Weld Quality and Inspection Requirbments For Ip Cylinder Fabrications For 236 MW Turbine

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I* GENERALi Thia standard . governs the veld quality and Inspection requirements
for L.'P.cy Under fabrications.
?• WELD Welds shall be Inspected as indicated below ( Clause 6) to the Acceptance
QUALITY! Standards defined In Annexure n (applicable only for welds subjected to
X-ray) of this.document.
All welding shall be done by a Welder qualified in that position ,
Where it is difficult to achieve the position, the matter shall be referred
to MFC Inspector and his consent shall be obtained before starting welding.
J. WELDER'S Welders required shall be qualified as per ASME stclioia .}X.

i. ELKTRODESi A Low hydrogen' Iron power type Mild Steel electrode conforming to
Spec. AWSi E 7018 approved by Customer shall be used. Electrode shall be
dried in an electric oven at 2$0°C for one hour and stored at 1?0 C for use.
S. PROCEDURE Procedure required shall be qualified as per ASMS Section DC.

i. INSPETIOH 6.1 General

6.1.1 Teatlno of base material C 12. y*r« onA aboyO
All plates used for the manufacture of T..p. cylinder 'aNrteatlon
shall be ultrasonicalty tested In accordance with Coroorate
Standard AA 085 01 20 - Stral>3ht Bean irltrasonle Examination
of Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels.
6.1.2 Accessibility for Inspection
Completed welds will normally be tested in the stress relieved
and cleaned condition in accordance with BPO64 0190,However,
the inspection of any weld that will not be accessible after stress
relieving shall take place at a convenient earlier stage of fabri-
6.1.3 NOT Examination Method for welds
Magnetic particle Inspection - As per Amiexure I
Dye Penetrant Examination - As per AA 085 01 31.
Ultrasonic Examination - As per BP 085 01 97
Radiographic Examination - As per Annexurn II.
6.1.4 Material jdentification
The plates shall be identified by heat number/plate number before
cutting and shall be co-related with the test certificates by NPC
Inspector .Who will put his stamp by the side of the heat mark
After cutting the component from identified plates, the components
shall be identified by its item number and drawing number. The
BHE Inspection shall ensure this marking and put their stamp on
such acceptable components. The NPC inspector shall put his stamp o
each component by the side of the "§IIE Inspection Stamp before
despatch from the Preparation section, if required.
6.1.5 Edge Preparation
The edge preparation shall be done by flame cutting or machining.
All scales and ridges shall be removed to get finish of 100 microns.
6. INSPECTION 6.2 Inner Cylinder/Outer Cylinder
(CONTD..) 6.2.1 Vteld Preparation
Before commencing to weld, the fit up and cleanliness of the joint
shall be visually inspected.
6.2.2 Root Run Testing
It shall be checked by Dye Penetrant to BHBL Testing Procedure No.
TP 0032 for Joints which are subjected to the differential pressure.
6.2.3 jack Chipped Held roots
After bac)c chipping of root run in. Joints welded from both side having n
3 mm or less than 3 mm, weld metal shall be checked for its soundness b
dye penetrant method in all cases.
6.2.4 Completed' Butt Melds
All butt welds shall be visually examined and subjected to dye penet-
rant or Magnetic Particle Inspection, from all sides wherever
possible. Drawings shall specify the welds which are required to be
radiographic or uitrasonically tested.
6.2.5 Completed.Fillet Welds

All fillet added shall be visually examined and subjected to Dye

Penetrant or Magnetic P-article Inspection.

7. ACCEPTANCE 7.1 For dye penetrant test of root runs and final fillet welds which are
STANDARDS* subjected to differential pressure refer TP 0032 where no detects are

7.2 For back chipping Dye Penetration and tor final we Id examination by Dye
penetration and MPI refer AA 085 01 29.
7.3 For radiographic examination)refer clause 5 of Annexure II.
7.4 For ultrasonic examination refer clause 11 of BP 085 01 97.
8. MEIO Meld shall be rectified in all cases where unacceptable defects have been
The weld repair shall be done in accordance with the procedure detailed
in Annexure III*
In all cases where' rectification by welding is necessary, due consideration
shall be given to the need for further stress relieving heat treatment and
shall take into account the extent of weld rectification, the dimensional
accuracy and the operating reliability and safety of the fabrication. The
decision will be the responsibility of the Steam Turbine Engineering



1. GENERALi This method consists of applying a suspension of magnetic particles.

or dry magnetic powder to the magnetised material. Any surface / sub-
surface cracks which lie at an angle to the direction of the magnetic
lines of force will te outlined. The method can also be used to detect
other surface/subsurface veld defects e.g. slag inclusions.
2. EQUIPMENT> The equipment required for this purpose shall be a portable magnetic
flaw detector capable of supplying A.C. magnetising current upto a
strength of 1000 ampefSsT'
3. SURFACE The weld to be tested shall be free from scale, dirt, slag or paint and
PREPARATION shall be clean and dry. If necessary, the weld should be lightly ground.
4* TESTING Dry magnetic powder or suspension of magnetic particles of high magnetic
MEDIUMS permeability and low retentivity shall be used as the Inspection medium.
The colour of testing medium shall be red/8JacK .
6. APPLICATION The veld to be examined shall be adequately and uniformly coated with
OF MAGNETIC magnetic particles. The coating shall be applied by spraying/dusting
PART~CLBSi during magnetisation.
6. METHOD OF . For the detection -of titan along the direction of the veld, an alter-
MAONSTI6ATIOM nating current grange 4OO to 800 amps.) as mentioned below shall be passed
OP TH& VELDi along the weld seam by means of contact prods (electrodes) . The entire
veld'length shall be inspected step-by-step with reasonable over-lapping.
When using heavy currents, it is essential to avoid arcing. To avoid
arcing, the contact of the prods with the veld surface must not be made or
broken while the current is flowing.
Prod (electrode) Magnetising current for section
•spacing ' thickness
Under 20 mm zo mm & above
Above 100. m but less 4DO to 600 amps 400 to 800 amps
than ISO Bin .

7. INSPECTION The area under inspection shall be adequately illuminated to facilitate

OF TBSt proper evaluation of the Indications revealed on the test surface.
8. INTERPRETATION All indications revealed by magnetic particle inspection shall be
OF^TBST RESULTS: interpreted by experienced N.D.T. (Magnetic Crack Detection ) staff.

0. ACEEPTAMCB No cracks shall be allowed. Refer Corporate Sla>*3ai-d A A 085 Ol 19.



1. GENERALS Given below are tHe radiation sources, types of tilms, procedures and acceptance
standard which would be followed in general tor the radiography of *
fabrications. The radiation source, type of film and procedure that would be
employed tor a particular Job (or a part of it) would depend on its nature.
2. RADIATION The radiographlc examination shall be carried out by any one of the following
SOURCE* radiation sources.
i) X -Ray equipment
. ii) IT 192 ISOtope
ill) ^Tobolt 60 Isotope
Maximum source .size selected shall be 4 x 4 mm size.
3. FILMSi Films shall be of good quality and selected out of following brandsi
Kodak C54, D54, Agfo- Gayert D5, D7, D10
INDU NOT 55, 65, 70. -


. Hot less than 16 times the throat thickness of the weld except
for throat thickness exceeding 38 mm where the minimum S.F.D.
would be 600 mm.
4*2 Penetraaeter & Sensitivity, i
As per ASMS.
4.3 Density
1.8 to 4
4.4 Screen
5. ACCEPTANCE 5.1 General
The veld shall be of good appearance and free from cracks or
other imperfections that would impair its strength or serviceability
as outlined below. The deposited metal shall have a smooth uniform
appearance and contour and shall blend with no sharp notches to
the parent metal.
5.2 Unacceptable defects
Crater cracks which do not extend beyond the limits of the fin<*l
weld crater will be acceptable. All other cracks or crack like
• defects will be unacceptable*
Lack of fusion or penetration in welds designed to be fully penetrated.
Any under-cut that Is deeper than 'T'/25 or 1.6 mm (which-ever is
smaller) is unacceptable. Where *T* indicates the thickness of the
plate. -.
Linear slag Inclusions in excess of the following.
Unacceptable if the individual slag line is longer than 2/3T. The
max. length of individual acceptable imperfection shall be 19 mm.
Any Imperfection shorter than 6 ma shall be acceptable for any
plate thickness*.
Any group of slag inclusions in line with an aggregate length
greater than'T'in a length of 6T (or proportionately for weld length
shorter than 61) is unacceptable except when the distance between
the sucessive imperfections exceeds 3L where »L' is the length of
the longest imperfection in'the group.
Porosity shall be assessed as per the porosity charts given in ASMS.
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 1986 Section VIII.
1. GENERAL * This weld repair procedure shall be followed in the manual metal arc
welding-of carbon steel in groove and fillet welds.
2. PROCESS OP Manual metal arc wolding process,*hall be followed.
WttttHOi . .
-._- carbon steel (IS:226 Qrader Pe 410-S (AA 10108) and JSi2002
2n5v» Grade 2A (AA 10401) as per group PI of ASME Boiler and pressure
«E*Al» vessel code.
4. ELECTRODES* ._NPC approved electrode shall be unrrl for rertlf icati on.
5. POSITIONS • Welding shall bo done in IG, 2G & 3G positions i.o. in downhand, horizontal
and vertical positions.
6. PREPARATION Defective weld portions will be gouged out either by machining, «>r grinding
FOR UKLDINOs or by Carbon-Arc- Air process.
In case of carbon - arc - air process groove shall be ground to .a smooth
finish. Groove shall be dye - tested for any surface defects.
7* ELECTRICAL AC/DC shall be used.
8* PRB-fiEAT i Before welding pro-heat at 100°C.
®* ra^MM* ** *tress relieving will be done for weld repair of minor nature (e.g.weld
TREATMENT I Of gj^ 50 „„, long x 25 mm wide x 25 mm deep) and also weld repair for
plates up to 38 mm thick. (This is in conformity with ASMS Code - Section
VIII UCS-56). For plates thicker than 38 mm stress relieving will be done-
either locally or in a closed furnace depending upon shop convenience. Local
stress relieving will be carried out at the following minimum holding
temperature and -time. . •
Minimum holding Minimum holding
Temperature (C) time in hours per
25 mm of thickness
600°; 1
565° 2
534° 3
510°. 5
482° 10
Note t 1. Please see note 1 to Table UCS-56 of ASMS So ctlon_VIII.
2, Normally, the stress relieving operation shall be carried out In
a closed furnace. Local stress relieving will bo resorted only
in the circumstances where either it becomes imperative for
maintaining the manufacturing schedule or where the amount of
the weld repair involved is not major. In local stress relieving,
temperature will be checked by templl-stlck and heating will be
done by a kerosene blower/blue water gas burner/oxy-acetylene
heating torch/cooper heating elements. The temperature shall
be -maintained by adjusting the flame and covering the surrounding
area by asbestos blanket.

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