Weld Quality and Inspection Requirbments For Ip Cylinder Fabrications For 236 MW Turbine
Weld Quality and Inspection Requirbments For Ip Cylinder Fabrications For 236 MW Turbine
Weld Quality and Inspection Requirbments For Ip Cylinder Fabrications For 236 MW Turbine
I* GENERALi Thia standard . governs the veld quality and Inspection requirements
for L.'P.cy Under fabrications.
?• WELD Welds shall be Inspected as indicated below ( Clause 6) to the Acceptance
QUALITY! Standards defined In Annexure n (applicable only for welds subjected to
X-ray) of this.document.
All welding shall be done by a Welder qualified in that position ,
Where it is difficult to achieve the position, the matter shall be referred
to MFC Inspector and his consent shall be obtained before starting welding.
J. WELDER'S Welders required shall be qualified as per ASME stclioia .}X.
i. ELKTRODESi A Low hydrogen' Iron power type Mild Steel electrode conforming to
Spec. AWSi E 7018 approved by Customer shall be used. Electrode shall be
dried in an electric oven at 2$0°C for one hour and stored at 1?0 C for use.
S. PROCEDURE Procedure required shall be qualified as per ASMS Section DC.
7. ACCEPTANCE 7.1 For dye penetrant test of root runs and final fillet welds which are
STANDARDS* subjected to differential pressure refer TP 0032 where no detects are
7.2 For back chipping Dye Penetration and tor final we Id examination by Dye
penetration and MPI refer AA 085 01 29.
7.3 For radiographic examination)refer clause 5 of Annexure II.
7.4 For ultrasonic examination refer clause 11 of BP 085 01 97.
8. MEIO Meld shall be rectified in all cases where unacceptable defects have been
The weld repair shall be done in accordance with the procedure detailed
in Annexure III*
In all cases where' rectification by welding is necessary, due consideration
shall be given to the need for further stress relieving heat treatment and
shall take into account the extent of weld rectification, the dimensional
accuracy and the operating reliability and safety of the fabrication. The
decision will be the responsibility of the Steam Turbine Engineering