06_2007 Guidelines for Making Submissions to ACABAS

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土 木 工 程 拓 展 署 Civil Engineering and

Development Building,
Civil Engineering and 101 Princess Margaret Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Development Department

File Ref.: CEDD T 4/36/1 October 2007

Civil Engineering and Development Department Technical Circular No. 06/2007

Guidelines for Making Submissions to the Advisory Committee on

the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures


This circular supplements Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical

Circular (Works) No. 36/2004 - The Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and
Associated Structures (ACABAS) and gives guidelines to ensure a high standard in the
submissions to ACABAS.

Effective Date

2. This circular takes immediate effect.

Effect on Existing Circular

3. This circular supersedes CEDD Technical Circular No. 34/2004.


4. CEDD makes submissions to ACABAS on projects that need to provide bridges

and other structures associated with the public highway system in accordance with ETWB
TC(W) No. 36/2004. To ensure a high standard in the submissions, this circular
recommends the following:-

(a) the design considerations in the planning and design stage for achieving high
aesthetic quality of highway structures, and

(b) the guidelines to be followed for preparing submissions to ACABAS.

Design Considerations

5. In planning and design of highway structures, it is important to consider their

basic structural forms, and whether they match or have any likely impact on the surroundings.
Where a series of structures is proposed in a new development area, consideration should be
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興土木 利民生 齊拓展 創明天 We bring the best engineering to life
given to adopting an appropriate ‘architectural language’ guiding the form and finishes of the
structures to achieve a design that gives the area its own identity. ‘Landmark’ designs or
structures with special features may be considered where appropriate at suitable locations.

6. In the design process, consideration should also be given to:

(a) the appropriateness of the design to address structural considerations,

(b) all site constraints and opportunities,
(c) the appropriateness of the materials to be used,
(d) the overall aesthetics of the proposed highway structure as well as its
compatibility with the surroundings,
(e) the acceptability of the design to the future management and maintenance
authorities, and
(f) the economics of the design in terms of life-cycle costing as required in
Chapter 4 of the Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering

7. The project office should consider the siting and alignment of noise
barriers/enclosures based on the recommendations of landscape and visual impact
assessments as well as noise impact assessments. Every opportunity should be explored for
maximising greening for highway structures, in particular on footbridges and flyovers for
visual enhancement.

8. The design considerations as listed in paragraphs 5 to 7 above aim at achieving a

high aesthetic quality of highway structures and should be included in the project design
briefs to guide designers and consultants.

Submissions to ACABAS

9. Design submissions to ACABAS should be made as early as possible in the

design development process to avoid abortive work. This is particularly important where a
design approach on the selection of structural form may be controversial or where a need for
special qualities in design and finishes to match or enhance the amenity of an area is

10. Submissions should include details as described in Appendix A to ETWB TC(W)

No. 36/2004. In general, the form, texture and colour of structures need to be clearly
indicated together with appropriate photomontages, model, etc. to illustrate their context with
the surroundings. Where structures link up, join with or extend from the existing structures,
information on the appearance of the latter, including comprehensive material sample boards
where practicable, should be provided to demonstrate compatibility of the design.

11. Where known, selected materials should be indicated at ACABAS meetings to

illustrate true colour and texture of intended finishes. Full integration of the structure into
landscaped areas, whether existing or proposed, should be demonstrated in plans and

12. For consultants-managed projects, the consultants should consider appointing

landscape or other specialist sub-consultant to provide necessary services for the aesthetic

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design and submissions to ACABAS.

13. Adequate time should be allowed for full interdisciplinary discussion and
agreement to the proposals within the project office before making a submission to ACABAS.
Agreement to preliminary design proposals should be sought from ACABAS before
commencing the detailed design.

14. When a re-submission or follow-up submission is required by ACABAS, it

should be made as soon as possible after the first submission to ensure the design of proposed
highway structure is accepted by ACABAS before tender documents are finalised.

In-house Support

15. Project teams may seek advice on aesthetics of the design and ACABAS
submissions from the landscape teams of CEO for CEO projects or the Landscape Unit of
CEDD Headquarters for projects of Development Offices and GEO.


16. Enquiries on this circular should be addressed to Senior Landscape Architect,

CEDD Headquarters.


(a) The latest version of the “Structures Design Manual for Highways and
Railways” issued by Highways Department, in particular Chapter 17 –

(b) The latest version of “Guidelines on Design of Noise Barriers” jointly

issued by Environmental Protection Department and Highways Department

(c) All relevant instructions issued by Director of Highways in respect of the

aesthetics of highway structures

(d) ETWB TC(W) No 10/2005 – Planting on Footbridges and Flyovers

(e) WBTC No. 7/2002 – Tree Planting in Public Works

(f) Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works, Chapter 4 –

Project Design and Estimates

( Adrian NG )
Director of Civil Engineering and Development (Ag.)

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