This document summarizes external assessments administered at Ben Hill Primary School, including the content area, dates, students assessed, and current and potential uses of assessment data. A variety of assessments are used to monitor student growth in reading, language arts, math, and other subjects. Assessment data is intended to guide instruction, determine student placements, and evaluate programs. The document suggests using assessment results to better target instruction, discuss scores with students and parents, and set realistic IEP goals.
This document summarizes external assessments administered at Ben Hill Primary School, including the content area, dates, students assessed, and current and potential uses of assessment data. A variety of assessments are used to monitor student growth in reading, language arts, math, and other subjects. Assessment data is intended to guide instruction, determine student placements, and evaluate programs. The document suggests using assessment results to better target instruction, discuss scores with students and parents, and set realistic IEP goals.
This document summarizes external assessments administered at Ben Hill Primary School, including the content area, dates, students assessed, and current and potential uses of assessment data. A variety of assessments are used to monitor student growth in reading, language arts, math, and other subjects. Assessment data is intended to guide instruction, determine student placements, and evaluate programs. The document suggests using assessment results to better target instruction, discuss scores with students and parents, and set realistic IEP goals.
This document summarizes external assessments administered at Ben Hill Primary School, including the content area, dates, students assessed, and current and potential uses of assessment data. A variety of assessments are used to monitor student growth in reading, language arts, math, and other subjects. Assessment data is intended to guide instruction, determine student placements, and evaluate programs. The document suggests using assessment results to better target instruction, discuss scores with students and parents, and set realistic IEP goals.
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Ben Hill Primary School
Data Inventory: External Assessments
Christy Jacobs Data Source Content Area Dates of Collection Students Assessed Accessibility Current Data Use More Effective Use EOQA- End of Reading, 1st Quarter Grades K-2 Students, Parents, Determines which Using standards Quarter Language Arts, 2nd Quarter Teachers, standards were not mastered to Assessments Mathematics 3rd Quarter Instructional mastered during re-teach and 4th Quarter Coaches, each quarter. group students Administration, based on District Level standards not Personnel met. MAPS Reading, School Startup Grades 1-2 Students, Parents, Progress monitor Provide various Assessment Language Arts, (August), End of first Teachers, student growth and reading and Mathematics semester Instructional create materials at (December), Spring Coaches, individualized Lexile levels (Late March-April) Administration, instruction to target appropriate per District Level growth based on student MAP Personnel each students assessment individual level. scores. Gifted Creativity, Verbal, March Students by Students, Parents, Student placement Discuss scores Program Quantitative, referral and parent Teachers, in the gifted with parents Assessment- Non-Verbal, and permission Instructional program and with and use CogAT Composite Coaches, gifted certified referrals to help Administration teachers. with placement for students of the same ability level. GKIDS (GA Reading, Math, Every Quarter K Teachers, Student Discuss scores Kindergarten Readiness Skills Instructional benchmark, with parents Inventory) (Social Skills) Coaches, placement, and Administration, retention District Level Personnel GRASP Universal Fall (August), K-2 Teachers, Progress Monitor- Discuss scores (Determined Screener, January, & May Administration, Tier 2 and Tier 3 with students so Teacher Progress Monitor District Level every four weeks they are aware Growth) Personnel of how they are being monitored every four weeks. ACCESS ESOL Beginning and End ESOL/ELL Students Teachers, Determines student Discuss scores of year Instructional growth and with students Coaches, proficiency in and parents. Administration English Language Arts and Reading. Student scores are measured to determine if they test out of the program, need monitoring only, or fully implementation in an ESOL classroom. GAA (GA Aligned to the IEP Meeting to Set Severe and Students, Parents, Measures growth in Set realistic IEP Alternative students specific Goals; Testing profound students Teachers, the individual goals at the end Assessment) IEP- Set for their occurs at the end of with IEP- Students Instructional student based off of the year after yearly goals the year who are Coaches, set goals from testing instead completely Administration, his/her IEP at the of at the resource (not in a Special education beginning of the beginning of the regular classroom) director school year. school year so the results will lead the direction with new goals each year. SLO (Student Music, PE (Based Pre-Test and Post- 1st Teachers, Measures growth in Coached Learning on power Test Instructional power standards instruction Objective standards) Coaches, correlated to music regarding how Measure) Administration, and physical results from the District Personnel education. pre-test can inform instruction for the year to better ensure success on the post-test at the end of the year. Ben Hill Primary School Data Inventory: Internal Assessments Portfolios Power Standards All year k-2 Teachers, Documents student Use portfolios for Instructional performance over to help group Reading/Language Coaches, the course of a year students Arts & Math Administration, to show growth in according to the Parents at Reading/Language work they are Conferences Arts and producing. Mathematics. Writing Writing samples of All year k-2 Teachers, Documents student Use portfolios Portfolio growth through Instructional performance over to help group different genres Coaches, the course of a year students Administration, to show growth in according to the Parents at writing. work they are Conferences producing. Formative Based on All year- Weekly or K-2 Students, Parents, 10 items weekly or Grade level Assessments Standards Taught Bi-Weekly Teachers biweekly are tested meetings or PLC in to determine if meetings to Reading/Language curriculum analyze and Arts and standards are being converse regard Mathematics met. standard success and regress in student population. Oral Reading Reading Fluency & Once a Quarter 1-2 Teachers, Determines reading Differentiate Fluency Comprehension Instructional fluency with and group Coaches, Parents at comprehension. students based Conferences The goals per on their current grades tested: reading fluency 90 words- 1st level for reading 120 words- 2nd and comprehension instruction. Math Fluency Math- Addition Once a Quarter 1-2 Teachers, Determines math Differentiate and Subtraction Instructional fluency with and group Coaches, Parents at addition and students based Conferences subtraction facts on their current with goals per math fluency grades tested: level for Facts to 10: 1st addition and Facts to 18: 2nd subtraction instruction. Unit Test Reading/Language At the end of each K-2 Parents, Teachers, Identifies standards Use data to Arts & Math unit Instructional where students are group students Coaches struggling. for instruction. Other Student-Level Information- Housed in Infinite Campus What other student-level information does your school collect? Race/Ethnicity Disability Attendance English Proficiency Retention Socioeconomic Status Federal Designation Student Number Retained State ID Sped/504/IEP Horizons/Options (Due to behavior) Person GUID Migrant Restricted Pickup Assessments Fees Contact Log Person Documents Emergency Contact Gifted Data Wish List Are there any other types of assessment data you would like to see your school collect and use to improve instruction? Student growth and consistency measure on one test- not over testing Measure of social skills students on the same measures. True validity of a students level. Measure of technology skills Measure student application ability and not content mastery and regurgitation ability.