1998 Cegp Constitution
1998 Cegp Constitution
1998 Cegp Constitution
WE, THE MEMBERS of the Campus Press, imploring the aid of the Divine Providence, in order to form a od! that shall e the national center of the campus press freedom, uphold the highest standards and ethics of "ournalism, defend and assert students# and peoples# rights and $elfare, strive for a nationalist, scientific and mass% ased culture and education, and for strive for the patriotic and democratic aspirations of the students and the people, do here ! ordain and promulgate the Constitution& Declaration of Principles: The Freedom of the Press The freedom of the Press& The people have the right to 'no$& The people have the right to freedom of thought, and e(pression, to hold opinions free from an! interference and to see', receive, and impart information and ideas through an! media& The freedom of the press is the verita le pillar that holds up the inviola le right of the people to 'no$& Where the state controls and manipulates the mass media, $here the dictates of the ruling fe$ prevail over the $ill of the people, $here foreign vested interests, mainl! )S, plunders the econom!, $here the regime see's violence to *uell popular dissent, the press has the sacred dut! to struggle for the truth side ! side the people& We shall go on and unflinchingl! fight for the freedom of the press and the right of the people to 'no$ against all forces that see' to undermine truth, freedom, "ustice and democrac!& This is the commitment of the College Editors +uild of the Philippines& Article I Name, Scope, Motto, Seal, Color and Domicile Section ,& -ame& This organi.ation shall e called the College Editors +uild of the Philippines, /nc& or CE+P& Section 0& Scope& The CE+P shall have priorit! over all the tertiar! campus pu lications in the Philippines& /t shall also strive to e(tend all sort of assistance to student pu lications at the secondar! level& Section 1& Motto& 2To $rite is alread! to choose&3 Section 4& Seal& /ts seal shall e an encircled *uill $ith the acron!m CE+P $ritten "ust elo$ it& Section 5& Color& The official color shall e green and $hite& Section 6& Domicile& The national office shall e located in Metro Manila& Article II Objectives
Section ,& To $or' for the professionali.ation and independence of the Campus Press& )phold the highest standards and ethics of "ournalism& Section 0& To defend and advance campus press freedom and other students# democratic rights and $elfare at all levels& Section 1& To promote social consciousness among the campus "ournalists and the 7ilipino people in general& Section 4& To defend and advance the people#s rights and $elfare and to activel! participate in their struggles& Sections 5& To promote understanding and cooperation $ith organi.ations and individuals here and a road $ith similar o "ectives& SECT/8- 9& To support the mem ers of the professional press in their struggle for genuine press freedom& Article III Membership SECT/8- ,& Mem ership in the CE+P shall e open to an! student pu lication of a college or universit!, vocational or technical school, seminar! or convent& SECT/8- 0& :pplication for mem ership ma! e filed $ith either a CE+P provincial chapter or $ith the -ational Student Press Congress& The -ational Student Press Congress, through t$o%third ;0<1= vote of the full%pledged mem er pu lication present, e the sole authorit! to grant full mem ership and shall finall! approve, pro ationar! mem ership granted ! the provincial chapters& SECT/8- 1& : mem ership fee, to e determined ! the -ational Council prior to the holding of the -ational Congress, shall e paid annuall! ! ever! mem er pu lication either during the -ational Student Press Congress, Convention or through an! mem er of the -ational Council& Article IV Rights and Privileges of Members SECT/8- ,& Ever! mem er pu lication shall have the follo$ing rights and privileges> a& to e informed full! of all the affairs of the CE+P and the reasons for policies, programs, pro"ects and actions as ma! e adopted its polic!%ma'ing odies? & to e represented ! their full! chosen delegates during the -ational Student Press Congress and other activities? c& to participate in discussions and de ates, su mit resolutions and suggestions to have an! dissenting opinion and the reasons thereof e recorded? d& to e elected into office? e& to have access into records, financial or other$ise, of the organi.ation? f& to avail the services<assistance as ma! e rendered ! the CE+P? g& to en"o! such other rights and privileges that the -ational Student Press Congress ma! grant& SECT/8- 0& Each mem er pu lication present during the -ational Student Press Congress shall e entitled to one vote& Article V Duties and Responsibilities of Members SECT/8- ,& Ever! mem er shall a ide ! the follo$ing duties and responsi ilities>
a& to uphold the Constitution of the CE+P? & to a ide ! the policies, decisions and regulations $hich ma! e promulgated ! all polic!% ma'ing and governing odies of the CE+P? c& to participate in all programs, pro"ects and actions adopted ! the CE+P? d& to adhere to the principles and pursue the o "ectives of the CE+P? e& to provide space and feature the positions ta'en ! CE+P on the national and sectoral issues? and f& to pa! dues and other fees promptl!& Article VI The National Student Press Congress SECT/8- ,& The -ational Student Press Congress shall e the highest polic!%ma'ing and governing od! of the CE+P& SECT/8- 0& The -ational Student Press congress shall have the follo$ing po$ers and functions> a& elect the -ational President and @ice%President for Au.on, @ice%President for @isa!as, and @ice% President for Mindanao? & approve the general program of action and udget? c& adopt resolutions and positions on national and sectoral issues? d& grant full mem ership and to ratif! pro ationar! mem ership given ! provincial congresses& e& Decide finall! on impeachment tri unal of the -ational 8ffice or case of suspension or e(pulsion rought to it ! the same od!? f& Determine monies due from mem er pu lications? g& :pprove amendments to or a revision of this Constitution? and h& Discuss and approve other matters that shall e presented to it ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee or the -ational Council& SECT/8- 1& The -ational Student Press Congress shall e composed of all delegates of mem er pu lication present during its sessions& SECT/8- 4& The -ational Student Press Congress shall e convened once ever! t$o ;0= !ears during summer vacation or at an! date to e determined ! the -ational Council& SECT/8- 5& : special session of the -ational Student Press Congress ma! e convened upon re*uest through t$o%thirds ;0<1= vote of the mem ers of the -ational Council& SECT/8- 6& The -ational Secretar! +eneral, $ith the assistance of the staff of the national E(ecutive Committee, shall 'eep and preserve the minutes of the proceedings of the -ational Student Press Congress in sessions assem led& Article VII National Student Press Convention SECT/8- ,& The -ational Convention shall e the education festival of the CE+P and shall feature "ournalism lectures and $or'shops and discussions of national and sectoral issues& /t shall have the po$er to act on issues resolutions as proposed ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee& SECT/8- 0& The -ational Convention shall e convened annuall! during summer vacation or at na! date determined ! the -ational Council& /t shall e held in et$een -ational Congresses& Article VIII The National Council
SECT/8- ,& 7unction& The -ational Council shall e the second highest polic!%ma'ing and governing od! of the CE+P& /t shall e convened $hen the -ational Student Press Congress is not in session& SECT/8- 0& The -ational Council shall have the follo$ing po$ers and functions> a& assist the -ational E(ecutive Committee in the implementation of the +eneral Program of :ction approved ! the -ational Student Press Congress? & draft and implement specific plans and policies governing CE+P activities from the national to pu lication level? c& adopt resolutions and positions on national and sectoral issues? d& draft assessment criteria and implement the same for the provincial chapters? e& form a tri unal in cases of impeachment and recommend appropriate action to the -ational Student Press Congress? and f& act on matters to e raised ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee and provincial chapters& SECT/8- 1& The -ational Council shall e composed of all elected and appointed national, regional, provincial or cit!%level leaders& The -ational Council shall convene at least once a !ear& /n emergenc! cases, the -ational E(ecutive Committee shall e empo$ered to call a meeting of the -ational Council& Article IX The National !ecutive Committee SECT/8- ,& The -ational E(ecutive Committee shall e> a& the overall administrative, e(ecutive and overseeing od! of the CE+P? & the governing od! $hen the -ational Congress and the -ational Council is not in session? and c& national campaign center of the CE+P& SECT/8- 0& The -ational E(ecutive Committee shall have the follo$ing po$ers and duties> a& propose a general plan of action to and implement the approved plans of the -ational Student Press Congress? & enforce the -ational Constitution and formulate the !%la$s that govern the administration of the CE+P? c& report on the national situation of the CE+P to the -ational Council and to the -ational Student Press Congress? d& supervise and coordinate activities of regional and provincial chapters to maintain communication $ith them? e& to prepare the agenda and convene the -ational Council and the -ational Student Press Congress? and f& define the position of the CE+P on the vital and urgent national and sectoral issues& SECT/8- 1& The -ational E(ecutive Committee shall e composed of the -ational President, @ice% Presidents, Secretar! +eneral and other officers to e appointed ! the President& SECT/8- 4& 8fficers of the -EC shall hold office for t$o ;0= !ears& Article X "unctions, Po#ers, and Duties of the National Officers SECT/8- ,& The -ational President of the CE+P shall have the follo$ing functions, po$ers and duties>
a& preside over all meetings and sessions of the -ational E(ecutive Committee and -ational Council& He<She shall also preside over all meetings and sessions of the -ational Student Press Congress e(cept $hen a case of impeachment is pending against him<her or he<she is a part! to the *uestion or issues to e resolved? & act as -ational Spo'esperson and chief representative in meetings $ith other organi.ations here and a road? c& report to the -ational Student Press Convention in ehalf of the -ational E(ecutive Committee and the -ational Council? d& appoint the Secretar! +eneral? e& create committees and appoint officers and mem ers thereof $ith the concurrence of the -ational E(ecutive Committee? f& suspend or recommend the e(pulsion of erring individual mem ers and mem er pu lications to the -ational Student Press Congress? g& call for special elections if the need arises? and h& in cases of temporar! a sence, appoint representatives $ho shall discharge his<her duties in his<her ehalf& SECT/8- 0& The @ice%President for Au.on, @ice%President for @isa!as and the @ice%President for Mindanao shall have the follo$ing functions, po$ers and duties> a& supervise and oversee the consolidation of chapters, facilitate the uilding of ne$ chapters from ad hoc committees and open up contacts $ith ne$ mem er pu lications? & :ct as chief liaison et$een the -ational E(ecutive Committee and the -ational Council and the mem er pu lications? c& :ssist the -ational President in the enforcement of the -ational constitution and implementation of policies and organi.ational !%la$s and regulations? and d& 7ulfill other duties and responsi ilities to e given ! the -ational President, the -ational Council or the -ational Student Press Congress& SECT/8- 1& The Secretar! +eneral, to e appointed ! the -ational President, shall have the follo$ing functions, po$ers and duties> a& :ssist the -ational President and the @ice%Presidents in their tas's especiall! in the maintenance and setting up of chapters nation$ide? & 8pen up and maintain, under the guidance of the national E(ecutive committee, $or'ing relations $ith organi.ations here and a road? c& ta'e custod!, $ith the assistance of the staff of the -ational E(ecutive Committee, of all papers and documents of all meetings and sessions of the -ational E(ecutive Committee, -ational Council, and the -ational Student Press Congress? and d& fulfill other duties and responsi ilities to e given ! the -ational Council or the -ational Student Press Congress& SECT/8- 4& /n case of accident or death of the -ational President, he<she shall e immediatel! replaced ! the @ice%President for Au.on until such time that the -ational Council convenes to appoint the ne$ -ational President& Article XI Chapters SECT/8- ,& : provincial chapter ma! e esta lished ! at least three student pu lications& The -ational E(ecutive Committee and the -ational Council shall oversee and ensure the esta lishment of provincial chapters nation$ide& SECT/8- 0& The provincial congresses and the provincial e(ecutive committees shall e principal organs of the chapters& The chapters shall have their o$n organi.ational structure depending on the condition of the region&
SECT/8- 1& the provincial e(ecutive committees shall have the follo$ing functions and duties> a& spearhead and supervise the holding of CE+P activities? & maintain communication $ith mem er pu lications and the -ational E(ecutive Committee? c& implement policies and programs and ensure the dissemination of the positions of the CE+P as approved ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee, -ational Council or the -ational Student Press Congress? d& regularl! report on the progress and condition of the chapter to the -ational E(ecutive Committee and the -ational Council? and e& other duties and functions to e determined ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee, -ational Council and the -ational Student Press Congress& SECT/8- 4& :n! provincial chapter ma! formulate their o$n Constitution provided it does not contravene an! provision of the -ational Constitution& Specific plans and policies governing provincial chapters and the formation and maintenance shall e drafted, approved and enforced ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee and<or ! the -ational Council& SECT/8- 5& Provincial congresses in the sessions assem led ma! grant pro ationar! mem ership to an! interested student pu lication& SECT/8- 6& Provincial Congresses and e(ecutive committees shall endeavor and ensure the remittance thereof to the -ational E(ecutive Committee& :t the option of provincial congress, chapters ma! determine and collect their o$n separate mem ership fees& Article XII lection of Officers and the COM $ C SECT/8- ,& The -ational Student Press Congress shall elect the President, @ice%President for Au.on, vice%President for @isa!as, and the @ice%President for Mindanao& SECT/8- 0& :ll elective national officers shall e elected ! the official voting delegates of mem er pu lications through secret alloting& Each mem er pu lication shall e entitled to one vote& SECT/8- 1& -o one ma! e elected President or @ice%President unless he<she shall have een a mem er of the CE+P for at least one semester and $hose nominations must e endorsed ! at least five full% pledged mem er pu lications& SECT/8- 4& C8MEAEC& There shall e a Commission on Election ;C8MEAEC= composed of a chairman and three ;1= mem ers $ho shall e appointed ! the national president& SECT/8- 5& The three mem ers shall each come from Au.on, @isa!as and Mindanao& The! shall have the follo$ing po$er, duties and functions> a& formulate the rules and regulations governing the conduct of elections, provided , ho$ever that such rules and regulations shall not in an! $a! contravene an! provisions of this constitution? & to have e(clusive charge of the enforcement and administration of the election? c& to receive all certificates of candidac! and to certif! the *ualifications of candidates and? d& to proclaim the $inners of all elections right after the counting of allots& Article XIII %mpeachment SECT/8- ,& The President, the @ice President for Au.on, @ice President for @isa!as, @ice President for Mindanao and mem ers of the C8MEAEC ma! e impeached&
SECT/8- 0&-o impeachment proceedings ma! e initiated e(cept upon a petition of at least t$ent!%;0B= mem er pu lications o a ma"orit! of the -ational Council on the follo$ing grounds> a& culpa le violation of the -ational Constution? & neglect of dut! c& acts inimical to the o "ectives of the organi.ation? d& gross misconduct and immoralit! SECT/8- 1& )pon the filing of the petition, the -ational Council shall constitute an impeachment tri unal& /t shall conduct fair trial and due process& Article XIV Official Publications SECT/8- ,& The National Guilder shall e the official organi.ational pu lication of the CE+P& The President shall e the editor%in%chief and shall appoint mem ers of the editorial staff& SECT/8- 0& The Kartilya shall e the official political "ournal of the CE+P& /t shall e edited and managed ! the -ational E(ecutive Committee ;-EC=& SECT/8- 1& Provincial chapters ma! pu lish their o$n pu lications& Article XV &mendments SECT/8- ,& This -ational Constitution ma! e amended in $hole or in part ! the su mission of $ritten proposals of such amendment to the -ational Council ! at least ten ;,B= mem er pu lishers& SECT/8- 0& :n! proposed amendment shall e approved ! t$o thirds ;0<1= of all mem er pu lications present during the -ational Student Press Congress& Article XVI ffectivel' Clause SECT/8- ,& This -ational Constitution shall ta'e effect immediatel! upon the approval of t$o thirds ;0<1= vote of the -ational Student Press Congress& :PPR8@ED BC the 0Dth -ational Student Press Congress at Punta /sla, Aa'e Se u, South Cota ato on Ma! 00%09, ,DDE