6th September Writing

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Lesson Plan Year 5

Subject : English

Year : 5 Jujur

Date/Day : 4th September 2018

Time : 07:30am-08:30am

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 14 : Adventure Sports

Focused Skill : Writing

Proficiency level : Intermediate

Previous Knowledge : Pupils know several names of adventure sports and the con

tent of their favourite sports.

Content Standards: Learning Standards:

3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 3.2.1 Able to transfer information with
schooling, pupils will be able to write using guidance to complete:

appropriate language, form and style for a (a) linear texts
range of purposes.
3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:

(c) informal letters

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

i. Match the phrases to the informal letter based on the correct format

ii. Write a complete informal letter by following the correct formal and guidance based on

the mind map given.

Language Content:
• Vocabulary
➢ Courage
➢ Prevent
➢ Dehydration
Educational Emphasis:
• Moral Values
➢ We should always prepare ourselves well before a competition to avoid any injuries

• Multiple Intelligences
➢ Visual Spatial
➢ Interpersonal
➢ Linguistics

• Thinking Skills
➢ Ability to discuss in groups and design their informal letter with guidance

Resources/Teaching aids:
➢ Manilla Card with the format of an informal letter
➢ Manilla card with an example of an informal letter
➢ Word cards
➢ Task sheet 1
➢ Task sheet 2 with a mind map
➢ Post box
Stage/Time Teaching-learning
Content Activity Remarks
Set Questions 1. Teacher enters Preparation Phase
Induction the class wearing (Setting the tone of
(5 minutes) 1. Who do you think I an outfit of a lesson)
am? postman while
carrying a postbox
2. Why am I carrying and few letters. Teaching aids:
a postbox with
1. Marker pen
me? 2. Teacher acts out a
2. Visual Image
short skit and ask
3. Speaker
3. What is the pupils questions
function of this based on that.
3. Teacher
Possible answers introduces the
topic of the day.
1. Postman

2. To deliver letters in

3. Place where
letters are
Presentation Activity 1. Teacher gives Imagination Phase
(15 minutes) “Let’s Learn How to input on the (Exploring,
Write A Letter” correct format of generating, probing
an informal letter and synthesising
Important Details to the pupils. ideas)

• Writer’s Address 2. Teacher pastes an

• Date informal letter Teaching aids:
• Salutation about joining a
• Opening Remarks BMX Race. 1) A manila card with
• The contents a format of an
informal Letter
• Closing Remarks 3. Teacher 2) A manilla card with
• Ending Signature distributes word an example of an
cards to the pupils informal letter.
and asks them to 3) Word Cards
label according to
the format.

4. Teacher discusses
the answer with
the pupils.

5. Teacher revises
about the
preparation before
competition to
prepare pupils for
their next activity.
Practice Activity: 1.Pupils are Development
(15 minutes) organised into Phase
“Match the Phrases” groups of three. (Guided practice)
- To provide
opportunity for
2.Pupils are given a pupils to practice
template to fill in more on what they
the blanks with have learnt.
phrases given at - To encourage
the bottom. discussion among
the pupils.
3.Groups which are
Assessment for
done carry their learning objective
signal light up. (2)

4.Pupils discuss Teaching Aids:

their answers with
the teacher. 1) Worksheets
2) Marker Pens
Production Activity: 1. Pupils are divided Action Phase
(20 minutes) “ Express and Write” into six groups. (Independent
2. Pupils have to
come up with their Assessment for
own sentences learning objective
regarding one (3)
sports they like.
Teaching aids:
3. Pupils are given a
mind-map with 1) Manila Cards
main points. 2) Mind Map
3) Marker Pens
4. Pupils create their
own sentence by
using the points

5. Upon completion,
pupils present
their answers
through a gallery
walk activity.

6. Pupils receive
feedback from the
teacher regarding
this activity.
Closure Questions : 1. Teacher ends the Closure phase
(5minutes) lesson by passing (Summary and
What have you around a sticky reinforcement)
learned from today’s note to those who
lesson? have any ideas to To revise what has
be shared on the been taught and
Possible Answers : parking lot. reinforce pupil’s
1) Adventure Sports. 2. Teacher ask pupils
2) Format of writing to paste their To incorporate the
a letter sticky note inside element of fun at the
the post box as a end of the lesson.
letter to the
teacher. Teaching aids:

3. Teacher randomly 1. Marker Pens.

goes through their 2. Parking Lot Chart
ideas and paste 3. Sticky Note
them on the
parking lot.

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