Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology: Effect of Mentoring On Military Personnel Retention
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology: Effect of Mentoring On Military Personnel Retention
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology: Effect of Mentoring On Military Personnel Retention
Volume 2 Issue 1 | PDF 132 | Pages 13
Background of the Study Chiboiwa et al. (2010) specified that retention refers to the
Human resource is valuable and serves as the backbone of maintenance of employment status by an organization for a
organizations in the world. Employees are key resources that can be considerable long period of time. The main purpose of retention is to
strategically placed for an organization to attain competitive advantage. prevent competent employees from leaving the organization as this
It is obvious that developing and retaining the capabilities of employee could have adverse effects on productivity and service delivery.
is an important part of any institution. Organizations can no longer Besides, Christopher et al. (2012) demonstrated that mentoring fosters
expect to be competitive unless they inspire, mentor and make them employees retention in part because the emotional bond established
learn continuously. Thus this study aims to assess the effects of between a mentor and a protégés may contribute to higher levels of
mentoring on military personnel retention in Ethiopian military employee retention.
So that, Mentoring operate through a dual pathways to influence
Vijayalaxmi (2012) stated that mentoring is one of the most researched military personnel commitment by assisting in the transfer of
topics in the world. It has been used by various organizations and professional knowledge while simultaneously developing the high-
educational institutions for career development and the development of quality interpersonal relationships that strengthen a protégés
specific skills for employees to make them more efficient. Educational commitment and retention to the organization.
institutions are implementing mentoring programs to groom the
students and develop them in a more holistic manner. The business Further, Alethea & Ridwanah (2013) reveled that mentoring has
world adopted the program in order to encourage the employees to take positive effects for mentees, mentors, and for organizations. Mentees
a more proactive part in the career planning and help new entrant to experience career advancement and increased confidence in the
acclimatize him or herself to the new work environment. workplace. Mentors experience personal satisfaction, collegiality,
networking, career enhancement and organizations improved
According to Jubilee et al. (2014), mentoring is defined as the process efficiency, recruiting, employee socialization, and commitment
of developing and maintaining intensive, lasting and sustainable Therefore, any organization to be effective there is a need of timely
developmental relationships between senior and junior persons. This assesses mentoring effect that promote mentoring functions, while
relationship has been shown to involve career mentoring (e.g. simultaneously fostering a commitment to the organization that
coaching, protection, challenging assignments and exposure) and enhances employee retention.
psychological mentoring (e.g. friendship, counseling and acceptance) Alexis and Judith, (2013) has concluded that mentoring in the
and role-modeling functions for the protégés. organization increases employee commitment by offering space for
dialogue and regular feedback. As a result, mentoring creates clarity on
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci
Tech 2: 156-168
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
various issues such as the importance of ones role, job expectations and early to the next rank. The magnitude of the increase in promotion rates
career advancement. And also enhances employees communications is large, representing a 29% increase in the average early promotion
and develops the quality of working relationships with peers, leaders rate. Thus, early promotion in the army increases commitment and
and subordinates. These factors contribute to improving team spirit and personnel retention. In addition, Kenneth (2013), a study on the effect
ultimately leading to an increase in satisfaction, efficiency and of mentoring and turnover intentions in the united states of American
personnel commitment. air force and found that those who receive mentoring from a senior
member of an organization would tend to experienced higher levels of
According to Ethiopian Army Human resource Field Manual (2011), organizational commitment and lower level of turnover intention.
military units have also been engaged in mentoring relationship for the
purpose of knowledge and experience sharing, talent development, Further, Carla (2011) conducted a study on the effects of mentoring on
improvement of the personnels abilities, efficiency and to enhance job satisfaction among military academicians and the findings suggest
personnel retention, core value assimilation and diversity enhancement. that faculty members with mentors have higher levels of job
As far as the researcher observation is concerned military units carry satisfaction than faculty members without mentors. Moreover, another
out mentoring practice without evaluating or measuring its effect. And study has been conducted by Angela (2013) on the relationship
unfortunately the researcher could not access any research conducted between mentoring, job satisfaction and the retention of special
on the effect of mentoring on personnel retention in the context of education teachers in Georgia and the finding indicated that mentoring
Ethiopian military units. positively affects job satisfaction and retention of teachers. In addition,
Brad, Johnson and Gene, (2011) conducted research on formal
Therefore, research works need not to be saturated in areas where there mentoring in the USA military and the findings conclude that formal
are many duties as far as there are no special and justifiable reasons to mentoring brings significant benefits to all those involved in the
do so. These initiate the interest on the researcher to study the effect of mentoring relationship, including the organization. The mentee gains
mentoring on military academies. knowledge and wisdom about the organization knowledge, learns
In line of this insight the researcher will assess the effect of mentoring faster, has increased self-confidence, career motivation, commitment
functions on personnel retention in Ethiopian military academies. and retention. Besides, Ayşe et al. (2013) conducted a study on effect
of mentoring on organizational commitment, and job satisfaction in
Military Academies are colleges and training centers which are found Turkey. The result indicated that mentoring has a positive effect on
in Ethiopian defense force training main department which were employee commitment and job satisfaction.
established between 2000 -2004. Major general Hayelom Araya
military academy is located at Holeta town west of Addiss Abbaba, Another study has been conducted by Catherine and Mike, (2014) on
Command and Staff College is found in Addis Ababa. The mission of the role of mentoring programs on the employee performance in public
the military academies were to produce well qualified and capable sub- universities in Kenya and the study established that mentorship
units ,tactical, operational and strategic level leaders, for all defense programs play an important role in employee performance and
forces units by providing quality education and training and the enhanced through knowledge transfer and career development. Lastly,
academies have 700 military personnel and civil employees. Knowles and Parsons, (2010) argued that mentoring is generally
accredited in a positive way and perceived as decent, however there
All the officers who are found in the academies served as a mentor and was no evidence on the effect of mentoring on employees behavior and
their followers are the protégé. In the military academies, mentoring attendance.
programs are segments of human capital development that have
consistently and continuously been implemented since the inauguration The above studies were conducted with in a context of other countries.
of the academies. The military academies used mentoring practice to And unfortunately the researcher could not access any research which
transfer knowledge, skill, experience and behavior from senior officer is conducted in Ethiopia relating mentoring and retention in general
to subordinates, to retain personnel, assimilation of core value and and particularly the mentoring functions (career mentoring,
diversity enhancement and it is long time practice in the military psychological mentoring and role modeling) and personnel retention.
academies (Ethiopian Army Human resource Field Manual, 2011). So far the conducted studies concentrated their scope on the effect of
mentoring on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, benefit,
Statement of the Problem types, role, student and teacher retention in academic institutions,
Mentoring has become globally recognized for its effect in leveraging success of mentoring program and little studies conducted on the effect
personal and organizational development. It can thus be a powerful tool of mentoring on army turnover in other countries and economic
if studied properly to encourage development and commitment on all regions. Therefore, the lack of theoretical and empirical evidence in
levels of employee (François, et al., 2014). According to Cheng et al. our country was what initiated the researcher to undertake this
(2014), the fundamental purposes of mentoring are to help attract, research.
motivate, develop and retain profita-ble talent while increasing
efficiency. It is goal-oriented, promotes professional and personal Objectives of the Study
growth amongst participants and it facilitates the sharing of knowledge, General objective: The general objective of this study was to examine
expertise, skills, insights and experiences through dialog and the effect of mentoring on military personnel retention on military
collaborative learning. On the other hand, Chronus (2014) mentioned academies in Ethiopia.
that successful companies whether large or small, use mentoring to Specific objectives: The specific objectives of the study were:
tackle complex human resource challenges such as increasing 1. To examine the relationship between mentoring and personnel
employee retention and improving workforce efficiency. In the same retention in military academies.
fashion, Ethiopian military academies have also been engaged in 2. To evaluate the effect of career mentoring on personnel retention
mentoring practice for the purpose of knowledge and experience in military academies
sharing, improvement of career development, enhancement of 3. To analyze the effect of psychological mentoring on personnel
personnel retention, psychological readiness and diversity enhancement retention in military academies.
(Ethiopian Army Regiment Field Manual, 2011). However there is no 4. To examine the effect of role modeling on personnel retention in
study shows how mentoring is effective in the military academies. military academies.
David and John, (2014) conducted research on US Army officers; Hypotheses of the Study
found that serving under a high-performing mentor significantly In order to successfully attain the objectives of this study the following
increases the likelihood that a junior officer protégé´ will be promoted hypotheses were considered.
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
and career advancement and toward achieving mutual benefits for the Informal mentoring: Informal mentoring relationships develop
mentor, mentee and organization. spontaneously based on mutually perceived competencies and
interpersonal comfort. Informal mentoring is volitional and there are no
The researcher will adopt the definition of mentoring provided by structured guidelines for directing the informal mentoring relationship.
Leavitt (2011) which defines mentoring as developmental and
interpersonal relationship occurring between a more knowledgeable Under informal mentoring there are little or no interventions by the
and experienced individual (mentor) acting as a teacher, counselor and organization other than an initial introduction (Germain, 2011). The
Role modeling of a less experienced or knowledgeable individual major benefits of informal mentoring to protégés and mentors are being
(protégé), sharing advice, knowledge, psychological support and involved in the mutual selection and mutual adjustment throughout the
guidance and offering support and challenge in behalf of the protégés relationship with the goals and expectations evolving over time to
personal and professional development. adapt to the specific needs of the protégé.
Benefits of mentoring: Dawley et al. (2010) mentioned that mentoring Types of mentoring
refers to the mutually interdependent, empathic, and empowering Even if, the literature mostly only makes a distinction between
processes that create personal growth, development, and enrich informal and formal mentoring, there are in fact five types of
organizations, mentors and protégés commitment and retention. The mentoring (Wilson, et al., 2012 and pan et al, 2011), namely:
collaborative nature of mentoring develops individuals and Executive mentoring: An informal relationship is established with an
interpersonal links between individuals, which increases engagement executive or director (that may be retired or not). This can lead to the
and help employees develop new skills and feel engaged within the protégé becoming more visible in top management
organization. These functions all lead to happier employees and a Supervisor mentoring: The protégé boss (supervisor/ manager)
better retention rate for a stronger and more effective organization. becomes his/her mentor. This can lead to more career advancement
opportunities for the protégé.
Benefit to the organization: Mentoring benefits to the organization Diversity mentoring: This includes cross-cultural mentoring where a
are mostly related to the development of human capital and retention. mentor and a protégé are from different culture, cross – gender
Mentoring helps employees to share knowledge and experience, to get mentoring where a mentor and protégé are different sexes.
them motivated and enhance job performance and retention rates. In Peer mentoring: The mentor and protégé are on the same level in the
addition, it enhances organizational commitment (CIPD, 2012). This is organization and the relationship is relatively informal and can lead to
achieved by providing a structured system to strengthen and affirm the information sharing, emotional support and in some cases, to close
continuity of the organizational culture. Organizational culture relationship.
provides members with a common value base, with implicit knowledge Hierarchical mentoring: This includes mentoring from higher grade
of what can be expected of them and what they can in turn expect from which refers to the relationship between a junior and senior in order to
the organization. enhance the knowledge and experience of junior person and from a
lower grade which refers to a junior mentoring a senior person on a
Benefit to the mentee: Mentoring function through initiation and subject about whom the junior recently gained experience.
socialization has a number of positive effects on protégés performance
and retention. Mentoring functions are positively associated with
Stages of mentoring
Ensher et al. (2010) and Wilson et al. (2012) presented that those
compensation, number of promotions, career satisfaction, expectation
successive stages of mentoring relationship. And defined four distinct
for advancement, career commitment, high level of job satisfaction and
phases of mentoring, namely initiation, cultivation, separation and
low turnover intention (Chester et al., 2013).
Initiation: A period of six months to one year during which time the
Benefit to mentor: The mentors also benefit from the mentoring
relationship gets started and begins to have importance for both
relationship. Mentors in the mentoring relationship can benefit in the
individuals. During this stage, the mentor provides coaching;
following areas: they attain a higher level of professional knowledge,
challenging work and visibility; and the protégé provides technical
widened collegial networks, and raised levels of job motivation,
assistance, respect and a desire and willingness to be coached.
improved competence and gaining of much more psychological
Cultivation: A Period of two to five years during which the number of
support. In return for the time and effort spent in providing support to
career and psychosocial functions provided by the mentor are increased
protégés, they gain positive outcomes such as career rejuvenation,
to a maximum, During this stage, both protégé and mentor become
personal recognition, personal satisfaction, organizational reputation
more emotionally linked.
and an increase in knowledge and power (Sheryn & Ye, 2011).
Separation: A period of six months to two years after a change in the
structure and role of the relationship (transfer, promotions) or in the
Forms of mentoring: According to Weinberg and Lankau, (2011), the
emotional parts of the relationship has taken place (feelings of
nature of mentoring relationship is influenced by the degree of
independence, threat, betrayal). There are limited opportunities for
formality adopted by the mentoring program, which in turn influences
the degree of formality present in the mentoring relationship and the
Redefinition: An indefinite period during which the relationship ends
researchers identified two forms of mentoring relationships, namely
and takes on a more peer-like friendship quality, the protégé develops a
formal mentoring and informal mentoring.
relationship with new mentors.
Formal mentoring: Formal mentoring refers to a mentoring
relationship where a third party (usually the organization) authorities Functions of mentoring
an agreement between a mentor and protégé , whereby the protégé Function of mentoring is defined as the sum of the career mentoring,
should trust the mentor to teach or counsel him/her in order for the psychological mentoring, and role modeling functions as perceived by
protégé to reach his/her full potential (Jones, 2012) some features of mentees in the mentoring program. According to Gina (2012), mentors
formal mentoring programs include top management support , provide three main functions to protégés, namely: Career mentoring,
corporate mentoring strategy, sensible mentor and protégé selection psychological mentoring and role modeling
and matching processes, comprehensive mentor and protégé Career mentoring: According to Bette (2012), Career mentoring
orientation, clearly stated expectations and responsibilities of the establishes the protégé as an independent, successful professional.
mentor and protégé and established duration and contact frequency Career mentoring includes sponsorship, exposure-and-visibility,
between the mentor and protégé. coaching, protection and challenging assignments. Career mentoring
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
organizations and indicated greater self-esteem and lower work stress Conceptual frameworks of the study have three independent variables
and work-family conflict than no protégés. which are (career mentoring, psychological mentoring and role
Venu (2014) conducted a study on the influence of career and modeling) and one dependent variable (personnel retention).
psychosocial support on organizational commitment and employee
retention in India. The study focused on the relationships between
career and psychosocial functions, the organizational commitment and
employee turnover.
A survey based methodology was used and the samples were 120 IT
employees. The researcher found that psychosocial mentoring had a
stronger negative effect with employee turnover than did career
mentoring. This probably is because of the emotional, relational,
counseling, and problem-solving aspects of successful psychosocial
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
processing and data analysis and ethical consideration of Reliability and validity
confidentiality were discussed here as follows. Reliability: Reliability is one of the major criteria for evaluating
research instruments. According to Lombard (2010), Coefficients of
Research Design .90 or greater are nearly always acceptable, .80 or greater is acceptable
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of mentoring on personnel in most situations, and .70 may be appropriate in some exploratory
retention in military academies in Ethiopia. In order to address the studies for some indices. The researchers in order, to measure
research hypotheses and to achieve the objectives of this research, a mentoring effect, 16 questions were adapted from (Christopher et al.,
quantitative research approach was adopted and the study followed 2012; Hu et al., 2011 & Ayse et al., 2013). In addition, Employee
descriptive and explanatory research design. The major purpose of retention 5 questions were adapted from Jane (2013). The instruments
descriptive research is to describe the state of affairs, as it exists at were continuously tested by different researchers and their reliability
present or it helps to describe the characteristics of a phenomenon. test is above 0.90. Furthermore, the researcher modified the adopted
According to Zikmund et al. (2010), the major purpose of descriptive instruments to make them suitable to assess the effect of mentoring in
research is to describe characteristics of objects, people, groups, Ethiopian military context and reexamined the reliability. Therefore, as
organizations, or environments. And Explanatory design used to shown in table 2 the reliability of the whole items is 0.90 which means
determine and explain the relationship and effect between the the whole items were reliable and acceptable because as Lombard
independent variables and dependent variable. According to Saunders, stated coefficients of 0.9 or greater are nearly always acceptable.
Lewis and Thornhill (2009), explanatory research is about studying a
situation or a problem in order to explain the relationships between Previous Reexamined
Dimensions Cronbachs α Cronbachs α
Career mentoring 0.95 0.9
Source of Data Psychological mentoring 0.96 0.94
In order to, achieve the objective of this study, relevant data were Role modeling 0.92 0.9
collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary Personnel Retention 0.93 0.91
sources include protégées of the military academies in Ethiopia and Total 0.94 0.91
secondary data source were articles, journals and thesis related to the Source: Primary data
study. So as to develop conceptual frame work the researcher used Table 2: Previous and current reliability test.
secondary data sources.
The result from above table indicated that the items are reliable and
Population, sampling techniques and sample size consistent to measure the effect of mentoring on military personnel
The research was conducted to assess the effect of mentoring on retention in the military academies.
personnel retention in the military academies. The total population of Validity: Validity on the other hand, can be described as the extent to
the study was 200 protégés that the study focused on. The researcher which the instrument measures what it purports to measure. According
used the sample size determination table developed by Israel, (2013), to Faux (2010), validity determines whether the research truly
the appropriate sample size for population of N=200 mentees n=134 measures that which it was intended to measure. Thus validity
and confidence level is = 0.05. Proportionate stratified random measures how truthful the research results are or the extent to which
sampling technique used in order to give proportional representation to scores truly reflect the underlying variable of interest. The instruments
all selected academies, which form the sampling frame of the study. that the researcher used were continuously checked for the content and
face validity by the researchers who have conducted researches
The strata for this research consist of three (3) military academies. concerning mentoring questionnaire by (Christopher et al., 2012; Hu et
According to Zikmund et al. (2010), stratified sampling reduces al., 2011 & Ayse et al., 2013) and retention questionnaire by Jane
random sampling errors, groups adequately represented when strata are (2013). After the modification, the questionnaire was given to
combined and sample ensures that the sample accurately reflect the supervisors and experts to ensure refinement and content validity.
population. The total sample size of each stratum is shown with their
respective population of the following academies. Data Analysis Methods
The collected data were checked for completeness, edited, transcribing
Sample the coded data from questionnaire in to computer and coded in to the
Organization Protégés Population statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20. And then
Major General First company 90 60 Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied.
Hayelom Second company 40 27 Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage and ratio which
Araya Staff officers 35 23 includes the means and standard deviation were used to analyze the
Academy Total 165 110 demographic characteristics of the respondents and the response
variation of the study.
Defense First company 15 10
Command and Second company 20 14
The researcher used the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the
Staff Collage Total 35 24
degree of relationship between independent and dependent variables. In
Total 200 this research, all the independent variables (career mentoring,
Table 1: Sample size description. psychological mentoring and role modeling) and dependent variable
(personnel retention) were correlated. Thus, the researcher was used
Data Collection methods Pearson Correlation analysis to measure the relationship of
To achieve the objective of this study primary data were collected. In independent variable and dependent variable. According to Sekaran
order to collect primary data questionnaire was used. Since the and Bougie, (2010), a correlation coefficient, r, is a number between -1
approach of the research was quantitative, the data used were collected and +1 that used to measure the degree of relationship between in
through structured close ended and open ended questionnaire and rated dependent variable and dependent variable.
on a likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Questionnaire is simple and quick to administer and it helps to collect The higher value of the correlation coefficient, the stronger the level of
data from the respondents (Zikmund et al., 2010). relationship between two variables. A positive value for the correlation
coefficient indicates a positive relationship. Therefore, a negative value
for the correlation coefficient indicates a negative relationship.
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
respondents have in the military academies. Details from the survey are
The researcher used multiple regression analysis to assess the effect of given as shown on the table below.
the independent variable on dependent variables. Frequency Percent
Diploma 24 20.9
Model specification First Degree 68 59.1
Multiple regressions were calculated using the proposed formula to Master Degree 19 16.5
study the effect of independent variables (career mentoring, Medical doctor 4 3.5
psychological mentoring and role modeling) and dependent variable Total 115 100
(retention). Since there are three independent variables in this study the Source: based on Primary data of this study.
multiple regression model was as follows: Table 3: Educational back ground of the respondents.
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
Table 9, shows that liner multiple regression of career mentoring on the beta value of role modeling is 0.364 which indicates that better
personnel retention. And the result shows that the influence of career involvement in role modeling in the military academies the more likely
mentoring on personnel retention is statistically significant in the that personnel retention will be enhanced. Therefore, H0 was rejected
model (β=0.462, p<0.05). According to Felicity et al. (2013), the beta since there is significant and positive influence of role modeling on
value is a measure of how strong independent variable influences the personnel retention in the military academies. This result is similar to
dependent variable. Weng et al. (2010); Sekhosana (2011); Chun et al. (2012) and Ayse et
al (2013) the study exposed that role modeling has positive and
Therefore, the better exposure to career mentoring in the military significant influence on employee commitment and retention.
academies, the more likely that personnel retention will be enhanced.
Hence, H0 was rejected since there is significant and positive effect of This indicated that role modeling affect employee retention through
career mentoring on personnel retention in the military academies. The perfect influence behavior on mentee, exemplary values and
result is consistent with the findings of Mehta et al. (2010); Sheryn and achievements of the mentor, own beliefs and principles, displaying
Ye (2011); Chan et al. (2012); and Carver et al. (2013) which found out self-sacrifice, and specifying the importance of having a strong sense
career mentoring have a significant and positive effect on employee of purpose.
retention. Further, Career mentoring can provide opportunity to
employee gain experience and skills. Thus, career mentoring can Effect of mentoring on personnel retention: Table 10 indicates the
reduces personnel turnover intentions and increase in chances for linear regression of mentoring on personnel retention. Model was valid
advancement and retention. and statistically significant since (F (3, 114) = 46.997, p < 0.001). The
slope of the model (the coefficient of the Constant) is negative (.-617)
Effect of psychological mentoring on personnel retention in but the regression coefficient of the overall mentoring is positive
military academies: Psychological mentoring includes acceptance and (β=0.1.289) and statistically significant at α=0.05 (p<0.05). The
confirmation, counseling, and friendship. Therefore, enhances the correlation coefficient (R value) is 0.748. This shows there is a positive
protégés sense of competence, identity and effectiveness in his/her role statistically significant relationship. The coefficient of determination
and relying on an emotional bond between the mentor and protégé that for this regression model R square is 0.560 this implies that Career
enhances personnel commitment and retention. mentoring, psychological mentoring and role modeling jointly
represent 56 % predicting power and has the capacity to explain 56%
of the variations in personnel retention. Therefore, the above overall
Hypothesis 3 result indicates that mentoring has a positive statistically significant
H0: Psychological mentoring does not influence retention in Ethiopian
influence on personnel retention.
Military academies
Table 9 indicates that linear multiple regression of psychological Unstandar
dized Si R Si
mentoring on personnel retention. And the result revealed the influence Model dized T R F
Coefficie g 2 g
of psychological mentoring on personnel retention is statistically Coefficient
significant in the model (β=0.493, p<0.05). According to Samprit and Std
B Beta
Ali (2006), Beta coefficient represents marginal effects of the Er
independent variables on dependent variable. So that, the beta value of (Const -0. 0.36 0.7 0. 141.
-1.67 0 0
psychological mentoring is 0.493 which indicates that better experience ant) 617 9 48 56 421
Mento 1.28 0.10 11.8
to psychological mentoring in the military academies the more likely 0.748 0
ring 9 8 92
that personnel retention will be improved. Therefore, H0 was rejected
a. Dependent Variable: Personnel retention.
since there is significant and positive influence of psychological
Source: based on Primary data of this study.
mentoring on personnel retention in the military academies.
Table 10: Multiple linear regression effect of mentoring on personnel
The result of this study is in line with the studies conducted by Jae et
al. (2012); Christopher et al. (2012); Angela (2013) and Venu (2014)
which revealed that psychological mentoring had strong positive and Summary
significantly influence on protégés commitment and retention in the This chapter deals with summary of findings, conclusions and
organization. Furthermore, psychological mentoring provides mentees recommendation. Hence, the major findings of the study were analyzed
to meet and share ideas with mentor that can affect the intent to remain and discussed in chapter four. It gives a way to draw a conclusion.
in the profession. The reason behind this outcome is the emotional, Finally, a possible recommendation is forwarded for future study.
relational, counseling, and problem-solving aspects of successful
psychosocial mentoring. Summary of major findings
The purpose of this research was to assess the effect of mentoring on
Effect of role modeling on personnel retention in military personnel retention in military academies in Ethiopia. Therefore,
academies: Role-modeling consists of the mentor demonstrating according to the discussion and analysis of data presented under
appropriate behavior and knowledge, thus earning greater respect and chapter four, the following findings were drawn.
admiration. It offers mentee in achieving competence, confidence and a With regard to the effects of mentoring on personnel retention in
professional identity which creates a strong bond and commitment to military academies the finding reveled that:
the organization which improves personnel retention in academies. According to the Pearson correlation analysis mentoring has
Hypothesis 4 positive and statistically significant relationship with
H0: Role modeling does not influence retention in Ethiopian Military personnel retention in military academies.
academies Multiple linear regression analysis of the research also
presented significant results:
Table 9 shows liner multiple regression of role modeling on personnel Career mentoring has positive and statistically significant
retention. And the result revealed that the influence of role modeling effect on personnel retention in military academies.
on personnel retention is statistically significant in the model (β=0.364, Psychological mentoring has positive and statistically
p<0.05) According to Tazebache (2011), the beta value is a measure of significant effect on personnel retention in military
how strong independent variable affect the dependent variable. So that academies.
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2:
Aman S. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 132, 2:1
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Citation: Aman S. Effect of Mentoring on Military Personnel Retention (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: