connections. Steel
BR21252 2012 5 US30 Burnt River (UPPR)
diaphragms. FHWA Demo Project for Life Grant.
Hwy 1 Kane Creek Frtg Road LT
BR21439 2012 3 Precast pile caps, end panels and wingwalls.
(Old Stage Road)
Slide bridge into place using "Shoo Fly" technology.
BR21493 2011 1 Sellwood Bridge, Willamette River
BR21188 2010 2 US26 Volmer Creek Bridge All precast or prefabricated elements (staged construction).
BR21189 2010 2 US26 Johnson Creek Bridge All precast or prefabricated elements (staged construction).
1 steel plate, 1 Bulb-T girder bridge built on temporary falsework
OR 38 over Elk Creek Bridges near
BR20584 2008 3 adjacent to the existing. Skidded on tracks during two weekend road
BR20585 closures.
OR 38 Bridge over Hardscrabble
BR20586 2008 3 Bridge built adjacent to the existing and skidded into place.
Creek, Douglas County
Rapid replacement of 2 approach spans using precast pile caps on a
BR02398 2008 5 Kimberly Bridge OR19, Grant County
long structure with 20-day full road closure.
2007 3 Hwy 241 Isthmus Slough (east side) Constructed substructure around existing bridge.
Depot Street Bridge over the Rogue 306-foot concrete arch built adjacent to existing bridge and skidded into
BR19273 2007 3
River, Jackson County place. Road closed for 5 days.
Sauvie Island Bridge over Columbia 365-foot steel tied arch. SPMT used to skid and load bridge on barges
BR20136 River, Multnomah County and floated span into place.
OR 47 over Dairy Creek Overflow Used steel pile cap and reused salvage precast, prestressed slabs.
2007 1
Bridge, Washington County Road closed for 14 days.
US 20 Bridge over Hayes Creek, Used precast cap and slabs. Bridge constructed during a 72-hour road
BR20238 2006 2
Eddyville, Lincoln County closure.
SPMT used to replace superstructure 5478’ L X 34” W, 34 panels.
BR00711 2004 Lewis & Clark Deck Replacement Conventional method duration was 4 years. Using ABC, done in 6
months with full road closure.
3-span continuous truss with deck panels. Panels replaced sequentially
OR 26 Mill Creek Bridge Deck
BR01660 2002 4 with partially concrete filled exodermic steel grid deck. 540-foot deck
Replacement, Wasco County
replaced in 24 days under flexible road closure schedule.
Accelerated replacement of 2 trunnion assemblies and
I-5 (Interstate) Bridge over Columbia span/counterweight cables. Contractor awarded $1.4+M incentive
BR07333 1997 1
River, Multnomah County ($100K/day) for early completion in less than 7 days; 14 days ahead of
the required 21-day schedule.
Single span, concrete-filled grid deck over steel curved girder bridge.
Built first half of new bridge and switched traffic over; demolished
BR18074 1997 5 Imnaha Bridge over Little Sheep Creek
existing bridge and built second half with skidding to connect the two
halves. Longitudinal concrete closure-pour in the middle
Freemont Bridge over Willamette Arch span was floated on barges and moved into place using strands
BR02529 1973 1
River, Multnomah County jacking.
Sam Jones Bridge Full depth precast deck panels.

May 21 2-22
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.3.1 General

2.3.2 Location and Surroundings

2.3.3 Horizontal and Vertical Geometry

2.3.4 Superstructure Type and Shape

2.3.5 Bent Shape and Placement

2.3.6 End Bent Shape and Placement

2.3.7 Parapet and Railing Details

2.3.8 Colors

2.3.9 Textures

2.3.10 Ornamentation

2.3.1 General

Keep in mind the structure appearance with respect to its surroundings and the context of the site.

ODOT has no general directive or mandate on aesthetics or aesthetic design. This section is a guideline
to generally accepted practice.

Generally for bridges, appearance is best when elements are few and simple.

Bridge elements are pleasing when the structural intent is clear with respect to the size and shape of the
element. Elements forced into a non-structurally responsive shape for decoration are not considered
aesthetically pleasing and may be a significant distraction and a safety hazard. Decorations on bridges
that are not part of the structural support system may not be maintained to the same level as the
structural portions of the bridge unless a separate IGA is executed with a local agency for maintenance.

Aesthetics and environmental considerations may have apparent conflicts. Historic or environmental
issues may impact the bridge rail type, structure configuration, type of foundation or bent placement. Start
the permit application and coordination process for historic structures as early as possible in the design
stage. Aesthetics concerns, especially within an existing documented site context, are valid issues that
can and should impact resource agencies permitting considerations.

There is a misconception that improving appearance always costs more. This is not necessarily true. The
challenge to the engineer is to use creativity and ingenuity to improve the appearance without increasing
cost. When people think that improved appearance is going to add costs, they are generally thinking in
terms of add-ons, special ornamental features or special colors. The greatest aesthetic impact can be
made by the structural elements themselves. These are seen first, and at the greatest distance. The
bridge can be made attractive if these major elements are well shaped, and if they fit in well with the

The following topics are commonly known to assist in producing visually pleasing structures. They are
discussed in more detail in the following sub-sections.

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Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
• Location and surroundings
• Horizontal and Vertical Geometry
• Superstructure Type and Shape
• Bent Shape and Placement
• End bent Shape and Placement
• Parapet and Railing Details
• Colors
• Textures
• Ornamentation

2.3.2 Location and Surroundings

When determining the appearance of a bridge, the bridge must be considered in context with its
surroundings. Decisions need to be made regarding what color, shape and type of bridge will look best at
a given location. The surrounding area may be industrial, urban, or rural. A bridge that looks pleasing in a
rural setting may look totally out of place in an urban area.

Individual bridges that span a major land area or body of water, because of their large size, dramatic
location, and carrying capacity, will tend to dominate their surroundings. While these structures must
harmonize with the surroundings, their importance and size requires that the aesthetic qualities of the
structure stand on their own. Multiple bridges seen in succession create a cumulative aesthetic impact on
the landscape that must be considered. In these situations, there is more reason for uniformity, and there
should be no noticeable differences between structures, without an obvious reason. A specific theme for
a particular route, such as a parkway, is often appropriate.

Routine bridges, such as highway overpasses and stream crossings, should be simple, with minimal
changes, and with all of the elements in clear relationship with one another. Since many of these bridges
are viewed in elevation by those traveling on a roadway below, the structure type, span lengths, and
proportions, as viewed in elevation, should be carefully considered.

Bridges that are infrequently viewed, such as those on lightly traveled roadways, are rarely seen by
anyone. In these cases, attention to the elements that can be seen from the roadway surface such as
parapets, railings, transitions, and road surface, are important.

2.3.3 Horizontal and Vertical Geometry

Geometric design standards often dictate the orientation of a bridge. The emphasis is on the need for
safe, convenient driving and providing a more attractive highway system. Bridges must adapt to the
highway alignment. Thus, they often lie within the curvature of the road and follow the slopes or curvature
in elevation. Large curvature is not only desirable from a safety standpoint, but also for aesthetics.

With skewed structures, when it is necessary to orient the substructure parallel to the feature crossed, a
wide bridge presents a greater visual impact. The use of natural surfaces that blend in with the
surrounding environment may lessen the visual impact. Bents and end bents in waterways that lie parallel
to the river’s banks look better than those placed perpendicular to the crossing road.

If an alignment requires a curved bridge, then the external longitudinal lines, traffic barriers, and fascia
lines of the structure should follow the curved centerline to provide a smooth visual flow. A smooth
transition helps the structure fit in with the local topography. Parallel lines should be maintained by
matching barrier, sidewalk, curb and fascia depth across the structure.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
2.3.4 Superstructure Type and Shape

The appearance of a bridge is greatly influenced by different aspects of the superstructure. These include
the superstructure type, depth, overhang width, number of spans, and span lengths. One way to make
the structure light and slender, without making it appear weak and unsafe, is to use a favorable visible
slenderness ratio (the ratio of span length to the visible structure depth, including the decking and any
concrete traffic barrier or steel railing). The typical visible slenderness ratio will vary from approximately
10 to 40 depending on the type of superstructure chosen.

A girder depth that is too shallow gives the appearance that the bridge is not structurally safe. A girder
that is too deep makes the bridge look bulky and overpowering. Bridges with a well-proportioned
slenderness ratio denote strength without excessive materials.

An additional guideline that enhances the appearance of multiple spans is to avoid changing girder
depths from one span to another. This would give a very awkward appearance and would not allow the
structure to flow evenly across the bridge. From an aesthetic standpoint, deck overhang should be
proportional to the girder depth; a desirable overhang would be about 2/3 the girder depth. Vertical
stiffeners make steel girders seem heavier, and should be avoided on the fascia side of fascia girders.
Haunched girders can make a bridge look more slender, and help demonstrate the flow of forces in the
bridge. Fishbelly girders create a heavy look, and could tend to look awkward. Some structure types are
more visually elegant than others, such as trapezoidal box girders and concrete segmental bridges. An
arch bridge is one of the most natural bridge types, and generally considered one of the most pleasing.
Both thru and deck arches can be considered.

2.3.5 Bent Shape and Placement

The visual impression that a person gets from a bent is primarily influenced by the proportions, the
relative width and height, and the configuration of the bent cap with respect to the bent columns. Bent
proportion, in turn, is determined by the bridge geometry and superstructure type and shape. Bents can
broadly be classified as either short or tall. Short bents are typically more difficult to design with aesthetic
proportions. Care should be taken in proportioning a bent to make sure that horizontal lines of the
superstructure are not interrupted. Large bents may direct attention away from the superstructure. Bents
that are too slender may convey a feeling of instability.

However, there are aesthetic issues that are common to all bent types involving the shape of the columns
and the bent caps. The selection of the proper bent type can be dictated by the site, bridge geometry and
design considerations.

The shape and location of the columns affect the appearance of the bents. The light reflecting from the
surface often controls how the viewer perceives it. A square or rectangular column with beveled corners
will appear more slender due to the edge lines and varying shades of reflected light. The designer needs
to assure that the treatments used are in harmony with the rest of the structure. Bent caps, cantilevered
ends, and column spacing can be designed to make the bent appear more graceful. For hammerhead
bents, the stem width and height, and the cantilever length and depth should be carefully balanced, and
in pleasing proportion. Solid bents can be battered to improve their appearance. The batter should be
determined by the bent height and the relative dimensions at the top and bottom of the bent. Gradual
lines are important. While tall bents are less common than short bents, they allow a greater opportunity
for aesthetic treatment.

2.3.6 End Bent Shape and Placement

For most simple span bridges and some multi-span bridges, the end bents are the most visible elements.
While the end bent’s function is to support the superstructure and transfer loads to the ground, it is
important to maintain proper proportion in order to create a good appearance. Good proportions between
various elements of the bridge give character to the bridge. For the end bents it is important to consider

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
the relationships between the exposed end bent height and length, the size and type of wingwalls, and
the superstructure depth. An attempt should be made to achieve a balance between these elements.

The designer must maintain order between the lines and edges of the structure. Too many lines, or lines
that are close to but not parallel to each other, can disrupt the eye and diminish the appearance of the
bridge. The monotony of a large flat wingwall can be broken up using textures such as scoring, recessing,
or grooving. Surface textures, either by using or simulating natural stone around the area of the bridge,
can be used to integrate the structure with its surroundings.

The orientation of the end bents to the feature crossed will create different visual appearances. End bents
on severe skews can have very long stems and wingwalls. Consideration should be given to the aesthetic
impact of those concrete surfaces. Wingwalls are often very predominating features. The orientation of
the wingwalls allows for more or less visual impact. On divided roadways, the view presented from the
opposite direction of travel should be considered.

2.3.7 Parapet and Railing Details

The railings or barriers, along with the deck fascia and fascia girders, are sometimes the most dominant
visual aspect of the bridge. The railings are viewed by people traveling under the structure who see them
in elevation and by people in vehicles on the bridge traveling parallel to them. When vehicle speeds are
high, the railing or barrier should have simple and pronounced details because passengers cannot notice
fine details. The shape of the railing or barrier system should relate to its function and the overall
aesthetic design of the bridge.

The design and appearance of any fencing to be placed on the bridge should be consistent with the
railing or barrier system. The vertical supports of the screening should align with the railing post spacing.
Fencing on concrete barriers should be detailed to match the construction joints and the ends of the

2.3.8 Colors

When there is a reason to color the concrete, steel, or railings, a decision should be made whether the
color should complement or contrast with the surrounding environment. Strong consideration should be
made to the fact that colored concrete or steel will require a high level of maintenance. The designer
should also consider the appearance if regular maintenance is not performed (e.g., peeling paint, rust
spots, etc.).

Coloring agents are not allowed in concrete because of complicated quality control, difficulty in matching
colors in each batch, and the high cost of materials. It is nearly impossible to get an identical color of
concrete from one pour to the next, or over a period of time between placements. Staining concrete can
create a mottled appearance when appropriate to match natural stone, and can be effective if a trial
section is used to qualify the process. External coatings are allowed, and when applied correctly can
achieve the desired appearance. However, they have durability limitations, and must be used with caution
due to concern regarding the owner’s ability to maintain the coating.

2.3.9 Textures

Texturing concrete can be achieved through form liners, panels, stone or brick veneer, or acid washing.
Any texturing should fit in within the overall design and proportions of the structure.

Several types of commercial form liners are available. Natural stone or brick facades can also be used.
Stone is most often used for parkway bridges and those in rural settings. The cost of stone covering can
be quite high; and should therefore be limited to areas of high visibility and established contextual
settings. When a concrete cap is used on the top of a wingwall or retaining wall, it should be visually
proportioned to the wall itself.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
2.3.10 Ornamentation

Ornamentation can be added to a bridge in special circumstances. The additional cost of add-ons is
rarely justified except in cases of importance to the community (such as a gateway to a city) or of
historical significance. Details such as ornamental light posts, columns or pylons, real or simulated
gatehouses, commemorative plaques or reliefs may be added. The designer should consider these
details carefully since it is just as easy to detract from the overall appearance of the bridge, as it is to
improve it.

Such details are secondary to the primary purpose of the structure, which is to provide a safe and efficient
crossing to the public. Ornamental and non-structural details require additional coordination, sketches
and drawings to ensure that the details will add to the aesthetic characteristics of the structure in a way
acceptable to all concerned.

Local stakeholders sometimes request ornamental screening and features on overpass structures to
showcase local attractions as a gateway to their community. Ornamental protective screening should not
be a distraction to drivers, and must not cause sight distance or clearance problems. Treatments must not
reflect a commercial interest. See BDM 1.13.4 for additional screening requirements.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.4.1 Bridge Types and Economics

2.4.2 Substructure Guidance

2.4.3 Special Considerations for Federal-Aid Projects

2.4.4 Use of Salvage Materials

2.4.1 Bridge Types and Economics

(1) General

Bridge superstructure type is generally the most important factor influencing bridge costs. Substructure cost
is normally included in bridge deck area unit cost. In some situations, the substructure cost can be greater
than 50% of the unit cost, when significant seismic design and details are required for the bridge. Each
project site is unique and should be evaluated for conditions that alter the usual cost expectations. For
usual cost expectation of bridge deck area unit cost, refer to Bridge Section’s annual Bridge Cost Data for
bridges constructed in Oregon and the FHWA website ( for
structures in other states in the national bridge inventory. Use the last 3-years average unit cost as a basis
for comparison.

If an estimated deck area unit cost for a bridge with a typical substructure is more than 15% higher than the
average unit cost shown in both the Bridge Section’s Cost Data and the FHWA bridge replacement unit
cost, inform the design lead and design team as soon as possible including the reasons for the higher unit
cost. Re-evaluate the alternatives with the design team for their effectiveness at meeting the project’s basic
goals and look for innovative solutions to address the high cost.

Various types of bridge superstructure provide efficient solutions for different span arrangements. There are
many reasons for choosing particular span length(s) for a bridge, some of which are discussed below. There
is generally significant overlap for common span ranges, so multiple bridge types are viable. The following
table shows various bridge types categorized by construction material and method of construction with the
design span ranges.

Bridge Type Span Range

Precast concrete slabs up to 83 feet
Precast concrete box beams up to 120 feet
Cast-in-place concrete slabs up to 66 feet
Precast integral deck concrete girder up to 130 feet
Precast concrete girder, BT72 up to 140 feet
Precast concrete girder, BT84 up to 160 feet
Precast concrete girder, BT90 & BT96 up to 183 feet *
Cast-in-place box girder up to 160 feet**
Cast-in-place post-tensioned box girder up to 300 feet**
Steel girder 40 to 400 feet
Steel box 200 to 400 feet**
Steel truss greater than 300 feet
* Length for BT90 & 96 is limited by prestressing bed capacity for Oregon precasters.
** Normally used for longer, multi-span continuous bridges.

May 21 2-28
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
When using precast or prefabricated girders, verify that there is an acceptable route for shipping. As
girder lengths increase, shipping becomes more difficult on roadways with sharp curves, high
superelevation and/or load-restricted bridges.

Timber bridges up to 30 feet of length may be considered for special situations (See BDM 1.8.1). The cost
of a timber bridge may be more than concrete and steel bridges of the same length.

Do not use cast-in-place concrete slabs with any span greater than 66 feet. Cast-in-place concrete slab
superstructures have significant dead load deflections. Even if actual deflections match estimated
deflections, it will likely take 10 to 15 years for creep deflection to diminish. For longer span lengths, the
ride quality would be unacceptable while waiting for the creep deflection to occur.

Do not use voids in cast-in-place concrete slab superstructures. Although such designs are effective at
reducing the structure weight and dead load deflections, it is very difficult to secure the voids in the field.
The potential for failure is unacceptably high.

When cast-in-place slabs are used, ensure the edge beam requirements in LRFD, and are met.

Where a design deviation is approved by the State Bridge Engineer for use of voids in a cast-in-place
concrete slab superstructure, apply the edge beam requirements listed above to this type of bridge.

Use HPC concrete in cast-in-place concrete slab superstructures. Place concrete full-depth of the slab
(i.e., no horizontal construction joints). For cast-in-place slab superstructures having any span greater
than 40 feet, apply a deck sealer product (from the QPL) at least 60 days after placement of the slab.

(2) Precast Concrete versus Cast-in-Place Concrete

Formwork is the key to concrete structure costs. Use of standard forms or repeated use of specially built
forms means lower costs. For smaller bridges in remote areas, precast or shop-fabricated elements
usually lead to the most economical solution. Also see BDM 2.2, Accelerated Bridge Construction, for
more guidance in the use of precast elements.

Precast concrete slabs have the following advantages:

• Good for shorter stream crossings, low-volume roads, and remote locations
• No falsework required in roadway or stream
• Fast, simple installation, saving construction time
• Shallow depth providing greater clearance to stream or roadway surfaces below

However, they have problems with:

• Providing smooth riding surfaces. (Wearing surface is required to level up except for low-volume roads.)
• Accommodating horizontal curves, gradelines, or superelevations. (Thickness of AC wearing surface to
accommodate superelevation can become excessive.)

Precast concrete box girders, and deck Bulb-T girders have most of the same positive and negative points
as precast concrete slabs. They can accommodate longer spans, but they do have deeper depths resulting
in less clearance to stream or roadway surfaces below.

In general, cast-in-place concrete spans are a good choice for:

• Accommodating horizontal curves, gradelines, or superelevations
• Longer spans

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
However, three drawbacks are:
• Falsework is required
• Falsework in the roadway below a grade crossing creates traffic hazards
• Settlement of falsework before post-tensioning begins is a potential problem

(3) Short Span Steel Bridges

Steel provides an excellent solution for short span bridges because steel is often lighter than other materials
for the same span, resulting in smaller or fewer erection cranes and smaller substructures. In addition, short
span steel bridges can be fabricated off-site in a controlled equipment and be ready to erect as soon as it
reaches the bridge site. Several section options are available depending on the length of the bridge,
including buried plate structures, wide flange shape/rolled beams and plate girders for span length from 20
feet to 140 feet as shown in the following figure.

(4) Composite Steel Girder Bridges

Steel construction extends the span length range and usually does not require falsework in the roadway or
stream. Used for simple spans up to 260 feet and for continuous spans from 120 feet to 400 feet. This
bridge type has relatively low dead load when compared to a concrete superstructure which makes it an
asset in areas where foundation materials are poor. Shipping and erecting of large sections must be

(5) Bridge Widening

Generally, a type of construction that matches the existing bridge should be considered for the widened
portion. It is desirable to design the widened portion to have a similar appearance to the existing. With these
considerations, similar stiffness between the existing and widened structures can be achieved.

(6) Design Criteria for Major or Unusual Bridges

Some elements of design criteria for major and unusual bridges may not be appropriate for normal
bridges and may be dependent on the location and expected service level. For those bridges the design
criteria will be established specifically for each bridge in a collaborative effort between ODOT Bridge
Engineering Section and the Region. Early coordination is required to allow time to establish the design
criteria. See BDM 2.4.3(2) for further guidance regarding Unusual Bridges.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
(7) Maintenance and Provisions for Inspection of Bridges

• Formal constructability and maintainability reviews by representatives of the Construction and

Maintenance Sections are required for most bridges to determine the practicality and feasibility of
erection/construction of the bridge as assumed in the design as well as adequacy for future

• Preparation of an Inspection and Maintenance Guide for the future operation of each major or
unusual bridge (see BDM 3.10.8).

• Consider designing for the possibility of future bearing replacement. Bearing replacement requires
the use of jacks to lift the superstructure off the bearings to be replaced. Indicate the position of
these jacks, and allowable jacking loads, on the drawings. Provide distribution reinforcement to
accommodate the jack loads in the top of the piers and the soffit of the superstructure. Further,
consider the relocation of the reactions in the transverse analysis of the superstructure when the
jacks are engaged to replace the existing bearings.

• Bridges fabricated from coated structural steel should be designed for future recoating according to

2.4.2 Substructure Guidance

See Section 1.11 for information and design guidelines for end and interior bents and wingwall layout.

2.4.3 Special Considerations for Federal-Aid Projects

(1) Alternate Designs

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the practice of providing alternate designs for
major bridges results in substantial savings in bridge construction costs. Current FHWA policy states
that use of alternate designs is optional and at the discretion of State highway agencies. If alternate
designs are appropriate, consider the following:

• Utilize competitive materials and structural types.

Prepare each alternate design using the same design philosophy. (That is, LRFD design, finite
element analysis, etc.) Ensure the design/construction requirements for the entire bridge
(foundation, substructure, deck) are compatible.

• Prepare estimates for all Alternate Designs during the TS&L design phase.

Note: Do not confuse this ‘Alternate Designs’ with the TS&L ‘Alternatives Study’. This Alternate
Designs is the actual preparation of two or more designs, and plan sheets, to be included in the bid

(2) Unusual Structures

FHWA policy requires ”unusual bridges” to be approved (by FHWA) before being designed. An “Unusual
bridge” may have:
• Difficult, new or unique foundation elements or problems
• A new or complex design concept involving unique operational or design features
• Design procedures which depart from current acceptable practice

May 21 2-31
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
Examples of unusual bridges include:
• Cable-stayed, suspension, arch, segmental concrete, moveable, or truss bridges, and other bridge
types which deviate from AASHTO Design Specifications or Guide Specifications
• Bridges requiring abnormal dynamic analysis for seismic design
• Bridges designed using a three-dimensional computer analysis
• Bridges with span lengths exceeding 500 feet
• Bridges with major supporting elements of ultra-high-strength concrete or steel

Other unusual structures include:

• Tunnels
• Geotechnical structures featuring new or complex wall systems or ground improvement systems
• Hydraulic structures that involve complex stream stability countermeasures
• Designs or design techniques that are atypical or unique

Where unusual bridges are identified, seek FHWA involvement at Project Initiation. Do not advance the
design beyond TS&L without FHWA approval.

(3) Experimental Features Program

An experimental feature is a material, process, method, or equipment item that:

• Has not been sufficiently tested under actual service conditions to be accepted without reservation
in normal highway construction, or
• Has been accepted, but needs to be compared with acceptable alternatives for determining
relative merits and cost effectiveness.

Although the Experimental Features Program is normally used in conjunction with Federal-Aid projects, the
program format has occasionally been followed for projects funded entirely with State funds. In some
cases, FHWA has paid part of the research cost for basically a State-funded experimental program.

The intent of the Federal-Aid Experimental Features Program is to allow ODOT time to develop, test, and
evaluate specifications for new, innovative, or untried products or processes.

(4) Specifying Proprietary Items

To encourage competitive prices from manufacturers and suppliers, FHWA has established a policy for
specifying proprietary products or processes for Federal-Aid projects. Generally, “proprietary” means:
• Calling out a product on plans or in specifications by brand name
• Using specifications written around a specific product in such a way as to exclude similar products

The policy basically says:

• You must use two, preferably three, products when specifying by name brand
• You can use generic specifications patterned after a specific item if at least two manufacturers can
supply the item

On the other hand, specifying one proprietary item is allowed only:

• If it qualifies for the experimental features program
• If, with written justification from ODOT, FHWA specifically approves in advance a single product,
which is essential because of compatibility with an existing system, or the only suitable product
that exists

May 21 2-32
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
(5) Use of Debris from Demolished Bridges and Overpasses

Public Law 109-59, dated August 10, 2005, Section 1805 mandates that for Federal-Aid bridge
replacement and rehabilitation projects, States are “directed to first make the debris from the demolition of
such bridge or overpass available for beneficial use by a Federal, State, or Local government, unless
such use obstructs navigation.” Links are provided for more information:

• Public Law 109-59 August 10, 2005

• FHWA Memorandum of March 7, 2006

Note that environmental regulations may prohibit the use of debris in waterways.

2.4.4 Use of Salvage Materials

ODOT Bridge Engineering Section does not prefer the use of used bridge items. New materials are
required for new and replacement bridges, and for added portions of widened bridges. Incorporation of
used materials requires an approved Design Deviation (see BDM 1.2.2). The following are issues to be
considered and included in a deviation request.

1. Locate and include in the project records for the new bridge all original material certifications and
documentation of material properties.
2. Document the condition of the used materials.
3. Locate and include a copy of applicable portions of the original calculation book in the project records
for the new bridge. The copied portions may be scanned and transmitted electronically to the design
engineer. Hard copies should be made and included in the calculation book for the new bridge.
4. Prepare a new calculation book for the new bridge.
5. Document agreement from FHWA (on Federal projects) with a Public Interest Finding processed
through Roadway Section.
6. Designate on the new plans the portions of the new bridge that are built with salvaged materials.

May 21 2-33
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.5.1 Site Constraints

2.5.2 Spans and Proportions

2.5.3 Bridge Length

2.5.4 Substructure Guidance

2.5.1 Site Constraints

At the start of the Preliminary Design Phase, after collecting and reviewing available project data, start
identifying site constraints that will impact or affect the bridge layout. Suggested items to discuss with
respective project team members (list may not include all applicable items):
• Right of way
• Geology; poor soils
• Known buried hazardous materials
• Waterway; thalwag, potential scour areas
• Floodplains
• Riparian zones
• Wetlands
• Historic resources
• Archeological sites
• Buildings
• Parks
• Air space envelope
• Fluvial envelope
• Railroad envelope

Consider these items early in the bridge layout process. Learning of these constraints later may cause
rework that can affect both schedule and budget.

2.5.2 Spans and Proportions

(1) Column Locations

Column locations, which of course affect span lengths, are subject to clearance requirements of BDM, AASHTO standard clearances, and hydraulic considerations. After these conditions are met,
spans lengths may also be governed by environmental issues, economics and aesthetics. Consider
alternate structure types to best fit the needs of the site.

Consider the effects of columns in waterways when locating columns and setting span configurations.
Consider the possibility for scour or difficulty in inspecting a column that is in the highest flow area of a river.
Avoid placing the column directly in the middle of the river.

Protect columns located in the median of a divided highway and within the clear zone (as determined by the
Roadway Designer), from traffic by a guardrail or concrete barrier. Check with the Roadway Designer
regarding which barrier will be used. It will affect the bridge’s appearance and may influence the type of
column selected. Design according to BDM 1.3.4.

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Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
(2) Structure Depth

Structure depth including deck (also referred to as superstructure depth) is generally controlled by span
length and clearance limitations. Although a minimum depth structure may be aesthetically appealing, it
may not be the optimal solution for the site.

For steel superstructures, use the minimum depth recommended in LRFD Table for estimating
purposes. Girder depths for haunched girders made continuous may be reduced up to 20 percent. For
haunched girder, use minimum depth of L/40 at center of span and L/20 at intermediate bent.

For concrete superstructures with continuous spans, use the minimum depths given below:

Reinforced Concrete Superstructures: Minimum Depth:

Balanced 3-span cast-in-place slabs with main d = 0.542 + L/48
reinforcement parallel to traffic
T-Beams d = L/19
Box Girders, constant depth d = L/21

Post Tensioned Box Girders: Minimum Depth:

Continuous, uniform depth d = L/29

Precast Prestressed Concrete Superstructures: Minimum Depth:

Slabs and Boxes d = L/40

Deck Bulb-T Girders d = L/33
Bulb-I and Bulb-T girders d = L/25

d = depth of constant depth members or depth at midspan of haunched member.

L = span length between centerlines of bearings for a simple span bridge or longest span between
centerlines of bents for a continuous span bridge

Increase depths for simple span bridges by 10 percent.

Depths shown for are for constant-depth sections. Depth at midspan of haunched members may be
reduced 15 percent for beams with continuous parabolic haunches or with straight haunches equal to 1/4
the span where the total depth at the haunch is 1.5d.

Where minimum depth requirements, given above, are satisfied, the optional live load deflection criteria in
LRFD will not be required. When minimum depth requirements are not satisfied, verify that the live
load deflection does not exceed the limits recommended in LRFD

When both minimum depth and live load deflection requirements are not satisfied, submit a request for a
design deviation (see BDM 1.2.2). As justification for the request, document girder and deck service stress
levels, live load deflection, and provide evidence of similar structures already in service with satisfactory

(3) Girder Spacing

Girder spacing is normally dependent on girder capacity. As span length increases, girder spacing should
decrease. Limit deck overhangs to no more than one-half the girder spacing. Long deck overhangs tend to
sag over time (even decks post-tensioned transversely).

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Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
2.5.3 Bridge Length

(1) General

Determine the bridge length by referring to the following as applicable:

• BDM, “Determining Bridge Length”
• Bridge Standard Drawing BR115, “Standard Slope Paving”
• BDM, “Hydraulic Requirements for Stream Crossings”
• BDM, “Railroad Clearances”
• BDM 3.14.8, (Wildlife passage requirements that may add structure length)
• Following Subsections (2) and (3)

(2) Width and Cross Section of Lower Roadway

For horizontal clearances, see BDM Choose the back-slopes as follows:
• Use 2:1 end fill slopes for all bridges unless the Geotechnical designer recommends otherwise.
• 1.5:1 end fill slopes are common for county roads and less-traveled highways. Review the ODOT
Highway Design Manual Figure 4-1, “Standard Sections for Highways Other Than Freeways”, but do
not use a slope steeper than 2:1 unless a steeper slope is recommended in the Geotechnical Report.

(3) Stock Paths at Stream Crossings

Provisions for stock to cross the roadway should be located away from the bridge crossing to reduce
concentration of pollutants in the stream. However, if a stock path running under the bridge parallel to the
stream is required, additional bridge length will be needed to accommodate:
• Sufficient horizontal space and vertical clearance to construct a benched section for a path above
ordinary high water
• A fence to keep stock out of the stream

Stock passes are also discussed in the ODOT Highway Design Manual.

2.5.4 Substructure Guidance

Read the Geotechnical Report for information and recommendations about type of foundation required, or
talk to the Geotechnical Designer if the Geotechnical Report is not yet available. For stream crossings,
recommendations for scour and riprap protection are contained in the Hydraulics Report.

May 21 2-36
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.6.1 Uniform Accessibility Standards

2.6.2 Inspection and Maintenance Accessibility

2.6.1 Uniform Accessibility Standards

The Uniform Accessibility Standards are to be used for the design of all Federal-Aid projects.

Design pedestrian overpass and underpass ramps to not exceed a 1:12 grade, and platforms located
every 30 feet. Design other features such as handrails and stairs to comply with the standards. Obtain
design deviations on a case-by-case basis, if justified.

For pedestrian structures, use FHWA publication Guidelines for Making Pedestrian Crossing Structures
Accessible (FHWA-I-84-6).

(1) Wingwall and MSE fill slopes

Provide fall protection for wingwall and MSE fill slopes whenever the potential vertical drop exceeds 10
feet. Fall protection may consist of one of the following:

• Roadway barrier at the top of the slope may be considered adequate protection for the public in
most cases. However, when the vertical drop at the face of the wall exceeds 15 feet, provide
additional protection (safety cable, cable fencing, or chain link fencing) at the top of the wall.

• Safety cable at the top of the wall may be adequate when the slope is not accessible by the
public, but access by maintenance personnel or bridge inspectors is anticipated.

• Provide cable fencing when no roadway barrier has been provided at the top of the slope and
the slope is accessible to the public. Where a sidewalk is provided at the top of the slope
without roadway barrier between the sidewalk and slope, the slope should be considered
accessible to the public.

• Provide chain-link fencing or hand railing when pedestrian, maintenance or inspection access is
provided adjacent to the top of wall.

Seek concurrence from the Region Safety Manager concerning the specific wall slope protection

Provide fall protection that is aesthetically appropriate for the site. In many cases, this may involve
extending the system along the full length of the wall even though portions of the wall may have less than
10 feet of vertical drop.

(2) Design Criteria for safety cable

Design safety cable and cable fencing using the following criteria:

• Use 1/2" diameter galvanized wire rope with an independent wire rope core and having a
minimum breaking strength of 26,000 pounds.

• Use galvanized cable connections and turnbuckles having a minimum ultimate strength at least
as great as the cable strength.

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Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
• For cable fencing, provide a minimum of two cables with the top cable 36 inches high and the
other cables evenly spaced.

• Space cable supports or posts at 10 feet or less.

• Design the cable support system to resist a vertical service load of 3000 pounds (5000 pounds
ultimate) anywhere along the length of the cable.

• Design end posts and cable end connections to resist the minimum breaking strength of the
cable. End posts for cable fencing need only be designed considering one cable loaded at a

2.6.2 Inspection and Maintenance Accessibility

FHWA mandates that bridges be inspected every 24 months. Inspectors are required to access bridge
components to within 3′ for visual inspection and to access bearings close enough to measure movement.
Maintenance personnel need to access damaged members and locations that may collect debris. Be
aware of these requirements and prepare designs that allow access for bridge inspectors and
maintenance personnel, and possible bearing replacement.

Such facilities should meet the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Code Chapter 437 Rules Division
2, General occupational safety and health Subdivision D, Walking-Working Surfaces.

For bridge rail height requirements related to inspection and maintenance, see BDM ”Design
Standards” and BDM, “Vehicular Railing”.

Inspection walks must clear all required minimum clearances under the structure and cannot infringe or
reduce minimum required waterway openings.

Provide inspection walks with sufficient headroom and width for inspection personnel to carry bulky
equipment between walk rails without difficulty.

Consider inspection walks for wide and high bridges where the reach of the arm of an inspection crane is
not long enough for proper inspection and maintenance of the bridge members.

Consider inspection walks combined with other facilities such as ladders, manholes and safety cables.
Consider all critical areas that require close inspection such as fracture critical members, hinges, splices,
hangers, expansion joints, bearings, utility lines, navigation lights, and areas that require frequent

FHWA has recommended maintenance walkways between all steel girders. This has proven to be a
costly item and should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. These were provided on the Santiam River
Bridge (Steel Alternate) Bridge 08123D, Drawing 47448. The detailed W5x15 walkway beams are not
readily available. A W8x18 alternate is recommended, as this was substituted on the John Day River
Bridge, Bridge 00108D. Vertical Abutments and MSE Abutments

Provide access for inspection of bearings and shear lugs. Provide access consisting of the following:

• 3’-0” minimum walkway width - This is the clear width available for an inspector or maintenance
worker to walk as needed for inspection and maintenance of bearings, shear lugs and

May 21 2-38
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
• 4’-0” minimum height - This is the minimum height from the walkway surface to the bottom of
girder. For bridges having a solid bottom, such as a concrete box girder, provide 5’-0” minimum.

• Safety Railing or Cable - Provide either safety railing or a safety cable. When a safety cable is
used, attach the cable to either the backwall or cap (approximately 4 feet above the top of
walkway) or to the bottom of the girders. Note that attachment to precast prestressed girders
must be limited to the center 4 inches of the bottom flange. Locate the cable at least 2’-0”
horizontal distance away from the vertical drop. Design the safety cable system using the
criteria given in BDM 2.6.1(2). Alternatively, standard drawings BR190 and BR191 “Horizontal
Fall Arrest Lifeline” details are now available. Where potential maintenance activity can be
anticipated, such as replacement of bearings, locate the cable to avoid interference with
potential bearing replacement and girder jacking operations. Where safety railing is used,
design railing to be removable in sections to facilitate maintenance work.

• Access to the walkway - Provide access to the walkway using one of the following:

• 3’-0” wide walkway along the top of the wingwall. Provide a safety cable or safety
railing when the vertical drop exceeds 10 feet.

• Cast-in-place steel U-bar ladder steps from the ground level (under the bridge) up to the
maintenance walkway. In urban environments, place the first U-bar ladder step
approximately 12 feet from the ground. Access to this first step will be by portable
ladder. Ensure there is an adequate bench for the ladder to seat.

• Security - For bridges in urban environments, use deterrent fencing and provide locked gates at
each entrance to the walkway. Design fencing to be removable in sections to facilitate
maintenance work. See BDM 2.7.1, “Bridge Design Security Considerations”.

When the height from the ground to the bearings is 15 feet or less, inspection and/or maintenance can be
performed with a ladder. If so, ensure there is a 5’-0” minimum bench at the top of slope to support a
portable ladder. Where such a bench is not practical, provide cast-in-place steel U-bar ladder steps.
Provide enough ladder steps so that an inspector is able to get within 3’-0” of any bearing. Semi-integral and Integral Abutments

Provide access for inspection of bearings and shear lugs. When integral abutments are used, provide
access for inspection of backwalls.

The minimum clearance between the bottom of the superstructure and the embankment below shall be 3’-0”
for girder bridges and 5’-0” for bridges having a solid bottom, such as a concrete box girder, when bearing
access is required. When bearing access is not required, minimum clearance shall be 2’-0”. Bridge Superstructures

ODOT policy is to use mobile access equipment for inspection and maintenance work whenever feasible.
Fall arrest cable systems are recommended for bridges where access for inspection and maintenance is
not feasible using snooper cranes or manlifts.

Provide permanent access to all cells of concrete box girders for utility access, inspections or other
purposes. (See BDM

May 21 2-39
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.7.1 Bridge Security Design Considerations

2.7.2 Placing Building Beneath ODOT Bridges

2.7.1 Bridge Security Design Considerations General

Consider project-specific countermeasures during the Scoping Phase for those structures which ODOT
management determines need specific attention.

Potential bridge security threats include: “carried and placed” bombs, vehicle bombs, intentional vehicle
or ship collisions, intentional fires, and other intentional and unintentional threatening activities. This
section tells when and how to consider potential bridge security threats during the design of:
• New bridges
• Bridge widenings
• Bridge rehabilitation projects Countermeasures

Four countermeasures can help protect structures against potential security threats.

Deter, Deny, Detect, Defend…

Deter: Prevent an aggressor from attacking the structure by making the security presence known such
as police or other authorized personnel.

Deny: Prevent an aggressor from entering an unauthorized zone by a physical barrier such as security
fencing, secure hatches or locked doors.

Detect: Observe unauthorized personnel in a restricted area by means such as cameras or sensors.

Defend: Provide ‘hardening’ measures to protect a component from attack. Process

Assess the probable structure specific security risks:

• Remote,
• Possible,
• High, or
• Critical

Remote: Only applies to structures on remote, low volume AADT facilities. Implementation of security
countermeasures normally not warranted.

May 21 2-40
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
Possible: Applies to structures on the non-freeway State Highway System. Consider implementing
security countermeasures associated with Deterring and Denying access to the structure.
Ideas to consider include:
• Locate box girder soffit access openings away from abutments requiring a ladder or other
mechanical means to gain access
• Provide shielded locking mechanisms on all access openings
• Place secure screens at soffit vents near abutments
• Prevent access to maintenance walkways and girder flanges at abutments
• Post warning signs on the bridge approaches and below the structure
• Deny access to critical structural components
• Prevent vandalism, graffiti artists, or camping

High: Applies to structures on the Interstate Highway System. Consider implementing security
countermeasures associated with Deterring, Denying, Detecting, and Defending the structure.
In addition to the items listed under ‘Possible’, include the following:
• Establish guidelines for standoff distance
• Eliminate access to small confined spaces

Critical Structures: These are structures that have been determined to be the most vulnerable
structures in the State of Oregon.

Some bridges, due to their complex and unique nature, will require project-specific countermeasures
along with those countermeasures that apply to all structures. These are bridges considered “critical” to
the transportation network. The most critical bridges will also require site-specific operational security
plans. The ODOT Emergency Preparedness Committee identified critical bridges and their potential
vulnerabilities. To find out more, contact the Statewide Emergency Operations Manager in the ODOT
Office of Maintenance and Operations.

Consider the need for security countermeasures during the Scoping Phase to ensure that added costs
are included in the project budget. Define countermeasures and security plans and include in the TS&L
Report. The Bridge Designer is to consult with the ODOT Bridge Operations & Standards Managing
Engineer for security guidance and to maintain consistency statewide.

If the Bridge Operations & Standards Managing Engineer decides a critical bridge needs specific
mitigation measures, consider these strategies first:
• Locate piers and towers so vehicular access is prevented.
• Design redundancy with critical elements.
• Place barriers to provide standoff distance when critical structural elements cannot be located
away from vehicular traffic. If this cannot be achieved, the critical structural member or
mechanical system should be analyzed and hardened against the design threat.
• Install locks, caging, and fencing to deny access to key points of vulnerable structural and
mechanical systems.
• Install motion detectors or security cameras, and plan for communications to security response
entities, to minimize “time-on-target.”

When cost-effective, consider selective protection of the structural integrity of key members against
collapse. Ways to do this include strengthening key substructure members, adding redundancy, and use
of blast hardening.

Again, consider project-specific countermeasures during the Scoping Phase for those structures which
ODOT management determines need specific attention.

May 21 2-41
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
2.7.2 Placing Buildings Beneath ODOT Bridges

The placement of buildings beneath ODOT bridges is strongly discouraged. However, if local public
agencies request and are given approval to place buildings below ODOT bridges, satisfy the following

• Maintain the structural integrity of the bridge:

o Shore excavations that extend below the bottom of bridge footings adjacent to the proposed
building according to Standard Specifications SP 00510.44.

o Replace any soil removed within the vicinity of a bridge footing and compact according to
Standard Specifications SP 00510.46(a).

• Bridge maintenance provisions:

o Provide 10 feet of vertical clearance between roof and superstructure for operation of snooper
cranes, or for hanging scaffolds; or

o Design the building’s roof system to act as a work platform for maintenance or construction
activities. Provide 3 feet minimum vertical clearance between roof and superstructure. Design
the roof sheathing and purlins for a working load of 250 pound point load or 100 psf, whichever
controls. Extend the design area 10 feet beyond the shadow of the structure. Design members
below the purlin level for a working load of 50 psf over an area of 10’ x 20’.

• Future seismic retrofit provisions:

o Place the building to allow for increasing the size of the existing footing or footings by 50 percent
plus an allowance of 5 feet for work area.

o Make the building owners aware that future footing excavations or pile driving could cause
vibrations in the building with a potential for damage to the building or contents. And that the
State will not be responsible for any damage to the building or contents caused by such

• Future bridge replacement or widening provisions:

o Evaluate the need for a new bridge or future widening of the bridge. If the potential exists, allow
for increasing the bridge width and construction of new footings. Allow 5 feet around the future
footings for work area.

o Make the building owners aware that future footing excavations or pile driving could cause
vibrations in their building with a potential for damage to the building or contents. And that the
State will not be responsible for any damage to the building or contents caused by such

• Falling object protection:

o Place protective fencing on the bridge above the building to cover the limits of any ground activity
below the bridge.

o Make the building owners aware that the State will not be responsible for any damage to the
building or content caused by falling objects.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 2
• Bridge fire protection:

o The building shall be constructed of non-flammable materials and be equipped with an automatic
sprinkler system.

o The building shall not be used to store large quantities of flammable materials.

• Right of Access:

o ODOT and or contractor employees shall be given access to the property and/or building as
needed to perform any construction or maintenance activities.

Submit proposals to the District Manager and the Bridge Operations & Standards Managing Engineer for
review and approval. Include a drawing or drawings showing the existing bridge with all pertinent
members dimensioned, and showing the proposed building with all pertinent dimensions, clearances,
materials and roof design loads. The drawing or drawings shall be prepared, signed, and stamped with a
seal of an engineer registered to practice in the State of Oregon.

May 21 2-43
Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 2

2.8.1 Existing Name Plates

2.8.2 Bridge ID Markers

2.8.1 Existing Bridge Name Plates

Specify that existing bridge name plates be salvaged and delivered to the office of the ODOT
Construction Project Manager.

2.8.2 Bridge ID Markers

Specify that bridge identification markers be installed at the bridge site by the construction contractor,
unless the Region has an arrangement with District Maintenance to install the markers in-house. Show
bridge ID marker placement locations in the bridge contract plans (typically on the Deck Plan, Detail
Reference Number 81) and incorporate them into the Special Provisions. Bridge ID markers are not part
of the project signing and should not be shown in the sign plans.

Place the ID marker at both ends of the bridge, typically in the bridge rail transition, facing on-coming
traffic. If the structure is located over another route, place additional bridge identification markers on the
face of the bridge bent, immediately adjacent to and on both sides of the under-crossing roadway, facing
on-coming traffic.

For mounting in bridge rail transition areas which have timber posts, the bridge ID marker is attached to a
cut off Type-1 steel roadway delineator post. The steel post is attached to a guard rail post as shown in
“Type-4, Alternate 2” on Standard Drawing TM570. For mounting in rail transition areas which have steel
posts, the ID marker is attached to a full height Type-1 steel delineator post which is driven alongside a
transition post. On vertical concrete faces, the ID markers are mounted using stainless drilled mechanical
anchors from the QPL. Boilerplate SP 00842 “Facility Identification Markers” includes these mounting
instructions for the contractor.

Configure each ID marker in accordance with the example and information below. Show this information
in a table in the bridge plans (see MicroStation cell “T_BridgeID_Marker” ). Standard Drawing BR195
shows dimensions, text, colors and other requirements of the marker for inclusion in the contract plans.
For state owned bridges, telephone numbers for the appropriate dispatch can be found at Note that dispatch center
boundaries may not correspond to Region boundaries.

Telephone number of the appropriate agency Dispatch Center

US or OR Route Number
State Highway Number
Milepoint Number
Bridge Number
Name of the Structure

May 21 2-44




Bridge Engineering Section
Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Bridge Design Software ................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Design Software ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Software Verification .................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.3 MathCAD Template Library ....................................................................................................... 6
Bridge Design Process (Design-Bid-Build), Overview............................................ 8
3.3.1 Field Scoping ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.2 Project Initiation and Project Kick-Off ....................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Design Verification Package (End of Project Initiation Phase) ............................................. 10
3.3.4 Bridge TS&L Package ................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.5 Design Acceptance Package & DAP Phase Gate .................................................................... 11
3.3.6 Preliminary Plans Package Milestone ...................................................................................... 12
3.3.7 Advance Plans Package Milestone ........................................................................................... 13
3.3.8 Final Plans Package Milestone .................................................................................................. 14
3.3.9 PS&E Milestone ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.10 Bridge Design Project Close Out ............................................................................................ 15
Bridge Design Deliverables ........................................................................................ 16
Quality............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.3 Design Quality Plans .................................................................................................................. 20
3.5.4 Bridge Design Quality Documentation ................................................................................... 20
3.5.5 Bridge Design Quality ‘Touchpoints’....................................................................................... 21
3.5.6 Design Reviews ........................................................................................................................... 22
3.5.7 Design Checks ............................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.8 Qualifications of Bridge Designer, Checker & Reviewer ...................................................... 26
3.5.9 (Reserved) .................................................................................................................................... 26

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
3.5.10 Troubleshooting Bridge Design Quality (In-House Design) ............................................. 26
3.5.11 Recovery Plans ......................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.12 Quality Assessment/Audits .................................................................................................... 27
3.5.13 Work Assignments................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.14 Training & Mentoring (In-House Design) ............................................................................ 28
(Reserved) ....................................................................................................................... 29
QPL/Research ................................................................................................................. 30
3.7.1 Qualified Products List (QPL) ................................................................................................... 30
3.7.2 Research........................................................................................................................................ 30
(Reserved) ....................................................................................................................... 31
Project Development Phase ........................................................................................ 32
3.9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 32
3.9.2 Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment ................................................................... 32
3.9.3 Design Deviations and Exceptions ........................................................................................... 33
3.9.4 Bridge TS&L Package ................................................................................................................. 33
3.9.5 Bridge TS&L Report.................................................................................................................... 33
3.9.6 Bridge Strategy Memo................................................................................................................ 37
3.9.7 Engineer’s Estimate at TS&L ..................................................................................................... 38
3.9.8 Bridge TS&L Plan Sheets............................................................................................................ 38
Project Design/PS&E .................................................................................................... 40
3.10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.10.2 Sealing & Signing Requirements ........................................................................................... 40
3.10.3 Contract Plans........................................................................................................................... 40
3.10.4 Specifications & Special Provisions ....................................................................................... 41
3.10.5 Engineer’s Estimate.................................................................................................................. 41
3.10.6 Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule ................................................... 42
3.10.7 Calculations & Calculation Books ......................................................................................... 42
3.10.8 Bridge Load Rating .................................................................................................................. 45
3.10.9 Operations and Maintenance Manuals ................................................................................. 46

May 21 3-2
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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

PS&E to Award .............................................................................................................. 48

3.11.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 48
3.11.2 Changes to Bridge Deliverables after PS&E ......................................................................... 48
3.11.3 Bridge Design Project Close-Out ........................................................................................... 48
3.11.4 Request for Information (RFI) ................................................................................................ 48
3.11.5 Addenda Letters ....................................................................................................................... 48
Construction Support ................................................................................................... 49
3.12.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 49
3.12.2 Communications during Construction ................................................................................. 49
3.12.3 Shop Drawing Review............................................................................................................. 49
3.12.4 Temporary Works Review ...................................................................................................... 49
3.12.5 Construction Support Close-Out ........................................................................................... 49
(Reserved) ....................................................................................................................... 51
Coordination with Other Project Team Members .................................................. 52
3.14.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 52
3.14.2 Project Management ................................................................................................................ 52
3.14.3 Survey and Mapping, & Right-of-Way ................................................................................. 53
3.14.4 Roadway .................................................................................................................................... 53
3.14.5 Traffic and Mobility ................................................................................................................. 59
3.14.6 Foundations and Geotechnical ............................................................................................... 61
3.14.7 Hydraulics and Scour .............................................................................................................. 61
3.14.8 Environmental .......................................................................................................................... 69
3.14.9 Storm Water .............................................................................................................................. 74
3.14.10 Utilities – Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................. 74
3.14.11 Railroad ................................................................................................................................. 75
3.14.12 Public Involvement .............................................................................................................. 77
Appendix – Section 3.5 – Quality (In-House Design) ......................................................................... 78

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
Note: Revisions for spring 2021 are marked with yellow highlight. Deleted text is not marked;
past editions of the BDM are available for comparison.

BDM Section 3 contains standards and practices pertinent to design procedures and quality
processes for completing highway bridge and structure design on STIP projects.
See BDM Section 1 for standards and practices pertinent to design of highway bridges and
See BDM Section 2 for design guidance pertinent to highway bridges and structures design.
Procedure and Process Guides
ODOT Project Delivery Guide
ODOT Highway Design Manual – Design Standard Policies and Processes

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

Bridge Design Software

3.2.1 Design Software
The programs in Table 3.2.1-A are used and supported by the Bridge Section.

Table 3.2.1-A

Software Name System Comments Contact Name

Midas Civil 7-64 bridge analysis and design
DFSAP 7-64
LPile 7-64
Group 7-64
ODOT-Col 7-32 column analysis
PAP 7-64
Brass Girder LRFD 7-64
Brass Girder STD 7-64
Brass Library Utility 7-64
Brass Pole
PGSuper 7-64 WSDOT precast design program
PSBeam 7-64
Response 2000 7-64 Reinforced concrete sectional analysis
using Modified Compression Field theory
SIMON 7-64
STLBridge LRFD 7-64 steel bridge design using LRFD
QConBridge 7-64 WSDOT live load analysis program for
continuous frames
Convert 4.1 7-64
Mathcad 15 7-64
Mathcad Prime 7-64

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
With the computer upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7, most of the bridge legacy programs
are out of date. The following programs are incompatible with the 64-bit systems or will no
longer be supported:
• Brig2d (replaced by RspBr2)
• CrkCol
• CrvBrgPc (Midas and GTStrudl have this function)
• DkElev (Microstation can perform this function)
• LdSort
• MStrudl (no longer in business) – Midas and GTStrudl have this function
• ODOT’s pole program (uses MStrudl)
• Oregon’s PSBeam (not Erikssons PsBeam, which ODOT now uses)
• Ultcol (Xtract can support this function)
• UltFtg (program needed to do simple analysis for footing design (on piling and shallow
• WinStrudl (no longer in business)
• XSection and WFrame – Caltrans programs
• Drain2dx – dynamic response analysis of inelastic plane structures
• GTStrudl – finite element analysis
• SAP 2000 – finite element analysis
• SimQuake – DOS – simulation of time, position, and magnitude of earthquakes
• Xtract – CalTrans – substitute for XSection and WFrame

3.2.2 Software Verification

[Reserved for future use]

3.2.3 MathCAD Template Library

The following MathCAD standard bridge rail calculations are posted on the Bridge Standards
website under the “Software Tools for Design” section. The calculations document the bridge rail
design and capacity:
• BR200_Calcs_2016 for BR200
• BR206_Calcs_2016 for BR206
• BR208_Calcs_2016 for BR208
• BR214_Calcs_2014 for BR214 (will be updated in the near future)
• BR221_Calcs_2016 for BR221
• BR290_Calcs_2016 for BR290
The spreadsheet “Summary of ODOT Standard Rail Capacities” summarizes all the bridge rail
capacities for deck overhang design.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
Also available on the Bridge Intranet are the following calculation templates available for ODOT
designers use to promote standardization and efficiency.
• Deck Overhang with Concrete Bridge Rail (MathCAD and MathCAD Prime)

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

Bridge Design Process (Design-Bid-Build),

All processes described in this section use ProjectWise per:
• Technical Services Directive TSB16-01(D) Use of ProjectWise for Project Design
(Engineering/Non Engineering) Data Management
• Technical Services Bulletin TSB 17-01(B) ODOT ProjectWise Naming Convention

3.3.1 Field Scoping

Field scoping involves a reconnaissance level look at one or more alternatives for a project. It
involves planning, conceptual design, and description rather than project-level design. This level
of planning assists in securing funding and determining ‘level of effort’ required by various work
units. Field scoping identifies and documents site constraints, assumed or known design
exceptions or deviations, and anticipated outsourced work.
The Bridge Program Unit initiates potential Bridge Program projects from queries run on the
State’s bridge data. The Program Unit completes a ‘Desk Scope’, and the Bridge Program
Manager drafts an initial ODOT Project Business Case. This information is then sent to the region
for ‘Field Scoping’. By the end of Field Scoping, a Bridge Design Category(s), per BDM 1.2.3 is
determined. After the region scoping team completes the ‘Field Scoping’, the Region Project
Sponsor completes the Final Business Case. Region representatives send the business case to the
Bridge Program Unit for review and signature by the Bridge Program Manager. Should there be
discrepancies the Bridge Program Manager would reconcile with the Project Sponsor before
signing. The final ODOT Business Case is provided to a Transportation Project Manager (TPM)
or Resident Engineer – Consultant Projects (RE-CP) by a Region Area Manager after STIP
programming, and before the Project Initiation Phase. Also see Highway Division Directive DES
If there are significant unknowns about a project, an Advanced Investigation Phase may occur
prior to STIP programming to better identify the proposed scope. Examples of advanced
investigation include chloride testing of bridge decks, load rating, or strength testing of other
bridge elements.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

3.3.2 Project Initiation and Project Kick-Off

Project Initiation is when the Final Business Case is revisited, scope is verified, and the Project
Charter completed. Near the middle of the Project Initiation Phase the project is ‘kicked off’ by
the TPM or RE-CP. Final refinements to the scope, schedule and budget are documented for the
completion of the Project Charter and the Project Initiation Phase.
The Regional Bridge Lead Engineer (RBLE) is involved at the beginning of the Project Initiation
Phase when the TPM or RE-CP calls for resources to be assigned. The RBLE writes a Bridge
Design Work Order (BDWO) to document Bridge strategy (QC, scope, risks, assumptions, etc.)
and propose bridge design or review resources to the Bridge Design Manager to approve
(statewide basis). When Bridge Section elects to perform an internal review of the Bridge TS&L
Report, a Bridge Standards Engineer will be assigned. For outsourced work, the RE-CP initiates
the Statement of Work (SOW), with the assistance of subject matter experts, if not already done,
or reviews any SOWs that have already been prepared. Also see PDLT Operational Notice PD-
The bridge designer verifies the proposed bridge/structures scope of the project design and
bridge design categories and begins development of design deviations and exceptions. Bridge
designers use available scoping information, draft or final project charters, and the Bridge Design
Manual to prepare the Bridge Design Criteria and Standards Assessment. Confirm completion of
load rating, deck testing and certain preliminary analyses of existing bridges that will be not be
replaced. Ensure results are appropriately reflected in the project charter and other work
description documents.
The Bridge Design Team meets and reviews the BDWO, schedule and budget, project charters,
CMR’s, the project’s scope and the ODOT Project Business Case. The Bridge portion of the Region
Quality Control Plan is also reviewed at this time, and supplemented to cover any project specific
The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM
A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found
in Appendix D.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

3.3.3 Design Verification Package (End of Project

Initiation Phase)
The Design Verification Package consists of enough detail to “proof” the project concept that has
been put forth and complete the Project Charter and CMR 0. Site constraints are identified, and
alignments are close to final. Consider permanent and temporary traffic control, and note
anticipated unique specification items. Include as many bid items as can be identified in cost
As needed, other work completed by others at this stage may include: survey control established,
survey topography gathered, survey base map produced, existing right of way determined,
environmental base map produced, Area of Potential Impact (API) identified, draft utility
conflicts identified, horizontal and vertical alignments calculated, bridge bent locations set, and
retaining wall locations set.
The appropriate Bridge deliverables (BDM 3.4) for the assigned Bridge Design Category(s) are
complete and ready to review by the Bridge Reviewer and the Bridge Standards Reviewer (if
applicable). Review and update the Bridge Design Criteria and the Bridge Design Standards
Assessment and create a list of design deviations and exceptions for each alternative, if required.
Structural analysis calculations may need to be started and sufficiently advanced to meet DAP
milestone needs, and future Project Design Phase milestones. Include “significant cost” bid items
on the Engineer’s Estimate. A draft Bridge Plan Sheet may be prepared to include with the other
project Design Verification Plans. Coordinate need with the Project Team.
The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM
A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found
in Appendix D.

3.3.4 Bridge TS&L Package

The project is nearing the Design Acceptance Plans (DAP) milestone. Some items to be completed
by others in support of the Bridge TS&L package include:
• Hydraulics: Preliminary Hydraulic Recommendations.
• Work Zone Decision Tree, traffic control method.
• Preliminary Geotechnical Report (see GDM 21.4).
• Roadway Alignments (horizontal and vertical).

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
The Bridge TS&L Package (consisting of the Bridge TS&L Report or Bridge Strategy Memo,
Bridge Plan Sheets, Engineer’s Estimate, Standards Assessment, and Design
Deviations/Exceptions) is complete, has been reviewed and approved by the Bridge Reviewer
and the Bridge Section Internal Reviewer (if applicable), and is ready to include in the DAP.
Submit Bridge TS&L Package to the TPM or RE-CP and to the appropriate personnel to complete
a Construction Review and Maintenance Review. Gather comments from a review meeting with
Construction and Maintenance personnel to discuss comments
Submit Bridge TS&L Package to the Bridge Design Manager and to the Reviewer for review. The
Bridge Designer, Reviewer and Drafter complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in
BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be
found in Appendix D.

3.3.5 Design Acceptance Package & DAP Phase Gate

The Design Acceptance Package (DAP) provides sufficient detail of project elements and staging
to identify right of way and utility impacts, utility relocation needs, and to allow application for
permits. Staging is complete except for minor details.
At this milestone, alignments are final and the project ‘footprint’ is set. Changes after this stage
should be seldom needed, and work after this stage is adding detail and refining the design. Each
project team member is to review others’ DAP deliverables to ensure the work is compatible
between disciplines, and to address discrepancies.
Roadway often takes the lead on common products, such as distributing the DAP and compiling
a complete cost estimate. A DAP Narrative will be prepared that incorporates all sections’
commentaries. Reference may be made to other complete documents, such as the Bridge TS&L
Report, providing only minimal data in the DAP Narrative for such sections. The DAP Checklist
is completed by the TPM or RE-CP and the package submitted for the DAP Phase Gate Review.
Some items to be completed by others at or before the DAP milestone include:
• Roadway: Approved Design Exceptions, DAP Narrative, DAP Cost Estimate.
• Geotechnical: Preliminary Geotechnical Memo.
• Hydraulics: Draft Hydraulic Report and Preliminary Stormwater Recommendation.
Complete the Bridge portion of the DAP Narrative. Respond to any needs identified by the TPM
or RE-CP. Participate in the Design Acceptance Workshop (DAW), if scheduled.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
For Bridge Modernization and Retrofit Category projects, DAP Phase Gate will need to have the
following be completed to meet project PDII:
• Design Controls, criteria and innovations.
• Structural issues to be considered.
• Alternatives studies.
• Special design elements.
• ADA considerations.
• Value Engineering.
Some other items to be completed at or near the DAP milestone include:
• TS&L Report (including Alternative Study) or Bridge Strategy Memo.
• Approved Design Deviations and Exceptions.
• Information for permits.
Start structural analysis calculations and Project Development Phase plans. Calculations should
be far enough advanced to identify significant interdisciplinary conflicts. For Phase II Seismic
Retrofit projects, identify seismic deficiencies and proposed retrofit techniques. This likely
requires seismic modelling.
Write unique specifications with enough detail to give reviewers an idea of the work and pay
items involved. Include as many bid items in cost estimates as possible, although quantities may
not be accurately calculated at this time.
A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in
Appendix D.

3.3.6 Preliminary Plans Package Milestone

Preliminary Plans incorporate adjustments that are needed due to further refinement with right
of way, utility, and permitting negotiations that have occurred. Each project team member is to
review others’ Preliminary Plans deliverables to ensure the work is compatible between
disciplines, and there are no discrepancies. In some project schedules, the Preliminary Plans
milestone is omitted.
Some items to be completed by others at the Preliminary Plans milestone include:
• Roadway: Preliminary Plans, Bid Summary/Cost Estimate.
• Geotechnical: Draft Geotechnical Report.
• Environmental: Obtaining permits is continuing during this phase.
• Utilities: Work with utility companies to establish utility relocations.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
For Bridge Modernization Category work, the Project’s Preliminary Plans Milestone (schedule)
needs to be set such that the seismic design can be completed by this milestone. Include
substantially complete structural calculations with Preliminary Plans milestone submission and
prepare Preliminary Contract Plans. All plan sheets are started and show the basic geometry of
all major elements. Identify boilerplate special provisions within the Engineers Estimate. When
there is no applicable boilerplate special provision, provide a draft unique special provision. For
unique specifications, begin the review process with appropriate technical resources and
specifications staff. Complete the Engineer’s Estimate at Preliminary Plans including all bid items
with rough calculated quantities. Provide bridge deliverables to the TPM or RE-CP for inclusion
in the Preliminary Plans review package.
Provide bridge deliverables to the appropriate personnel to complete a Construction Review,
Maintenance Review and State Bridge Engineer Review (see BDM Gather comments from
a review meeting with Construction and Maintenance personnel.
Some items to be completed at the Preliminary Plans milestone may include:
• Preliminary Plans.
• Engineer’s Estimate that includes all bid items with rough calculated quantities.
• List of anticipated special provisions.
• All plan sheets are started and included in the review package.
When Preliminary Plans is skipped in the project schedule, for Bridge Retrofit and Bridge
Modernization Category work, prepare Progress Plans containing the standard Preliminary Plans
deliverables. The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist
found in BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and
Designer can be found in Appendix D.

3.3.7 Advance Plans Package Milestone

Advance Plans include all items necessary to bid and build the project. Each project team member
is to review others’ Advance Plans deliverables to ensure the work is compatible between
disciplines; and review the entire plan set for clarity and consistency.
Some items to be completed by others at the Advance Plans milestone include:
• Roadway: Advance Plans, Construction Cost Estimate, Special Provisions.
• Construction: Construction Schedule.
• Geotechnical: Stamped Geotechnical Report.
• Hydraulics: Stamped Final Hydraulics Report, Draft Stormwater Report.
• Environmental: Obtaining permits may be continuing during this phase.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
Complete structural analysis calculations and prepare Advance contract plans. Substantially
complete plan sheets (only lacking corrections based on QC Checking comments), including all
geometry and details necessary for bidding and construction. Complete draft special provisions,
including unique special provisions, and Engineer’s Estimate at Advance Plans, including a
complete itemized list of bid items and accurately calculated quantities. Complete the Engineer’s
Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule when required by project team. Provide bridge
deliverables to the TPM or RE-CP for inclusion in the Advance Plans review package; and to the
Bridge Checker for detailed structural QC check.
Some items to be completed at the Advance Plans milestone include:
• Advance Plans.
• Engineer’s Estimate.
• Special Provisions.
• Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule.
• Calculation book for Class II Checks.
The Bridge Designer, Reviewer, and Drafter complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found
in BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer, Designer, and
Checker can be found in Appendix D.

3.3.8 Final Plans Package Milestone

Completing Final Plans involves preparing for submittal of the design work and finalizing the
PS&E package.
Some items complete at the Final Plans milestone include:
• Roadway: Final Plans, Construction Cost Estimate, Final Special Provisions.
• Construction: Final Construction Schedule.
• Environmental: Approved permits.
Address comments from the detailed structural QC check and other reviews. Finalize structural
analysis calculations and prepare Final contract plans. Complete the Bridge Checker calculation
book(s) per BDM 3.10.7 and submit to the Bridge Reviewer. Complete plan sheets (100%).
Complete final special provisions, final Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule
when required by project team, and Engineer’s Estimate at Final Plans. Provide bridge
deliverables to the TPM or RE-CP for inclusion in the Final Plans package. Also see PDLT
Operational Notice PD-02 and Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, and ensure the Bridge-related
aspects of these documents are complete.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
Some items to be completed at the Final Plans milestone include:
• Final Plans.
• Engineer’s Estimate.
• Final Special Provisions.
As noted on the BDWO, provide other deliverables that do not go to the TPM to the Bridge Design
Manager. The Bridge Designer, Reviewer and Checker complete the appropriate Bridge QC
Checklist found in BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer,
Designer and Checker can be found in Appendix D.

3.3.9 PS&E Milestone

At PS&E, all the contract documents prepared by the Project Team are submitted to the Project
Controls Office by the TPM or RE-CP to begin the process of advertising and bid letting.
Digitally sign plan sheets.
Complete the Bridge Designer calculation book(s) per BDM 3.10.7 and submit to the Bridge
Reviewer. Assist the TPM or RE-CP to address any PS&E Package deficiencies before advertising;
and to address any RFIs and Addendum Letters during advertising. When required, participate
in the pre-bid meeting. Prepare the “design” bridge load rating per BDM 3.10.8.
The Bridge Designer, Reviewer and Checker complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found
in BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer, Designer and
Checker can be found in Appendix D.

3.3.10 Bridge Design Project Close Out

Within 60 days after Award, complete ‘Bridge Design Close-Out’ documents, per BDM 3.11.3.

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Bridge Design Deliverables

1. Bridge Design Quality Plan (may be part of Region Design Quality Plan)
2. Project Startup
a. Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment (DCSA) at Startup
b. Draft Bridge Design Deviations and Exceptions
c. Pre-Design load ratings (if applicable)
d. Site visit memo
3. End of Project Initiation
a. Complete or substantially complete Design Alternatives Scoring Matrix
b. Alternatives Analysis in Design Verification Package
4. Bridge TS&L Package
a. Bridge TS&L Report (For Bridge Modernization Category) or Bridge Strategy
Memo (For Bridge Retrofit Category)
b. Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment at TS&L
c. Bridge TS&L Plan Sheet(s)
d. Engineer’s Estimate at TS&L
e. ‘Approved’ Design Deviations and Exceptions
f. Alternatives or Options Study supporting data, if warranted
5. Preliminary/Progress Plans Package
a. Preliminary Plans Plan Sheets
b. Engineer’s Estimate at Preliminary Plans
c. Design Criteria & Standards Assessment at Preliminary Plans
6. Advance Plans Package
a. Advance Plans Plan Sheets
b. Engineer’s Estimate at Advance Plans
c. Engineer’s Estimate of probable construction schedule (when required by project
d. Draft Special Provisions
e. Design Criteria & Standards Assessment at Advance Plans
7. Final Plans Package
a. Final Plans Plan Sheets
b. Engineer’s Estimate at Final Plans
c. Updated estimate of probable construction schedule (when required by project
d. Final Special Provisions
e. Design Criteria & Standards Assessment at Final Plans
f. Final Checker Calculation Book(s)
8. PS&E
a. Signed Digital Plans
b. Signed POR Specification Sheet

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c. Engineer’s estimate
d. Final Design Calculation Book(s)
e. Final Design Load Rating (as required)
f. Microstation CAD Files
9. Bridge Design Project Close-Out
a. Native electronic computer files (Excel calculation files, MathCad calculation files,
Structural analysis program files)
10. Construction Support documents
a. Responses to RFIs
b. Shop Drawing Reviews
c. Temporary Works Reviews
d. Falsework Reviews
e. Design Revisions
f. Site Visit Notes
11. At end of Construction (2nd Note)
a. Final Calculation Book
b. Final Load Rating (as required)
c. As-Constructed Drawings

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3

3.5.1 Introduction
In August 2011, FHWA issued ‘Guidance on QC/QA in Bridge Design In Response to NTSB
Recommendation (H-08-17)’ which provides general expectations for the establishment of
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programs in bridge design as well as definitions of the
terms involved.
At ODOT, Overall Project QC/QA will be planned and carried out primarily by the Region Tech
Center Manager, TPM, or RE-CP. The process, however, involves every member of the project
team, and others, including: Region Tech Center Manager, TPM, RE-CP, Region Area Manager,
Bridge Checkers, Bridge Reviewers, State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Program and Standards
Manager, Bridge Operations Manager, Senior Bridge Engineers, Bridge Subject Matter Experts,
ODOT Structural Materials Engineers, ODOT Construction Engineers, ODOT Maintenance
Engineers, A&E staff and the ODOT Project Controls Office Quality Engineers.
As part of bridge design, the bridge designer is responsible for making sure their calculations and
drawings are accurate and meeting the requirements of the design. The bridge designer performs
QC of their own work by establishing procedure for self-checking the work for accuracy and
correctness. The checker performs QC of the designer’s calculations, plans, specification, and
estimates. The reviewer, practicing QC, is responsible for reviewing the overall work of the
bridge designer and bridge checker to assure accuracy and correctness in meeting the design
requirements and expectations of the bridge owner.
The Bridge Design Manager, practicing QA, ensures the established quality procedures and
practices are followed and completed. (Note: The Regional Bridge Lead Engineer (RBLE) may
perform QA provided the Bridge Reviewer role is assigned to another.)

3.5.2 Definitions
Quality: The degree to which a product or service meets or exceeds a customer's requirements
and expectations.
Quality Management: The overall management function that determines quality policy,
objectives, and responsibilities, and their implementation by means such as quality planning,
quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement within the system.
Quality Control (QC): In general: the operational activities put in place to control the quality of
a product or service. These include such activities as providing clear decisions and directions,
diligent supervision by experienced individuals, immediate review of completed activities for
accuracy and completeness, and accurate documentation of all decisions, assumptions, and

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recommendations. Quality control procedures, if followed, should ensure that the work is done
correctly the first time.
As it relates to bridge design, QC includes: checking design criteria, checking the accuracy of the
calculations and consistency of the drawings, detecting and correcting design omissions and
errors before the bridge design plans are finalized, and verifying the specifications for the load-
carrying members are adequate for the service and operation loads.
Quality Assurance (QA): The certainty that products and services meet the requirements for
quality. The objective of quality assurance is the continual improvement of the total delivery
process to enhance quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Essentially, quality
assurance describes the process of enforcing quality control standards. When quality assurance
is well-implemented, progressive improvement in terms of both reducing errors and omissions
and increasing product usability and performance should be observed. Quality assurance should
function as a "voice" for the customer, a reminder that the work product is intended for use by a
As it relates to bridge design, QA includes: making work assignments; overseeing the
establishment of design criteria; reviewing the work to ensure QC measures are in place and
effective in preventing mistakes; ensuring consistency in the development of bridge design plans
and specifications.
Quality Control Plan: The comprehensive, well-defined, written set of procedures and activities
aimed at delivering products that meet or exceed a customer's expectations, as expressed in
contract documents and other published sources. A quality control plan will identify the
organization or individuals responsible for quality control and the specific procedures used to
ensure delivery of a quality product. A quality control plan will also detail quality assurance
measures and the method of accountability and required documentation.
Bridge Designer: An individual directly responsible for the development of design calculations,
drawings, specifications, and contract documents, and for review of shop drawings related to a
specific bridge design with a level of technical skill and experience commensurate with the
complexity of the subject structural work being designed.
Bridge Checker: An individual responsible for performing a full technical Quality Check of the
design calculations, drawings, specifications and contract documents.
Bridge Reviewer: As relates to Quality, an individual responsible for performing QC beyond that
of the structural check by the Bridge Checker This may include all work performed before the
Bridge Checker starts, “Integrated QC” between disciplines, and spot checks of the structural
design. (See also Appendix D).
Engineer of Record: See Appendix D.

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3.5.3 Design Quality Plans

ODOT Bridge Design Discipline – As it relates to bridge design, ODOT Bridge Section maintains
the baseline QC/QA procedures that form the basis for the Bridge Design Quality Control Plan.
ODOT Regions – Each Region has a Design Quality Control Plan that provides guidance to
technical staff on the preparation of high quality, cost effective deliverables that meet the
expectations of its customers.
A&E Consultants – All design consultants shall have a documented Design Quality Plan (DQP)
for the firm's design. This applies to the Prime Consultant and any and all of their subconsultants.
In lieu of subconsultants having their own documented DQP, the Prime Consultant should
assume that responsibility for their subconsultants. The DQP should be furnished to ODOT as a
Start-Up deliverable in the design contract, and as requested. ODOT should review the DQP to
ensure it meets the intent of the Agency’s Quality Program(s), and refer to it when reviewing
consultant work deliverables.
Local Agency Quality Control Plan – See Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual

3.5.4 Bridge Design Quality Documentation For Typical STIP Projects
The following is a list of the Bridge documents to retain in Agency's ProjectWise system. In the
rare case the project is not in ProjectWise, then retain documents in a folder on the Bridge Section
server in which the data can be accessed for Quality Assessment/Auditing purposes. Electronic
pdf files are required in lieu of paper hardcopies. For ODOT In-House designs, submit these
documents to the Bridge Design Manager, copying the Bridge Design Coordinator (BDC) for
tracking and document retention purposes. For A&E Consultant designs, the Design Contractor
will submit these documents to the ODOT Agency Project Manager (APM) identified in the
contract. The ODOT APM will transmit the documents to the assigned Bridge Reviewer (or the
Region Bridge Lead Engineer if there is no assigned Bridge Reviewer) and the Bridge Design
Manager copying the BDC. The supporting Hydraulics and Geotechnical Reports are retained in
the ODOT Geo-Environmental Section.
1. For in house design: ODOT Bridge Design Work Order (retained on Bridge Server);
2. For external design: A&E Personal Services Contract
3. Project Startup deliverables
4. Bridge TS&L Submittal (reviewed and final copy(s))
5. Preliminary/Progress Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
6. Advance Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
7. Final Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
8. Calculation Book(s)
o Final Design calculations, Designer’s calculations
o Final Design Check calculations, Checker’s calculations

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9. Checker Review Comments/Forms
o Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification
10. Reviewer Review Comments/Forms
o Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification
11. Bridge Designer, Bridge Checker, and Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklists For Bridge Maintenance Projects

The following is a list of the Bridge documents to retain in a folder on the Bridge Section server
in which the data can be accessed for Quality Assessment/Auditing purposes. Electronic pdf files
are preferred in lieu of paper hardcopies.
1. ODOT Bridge Design Work Order, if available, original and any revisions
2. Project Startup deliverables, when required
3. Options Memo (reviewed and final copy(s)) when required
4. Checking Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
5. Final Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
6. Calculation Book(s)
o Final Design calculations, Designer’s calculations
7. Checker & Reviewer Review Comment Forms
o Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification

3.5.5 Bridge Design Quality ‘Touchpoints’

Internal designs will typically have the following QC/QA ‘Touch Points’:
• Project Scoping – Review scoping work and comments, possibly start Draft BDWO.
• Project Initiation – Scope confirmation, Project Charter (By Region) and BDWO (by RBLE)
finalized (for start of design), and Bridge Reviewer, Designer, & Checker assignments.
• Project Development Phase start-up – Design Criteria, Standards Assessment, and Design
Deviation/Exception identification review comments.
• Design Verification Package (approximately end of Bridge TS&L Alternatives Analysis)
or 50%+/- Project Development Phase – progress check-in.
• Bridge TS&L Package – Review comments, signature sheet signed.
• DAP/DAW – Review comments.
• Preliminary Plans Package – Review comments as needed.
• Advance Plans Package – Review comments.
• Final Plans Package – Comment resolution verification.
• PS&E Package – Bridge design quality documentation.
• Project Quality Assessment/Audit, if identified and scheduled.
• Project Close-out.
External designs should have similar QC/QA ‘Touch Points’. See the consultant’s Design Quality
Plan for specifics.

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3.5.6 Design Reviews

There can be many different types of design reviews. The following are a few of the more typical
ones: Bridge Reviewer Review (QC)

• Responsible for performing role as noted in Appendix D and per Bridge Reviewer QC
• May request Subject Matter Expert review (not a check), including welding, protective
systems, and bridge inspection.
• May request Structural Materials Review.
• May request Region Bridge Inspector Review for bridge inspection features.
• Ensures that Construction Review has been performed.
• Ensures that Maintenance Review has been performed. Peer Reviews

For major projects involving unusual, complex, and innovative features, a peer review may be
desirable to raise the level of confidence in the quality of design and construction. A peer review
is generally a high-level review by a special panel of professionals specifically appointed by the
State Bridge Engineer or designee to meet the demands for quality and accuracy, recognizing the
complexity of the design. Peer review is an effective way to improve quality and to reduce the
risk of errors and omissions. The need for such peer reviews is at the discretion of the State Bridge
Engineer. TPM/RE-CP (ie, “project management”) Review

The ODOT Quality Program also calls this a “Peer Review”. However, this subsection has
intentionally not been included as a second bullet to BDM because industry peer review is
typically understood to mean people of the same background – in this case, all with a background
of bridge design.
• Leads Project Team Review, including a review by individual team members to
coordinate design items between disciplines. Regional Bridge Lead Engineer / Bridge Design Manager

A design review may be performed by the following personnel:
• Regional Bridge Lead Engineer (RBLE).
• Bridge Design Manager, on selected projects.
• Regional Bridge Lead Engineer may request Bridge Engineering Section Review (Subject
Matter Expert review (not a check), including welding, protective systems), however, the
outcome of this review is typically advisory comments or recommendations.

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External designs are subject to the same Regional Bridge Lead Engineer design review. The
design consultant will submit Bridge TS&L Report(s) to the A&E Agency Project Manager for
distribution and review. Contract Review

For consultant designs, ODOT will assign a Contract Reviewer. Bridge Section Internal Review of Bridge TS&L Reports

An internal review will be performed by the following personnel:
• Assigned Bridge Standards Engineer.
• Bridge Program and Standards Manager, on selected projects.
• The assigned Bridge Standards Engineer may request other Subject Matter Expert review
(not QC/QA) as needed; the outcome of this review is typically advisory comments or
See Appendix C for further details.
External designs are subject to the same Bridge Section Internal Review of Bridge TS&L Reports.
The design consultant will submit Bridge TS&L Report(s) to the A&E Agency Project Manager
for distribution and review as described in the A&E WOC/Contract.

3.5.7 Design Checks

The expected Class of Check is noted on the Bridge Design Work Order (BDWO) and/or in the
A&E Statement of Work (SOW). An assessment of the expected Class of Check will be made based
on the table below. In some cases, based on geometry for example, the entire bridge may require
“Independent” check calculations. In other cases, based on elements, the bridge may require
“Independent” check calculations for specific elements, and “Line-by-Line” checks of the
Designer’s calculations for the remainder of the bridge. This will be noted on Bridge Design Work
Order and/or A&E SOW based on the best information available prior to the Project’s Kick-Off
The Bridge Designer and the Bridge Reviewer should review the Bridge Design Work Order
before checking starts to ensure the Class of Check is appropriate. Changes to the expected Class
of Check must be approved by the Regional Bridge Lead Engineer before proceeding with the
check. Changes to the Class of Check require the Bridge Design Work Order or SOW be revised
for Quality documentation purposes.

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3 Classes of Checks

Design checks fall into one of the following Classes of Checks:
Class I:
• Prepare “Independent” structural calculations and quantity calculations
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate
Class II:
• Perform “Line-by-Line” check of Bridge Designer’s structural calculations and quantity
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate
Class III:
• No structural calculations
• “Line-by-Line” check of quantity calculations
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate
Use Class III check procedures for Bridge Preservation Category work except for calculations in
support of phase 1 seismic retrofits.
An “Independent” check means the Checker will prepare their own calculations without or before
seeing the Designer’s calculations. After the Checker has prepared their calculations the Checker
and Designer compare results. Generally this type of check takes longer than a “Line-by-Line”.
The advantage is two separate sets of calculations are made; disadvantages include: tendency for
the Designer not to complete their design calculation book, content can become cryptic,
abbreviated, and difficult to follow.
A “Line-by-Line” check means the Checker will work from a copy of the Designer’s calculations,
going through line-by-line and redlining. Besides checking line by line, the Checker must also
ask “Has the Designer included all calculations required?” Generally there is a time savings in
performing this type of check. Other benefits of this type of checking include: calculation book is
complete (for design purposes) at PS&E, junior designers can see senior designers work, and
content is complete and understandable (especially worthwhile if revisions are required during
To perform a “Line-by-Line” check, the Checker obtains a copy of the Designer’s calculations.
The Checker reviews the Table of Contents to ensure it is in order, complete, and that all expected
entries are included. The Checker then reviews the Givens and the Assumptions, and the Design
Criteria & Standards Assessment. Then the Checker can go through the calculations line by line.
Redline any comments electronically in a pdf file. (Redlining by hand with a red pencil is no
longer an acceptable method, except in special cases with Bridge Design Manager’s approval.)
Use Table 3.5.7-A to determine if a “Line-by-Line” check is acceptable, or if an “Independent”
check is required based on the experience of the designer:

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Table 3.5.7-A - Check Calculations Level

“Line-by-Line” “Independent”

Geometry / Layout Regular; Tangent; Simple-Span Irregular; Curved 1; Skewed 2; Multi-Span

Standard Drawings / Acceptable If judged necessary
Major / Unusual / Complex Not acceptable Acceptable
Seismic Design / Retrofit 3 Design Categories A & B Design Categories C & D
Prestressed Slabs 4
Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestressed Boxes4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestressed Tubs4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestressed Girders4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Post-Tension anything Not acceptable Acceptable
Steel Plate Girder Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Steel Trapezoidal Girder Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Abutments Regular; Non-Integral Integral & Semi-Integral
Columns Not acceptable Acceptable
Bridge Strengthening Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 similar designs
Rail Retrofits Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 similar designs

The items in the table were agreed to between the Bridge Section Standards Managing Engineer
and FHWA Bridge Representative circa 2013. No changes or deviations from this table should be
made without discussing with both of these people.

1 Curvatures with radius < 1000 feet.

2 Skew > 20 degrees.
3 Includes capacity protection design.

4 ODOT standard shapes only; other do “independent” calculations.

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If the bridge or bridge element being checked is not described in this table then “Independent”
calculations are required.
A check starting as “Line-by-Line” can be escalated to “Independent” calculations with approval
of the Bridge Reviewer. No check starting as “Independent” calculations may be reduced to
To request a deviation from the practice noted in this table, see BDM 1.2.2
To suggest an addition to this table that you believe is a good candidate for “Line-by-Line”
checking please send an email to the Bridge Design Standards and Practices Engineer.

3.5.8 Qualifications of Bridge Designer, Checker &

The Bridge Designers, Checkers, and Reviewers are the key personnel to provide well-designed
and constructible plans to build good quality bridges. They must be experienced in structural
designs and familiar with the current AASHTO Bridge Design and Construction Specifications
and the BDM.
BRIDGE DESIGNER AND CHECKER: The following are the desirable requirements for a
bridge designer and checker:
• Possess a Professional License as an Engineer in a relevant engineering field in Oregon;
• If the bridge designer and checker do not have a PE or SE license, they should be under
the direct supervision of a PE or SE licensed engineer who is in responsible charge of the
• The bridge designer and checker’s experience should be commensurate with the
complexity of the bridge work being designed.
BRIDGE REVIEWER (QC): The bridge reviewer should be familiar with Bridge Engineering
Section’s standards and practices and ODOT’s project delivery and construction practices,
procedures, and policies.

3.5.9 (Reserved)
3.5.10 Troubleshooting Bridge Design Quality (In-
House Design)
This is what to do if Bridge Design Quality is not being met:
• Early intervention.
• Discussion/Review by Bridge Design Manager, Region Tech Center Manager, Bridge
Reviewer, and Bridge Program and Standards Manager.

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• Review of approved design team by Bridge Design Manager.
• Review BDWO (internal designs; A&E contract SOW and DQP for external designs) for
changes (actual and/or under-estimated) as it relates to needed knowledge/experience.
• Change resource’s other assignments before making resource reassignment.
• Provide training, internal or external, if schedule allows
• Provide coaching/mentoring of resource, if schedule allows.

3.5.11 Recovery Plans

The purpose of a recovery plan is to document specific tasks that need to be done, with dates
required to get back on schedule or back in budget).
After “troubleshooting” any bridge design Quality issues, the Bridge Design Manager will
prepare a brief narrative plan documenting these tasks/measures; keeping a copy and providing
a copy to the Bridge Designer and the Bridge Reviewer.

3.5.12 Quality Assessment/Audits

The following is a brief outline of the Quality Assessment/Audit process that will be performed
by the assigned Quality Assessor/Auditor on a random sample of projects.
• On a predetermined schedule, randomly select projects to perform quality
• Notify Bridge Design Manager (who will notify Regional Bridge Lead Engineer), Bridge
Reviewer, and Bridge Designer.
• Review BDM and Region Design Quality Plan(s).
• Review Bridge Design Work Order or SOW for outsourced projects.
• Assess/Audit project Bridge Quality Documentation retained in ProjectWise or the
appropriate location of the Bridge server.
• Collect Reviewer QC Checklist.
• If complete, prepare Audit Report noting findings.
• If not complete, contact the Bridge Reviewer and Bridge Designer, or A&E Consultant,
and discuss discrepancies.
• If necessary, contact the Bridge Design Manager and request data be completed and
• Once data is received, complete Audit Report.
• Provide Audit Report to State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Design Manager, and Bridge
Program and Standards Manager.

3.5.13 Work Assignments

• For internal, performed by the Bridge Design Manager based on knowledge, skills and
abilities, and training needs.

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• For external, done through RFP process and consultant selection (based on consultant
proposal (i.e., response to RFP).)
• For Local Agencies, typically done through RFP process. Some Counties still eligible for
Free Bridge Design through ODOT.

3.5.14 Training & Mentoring (In-House Design)

Bridge Design Manager:
• Oversees the assignment of project Bridge Reviewer, Designer, and Checker.
• Evaluates and identifies skill gaps.
• Suggests or recommends training courses to be delivered by Subject Matter Experts.
• Trains people involved in Bridge QC/QA regarding what documents need to be retained
for Quality purposes.
Bridge Reviewer:
• Mentors Designers: Throughout course of reviewing a project (from Project Initiation to
PS&E Package), the Reviewer is mentoring the project designer (inexperienced & veteran);
and possibly training an inexperienced designer.
• Mentors Checkers: During the course of reviewing a project, the Reviewer may elect to
mentor the design checker.
• Mentors Reviewers: Veteran Reviewers will mentor and train new or less experienced
rookie Reviewers.
• Trains people involved in Bridge QC/QA regarding what documents need to be retained
for Quality purposes.
Engineer of Record: Reserved for future use.
Subject Matter Expert:
• Provides training in subject of expertise as needed (training may be one-on-one, one-on-
many, external provider, etc.)
Training Coordinator (proposed):
• Maintains database of internal bridge design staff, their project assignments, their role on
the project (Reviewer, Designer, or Checker), a short description of the project, and a short
description of the bridge work performed.
• Provides report of this information as requested.

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3.7.1 Qualified Products List (QPL)
The Structure Services Unit of the Construction Section is responsible for the evaluation of
products for use on construction and maintenance projects.
If a product is approved for use, it is included in the Qualified Products List (QPL) published
every six months. The QPL is covered in Section 00160.05 of the ODOT Standard Specifications
for Highway Construction as modified by the special provisions. The special provisions of a
project will identify which edition of the QPL is in effect for that contract.
A product can be evaluated as an “equal product” or a “new product”:
• Equal products are similar to ones currently used by ODOT and are covered by existing
specifications or standards.
• New Products are ones not addressed by current specifications or standards.
After evaluation, a product’s status becomes one of the following:
• Conditional – Equal or new product will be allowed a trial installation on one project only,
recommended for a demonstration project, or recommended as an experimental feature.
See Section 3.17.3(3) “Experimental Features Program”.
• Qualified – Product is equal to existing approved products or has test results that meet
ODOT specifications.
• Rejected - Product does not meet ODOT specifications or has failed performance testing.
Products with Conditional status will have trial installation on projects where they can be
monitored during installation and for a limited performance period. The manufacturer or
supplier is responsible for locating an active project, either construction or maintenance, for the
proposed product. Normally, a product will be considered Conditional first, and then move to
Qualified after it establishes a good track record. Of course, a previously qualified product can
fall from grace and become rejected because of unsatisfactory field performance.

3.7.2 Research
(Reserved for future use)

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Project Development Phase

3.9.1 Introduction
Project Development Phase (aka, DAP Design Phase) is the phase between the milestones Project
Initiation (Kickoff) and Design Acceptance Package (DAP). The Project Development Phase
concludes with the acceptance of the DAP. When the project includes bridge structures, the DAP
will include a section for Bridges.
The Bridge Criteria & Standards Assessment is the first deliverable provided by the designer in
this phase, establishing the framework within which the bridge work is designed.
Bridge TS&L Report development provides the opportunity for the State Bridge Engineer and
delegated Bridge Personnel to have input on the type of bridge, or work affecting the bridge,
under design on Bridge Modernization Category projects.
Alternatives analysis should consider the bridge location, length, width, span arrangement and
superstructure system considering practical design measures, traffic requirements, safety
measures, channel configuration, stream flow, etc. Feasible alternatives for a proposed bridge
crossing along with their merits and shortcomings, should be identified and assessed in the
Design Alternative Scoring Matrix.
The Bridge Strategy Memo provides a description of the different bridge features being modified
or replaced on a Bridge Retrofit Category project, along with a brief exploration of the selected
retrofit method for each feature. -

3.9.2 Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment

At the start of the Project Development Phase prepare the bridge design criteria & standards
assessment (DCSA) applicable to the design. Include references to Standard Drawings, Standard
Details, BDM references, pertinent design code references and standard values. Compare these
standards to actual design values and note whether the actual design values meet standard.
Identify all necessary design deviations and exceptions. Seek technical resource concurrence when
appropriate. Technical concurrence is most commonly required in the following scenarios:
• When required by the BDM.
• When the Engineer of Record considers it appropriate to deviate from stated standards.
• When a standard requires clarification.
• When the standard is absent and project specific guidance is needed.
For the purpose of the DCSA, Bridge Design Deviations, and Bridge related Roadway Design
Exceptions, the Technical Resource is typically the owner of the Boilerplate Special Provision
controlling the work. Document DCSA correspondence in ProjectWise, especially technical
resource concurrence and project specific guidance.

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Include the DCSA in Bridge TS&L Reports, Bridge Strategy Memos, and design calculation books.
On Bridge Preservation Category projects without Bridge TS&L Reports or Bridge Strategy Memos,
provide the DCSA to accompany the ODOT Design Narrative.

3.9.3 Design Deviations and Exceptions

The DCSA will be reviewed by the Bridge Reviewer (In-House Projects) or Agency Bridge Reviewer
(Outsourced Projects) and Technical Resources, when appropriate (All Projects). When required,
prepare Design Deviations or Exceptions. See BDM 1.2.2. Include approved deviations and
exceptions in the design calculation book.

3.9.4 Bridge TS&L Package

The Bridge TS&L Package is comprised of:
• Bridge TS&L Report or Bridge Strategy Memo.
• Design Alternative Scoring Matrix, where required.
• Engineer’s Estimate at TS&L.
• Bridge TS&L Plan Sheet(s).
• Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment.
• Design Deviations and Exceptions.

3.9.5 Bridge TS&L Report Purpose of the Bridge TS&L Report
The purpose of a Bridge TS&L Report is to:
• Document the alternatives studied or reasonable alternatives/options considered in the
Design Alternative Scoring Matrix;
• Document the recommended alternative (or option), and the “approved” alternative
advanced to the Project Design Phase.
• Document the rationale for “why” the recommended and ‘approved’ alternative(s) or
option(s) was(were) selected over the other alternatives or options.
• Document the selected type, geometry, size, and location of the recommended and
‘approved’ alternative or option.
• Document deviations from design practices.
• Provide background information on rationale for reviewers, owners, or clients to
effectively evaluate and approve an alternative to advance to Post-DAP final design.
Provide just enough information to address each discussion item as a bridge designer; typically
it is not necessary or desirable to provide the supporting information used by other disciplines
(i.e., biologists, hazmat specialists, roadway engineers, traffic engineers, historians, etc.).

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There may be a misconception that the Bridge TS&L Report is prepared so that the Bridge
Hydraulics Report, Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration, and Preliminary Geotechnical Reports
can be prepared. In actuality, each of these documents should be prepared at the same time with
each document preparer working in close coordination and collaboration with the other
document preparers.
A Bridge TS&L Report provides specific bridge information required by FHWA for their review
and approval of projects using Federal funding (and recommended for projects without Federal
funds). It is the concluding documentation of the Alternatives Study. The name was coined by
FHWA circa 1990. The acronym TS&L stands for Type, Size & Location. The FHWA/ODOT
Stewardship Agreement of the Federal Aid Program has delegated the TS&L review and
approval process to ODOT for federal-aid projects that are designated as NOT Full Federal
Oversight (FFO). ODOT will submit Bridge TS&L Reports to the FHWA on projects designated
as FFO.
Note: If adequate background information is NOT provided the Bridge TS&L Report may be
rejected, which could result in an undesirable delay in the project schedule.
Bridge Engineering Section makes a distinction between the Bridge TS&L and the DAP. The
Bridge TS&L is used as the approval document for the bridge discipline. The DAP is the approval
document for the entire project. The duties of the Bridge Reviewer (QC) include official approval
of the Bridge TS&L for the bridge discipline.
The DAP submittal provides ODOT the opportunity to officially “approve” a developing project.
However, since it includes the entire project, review of this submittal is typically higher level,
focusing on project footprint rather than individual structures. For this reason, the primary
Quality Control requirements for the bridge discipline are focused on the Bridge TS&L.
To ensure an appropriate review of the Bridge TS&L, adequate time in the schedule is necessary
to allow modifications to the design and revisions of the Bridge TS&L prior to submittal of the
DAP. When is a Bridge TS&L Report needed?

A Bridge TS&L Report is required for Bridge Modernization Category work. The required
components of a Bridge TS&L report are discussed in BDM Bridge TS&L Approval (In-House Design)

Under the direction of a Bridge Design Manager, the Bridge Reviewer (and a Bridge Section
Internal Reviewer when identified) will review and approve the Bridge TS&L Report. The Bridge
TS&L Report will be signed by both the Bridge Designer and the Bridge Reviewer. The Bridge
Reviewer’s signature will constitute “approval” of the Bridge TS&L by a person knowledgeable
in bridge design.

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See Appendix C for more details of this review and approval process. Multiple Bridge Projects and the Bridge TS&L Report

For projects with more than one bridge structure, create a separate section/chapter within the
same Bridge TS&L Report for each bridge structure. Creating a separate section/chapter for each
bridge will make it easier to:
• Add or subtract bridges, should the scope change.
• Focus discussions on individual bridges.
• Not have to flip through pages of information on other bridges that are not relevant to the
bridge of interest. Components of a Bridge TS&L Report

1. Cover Page
2. Signature Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Body of Narrative,
a. Project Information (location)
b. Bridge Alternatives Study
c. Design Alternatives Scoring Matrix
d. Recommended Alternative
e. Bridge Design Criteria and Standards Assessment
f. Draft Design Deviations and Design Exceptions
g. Accelerated Bridge (PBES) Decision Criteria
h. ADA Compliance
i. Mobility (AADT, # lanes to remain open, detours)
j. Roadway (horizontal & vertical alignment, superelevation, roadway x-section)
k. Hydraulics (design flood, ordinary high water, scour)
l. Geotechnical & Foundations (subsurface conditions)
m. Environmental Information & Constraints, related to the bridge design
n. Traffic (signs, signals, illumination), attached to the bridge
o. Utilities (on bridge, near bridge)
p. Railroad (clearances)
q. Right of Way (temporary and/or permanent), related to the bridge
r. Superstructure (type, geometry, length, width, clearances)
s. Substructure (type, geometry, size, clearances)
t. Preliminary Bent Loads
u. Aesthetics
v. Other Design Justification (if rationale for decisions made is not provided above)
Tables and figures are an integral part of a well-written Bridge TS&L Report. If the text is crowded
with detail, especially quantitative detail, consider creating a table. Do not overload the text with

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information that could be presented better in a table. Tables are often used for reporting extensive
numerical data in an organized manner.
If the Hydraulics Report or Geotechnical Report is not available at the time the Bridge TS&L
Report is written, always include comments about assumptions made in consultation with the
Hydraulics or Geotechnical Designer. Ensure these assumptions stand out in the narrative,
identifying the risks assumed by continuing the bridge design without vetted design information.
Do not use the Bridge TS&L Report to provide all the data needed for environmental permitting.
Include this permitting information in a separate memo. See BDM 3.14.8 for further guidance. Bridge Alternatives Study
Refer to Appendix C for detailed guidance.

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3.9.6 Bridge Strategy Memo Purpose of the Bridge Strategy Memo
The purpose of a Bridge Strategy Memo is to:
• Document the work on bridges in the Bridge Retrofit Category;
• Document the rationale for the recommended and ‘approved’ alternative(s) or option(s)
• Document deviations from standard design practices

The Bridge Strategy Memo was created by the Bridge Section at the same time Bridge Design
Categories was introduced (May 2021). The Bridge Strategy Memo was introduced as a means to
write a simpler document than a Bridge TS&L for bridge work that did not require the full Bridge
TS&L Report. When is a Bridge Strategy Memo needed?

A Bridge Strategy Memo is required when the Bridge Design Category is Bridge Retrofit.

If the scope of work at the end of the Project Development Phase is the same as the scope of work
at the beginning of the Project Development Phase the Bridge Strategy Memo will simply
document that the scope is the same. If the scope of work at the end of the Project Development
Phase has changed, the Bridge Strategy Memo should document the reasons why the scope has
changed. The primary reason for the Bridge Strategy Memo is to establish a baseline of project
scope prior to proceeding to post-DAP final design. Bridge Strategy Memo Approval

Under the direction of the Bridge Design Manager, the Bridge Reviewer will review and approve
the Bridge Strategy Memo. The Bridge Strategy Memo will be signed by both the Bridge Designer
and the Bridge Reviewer. The Bridge Reviewer’s signature will constitute “approval” of the
Bridge Strategy Memo by a person knowledgeable in bridge design.
(Reserved for future use)

For Bridge Program funded bridge projects, it is very important for the Reviewer to have the
concurrence of the Bridge Program Manager and the State Bridge Engineer on final scope before

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approving and proceeding to Post-DAP final design. When scope in Bridge Strategy Memo does
not match Final Business Case, confirm with Bridge Program Manager as soon as possible. Multiple Bridge Projects and the Bridge Strategy Memo

For projects with more than one bridge structure, create a separate section/chapter within the
same Bridge TS&L Report for each bridge structure. Bridge Strategy Memo Contents

• Body of Memo
o Project Information(location)
o Bridge Options Study
o Selected Retrofits
o Rationale for changes in scope
• When any of the following are considered to be a risk to a project, include relevant
information in the Project Information:
o Historic preservation requirements / ADA Compliance
o Park land impacts
o Deck condition and chloride content
o Staging of the work
o Load rating status (i.e., should the bridge be strengthened as part of the project,
and can the bridge support any needed work access or other temporary works?)
o Items from the list in BDM 3.9.11(4):
 Mobility
 Environmental Information & Constraints
 Utilities
 Railroad Bridge Options Study
Sometimes bridge retrofit work has options. When relevant, document the options study and
reference in the Bridge Strategy Memo. Include this study documentation in ProjectWise.

3.9.7 Engineer’s Estimate at TS&L

The Engineer’s Estimate at TS&L documents the estimated construction cost of the preferred
alternative. Prepare an itemized estimate for each alternative studied. Base the estimate on
calculation of quantities based on the preliminary design and documented assumptions. Include
all alternative estimates in Bridge TS&L Submittal.

3.9.8 Bridge TS&L Plan Sheets

The Bridge TS&L Plan & Elevation Drawing is a single 11x17 sheet containing, where applicable:
• Title Block

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• Vicinity Map (with north arrow)
• Plan View (with north arrow)
• Elevation View
• Typical Section
• Bent elevation
• Grade diagram
• Construction Staging Section(s)
• Hydraulic Data (if applicable)
• Bridge TS&L General Notes
A second sheet (or more) may be included to show construction staging typical sections, when
See Bridge CAD Manual for specific information pertaining to the drafting and detailing of the
Bridge TS&L Plan & Elevation drawing.
Include plan sheet(s) in the Bridge TS&L Package.

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Project Design/PS&E
3.10.1 Introduction
The Project Design Phase begins after receiving approval of the DAP. For Design-Bid-Build
projects, the Contract Documents are prepared during the Project Design Phase. These
documents include sealed and signed contract plan sheets, Special Provisions, Engineer’s
Estimate, and estimates of probable construction schedule. Other bridge deliverables prepared
during the Project Design Phase may include calculation books, the bridge load rating, and
Operation and Maintenance manuals.

3.10.2 Sealing & Signing Requirements

ORS 672.002(10) requires the stamping engineer to be in ‘responsible charge’; that is, to have
supervision and control of the work.
The Bridge Engineer of Record is to seal and sign the final digital Bridge drawings; other roles
noted on the drawing may be signed or printed. Current practice requires only one stamp on the
plans. (Refer to TSB11-02D)
The Bridge Engineer of Record or the Bridge Designer (when registered) is to seal and sign other
applicable work products per TSB11-02D. (ODOT Intranet link: DES 05-02)
The Bridge Checker is to seal and sign structural calculations they prepare.
It is expected that a person possessing a professional engineer’s license in the State of Oregon will
seal and sign their own work.
See ODOT Technical Services Professional of Record Guidance for further guidance.

3.10.3 Contract Plans At Preliminary Plans
Start all plan sheets and show gross geometry of the elements. Start details if information is
available; however, it is not necessary to have all details shown at this time. At Advance Plans

Complete “unchecked” plan sheets. All geometry and details are to be shown at this time.
Prepare Check Print set of plan sheets for the Bridge Checker and the Bridge Reviewer. At Final Plans

Corrected plan sheets based on resolution of QC Check comments. Prepare digital plan sheets
for signatures.

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Clear and complete detailed plans with information necessary to obtain a fair bid and to layout
and construct the project.

3.10.4 Specifications & Special Provisions At Preliminary Plans
Unique special provisions will be identified in the Engineers Estimate file. At Advance Plans

Complete a draft of the Special Provision package. At Final Plans > Final Special Provisions

Complete the final Special Provision package. At PS&E Package

Specifications, Supplemental Specifications, and Special Provisions necessary for construction of
the project.

3.10.5 Engineer’s Estimate At Preliminary Plans
Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. At Advance Plans

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. At Final Plans

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. At PS&E Package

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. Estimate
of the cost of design assistance during construction.

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3.10.6 Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction

A Project Construction Schedule is required to be submitted with the PS&E Package per 4.2.i of
the Phase Gate Delivery Manual. The contribution from bridge design will vary based on Region
and project. At Preliminary Plans

Not applicable. At Advance Plans

Refer to the Phase Gate Delivery Manual, and prepare and submit a draft of the estimated
probable construction schedule for the bridge or structure construction for review when required
by the project team. At Final Plans

Update the estimated schedule, and submit a final copy when required by the project team. At PS&E Package

Not applicable. (A complete Project Construction Schedule, including the bridge and structure
work will be submitted to the Project Controls Office by the TPM or RE-CP.)

3.10.7 Calculations & Calculation Books Types of Calculations
• Geometry.
• Structural.
• Quantity.
• Designer’s Calculations – A structural analysis and design of the bridge and related
components. Documentation of the work with hand calculations, computer output and
detailed notes. The Design Engineer is responsible for the meaning and applicability of
computer generated data.
• Design Check Calculations – A check of: the structural analysis and design of the bridge
and related components, plan detail sheets, specifications and special provisions, and
project quantities; Document the work with hand calculations, and computer output and
detailed notes. Importance of Calculations

Designers are responsible for well-organized, legible, neat design calculations properly
assembled in a calculation book. Remember:

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Be selective, including only calculations that actually support what the contract plans show. Do
not include calculations that led down the wrong path and are not shown on the contract plans.
However, calculation sheets voided by a project “redo” should not be discarded/deleted, but
stored outside of the calculation book, until it is certain they are no longer needed. Submittal
Internally to ODOT, calculation books are a living document and reside in the appropriate PW
folder. Add calculations to the book as developed, and compile calculation books at each project
milestone submission.
After the design phase of an assigned project is completed and the project is awarded, submit a
calculation book containing the design and check calculations for archiving. Submit electronic
calculation book(s) to ODOT Bridge Engineering Section at the Bridge Design Project Close Out.
Email the ProjectWise URN link for the completed calculation book to: [email protected].
Update calculation books when design changes occur during construction. See BDM for
additional guidance.
The Bridge Engineering Section maintains the archiving process for all pertinent design/check
calculations for documentation and future reference.
For projects prior to October 2017, submit the electronic (contained in CD or USB thumb drive)
calculation book to:
ODOT Bridge Engineering Section
4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS #4 Salem, OR 97302 Calculation Books

For a bridge, the paperwork (usually excluding most correspondence) generated by the final
design and construction stages becomes a “set of calculations”, or a Calculation Book. Typically
for a bridge, it includes:
• Cover Sheet.
• Table of Contents.
• Designer’s QC Form.
• Updated Bridge Design Standards Assessment Table.
• Updated Design Criteria.
• Approved Design Deviations/Exceptions.
• Structural calculations.
• Quantity calculations.

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• Checked Engineer’s Estimate @ Final Plans.
• Final Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule.
• Construction stage calculations such as falsework calculations, alternate design checks,
and design corrections or revisions.
• Copies of Project Discussion Memos relevant to the calculations.
• Cover Sheet.
• Table of Contents.
• Checker’s QC Form.
• “Line-by-Line” check calculations (Class II check only).
• “Independent” calculations (Class I check only).
• Quantity calculations.
In the above lists, if it does not say “copy”, it means use the original.
Design calculation books must:
• Contain work from only one project. Request a different calculation book number for each
• Contain work from only one EOR. Calculation books can contain work from multiple
EORs when they are working on different parts of the same structure, on the same project.
• Contain work for only one bridge when substantial structural analysis is required.
Calculation books can contain work for multiple bridges when only minor or no structural
analysis is required. If the expectation is unclear, clarify when creating the Bridge Design
Work Order or SOW and document accordingly.
Check calculation books must:
• Not be combined with the Design calculation book.
• Have a unique calculation book number.
• Follow the same guidelines as the Design calculation book above.
• Is not required for Class III check.
Calculations for bridge load rating are handled differently from design calculations. Load rating
calculations have their own calculation book and number. For details, refer to the ODOT LRFR
Manual. Calculation Book Cover Sheet

The first sheet of every set of design calculations is a completed Calculation Book Cover Sheet.
This sheet must contain a PE stamp with signature. Digital signatures are acceptable. Table of Contents

Keep the following guidelines in mind:
• Take time to tie calculation pages together by careful cross-referencing.

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Fill out all headings completely for each sheet used. You may want to number the sheets of a set
with its own sequence of numbers while working on an assignment, but you will need to
renumber with page numbers in the upper right corners when the set is bound into a calculation
To make your calculations understandable later:
• Put them in logical order.
• Show design assumptions
• Show formulas complete with references.
• Reference the source of any numbers taken from other calculations.
• Reference Design Deviations. Other Calculation Material

Make sure other material such as computer output, diagrams on graph paper, or completed forms
also have the same identifying information as the calculation sheets. Calculation Book Numbers

Each calculation book has its own number. See BDM for additional guidance.
Calculation book numbers are requested from and assigned by the Bridge Engineering Section.
When requesting a calculation book number, fill out the request form at:
Calculation Book Number Request Form
At the time Advance Plans are first distributed for review, the designer will need a calculation
book number for the title blocks of the drawings.
Although more than one book may be used for a project with several bridges, do not reserve
additional book numbers when requesting the first one. Book numbers for a project with several
bridges are not required to run consecutively. Request additional book numbers when needed or
when preparing a set or sets of calculations. Page Numbering

For electronic calculation books, there is no limit (minimum or maximum) for the number of

3.10.8 Bridge Load Rating

At the completion of the design of the bridge work (near PS&E), complete the “design” bridge
load rating, when required. See the ODOT LRFR Manual for guidance on load ratings.
At the completion of the construction of the bridge work, complete the “as-constructed” bridge
load rating, when required. See the ODOT LRFR Manual for guidance.

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3.10.9 Operations and Maintenance Manuals

Bridge engineering has been changing and numerous emerging technologies are on the horizons
that enable facility owners to improve the performance and/or to monitor the safety of their
bridges. To ensure these innovations are properly applied and monitored for their effectiveness,
the owner is requiring Operations and Maintenance manuals to be submitted along with the
design calculations for all unconventional, complex or unusual systems or details. The specifics
of the service manuals will be determined at the beginning of design of which they relate to the
bridge type design selected.
The intent of this provision is to provide additional information to the agency for the efficient and
effective operation of any innovations that are installed and specific to a facility. The manual may
include shop drawings, fabrication details and manufacturer’s technical product information.
The manual should be clear in providing instructions on how and when to inspect and maintain
the systems or details and how often to perform condition assessment of the unit.
Examples of deliverables:
1. NDT/E Monitoring Systems:
a. Example of deliverable: Operations and Maintenance Manual for all the NDT/E
monitoring systems for recording fracture critical stresses and potential fatigue
crack locations
2. Electrical and Mechanical Systems on Movable Bridges
a. Operations and Maintenance Service Manuals for the all electrical controls on
movable bridges. Maintenance manual should include servicing the machine
components and gears, brake systems, drive motors and span locks.
b. Operating instructions should include electrical service disconnect, wiring and
labeling of electrical power distributions, traffic control systems, span lift control
and lock systems, navigational and channel lightings, HVAC, fire and security
alarms, and remote camera and sensing systems.
3. Seismic Monitoring Systems:
a. Operations and Maintenance Manual for seismic monitoring system for recording
ground motions.
b. Operating instructions should include system inspection and checks, recorder
working properly, troubleshooting, and accelerometers working condition.
4. Cathodic Protection Systems:
a. Operations and Maintenance Manual for all cathodic protection system to include
such components like cabinets, wiring system, reference cells, anodes, and
terminal plates.
b. Operating instructions should include system and inspection checks, battery
power operated checks, trouble shooting, presence of corrosion, and sensors
integrity check.
5. Bridge design types that are unique or unconventional to the Oregon:

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a. Segmental and cable stayed bridges – inspection and maintenance manuals for its
critical details and main force carrying components. Such examples include post-
tensioning ducts and tendons, stay cables, anchorage and cradle details, deviators,
pot bearings, modular joints, seismic isolation and/or damping devices, wind
shear locks. Maintenance instructions should include the inspection and
replacement of its components when they are no longer performing as designed.
b. Suspension bridges – inspection and maintenance manual for its critical details
and main force carrying components. Such examples include main cable, saddles,
anchorages, shoes, suspender ropes, corrosion protection systems, seismic
isolation and/or damping devices, and wind shear locks.

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PS&E to Award
3.11.1 Introduction
See PDLT Operational Notice PD-07.
See PDLT Operational Notice PD-08.

3.11.2 Changes to Bridge Deliverables after PS&E

Avoid drawing and estimate revisions after the Bridge Designer has signed the Final Plans. The
Project Controls Office needs a minimum of 31 calendar days prior to the advertising date for
final preparation, review, and printing of the contract documents.
The Bridge Designer is responsible to see that any late changes are made and carefully
documented. If a drawing is added to the Bridge Final Plans after a project is advertised, the
Roadway Designer must be notified so that the drawing number can be added to the title sheet
of the contract plans.
Although every attempt should be made to wait until after the contract is awarded, essential
changes to the plans and special provisions, that would significantly affect the contract cost or
character of the work, can be made during the advertisement period, by an Addendum Letter, up
to 10 days before the bid opening, or letting, date.

3.11.3 Bridge Design Project Close-Out

When the project contract is awarded, the Bridge Designer submits the following:
• “Design” Calculation Books.
• “Design” Load Ratings.
• Structural Analysis Input/Output Files.
• CADD files.
• Structure Cost Data.
• Seismic Design/Retrofit Data Sheet located at:

3.11.4 Request for Information (RFI)

(Under Development)

3.11.5 Addenda Letters

For more information on Addenda, see Section 6 of the Project Controls Office – Phase Gate
Delivery Manual.

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Construction Support
3.12.1 Introduction
[Reserved for future use]

3.12.2 Communications during Construction

In the Project Development and Project Design phases, except during the contract advertising
period, the Bridge Designer may answer inquiries from outside ODOT about typical projects. On
politically or environmentally sensitive projects refer questions, especially those from the press
or public, to the State Bridge Engineer, or the TPM or RE-CP.
From the advertisement date until the project is awarded, the Resident Engineer has sole
responsibility for answering questions about the project. This insures equitable treatment of
prospective bidders and avoids conflicting information about plans, specifications, and bid items.
Therefore, avoid conversations with prospective bidders during this period and refer them to the
Resident Engineer listed in the front of the project special provisions.

3.12.3 Shop Drawing Review

[Reserved for future use]

3.12.4 Temporary Works Review

[Reserved for future use]

3.12.5 Construction Support Close-Out As-Constructed Drawings
As-Constructs can come in different forms. The obvious one’s are from STIP projects, but they
can also come from Maintenance Projects (if changes happen in construction) or Permit/Utility
reviews. For permit reviews, even if typical As-Constructs are not prepared, the person
reviewing the permit/utility request needs to update the bridge plans for the affected bridge(s).
See BCM 7.11.1 for guidance. Final Calculation Book(s)

Update calculation books submitted at design close out when design changes occur during
construction. Follow the process and standards in BDM 3.10.7 for updates/changes to calculation
books that are a result of construction. Incorporate the changes as an addenda or edit and update
the table of contents and page numbers accordingly and resign, then resubmit book to ODOT.

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Significant design changes involving substantial structural analysis may necessitate a new
calculation book. Final Reports & Records

For Local Agency projects, to ensure that the requirements of the National Bridge Inspection
Standards (NBIS) are followed under Title 23, submit a pdf file of the following reports and
records as part of the Construction Support Close-Out documentation:
• Pile Records
• Final Geotechnical Report with documentation of changes made during construction.
• Final Hydraulics Report with documentation of changes made during construction.

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Coordination with Other Project Team

3.14.1 General
The intent of Section 3.14 is to provide high-level guidance on the information provided by other
disciplines to help guide planning and scoping of bridge projects. Defer to relevant project team
members when project specific information is in conflict with this section.

3.14.2 Project Management

From a project manager’s viewpoint, the expectation of the bridge designer is to provide a high
quality design per scope, on-time and on-budget. Keep your project manager informed of both
positive and negative impacts to these items to avoid surprises.
Items to coordinate with your project manager:
• Scope / Scope creep.
• Schedule.
• Budget.
• Overall project Quality Plan, and Bridge Quality Plan.
• Local, and other non-environmental permits.
• Bridge deliverables. Local & General Permits

Local and general permits may be required for a variety of subjects to complete the construction
of bridge work. Some typical local and general permits that may need input from the Bridge
• Land Use.
• Access Permit.
• Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
• Riparian setbacks.
• Floodplain.
• Tree ordinances.
• Willamette Greenway (along Willamette River).
• Noise variance.
• Underground Storage Tank (UST).
• Canal, diking, and irrigation districts.
• US Coast Guard Permit (for navigable waters).

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Discuss permit needs (as they relate to the bridge) with the TPM or RE-CP, and RE. Provide
needed information on the requestor’s schedule to the TPM or RE-CP, and RE to meet the
permitting schedule for the project.
Regarding permitting, in the situation of an interstate river crossing into Washington or Idaho,
ODOT may need to apply for permits required by the other state if ODOT is the contracting

3.14.3 Survey and Mapping, & Right-of-Way Survey and Mapping
Obtain survey and mapping data as early in project development as possible. Visit the project
site with survey data and mapping in hand to get an “on the ground” feel for the lay of the land,
and visually check the survey and mapping data for any discrepancies. Identify or confirm site
constraints known at this time (see BDM 3.18.1). Right Of Way

Include any proposed and existing right-of-way limits and any construction easements with the
vicinity map information. Ask yourself: Can the bridge and the contractor’s operations (work
bridge, shoring, falsework, future inspection and maintenance staging areas, the potential need
for a detour structure, etc.) be accommodated within these limits, as well as safely ingressing and
egressing to and from the highway system by agency personnel?
In order to ensure the bridge inspectors and bridge maintenance personnel have a safe place to
park vehicles and stage maintenance operations behind the approach guardrail, the Bridge
Designer works with the Roadway Designer to identify the appropriate space. If the bridge is
located over another roadway, consider additional parking/staging space behind the
undercrossing route railing. In order to provide a safe ingress and egress from the highway
system, the Bridge Designer is encouraged to locate these areas behind the trailing end guardrail.
For the bridge project that has very minor roadwork, verify that steps to acquire necessary right-
of-way have been initiated.
For questions about right-of-way data, contact the project’s Roadway Designer, who is in touch
with the Right-of-Way Section and Right-of-Way Services personnel.

3.14.4 Roadway Project Geometry
Review the project geometry with the Roadway Designer to verify that you have the latest
alignment, roadway cross-sections, and grades. Some questions to consider:
• Do grades, superelevations, etc., provide enough vertical clearances for the type of bridge

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• Is the choice of bridge width and horizontal and vertical alignment consistent with traffic
volume and type of highway?
• Bridges that are more susceptible to roadway surface icing and have superelevation rates
in excess of 0.08 ft/ft are considered hazardous under those conditions. Use greater rates
only if special study has determined that the greater rate is desirable. Roadway Clearances

Clearances required for highway overcrossings are shown in Figures, and
Note: Use 18 feet-0 inches min. horizontal clearance for one lane (19 feet-0 inches for interstate).

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Figure Roadway Clearances for Structures

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Figure Clearance Envelopes

May 21 3-56
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Coordinate the bridge width with the Roadway Designer at the beginning of the Project
Development (ie, Pre-DAP Milestone) Phase. The bridge should fit within the context of the
On state highways, the ODOT Highway Design Manual shy distance requirements should be met
when determining shoulder widths on bridges. Bridge rail requires shy distance unless separated
from the roadway shoulder by a raised sidewalk. The bridge and approach roadway width will
be the same where a roadside barrier is present on both the bridge and approach roadway. When
the approach roadway does not include roadside barrier, the bridge roadway width will be wider
than the approach roadway by the required shy distance.
For estimating purposes during desk scoping, assume the bridge roadway width will be four feet
wider than the approach roadway, unless roadside barrier is present. Sidewalk and Bikeway Widths
On State projects, the width of Sidewalks and Bikeways is determined according to the ODOT
Highway Design Manual as modified by all relevant Technical Guidance. In urban areas, it may
also vary based on local requirements and the Blueprint for Urban Design. Consult with the
Roadway Designer for site specific requirements.
For estimating purposes during desk scoping, assume a sidewalk width of seven feet and a
bikeway width of eight feet, where required. Height of Curbs and Sidewalks
Comply with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Section 13. Vertical Clearance
Vertical clearance policy is established by the Roadway Engineering Section and is listed in
Section 4.5 of the ODOT Highway Design Manual.
Review and comply with the Oregon Vertical Clearance Standards Map and High Routes (High
Routes are highway segments that are the most important when high loads are moved) Highways
Table during development of the Bridge TS&L (and DAP). Additionally, before finalizing the
clearance of the bridge, consult with the Pavement Designer to determine if an additional
allowance is required for future pavement preservation treatments. If a project consists of 3R
preservation work and a decrease in the vertical clearance below the level of the minimum
vertical clearance is proposed, ensure that the Roadway Designer has consulted with the Permit
Program Coordinator for the Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD), and a Design
Exception Request has been submitted. The Permit Program Coordinator for MCTD will need to
collaborate with industry and with the Mobility Steering Committee before providing a written
response to the project development team. Follow the same process when proposing a reduction
to the vertical clearance requirements for a new bridge. No reduction of the vertical clearance on
existing bridges, or a reduction in the standard for a replacement bridge will be allowed without

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written approval from the Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD). Include a copy of the
approved Design Exception for a non-standard vertical clearance in the calculation book.
All new bridges where no vertical clearance limitations currently exist require consultation with
MCTD to ensure that ODOT understands the impact of the proposed decrease to the user.
Minimum Vertical Clearances are actual measured heights, representing the shortest allowable
distance between the lowest point on the underside of a bridge and the surface of the pavement
for the entire width of the roadway, including shoulder area. Minimum Vertical Clearances
include a four inch buffer, but do not take into account additional height for any future pavement
overlay thickness.
New Construction Projects – Minimum Vertical Clearances:

Route Type Height

High Routes 17’ - 4”
NHS (not on High Routes) 17’ - 0”
non-NHS (not on High Routes) 16’ - 0”

Other Projects
• No reduction in existing vertical height clearance below the Minimum Vertical
• No reduction in vertical clearance if existing vertical height clearance is below the
Minimum Vertical Clearance.
The maximum height for legal loads is 14 feet. Clearances during Construction
Horizontal and Vertical Design Policy for clearance during construction has been established by
the Traffic-Roadway Engineering Section. Coordinate with the Traffic Control Plans Engineer for
minimum clearances applicable on the project. If the clearances required cannot be maintained
during construction consult with the Traffic Control Plans Engineer for concurrence and notify
Freeway Mainline (Not within a Crossover):

No. Lanes Clearance Height

One Lane 19’ – 0” (16’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 28’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

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Freeway Crossover:

No. Lanes Clearance Height

One Lane 19’ – 0” (16’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 32’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

Non-Freeway Roadways (Freight Route)

No. Lanes Clearance Height

One Lane 19’ – 0” (14’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 28’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

For locations with an existing clearance 17’-0” or greater, provide 17’-0” minimum vertical
clearance. For locations with an existing clearance less than 17’-0”, no reduction in clearance will
be allowed during construction. Always notify the MCTD if reduction of the existing vertical
clearance is planned for the construction season. Bikeways
Oregon law requires that reasonable amounts of highway funds be spent for bicycle and
pedestrian facilities. That means: consider bikeway staging needs wherever highways, roads, or
streets are being constructed, reconstructed, or relocated.
“Bikeway” is a general term meaning any road or path open to bicycle travel regardless of
whether it is designated for bicycles or to be shared with pedestrians or automobiles. Specific
types of bikeways are:
• Bikes lanes or bike paths.
• Shared roadways.
• Shoulder bikeways.
• Sidewalk bikeways.
For more information on bikeways, refer to:
• Oregon Bicycle Plan.
• AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities.

3.14.5 Traffic and Mobility Traffic Handling and Data
Used here, traffic includes:
• Vehicles.

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• Bicycles.
• Pedestrians.
There are four traditional methods of handling traffic when replacing a bridge:
• Close the highway while removing and rebuilding the bridge.
• Construct a temporary detour around existing bridge and replace the bridge on the
existing alignment.
• Use the existing roadway and bridge while constructing a parallel bridge on new
• Use stage construction with one or more existing or new lanes carrying traffic while other
portions of the existing bridge are being removed and rebuilt.
Often the last method is recommended over the second and third methods. However, without
proper investigation stage construction may:
• Cause a high number of complaints from the traveling public.
• Mean greater danger for ODOT and contractor personnel as well as to the public.
• Result in construction difficulties and longer construction time.
• Adversely affect the quality of the finished product.
Consider if there are alternate and possibly more satisfactory solutions. Include Accelerated
Bridge Construction (ABC) concepts when assessing options. Moveable Bridge Traffic Control Equipment

Work closely with the traffic signal and sign designers to ensure design from each discipline is
detailed or referenced appropriately. Refer to the ODOT Traffic Signal Design Manual: Chapter
23 for moveable bridge traffic signal and sign design guidance. See BDM 1.27, “On-Bridge Sign
& Illumination Mounts” for bridge mounted traffic structure guidance.
Detail the following items on the Bridge Plans Sheets:
• Control system that activates the traffic signals and flashing beacons (cabinets, power
source, termination of wires, etc.).
• Location of Gate arms.
• Audible devices for warning traffic.
• Non-standard poles, foundations, or mounting for signal heads, signs, and flashing
• Electrical conduit routed on/through the bridge structure (including expansion fittings).
• Junction Boxes located on the bridge structure.
Detail the following items on the Signal Plan Sheets:
• Location of the traffic signals.
• Location of the STOP line.
• Use of and location of the flashing beacon warning devices.
• PTR signs (site specific for the I-5 NB and SB Columbia River Bridge only).

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• Wiring from the traffic signals and flashing beacons to the control system (wire
terminations are detailed on the bridge plans).
• Electrical conduit not routed on/through the bridge structure.
• Connection details for conduit going onto (or off) of the bridge structure (Junction box,
expansion fitting, etc.).
• Standard poles, foundations, and mounting for signal heads, signs & flashing beacons.
Detail the following items on the Signing Plan Sheets:
• Ground mounted signs that do not have a flashing beacon.

3.14.6 Foundations and Geotechnical

See BDM 1.10, “Foundation Considerations”.

3.14.7 Hydraulics and Scour Hydraulics, General
The Hydraulics Designer will provide data and recommendations in support of bridge
foundation and scour protection design. Waterway Openings and Hydraulic Requirements for

Stream Crossings
The design discharge for bridges on Interstate Highways and highways with an Average Daily
Traffic (ADT) greater than or equal to 750 is the 50-year flow. The design discharge for bridges
along highways with an ADT of less than 750 is the 25-year flow. Bridges spanning over
designated FEMA floodways are designed using the 100-year flow (base flood).
The bridge waterway opening must be capable of conveying the design discharge with the
appropriate clearance to the projected design high water elevation according to the following:
• Width of waterway opening is measured normal to stream flow. The waterway area is
the normal channel area below the design discharge high water elevation. Minor channel
cleanup and modification is acceptable, but major lowering of the streambed under the
bridge to increase the opening is not only ineffective but unacceptable.
• The Hydraulics report will determine the high water elevation at the upstream face of
bridge. The minimum bottom-of-beam clearance to the high water elevation is one foot
or three feet when drift or debris is a concern (the hydraulic designer will review the
bridge inspection reports and check-in with District to confirm any ongoing debris issue,
and then coordinate debris criteria with the project team when applicable). If practical,
one foot of clearance above the 100-year flood elevation is provided. Also note that there

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is “no net rise” in water elevation allowed at bridges that will cross over a FEMA
regulatory floodway.
• The exception would be for county and city bridges whose approaches are overtopped
more frequently than once every 10 years. The minimum bottom-of-beam elevation
provided for these situations is one foot above the 10-year design flood elevation.
• Under rare circumstances, such as a park settings or where other controls on grade lines
make it necessary, high water above bottom of beam, or over the deck, may be allowed.
• Ordinarily, the design flood should not overtop the adjacent roadway. When the roadway
over topping flood is less than the design flood, the overtopping flood becomes the design
If there are no future plans to raise a roadway to eliminate overtopping, a combination of bridge
waterway opening and overtopping at the low points of adjacent roadway may be an acceptable
alternate to accommodating the entire stream flow under the bridge. For Interstate Highways,
the minimum overtopping frequency is 50 years.
Roadway overtopping at lesser recurrence intervals than the 50/25 years is acceptable and
allowable in certain circumstances such as:
• Other roads in the area are overtopped.
• Traffic counts are low.
• Alternate routes are available.
• Road is useable when overtopped (shallow overtopping).
• The required bridge would be excessively long or high and a review is made of the effect
of backwater and overflow on adjacent properties and facilities. Bridge Scour Design Scour Evaluation and Design
The scour analysis can be referenced in the project Hydraulics report. The scour analysis shall
include analysis on possible long term changes in the channel bottom elevation due to either
aggradation or degradation, possible shifts in channel alignment, contraction scour and local pier
scour. Abutment scour and the potential for “washout” conditions are also evaluated. Scour
depths are calculated for both the 100-year (design/base flood) and 500-year (check flood) events.
However, if the incipient roadway-overtopping flood can occur, it is usually the worst case for
scour because it will usually create the worst scour conditions at the bridge site (greatest flow
contraction and highest stream velocity). Therefore, scour depths are calculated depending on
the recurrence interval for the overtopping flood. Scour at Bridge Abutments:
The potential for scour at the bridge abutments must also be considered at all waterway crossings.
Abutment scour, lateral stream migration (channel changes) or overtopping of the approach
embankment could all result in partial or complete removal of approach fill material and severely
destabilize the abutment foundation and the bridge. A “washout” condition could occur under

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Bridge Design Manual – Section 3
any of these conditions where the approach embankment supporting the abutment foundation is
completely scoured out. Evaluate each of these three conditions as described below:
ODOT policy states that abutment scour calculations are not required if abutment and approach
fill slopes in the waterway are protected with a properly designed revetment protection system,
such as a riprap blanket with a toe trench extending down to the maximum scour elevation.
Revetment methods are discussed in the ODOT Hydraulics Manual, Chapter 10, and in the FHWA
Highway Engineering Circular No. 18 (HEC-18). The revetment protection must be capable of
withstanding the velocities and flow associated with the check flood event. With this level of
protection, the scour prism is reduced to just the contraction scour, scour from degradation and
local pier scour (if applicable) for use in scour design of the bridge.
For abutments and bridge fill slopes in contact with stream flow or wave action and not protected
with permanent revetment measures, abutment scour is calculated (if hydraulic and site
conditions are appropriate). Abutment scour could lead to destabilization of the bridge end slope
and loss of embankment material supporting the bridge foundation and abutment. If this
condition is possible, then consider the potential for a full washout condition for both the 100 and
500 year flood events.
Overtopping of the approach fill near the bridge end may also result in a washout condition (ref.
HEC-18 and AASHTO Consider this condition in cases where the overtopping is located
in the proximity of the bridge end and a breached embankment could result in the scour and
removal of fill material supporting the bridge abutment foundation. Properly designed slope
protection and revetment may provide sufficient mitigation against the potential for a washout
condition depending upon site conditions. However, because each overtopping case is unique,
carefully evaluate each for the potential of a “washout” condition. If a “washout” condition is
considered feasible, the amount of embankment material that could be removed, and the scour
depths, are to be determined by the Hydraulic Designer.
Evaluate the potential for lateral streambed migration (channel changes) for possible detrimental
effects leading to erosion or scour of the bridge approach fills. For unprotected, or even well
protected, abutment slopes, if there is a possibility that the stream channel could shift toward the
abutment such that the revetment might not be relied upon for permanent protection, then assess
the condition of a full or partial washout of the abutment fill material. The potential and
likelihood for stream channel migration and the resulting affects, is determined by the Hydraulic
Designer who also determines whether protective measures such as channel guides, stream bank
stabilization techniques or other measures could be employed to mitigate this potential. The
hydraulic design and any stream bank stabilization measures must demonstrate that the channel
won't migrate toward the abutment such that it could cause a destabilization of the slope and a
potential "washout" design condition.

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Under a washout condition, neglect all foundation support (vertical and lateral) provided by the
embankment material beneath the abutment down to the scour elevation associated with both
the Design Flood (base flood) and Check Flood events (excluding local pier scour). Design the
foundation to be capable of supporting the bridge loads under both of these design conditions as
described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Abutment scour conditions which could result in partial or complete washout of the material
supporting the abutment foundations may occur at one or both of the bridge abutments
depending on the site conditions. For sites with potential washout conditions, investigate the
bridge for the washout condition that would produce the worst case unbalanced loading in the
bridge, provided that case is feasible. This is often the case for strutted abutments where the
passive resistance of the abutment backfill material is crucial to the stability of the bridge and a
washout condition behind only one abutment could lead to unbalanced loads and failure of the
For washout conditions at abutments supported on deep foundations, debris loads on the end
bent piles or shafts are not included in this analysis. Scour Design
For scour depths associated with the Design Flood, (typ. 100-year flood or overtopping flood if it
is more frequent), check the bridge design at both the Service and Strength Limit States (per
AASHTO Article 3.7.5). For scour depths associated with the Check Flood (500-year flood or
overtopping flood if it controls) provide adequate foundation resistance to support the
unfactored Strength Limit State loads (per AASHTO Article
Only the scour due to long term stream bed degradation is included in the seismic design of the
bridge (Extreme Event Limit State I). Hydraulics Documentation

The Hydraulics Designer will prepare and provide three design report deliverables for bridge
projects as follows:
• Preliminary Bridge Hydraulics Recommendations.
• Draft and Final Hydraulics Report.
The bridge hydraulic recommendations is prepared and distributed to the project team after the
kick-off meeting and before submitting the hydraulic survey request.
• Bridge, geotechnical, roadway, traffic, and hydraulic designers review scoping notes. The
design details such as alignment (horizontal/vertical changes), site constraints, bridge
layout and approach embankments, traffic control, and hydraulic concerns such as highly
erodible floodplains or channel lateral migration that could washout embankments are
discussed and coordinated between team members.

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• Bridge designer outlines bridge/structure type, and geometry such as bent locations,
width, and wingwalls.
• The hydraulic designer will prepare a preliminary bridge hydraulics recommendation
which is distributed to the project team and is based on coordination between the project’s
bridge, geotechnical, and hydraulic designers. The recommendation includes a
preliminary idea of the hydraulic structure type, size, location, and special features or
concerns. An example of this report is provided at the following link: Hydraulics
Recommendation Example.
The hydraulic modeling and analysis begins after obtaining the hydraulic survey data. It is good
practice for the roadway, bridge, geotech, and hydraulic team members to check-in with each
other at this point (just prior to the start of the hydraulic model task) so any changes are reflected
in the model.
The hydraulics report provides detailed information that supports structure and roadway design.
The report includes hydrologic calculations, 1D/2D bridge hydraulics modeling results for
permanent and temporary bridges, scour analysis, revetment design, floodplain impact analysis,
and the temporary water management summary and concept plan sheet.
The hydraulic designer will prepare the “draft” hydraulics report during the DAP phase, which
is provided with the DAP submittal package. The hydraulic and bridge designer will need to
review the project delivery schedule and make sure that the “draft” hydraulics report is complete
and available for use to develop the TSL and bridge DAP deliverables. The “final” hydraulics
report is provided with the Advanced submittal package.
A general outline of the modeling and distribution of hydraulic data during the DAP phase of a
project is provided below:
1. Hydraulic designer prepares model
2. Model results are summarized in a “hydraulics data sheet”
3. Scour analysis performed
4. Revetment sizing performed
5. The results of the model are shared with the bridge designer as soon as the details are
added to the hydraulics data sheet.
All hydraulic reports will have a hydraulic data sheet for the proposed structure, see Figure The data sheet includes the following information:
• Discharge and recurrence intervals for the design event, base flood and the 500-year or
roadway overtopping flood.
• Backwater conditions with the new structure in place.
• Headwater and downstream water surface elevations at the bridge.
• The average water flow velocity at the bridge.
The information in the hydraulics data sheet is used to perform the scour and revetment analysis.

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The hydraulics data sheet, and scour/revetment results are shared with the design team members
at this point to perform the following design tasks:
• Verify the bottom-of-beam elevation is 1 or 3 feet higher than the design event “high-
water elevation at upstream face of bridge”.
• Add the extent of abutment riprap on bridge plans “plan and elevation view” and note
“see roadway plans for riprap details”. Revetment design recommendations will be
detailed in the report sub-section for revetment. The roadway plans will include the
riprap detail with the following information (1) riprap thickness (2) filter blanket thickness
when applicable, (3) class of riprap, and (4) toe trench configuration and dimensions. An
example of the riprap detail to be included on the roadway plans is illustrated in Figure
• Verify the end and interior bent supports (piles, shafts, footings) are below the scour
elevation stated on hydraulic data sheet or in the report sub-section for scour. The design
summary will note when footings are to be anchored into rock as coordinated between
bridge engineer and geotechnical engineer.
• Add the “hydraulics data” table to the bridge plans, see Figure

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Figure – Sample Hydraulic Report

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Figure – Riprap Blanket and Toe Trench Detail


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3.14.8 Environmental
Avoid, Minimize, Mitigate… Environmental Performance Standards & Permits

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-04 and the technical guidance document under References at
the end of the Notice.
Environmental Performance Standards are considered during Project Scoping and Value
Engineering in order to streamline the design process. This avoids unforeseen design
requirements that may result in multiple project changes unanticipated project costs from
regulatory requirements and to ensure enhancement options are considered and, where
appropriate, included in the project budget.
Environmental Performance Standards determined to be applicable during Scoping are
reevaluated at Project Initiation. During the Project Kickoff Meeting, identify design constraints
and required permits.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that any activity or project receiving federal
funding or other federal approvals undergo an analysis of potential impacts to the environment.
Some environmental rules, regulations, permits and other topics that may be applicable on
projects with bridges that may need discussion with the Environmental Specialist, or input from
the Bridge Designer: Permitting Elements:
• In-Water Work Windows (Permissible time to work below the Ordinary High Water
Elevation and or wetted channel).
• Span width.
• Fish bearing waterways will require spans free of bridge elements including scour
countermeasures ranging from 1.0-2.2 times the average ordinary high water elevation
• Temporary structures. Consider the position, number, and spans of temporary piles
during construction to facilitate:
o Fish passage.
o Normative flood-frequency elevations.
o Watercraft (emergency, commercial, recreational).
o Downstream free passage of debris (especially large wood) that may threaten the
safety of the structure, cause localized or accumulate large debris.
• Vacant bridge elements. Remove past elements not required to maintain safety or bridge
integrity, excluding those not considered historic or cultural resources.
• Rip-rap bent protection (Exclusion can affect type, size and location of the bridge’s

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• Fluvial. Span width of waterway to allow for natural stream processes such as sediment
and large wood movement, floodplain connectivity, normative scour, and normative
vertical and lateral channel movement. Affects the length of the bridge, pier location,
foundation depth, and abutment locations.).
• Foundation depth and type.
• Skew and bent placement that avoids impacts to fluvial processes and hydraulics that
affect ROW, upstream and downstream properties, and recreational access and use.
• Hazardous Materials. Avoidance, disturbance, Removal, and disposal of on-site
contaminated materials (soils, existing structures, and construction materials). E.g.
pesticidal treated woods, lead paint, contaminated soils, blasting slag, and old
construction materials containing asbestos.)
• Lateral and longitudinal connection of the floodplain.
• Temporary water management.
• Avoid wetland and waterway fill.
• Maintain and re-establish wetland connectivity.
• Avoid impacts to wetland hydrology.
• Avoid shading wetlands and or orient crossing to reduce daily periods of shading.
• Hazardous Materials. Repeat previous bullet.
• Visual effects (looking away from the bridge, or looking at the bridge from afar) based on
feedback from stakeholders (NSA, local agency requests, etc.).
• Archaeological, Historic and Cultural Resources. Identify areas and elements to avoid
and preserve.
• Wetland disturbances.
• Riparian and floodplain vegetation impacts.
• Disturbance footprint as it relates the surrounding environment and terrain as it relates to
cultural resources.
• Noise impacts associated with demo and construction related to fish, marine mammals,
and the human environment.
• Wildlife passage accommodations that may include the consideration of horizontal or
vertical clearances, and embankment grade-breaks for wildlife passage.).
• Access, staging and disposal Areas (Estimate/Identify adequate areas for the contractor to
stage work in so it can be environmentally cleared for use.).
• Stormwater conveyance for new and modified bridges.
• Does a current bridge provide native bird and bat habitat for any life-stage. Demolition
may result in “take” which is regulated.

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Discuss permit needs (as they relate to the bridge) and regulatory design and delivery guidance
criteria with the Environmental representative on the Project Development Team. Provide
needed information on the requestor’s schedule to submit complete environmental clearance and
meet the permitting schedule for the project.
Even if no permit is required, assume that plan sheets and special provisions will include Agency
and Stakeholder derived:
• Restrictions.
• Specific Design and BMP elements.
• Technical details.
These elements reflect interagency collaboration and agreements intended to ensure that
construction and the final design comply with various environmental regulations. Permit Information Memo
The need to supply the required permit information as soon and as accurately as possible cannot
be overemphasized. Some applications take six or more months to get approval.
It is not recommended to include all the necessary information for all the various permits in the
Bridge TS&L Report. It can become unwieldy, and takes away from the purpose of the Bridge
TS&L Report. Instead, it is recommended to coordinate with Environmental Section to convey
information for use in preparing and applying for the various permits that are needed to complete
the project.
Bridge TS&L Plan & Elevation drawings and vicinity maps may also be used as a basis for special
permit drawings; but strip them of any information not needed to obtain the permit or relevant
to environmental specs or design criteria. Keep in mind: the people reviewing the applications
are not structural designers. They do not have time to sift through many drawing details and
dimensions not relevant to the permit approval.
Topics that may require the Bridge Designer’s input include:
• Project timing and chronology.
• Alignment and size of the new bridge in relation to the existing bridge (i.e., number of
spans, length).
• Quantity of impervious existing bridge surface removed and added by the new bridge.
• Type of the new deck surface and construction methods.
• Type of the new bridge railing and construction methods.
• Proposed treatment of the runoff (i.e., number of scuppers or direct discharge drains on
the old bridge vs. number of drains on the new bridge).
• Type, number and sizes of the existing bents/footings to be removed within the OHWM
and the wetted channel or highest measured tide. Discuss the removal methods of the
existing bents, footings and piles.

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• Type, number and sizes of bents/footings added for the new bridge, within the OHWM
and the wetted channel. Discuss the construction methods for the new footing, bents and
• Type of isolation method used during construction (i.e., cofferdam).
• Development of proposed containment system(s) to prevent debris and materials from
falling into environmentally sensitive areas below the bridge.
• For bridges with contaminated paints, discuss the method of removal and disposal.
• If a detour bridge, working bridge, or falsework are required, discuss how many bents
and types of temporary supports that may be within the OHWM and wetted channel.
Discuss the construction and removal methods that might be used.
• Extent and duration of in-water work (i.e., heavy machinery in wetted channel).
• Size, number, type, extent, and duration of pile-driving.
• Amount, extent, slope, depth of fill or rip-rap.
• Possible staging areas and access.
• Amount and type of vegetation to be removed (outside and within the OHWM).
• Amount of wetland impacted.
• Any planned mitigation.
• Lateral and longitudinal floodplain connection.
• Span, height, skew as related to a regulated channel. The regulated channel may be wider
or narrower than existing conditions found at the crossing, and may be assessed by
evaluating the entire river reach.
• Contraction scour.
• Shielded lighting that avoids waterways. Protection of Recreational/Cultural Resources

Be alert to the effects of construction on:
• Recreational activities, areas, or facilities.
• Cultural resources such as fossils, artifacts, burial grounds, or historical bridges and
Refer to SP 00290, “Environmental Protection”, specifically SP 00290.50, “Protection of Cultural
Resources”, in the Standard Specifications for Construction.
Although normally researched and proposed by ODOT’s Environmental Section, protection or
consideration of these activities or resources can be initially overlooked. Permit requirements
from agencies like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
deal with historical, cultural, and recreational concerns too. Here are some examples of
challenges from the past:
• Protection of summertime river rafters passing under a contractor’s work bridge.
• Removal of large amounts of river debris hung up on cofferdams endangering a collegiate
racing crew practicing downstream.

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• Saving of old or rare trees near a city bridge construction site in deference to neighborhood
sentiment. Bird and Bat Habitat

As there are no regulatory requirements (state or federal) for establishing bird or bat habitat on
bridges, use discretion when providing the habitat. Do not intentionally design habitat if it
compromises the structural integrity of the bridge, interferes with maintenance and inspection
activities, or creates a public hazard. Consider off-bridge habitat when applicable.
Consult Environmental Section for previously developed details for the design of bat habitats.
Only include bat habitat details when requested by Region environmental staff. The bridge types
utilizing common details are side-by-side precast slabs, side-by-side precast box beams, precast
Bulb-T bridges and precast Bulb-I bridges. The type of habitats included in the details are
longitudinal slotted habitat in the slab and box beam bridges, transverse slotted habitat in the
precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I bridges, and “cave habitat” in precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I bridges.
The selection of cave or slotted bat habitat depends on the species of bats that occupy the area.
This can be determined by the Environmental Section.
The slotted habitats are typically 3/4 inch thick and have varying depths depending on the bridge
superstructure elements. For precast slabs and box beams, the slots are formed with 3/8” recesses
in each of the two adjoining members. The use of a ¾ inch recess in one member only was
considered but rejected because of the risk of corrosion. A roughened recess surface is provided
by sand blasting or forming.
Slotted habitats used in precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I girders are formed using ¾ inch thick precast
greystone panels with roughened surfaces. Three panels are used with a clear spacing of 3/4 inch
between each panel. They are placed transversely to the beams and in contact with the bottom
of the top beam flanges and the bottom of the deck. This is done to provide thermodynamic
contact with the upper concrete. Access slots are provided at the bottom of the panels.
The cave habitats are also detailed for precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I girders. They are formed using
precast or cast-in-place vertical walls and precast floor panels. The decision between precast or
cast-in-place wall panels can be made by the designer, or left to the contractor. The complexity
of fitting up the precast wall panels between the two precast girders may control this decision.
In either case, the wall panels will be held in place by steel angles anchored in the precast beams.
Provide access holes for the bats in both the floor panels and the end wall panels.
The location and number of habitat elements will be project specific depending on the population
of bats in the area.
Locate habitat features using the following guidelines:
• Do not place bat habitat directly over a roadway or walkway. Bat guano can be a hazard
to bridge inspectors, maintenance staff and the general public. If bat guano is allowed to

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accumulate and dry on a roadway or walkway, vehicle or pedestrian traffic will cause the
guano to become airborne resulting in an increased health hazard.
• For vertical slot bat habitat, such as used with precast slabs and boxes, place slots at least
12 feet away from abutments and interior bents. This requirement provides a guano-free
zone for bridge inspection access to bearing locations. In addition, do not place slots
within five feet of midspan.
• For cave-type habitat, often used with precast girders, do not place habitat within 15 feet
of the abutments and interior bents. This requirement provides a guano-free zone for
inspection of both bearings and the maximum shear portion of girders. In addition, do
not place habitat within 10 feet of midspan.
• For abutment roughening that provides area for roosting, limit roughening to no more
than 25 percent of the horizontal abutment face. It is preferable to keep roosting areas
limited to the corners (closest to the exterior edges of the abutment).
• Bird roosting and nesting aversion. Intended to avoid the take of regulated species during
construction and maintenance, facilitate long-term maintenance by avoiding the
accumulation of guano, and reduce predation upon fish.
• Avoid the creation of ledges and flat horizontal surfaces that facilitate nesting by sea-birds
and non-native nuisance species (e.g. rock-doves aka pigeons and European starlings)
• Angled tops or fitted cones should be considered for temporary and permanent piles in
or near waterways to prevent sea-bird nesting for permanent and temporary piling in or
near waterways. Platforms may be considered for raptors.
• Bridge Lighting (excluding safety): Consider using shielded fixtures less than 3000K that
do not shine into the sky or attract birds into traffic.
Where proposed habitat details do not meet these guidelines, submit a design deviation.

3.14.9 Storm Water

Bridge modifications should consider routing pass through conveyance landward / possible
treatment, and new and replaced bridges will convey stormwater to facilitate treatment. Engage
Hydraulic Section when there is stormwater needs.

3.14.10 Utilities – Roles and Responsibilities

The Districts are the main point of contact for the location of all utilities and will issue all utility
permits. (Utility permits are issued by ODOT to the utility companies.) Utility permits allow the
installation, relocation, and removal of utilities within the State right-of-way. Utility companies
will only be given a permit for the specific area they actually need for that installation. Space for
future lines will need to be included on a separate permit application. If the utility installation
requires holes to be drilled into the bridge, if the utility will add a significant amount of additional
dead load on the bridge, or if the installation has the potential to be in conflict with any of the
items in BDM and BDM 1.25.1, the District will refer the permit application to the

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Region Tech Center Bridge Lead and the Bridge Designer for their input and approval.
Otherwise, the District Manager will simply approve, monitor the installation of the utility, and
assure that all utility installations are labeled in accordance with accepted practices (see BDM
When the District forwards a copy of a utility permit request to the Region Tech Center for review
prior to the issuance of the permit, the Regional Tech Center Bridge Lead and Bridge Designer
will assure that the utility installation is in compliance with the items in BDM and
BDM 1.25.1. Consult the Bridge Engineering Section when there are discrepancies. After review,
return the permit application comments or approval to the District, who will monitor the utility
For proposed utilities on historic bridges, have the application reviewed by the Region Cultural
Resource Specialist.
The Bridge Engineering Section (Preservation, Operations/Inspection, or Load Rating, as
applicable) will provide input if the utility installation will have a direct impact on any of the
• The installation is on a bridge that has a cathodic protection system in place, or is within
a Marine/Coastal Environment as defined in BDM 1.26.
• Installation has the potential to create a corrosive environment due to dissimilar materials.
• The utility is going to be installed on a drawbridge.
• The installation is in a confined space where its location or operation creates an unsafe
environment for bridge inspection or bridge maintenance personnel.
• The installation calls for the installation of a High-Voltage Line on a bridge (See BDM
• The utility contains a high-pressure line or volatile gases.
• The installation has the potential for adding a significant amount of dead load to the
bridge or individual structural components (See BDM 1.25.1).

3.14.11 Railroad
Coordinate all site visits in which you will be on railroad right-of-way, or off railroad right-of-
way but within 50 feet of the railroad track, with your Transportation Project Manager or Resident
Engineer and the Utility & Railroad Coordinator. It is illegal to enter upon railroad right of way
without proper permissions, PPE, and training. Permits
If the bridge is over a railroad track, the Bridge Designer will be involved with providing
information for the railroad permit applications.

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Much of the information supplied for railroad permit applications by the Bridge Designer is in
the form of drawings with specific data shown. Bridge TS&L Plan-and-Elevation drawings and
vicinity maps are normally used as a basis for special permit drawings, but strip them of any
information not needed to obtain the permit. Keep in mind: the people reviewing the applications
are not structural designers. They do not have time to sift through many drawing details and
dimensions not relevant to the permit approval. Railroad Considerations

When scoping bridge repair work above or adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way,
consider the following items that may be required:
1. A plan review by UPRR’s engineering personnel in Omaha, Nebraska. Expect a thirty
working day turnaround.
2. Crash wall addition. This would add approximately $250,000 for each wall.
3. Drainage review.
4. Protective fencing.
5. UPRR will want reimbursement for their involvement in the preliminary review work.
UPRR standards require crash walls if a pier, foundation or abutment is within 25 feet of an
existing or future track centerline. Protective fencing is required on all bridges. ODOT maintains
its own drainage. UPRR acknowledges existing construction and maintenance agreements, and
will consider this for each review. Minor repair work will not warrant the safety upgrades to the
bridge. Consult the ODOT Utility & Railroad Coordinator early in the process for any bridge
work that could trigger these requirements. Railroad Clearances

Show project specific design clearances, construction clearances, and shoring clearances on the
contract plans. Refer to DET1200 which contains many of the required railroad crossing details.
Design Clearances – Clearances required for permanent construction over railroads are shown
in the design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website. See BCM 7.3.8 and
Figure 7.3.8A.
Shoring Clearances – Shoring clearances required for construction adjacent to railroads are
shown in the design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website.
A shoring diagram showing the proposed excavation relative to the tracks and all other pertinent
information as detailed in the design guides.
Construction Clearances – Construction clearances required for construction over railroads are
shown in the design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website.
Show a construction clearance diagram similar to Figure on the plans.

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Figure – Railroad Construction Clearances

Note: All horizontal clearances shown are for tangent track. On curved track, increase the lateral
clearances per AREA Specifications. For special cases, such as in yards, lesser clearances may be
agreed to by the Railroad.

3.14.12 Public Involvement

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-12.
[Reserved for future use. (Talk about possible need to prepare exhibits and provide info to the
Transportation Project Manager, Resident Engineer, Bridge Design Manager, or PI staff for public

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Appendix – Section 3.5 – Quality (In-House Design)

The following forms are posted on the ODOT Bridge website:
Bridge Designer QC Form
Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist
Bridge Checker QC Form
Bridge Preservation QC/QA Form
Bridge Audit QC Report
Bridge EDMS QC Checklist
Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Bridge TS&L Plan Sheet(s)
Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Advance Plans Plan Sheet(s)
Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Bridge TS&L Plan Sheet(s)
See BCM.
Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Advance Plans (95%) Plan Sheets
See BCM.

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