Bibliographic Essay Rubric

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Bibliographic Paper Rubric A Paper


B Paper

C Paper

D/F Paper
Does not introduce the subject.

Introduces the topic Adequately Names the topic of of research and introduces the topic research but gives makes it readily of research. little background. accessible to an audience that may not have specialized knowledge in the area. Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Demonstrates some impressive adequate knowledge knowledge of the knowledge of the of scholarly writing scholarly writing in scholarly writing in in the eld. the eld. May have the eld. Has clearly included many consulted the CCC general reference Databases works such as (particularly JSTOR) encyclopedias. and knows trends. Has clearly identied HAs identied some Summarizes the the talking points talking points, but work but does not necessary to discuss focuses more on identify talking the issue. what individual points. writers have to say. Clearly shows where Identies a few Shows little scholars agree and places where awareness of points disagree. scholars agree and on which scholars disagree. agree and disagree. Uses scholarly Uses Scholarly conventions deftly Conventions well (e.g., avoids oating most of the time. quotations, uses present/past tense appropriately.) Is clearly written, polished, wellfocused, coherent, and accessible. Few mechanical/stylistic errors.

Knowledge of Scholarship in the Field

Demonstrates little knowledge of the scholarly writing in the eld. May have taken material from the Internet without properly evaluating it.

Talking Points

Does not identify talking points. Shows little evidence of having read the scholarly literature thoroughly and insightfully. Shows no awareness of points on which scholars agree and disagree.

Agreement/ disagreement

Scholarly Conventions

Demonstrates Demonstrates serious weakness imperfect knowledge in using scholarly conventions. of scholarly conventions

Clarity and Mechanics

Is clearly written, Is generally Is difcult to understand with polished, wellunderstandable, but many errors in mechanics and focused, coherent, lacks clarity, stylistics. and accessible. Few coherence, and mechanical/stylistic focus in places. My errors. have many mechanical/stylistic errors.

New MLA Documentation

Demonstrates Expert Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates serious weakness knowledge of MLA adequate knowledge imperfect knowledge in MLA doc. Format. doc format. of MLA doc. Format of MLA doc. Format.


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