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250 CHAPTER 11.


For IS = 0 we have k real; i.e. the wave is not damped, and the medium is
said to be “transparent” (allows radiation to pass through).
We now put
k = Ikleip,
and find


The (generalised) refractive index is defined as the quantity

Hence for the vacuum we have (0= 0):
p = fit, i.e. p = 1 and k = -. (11.35)

11.4 Kinematical Aspects of Reflection and

Refraction: Snell’s Law
11.4.1 Preliminary Remarks
We now consider reflection and refraction of a wave at a boundary surface
between two media (1)and (2) as indicated in Fig. 11.5 which are not metals.
For the our kinematical considerations here we make the following as-
(a) there are no surface charges or surface currents,

(b) both media have conductivity 0 = 0,t (i.e. are transparent),

(c) in order that B = p H be valid, the media are assumed not to be

ferromagnetic ( B = p H is not valid for these!),

(d) the incident wave is a plane wave with

E = Eoei(k.r-wt) (11.36)

(in the case of a plane wave f (r,t ) := k . r - wt = const., k = V f (r, t ) ) .

+Metals will be treated in Chapter 12. Most of the considerations here for u = 0 are also valid
# 0 and finite. Then also the surface current density K = 0.
for u

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