Msci Examination: Phy-415 (Msci 4242) Relativistic Waves and Quantum Fields
Msci Examination: Phy-415 (Msci 4242) Relativistic Waves and Quantum Fields
Msci Examination: Phy-415 (Msci 4242) Relativistic Waves and Quantum Fields
Time: 10:00 AM
(a) Give an informal derivation of the Dirac equation and motivate the form of its ansatz.
Derive the continuity equation of the Dirac equation and show that the probability density
is given by ρ = Ψ† Ψ. What is the main difference between the probability densities of
the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation?
(b) Find all plane wave solutions of the Dirac equation for a particle at rest, i.e. p~ = 0. (Hint
use the explicit form of the Dirac matrices given in the formula sheet.) Give a physical
interpretation of the solutions. State two alternative methods to generate solutions with
arbitrary spatial momentum p~.
(c) Consider the covariant form of the Dirac equation. Assume that Ψ transforms under a
Lorentz transformation as Ψ(x) → Ψ0 (x0 ) = S(Λ)Ψ(x), with x0 = Λx and S(Λ) a four-
by-four matrix. Show that the Dirac equation is form invariant (and hence covariant)
S −1 (Λ)γ ν S(Λ) = Λν µ γ µ .
(d) Consider adding a term proportional to Fµν γ µ γ ν Ψ to the covariant form of the Dirac
equation, where Fµν is the electromagnetic field strength tensor. Is such a term compatible
with the covariance of the Dirac equation? Would it change Dirac’s prediction of the
anomalous magnetic moment of the electron?
(a) Define the helicity of a particle. What is the form of the helicity operator for a Dirac
(b) Describe (in words) how we have to modify the solutions of the Dirac equation to be able
to describe massless neutrinos and anti-neutrinos.
(c) Consider negative energy, plane wave solutions of the Dirac equation (using the above
Dirac matrices)
ip·x φ
Ψ=e ,
where φ and χ denote two component column spinors. Derive equations for φ and χ for
non-zero mass.
(d) Derive the equations for φ and χ in the massless case (m = 0). What are the helicities of
φ and χ?
(e) Show how to construct spinors to describe massless anti-neutrinos with helicity + 12 in
terms of a negative energy solution of the massless Dirac equation.
(c) How does the Dirac equation in the presence of an electromagnetic field (as derived in
Question 3(a)) transform under charge conjugation C, where C acts trivially on space time
coordinates and on the wavefunction as Ψ → ΨC = Cγ 0 Ψ∗ with C = iγ 2 γ 0 ? (Derivation
is required.)
(You may assume that C † = −C, C 2 = −I, Cγ 0 (γ µ )∗ = −γ µ (Cγ 0 ), γ 0 Cγ 0 = −C and
γ µ C = −C (γ µ )T where T denotes transpose and † denotes Hermitian conjugation. You
may also assume that γ5† = γ5T = γ5 and {γ µ , γ5 } = 0.)
(b) The free, neutral Klein Gordon field may be expanded in the form
d3 k
Z h i
φ= a( ~k) e−ik·x + a† (~k) eik·x ,
2E~k (2π)3
p h i h i
with E~k = + ~k 2 + m2 . Show that the commutation relations a(~k), a(~k 0 ) = a† (~k), a† (~k 0 ) =
h i
0, and a(~k), a† (~k 0 ) = (2π)3 2E~k δ (3) (~k − ~k 0 ) imply the equal time commutation relation
(c) The Hamiltonian for the real Klein-Gordon field can be written in the form
d3 k
1 h
~ † ~ † ~ ~
H= E~ a(k)a (k) + a (k)a(k) .
2 2E~k (2π)3 k
Show that the vacuum expectation value of the Hamiltonian, i.e. the vacuum energy
h0|H|0i is infinite, where the vacuum state is defined as the state for which a(~k)|0i = 0
for all ~k. Describe the prescription with which this infinity is removed in quantum field
h i h i
(d) Show that H, a† (~k) = E~k a† (~k) and H, a(~k) = −E~k a(~k). Hence, what is the physical
interpretation of the operators a† (~k) and a(~k)?
(e) Describe qualitatively what goes wrong if we try to quantise Dirac fermions using equal
time commutation relations and state how the quantisation procedure has to be modified
to avoid the problems?
(a) Assume that the Hamiltonian H is split up in a free and interacting part as H = H0 +Hint .
The interaction Hamiltonian in the interaction picture is given as
Show that a state |ψ(t)iI in the interaction picture obeys the Schrödinger equation
i = HI (t)|ψ(t)iI .
(Note that states and operators in the Schrödinger picture (subscript S) and in the
interaction picture (subscript I) are related as: |ψ(t)iI = eiH0 t |ψ(t)iS and OI (t) =
eiH0 t OS e−iH0 t .)
where U (t, t0 ) is the unitary time evolution operator with U (t1 , t2 )U (t2 , t3 ) = U (t1 , t3 ).
Hence, find a differential equation for U (t, t0 ) and from that the integral representation of
this equation imposing the condition U (t, t) = 1. Solve the integral equation for U (t, t0 )
iteratively. Without proof, write down Dyson’s formula for U (t, t0 ).
(c) State how the S-matrix (operator) S is related to the operator U (t, t0 ). Give a definition
of initial and final states in a scattering process and write S-matrix elements or scattering
amplitudes in terms of S, initial states and final states. Give a qualitative description
of how physical cross sections are obtained from a given S-matrix element or scattering
4-vector notation:
1 0 0 0
0 −1 0 0
a · b = aµ bµ = aµ bµ = aµ bν gµν = aµ bν g µν with gµν = g µν =
0 0 −1 0
0 0 0 −1
xµ = (t, ~x) , xµ = (t, −~x)
µ ∂ ∂ ~ ∂ ∂ ~
∂ = = , −∇ , ∂µ = = , ∇ , pbµ = i∂ µ , pbµ = i∂µ
∂xµ ∂t ∂xµ ∂t
p · pb + m2 )ψ = (∂µ ∂ µ + m2 )ψ = ( + m2 )ψ = 0
Klein-Gordon equation: (−b
Free Dirac equation in Hamiltonian form: i ∂t α·b
Ψ = (~ p~ + βm)Ψ, or in covariant form:
(αi )2 = I , i = 1, 2, 3; β 2 = I; αi αj + αj αi = 0 , i 6= j; αi β + βαi = 0 , i 6= j;
γ 0 = β, γ i = βαi , {γ µ , γ ν } = 2g µν I ,
γ5 = iγ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3
Dirac representation:
i 0 σi I 0
α = , i = 1, 2, 3 , β = ,
σi 0 0 −I