Derivation of MOSFET Threshold Voltage From The MOS Capacitor
Derivation of MOSFET Threshold Voltage From The MOS Capacitor
Derivation of MOSFET Threshold Voltage From The MOS Capacitor
Threshold voltage is the voltage applied between gate and source of a MOSFET
that is needed to turn the device on for linear and saturation regions of operation. The
following analysis is for determining the threshold voltage of an N-channel MOSFET (also
called an N-MOSFET). The analysis is performed with a MOS capacitor like the one shown
MOS Capacitor: Top layer is N-type polysilicon or metal. For this derivation we will
assume it is heavily doped N-type polysilicon with doping ND
S1O2 (oxide) insulation sandwiched between two conductors
The bottom layer is P-type semiconductor of doping NA
We will relate the built-in potential of the device to the voltage drop across the three layers.
Since we have not added any external voltages, the total drop will be due to the built-in potential
only. The total potential drop is the sum of the drops over different layers.
1 4 = (1 2 ) + ( 2 3 ) + (3 4 ) (1)
(1 2 ) =poly = drop across poly ( poly = 0 ) (2)
(2 3 ) = ox = drop across oxide (3)
(3 4 ) = Si = drop across P-type silicon (4)
Define 1 = n , 4 = p , 3 = s & bi = n - p (5), where s=surface between p-Si and SiO2
p = VTh ln = built in potential on P-substrate (6)
s is the potential at the surface between the p-Si and SiO2
Now we know the built in voltage in terms of two unknowns ox & Si . Our goal now will be to
reduce the number of unknowns, and eventually determine the built in voltage as a function of
the surface potential s only.
Use depletion approximation to calculate ESi . In the silicon under the oxide the p-type material
is depleted due to the built in potential. Thus, there is charge there due to acceptor ions since the
holes are absent. Use the depletion approximation to solve for the field in the silicon due to the
ionized acceptors. The width of the depletion region is wD.
Starting with the Poisson equation, while using the approximation that n=0, p=0 in the depletion
region, we have:
dESi -q
= N A (10)
dx si
ESi ( x ) = N A ( wD + x3 x ) (11)
ESi ( x3 ) = N A wD (12)
Si = ESi ( x ) dx (13)
1 1 1 q
= ( base )( height ) of depletion region= ESi ( x3 ) wD = N A wD wD (14)
2 2 2 si
Solve for wD
12 12
2 2
wD = Si Si = Si ( s p ) (15)
qN A qN A
Finally, substituting wD of (15) into equation (12), we have some usable expression for field in
terms of the surface potential:
q 2
Eox = Si ESi = Si N A Si ( s p )
ox ox Si qN A (16)
2 qN ( p )
1 12
ox Si A s
Note that all terms in (16) except for the surface potential are determined by the manufacturer, or
are material constants.
ox Cox
where Cox = is the capacitance of the oxide capacitance of the MOSCAP per unit area.
An important point to notice here is that ox is now written in terms of s , so we have reduced
the number of unknowns to one.
Note that all terms in this equation are now known except for s
Include Gate Voltage
Now, instead of working with just the built in potential, we add a voltage VG to the gate of the
MOS capacitor. Now the equation for the total electrostatic potential drop across the MOS
capacitor is:
VG + bi = ox + Si = ox + ( s p ) = total potential drop. (19)
Of course, since we have added VG , values for ox and Si will change. However, if we look
back at equation (18), we see that the only parameter that is not already determined in that
equation is the surface potential s . VG will cause the potential at the interface s to change. So
we can conclude that the effect of adding a gate voltage to the MOS capacitor will cause the
surface potential to change as shown in equation (20):
1 1/ 2
VG = 2 Si qN A ( s p ) + s p bi (20).
As shown in equation (20), changing the gate voltage will change the surface potential. This will
ultimately change the concentration of electrons at the Si-SiO2 interface, and eventually, for a
MOSFET adjust the drain current for the devices.
Threshold Voltage Definition: VTH is the value of VG that will cause the interface potential to
be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the substrate potential p . Physically this mean
that there would now be a mobile electron concentration at the surface that is equal in magnitude
to the mobile hole concentration is the p-substrate. When this happens we say that the surface is
INVERTED, and the electron channel at the surface is called the inversion layer.
Substituting in VTH and s , we obtain the following expression for the threshold voltage in n-
channel MOSFETs.
1 12
VTH = 4 Si qN A | p | + 2 p - bi