Magne Tostatics: B (R) - K'V (IR)
Magne Tostatics: B (R) - K'V (IR)
Magne Tostatics: B (R) - K'V (IR)
where R is the change of the solid angle of the conductor loop at P. The solution of the last
equation is therefore
B(r) = -k'V(IR). (5.39)
(b) We now consider a circular conductor of radius a. The problem is to determine the solid
angle subtended by the circular conductor at the point P in Fig. 5.17(b). We determine this by
calculating the area FS of the spherical shell (centre P , radius d w ) , which has the conductor
as boundary. We obtain this area from the corresponding part of the area of the corresponding
cylindrical envelope dashed in Fig. 5.17(b). It can be shown that these two areas are equal)
Fig. 5.17 (b) The spherical shell and its cylindrical envelope (dashed).
Fs = (2n x cylindrical radius) x cylinder height,
FS = 2nJz2 +
az(Jz2 + a2 - 2).
It follows that
area Fs
R= ~
- -
(radius)2 ( d w . ) 2- 2n
llTo this end one considers the ring-shaped area of the spherical shell of radius a (in Fig. 5.17(b)
this radius is d m )with ring radius 2na sin0 and ring width ds. This radius multiplied by the
arc length ds gives the area 2nasinQ. ds = 2nadx; the latter expression is the area of an element
of the enveloping cylinder. This relation can also be found in the literature, e.g. in K.E. Bullen,
An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanics (Science Press, Sydney, 1951), p. 171.