Emotrance Crystal Workshop
Emotrance Crystal Workshop
Emotrance Crystal Workshop
by Dr Silvia Hartmann
An introduction to EmoTrance Crystal Healing Plus a complete Crystal Energy workshop outline For you to give your own Crystal Energy mini-workshops for pleasure and profit
Based on the Crystal Healing presentation from the 2009 EmoTrance Conference.
Table of Contents
EmoTrance Crystal Healing.................................................................................................................1 Crystal Healing Power With EmoTrance.............................................................................................3 Crystal Fascination..........................................................................................................................3 First Crystal Exercise..................................................................................................................5 Choosing The Right Crystal For A Special Problem..................................................................6 Crystal Healing With Groups......................................................................................................7 Tips On The Basic Crystal Sensation Exercise...........................................................................8 EmoTrance Crystal Healing Workshop ........................................................................................10 Part 1: Crystals & Energy Flow.....................................................................................................10 1. Introduction To Healing With Crystals & Energy.................................................................10 2. A First Crystal EmoTrance Experience.................................................................................11 3. Practice The Basic Crystal Energy Flow...............................................................................12 4. Crystal Learning Exercise.....................................................................................................13 Part 2: EmoTrance Energy Healing With Crystals........................................................................14 5. Introduction To EmoTrance Energy Healing........................................................................14 6. EmoTrance Crystal Healing Demonstration ........................................................................15 7. Pairs Crystal Healing Exercise..............................................................................................15 8. Crystal Heart Healing ...........................................................................................................16 In Conclusion.................................................................................................................................17 The Crystal Kingdom.........................................................................................................................18
EmoTrance Crystal Healing All text & images (c) Hartmann 2009/2011 All rights reserved. You are very welcome to use text and images in your own EmoTrance Crystal mini-workshops and to create your own handouts manuals based on this one, both for non-profit as well as for profits and you can also pass on this original document without restriction as providing you keep the following notice intact and clearly visible: Dr Silvia Hartmann Author, EmoTrance For further information, please visit www.EmoTrance.com
In this workshop I am going to show you how to do Crystal Healing session with yourself, with clients and with groups of people. You might think, that's a lot for an hour long workshop, how can I learn all of that if I have no experience or knowledge about crystals and their healing properties? The answer to that is of course, we're not just doing Crystal Healing we are doing the EmoTrance version of crystal healing, and that's different, and quite wonderfully easy and rewarding, at that. Now, in order to do Crystal Healing you do need at least one crystal. And here we step straight into the magic because for some reason, the Creative Order made it so that human beings are naturally fascinated by, and magically drawn to, these mysterious, beautiful entities from the mineral kingdom. I guess we all know this, but I found out for real at one time when I was on holiday in Germany.
Crystal Fascination
I saw there was a flea market, a street market where people go and sell things from their garages and lofts and such, and I went over to have a look what I might find. There, I was immediately drawn to something sparkly it was a pasting table with various objects and amongst the odd tea cups and used toys, there lay a number of truly beautiful crystals. Clear quartz crystals, smoky quartz, large specimens and they drew me irresistibly. As I stood looking at the crystals, a lady came up and asked me some questions about them. I looked up, looked for the stall holder, but they had gone away to get some coffee and left their 7 year old daughter in charge who looked terrified and was hiding under the table. So I shrugged and started to explain a little about the crystals, gave one to the lady to hold, asked her if she could feel anything. This prim & proper middle aged German lady was absolutely astonished to feel a tingling in her hand it was the first time she had ever consciously felt energy in her life, and she was amazed,
EmoTrance Crystal Healing with Dr Silvia Hartmann 3
awed and excited. In the absence of any price tags, I sold her the crystal for fifty Euros. As I was dealing with her, more people turned up and started to listen, and soon I was selling crystals and having people experience the feelings and energies of rose quartz, and smoky quartz, and obsidian, malachite and haematite. I was simply fascinated by how easy this was people were so drawn to the crystals, and even though these were ordinary Germans, old and young, men and women, they couldn't help but react and want that energy in their lives. If you can sell crystals to traditional small town Germans in 1981 on a street corner, I figured, you can sell crystals to anyone at all! The stall holder came back and was a bit unsure if she approved of what I had done; but eventually she took the big pile of Euros and thanked me, then she gave me the lovely smoky quartz which I had put aside for myself as a reward for my troubles. The crystals came through her husband, who was an air plane pilot and brought them back from his regular trips to Brazil, it transpired. Now this was many years ago, but I've never forgotten the experience, and I'm telling you this story to have you understand that to offer someone crystal healing, or a crystal experience if you will, is not going to meet with the kind of scepticism that you would encounter if you were to offer people some form of psychotherapy, a sales leaflet or a radically new idea, God forbid. When you work with energy, people and crystals in combination, you are right from the start in a movement of Even Flow people are naturally attracted to crystals, and the energy from crystals is so strong, that I would wager that 90% of the population will feel some thing when they hold a crystal in their hand and pay attention to what that feels like, and how far these electric feelings travel up their arms, and into their bodies.
So in this way, working with crystals can also be an entrance point for EmoTrance energy experiences crystals make it really easy to feel the energy flow in the body, and they can open channels and teach a person how to pay attention in the first place.
If you have a client who would love to do EmoTrance but can't seem to get the hang of it or are very unsure of their feelings, by adding the energy of a crystal, you might well achieve a breakthrough, a threshold shift, for that client that otherwise they might not have attained. So for this first exercise, I'd like you to be in pairs.
The energized end state is again something that some people have trouble with they don't know what that is, don't know what they are trying to achieve. By using a crystal, they get a sense of what real energy flow feels like, and it gives them something to aim for when they are working with energies of their own.
For the second exercise, we are going to hold the small crystal in both hands and hold it close to the heart, taking the energy of the crystal into the heart centre and letting it radiate out from there. Go ahead and both of you have this experience now.
A simple, crystal assisted heart healing, which really only takes a few moments, is a wonderful experience which you can offer to clients as an extra bonus at the end of a session, and to bring all your work together. This is very memorable, very nice, and also a great homework technique to send clients home with to do on their own, with their own crystals, any time they feel they need it.
One of the really nice things about working with a crystal is that you don't have to keep your intention so strongly; the incoming energy from the crystal is absolutely steady and doesn't waver.
Work with the crystal as you would normally do with your hands alone; let it become an extension of your hand, of your own energy system, and let it carry your healing attention on its own waves and pulses along and into the client's energy system. When the erea is healed, and energy flows in, through and out, establish the energised end state and the crystal healing is complete.
Crystal energy can go where human energy may be rejected; and it is very powerful as well, very stable, very reliable, and that's another benefit.
You can offer the assistance of crystal healing at any time a session might get stuck or seems to go nowhere; and the self healing aspects of healing with crystals and EmoTrance are also very valuable. Now, let's talk about crystal healing with groups.
time with the help of our friends from the crystal kingdom. Q: What if someone feels nothing at all? A: It is highly unlikely that you should get many people who are high on the autistic spectrum at a crystal energy healing mini-workshop! When I did this with the random Germans in the street, there wasn't a single one amongst them who felt nothing at all. But here are some tips to make it easier.
Don't try so hard! Furrowed brows, clenched jaws and clenched fists are never useful when we are dealing with energy flow. Relax, take it easy, this is really easy and natural. Take a deep breath and look at the crystal resting in the palm of your hand for a moment. Then close your hand around it and at the same time, close your eyes and pay attention to the sensations of the crystal in your hand. Can you feel the crystal? Is it cool, warming up? Can you feel it tingling in your hand? Now notice how you can feel something travelling across your wrist and up your arm. That's the crystal energy. Keep breathing freely and allow yourself to be quite delighted by these electric sensations. Follow the path of that energy as it travels upwards with your intention. Where is this energy going? Show me with your hands. Massage your arm with the other hand as you follow the feeling. Keep breathing and move with the energy sensations. If you lose the feeling, open your hand for a moment, switch the crystal into the other hand, shake your arms out, loosen up your neck and shoulders and have another go. Second time round is usually even more electric as we're learning to pay attention.
If that doesn't work, ask the person to try another crystal, possibly even one they don't like, so that they get a stronger response to the energy which is more noticeable to them.
However, this is incredibly rare; if the worst comes to the worst you can always ask the person to sit with the crystal in silent meditation whilst the rest of the group has fun with the energy of crystals and finding out how it affects them. If you are new to this and unsure, do the following. For the next week, carry a crystal in your pocket and every person you meet or who comes to your house, no matter who they are, just hold it out to them. Find out if they pick it up, and what happens when ask them what they can feel. A very interesting experiment - and don't leave out the kids or unlikely people such as traffic wardens and street cleaners! Q: Does this have to be an energy healing workshop? A: No!
It can be a having fun with crystals afternoon if you want. Or a making friends with crystals morning workshop (retired ladies and ladies with kids at school like this time of day!). Or a I'm going to phone a few friends and we're going to try this out Saturday night party. Or how about a Crystal Play Group? People can bring their own favourite crystals along share them with each other. Or you can pick one topic such as Crystals and Weightloss or Crystals and Relaxation or Dancing with Crystals and do the same exercises under that heading. Crystals are fascinating, light, happy things; do try and have fun!
There is a million different ways in which you can use this, but do remember:
Now, here is a short, practical outline for a three hour mini-workshop or introduction evening for EmoTrance and Crystal Healing.
EmoTrance Crystal Healing Workshop Part 1: Crystals & Energy Flow 1. Introduction To Healing With Crystals & Energy
We all have an energy body. Energy needs to flow through the body so we can feel happy and well. The energy needs to flow in, through and out. If there are blockages or injuries, we feel emotional pain. In this workshop, we are going to learn how to use crystal energy to heal our energy body.
----------------------------------------- Short Mid-Session Break --Serve some water and fruit juice; some fruit and/or natural biscuits are also a good idea. Energy work makes hungry and thirsty! ---------------------------------------EmoTrance Crystal Healing with Dr Silvia Hartmann 13
Part 2: EmoTrance Energy Healing With Crystals 5. Introduction To EmoTrance Energy Healing
Now let us do some real crystal healing for the energy body. All emotions come from the energy body, and that is where they need to be healed. So you if you have a sadness, or an anger from the past, or something that you would like to heal today, where do you feel this in your body? Show me with your hands. That is the place in your energy body where the injury is located; and that's what needs to be healed today. You can heal it with healing hands and your intention, but today we are going to use a crystal to help us by giving us its special pure healing energy. Here is a demonstration.
In Conclusion
To have really wonderful experiences with both crystals and with EmoTrance, you don't need to be an experienced metaphysician at all - there is a lot of joy in simply playing with crystals and paying attention how their energies make us feel, and how we can feel their energies in our bodies. With the easy exercises outlines here, everyone who wants to (and who has a few crystals handy!) can start to have real experiences with crystal healing. At the very least, you are going to change your emotions and feel intrigued, uplifted, excited and happy when you're done, and in my opinion, that is worth as least as much as some serious healing session with the furrowed brow of furious concentration. I would also encourage you to pick a date, call a few friends together, tell them to bring their favourite crystals along and have a go at the short workshop exercises. You are going to have a wonderful time with beautiful things, with learning new things about energy, in good company and to have good feelings as well, so what are you waiting for?
Enjoy this crystal workshop and share it with as many people as you can.
Crystals are wonderful gifts from the Great Creative order and to have personal, emotional experiences with them brings a whole new dimension and source of energy and joy into people's lives - and it is so easy. I'd like to finish with a short evocation which you are very welcome to use to start or end your own crystal healing with EmoTrance workshops, get togethers and parties, and wish you all the best. Dr Silvia Hartmann Author, EmoTrance: Emotions, Energy & Love For more information, please visit www.EmoTrance.com
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Dr Silvia Hartmann Author, EmoTrance For further information, please visit www.EmoTrance.com