Bi-Polynomial Rank and Determinantal Complexity
Bi-Polynomial Rank and Determinantal Complexity
Bi-Polynomial Rank and Determinantal Complexity
Akihiro Yabe
The permanent vs. determinant problem is one of the most important problems
in theoretical computer science, and is the main target of geometric complexity
theory proposed by Mulmuley and Sohoni. The current best lower bound for the
determinantal complexity of the d by d permanent polynomial is d2 /2, due to Mignon
and Ressayre in 2004. Inspired by their proof method, we introduce a natural rank
concept of polynomials, called the bi-polynomial rank. The bi-polynomial rank is re-
lated to width of an arithmetic branching program. We prove that the bi-polynomial
rank gives a lower bound of the determinantal complexity. As a consequence, the
above Mignon and Ressayre bound is improved to (d − 1)2 + 1 over the field of reals.
We show that the computation of the bi-polynomial rank is formulated as a rank
minimization problem. We propose a computational approach for giving a lower
bound of this rank minimization, via techniques of the concave minimization. This
also yields a new strategy to attack the permanent vs. determinant problem.
1 Introduction
The determinant det(A) and the permanent perm(A) of a square matrix A = (ai,j ) of
size d are defined by
X d
det(A) := sign(σ) ai,σ(i) ,
σ∈Sd i=1
perm(A) := ai,σ(i) ,
σ∈Sd i=1
Definition 1.1 (see [10]). The determinantal complexity dc(p) of p ∈ K[x] is defined as
the minimum number n such that there exists an affine polynomial matrix Q ∈ (K[x])n×n
p = det(Q).
Conjecture 1.2. Over a field K of characteristic not equal to two, it holds that
dc(permd ) = dω(log d) .
Theorem 1.3 (Mignon and Ressayre [10]). Over a field K of characteristic zero, it
holds that
dc(permd ) ≥ .
Improving this bound is one of the most prominent issues in the literature. Cai,
Chen and Li [3] proved that dc(permd ) ≥ (d − 2)(d − 3)/2 over any field K of charac-
teristic not equal to two. Mulmuley and Sohoni [11] proposed a magnificent program,
called geometric complexity theory (GCT), to obtain super-polynomial lower bounds by
utilizing deep techniques of algebraic geometry and representation theory (also, see [6,
Chapter 13]). In the context of GCT, Landsberg, Manivel and Ressayre [7] proved that
the same lower bound d2 /2 holds for the orbit closure version dc of the determinantal
Theorem 1.5. For a polynomial p ∈ K[x], k ∈ [1, D], and x0 ∈ Zeros(p), it holds that
dc(p) ≥ b-rank(p(2k)
x0 ) − 2(k − 1)D
We will see in Section 2.2 that every generic polynomial p ∈ K[x](2k) has the bi-
polynomial rank at least k!D k /2(2k)!. This means that the bi-polynomial rank has a
potential to give Ω((d2 )k ) lower bound to dc(permd ) for every k. A direct implication
to the permanent vs. determinant problem is the following.
In the case k = 1, our approach sharpens the Hessian approach by Mignon and
Ressayre. We will see in Section 3.1 that Theorem 1.5 directly implies Theorem 1.3.
Furthermore, over the field R, our approach improves the quadratic bound as follows.
dc(permd ) ≥ (d − 1)2 + 1.
Bounding b-rank via concave minimization. In the case k ≥ 2, the direct calcula-
tion of the bi-polynomial rank is still difficult. We propose the following computational
procedure to bound the bi-polynomial rank over R. Let Symn and Psdn denote the
sets of real symmetric and positive semidefinite matrices of size n, respectively. Suppose
p ∈ R[x](2k) . We will show that b-rank(p) is at least the half
of the minimum rank of a
matrix of size n = 2sk in Xp ∩ Psdn , where sk := k and Xp is an affine subspace
in Symn explicitly represented by linear equations determined by the coefficients of p;
see the concrete definition in Section 2.1. Thus b-rank(p) is more than r/2 if the sum
µn−r (X) of the smallest n − r eigenvalues of X is positive for all X ∈ Xp ∩ Psdn . It
is known that the function X 7→ µn−r (X) is concave on Symn . A well-known fact in
concave function minimization theory [13] tells us that if we know a polyhedral convex
set P ⊆ Symn containing Xp ∩ Psdn , then the minimum of µn−r is attained by extreme
points of P. Thus, the positivity of µn−r for all these extreme points is a certificate of
b-rank(p) ≥ r/2.
Related work. The bi-polynomial rank b-rank(px0 ) can be interpreted as the mini-
mum width of the kth layer of an arithmetic branching program (ABP) computing px0 .
Since the determinant polynomial of a matrix of size n has an ABPq
with width at most
n2 [8], it directly follows that a simple but weaker bound dc(p) ≥ b-rank(px0 ). We
include the detailed discussion in Section 2.3. Our bound shows the possibility to prove
dc(permd ) = Ω(d4 ) by considering forth derivatives permd,Xd of permd , which seems
significantly simpler than considering eighth derivatives.
Our proof method of Theorem 1.5 is first considering a normal form of an affine
polynomial matrix Q, and then constructing an ABP of det(Q)(2k) with small width
using an exhaustive construction of low-degree terms. Such an exhaustive construction
implicitly appears in the area of depth reduction of arithmetic circuits [19].
Nisan [12] considered the rank of a matrix defined by partial derivatives of non-
commutative determinant, and proved an exponential lower bound of the size of ABP of
non-commutative determinant. This implies an exponential lower bound of the size of
non-commutative formulas for determinant. We consider the bi-polynomial rank, which
is width of ABP, and formulate the bi-polynomial rank as the minimum matrix-rank over
an affine subset of matrices. Therefore our approach may be viewed as a commutative
analogue of Nisan’s approach.
The difficulty of lower bound problems come from that of proving non-existence of
certain objects. The essential idea in GCT [11] is to flip the non-existence of embeddings
into the existence of representation-theoretical obstructions. Our approach might yield
a comparable optimization-theoretic flip strategy for the permanent vs. determinant
problem: for proving dc(permd ) = Ω(d2k ),
Though much still remains to be unsettled, we hope that our approach will bring a new
inspiration and trigger a new attack to this extremely difficult lower bound issue.
Theorem 2.1. For p ∈ K[x](2k) , b-rank(p) is equal to the optimum value of the following
Minimize rank(Q)
subject to p(x) = v(x)⊤ Qv(x),
Q ∈ Matsk (K).
Proof. Suppose that Qopt attains the optimum value. First we prove thatPb-rank(p) ≤
rank(Qopt ). Let r := rank(Qopt ). We can represent Qopt as a sum Qopt = ri=1 f i g ⊤ i of
rank one matrices f i g ⊤
i , where f i and g i are s k -dimensional vectors for i = 1, 2, . . . , r.
Then we have
p(x) = v(x)⊤ Qopt v(x) = (f ⊤ ⊤
i v(x))(g i v(x)).
Observe that the feasible region of the above problem is an affine subspace of the
set of matrices. We give similar formulations over symmetric and positive semidefinite
matrices over R.
Corollary 2.2. For p ∈ R[x](2k) , b-rank(p) is at least the half of the optimum value of
the following problem:
Minimize rank(Q)
subject to p(x) = v(x)⊤ Qv(x),
Q ∈ Symsk .
Proof. Consider the optimum solution Q′ ∈ Matn (R) of the corresponding optimiza-
tion problem in Theorem 2.1. Then it holds that b-rank(p) = rank(Q′ ). Since Q =
(Q′ + Q′⊤ )/2 is a feasible solution of the above problem and rank(Q′ ) ≥ rank(Q)/2, the
statement holds.
Corollary 2.3. For p ∈ R[x](2k) , b-rank(p) is at least the half of the optimum value of
the following problem:
Proof. Since any symmetric matrix Q ∈ Symn can be uniquely represented as the differ-
ence Q = Q+ − Q− of the two positive semidefinite matrices Q+ , Q− ∈ Psdn satisfying
rank(Q) = rank(Q+ ) + rank(Q− ), the statement follows from Corollary 2.2.
This π is a linear projection. For q ∈ K[x](2k) , Theorem 2.1 shows that b-rank(q) ≤ r if
and only if there exists X ∈ K sk such that rank(X) ≤ r and π(X) = q. Thus it follows
that S = π(Zr ). As the Zariski closure of the linear projection of the irreducible variety
Zr , S = π(Zr ) is irreducible and its dimension is at most r(2sk − r).
From Theorem 2.4, we can obtain a lower bound of the bi-polynomial rank for generic
Proposition 2.5. For a polynomial p ∈ C[x](2k) with algebraically independent coeffi-
cients over Q, it holds that b-rank(p) ≥ k!D k /2(2k)!.
This lower bound is asymptotically tight if k is a constant.
Proposition 2.6. For any polynomial p ∈ K[x](2k) , it holds that b-rank(p) ≤ sk ≤ D k .
This proposition immediately follows from Lemma 5.6.
The next statement is a well-known result.
Theorem 2.11 (Mahajan and Vinay [8]). Let A ∈ (K[x])n×n be a linear polynomial
matrix, and r ∈ [1, n − 2]. Then there exists an ABP A over K[x] such that A computes
the coefficient of λn−r in det(A(x) + λI) and satisfying wk (A) ≤ n2 for all k ∈ [1, r − 1].
Proof of Proposition 2.7. By Lemma 2.8, there exists a linear polynomial matrix A ∈
(K[x])n×n and α ∈ R such that px0 (x) = α det(A(x) + I). Then px0 is equal to the
coefficient of λn−2k in α det(A(x) + λI). Then by Theorem 2.11, there exists an ABP
A with wk (A) ≤ n2 which computes px0 (x)(2k) . By Fact 2.10, we have b-rank(px0 ) ≤
wk (px0 ) ≤ wk (A) ≤ n2 = dc(p)2 .
This is the same matrix appearing in the proof of Theorem 1.3 in [10].
An alternative proof of Theorem 1.3. For any p ∈ K[x] and x0 ∈ Zeros(p), we have
(2) 1 X ∂2
px0 (x) = xi xj p .
2 ∂xi ∂xj x=x0
We define the Hessian Hp,x0 = (hi,j ) of p at x0 by hi,j := ∂xi ∂xj p
. By definition,
(2) P PD m
b-rank(px0 ) is equal to the minimum number n of bilinear forms ( D m
l=1 bl xl )( l=1 cl xl )
(m = 1, 2, . . . , n) whose sum is equal to px0 . We define
Pthe rank one matrices Am = (am i,j )
m m m n
for m = 1, 2, . . . , n, by ai,j := bi cj . Let A := m=1 Am , and then it holds that
(2) 1
A + A⊤ = Hp,x0 . Therefore we have b-rank(px0 ) ≥ rank(A) ≥ 2 rank(Hp,x0 ). By
Theorem 1.3, by putting k = 1 it holds that
dc(p) ≥ b-rank(p(2)
x0 ) ≥ rank(Hp,x0 ).
In the case of p = permd , Mignon and Ressayre proved rank(Hpermd ,Σd ) = d2 . Thus
Theorem 1.3 follows from our Theorem 1.5.
3.2 Lower bound of dc(permd ) over the field R
Theorem 1.7 improves the current best lower bound given by Mignon and Ressayre.
We present the proof in this section. Given a symmetric matrix, we denote by a tuple
(n+ , n− , n0 ) the signature of the matrix, that is, the number of positive, negative, zero
eigenvalues, respectively. If symmetric matrices S and S ′ have the same signature, we
denote S ∼ S ′ . By Sylvester’s law of inertia, S ∼ S ′ if and only if S ∼ T ST ⊤ for a
nonsingular matrix T . We use the next lemma.
Lemma 3.1. Let Q ∈ Matn (R), Qsym := Q + Q⊤ , and (n+ , n− , n0 ) be the signature of
Qsym . Then it holds that rank(Q) ≥ max{n+ , n− }.
n+ n+
⊤ ⊤
2u Qu = u Qsym u = a2i v ⊤
i Qv i = a2i λi > 0.
i=1 i=1
The above inequality shows that Qu 6= 0 for all nonzero vectors u in n+ -dimensional
space V+ , and therefore rank(Q) ≥ n+ . The same argument is also true for eigenvectors
with negative eigenvalues, and it holds that rank(Q) ≥ n− .
Proof of Theorem 1.7. From Theorem 1.5, for k = 1 we obtain that dc(permd ) ≥
b-rank(permd,Σd ) over R. We consider that a matrix A = (a(i,j),(i′ ,j ′ ) ) of size d2 is
indexed by pairs of integers (i, j), (i′ , j ′ ) where i, j, i′ , j ′ ∈ [1, d]. Since
(2) 1 X ∂ permd
permd,Σd (x) = xi,j xi′ ,j ′ ,
2 ∂xi,j ∂xi′ ,j ′ x=Σd
′ ′i,j,i ,j ∈[1,d]
Minimize rank(Q)
subject to Q + Q⊤ = H,
Q ∈ Matd2 (R).
Let Qopt be an optimum solution of the above problem. By Theorem 2.1 we have
b-rank(permd,Σd ) = rank(Qopt ). Let (n+ , n− , n0 ) be the signature of H ∈ Symd2 . Since
Qopt + Q⊤
opt = H by Lemma 3.1 it follows that rank(Qopt ) ≥ n− . Therefore we obtain
dc(permd ) ≥ b-rank(permd,Σd ) = rank(Qopt ) ≥ n− .
We are going to prove n− = (d − 1)2 + 1. As in [10], H can be calculated as
O B ··· B C
. ..
B . . . . . . ..
.. . . . O B
H = (d − 3)! ,
B ··· B O C
C ··· C C O
where B and C are the following matrices of size d:
0 −2 · · · −2 d − 2
. . .. .. 0 1
··· 1
−2 .. .. . . . . ..
1 0 . .
B= . .. , C = (d − 2) .
. 0 −2 d − 2 .. . . . .
. . . 1
−2 · · · −2 0 d−2
1 ··· 1 0
d − 2 ··· d − 2 d − 2 0
Let Sd be the symmetric matrix of size d defined as follows.
0 1 ··· 1
. . ..
1 0 . .
Sd := .. .. ..
. . . 1
1 ··· 1 0
Then it holds that B ∼ −Sd and C ∼ Sd . Let Id be the identity matrix of size d. The
signature of Sd is (1, d − 1, 0), since the rank of the matrix (Sd + Id ) is one with the
nonzero eigenvalue d. Define a nonsingular matrix T of size d2 as follows.
Id O ··· ··· O
.. .. ..
O Id . . .
T :=
.. .. .. .. .. .
. . . .
O O ··· Id O
1 1 1
− d−2 CB −1 − d−2 CB −1 · · · − d−2 CB −1 Id
Then H ∼ T HT ⊤ , where
O B ··· O O
. . .. ..
B O . . .
T Qsym T ⊤ .
= .. . . . . . . B
B ··· B O O
O · · · · · · O − d−2 CB −1 C
Let H ′ be the upper-left principal submatrix of T HT ⊤ of size d(d − 1), which is repre-
sented as follows.
O B ··· B
.. .
B O . ..
Q′ = .. . . ..
. . . B
B ··· C O
Denote by (l+ , l− , l0 ) and (m+ , m− , m0 ) the signatures of (−CB −1 C) and H ′ , respec-
tively. Then it holds that n− = l− +m− . Since −CB −1 C ∼ −(BC −1 )(CBC)(BC −1 )⊤ =
−B ∼ Sd , l− is equal to d − 1. On the other hand, it holds that H ′ = Sd−1 ⊗ C, where
⊗ denote the Kronecker product. Since the set of eigenvalues of Sd−1 ⊗ B consists of
the products of all pair of eigenvalues of Sd−1 and B, the signature of Sd−1 ⊗ B is
(2d − 3, (d − 2)(d − 1) + 1, 0). Therefore we have n− = (d − 1) + ((d − 2)(d − 1) + 1) =
(d − 1)2 + 1.
Lemma 4.1. Let X ⊆ Psdn , and r ∈ N. Then rank(X ) > r if and only if µn−r (X) > 0
for all X ∈ X .
This statement suggests the way to solve the rank minimization problem over positive
semidefinite matrices by minimizing µl over the feasible region. The computation of µl
is formulated as the optimum solution of a semidefinite programming.
Proposition 4.2 (See [1, Section 4.1]). Let A ∈ Symn and l ∈ [1, n]. Then µl (A) is
equal to the optimum value of the following problem:
Minimize tr(AX)
subject to tr(X) = l,
X, I − X ∈ Psdn .
Corollary 4.3. Let Y ∈ Symn . Then µl (Y ) is at least lz − tr(Z) for Z ∈ Psdn and
z ∈ R satisfying (Y + Z − zI) ∈ Psdn .
Proof. Observe that the following optimization problem is the dual of the problem in
Proposition 4.2.
Maximize lz − tr(Z)
subject to z ∈ R,
Z, Y + Z − zI ∈ Psdn .
By the weak duality of semidefinite programming, for any feasible solution (Z, z) ∈
Psdn × R, the objective value lz − tr(Z) is at most µl (Y ).
Corollary 4.4 (See [1, Section 4.1]). For l ∈ [1, n], µl : Symn → R is a concave
Proof. Let X, Y ∈ Symn . Denote by prb(Y ) the optimization problem in Proposition 4.2
for Y . Then an optimum solution of prb( X+Y
2 ) is a feasible solution of both prb(X) and
prb(Y ), and therefore the optimum value of prb( X+Y
2 ) is at least the average of optimum
values of prb(X) and prb(Y ). By Proposition 4.2, this indicates that 21 (µl (X)+µl (Y )) ≤
µl ( X+Y
2 ).
In the theory of the concave minimization, the outer approximation approach [5, 15]
(see also [13]) obtain a lower bound of the minimum of a given concave function by
approximating the feasible region from outside. Given a set Y ⊆ Symn , we denote by
conv(Y) the convex hull of Y. In general, given a concave function f over Y, it holds
that minY ∈Y f (Y ) = minY ∈conv(Y) f (Y ). Therefore the next statement holds.
Theorem 4.5. Let X ⊆ Psdn and r ∈ N. If there exists Y ⊆ Symn satisfying the
following property, then rank(X ) > r.
(i) X ⊆ conv(Y).
(ii) µn−r (Y ) > 0 for all Y ∈ Y.
Proof. Since µn−r is a concave function, 0 < minY ∈Y µn−r (Y ) = minY ∈conv(Y) µn−r (Y ) ≤
minX∈X µn−r (X). By Lemma 4.1, µn−r (X) > 0 for all X ∈ X implies rank(X ) > r.
To utilize Theorem 4.5 for lower bounds of the bi-polynomial rank, we prove Propo-
sition 1.8.
Proof. The statement directly follows from Proposition 1.8 and Corollary 4.3.
4.2 An explicit representation of Xperm(2k)
The previous section discusses a general framework for giving lower bounds of the bi-
polynomial rank. In the framework, to calculate b-rank(p) of p ∈ K[x](2k) , we consider
the minimum of the concave function µ2sk −r over Xp ∩ Psd2sk . Our final target is to
obtain lower bounds of dc(permd ). In this section, we fix p = permd,Σd , and give an
explicit representation of a projection Z2k of Xp . p is a multilinear polynomial, and to
extract this feature, we define the subset Jk,d2 := Ik,d2 ∩ {0, 1}d of d2 -tuples. Define
d′ := d − 1. Observe that Σd has good symmetry except for dth row/column. For
I = (i1,1 , i1,2 , . . . , id′ ,d′ ) ∈ Jk,d′ 2 , we define ι(I) ∈ Jk,d2 by the insertion of zeros into the
entries not in Jk,d′ 2 . More concretely,
ι(i1,1 , i1,2 , . . . , id′ ,d′ ) := (i1,1 , . . . , i1,d−1 , 0, i2,1 , . . . , id′ ,d′ , 0, . . . , 0).
Let tk be the cardinality of Jk,d′ 2 . Then we define the projection π : Symsk → Symtk by
π(Y )I,J := αYι(I),ι(J) for I, J ∈ Jk,d′ 2 , where α := − 2k(d−2k−1)! is a constant. We define
Z2k ⊆ Symtk × Symtk as a projection of Xp as follows:
Observe that this affine space Z2k is represented by simple linear equations with coeffi-
cients in {0, ±1}.
Lemma 5.1. Let p ∈ K[x] with dc(p) = n. Then, for all x0 ∈ Zeros(p), there exist a
linear polynomial matrix A ∈ (K[x])n×n and r ∈ [0, n − 1] such that px0 (x) = det(A(x) +
Λrn ).
Proof. From the definition of the determinantal complexity, there exists an affine polyno-
mial matrix Q ∈ (K[x])n×n such that p = det(Q). In particular, given any x0 ∈ Zeros(p)
it follows that px0 (x) = det(Q(x + x0 )). Observe that det(Q(x0 )) = px0 (0) = 0 and
rank(Q(x0 )) ≤ n − 1. Let r ∈ [0, n − 1] be the rank of Q(x0 ). Then there exist nonsingu-
lar matrices S, T of size n such that SQ(x0 )T = Λrn and det(ST ) = 1. Since Q is an affine
polynomial matrix, we can represent Q(x + x0 ) = L(x) + Q(x0 ) where L ∈ (K[x])n×n is
a linear polynomial matrix. We have
det(Q(x + x0 )) = det(L(x) + Q(x0 )) = det(S(L(x) + Q(x0 ))T ) = det(SL(x)T + Λrn ).
Since SL(x)T is also a linear polynomial matrix, we define A(x) := SL(x)T , and then
the statement follows.
Proof. (i), let i := n − r. We prove the statement by the induction on i. The case
i = 1 directly follows from Proposition 5.2. Suppose that for i ≤ 2k − 1, the statement
holds. Denote by A′ ∈ K[x]n−1×n−1 the linear polynomial matrix obtained by deleting
the (i + 1)th row and column of A. Since determinant is a bi-linear form, we have
det(A(x) + Λnn−i ) = det(A(x) + Λnn−(i+1) ) + det(A′ (x) + Λn−1 ),
and therefore pA,2k,n−(i+1) = pA,2k,n−i − pA′ ,2k,(n−1)−i . By inductive hypothesis, we have
where sign(I) ∈ {1, −1}. Since det(BI ), det(BI¯) ∈ K[x](k) for all I ⊆ [1, 2k] with |I| = k,
we have b-rank(pA,2k,r ) ≤ 2k
k .
We give a proof of Theorem 1.5.
Proof of Theorem 1.5. Suppose that dc(p) = n. By Lemma 5.1, for all x0 ∈ Zeros(p),
there exist a linear polynomial matrix A ∈ (K[x])n×n and r ∈ [0, n − 1] such that
px0 (x) = det(A(x) + Λrn ). Then px0 (x) = (det(A(x) + Λrn ))(2k) = pA,2k,r . If r < n − 2k
or n = 1, then pA,2k,r = 0 and b-rank(px0 ) = 0. The statement is trivial in this case,
and we assume that r ∈ [n − 2k, n − 1] and n ≥ 2. By Lemma 5.3 it holds that
2k−2 2k
b-rank(pA,2k,r ) ≤ max{2 (n + 2(k − 1)D k−1
), } ≤ 22k−2 (n + 2(k − 1)D k−1 ),
since k ≤ D, n ≥ 2, and 2k k
k ≤ (2k) ≤ 2
2k−2 (n + 2(k − 1)D k−1 ). Therefore it holds
x0 ) − 2(k − 1)D
≤ n = dc(p).
• Given a clow c = hv1 , v2 , . . . , vl i and a linear polynomial matrix A(x) := (ai,j (x)) ∈
(K[x])n×n , ac ∈ K[x](l) is defined as ac := li=1 avi ,vi+1 , with identification vl+1 =
v1 .
• We denote by C n,k the set of clow sequences C on Vn such that the sum of length of
all clows in C is k. The subset Cn,k ⊆ C n,k consists of vertex disjoint clow sequences
C ′ where each clow in C ′ is a cycle. Since every element C ′ of Cn,k includes exactly
k distinct vertices, we call C ′ as a cycle k-cover.
• We denote by C n,k,1 ⊆ C n,k the set of clow sequences which includes the vertex
1 ∈ Vn . Also, Cn,k,1 ⊆ C n,k,1 is defined as the set of cycle k-covers which include
the vertices 1 ∈ Vn . Given C ∈ C n,k,1 , we denote by c1 the unique clow in C which
includes the vertex 1.
• Given a linear polynomial matrix A(x) = (ai,j (x)) ∈ (K[x])n×n and a clow se-
quence C = (c1 , c2 , . . . , cℓ(C) ) ∈ C n,k , we define a polynomial aC ∈ K[x](k) by
aC := i=1 aci .
Lemma 5.4. Given a linear polynomial matrix A ∈ (K[x])n×n , it holds that
pA,k (x) = (−1)n−k sign(C)aC
Proof. We expand det(A(x) + Λnn−1 ) = ni=1 pA,i (x) with respect to ai,j (x). Given U
with {1} ⊆ U ⊆ Vn , AU is defined as the principal submatrix of A consisting of rows
and columns having indices in U . Since determinant is a multilinear function and Λnn−1
has nonzero entries which is equal to 1 only on diagonal, it follows that
X n
det(A(x) + Λrn ) = det(AU (x)) = det(AU (x)). (5.1)
U :{1}⊆U ⊆Vn k=1 U :|U |=k
{1}⊆U ⊆Vn
For U ⊆ Vn , denote by Cn,U ⊆ Cn,|U | the set of cycle |U |-covers which include all vertices
in U . Since elements in Cn,U consist of vertices in U , we can regard them as cycle |U |-
covers on U . Let SU be the set of permutations on the finite set U . Observe that there is
a natural one-to-one correspondence between permutations Q σ ∈ SU and cycle |U |-covers
C ∈ Cn,U , satisfying sign(σ) = (−1) n−|U | sign(C) and i∈U ai,σ(i) = aC . Therefore from
the definition of determinant it follows that
det(AU ) = sign(σ) ai,σ(i) = (−1)n−|U | sign(C)aC . (5.2)
σ∈SU i∈U C∈Cn,U
The second equation holds since Cn,k,n−r is the disjoint union of Cn,U over U satisfying
{1} ⊆ U ⊆ Vn and |U | = k. Therefore it holds that pA,k = (det(A(x) + Λrn ))(k) =
(−1)n−k pA,k,r (x).
The following lemma was essentially given in [18, Section 3], and proved in full detail
in [8, 9].
Proof. Since Cn,k,1 ⊆ C n,k,1 , by the definition of pA,k,1 it is enough to show that
sign(C)aC (x) = 0. (5.3)
C∈C n,k,1 \Cn,k,1
Observe that C ∈ C n,k,1 is not in Cn,k,1 if and only if C has a repetition of vertices.
Suppose that C = (c1 , c2 , . . . , cm ) ∈ C n,k,1 have a repetition of vertices. Let l ≤ m be
the maximum number such that (cl , . . . , cm ) has a repetition but (cl+1 , . . . , cm ) does not.
Let cl = hv1 , v2 , . . . , vi i and vj be the first element in cl which is either (1) equal to one
of vt where 1 < t < j, or (2) equal to an element in one of cl+1 , . . . , cm . Precisely one of
them will occur.
In the case (1), let hut , ut+1 , . . . , uj−1 i be the clow obtained by cyclically reorder-
ing the vertex sequence vt , vt+1 . . . , vj−1 (these vertices are all distinct and there is a
unique minimum element). We replace cl by two clows hv1 , . . . , vt−1 , vj , . . . , vi i and
hut , . . . , uj−1 i, which are made by separation around vt .
In the case (2), let c′ = hu1 , . . . , us−1 , vj , us+1 , . . . , ui′ i be the clow including vj . We
replace cl and c′ by the single clow hv1 , . . . , vj , us+1 , . . . , ui′ , u1 , . . . , us−1 , vj , vj+1 , . . . , vi i,
which is constructed by the insertion of c′ into c around the common vertex vt . It can
be verified that the procedures (1) and (2) are inverses of each other, which result in
a one-to-one correspondence in clow sequences with repetition. If C ∈ C n,k,1 \Cn,k,1
is converted to C ′ ∈ C n,k,1 \Cn,k,1 by the above procedure, then aC (x) = aC ′ (x) and
sign(C) = − sign(C ′ ). Thus the equation (5.3) holds.
The number of polynomials needed to span K[x](k) as a K-vector space is D+k−1 k ,
and we define sk := k . The following is a general property of polynomials.
Therefore it holds that
ac = aR aR′ .
c∈Fk,v R∈Rv R′ ∈R′v
Therefore it holds that b-rank(qA,2k,2k ) ≤ v∈[2,n] b-rank( c∈Fk,v ac ) ≤ n − 1.
(ii) Let G2k−t ⊆ C n,2k−t be the set of clow sequences which do not include the vertex
1 ∈ Vn . Observe that a clow sequence C ∈ C n,2k,1 with |c1 | = t is uniquely determined
by a pair of a clow c1 ∈ Ft and a clow sequence C ′ ∈ Gk−t . Furthermore, both can be
chosen independently. Therefore we have
qA,2k,t = ac − sign(C ′ )aC ′ .
c∈Ft C ′ ∈G2k−t
One of polynomial ( c∈Ft ac ) and (− C ′ ∈G2k−t sign(C ′ )aC ′ ) has degree t′ , and we de-
note it by α1 . The other is denoted by α2 . If t′ = k, we already have the decomposition
qA,2k,t = α1 α2 , and b-rank(qA,2k,t ) = 1 ≤ sk−t′ . Otherwise, by Lemma 5.6 there exist
sk−t′ polynomials β1 , β2 , . . . , βsk−t′ ∈ K[x](k−t ) and γ1 , γ2 , . . . , γsk−t′ ∈ K[x](k) such that
α2 = i=1 βi γi . Then we have
qA,2k,t = (α1 βi ) · γi ,
We are deeply grateful to Hiroshi Hirai, Kyo Nishiyama, Jun Tarui and Takeshi Tokuyama
for helpful comments improving the presentation of this paper. We are indebted to
Susumu Ariki for suggesting a formulation of the bi-polynomial rank, whereas our orig-
inal formulation was based on tensors of higher-order differentials, and was quite com-
plicated. We appreciate Hiroshi Hirai for pointing out the relation between our original
approach and the theory of the concave minimization. This work evolved from discus-
sions of monthly GCT seminars. We thank all the members (S. Ariki, N. Enomoto,
H. Hirai, H. Matsumoto, K. Nishiyama, J. Tarui and T. Tokuyama) of the seminar.
The author is supported by the ELC project (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on
Innovative Areas MEXT Japan), and is partially supported by KAKENHI(26330023).
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