surf the world of planes
surf the world of planes
surf the world of planes
Yan-Bin Jia
1 Definition
To define a surface, we need the concepts of continuity and homeomorphism of mapping from Rm
to Rn . Let X and Y be subsets of Rm and Rn , respectively. A map f : X → Y is continuous
at a point p ∈ X if points in the set near p are mapped by f onto points in Y near f (p). More
precisely, f is continuous at p if, for any ǫ > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that kf (u) − f (p)k < ǫ for
any u ∈ X with ku − pk < δ. The function is continuous if it is continuous at every point of X.
A map f : X → Y is one-to-one (or injective) if f (p) 6= f (q) whenever p 6= q. The map is onto
(or surjective) if for every y ∈ Y there exists some x ∈ X such that f (x) = y. A map is called
bijective if it is both one-to-one and onto. If f is bijective, there exists a function from Y to X
called the inverse of f and denoted by f −1 . It is defined as f −1 (y) = x whenever f (x) = y.
If f : X → Y is continuous and bijective, and if its inverse map f −1 : Y → X is also continuous,
then f is a homeomorphism and the two sets X and Y are homeomorphic.
A subset S of R3 is a surface if, for every point p ∈ S, there is an open set U ⊆ R2 and an open
set W ⊆ R3 containing p such that S ∩ W is homeomorphic to U .
p S
Example 1. Plane Every plane in R3 is a single surface patch. Let p be a point in the plane, and a and b
two orthogonal unit vectors parallel to the plane. Then any point q in the plane can be represented as
q = p + ua + vb.
Hence, the surface patch is σ(u, v) = p + ua + vb with the inverse map σ −1 (q) = ((q − p) · a, (q − p) · b).
S 2 = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1}
is a surface.
z z z
σ(θ, φ)
θ C
y y y
φ π
x x x
We first consider the most common parametrization using latitude θ ∈ [− π2 , π2 ] and longitude φ ∈ [0, 2π]:
This is shown in the left figure above. However, there are two issues. First, σ is not injective over [− π2 , π2 ] ×
[0, 2π]. Second, this Cartesian product is not an open subset of R2 and hence cannot be used as the domain
of a surface patch. We consider the largest open set:
n π π o
U = (θ, φ) − < θ < , 0 < φ < 2π . (2)
2 2
Now, the image σ(U ) is the sphere minus the great semi-circle C which, shown in the middle figure above,
consists of the points of the form (x, 0, z) with x ≥ 0. Thus σ defines only a patch of the sphere.
To show that the sphere is a surface, we need to construct at least one more surface patch to cover the
semi-circle C omitted by σ. Imagine rotating σ by π about the z-axis and then by π/2 about the x-axis.
The new configuration of the great semi-circle, shown as C˜ in the right figure above, will not overlap with
its original configuration C. Essentially, we define a new patch σ̃ : U → R3 given by
π cos θ cos φ
σ̃(θ, φ)⊤ = Rotx Rotz (π) cos θ sin φ
sin θ
1 0 0 −1 0 0 cos θ cos φ
= 0 0 −1 0 −1 0 cos θ sin φ
0 1 0 0 0 1 sin θ
− cos θ cos φ
= − sin θ . (3)
− cos θ sin φ
It is the clear that the two great semi-circles C and C˜ not covered by σ and σ̃, respectively, do not interest.
The two patches thus form an atlas of the sphere.
Recall from an earlier lecture that any rotation can be represented by a unit quaternion:
α α
q = cos + û sin ,
2 2
where the unit vector û gives the direction of the axis of rotation, and α ∈ [0, π) is the angle of
rotation. We can thus parameterize q using three parameters (α, φ, ψ), where φ and ψ parametrize û
on the unit sphere. Clearly, such parametrization has no redundancy. Suppose q(t) represents
the changing orientation of a rigid body with time under the influence of some external force
(e.g., the gravitational force). The orientation can be conveniently tracked by updating the three
functions α(t), φ(t), and ψ(t) — often through integrations of some equations derived using rigid
body dynamics.
2 Smooth Surface
A map f = (f1 , f2 , . . . , fn ) from an open subset of Rm to Rn is smooth if each component fi ,
1 ≤ i ≤ n, has continuous partial derivatives of all orders. A surface patch σ : U → R3 is regular if
it is smooth and the vectors σu = ∂σ/∂u and σv = ∂σ/∂v are linearly independent at every point
(u, v) ∈ U . Equivalently, the vector product σu × σv 6= 0 at every point of U . A smooth surface is
a surface σ whose atlas consists of regular surface patches. It is clear that the plane in Example 1
is a smooth surface.
Example 4. For the unit sphere in Example 3, it is obvious that σ and σ̃ are smooth functions. To verify
regularity, we obtain
σθ × σφ = (− cos2 θ cos φ, − cos2 θ sin φ, − sin θ cos θ),
which has norm kσθ × σφ k = | cos θ|. Since on this patch, − π2 < θ < π
2, so cos θ 6= 0. Similarly, we can verify
that σ̃ is also regular.
Here the functions u and v are smooth. Conversely, if u and v are smooth, then (6) defines a curve
lying in S.
The tangent space at a point p of a surface S consists of the tangent vectors of all curves in S
that pass through p. Suppose p = σ(u0 , v0 ).
Theorem 1 The tangent space is spanned by the vectors σu (u0 , v0 ) and σv (u0 , v0 ).
Proof Let γ(t) = σ(u(t), v(t)) be a smooth curve in S. Denoting differentiation with respect
to t by dot, we have
γ̇ = σu u̇ + σv v̇.
Namely, γ̇ is a linear combination of σu and σv .
Next, we show that every vector spanned by σu and σv is the tangent vector at p of some curve
in S. Such a vector is of the form ξσu + ησv , for some ξ and η. Consider the smooth curve
γ̇ = ξσu + ησv .
Since σu and σv are linearly independent, the tangent space is indeed the tangent plane, which
by definition is independent of the patch choice. The tangent plane is uniquely determined by a
unit normal to S at p, which is perpendicular to the tangent plane. Though there are two such
vectors, choosing a surface patch σ leads to a definite choice, that is,
σu × σv
nσ = .
kσu × σv k
Example 5. The Möbius band is obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the
two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the two ends.
We omit the details in showing that the Möbius band is not orientable according to the definition. An
intuitive explanation is given by considering a closed path in the surface that starts at point p, as shown in
the above figure. Whichever of the two unit normal vectors at p is chosen at the start, the normal vector
will be in the opposite direction when returning to p at the end of the loop.
4 Surface in Implicit Form
A surface may also be given in an implicit form f (x, y, z) =
0. As an example, Euler’s quartic surface x4 + y 4 + z 4 = 1
is plotted in the figure on the right.1 The implicit function
theorem [1] implies that the surface f (x, y, z) = 0 can be
parametrized locally at a point p which has non-vanishing
gradient, i.e.,
∂f ∂f ∂f
∇f |p = , , 6= 0.
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂f dx ∂f dy ∂f dz
0 = · + · + ·
∂x dt ∂y dt ∂z dt
= ∇f · (ẋ, ẏ, ż)
= ∇f · γ̇
= ∇f · (σu u̇ + σv v̇).
Since the curve γ(t) is arbitrary, the gradient ∇f is orthogonal to σu and σv at p, following the
reasoning used in the proof of Theorem 1. In other words, ∇f is orthogonal to the tangent plane;
hence it is a surface normal at p.
Example 7. Ruled surface A ruled surface is a surface formed by straight lines, called the rulings of the
surface. Let α(u) be a curve in R3 that meets every such line. Thus every point p in the surface must lie
on one of the straight lines that intersects α at, say, q. Suppose q = α(u) and let δ(u) be a vector in the
direction of the line through α(u). Then p has the form
for some v ∈ R.
This is an algebraic surface because f is a polynomial.
p ruling
Thus σu and σv are linearly independent if f (u) 6= 0, that is, if γ(u) does not lie on the z-axis, and if f˙(u)
and ġ(u) are not simultaneously zero. If the two vectors are linearly independent at every point, then we
might as well assume f (u) > 0 and view the function as the distance of σ(u, v) from the axis of rotation.
[1] J. R. Munkres. Analysis on Manifolds. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991.