D (T) QT,: (E, D, B H. - M (E

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9 Examples 417

dpo E.v E-v

- d t- -
4 c
, i.e. d(T)=qT,
dt c

and so

We see that the 4-form

K" = qFap,p
is the Lorentz force supplemented by the power as the additional fourth
In the case of the macroscopic Maxwell equations we have to distinguish
between (E,B) and (D,H). Evidently we need only to make the following
substitutions in the above equations: E -+ D,B -+ H. The equations then
describe macroscopic averages of the atomic properties. In this reformulation,
the polarisation P and magnetisation -M can be combined like (E,3) and
(D,H) to form an antisymmetric tensor of the second rank, and acquire their
physical significance as macroscopic averages of atomic properties in the rest
frame of the medium.
In the force-free case
du" d2x"
-= 0 , i.e. -= 0
dr dr2
in agreement with d2x"/dr2 = 0 for constant velocity of a particle in an
inertial frame. In curvilinear coordinate systems we have (also for K = 0)
d2u"/dT2 # 0, and one says, the coefficients of the metric act as potentials
of fictitious forces.

17.9 Examples
Example 17.1: Gauge invariance
Is the theory defined by the Lagrangian

L= -munu"
+ euuAa
gauge invariant?

Solution: The gauge transformation is

A" + A" - sax, x = x(&) arbitrary.

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