Parliamentary Rules and Procedures

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Debate limited to
Propriety of committing the question and to
The captions at the top of the right-hand which committee it should be referred.
columns of the table show the basic rules governing most Propriety and time of postponement.
motions. A dash (--) sign indicates that the rule applies to 10. Not renewable unless the question has been
the corresponding motion, while an asterisk (*) means modified substantially to make it a new
that the direct opposite of the rule is what applies proposition.
instead. Where neither of these symbols is used, it 11. Only a negative vote may be reconsidered.
means that the rule is not applicable to the motion in any 12. A vote sustaining the objection cannot be
way. For explanation of the figures used in place of either reconsidered.
symbols, see the back fly leaf of this book. The column 13. Majority vote to postpone a question as a
on the extreme rights shows the precedence of motions, general order; two-thirds vote, as a special
while that on the extreme left shows the number of the order.
14. Only an affirmative vote may be reconsidered.
section under which each motion is fully discussed.
15. Majority vote required if previous notice has
been given; two-thirds vote or a majority vote of
all members if without notice.
EXPLANATION OF NOTES TO RULES OF MOTIONS 16. Cannot interrupt a speaker but may be made
while another question is pending, provided the
[See front flyleaf for Table of Rules of Motions]
suspension is for a purpose connected with the
pending question.
1. Undebatable except
When motion to adjourn is qualified or its
effect is to dissolve the assembly.
When motion to fix the time to which to To Modify the Question
adjourn, take a recess, or to propose method
of nomination or voting is made while no Lay on the table
question is pending, or if recess is set for a Amend
future time. Modify
2. Unamendable if made qualifiedly.
3. Debatable except To Defer Action on the Question
When question to be amended or
considered is undebatable. Lay on the table
When appeal relates to indecorum, priority Postpone definitely
of business, or if it arises out of an Postpone indefinitely
undebatable question.
4. A tie vote sustains the decision of the Chair. To Suppress the Question
5. Vote may be reconsidered, provided
Lay on the table
No action has been taken under the decision Postpone indefinitely
of the assembly on appeal Withdraw the motion
The committee has not yet taken up the Object to the consideration of the question
Motion to propose method of nomination or To Restrict Discussions
voting is made while no question is pending.
6. Generally decided by the Chair, but majority Previous question
vote is required. Limit debate
If call for orders of the day is objected to.
If request to change vote, divide the To Consider a Question Again
assembly or question, read papers, or to
withdraw or modify motions is denied, or is Take from the table
stated as a motion.
Rescind or repeal
7. No second required unless the request is stated
as a motion.
8. Amendment limited to
Time to close or reopen nominations or
Composition of, and instructions to,
Time and place of adjournment
Time of postponement
Effectively and/or duration of recess

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