Answer Key Language Arts

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Signature Edition

Language Arts Answer Key

Grade 4

Siegfried Engelmann
Jerry Silbert
Steve Osborn

Columbus, Ohio

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Copyright 2008 by SRA/McGraw-Hill.

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ISBN: 978-0-07-612645-3
MHID: 0-07-612645-5

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Please see Managing Writing Activities in the Teachers Guide.

This Grade 4 Language Arts Answer Key The students response is to be considered
booklet provides guidance in marking correct whether or not the words that is
students work. appear.
Some exercises have answers that are
nonnegotiable. There is only one acceptable BRACKETS [ ] around a word or group of
answer. Other exercises give students words indicate that an answer can be
latitude. considered correct if the student expresses
The Answer Key provides the specific the idea
a but not the words shown inside the
wording that is not negotiable. The students brackets.
answer should contain this wording as Example:
specified. The key also indicates where The square [is just under the middle of
students have latitude in what they write. As the line].
a rule, the further the students go in the
program, the less specific the Answer Key The student writes:
specifications are because students have The square is just below the center of
learned a variety of optional ways of creating the line.
acceptable sentences and paragraphs. The students response is perfectly
acceptableit clearly expresses the same
idea as the words inside the brackets.
Key Symbols EITHER/OR { / } indicates acceptable
The Answer Key uses symbols to show alternatives.
optional parts of responses, ideas that may
be paraphrased and acceptable wording
{Make/Write} a B on the left end of the
PARENTHESES ( ) around a word or group Sentences with the verb make or write are
of words indicates that the part is optional. equally acceptable.
The student response is correct if this part
does not appear.
Make an upside-down A (that is) one
inch high.

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Answer Key
Lesson 1 D. Accept clear descriptions.
B. Accept reasonable sentence for each item: 1. The square [is on the left end of the line.]
SAMPLES 2. The square [is half an inch below the right
1. [The horse had a blanket on its back. end of the line.]
A black horse stood in front of the barn. 3. The square [is an inch above the right end
The horse was black.] of the line.]
2. [A monkey looked out the window. 4. The square [is on the middle of the line.]
The monkey wore glasses.]
3. [A cow jumped over the fence. E. Use criteria specified in exercise 5 to check
The cow had a bell around its neck.] students paragraphs.

C. Use criteria specified in exercise 3 to check Lesson 3

students paragraphs. A. 1. they
2. the new cars
D. 1. c 3. a man carrying a large bag
2. a d 4. the most widely used toothpaste
5. the most popular actor
E. Accept clear descriptions. 6. almost everybody
1. The dot [is just below the middle of the
line.] B. Accept 2 reasonable sentences (any order)
2. The dot [is an inch above the middle of the for each item.
line.] SAMPLES
3. The dot [is on the right end of the line.] 1. [The plane flew under the bridge.
4. The dot [is an inch below the right end of The airplane had striped wings.
the line.] The plane was red and white.]
2. [The cat was white.
F. 1. the man The cat sat on a fence.
2. the man wearing a white shirt The cat had a collar.]
3. the man and his two sisters
4. the top of the anthill C. 2 3 5
5. the package in the truck
6. the car with the best mileage D. 1. The square [is just above the right end of
the line.]
Lesson 2 2. The square [is on the middle of the line.]
A. 1. the woman wearing a yellow dress 3. The square [is just below the middle of the
2. a girl and her mother line.]
3. we 4. The square [is just above the left end of the
4. three cows and a horse line.]
5. the girl in a red jacket
6. all the cars E. Use criteria specified in exercise 5 to check
7. everybody students paragraphs.
8. nobody
Lesson 4
B. Accept 3 reasonable sentences (any order). B. 1. They stood on the porch for three hours.
The kite [had a long tail.]
2. They were still on the porch when the sun
The kite [had a picture of a lion on it.]
The kite [was above a house.] went down.

C. 1 4

2 ( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording

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3. Four birds and six worms were in the yard Lesson 6

yesterday morning. A. 1. 1964 700
2. 1960 800
4. People started talking after he finished his
3. 1962 500
speech. 4. 1959 700
C. 1. The square [is just under the middle of the B. 1. The play started after Mona sat down.
2. More than a dozen birds landed while the
2. The square [is on the left end of the line.]
sun came up.
3. The square [is just below the right end of
the line.] 3. Edna and her children went jogging
4. The square [is an inch below the left end of yesterday evening.
the line.] 4. She will be very careful in the future.

D. Impressions Facts C. 1 2 5
1. [students choice] imitation leather
E. 1. Chickens eggs
2. [students choice] no
2. gum radio
3. [students choice] no
3. mistakes problems
4. [students choice] no
4. plan library
5. [students choice] no
5. Bill Greg
E. Use criteria specified in exercise 5 to check
F. 1. she her hands
students paragraphs.
2. that car it
3. they they
Lesson 5
B. 2. Mr. Jones he G. Use criteria specified in exercise 6 to check
3. the house the garage students paragraphs.
4. they Mary
Lesson 7
C. 1. [students choice] A. 1. six of the men
2. [students choice] 2. she
3. [students choice] 3. nobody in our class
4. the last article on the page
D. 1. The dot [is on the middle of the line.]
2. The dot [is on the left end of the line.] B. Accept 2 reasonable sentences (any order)
3. The dot [is just above the right end of the for each item.
line.] 1. His backpack smelled terrible.
The flower smelled terrible.
E. 1. She was tired by the end of the game.
2. {An/The} advertisement was full of lies.
2. Nobody in our class was absent yesterday. The newspaper was full of lies.
3. We could hear strange sounds during the 3. {Her/The} car will last for years.
night. The (new) battery will last for years.

F. Use criteria specified in exercise 6 to check C. Make a vertical line.

students paragraphs. Write 7 on top of the line.
Write the letter R just below the line.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 3

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D. Make a square about one inch high. E. 1. Fran runs faster than Jill runs.
Write the letter M in the {middle/center} of the 2. Fran drinks more water than Jill drinks.
square. 3. Fran earns more money than Jill earns.
Write the letter A just {below/under} the 4. Fran is taller than Jill.
letter M.
F. Make a horizontal line about two inches long.
E. 1. Sam is stronger than Bill. Write the letter A on the right end of the line.
2. Sam is taller than Bill.
3. Sam sleeps longer than Bill sleeps. Lesson 9
4. Sam runs farther than Bill runs. A. Accept 2 reasonable sentences (any order)
for each item.
F. 1. 5 February 1. The (four) teachers had a good time.
2. 1 February The children had a good time.
3. 8 January 2. Mrs. Smith couldnt fix the (red) light.
4. 8 May Mrs. Smith couldnt fix the bus.

G. 1. James is the friendliest person in our class, B. 1. Alice loved animals, and [students choice:
and [students choice: she spent hours at the zoo.
a lot of people like James she wanted to be an animal doctor.]
James likes to be with people.] 2. Alice loved animals, but [students choice:
2. James is the friendliest person in our class, she didnt want to own a dog.
but [students choice: she was afraid of cats.]
James doesnt smile very much.
James almost never talks. C. Accept 2 or more figures of a 1-inch line with
James has many fights.] A just over the line and B below the line, but
do nott accept this:
Lesson 8
A. Accept 2 reasonable sentences (any order) A
for each item. B
1. Alice won five games.
Make a horizontal line about one inch long.
Sarah won five games.
Write the letter A just {over/above} the right
2. The cow weighed over one ton.
end of the line.
The truck weighed over one ton.
Write the letter B just {under/below} the left
B. 1. The day was very hot, and [students end of the line.
D. During his speech, nobody made a sound.
everybody went swimming.
Before the meeting ends, most of the people
we stayed at the beach all day.]
will leave.
2. The day was very hot, but [students choice:
Last night, they ate popcorn.
my brother wore his winter coat.
we could see snow near the road.
E. 2 3 5 7
nobody wore shorts.]
2. The truck used more fuel than the tractor
D. 1. During the storm, they slept soundly.
3. Smootho (paint) lasts longer than Creamo
2. After he told those lies, nobody listened to
5. April has more cloudy days than May.
3. When the car stopped, my sister woke up.
7. Dino batteries last longer than Sparko
4. Last month, they ordered new machines.

4 ( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording

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F. 1. Tom and Kelly arrived at [the campground] Lesson 11

by lunch time. A. 1. Before Fran joined them, they finished their
2. Finally, Tom and Kelly went to their cabin. lunch.
3. During the last month, the company
Test 1 purchased nine items.
A. 1. everybody in our family 4. For three hours, that salesperson argued
2. three of the fish with her.
3. nobody
4. the first boy in line B. Make a horizontal line (about) three inches
B. Accept 2 reasonable sentences (any order) Write the letter B on the {middle/center} of the
for each item. line.
1. The house was covered with trees and Draw a small square (about) one inch above
bushes. the B.
The hill was covered with trees and bushes.
2. My uncle was crying and kicking. C. 1. Donna said, The water is cold.
Baby Robert was crying and kicking. 2. Billy said, I am tired. I am going home.
3. Jane said, This word is hard.
C. 1. Bill knew all the multiplication facts, and 4. Fran asked, Is she going to quit?
[students choice:
he knew all the division facts. D. 1 3 6
he could do any kind of multiplication 1. The Ritz (Hotel) is farther from the beach
problem.] than the Polo (Hotel).
2. Bill knew all the multiplication facts, but 3. T-Mart stores are open longer hours than
[students choice: H-Mart stores.
he did poorly on the math test. 6. Zermos cost more than Bumpos.
he didnt know any subtraction facts.]
E. 1. (A dog named) Spot went inside a (giant)
D. 1. The dot is just below the {middle/center} of cave.
the line. 2. On her way, {she/Spot} found {an old/a}
2. The dot is on the {middle/center} of the wallet.
3. The dot is (about) one inch below the right Lesson 12
end of the line. A. 1. last year
2. before class began
Lesson 10 3. all morning long
A. 1. [Bill and Fran] found {the/a} baby bird near 4. during the night
the stream. 5. when the sun was going down
2. Fran spotted {the/a/its} nest in a tree.
3. The mother bird kept screeching at Fran all B. 1. Dan {asked,/said,} Who is that?
the time. 2. Alice said, Im hungry. Lets eat.
4. Then Bill took {his/a} shoe off and put the
bird in {the shoe/it}.

B. Use criteria specified in exercise 3 to check

students paragraphs.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 5

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C. 1. Fran is [two] inches taller than Bill. 2. The skunk made a terrible stink, but
2. Dimmo batteries last [one] month longer [students choice:
than Sparko batteries last. the dog wanted to play with the skunk.
3. A Bumpo car costs [$4000] more than a Sam just stood there and smiled.]
Dort car (costs).
4. Tom is [three] years older than Jason. F. Make a horizontal line about two inches long.
Draw a small square just {under/below} the
D. 1. For hours, our teacher graded papers. right end of the line.
3. Yesterday, the lawyer made a mistake. Write the letter R on the left side of the line.
6. During lunch period, we had a fire alarm.
G. Use criteria specified in exercise 6 to check
E. 1. The Harpo factory is on the corner of [Fifth students passages.
and Elm].
2. The Bumpo factory has [two] chimneys. Lesson 14
3. The Derko factory is the biggest {factory/
building.} A. The ad claims that Creamo paint lasts longer.
The ad claims that one coat of Creamo covers
F. Use criteria specified in exercise 6 to check completely.
students paragraphs. The ad claims that no other brand costs less
than Creamo.
Lesson 13
A. 1. During my last visit, Dr. James worked on B. 1. The square is just to the right of the vertical
three cavities. line.
2. For twenty minutes, her brother waited. 2. The square is just {under/below} the
3. After Sally told the facts, the argument vertical line.
sounded better. 3. The square is just {above/over} the vertical
C. 1. general
2. general C. 1. true specific
3. general 2. false
4. specific 3. false
5. general 4. true specific
6. specific 5. true general
6. true general
D. 1. Tuesday was [two] degrees hotter than
Monday. D. 1. A Jumpo skateboard costs [$10] more than
2. The red ship was [46] tons heavier than the a TR skateboard (costs).
white ship. 2. Obo jumps [1] yard farther than Fran
3. The bike went [four] miles per hour faster (jumps).
than the wagon (went). 3. The truck goes [1] mile per hour faster than
4. The plane went [70] miles farther than the the car (goes).
train (went).
E 1. So you shouldnt wear green and red.
E. 1. The skunk made a terrible stink, and 2. So you should obey stop signs.
[students choice: 3. So you shouldnt be cruel to ants.
the children held their noses.
we ran away.] F. Bill finally decided to get his (old) car fixed.
{He/Bill} took {it/his car} to Als Garage.

6 ( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording

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Lesson 15 Lesson 16
A. 1. The ad claims that the new Bumpos are A. 2. Zermo
more comfortable than ever. 3. Miller
2. The ad claims that more people than ever
are switching to Bumpo. B. 1. So children shouldnt stay up late.
3. The ad claims that Bumpo performs better 2. So you should try to do well in math.
than other cars of its kind. 3. So you shouldnt eat Crumpo candy.

B. 1. B C. 1. direction
2. distance
3. speed
height: 1" 4. height
5. age

J D. 1.
2. Specific. Accept diagram with a one inch
3. specific
long vertical line. The letter B is anywhere
4. general
above top of line. J is anywhere to the left
of the line. E. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a
3. General. Accept diagram with a one inch vertical line, but you should make a vertical
horizontal line. B is anywhere. To left of line (that is) [half an inch long].
line, D is anywhere above B. 2. Direction 2 states that you should make a
C. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a vertical line one inch long, but you should
horizontal line [two] inches long, but you make a horizontal line (that is) [one inch
should make a horizontal line (that is) long].
[one] inch long. 3. Direction 3 states that you should make a C
2. Direction 2 states that you should make a two inches high, but you should make a C
horizontal line [two] inches long, but you (that is) [half an inch high].
should make a horizontal line (that is)
[two] inches long.
3. Direction 3 states that you should make a
vertical line, but you should make a vertical
height: 2"
line (that is) [one] inch {long/tall/high}. F.

D. 1. So children shouldnt play near rivers. height: 1" height: 1"

2. So people shouldnt buy Dinko hot dogs.
1. 2. 3.
E. 2. Ballard Zoo
4. H-Mart
6. Ace Plumbing Company height: 1"
length: 2"
F. 1. The movie was old and boring.
The city was old and boring. 4. 5.
2. The (three) cats were very playful.
The butterflies were very playful. G. 1. After we left town, our car broke down.
2. When I was in California, I met them.
3. For three hours, that cat has been
making noise.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 7

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Lesson 17 Lesson 18
A. 3. Bumpo
4. Colorado height: 2"
5. Fletcher

B. A. Step 1 doesnt tell that the line is (about) height: 1" height: 1"
two inches long.
B. Step 1 doesnt tell that the line is horizontal.
C. Step 2 doesnt tell that [the M] is on the
right end of the line.
1. 2. 3.
C. 1. Therefore, hawks have feathers.
2. Therefore, bears do not have feathers. B. 1. She was very smart, but she didnt do well
3. Therefore, you should eat yogurt. in school.
2. She loved animals, and she was always
D. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a T bringing home stray cats.
that is two inches high, but you should 3. The sun came out, but the ice did not melt.
make a T (that is) [one inch high].
2. Direction 2 states that you should make a T C. 1. height
that is one inch high, but you should make 2. speed
a C (that is) [one inch high]. 3. color
4. direction
E. length: 2"
5. number of legs
height: 1" height: 1" D. A. Step 2 doesnt tell that [the letter is T.]
B. Step 3 doesnt tell that [the T] is just over
1. 2. 3. the {middle/center} of the line.
length: 2" E. Make an L so both lines are about one inch
Make [a T] just under the right end of the
horizontal line.

F. Use criteria specified in exercise 6 to check

length: 2" or students paragraphs.
4. 5.
Lesson 19
A. 1. were
F. 1. age 2. is
2. number of people 3. is
3. number of tickets 4. was
4. number of rainy days 5. were
5. weight 6. stay

G. 1. Yesterday, she was sick. B. 1. Sales of Bumpo cars increased by 600.

2. Before the game ended, we left. 2. Three women built a huge kite.
3. When I slipped on the rug, my sister 3. Sales of Creamo paint increased in 2005.
C. 1. age
2. speed
3. number of books
4. time
8 ( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording

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:14 PM

D. Use criteria specified in exercise 4 to check B. 1. Fran Davis improved at writing clear
students paragraphs. sentences.
2. Gingers mother was proud of Gingers
Lesson 20 achievements.
A. 1. Therefore, people shouldnt smoke 3. The experience on a narrow mountain road
cigarettes. frightened the Johnson family.
2. Therefore, the skull needs calcium. C. 1. goes
3. Therefore, you should brush your teeth with 2. go
a Flexi toothbrush. 3. stay
4. are
B. 1. The alarm clock rang, and James got out of 5. has
bed. 6. were
2. Everybody likes that singer, but nobody 7. were
buys her records.
D. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a
C. length: 2" backward C that is two inches high, but you
should make a backward C (that is) one
height: 2" inch high.
2. Direction 2 states that you should make an
upside-down C that is one inch high, but you
1. 2. should make an upside-down T (that is)
one inch high.
Test 2 3. Direction 3 states that you should make a
A. 1. When she came into the room, they smiled. slanted line that is one inch long, but you
2. Before he went out to play, he cleaned his should make a horizontal line (that is) one
room. inch long.

B. 2. New York E. 1. Another possibility is that [students choice:

3. Bumpo the man was working.
4. Shino he was lost.]
2. Another possibility is that [students choice:
6. Fletcher
Fran was sick a lot.
C. The direction states that you should make a she was out of town.
horizontal line, but you should make a hori- somebody died in her family.]
3. Another possibility is that [students choice:
zontal line (that is) [one inch long].
Linda doesnt want to call you.
D. 1. speed she tried to call, but you werent home.
2. number of (raffle) tickets her mother wont let her call.]
3. distance
Lesson 21
A. 1. The car and the truck went (at) the same
speed. length: 1" length: 3"
2. Tim and Rita were the same age.
3. [The horse and the dog] went (at) the same 1. 2.
4. [Fran and Tina] arrived at the same time.
5. [The horse and the bull] were {the same
weight/weighed the same}.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 9

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Lesson 22 3. Another possibility is that [students

A. 1. Therefore, beetles do not have bones. choice:
2. Therefore, you should be on time for Bonnie is friendly.
school. she is fun.]
3. Therefore, polygons have at least three sides.
I. 1. The sun went down, and everything
turned dark.
B. 1. dries
2. My grandfather is very old, but he can
2. holds
walk quickly.
3. bark
3. She was tired, but she couldnt sleep.
4. are
5. run
Lesson 23
C. A. Accept 2 sentences for each item (either
length: 2" order).
a. Milly Brown had a [black poodle].
Milly Jones had a [white poodle].
b. Milly Brown had a [black poodle].
1. 2. Ann Brown had a [beagle].

E. 1. Make [a T]. B. 1. Make a horizontal line.

Make a dot under the vertical line. [Make an M just over the line.]
2. Make [a T]. 2. Make a vertical line.
Make a dot on the horizontal line. [Make a (capital) letter just below the
F. 1. [Bumpo cars and Zermo cars] get the same 2-1. [Make a vertical line (about) one inch
gas mileage. long].
2. [Jill and Anna] earned the same {amount of [Make a B just below the line.]
money/number of dollars}.
3. [Donna and the dog] were facing the same D. 1. You should buy the best tires.
direction. 2. You should help people who care about
4. [Dan and Greg] ran (at) the same speed. you.
5. [Fran and Ginger] {were the same weight/ 3. You should respect {an honest man/honest
weighed the same}. men}.

G. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a B E. Use criteria specified in exercise 4 to check
on top of an L, but you should make [a B] students paragraphs.
on top of [an A].
2. Direction 2 states that you should make F. 1. [Jan and Henry] go (at) the same speed.
an upside-down L on top of an A, but you 2. [Henry and Jan] throw a ball the same
should make a backward L on top of distance.
(an A). 3. [Henry and Jan] are the same height.

H. 1. Another possibility is that [students

you could read a book.
you could watch TV.]
2. Another possibility is that [students
we could go swimming.
we could row a boat.]

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Lesson 24 2. Direction 2 states that you should make

A. 1. Make a vertical line. a circle, but that direction is too general.
[Make an A over the line.] You should make a circle (that is) one inch
2. [Make a circle. {wide/across/in diameter.}
Make a (straight) line across the center of
the circle.] I. 1. [Lisa and Anna] read the same number of
1-1. Make a vertical line one inch long. books.
[Make an A just over the top (end of) the 2. [Anna and Lisa] are the same age.
line.] 3. [Anna and Lisa have the same amount of
2-1. [Make a circle (about) one inch wide. money.]
Make a horizontal line through the
center.] Lesson 25
B. 1. New Bumpo cars cost $1 less than last
B. Accept 2 sentences for each item (either years car.
order). 2. Bumpo cars come in [two] attractive colors.
a. Tom Smith drove a pickup truck. 3. Metro Zoo has [two] more monkeys than it
Larry Smith drove a (small) motorcycle. had last year.
b. Larry Smith drove a (small) motorcycle.
Larry Ming drove a (big) motorcycle. C. 1. Dr. Sue Morris looked at a white flower.
2. The students in Mrs. Taylors fifth-grade
C. 1. We should help people who are poor. class requested information about the cost
2. Children should eat wholesome foods. of gold and silver.

E. 1. inaccurate D. 1. Another possibility is that [students

2. too general choice:
3. too general Shiny toothpaste is not expensive.
4. inaccurate it tastes the best.]
2. Another possibility is that [students
F. 1. too general choice:
2. inaccurate they are going to school.
3. inaccurate They are coming from the bookstore.]
4. too general
E. 1. Fremont Farms planted the same number of
G. 1. Another possibility is that [students fruit trees in 2005 and (in) 2006.
choice: 2. Blumpo cars cost the same amount in 2003
they prefer the bus. and (in) 2002.
the bus is faster. 3. The oven had the same temperature on
they want to save gas.] Monday and (on) Tuesday.
2. Another possibility is that [students 4. H-Mart stores sold the same number of
choice: shoes in February and (in) March.
he was sick.
he took a trip with his family.] F. 1. [Make a horizontal line.]
[Make a B on the line.
H. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a Make an A near the end of the line.]
horizontal line one inch long, but that 2. [Make a circle.]
direction is inaccurate. You should make a [Make a (straight) line across the circle.
vertical line (that is) one inch long. Make an A in the circle.]
1-1. [Make a horizontal line one inch long.]
[Make a B on the middle of the line.
Make an A just to the left of the line.]

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 11

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G. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a E. General: [Make a vertical line.]
backward C one inch high, but that direc- [Make a (capital) letter just above
tion is inaccurate. You should make a the line.]
backward [B] (that is) one inch high. [Make a number just below the
2. Direction 2 states that you should make a B, line.]
but that direction is too general. You should Specific: [Make a vertical line (about) one
make [a B half an inch high]. inch long.]
[Make an R just above the line.]
H. [Make a 2 just under the line.]

height: 1" F. 1. Another possibility is that [students choice:

she studies hard.
Alice is very smart.]
2. Another possibility is that [students choice:
length: 1" she likes to walk up stairs.
1. 2. the elevator is broken.]

G. 1. 2.
Lesson 26
A. 1. The trend in sales pleased the owners of
Downtown Motors. length: 2"
2. (The number of) Traffic accidents increased height: 1"
after a dense fog came in.
3. Our teacher requested information about
the fire on Fifth Street. H. Accept 2 sentences for each item (either
B. 1. Z bikes weigh [4] ounces less than [Swifto 1. Mary Brown wore a yellow jacket.
bikes]. Mary Nelson wore a blue jacket.
2. [New Bumpo cars] go [3 miles per hour] 2. (Ms.) Mary Brown wore a yellow jacket.
faster than last years [Bumpos]. (Ms.) Ginger Brown wore a blue jacket.
3. Ten more people buy Blow Big gum than
Big Dent gum.
Lesson 27
C. 1. Children shouldnt tease stinging insects. A. a. Amy Taylor was proud of Liz Ardens
2. You shouldnt eat food that contains too achievements.
much sugar. b. Liz Arden was proud of her own
D. Direction 1 states that you should make a line c. Liz Arden was proud of Amy Taylors
one inch long, but that direction is too general. achievements.
You should make a vertical line (that is) one
inch {long/high}. B. 1. People should save things that may become
Direction 2 states that you should make an up- valuable.
side-down T one inch high, but that direction is 2. Wise shoppers should select the car that
inaccurate. You should make an upside-down performs best.
[A (that is) one inch high].
Direction 3 states that you should make a hori- C.
zontal line one inch long, but that direction is height: 1" height: 1"
inaccurate. You should make a vertical line
(that is) one inch {long/high}. 1. 2.


AK L 4 612645-5.indd 12 2/9/07
/07 2:35:53
:53 PM

D. Use criteria specified in exercise 4 to check Lesson 29

students paragraphs. A. 1. H-Mart stores in Alaska are giving away
free court shoes.
Lesson 28 2. You can feed (many) [dogs and cats] at
B. 1. [students choice of 2 or more sports] Metro Zoo.
2. [students choice of pet(s)] 3. You can rent {very old movies/movies that
are very old} for half price.
C. 1. Splatto paint dries 3 minutes faster than
before. B. a. Two sportswriters reported on two baseball
2. You can save [$13] by buying a Bumpo car players experiences.
instead of an Easing car. b. Two sportswriters reported on their own
3. Prices are now [40 cents] lower on all experiences.
Dingo Shoes. c. Two baseball players reported on two
sportswriters experiences.
D. 1. Children shouldnt try to fix complex
electronic machines. C. 1. See-More TVs cost [$1] more than Ace TVs.
2. You shouldnt believe people who make 2. New Bumpo cars cost only [$10] less than
misleading statements. last years Bumpos.
3. Speedoo bikes cost [$1] more than Safetee
F. 1. New Bumpo cars are 1 mile per hour slower bikes.
than last years Bumpos.
2. H-Mart prices have not been lowered on 14 E. 1. faulty
kinds of shoes. 2. okay
3. Burno batteries and Sparko batteries cost 3. faulty
the same amount.
F. 1. misleading
G. a. Greg bought his own ticket. 2. inaccurate
b. Greg bought Roberts ticket. 3. inaccurate
c. Robert bought his own ticket. 4. misleading

H. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make a G. Accept 2 sentences for each item (either
horizontal line one inch long, but that order).
direction is inaccurate. You should make a 1. The cheese was green.
vertical line (that is) [one inch long]. The table was green.
2. Direction 2 states that you should make 2. The music sounded terrible.
a horizontal line, but that direction is too The car sounded terrible.
general. You should make a horizontal line
(that is) [half an inch long]. H. 1. 2.
height: 2"
I. 1. The jar and the can hold the same
{number of/amount of} apples.
height: 1"
2. It takes the same {amount of time/num-
ber of minutes} to mow the front lawn as
the back lawn.
3. [Bills weight was the same in 1988 and

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 13

12645-5.indd 13 2/9/07
/07 2:35:54 PM

Lesson 30 E. 1. faulty
2. okay
Test 3 3. faulty
A. 1. Children shouldnt play with dangerous 4. okay
2. You should relax on weekend days. F. The direction states that you should make an
upside-down letter one inch high, but that
B. 1. Bumpo cars cost [$2] less than Dento cars. direction is too general. You should make an
2. Bumpo cars go [1 mile per hour] faster than upside-down [A one inch high.]
Dento cars.
Lesson 32
C. 1. Carlos and Kevin ate the same number of A. 1. Bumpo cars cost the same (amount) as
apples. Macko cars.
2. Carlos and Kevin ran the same speed. 2. Bumpo cars cost (only) [$3] less than Dort
D. The direction states that you should make a 3. Bumpo cars cost [$1] more than Zoro cars.
vertical line, but that direction is too general.
You should make a vertical line (that is about) B. People should buy things that cost less than
[1 inch tall]. $10.
[Students choice] are things that cost less
A. 1. true than $10.
2. false Therefore, people should buy [students
3. true choice].
4. true
C. 1. MB Market has the best fruit in town.
B. a. Mr. Brown had an accident in Billys car. 2. JM Products makes superior furniture.
b. Billy had an accident in Mr. Browns car. 3. Mr. Durkin hauls {farm animals/livestock/
c. Mr. Brown had an accident in his own car. animals} in his truck.

Lesson 31 D. 1. inaccurate
A. 1. true 2. misleading
2. true 3. misleading
3. false
4. false 2. Youll save only [1 cent] when you buy JJ
B. a. Donna tried to improve her own situation. 3. TT tapes cost only [5 cents] less.
b. Ellen tried to improve Donnas situation.
c. Ellen tried to improve her own situation. E.
height: 1"
height: 1" height: 1" height: 1"
1. 2.
1. 2.
F. 1. Now Strong Bod is offering free member-
D. 1. Speedoo bikes cost 2 dollars less than ships to men who are over 70 years old.
Whirlwind bikes. 2. Women who live in Alaska prefer Streako
2. Burno batteries last only 1 month longer running shoes.
than Sparko batteries. 3. Parents who have very young children de-
3. Six toys are not on sale at H-Mart. pend on Safe-T car seats.


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/07 2:35:5

Lesson 33 B. You should eat a green vegetable every day.

A. 1. Dino shoes that are made of cardboard cost [Students choice] is a green vegetable.
one dollar. Therefore, you should eat [students choice]
2. Children who are very hungry love Fricko every day.
3. Used Bumpo cars that were built in 1921 C. 1. misleading
may be worth $200,000. 2. misleading
3. inaccurate
B. 1. misleading
2. inaccurate 1. Dino tractors cost only $1 less than Bleepo
3. misleading tractors.
2. Dino tractors are only 2 inches longer than
1. Speedoo bikes cost only [$2] less than Ace Bleepo tractors.
bikes. 3. Dino tractors weigh only 4 pounds more
3. Speedoo bikes weigh only [one pound] less than Bleepo tractors.
than Ace bikes.
D. 1. Roses that are grown in special soil are
C. 1. Speedoo bikes cost (only) $2 less than huge.
Whiz bikes. 2. Boys who are under six years old prefer
2. {Speedoo bikes cost the same amount as Run-More shoes.
Dino bikes./Speedoo bikes and Dino bikes 3. H-Mart customers who spend at least $800
cost the same amount.} save $150.
3. Speedoo bikes cost $7 more than Gulley
bikes. E. 1. Mrs. Crocker said that she bought tools at
the hardware store.
D. Use criteria specified in exercise 4 to check 2. Mr. Williams said that Bumpos will be
students paragraphs. available in new colors next year.
3. A TV commercial said that skiing is great
E. {during the winter (months)/the first three
months of the year.}

height: 2" F. 1. Students choice of one:

height: 1" length: 2"

or or
1. 2.
2. length: 2"
Lesson 34
A. 1. Claim 1 states that Speedoo bikes weigh
B. Make a dot on the right end of the line.
less than Dino bikes, but that claim is
inaccurate. Speedoo bikes weigh 4 pounds
more than Dino bikes. G. 1. The students in Ms. Andersons
2. Claim 2 states that H-Mart tires cost classroom built a huge birdhouse.
less than Z-Mart tires, but that claim is 2. Jim Green was late meeting his brother.
misleading. H-Mart tires cost (only) one 3. Four red ants went to a large tree stump.
cent less than Z-Mart tires.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 15

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/07 2:31:41
1 PM

Lesson 35 E. 1. After school, the girls in our class went to

A. 1. Bonnie said that she got gifts from [four] (of the new video game arcade.
her) relatives. 2. The joke that our teacher told made
2. The president of Bumpo Company said everybody in our class laugh.
that Bumpos guarantee covers [four] (car) 3. The new car had a powerful engine.

B. 1. You should eat fruit with every meal. Lesson 36

[Students choice] is a fruit. A. 1. Claim 1 states that new Bumpos cost less
Therefore, you should eat [students than last years Bumpos, but that claim is
choice] with every meal. inaccurate. New Bumpos cost the same
2. You should do your homework in a quiet amount as last years Bumpos/New Bumpos
place. and last years Bumpos/New Bumpos.
A [students choice] is a quiet place. 2. Claim 2 states that Speedoo bikes go much
Therefore, you should do your homework in faster than Thrill bikes, but that claim is
a [students choice]. inaccurate. Speedoo bikes go only [1 mile
per hour] faster than Thrill bikes.
C. 1. B. Make a dot in the middle
3. Claim 3 states that Thrill bikes go slower
of the vertical line.
than Speedoo bikes, but that claim is
misleading. Thrill bikes go only [1 mile per
length: 1" hour] slower than Speedoo bikes.
2. B. Make a dot in the middle
of the line that is one B. 1. Anna said that she saw five birds.
inch long. 2. Donna said that her mother collected
leaves from four trees.
3. Fran said that her brother picked three
3. B. Make a dot in the middle flowers.
of the line.
C. 1. Other conclusions are possible because
Dallas is not the only city.
2. Other conclusions are possible because
D. 1. Claim 1 states that new Bumpo cars go
Chinese is not the only foreign language.
farther on a tank of gas, but that claim is
3. Other conclusions are possible because
misleading. New Bumpo cars go (only) one
turtles are not the only pets.
mile farther on a tank of gas than last years
Bumpo cars. D. 1. Creamo paints dry in 11 hours and 50
2. Claim 2 states that new Bumpo cars cost no minutes.
more than last years Bumpo cars, but that 2. Speedoo bikes weigh 39 1/2 pounds.
claim is inaccurate. New Bumpo cars cost 3. You can buy new hit tapes for $24.99.
$6 more than last years Bumpo cars.
3. Claim 3 states that the price of Speedoo
bikes has been reduced, but that claim is
misleading. The price of Speedoo bikes has
been reduced (only) $2.


12645-5.indd 16 2/9/07
/07 2:31:42 PM

E. 1. B. Make a dot in the middle E. 1. Other conclusions are possible because Jim
of the horizontal line. Gardner is not the only honest person.
2. Other conclusions are possible because
length: 1"
Thumpo is not the only good truck.
2. B. Make a dot in the middle
of the line. F. 1. Claim 1 states that Creamo Supreme costs
less than $15 a gallon, but that claim is
3. B. Make a dot in the middle
inaccurate. Creamo Supreme costs $15.88
of the line that is one
[a gallon.]
inch long.
2. Claim 2 states that a Tropic Fun vacation
F. You should use a toothpaste that fights lasts more than three weeks, but that claim
cavities. is misleading. A Tropic Fun vacation lasts
[Students choice] fights cavities. (only) 21 days and 1 hour.
Therefore, you should use [students 3. Claim 3 states that a Dreamland vacation
choice]. lasts more than three weeks, but that claim
is inaccurate. A Dreamland vacation lasts
(only) 20 days.
Lesson 37
A. 1. The only H-Mart stores that give away free
G. You should play a ball game.
shoes are (stores that are) in Alaska.
[Students choice] is a ball game.
2. The only movies that you can rent for half
Therefore, you should play [students
price are (movies that are) more than 20
years old.
3. The only animals that you can feed at Metro
Zoo are skunks.

B. 1. Lesson 38
height: 1" or or A. 1. Claim 1 states that Creamo Supreme dries
in less than 8 hours, but that claim is
misleading. Creamo Supreme dries in 7
B. Make a dot just below the line that is hours and 55 minutes.
half an inch long. 2. Claim 2 states that Creamo Supreme costs
2. much less than $5 a pint, but that claim is
height 1/2" inaccurate. Creamo Supreme costs $4.98 a
3. Claim 3 states that a pint of Creamo
B. Make a dot just below the vertical line. Supreme covers 100 square feet, but that
3. claim is inaccurate. A pint of Creamo
height 1/2" Supreme covers (only) 68 square feet.

B. Make a dot just below the line. B. 1.

length 1"

D. 1. Ben said that he played with three {types/

kinds} of {farm animals/livestock/animals}.
2. A TV commercial said that people are B. Make a dot just to the right of the horizontal
buying four {types/kinds} of vehicles at line.
great savings.
3. Dan said that he collects two {kinds/types}
of old coins.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 17

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/07 2:31:43 PM

2. A Lesson 39
BC A. 1. The only large stores that carry parts for
Bumpo cars are in Hong Kong.
B. Make a B just to the left of the C. 2. The only NC houses that cost less to heat
have no windows.
C. 1. The only Bumpos that have (a) free 3. The only Sassy shirts that dont wrinkle cost
sunroof(s) cost $65,000. $75.
2. The only riders who went 65 miles per hour
were going downhill. B. 1. C. Make an R just above the dot.
3. The only NC houses that cost less than 2. C. Make an R just above the dot.
$20,000 are the size of a garage. 3. B. Make a dot in the middle of the circle.

D. 1. Mrs. Taylor said that James got [an A in C. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should eat
four subjects]. grapefruit with every meal. Other
2. Mr. Jackson said that he repairs four {kinds conclusions are possible because grapefruit
of/types of} trucks. is not the only (kind of) fruit.
3. The advertisement was in the paper on 2. Argument 2 concludes that you should shut
three days. off your furnace. Other conclusions are
4. Five {kinds of/types of} fruit were (on) sale. possible because shutting off your furnace is
not the only way to save energy.
E. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should
vacation in Florida. Other conclusions are D. 1. Jane said that she saw two kinds of/types of
possible because Florida is not the only birds.
place with sandy beaches. 2. In Burtown it is cold during (for) seven
2. Argument 2 concludes that all children months (of the year).
should play the piano. Other conclusions 3. Three men rescued baby Sarah.
are possible because the piano is not the
only musical instrument. E. 1. Claim 1 states that Speedoo bikes go more
than 40 miles per hour, but that claim is
F. 1. General inaccurate. Speedoo bikes go only 40 miles
[Make a vertical line. Make a B just to per hour.
the right of the line.] 2. Claim 2 states that Speedoo bikes go
Specific faster than Dino bikes, but that claim is
[Draw a vertical line that is one inch misleading. Speedoo bikes go only one mile
long. Make a B just to the right of the top per hour faster than Dino bikes.
of the line.] 3. Claim 3 states that Dino bikes go much
2. General slower than Speedoo bikes, but that claim is
[Make a 4. Make a dot over the 4.] inaccurate. Dino bikes go only one mile per
Specific hour slower than Speedoo bikes.
[Make a 4. Make a dot just over the 4.]
F. 1. The Z-Mart store is on (the corner of Oak
and) Main Street.
2. (The) Creamo paint factory is (on Oak
Street) next to Z-Mart.
3. Marys house is between two apartment
buildings (on Oak Street).


d 18 2/9/07
/07 2:31:43
3 PM

Test 4 D. 1. Claim 1 states that Seemore TVs cost a lot

A. The claim states that Snappy apple juice costs less than Tyrone TVs, but that claim is
much less than $5.00 a gallon, but that claim is inaccurate. Seemore TVs cost only $1 less
inaccurate. Snappy apple juice costs $4.99. than Tyrone TVs.
2. Claim 2 states that Seemore TVs cost much
B. less than $300, but that claim is inaccurate.
height 1" Seemore TVs cost {$299/only $1 less than
3. Claim 3 states that Tyrone TVs cost more
B. Make a dot in the middle of the line. than Seemore TVs, but that claim is
misleading. Tyrone TVs cost only $1 more
C. 1. Mrs. Perez said that she took pictures of 3 than Seemore TVs.
{kinds of/types of} birds.
2. Mr. Hale said that he [went fishing for three E. 1. b. Make a dot in the middle of the bottom
days]. line.
2. c. Make a J just (to the) left of the dot.
D. 1. Other conclusions are possible because 3. c. Make a J just (to the) left of the dot.
volleyball is not the only team sport.
2. Other conclusions are possible because F. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should study
[Bumpos are] not the only safe cars. French. Other conclusions are possible
because French is not the only foreign
Lesson 40 language.
Use criteria specified
fi in exercise 2 to check 2. Argument 2 concludes that all children
students paragraphs. should eat a lot of spinach. Other
conclusions are possible because spinach is
Lesson 41 not the only food that is good for children.
A. 1. false
2. true G. 1. Two cats sat on a (tree) stump.
3. true 2. Two cows with [large] horns stood next
4. false to the barn.
5. true 3. Two cows with [small] horns were in the
6. false barn.

B. 1. The only people who lost 20 pounds in one

week (are people who) weighed more than
400 pounds.
2. The only people who earn $500 a week
selling Sticko candy (are people who) work
12 hours a day.
3. The only test drivers who prefer Bumpo
cars (are people who) work for the Bumpo
Car Company.

C. 1. Mr. Smith {made five phone calls/made

phone calls to five people}.
2. The store on the corner sells three {kinds
of/types of} furniture.
3. Fran said that she had four {kinds of/types
of} coins.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 19

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/07 2:31:44

Lesson 42 Lesson 43
A. 1. Youll save [only $7] when you buy a new A. 1. Claim 1 states that Z-Mart stores are open
Bumpo car. until 9 P.M., but that claim is misleading.
2. Zappo batteries last for only two months. The only Z-Mart stores (that are) open until
3. The only dentists who prefer Tino 9 p.m. are in Hawaii.
toothpaste are over 85 years old. 2. Claim 2 states that Z-Mart stores are giving
4. The only athletes who prefer Tino away free pies, but that claim is misleading.
toothpaste are not experts on dental care. The only Z-Mart stores (that are) giving
away free pies are in Kansas.
D. 1. [D E J K] 3. Claim 3 states that Beachfront Lodge is
2. [A B E F] only steps from the ocean, but that claim
3. [A E G I] is misleading. Beachfront Lodge is about
4. [E F G H K L M N] 2,000 steps from the ocean.
5. E specific 4. Claim 4 states that Freedom Lodge is a very
6. E specific short walk from the ocean, but that claim
is inaccurate. Freedom Lodge is four miles
E. 1. true from the ocean.
2. true
3. false B. 1. true 2
4. false 2. true 1
5. true 3. true 8
6. false 4. false
5. true 8
F. 1. a. Make a horizontal line (about) one inch 6. true 1
long. 7. false
b. Make a dot just [over] the right end of
the line. C. 1. b. Make an R on the [middle] of the bottom
c. Make a J just [above] the dot. line.
2. b. Make a dot just [under] the line. c. Make a dot just [above] the R.
c. Make a C just [under] the dot.
D. The argument concludes that you should visit
G. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should read the North Pole. Other conclusions are possible
from a dictionary every day. Other because the North Pole is not the only {quiet
conclusions are possible because a place/place that is quiet}. [Students choice]
dictionary is not the only book. [Students is a place that is quiet. Therefore, you could
choice] is a book. Therefore, you could visit [students choice].
read from a [students choice] every day.
2. Argument 2 concludes that you should eat E. 1. The president of Bumpo Car Company
liver for breakfast. Other conclusions are said that Bumpo is introducing four new
possible because liver is not the only good models.
food. [Students choice] {is/are} good food. 2. Mary earned money by [doing three
Therefore, you could eat [students choice] (kinds of) jobs].
for breakfast.

H. 1. [A woman waited next to a bus stop

2. [A man with a broken leg sat on a
3. [A man with a broken arm leaned
against the pole.]


12645-5.indd 2
200 2/9/07
/07 2:31:45
1:45 PM

Lesson 44 G. Minimum requirement: 3 sentences that

A. 1. Claim 1 states that Metro Zoo is open for tell what must have happened in the
hours every day, but that claim is missing picture.
inaccurate. Metro Zoo {is not open on
Monday(s)/is open only Tuesday through
Sunday}. Lesson 45
2. Claim 2 states that a Dino battery gives B. A B D
you power hour after hour, but that claim is The president of Bumpo made three
misleading. A Dino battery [lasts] only two statements that are inaccurate. He stated
hours. that more than 200 Bumpo cars were sold in
3. Claim 3 states that Lace Less shoes are January, but only 200 Bumpo cars were sold in
on sale for half price, but that claim is January. He stated that 400 Bumpo cars were
misleading. The only Lace Less shoes (that sold in February, but only 200 (Bumpo) cars
are) on sale for half price are baby shoes. were sold (in February). He stated that there
were many more Bumpos sold in April than in
B. 1. a. Go south on Main to Oak Street. January, but only 7 more Bumpos were sold in
b. Turn east. April than in January.
c. Go to the {third house on the left/second
big house on the left.} C. 1. Dinto shoes are (items that are) expensive.
2. b. Turn left. 2. Linda (is a person who) works at the spa.
c. Go to the last house on the south side of 3. Bumpos (are cars that) have a Flub engine.
the street.
D. The argument concludes that children should
C. The argument concludes that people should make pictures. Other conclusions are possible
wear red jackets. Other conclusions are because pictures are not the only pretty things.
possible because red jackets are not the only [Students choice] is a pretty thing. Therefore,
jackets that are brightly colored. [Students children could make [students choice].
choice] jackets are brightly colored. Therefore,
people could wearr [students choice] jackets. E. 1. Go north two blocks.
2. Turn {east/right}.
D. 1. general 3. Go to the third house on the {north/left side
2. specific of the street}.
3. general
4. specific 1. Go north one block.
5. general 2. Turn {west/left}.
6. general 3. Go to the fourth house on the {south/left
side of the street}.
E. Jan G
Fran A
Greg D F. 1. The president of Bumpo said that Bumpo
cars are available in four bright colors.
F. 1. Vehicles move. 2. Every day the salesman visits three
2. {Flako (is the food that) has the most fiber/ {types of/kinds of} stores.
The food that has the most fiber is Flako.}
3. Dogs dont sweat through their skin.
4. Bumpos [are cars that have] high
performance engines.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 21

015-028_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 21
21 2/9/07
/07 2:31:46
:31:46 PM

Lesson 46 Lesson 47
A. 1. Mammals are warm-blooded. A. 1. Bumpos go only four miles on a gallon of
Dogs are mammals. gas.
Therefore, dogs are warm-blooded. 2. Zee Boo toy cars are guaranteed (for) only
2. Dogs are warm-blooded. three days.
Beagles are dogs. 3. Youll save only seven cents when you buy
Therefore, beagles are warm-blooded. Flip shirts on sale.
3. Birds are warm-blooded. 4. The only doctors who prefer TT vitamins
Eagles are birds. live at the North Pole.
Therefore, eagles are warm-blooded.
B. 1. Go east two blocks.
C. 1 2 4 2. Turn {south/right}.
3. Go to the fourth house on the {right/west}
D. 1. Description 1 states that Johns house is (side of the street).
between two small houses, but that
description is inaccurate. Johns house is C. 1. Nancy is nice to her friends.
between two [big] houses. Ginger is {Nancys friend/one of her
2. Description 2 states that Anns house is friends}.
on the corner of Green and Elm, but that Therefore, Nancy is nice to Ginger.
description is too general. {Anns house is 2. The weather is nice during the [months in
the large house on the (northeast) corner the fall].
of Green and Elm/Anns house is on the October is {a month in the fall/a fall
northeast corner of Green and Elm}. month}.
Therefore, the weather is nice during (the
E. 1. Go north two blocks. month of) October.
2. Turn {west/left}.
3. Go to the {second/middle} house on the D. Ben made two statements that are inaccurate.
{left/south} (side of the street). Ben stated that he cut down 50 trees in 1970,
but he cut down (only) 10 trees (in 1970). Ben
F. 1 3 stated that he cut down 10 more trees in 1980
A newspaper article made two statements than (he cut down) in 1990, but he cut down
that are inaccurate. The article stated that the 20 more trees in 1980.
Titans won more games than any other team,
but {the Titans and the Lambs won the same E. Leftys directions state that you should turn left,
number of games/the Titans won the same but you should go straight ahead.
number of games as the Lambs}. The article Leftys directions state that you should stop, but
stated that the Blue Sox won twice as many you should go faster.
games as the Red Hats, but the Blue Sox won Leftys directions state that you should turn
(only) ten more games than the Red Hats. north on Elm, but you should turn west on Elm.

G. The argument concludes that people should F. 2 3 6 7

use Glinto. Other conclusions are possible
G. b. Make a dot in the [middle] of the square.
because Glinto is not the only toothpaste
c. Make a backward B just [under] the dot.
that has fluoride. [Students choice] is a
toothpaste that has fluoride. Therefore,
people could use [students choice].


d 22 2/9/07
/07 2:31:47

Lesson 48 B. 1. Go west one block.

A. 1. Item 1 states that you should turn left at the 2. Turn {right/north at the corner.}
corner of Main and Elm, but that direction 3. Go to the second house on the {right/east
is inaccurate. You should turn left at (the side of the street.}
corner of) Main (Street) and Oak (Street).
2. Item 2 states that you should go to the big C. 1. Any soap that contains pumice cleans fast.
house, but that direction is too general. You Fomo (is a soap that) contains pumice.
should go to the {big/second} house on the Therefore, Fomo cleans fast.
{left/east} side of the street. 2. Hard stones are formed deep inside the
B. 1. Go west (on Main Street) one block. Diamonds are hard stones.
2. Turn {left/south}. Therefore, diamonds are formed deep
3. Go to the second house on the {right/west inside the earth.
side of the street}.
E. According to Graph D1, Miss Taylor made
C. Miss Taylor made two statements that are three statements that are inaccurate. {Miss
inaccurate. She stated that Amys house is on Taylor/She} said that there were three more
Oak Street, but {Amys house/it} is on Pine boxers than pointers, but there were only two
Street. She stated that Tinas house is behind more boxers (than pointers). {Miss Taylor/
Dons house, but Tinas house is behind Amys She} stated that one German shepherd was
house. picked up, but two German shepherds were
picked up. {Miss Taylor/She} stated that five
D. Ted R Jill B Al N Tim O types of dogs were picked up, but only four
types of dogs were picked up.
E. Leftys direction states that you should go to
the second house on the left, but you should go G. 1. The boys were happy when they came
to the third house on the right. home.
2. Those ducks are bigger than chickens.
F. Jim loves games.
3. Your sister wasnt crying.
Checkers is a game.
Therefore, Jim loves checkers. 4. Those horses have been running.

G. The argument concludes that students H. Use criteria specified in student textbook.
should work in a coal mine. Other
conclusions are possible because working
in a coal mine is not the only {educational Lesson 50
experience/experience that is educational}. A. 1. She was in good shape for the race.
[Students choice] is an [educational 2. Those dogs and cats have been in the
experience]. Therefore, students could woods all morning.
[students choice]. 3. The people will eat all that food.

B. 1. general
Lesson 49 2. general
A. 1. Item 1 states that you should go east, but 3. specific
that direction is inaccurate. You should go 4. specific
west. 5. general
2. Item 2 states that you should turn right at 6. specific
the corner, but that direction is too general. 7. general
You should turn right at the corner of [Main 8. general
and Crest].

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 23

12645-5.indd 2
233 2/9/07
/07 2:31:48 PM

Don G 2. Jill is good at swimming.

Donna N The reason is that Jill is good at all sports.
Mike F Swimming is a sport.
3. Ann cant eat cheese.
C. 1. The square is under the lines. The reason is that Ann cant eat dairy
2. The square is under the line. products.
3. The squares are under the line. Cheese is a dairy product.
4. The squares are under the lines.
D. 1. Claim 1 states that Creamo paint dries in
Test 5 hours, but Creamo (paint) {dries in 75
A. 1. Go east two blocks. hours/takes 75 hours to dry}.
2. Turn {south/right}. 2. Claim 2 states that Creamo paint comes in
3. Go to the third house on the {left/east side a much large can, but the can is only half
of the street}. filled.

B. B. Make a dot just [under] the [middle] of the E. 2

bottom line. 3
C. Make an R just under the dot. 1. Make a T. Make a dot just [below] the
C. Linda loves all vegetables. 3. Make a T. Make a dot [below the
Carrots are vegetables. vertical line].
Therefore, Linda loves carrots.
F. 1. Vern and his sisters were making
D. The argument concludes that you should visit buzzing sounds.
New York. Other conclusions are possible
The bees were making buzzing sounds.
because New York is not the only big city.
[Students choice] is a big city. Therefore, you 2. The snow was white.
could visit [students choice]. The sidewalk was white.

Lesson 51
B. 1. Claim 1 states that Bumpo has a 125 Lesson 52
horsepower engine. That claim is A. The weather is very hot in Miami.
misleading when you compare Bumpo with The reason is that Miami is in Florida.
Zermo. Zermo has a 165 horsepower The weather is very hot in Florida.
B. 1
2. Claim 2 states that Bumpo gets 26 miles per
gallon. That claim is misleading when you
1. Make a capital letter. Make a dot just
compare Bumpo with Zermo. Zermo gets 41
[above the middle of the letter.]
miles per gallon.
3. Make a capital E. Make a dot [over the
C. 1. Booboo is a very smart dog. middle of the E.]
The reason is that poodles are very smart
C. 1. The square is [over] the dots.
2. The dots are [under] the square.
Booboo is a poodle.
3. The dot is [under] the squares.
4. The squares are [over] the dot.


d 24
24 2/9/07
/07 2:31:48
:31:48 PM

D. According to Table D2, the EZ Step ad makes 2. Claim 2 states that a gallon of Creamo
two statements that are misleading. The ad covers 300 square feet. That claim is
states that EZ step shoes give you the look and misleading when you compare Creamo with
feel of leather, but EZ Step shoes are made of Brite. A gallon of Brite covers 520 square
imitation leather. The ad states that even EZ feet.
Step shoelaces are parts that are guaranteed,
but [only the shoelaces are guaranteed]. C. (2 4 8 10 13 15)
2. It was very quiet.
E. 1. she 4. They hid under piles of straw.
N 8. One girl said, Ill keep them in my
2. my mother pockets.
N 10. It was green and blue.
3. an old man 13. Suddenly, she ran away and jumped over
4. they the fence.
N N 15. It was brown and green.
5. the girls in the park
N Picture depicting unintended meaning of any
6. all those bugs of the above sentences in part C.

F. 1. The only people who enjoyed the movie

(are people who) did not pay to see it. Lesson 54
2. The only E-Z shirts that will last for years A. Go north one block. Turn {west/left}. Go to
(are shirts that) cost $200 each. {the third house/next to the last house} on the
3. The only athletes who recommend Big {left/south side of the street}.
Top cereal (are athletes who) receive
money from Big Top. B. According to Map D1, Lefty made three
statements that are inaccurate. Lefty stated
that Marthas house is two houses east of
Lesson 53 Dons house, but Marthas house is three
A. According to Table D3, the Dino ad makes houses east of Dons house. Lefty stated that
three claims that are misleading. 1 The ad Dons house is bigger than Frans house, but
states that the new Dino weighs less than a Dons house is {the same size as/just as big
Mow More, but (the new) Dino weighs only as} Frans house. Lefty stated that Jans house
two pounds less (than a Mow More). 2 The is next door to Marys house, but Jans house is
ad states that the new Dino goes faster than a {in back of/right behind} Marys house.
Mow More, but the new Dino goes only one
mile per hour faster (than a Mow More). 3 C. Mr. Jacobs shouldnt eat salty foods.
The ad states that the new Dino costs less than The reason is that a person with health
a Mow More, but (the new) Dino costs only problems shouldnt eat salty foods.
$10 less (than a Mow More). Mr. Jacobs is a person with health problems.

B. 1. Claim 1 states that Creamo paint does not D. N N

fade for one year. That claim is misleading 1. a boy and his sister
when you compare Creamo (paint) with 2. it
Brite (paint). Brite (paint) does not fade for N N
three years. 3. Martha and four friends
4. their fish
5. the horse near the barn
( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 25

015-028_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 25
25 2/9/07
/07 2:31:49
:31:49 PM

E. 1. Claim 1 states that Z-Mart is open ten full D. 1. Claim 1 states that Z-Mart stores have very
hours every day. That claim is misleading convenient hours. That claim is misleading
when you compare Z-Mart [with] V-Mart. when you compare Z-Mart [with] V-Mart.
V-Mart is open 24 hours every day. Z-Mart stores are open 10 hours, but V-Mart
2. Claim 2 states that you can choose from stores are open 24 hours (each day).
120,000 items at every Z-Mart store. That 2. Claim 2 states that there are lots of Z-
claim is misleading when you compare Mart stores in your area. That claim is
Z-Mart [with] H-Mart. {You can choose from misleading when you compare Z-Mart stores
250,000 items at every H-Mart/Every H-Mart [with] R-Mart stores. There are 6 Z-Mart
store has 250,000 items}. stores in your area, but there are 12 R-Mart
stores in your area.
F. 1. There were four {kinds/types} of vehicles
E. 1. You a
are satisfied with Debbys work.
on Oak Street.
2. Mr. Jackson said that four {kinds/types} 2. They didnt notice the truck near the corner.
of {clothes/clothing} are on sale in his 3. All those workers could fit in a Bumpo.
Lesson 56
Lesson 55 A. 1. The dog followed us home.
A. According to Table D6, the Holt Furniture ad
makes two claims that are misleading. The ad
2. Our roof lleaked all day.
states that Holt Furniture is going out of
business, but {Holt Furniture plans to go out of
3. Two girls were very sick yesterday.
business 12 years from now./Holt Furniture
wont go out of business for 12 years}. The ad
B. People enjoy inexpensive entertainment.
states that you can buy full-sized sofas for less
TV is inexpensive entertainment.
than $100, but {these sofas/the only sofas that
Therefore, people enjoy TV.
are on sale} are used sofas in bad condition.
C. The claim states that you can select from lots
B. 1. People feel comfortable in a Bumpo.
of items in every Z-Mart store. That claim is
The reason is that a Bumpo is a heavy car.
misleading when you compare Z-Mart (stores)
People feel comfortable in a heavy car.
with H-Mart (stores). Every Z-Mart store [has]
2. Paper burns.
120,000 items, but every H-Mart store [has]
The reason is that paper is (a thing) made
250,000 items.
of wood.
Things made of wood burn. D. A
C. 1. Greg and Linda
2. the bug on that tree
Accept a sentence that tells more about the
3. he
squirrel (gray) and the car (small, old).
4. the biggest button on his shirt E. According to Table D8, Bill made two
N N statements that are misleading. Bill stated that
5. all those horses and cows the driver was hurt, but the driver (only/just)
had a small cut on his cheek. Bill stated that
people had gathered in his yard but (only/just)
three little kids had gathered in his yard.


12645-5.indd 2
266 2/9/07
/07 2:31:50 PM

F. The argument concludes that Mary should F. The argument concludes that students
play basketball. Other conclusions are should climb a dangerous mountain. Other
possible because basketball is not the only conclusions are possible because climbing
team sport. [Students choice] is a team a dangerous mountain is not the only goal.
sport. Therefore, Mary could play [Students choice] is a goal. Therefore,
[students choice]. students could [students choice].

Lesson 57 Lesson 58
A. According to Table D9, the Bumpo ad makes A. According to Table D10, the Creamo ad makes
two claims that are misleading. 1 The ad three claims that are misleading. 1 The ad
states that Bumpos get excellent gas mileage. states that a gallon of Creamo costs less than a
A Bumpo gets 34 miles per gallon, but a Miser gallon of Brite, but a gallon of Creamo costs
gets 58 miles per gallon. 2 The ad states that only [one penny] less than a gallon of Brite.
Bumpo cars have a powerful engine. Bumpo 2 The ad states that Creamo dries faster than
cars have [a 125 horsepower engine], but Z-Brand, but {Creamo dries (only) one-half
Dancer cars have [a 280 horsepower engine.] hour faster than/Creamo takes (only) half an
hour less time to dry than} Z-Brand. 3 The ad
B. A robin has a heart that beats very fast. states that Creamo comes in many colors.
The reason is that every small bird has a heart Creamo comes in 28 colors, but Z-Brand comes
that beats very fast. in 49 colors.
A robin is a small bird.
B. A. noun B. verb C. noun D. verb
C. 1. tent had E. noun F. noun G. verb H. verb
2. Nancy gave
3. birds were C. 1. Groob MP
4. dream had 2. King Mountain M
5. office called 3. a (small) lake P
4. Dab MP
D. D 5. Foo M
A 6. west M
B D. A clear paragraph that describes all
Accept a sentence that tells more about the characters in picture 1, picture 2 or picture
old woman (umbrella, long dress) and gro- 3.
cery store (Jays Grocery Store).
Lesson 59
E. According to Table D8, Bill made two A. 1. were
statements that are inaccurate. Bill stated that 2. were
he was doing his homework {when/at the 3. was
time} the lights went out, but he was watching 4. were
TV. Bill stated that he grabbed [one] kid who
was too close to the broken line, but the driver 1. Tom and Donna were [sitting] on the porch.
grabbed the kid. 2. Two dogs were [barking] in the front yard.
3. Mary was [standing] on a ladder.
4. Robert and Dawn were [swimming] in the

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 27

015-028_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 27
27 5/25/07
/07 12:51:06
:51:06 PM

B. 1. Mount High M B. 2. Can store?

2. Mount Highest MP 4. Go store.
3. over 10,000 feet (high) P 5. Fold middle.
4. north M 6. That paper.
5. Hoost P 7. Will paper?

C. Leftys argument concludes that Jerry walked Test 6

to Hoost. Other conclusions are possible A. Monday has 24 hours.
because Hoost is not the only place (that is) The reason is that every day has 24 hours.
near the ski lodge. The ranger station is near Monday is a day.
the ski lodge. (Therefore,/So) Jerry could
have walked to the ranger station. B. a. noun d. noun
b. verb e. noun
D. According to Table D11, the Zee Boo ad makes c. noun f. verb
three claims that are misleading. 1 The ad
states that the new Zee Boo racer costs less C. The argument concludes that you should visit
than the Mobile racer, but the (new) Zee Boo New York City. Other conclusions are possible
racer costs only $1 less than the Mobile racer. because New York City is not the only big city.
2 The ad states that the Zee Boo racer goes [Students choice] is a big city. Therefore, you
very fast. Zee Boo goes 35 miles per hour, but could visit [students choice].
Mobile goes 60 miles per hour. 3 The ad
states that the Zee Boo guarantee lasts longer D. The claim states that Z-Mart has very
than the Spurto guarantee, but the Zee Boo convenient hours. That claim is misleading
guarantee lasts only 1 month longer (than the when you compare Z-Mart [with] V-Mart. Z-
Spurto guarantee). Mart is open 10 hours a day, but V-Mart is
open 24 hours a day.
Independent Work klesson 53, part A
According to Table D3, the Dino ad makes Lesson 61
three claims that are misleading. 1 The ad A. 1. question
states that the new Dino weighs less than a 2. question
Mow More, but (the new) Dino weighs only 3. command
two pounds less (than a Mow More). 2 The 4. statement
ad states that the new Dino goes faster than a 5. command
Mow More, but the (new) Dino goes only one 6. statement
mile per hour faster (than a Mow More). 3
The ad states that the new Dino costs less than B. According to Table D12, the Sleep Rite ad
a Mow More, but (the new) Dino costs only $10 makes three claims that are misleading. 1
less (than a Mow More). The ad states that [rooms at Sleep Rite cost
less than rooms at Dozer, but rooms at Sleep
Rite cost only $1 less than rooms at Dozer.]
Lesson 60 2 The ad states that [you get free meals at
A. 1. The dog was [sleeping] in the shade. Sleep Rite. You get (a free) breakfast at Sleep
2. Gingers mother was [swimming] in the Rite, but you get (a free) breakfast, lunch and
pool. dinner at Dozer.] 3 The ad states that [Sleep
3. The neighbors were [standing] on a diving Rite hotels are in lots of major cities. Sleep
board. Rite hotels are in 18 major cities, but Snore
More hotels are in 27 major cities.]


015-028_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 28
28 2/9/07
/07 2:31:5
1 PM

C. 1. Leftys first argument concludes that Tom B. 1. The ad states that [the new Bumpo
carried a baseball. Other conclusions are Sportster holds four people,] but that claim
possible because a baseball is not the only is misleading. [The Sportster cant hold
small object. [Students choice] is a small people who are taller than three feet.]
object. Therefore, (So) Tom could have 2. The ad states that [the Sportster has
carriedd [students choice]. a powerful engine], but that claim is
2. Leftys second argument concludes that misleading. [The Sportsters engine breaks
Jenny bought milk. Other conclusions down frequently.]
are possible because milk is not the only
beverage. [Students choice] is a beverage. C. 1. The sick. statement
Therefore, (So) Jenny could have bought 2.
[students choice]. 3.
4. Stop cat. command
D. The passage states that [Glib is to the west of 5. Could log? question
the other two islands,] but the map contradicts 6. Put back. command
that statement. The map indicates that [Glib is 7. What say? question
(to the) east (of the other two islands).] 8. The sound. statement

The passage states that [Gluck is the largest of D. 1. Hilda said that her family went to the farm
the three islands,] but the map contradicts that and looked at five {kinds/types} of (farm)
statement. The map indicates that [Gluck is animals.
the smallest of the three islands (and) Glib is 2. Greg said that he did six (different)
the largest.] {actions/things.}

E. 1. The rule is faulty. Wearing fancy clothes is

Independent Worklesson 51, part C
not the only way to become popular. Fran
C. 1. Booboo is a very smart dog.
could become popular by ing .
The reason is that poodles are very
2. The rule is faulty. Using Shino toothpaste is
smart dogs.
not the only way to reduce cavities. Linda
Booboo is a poodle.
could reduce cavities by ing .
2. Jill is good at swimming.
The reason is that Jill is good at all
sports. Independent Worklesson 52, part D
Swimming is a sport. D. According to Table D2, the EZ Step ad
3. Ann cant eat cheese. makes two statements that are misleading.
The reason is that Ann cant eat dairy The ad states that EZ Step shoes give you
products. the look and feel of leather, but EZ Step
Cheese is a dairy product. shoes are made of imitation leather. The ad
states that even EZ Step shoelaces are parts
that are guaranteed, but [only the shoelaces
Lesson 62 are guaranteed.]
A. 1. could dance
2. should protect
3. was
4. is
5. will talk
6. was singing

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 29

dd 29 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:36 AM

Lesson 63 Independent Worklesson 54, part B

A. The map contradicts two details of the B. According to Map D1, Lefty made three
passage. 1 The passage states that Jim lives statements that are inaccurate. Lefty stated
between Mrs. Hudson and Henry, but the map that Marthas house is two houses east of
indicates that [Jim lives between Mrs. Hudson Dons house, but Marthas house is three
and Bill.] 2 The passage states that Bill lives houses east of Dons house. Lefty stated that
across the street from Jim, but the map Dons house is bigger than Frans house, but
indicates that Bill lives {across the street from Dons house is {the same size as/just as big
Alex/across the street from Tina/next door to as} Frans house. Lefty stated that Jans
Jim.} house is next door to Marys house, but
Jans house is {in back of/right behind}
B. 1. should go
Marys house.
2. met
3. might become
4. has been running Lesson 64
5. has A. The ad states that the new Zee Boo Super has
6. could break outstanding performance, [but that claim is
7. might deliver misleading when you compare the Zee Boo
Super with Mobile.] {The Zee Boo Super costs
C. 1. The rule for argument 1 is faulty. Asking {a $450, but the Mobile costs only $66/The Zee
lot of/many} questions is not the only way Boo Super cost $384 more than the Mobile.}
to get good grades. James could get good
grades by ing . The ad states that the Zee Boo Standard
2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Taking the guarantees parts longer than Mobile does,
bus is not the only way to get to school fast. but that claim is inaccurate. {The Zee Boo
Linda could get to school fast by ing Standard guarantees parts for one month less
. than Mobile does/Mobile parts are guaranteed
for six months, but Zee Boo Standard part are
D. 1.
guaranteed for only five months.}
2. Stop working. command
3. Help thing. command B. 1. V
4. 2. N
5. Does me? question 3. V
6. Four playing. statement 4. N
7. 5. V
6. V
E. 1. The ad states that a shopping mall is within
walking distance of your home, but that C. The map contradicts two details of the
claim is misleading. [To get to the shopping passage. 1 The passage states that Anns
mall, you would walk over 4 miles.] house is next door to Henrys house, but the
2. The ad states that every home has a map indicates that {Anns house is next (door)
swimming pool that is shared with only one to Tinas house/Anns house is five houses
other home, but that claim is inaccurate. west of Henrys house.} 2 The passage states
[Some of the pools are shared by 20 that Mrs. Hudsons house is just west of Jims
homes.] house, but Mrs. Hudsons house is just east of
3. The ad states that each home comes with Jims house.
free cable TV, but that claim is misleading.
[The cable TV picks up only 2 channels.]


dd 30 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:36
:36 AM

D. 1. Make a rectangle. Make a letter in(side) D. The police report contradicts three sentences
{the rectangle/it.} of Leftys report. 1 Leftys report indicates
2. Make a rectangle (that is) one inch high. that [he saw two mean-looking guys running
[Make an A in the middle of the rectangle.] down Maple Street toward him], but the police
3. Make a rectangle (that is) one inch high report indicates that [two teenagers were
and [student's choice of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 1] walking down Maple Street] (on their way to a
inch wide. [Make an A in the middle of the costume party). 2 Leftys report indicates that
rectangle]. [he tried to stop those guys], but the police
report indicates that {he did not try to stop
D ( )
Independent Worklesson 39, part C them}. 3 Leftys report indicates that [the two
C. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should guys overpowered him and threw him into a
eat grapefruit with every meal. Other garbage can], but the police report indicates
conclusions are possible because that Lefty [jumped inside a garbage can].
grapefruit is not the only (kind of) fruit.
2. Argument 2 concludes that you should Independent Worklesson 43, part A
shut off your furnace. Other conclusions A. 1. Claim 1 states that Z-Mart stores are
are possible because shutting off your open until 9 p.m., but that claim is
furnace is not the only way to save misleading. The only Z-Mart stores (that
energy. are) open until 9 p.m. are in Hawaii.
2. Claim 2 states that Z-Mart stores are
Lesson 65 giving away free pies, but that claim is
A. The ad states that all Zee Boos run for two misleading. The only Z-Mart stores (that
hours on a battery charge, but that claim is are) giving away free pies are in Kansas.
inaccurate. {The Super is the only Zee-Boo that 3. Claim 3 states that Beachfront Lodge is
runs for two hours on a battery charge/The only steps from the ocean, but that claim
Zee Boo Standard runs for only 12 minutes on is misleading. Beachfront Lodge is about
a battery charge.} 2,000 steps from the ocean.
The ad states that you can own a Zee Boo 4. Claim 4 states that Freedom Lodge is a
for less than a Mobile, but that claim is very short walk from the ocean, but that
misleading. {The only Zee Boo you can claim is inaccurate. Freedom Lodge is
own for less than a Mobile is the Zee Boo four miles from the ocean.
Standard/The Zee Boo Super costs $384 more
than the Mobile.} Lesson 66
A. 2 4
B. 1. The rule for argument 1 is faulty. Eating
2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Taking a
lemons is not the only way to get vitamin C.
shower is not the only way to get clean. Jan
Jerry could get vitamin C by ing
could get clean by ing .
4. The rule for argument 4 is faulty. Watching
2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Running
television is not the only way to learn about
every day is not the only way to get in good
wild animals. Donna could learn about wild
shape. Debbie could get in good shape by
animals by ing .
ing .

C. 1. N
2. V
3. V
4. V
5. N
6. V
7. V
( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 31

dd 331
1 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:37
:40:37 AM

B. 1. is B. According to Table D15, the Bumpo ad makes

2. stop two claims that are misleading. 1 The ad
3. looks states that Bumpo has been rated number 1 by
4. sit hundreds of mechanics. [Bumpo has been
5. eat rated number 1 by (only) 462 mechanics, but
6. worked Empo has been rated number 1 by 13,890
7. walk mechanics.] 2 The ad states that Bumpo
8. was guarantees more parts than Empo guarantees,
but Bumpo guarantees only one more part
C. According to Table D14, the ad makes than Empo guarantees.
claims that are inaccurate and claims that are
misleading. C. 1 3 4
Two claims are inaccurate. The ad states 1. The rule for argument 1 is faulty. Running
that Water Blaster shoots 25 feet, but [Water is not the only way to stay in good shape.
Blaster shoots only 20 feet.] The ad states {Ginger could stay in good shape by
that Water Blaster is safe for all children, but ing ./Ginger could to
[Water Blaster is safe only for children over 9 stay in good shape.}
years old.] 4. The rule for argument 4 is faulty. Living on
Two claims are misleading. The ad states a dairy farm is not the only way to learn
that Water Blaster gets over 100 shots per load, about dairy products. {Fran could learn
but [Water Blaster gets only 101 shots per about dairy products by ing ./
load.] The ad states that Water Blaster costs Fran could to learn about dairy
less than Squirt Boy, but [Water Blaster costs products.}
only 1 cent less than Squirt Boy.]
D. Uncle Als report contradicts three sentences of
Independent Worklesson 48, part A Leftys report. 1 Leftys report indicates that
A. 1. Item 1 states that you should turn left at [he turned off the water to the house], but
the corner of Main and Elm, but that [Uncle Als report indicates that Uncle Al
direction is inaccurate. You should turn turned off the water to the house.] 2 Leftys
left at (the corner of) Main (Street) and report indicates that [he told Uncle Al to call a
Oak (Street). plumber], but [Uncle Als report indicates that
2. Item 2 states that you should go to Lefty told him that the pipes were fixed.] 3
the big house, but that direction is too Leftys report indicates that [he didnt know
general. You should go to the {big/ why Uncle Al had turned the water back on],
second} house on the {left/east} side of but [Uncle Als report indicates that Lefty had
the street. told him to turn on the water.]

Independent Worklesson 47, part B

Lesson 67
B. 1. Go east two blocks.
A. 1. water 5. looked
2. Turn {south/right.}
2. feels 6. step
3. Go to the fourth house on the right/west
3. went 7. hold
side of the street.
4. put 8. makes

Lesson 68
A. 1. To get to Gingers house, [go north four
2. To get to Toms house, [go east four


dd 32 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:38
:38 AM

B. 4. did open Lesson 69

5. will come A. Claim 3 states that [no other racer goes
7. have put faster than Zee Boo], but that claim is
8. is feeling misleading. [Two other brands of racers go as
9. can fix fast as Zee Boo.]
Claim 4 states that [no other racer has tires
C. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should keep better than those on a Zee Boo], but that claim
tools that will rust in the desert. Other is misleading. Three other brands of racers
conclusions are possible because the desert {have tires just as good as Zee Boo/have the
is not the only dry place. is a dry same type of tires that Zee Boo has.}
place. {Therefore/So}, you could keep tools
that will rust in . B. 1. Argument 1 concludes that you should study
2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Using in a dungeon. Other conclusions are
suntan lotion is not the only way to keep possible because a dungeon is not the only
from getting sunburned. {Greg could keep quiet place. is a quiet place.
from Therefore, you could study in .
getting sunburned by ing ./ 2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Driving a
Greg could to keep from getting small car is not the only way to use less gas.
sunburned.} {Mr. Johnson could use less gas by ing
./Mr. Johnson could to use
D. According to Table D16, the ad makes less gas.}
claims that are inaccurate and a claim that is
misleading. C. Accept reasonable summaries for the first 3
Two claims are inaccurate. The ad states paragraphs.
that the Rolling Rock album has five more SAMPLES
songs than the Twanger album, but the Rolling 1 Tinko toothpaste tastes good.
Rock album has only two more songs (than Tinko toothpaste has the taste people
the Twanger album). The ad states that the prefer.
Rolling Rock album has been on the hit chart Tinko toothpaste tastes better than other
for almost a year, but the (Rolling Rock) brands.
album has been on the hit chart for only five Tinko toothpaste has better flavor than
months. other brands.
One claim is misleading. The ad states that 2 Tinko toothpaste reduces cavities.
you can dance as you listen to the Rolling Tinko toothpaste is effective in reducing
Rock album, but [only four songs on the album cavities.
are good for dancing]. Tinko is good at preventing cavities.
Independent Worklesson 55, part D Tinko is as good as any other brand at
D. 1. Claim 1 states that Z-Mart stores have preventing cavities.
3 Tinko toothpaste costs less than other
very convenient hours. That claim is
misleading when you compare Z-Mart major brands.
[with] V-Mart. Z-Mart stores are open 10 Tinko toothpaste is less expensive than
hours, but V-Mart stores are open 24 other major brands.
hours (each day). Tinko toothpaste is cheaper than other
2. Claim 2 states that there are lots of Z- major brands.
4 Therefore, you should use Tinko
Mart stores in your area. That claim is
misleading when you compare Z-Mart toothpaste.
stores [with] R-Mart stores. There are 6
Z-Mart stores in your area, but there are
12 R-Mart stores in your area.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 33

dd 33 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:38
:38 AM

D. 1. did buy 5. turn Lesson 70

2. stand 6. take According to Map D18, the directions have
3. should eat 7. will write sentences that are {too general/inaccurate} and
4. would sell sentences that are {inaccurate/too general}.
Two directions are too general. Directions B
E. The map contradicts two details of Leftys indicate that Jerrys house is on the south side of
account. 1 Leftys account indicates that Bills the street, but Jerrys house is {the big house/the
house is four blocks north (of the starting last house/the third house} on the south side of
point), but the map indicates that Bills house the street. Directions D indicate that Brendas
is (only) [three blocks north of the starting house is the last house, but Brendas house is the
point]. 2 Leftys account indicates that Amys last house on the {north/right side of the street.}
house is the fourth house {on the right/north of Two directions are inaccurate. Directions A
Hill Street}, but Amys house is the third house indicate that Lindas house is the big house on
{on the right/north of Hill Street}. the left side of the street, but Lindas house is the
{small/second/middle} house on the left side of
Independent Worklesson 56, part C the street. Directions C indicate that you should go
C. The claim states that you can select from north to get to Megans house, but you should go
lots of items in every Z-Mart store. That south.
claim is misleading when you compare
Z-Mart (stores) with H-Mart (stores). Every Lesson 71
Z-Mart store [has] 120,000 items, but every A. Accept reasonable, well-constructed
H-Mart store [has] 250,000 items. statements.
Zippo paint [has been popular for (fifty)
Test 7 Zippo paint [doesnt fade as fast as other
A. 1. did fix
2. change
Zippo paint [is preferred by more builders and
3. have eaten
painters than any other paint].
4. paint
Therefore, you should {use/buy} Zippo paint.
B. Leftys report indicates that Lindas house is
B. According to Table D18, the SunDial ad
across the street from Sarahs house, but the
makes claims that are misleading and claims
map indicates that Lindas house is across the
that are inaccurate.
street from Ellens house.
Two claims are misleading. The ad states
that [you can buy a bottle of SunDial for less
C. The rule for argument C is faulty. Running 5
than $3], but [a bottle of SunDial costs $2.99.]
miles every day is not the only way to lose
The ad [states that SunDial is made from real
weight. {Kevin could lose weight by ing
oranges], but [a bottle of SunDial contains
./Kevin could to lose weight.}
only 2 ounces of real orange juice.]
D. Argument D concludes that children should eat Two claims are inaccurate. The ad [states
carrots. Other conclusions are possible that SunDial comes in a 45-ounce container],
because carrots are not the only food that has but [SunDial comes in a 31-ounce container].
lots of vitamins. has lots of vitamins. So The ad [states that SunDial contains almost
children could eat . no sugar], but [a cup of SunDial contains 3
tablespoons of sugar].


dd 334
4 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:39 AM

C. The game wardens report contradicts two C. Mrs. Johnson states that [playgrounds are
details of Leftys account. 1 Leftys account far more dangerous than libraries]. That claim
indicates that [he had two perch that were big is misleading when you compare playgrounds
enough], but the [game wardens report with bathrooms. Seven children were injured
indicates that both perch were too small]. on playgrounds, but fifteen children were
2 Leftys account indicates that [he had five injured in bathrooms. Mrs. Johnson concludes
sunfish that were big enough], but the [game that children should avoid playgrounds. Other
wardens report indicates that all five sunfish conclusions are possible because [playgrounds
were too small]. are not the only places that are more
dangerous than libraries. Bathrooms are more
D. 1. Have ? dangerous than libraries. So children could
2. Did ? avoid bathrooms.]
3. Was ?
Independent Worklesson 52, part F
Independent Worklesson 48, part G F. 1. The only people who enjoyed the movie
G. The argument concludes that students (are people who) did not pay to see it.
should work in a coal mine. Other 2. The only E-Z shirts that will last for years
conclusions are possible because working (are shirts that) cost $200 each.
in a coal mine is not [the only educational 3. The only athletes who recommend Big
experience.] [ ] is an [educational Top cereal (are athletes who) receive
experience]. Therefore, students could money from Big Top.
[ .]

Lesson 73
Lesson 72 A. Accept reasonable, well-constructed
A. The map contradicts two details of Leftys statements.
account. 1 Leftys account indicates that Rock City [is a friendly place].
Frans house is {5 houses north of Green Rock City [has beautiful scenery].
Street/3 houses north of Tinas house/4 houses Rock City [has a fantastic rock collection].
north of Amys house}, but Frans house is Therefore, [you should {visit/move to} Rock
{4 houses north of Green Street/2 houses north City].
of Tinas house/3 houses north of Amys
house}. 2 Leftys account indicates that C. 1. girl house 4. car tires
Jerrys house is 3 houses west (of the starting 2. brother tomatoes 5. meeting hours
point), but [Jerrys house is 4 houses west]. 3. shoes mud 6. dog porch

B. 1. was walking D. All the boys in my family love popcorn.

2. are chasing Billy is a boy in my family.
3. should help Therefore, Billy loves popcorn.

1. Was she walking very fast?

2. Are those dogs chasing a rabbit?
3. Should your brother help us?

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 35

dd 35 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:39
:39 AM

E. According to Graph D2, Mrs. Johnson made

Independent Worklesson 63, part A
a misleading claim and a faulty argument.
A. The map contradicts two details of the
Mrs. Johnson states that [if children spent
passage. 1 The passage states that Jim
more time in school, they would do better on
lives between Mrs. Hudson and Henry, but
tests]. [That claim is misleading when you
the map indicates that [Jim lives between
compare (test scores of) children who have a
Mrs. Hudson and Bill.] 2 The passage
longer school day with children who do more
states that Bill lives across the street from
homework. Children who do more homework
Jim, but the map indicates that Bill lives
improve {more/by 15 points}, but children who
{across the street from Alex/across the
have a longer school day improve (only)
street from Tina/next door to Jim.]
10 points.]
Mrs. Johnson concludes that children should
have a longer school day. Other conclusions Lesson 75
are possible because [a longer school day A. Accept reasonable, well-constructed
is not the only way to improve on tests.] statements.
[Doing homework is a way to improve test Jane Baldwin [works all the time].
scores.] [Therefore, children could do more Jane Baldwin [is honest].
homework]. Jane Baldwin [wants to be a senator, not
Independent Worklesson 15, part F Therefore, [you should vote for Jane Baldwin
F. 1. The movie was old and boring. for senator].
The city was old and boring.
2. The (three) cats were very playful. B. The account gives the impression that
The butterflies were very playful. [Herbie Bull was arrested for parking in
a no-parking zone], but the account is
misleading. [Herbie Bull was jailed {for
Lesson 74 driving a stolen car/for stealing a car.}]
A. 1. Robert house
2. boat fish C. 2. Yoko was small; however, she was very
3. ant sidewalk strong.
4. sister books 3. She had two jobs; however, she was very
5. meeting hours poor.

C. Fred could not have copied from Nancy. D. 1. V 4. V 7. V 10. V

(One reason is that) [evidence showing that 2. N 5. N 8. N 11. N
cheating was impossible]. 3. N 6. V 9. N

D. Accept reasonable, well-constructed E. Fran could not have ridden her mountain
statements. bike through Mrs. Greens garden Friday
Movie Star College [gets good jobs for evening.
students]. [Four or more acceptable sentences giving
Movie Star College [can make you famous]. evidence showing that Fran could not have
Movie Star College [is not so expensive]. ridden her mountain bike through Mrs.
Therefore, [you should go to Movie Star Greens garden.]

E. The account gives the impression that [Tim

Jerkey just stole a piece of paper], but the
account is misleading. [The piece of paper he
stole was a $1000 bill.]


dd 36 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:40 AM

Independent Worklesson 61, part B Independent Worklesson 25, part G

B. According to Table D12, the Sleep Rite ad G. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make
makes three claims that are misleading. 1 a backward C one inch high, but that
The ad states that [rooms at Sleep Rite cost direction is inaccurate. You should make
less than rooms at Dozer, but rooms at a backward [B] one inch high.
Sleep Rite cost only $1 less than rooms at 2. Direction 2 states that you should make
Dozer.] 2 The ad states that [you get free a B, but that direction is too general. You
meals at Sleep Rite. You get (a free) should make [a B half an inch high].
breakfast at Sleep Rite, but you get (a free)
breakfast, lunch and dinner at Dozer.] 3
The ad states that [Sleep Rite hotels are in Lesson 77
lots of major cities. Sleep Rite hotels are in A. According to Graph D21, Mrs. Johnsons
18 major cities, but Snore More hotels are article is misleading. [The article] states that
in 27 major cities.] children who sleep on boards get (one inch)
taller every year, but [children who sleep on
{other things/beds/couches} also grow {taller/
Lesson 76 one inch} every year.]
V N V Mrs. Johnsons argument concludes that
A. 1. Willl this rope break very soon? all children should sleep on boards. Other
V N V conclusions are possible because [children
2. Was her mother feeling better? who sleep on boards are not the only children
V N V who get taller and taller. Children who sleep
3. Could Jimmy help us? on {couches/beds} get just as tall. {Therefore,/
So} (all) children could sleep on {couches/
C. 1. not relevant beds}.]
2. not relevant
3. relevant V N V
4. not relevant B. 1. Is that ship sinking?
D. According to Map D20, the directions have 2. Can that little bird fly fast?
sentences that are too general and sentences V N V
that are inaccurate. 3. Could your sister work quickly?
Two sentences are too general. [Directions
A indicate that Ryans house is the second C. [Make a circle one inch high.]
house, but Ryans house is the second house [Draw a dot in the middle of the circle.]
on the {right/south} side of the street.] [Draw a vertical line from the top of the circle
[Directions B indicate that Cindys house is on to the top of the dot.]
the north side of the street, but Cindys house is
the {second/middle/small} house on the north D. 1. Teds argument concludes that Milly was in
side of the street.] school (on) December first; however, the
Two sentences are inaccurate. [Directions evidence is irrelevant. That evidence shows
C indicate that Debbies house is south (of the only that Milly [was not absent in
starting point), but Debbies house is north (of September, October or November].
the starting point).] 2. Gingers argument concludes that Bill can
[Directions D indicate that Michaels house run faster than Jane; however, the evidence
is the last house on the right, but Michaels is irrelevant. That evidence shows only that
house is the last house on the {left/north}.] Bill [runs faster than any other boy in their

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 37

029-046_AK_L_4 _612645-5.indd
612645-5.indd 337
7 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:41
:40:41 AM

Independent Worklesson 64, part C Independent Worklesson 63, part C

C. The map contradicts two details of the C. 1. The rule for argument 1 is faulty. Asking
passage. 1 The passage states that Anns {a lot of/many} questions is not the only
house is next door to Henrys house, but the way to get good grades. James could get
map indicates that {Anns house is next good grades by ing .
(door) to Tinas house/Anns house is five 2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty. Taking
houses west of Henrys house}. 2 The the bus is not the only way to get to
passage states that Mrs. Hudsons house is school fast. Linda could get to school fast
just west of Jims house, but Mrs. Hudsons by ing .
house is just east of Jims house.

Lesson 79
Lesson 78 V N V N
A. The argument concludes that [you should A. 1. Was the dog sleeping on that bed?
buy a new Bumpo]. Other conclusions are V N V N
possible [because buying a new Bumpo] is not 2. Can her brother jjump over our fence?
the only way to save money. [ ing
is a way to save money. Therefore, you could
3. Has their long trip seemed like a bad
B. 1. Argument 1 concludes that Carol did not
cheat on the math test; however, the
B. 1. Argument 1 concludes that Frankie Hubber
evidence is irrelevant. That evidence shows
could not have stolen the payroll (from the
only that [Carol has done well in math the
Preston Building); however, the evidence
last two years].
[is irrelevant]. [That evidence shows only
2. Argument 2 concludes that Rita could
that Frankie does not look like an athlete.]
not have broken the rules; however, the
2. Argument 2 concludes that Mrs. Johnson is
evidence is irrelevant. That evidence shows
one of the best math teachers in the world;
only that [Rita is a good worker].
however, the evidence [is irrelevant].
[That evidence shows only that three of
Mrs. Johnsons students are super at doing
C. 1. Will my teacher call me?
2. Is that dog sleeping again? C. height: 1 height: 1
V N V variable widths
3. Should Bill sstop now?

D. [Children spend too much time at recess.]

[Recess can be dangerous.]
[Children have trouble settling down to work
after recess.] 1. 2.
Therefore, schools should {shorten/eliminate/
D. The ad gives the impression that
change} recess.
[Clunkbocker Hotel is a bargain], but the ad
is misleading.
[Acceptable sentence(s) giving evidence that
the Clunkbocker Hotel is not a bargain.]


AK L 4 61264
45-5.inddd 38
38 5/25/07
/2 /07 12
0 PM

[Directions D indicate that Michaels house

Independent Worklesson 24, part H
is the last house on the right, but Michaels
H. 1. Direction 1 states that you should make
house is the last house on the {left/north} side
a horizontal line one inch long, but that
of the street.]
direction is inaccurate. You should make
a vertical line (that is) one inch long.
2. Direction 2 states that you should make
Lesson 81
A. Accept clear directions for each figure.
a circle, but that direction is too general.
You should make a circle (that is) one
inch {wide/across/in diameter.}

Lesson 80
[Learning to ride a bike takes a long time.]
[Children under 14 do not know safety rules.]
[Younger children ride their bikes when they
should be at home.] 2.
Therefore, children under 14 [should not be
permitted to ride bikes (on roads and streets)].

Test 8 3.
A. 1. Was our cat p
playing in your yard?
2. Should Raymond study more? 4.
3. Will her friend call a taxi? C. 1. The big plane flew over the mountain.
2. Four horses hid among the tall, dark trees.
B. The argument concludes that [the movie 3. He watched the small, yellow butterflies.
playing at the Globe theater this week is a
great movie]; however, the evidence [is D. According to Table D24, the passage
irrelevant.] [The evidence shows only that the contains [two] statements that are true.
Globe has been playing good movies for a The passage indicates that [dentists
long time.] recommend Blow-Big gum over other leading
C. According to Map D20, the directions have bubble gums]. Table D24 supports this claim.
sentences that are too general and sentences Table D24 indicates that [1324 dentists
that are inaccurate. recommended Blow-Big, but only 61 dentists
Two sentences are too general. [Directions recommended Choo-Choo and only 8 dentists
A indicate that Ryans house is the second recommended Big-Bub].
house, but Ryans house is the second house The passage indicates that [Blow-Big is the
on the {right/south} side of the street.] best-tasting gum]. Table D24 supports this
[Directions B indicate that Cindys house is on claim. [Table D24] indicates that [Blow-Big
the north side of the street, but Cindys house is tastes excellent. Choo-Choo tastes poor. Big-
the {second/middle/small} house on the north Bub tastes pretty good.]
side of the street.]
Two sentences are inaccurate. [Directions
C indicate that Debbies house is south (of the
starting point), but Debbies house is north (of
the starting point).]

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 39

dd 39 2/15/07
2/ /07
07 8:40:42
8:40:42 AM

D. Accept clear directions for one of the

Independent Worklesson 35, part C
following figures.

1. 2. 3.

length: 1"
C. 1.
B. Make a dot in the middle of the vertical
4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.
B. Make a dot in the middle of the line that
is one inch long.

Independent Worklesson 38, part D

D. 1. Ms. Taylor said that James got [an A in
four subjects].
3. 2. Mr. Jackson said that he repairs four
B. Make a dot in the middle of the line. {kinds of/types of} trucks.
3. The advertisement was in the paper on
three days.
Lesson 82 4. Five {kinds of/types of} fruit were on
A. Fran (Dent) indicated that [she was never sale.
late to work]. The time clock record supports
this claim. The time clock record indicates that
[Fran starts at 8 A.M. She never arrived later Lesson 83
than 7:56 A.M.] A. According to Table 25, one claim in the
Creamo ad is accurate, and one claim is
B. 1. The car went down {a/the} hot, dusty road. inaccurate.
2. A violent storm approached the city. The ad indicates that [Creamo paint comes
3. On a cold, clear Saturday, Tina went hiking. in more colors than any other brand.] Table
D25 supports [this claim]. [Table D25]
C. Leftys argument concludes that [his new indicates [that Creamo has 236 colors and no
neighbors are lazy]; however, the evidence is other brand has more than 194 colors].
[irrelevant]. {The evidence shows only that his The ad indicates that [Creamo interior
new neighbors have a yellow car/The only paint costs less than any other major brand];
evidence Lefty has is that his neighbors drive a however, [that claim is inaccurate]. [Creamo
yellow car.} interior paint costs $13 a gallon, but Splat
interior paint costs $12 a gallon].


dd 40 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:43
:43 AM

A N C. [The Splat ad] indicates that [Splat paint goes

C. 1. Her brother runs faster than Mark. longer without fading than any other brand].
A A N Table D25 supports [this claim]. [Table D25]
2. A little dog followed us. indicates that [Splat starts to fade after 21
months. All the other brands start to fade]
{after 15 months/sooner}.
3. An inaccurate claim appeared in the paper.
A N D. [Make a circle] (1 inch wide).
4. Their car was yellow. [Make 12 Cs just around the outside of the
D. Accept clear directions for one of the [Make 12 Vs just] {inside the circle/where
following figures. numbers are on a clock}.

1. 2. 3. E. Accept reasonable sentences. Sentences 25

in any order.
From above, Crest Hill [looks like the letter
C]. [The community center is at the top end of
the C.] [The park is at the bottom end of the
6. C.] [Fern Drive runs along the inside] {from
4. 5.
the top end of the C to the bottom end of the
C/from the community center to the park}.
{The houses are/There are houses} [on the
outside of] {Fern Drive/the letter C}.

7. 8. 9.
Independent Worklesson 63, part A
A. The map contradicts two details of the
passage. 1 The passage states that Jim
lives between Mrs. Hudson and Henry, but
the map indicates that [Jim lives between
Mrs. Hudson and Bill.] 2 The passage
Independent Work
klesson 42, part F states that Bill lives across the street from
1. a. Make a horizontal line (about) one
Jim, but the map indicates that Bill lives
inch long.
{across the street from Alex/across the
b. Make a dot just [over] the right end
street from Tina/next door to Jim}.
of the line.
c. Make a J just [above] the dot.
2. b. Make a dot just [under] the line. Lesson 85
c. Make a capital C just [under] the dot. N V V N
A. 1. His sister was running in the street.
Lesson 84 2. Michael has finished the paper.
B. a. a big dinner
b. their porch N V V
e. his trip 3. That little girl should sleep.
g. three papers
B. The rule (for the argument) is [faulty].
i. his best friend
[Spending less when you purchase things] is
j. the broken clock
not [the only way to save money]. You could
[save money] by (not) [ ing ].

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 41

029-046_AK_L_4_612645 -5.indd
5.indd 41 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:44 AM

C. a. their new house C. According to Map D26, one claim in the

b. my favorite book Clunkbocker ad is accurate, and one claim is
d. our cat inaccurate.
e. the next meeting [The ad] indicates [that there is a lovely
f. a problem sidewalk less than 1000 feet long from the
Clunkbocker to the famous white sand beach].
D. From above, Topland looks like [a (capital) Map D26 supports [this claim]. Map D26
T]. indicates [that there is a sidewalk 700 feet
Dawn Street [runs east and west through the long from the Clunkbocker to the white sand
horizontal part of the T]. {Townhouses are/ beach].
There are (5) townhouses} [on the north side [The ad] indicates [that when you look
of Dawn Street.] toward the ocean from your window, you will
Sunset Street [runs north and south] see nothing but ocean and beach]; however,
{through the vertical part of the T/from Dawn [there is a high-rise (Madrid) hotel right
Street to the bottom of the vertical part of the between the Clunkbocker and the ocean].
T.} [Houses are/There are (5) houses} [on
the east side of Sunset Street. The community
center is on the west side of Sunset Street.] Independent Worklesson 34, part F
1. students choice of one:

Independent Worklesson 64, part C

The map contradicts two details of the length: 2"
passage. 1 The passage states that Anns
house is next door to Henrys house, but the
map indicates that {Anns house is next
(door) to Tinas house/Anns house is five B. Make a dot on the right end of the line
houses west of Henrys house.} 2 The that is two inches long.
passage states that Mrs. Hudsons house is 2.
just west of Jims house, but Mrs. Hudsons
house is just east of Jims house. length: 2"

Lesson 86
A. School lunches [provide good nutrition]. B. Make a dot on the right end of the line.
School lunches [taste great].
School lunches are {interesting/surprising}.
Therefore, school lunches [should not be Lesson 87
changed]. A. Leftys argument concludes [that Bumpos
are the fastest cars]; however, the evidence is
A A N V A N irrelevant. [The evidence shows only that
B. 1. The smallest bunny slid down our hill. Bumpo door handles and window wipers are
A A N V A A well made.]
2. The morning newspaper had a misleading
N B. 1. A friendly dog followed that woman.
V A N V A N 2. That old man carried large, heavy boxes.
3. Did
d his dog eat your candy? A N V A A N
3. The passage contained a misleading claim.


029-046_AK _L_4_612645-5.indd
L 4 612645-5.indd 42 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:45
:45 AM

C. The account gives the impression that [Mrs. Lesson 88

Anderson fired the waiter (Dave) for serving A N V A
soup that was not hot], but the account is A. 1. Her argument p
presented irrelevant
misleading. [Mrs. Anderson fired the waiter
(Dave) for coming to work 3 and a half hours
D. From above, [Longview looks like an L]. A A A N V A N
[Jack Street runs north and south through the 2. That large, blue boat won the race.
{vertical/top} part of the L. {Houses are/There A N V A A N
are (6) houses} on the {east/right} side of Jack 3. The predicate has an unusual verb.
Street. A park runs along the {west/left} side of
Jack Street.] B. From above, [Hill View looks like an H].
[Carla Street runs east and west through [Hill Street runs north and south on the
the {horizontal/bottom} part of the L. A {left/west} side of the H. There are houses
community center is north of Carla Street. A along both sides of Hill Street.]
shopping center is south of Carla Street.] [Elm Street goes east and west through the
middle of the H. The whole {right/east} side of
the H is woods.]
Independent Worklesson 35, part C
1. C. 1. a. His name was Billl [any last name].
2. b. She lived in Texas [for (exactly)
3. b. The car stopped [any place].
length: 1"
D. Source D30 contradicts two details of Source
B. Make a dot in the middle of the vertical D29.
line. Source D29 indicates [that the first addition
2. was built in 1915], but Source D30 indicates
[that the first addition was (started in 1911
and) completed in 1912].
Source D29 indicates [that the Clunkbocker
reopened in 1930], but Source D30 indicates
[that the Clunkbocker began operating {in
B. Make a dot in the middle of the line that
1933/five years after the fire of 1928}].
is one inch long.
Independent Worklesson 46, part D
1. Description 1 states that Johns house is
between two small houses, but that
description is inaccurate. Johns house is
between two [big] houses.
B. Make a dot in the middle of the line. 2. Description 2 states that Anns house is
on the corner of Green and Elm, but that
description is too general. Anns house
is {the large house on the (northeast)
corner of Green and Elm/on the
northeast corner of Green and Elm.}

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 43

dd 43 2/15/07
2/ /07
07 8:40:45
8:40:45 AM

Lesson 89 Independent Worklesson 65, part B

A. From above, [Valley Park looks like a V]. 1. The rule for argument 1 is faulty. Eating
[{The/A} school is on the left (northwest) lemons is not the only way to get vitamin
end of the V. {The/A} fire station is on the right C. Jerry could get vitamin C by ing
(northwest) end of the V. {The/A} community .
center is at the bottom of the V.] 2. The rule for argument 2 is faulty.
[V Street goes through the V from the school Running every day is not the only way
(past the community center) to the fire station. to get in good shape. Debbie could get in
There are houses on both sides of V Street.] good shape by ing .
C. 1. An enormous, dark cloud passed
p over the Lesson 90
N B. 1. To become a doctor, she worked hard.
city. 2. Although the engine blew up, the car kept
A A N V A N moving.
2. His older sister read three books. 3. If it keeps on raining, we will never get
A A N V A N 4. Unless you open the window, that plant will
3. The hotel room had six windows. die.
D. 1. yes
2. yes
Test 9
3. no
A. 1. A newspaper reporter wrote a misleading
4. no
5. no N
6. no article.
7. yes V A N V A N
2. Did her cat drink the milk?
Mrs. Johnsons account contradicts four details
of Leftys account. B. 1. They bought a large, old truck.
Leftys account indicates [that Mrs. Johnson 2. Those gray horses hid in the trees.
was waving her arms], but Mrs. Johnsons account 3. We climbed a steep, dangerous trail.
indicates [that she was throwing a stick].
Leftys account indicates [that Mrs. Johnson C. From above, [Ivy Place looks like an I.
said, Go get him,] but Mrs. Johnsons account Clover Avenue goes east and west through the
indicates [that she said, Go get it.] top horizontal part of the I. Houses are on both
Leftys account indicates [that the dog was sides of Clover Avenue. Rose Street goes north
real big and mean], but Mrs. Johnsons account and south through the vertical part of the I. A
indicates [that the dog was little]. park is on the bottom horizontal part of the I.]
Leftys account indicates [that the dog chased
him], but Mrs. Johnsons account indicates [that D. The ad indicates that [you can buy a gallon
Lefty chased the dog]. of Creamo interior paint for less than $15].
[Table D25] supports [this claim]. [Table D25]
indicates that [a gallon of Creamo interior
paint costs $13].


dd 44 2/15/07
2/ /07
07 8:40:46 AM

Lesson 91 Independent Worklesson 78, part B

A. 1. claim 1. Argument 1 concludes that Carol did not
2. argument cheat on the math test; however, the
3. claims evidence is irrelevant. That evidence
4. claims shows only that [Carol has done well in
5. argument math the last two years].
6. argument 2. Argument 2 concludes that Rita could
not have broken the rules; however, the
B. 1. Unless the traffic gets bad, we will get there
evidence is irrelevant. That evidence
on time.
shows only that [Rita is a good worker].
2. Although he didnt admit it, he was tired.
3. To build that nest, the birds worked hard.
Lesson 92
C. [Todays date A A N V A A N
students name A. 1. A frisky squirrel was in our front yard.
students address
city, state, ZIP code] A A N V A A
2. Three wooden crates fell off a speeding
Ms. D.B. Nichols N
Advertising Manager truck.
Bumpo Car Company A N V A A N
8246 Auto Drive 3. A woman walked along a winding road.
Detroit, Michigan 48204
B. 1. direction
Dear Ms. Nichols, 2. argument
[Sentence(s) describing purpose of letter.] 3. claim
According to the Consumer Fact Chart, the ad 4. claim
has claims that are misleading and claims that 1. Item 1 indicates that (to get to Tinas
are inaccurate. house) you (should) go to the second house
(on Fern Street), but [that direction] is too
Three claims are misleading. [The general. [Tinas house is the second house
ad] indicates [that Bumpo is known for on the {right/north} side of the street.]
performance]; however, [it is known for poor 2. Item 2 concludes [that Jane Dunkans
performance]. [The ad] indicates [that a new house must be the biggest house in the
Bumpo costs no more than last years Bumpo]; neighborhood]; however, the evidence is
however, [(both) Bumpos cost $64,000]. [The irrelevant. That evidence shows only that
ad] indicates [that people cannot believe the [Jane is the tallest girl in school].
mileage Bumpo delivers]; however, [Bumpo 3. Item 3 indicates [that Janes house needs
delivers only 12 miles per gallon]. painting], but [that claim is too general].
Two claims are inaccurate. [The ad [Jane Smiths house needs painting.]
indicates that Bumpos come in dozens of 4. Item 4 indicates [that two girls named Jane
colors; however, (but,) they only come in live on Fern Street]. [Map D27] supports
{black or brown/two colors}. The ad indicates this claim. [Map D27] indicates [that Jane
that a new Bumpo costs less than $20,000; Smith and Jane Dunkan (both) live on Fern
{however/but}, a new Bumpo costs $64,000.] Street].
[Sentences describing action to be taken.]
[Students name]

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 45

dd 45 2/15/07
2/ /07 8:40:46 AM

C. [From above, Gibson School looks like an L. C. [Date]

A hallway goes through the L from one end to Dear James,
the other. The office is on the north end of the [Sentence(s) describing purpose of letter.]
school. There are classrooms on {either/both} According to the Consumer Fact Table],
sides of the hallway(s).] the salesman made three claims that are
inaccurate. The salesman stated [that the
D. The argument [concludes that Mrs. Zee is Springer corners better than the BBC];
dishonest, but the argument is misleading]. however, [the BBC corners better than the
[Mrs. Zee is doing her job.] Springer]. The salesman stated [that the
Springer accelerates faster than the BBC];
Independent Worklesson 79, part B however, [the BBC accelerates to 60 miles per
1. Argument 1 concludes that Frankie hour seven seconds faster than the Springer].
Hubber could not have stolen the payroll The salesman stated [that the Springer is
(from the Preston Building); however, guaranteed for five years]; however, [it is only
the evidence [is irrelevant]. [That guaranteed for two years].
evidence shows only that Frankie does The salesman didnt tell you about
not look like an athlete.] three important comparisons. [The table]
2. Argument 2 concludes that Mrs. Johnson indicates that [the Springer costs $19,000];
is one of the best math teachers in however, [the BBC only costs $15,000].
the world; however, the evidence [is [The table] indicates that the Springer [has
irrelevant]. [That evidence shows only poor workmanship]; however, [the BBC has
that three of Mrs. Johnsons students are excellent workmanship]. [The table] indicates
super at doing math.] that [customer satisfaction is lowest for the
Springer]; however, [customer satisfaction is
highest for the BBC].
Lesson 93
[Action James should take.]
A. 1. Although Tims directions were too general,
Milly found the house.
2. To remove the fallen tree, they worked for Independent Worklesson 81, part A
hours. Accept clear directions for each figure.
3. Because the bus broke down, Fran was late. 1. 2. 3. 4.
B. 1. Bill talked to the girl who sat next to him.
2. Bill slept in a bed that was falling apart.
3. Fran caught three butterflies that had
golden wings.
4. They sat in a meeting that lasted four hours.
5. They stopped for an old man who had been
in an accident.


12645-5.indd 46 5/25/07
/07 12:51:31
1:31 PM

Lesson 94 Lesson 95
A. 1. We found an old shovel that had a broken A. 1. It splashed all over us.
handle. 2. They sat on it.
2. We watched the cowboy who was riding a 3. He found it.
black horse. 4. She looked at him.
3. We had a Bumpo car that gave us lots of 5. He loves them.
4. We met a woman who had written three B. 1. P 4. A 7. N 10. A
books. 2. V 5. V 8. N 11. N
5. The room was filled with music that 3. N 6. A 9. V 12. P
sounded loud and strange.
C. [Date]
C. 1. It belongs to him. Dear James,
2. She scolded them. [Sentence(s) describing purpose of letter.]
3. We found it. [According to the Consumer Fact Table],
4. She bought ice cream for us. the Empo salesman made two misleading
5. They chased it. [claims]. The salesman [indicated that Empo
gets better gas mileage than BBC, but Empo
D. [Date] gets only one mile per gallon more than
Dear Carla, BBC.] The salesman [indicated that Empos
[Sentence(s) describing purpose of letter.] guarantee is just like BBCs; however, Empos
The Clunkbocker brochure makes [claims guarantee is for (only) three years, and BBCs
that are misleading and claims that are guarantee is for five years].
inaccurate.] The salesman didnt tell you about two
[Two claims are misleading.] The brochure important comparisons. [The Consumer
[indicates that the Clunkbocker is only 200 Fact Table] indicates that Empo [has poor
feet from the beach, but the Madrid Hotel is workmanship], but [BBC has excellent
between the Clunkbocker and the beach. The workmanship]. The table indicates that
brochure indicates that rooms cost less than Empo [is rated third highest in customer
$50 a night, but each bed costs $45 extra a satisfaction], but [BBC is rated highest in
night and a bathroom costs $15 extra a night.] customer satisfaction].
[Two claims are inaccurate. The brochure [Action James should take.]
indicates that every window has a fantastic [Signed]
ocean view, but there is a tall hotel blocking
the view. The brochure indicates that you Independent Worklesson 82, part D
can ride horses free any time of day, but you Accept clear directions for each of the
can ride horses free only between 4 A.M. and following figures.
6:30 A.M.] 5. 6. 7.
[Action Carla should take.]
8. 9.
Independent Worklesson 82, part D
D. Accept clear directions for each of the
following figures.
1. 2. 3. 4.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 47

047-059_AK _L_4_612645-5.indd
L 4 612645-5.indd 47 2/17/07
2/ /07 2:01:23
01:23 P

Lesson 96 Lesson 97
A. 1. V 5. N 9. P 13. A A. 1. V 5. N 9. P 13. P
2. P 6. V 10. V 14. N 2. P 6. N 10. V 14. P
3. V 7. A 11. A 15. V 3. V 7. V 11. A 15. A
4. A 8. N 12. N 16. P 4. A 8. V 12. N 16. N

B. Mrs. Johnsons article concludes that [recess B. Mrs. Johnsons article concludes that
should be eliminated]. This conclusion is [children under 14 should not be permitted to
based on three major problems that Mrs. ride bikes on roads and streets]. This
Johnson finds with recess. conclusion is based on three major problems
1 The first problem is that [recess is Mrs. Johnson finds with [children under 14
too long]. Mrs. Johnson indicates that [any riding bikes on roads and streets].
assertion from paragraph 2]. 2 The second 1 The first problem is that [it takes a long
problem is that [recess is dangerous]. Mrs. time to learn to ride a bike]. Mrs. Johnson
Johnson indicates that [any assertion from indicates that [any assertion from paragraph 2].
paragraph 3]. 3 The third problem is that 2 The second problem is that [children under
[children are still active after recess]. Mrs. 14 do not know safety rules]. Mrs. Johnson
Johnson indicates that [any assertion from indicates that [any assertion from paragraph 3].
paragraph 4]. 3 The third problem is that [younger children
According to my experience, Mrs. Johnsons, ride their bikes when they should be working
evidence is inaccurate. 1 Mrs. Johnson at home]. Mrs. Johnson indicates that [any
indicates that [same assertion student used assertion from paragraph 4].
for first problem]; however, [students According to my experience, Mrs. Johnsons
contradiction]. 2 Mrs. Johnson indicates evidence is inaccurate. 1 Mrs. Johnson
that [same assertion student used for indicates that [same assertion student used
second problem]; however, [students for first problem]; however, [students
contradiction]. 3 Mrs. Johnson indicates contradiction]. 2 Mrs. Johnson indicates
that [same assertion student used for that [same assertion student used for
third problem]; however, [students second problem]; however, [students
contradiction]. contradiction]. 3 Mrs. Johnson indicates
[Sentence(s) indicating action that should that [same assertion student used for
be taken.] third problem]; however, [students
Independent Worklesson 41, part E [Sentence(s) indicating action that should
1. B. Make a dot in the middle of the be taken.]
bottom line.
2. C. Make a J (to the) left of the dot. Independent Worklesson 46, part E
3. C. Make a J (to the) left of the dot. 1. Go north two blocks.
2. Turn {west/left}.
3. Go to the {second/middle} house on the
{left/south} side of the street.


047-059_AK _L_4_612645-5.indd
L 4 612645-5.indd 48 2/17/07
2/ /07 2:01:24
24 PM

Lesson 98 Lesson 99
A. 1. Come to our [idea: roomy or new] store A. 1. Our hotel rooms are big enough to hold a
and see the [idea: great or large] selection large family.
of [idea: attractive or super] furniture. (The) beds are big enough to hold a large
2. Come to our [idea: tiny or old or shabby] family.
store and see the [idea: small or shabby] 2. In the early morning, the (gravel) walkway
selection of [idea: old or ordinary or sparkles.
shabby] furniture. In the early morning, the ocean sparkles.
3. The soldiers were covered with mud.
B. 1. The argument concludes that [Jim must Their (The soldiers) boots were covered
be one of the top players in the city]; with mud.
however, the evidence is irrelevant. That
evidence shows only that [Jim plays for the C. (Dr.) Bromleys argument gives the
Mob (and the Mob is the best team in the impression that {the crime rate increased/
city)]. Governor Wise failed to keep his promise
2. The argument concludes that [you should about reducing the crime rate}; however, that
camp out]. Other conclusions are possible impression is misleading. [Reference to
because [camping out is not the only way source Graph D30. Reference to specific
to spend more time outdoors]. [ ] is a years and crime rate numbers.]
way to spend time outdoors. Therefore, you
could [ ]. Independent Worklesson 48, part A
3. The rule is faulty. [Owning a Big Top tent A. 1. Item 1 states that [you should] turn left
is not the only way to enjoy the outdoors.] at the corner of Main and Elm, but that
[We] could [enjoy the outdoors] by direction is inaccurate. [You should] turn
ing ( )). left at (the corner of) Main (Street) and
Oak (Street).
C. [The argument] concludes that [the Dino 2. Item 2 states that [you should] go to
program for reducing pollution was a complete the big house, but that direction is too
success], but the argument is misleading. [The general. [You should] go to the {big/
argument] indicates [that the level of pollution second} house on the {left/east} side of
in 1990 was half as high as the pollution level the street.
in 1985, but Graph D28] shows that [the 1990
pollution level was still above the danger

Independent Work klesson 47, part B

B. 1. Go east two blocks.
2. Turn {south/right}.
3. Go to the fourth house on the {right/
west} side of the street.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 49

L 4 612645-5.indd
dd 49 2/17/07
2/ /07
07 2:01:25
2:01:25 PM

Lesson 100 B. 1. Go west (from the starting point)

The argument gives the impression that {to the second paved road/
[Bumpo is fair to everybody]; however, that to the fourth corner/
impression is misleading. [Reference to source past Rosies Convenience Store}.
Graph D32. Reference to specific wages and Turn {right/north}.
number of years worked.] Go north
{to the end of the road/
Test 10 past the jail/
A. 1. They bought a table that was over a to Fish Lake}.
hundred years old. 2. Go west (from the starting point)
2. We talked to the doctor who was visiting {to the first paved road/
our school. to the second street/
past Als Convenience Store}.
B. 1. The argument concludes that you should Turn {right/north}.
learn French. Other conclusions are Go north
possible because French is not the only {to the end of the paved road/
foreign language. is a foreign to the second corner}.
language. Therefore, you could learn Turn {left/west}.
. Go west to Fish Lake.
2. The rule (for argument 2) is faulty. Running 3. Go west (from the starting point)
is not the only way to get strong legs. [You {to the first paved road/
could get strong legs by ing ( )).] past Als Convenience Store}.
3. The argument concludes that Ted must be Turn {right/north}.
very good at math; however, the evidence Turn {left/west}
is irrelevant. That evidence shows only that {at the corner/
[Mrs. Johnsons math class does very well on the dirt road}.
(and Ted is in her math class)]. 4. Go west (from the starting point)
{to the first paved road/
Lesson 101 to the second corner/
A. I agree with Dan(s statement). Dan stated past Als Convenience Store}.
that Ajax paint [lasts longer than Creamo]. Turn {right/north}.
Table D33 supports [his claim]. [Table D33] Go {to the end of the road/
indicates [that Ajax lasts 3 years longer than to the second (dirt) road}.
Creamo]. Turn and go straight.
Jan stated that Creamo paint [costs less
than Ajax, but her claim is misleading. A Lesson 102
gallon of Creamo costs only 1 cent less than a B. 1. P 7. N 13. V 19. V
gallon of Ajax.] 2. V 8. P 14. N 20. V
Fran stated that Creamo paint [is rated 3. N 9. V 15. N 21. A
excellent in water resistance, but her claim is 4. P 10. A 16. V 22. N
misleading when you compare Creamo with 5. V 11. N 17. A
Ajax. Ajax is rated best of all brands.] 6. A 12. N 18. N

C. (Dr. H. S.) Bromleys article concludes that

[children under 15 years old should never
watch TV.] This conclusion is based on two
major problems Dr. Bromley finds with
[children under 15 watching TV].


dd 50 2/17/07
2/ /07 2:01:26
01:26 P

The first problem is that [TV makes children Lesson 104

lazy]. Dr. Bromley indicates that [any assertion A. 1. but
from paragraph 2]. The second problem is 2. but
that [there are no programs on TV that are 3. and
suitable for children]. Dr. Bromley indicates 4. but
that [any assertion from paragraph 3]. 5. and
According to my experience, (Dr.) 6. but
Bromleys evidence is inaccurate. Dr. 7. and
Bromley indicates that [same assertion
1. It could be sunny tomorrow, but most
student used for first problem]; however,
experts think it will rain tomorrow.
[students contradiction]. (Dr. Bromley
2. Jans sister is tall, butt Jan is very short.
indicates that [same assertion student used
3. The H-Mart is large, and it carries
for second problem]; however, [students
thousands of items.
[Sentence(s) indicating action that should
B. Mrs. Johnsons article concludes that school
be taken.]
lunches are perfect. The article gives three
reasons to support this conclusion.
Lesson 103 1 The first reason is that [school lunches
B. 1. The meeting was interesting, but half the are healthy]. Mrs. Johnson indicates that [any
people fell asleep. assertion from paragraph 2.] 2 The second
2. The workers painted the garage, and they reason is that [school lunches are delicious].
repaired the house. Mrs. Johnson indicates [any assertion from
3. The lights went off, and the movie started. paragraph 3]. 3 The third/last reason is that
[school lunches offer surprises and variety].
P N Mrs. Johnson indicates that [any assertion
C. 1. We could keep that puppy. from paragraph 4].
N P According to [my experience], Mrs.
2. The frost will hurt them. Johnsons evidence is inaccurate. 1 Mrs.
Johnson indicates that [same assertion
student used for first problem]; however,
3. The dogs were chasing butterflies.
[students contradiction]. 2 Mrs. Johnson
P N P indicates that [same assertion student
4. She is going on a trip with them. used for second problem]; however,
P N P [students contradiction]. 3 Mrs. Johnson
5. He can help Sally and me. indicates that [same assertion student used
for third problem]; however, [students
D. I agree with Terry. Terry indicated that contradiction].
[Runners are better than Joggers in price, [Sentence(s) indicating action(s) that
durability and foot support.] Table D34 should be taken.]
supports these claims. [The table indicates
that Runners cost $30 less than Joggers. The
Lesson 105
table indicates that Runners last 400 miles
more than Joggers. The table indicates that
A. 1. She will finish her homework.
Runners have excellent foot support, but
Joggers have (only) good foot support.]
2. They are staining our beautiful, new rug.
Larry indicated that [Joggers last for 500
miles, but that claim is misleading when you
3. Tommy is following the bus.
compare Joggers with Runners. Joggers last for
500 miles, but Runners last for 900 miles.]
4. That tractor can climb steep hills.
( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 51

d 51
51 5/25/07
/07 12:52:15
:15 PM

B. 1. The house was expensive, but it was very [According to Table D35, Ranger and
small. Rover] do not meet Dans needs. Dan needs a
4. The trip was long, but it went by quickly. jacket that [weighs no more than 3 pounds],
6. The trees were old, but they were not very but [the Ranger weighs 4 pounds.] Dan needs
tall. a jacket that [gives the best protection against
the cold], but [Rangers protection is only very
C. [According to Table D35, the Ranger] is the good, and Rovers protection is only good.]
best jacket for Rita. Rita needs a jacket that [is
washable]. [Ranger is washable.] Rita needs a Lesson 107
jacket that [is durable]. [Ranger lasts 8 years.] A. 1. They flew a kite that had red stripes and a
Rita needs a jacket that [gives good protection long, blue tail.
against the cold.] [Ranger gives good 2. A woman who was almost 60 years old won
protection against the cold.] [Rita needs a the race.
jacket that is water resistant.] [Ranger is water 3. A bowl that was worth $200 fell from the
resistant]. table.
According to Table D35 [the Trail Blazer and 4. Tina was in love with a man who was very
Rover] do not meet Ritas needs. Rita needs a handsome.
jacket that [is washable], but [the Trail Blazer
is not washable]. Rita needs a jacket that [is B. 1. Misleading but true comparison(s) that
durable], but [the Rover lasts only 2 years]. make Rangers seem to have a cost
Lesson 106 2. Misleading but true comparison(s)
A. 1. She found a pencil that had a yellow eraser. that make Rangers seem to have better
2. They met the girl who lived in the house on durability.
the corner. 3. Misleading but true comparison(s) that
3. My sister started to eat an apple that had a make Rangers seem very attractive.
worm in it. 4. Misleading but true comparison(s) that
make Rangers seem to have superior
B. 1. The teachers who work in our school had a water resistance.
2. A claim that appeared in our newspaper C. Ad consisting of:
was misleading. headline
3. Ten farmers who raised wheat had a good optional picture(s)
crop. some claims from part B items 14
optional claim about Rangers popularity
C. 4. He bought six hats, and he made a dress for
his mother. Lesson 108
6. The rain will stop, or our basement will A. 1. The girl who found our puppy lives in
flood. Westville.
8. The road was slippery, but we kept moving. 2. Brittany worked in a store that sold clothing
and appliances.
D. [According to Table D35], Trail Blazer is 3. Lou just missed the bus that went to
the best jacket for Dan. Dan needs a jacket Cleveland.
that [gives the best protection against the 4. The bus almost hit a boy who ran into the
cold]. [Trail Blazer gives the best protection street.
against the cold.] Dan needs a jacket that
[weighs no more than 3 pounds.] [Trail Blazer
weighs 2 pounds.] Dan needs a jacket that
[has good water resistance]. [Trail Blazer has
the best water resistance.]


dd 552
2 2/17/07
2/ /07 2:01:27
27 PM

B. 1. A 3. V 5. N 7. N 9. A [Date]
2. N 4. P 6. A 8. V 10. N Mark Barker
C. Ad consisting of: Clunkbocker Hotel
headline (Idea: Buy Runners. Theyre the 3247 Donner Beach Road
best.) Astoria, OR 97103
true, convincing and strong statements
Dear Mr. Barker,
telling how Runners are best
[Sentence(s) describing purpose of letter.]
optional picture
[According to the Map of Donner Beach
optional statement about Runners
and the Hotel Fact Guide, your letter makes
appearance (as good as others) and
[students total of 2, 3, 4 or 5] statements that
popularity (number 2).
are misleading.]
1 [Idea: The Clunkbockers value is not a
Lesson 109 great value.] 2 [Idea: The cost per night with
A. Hotel A
bed and bathroom is $98, not $38.] 3 [Idea:
Our [idea: new; modern; attractive] hotel is
The view is incredibly poor.] 4 [Idea: The
close to a [idea: sandy; white] beach.
king-sized waterbed is no more than a regular
Hotel B
bed, but a regular bed costs $45.] 5 [Idea:
Our [idea: old; run-down] hotel is close to a
The experience is one you will never forget,
[idea: rocky] beach.
Hotel A
[Sentence(s) describing action to be
Our [idea: large; modern] rooms have [(three)
big] windows and a [big; king-sized] bed.
Hotel B
Our [idea: small; dirty] rooms have [(two)
small] windows and a [tiny; twin-size] bed.
Hotel A
Test 11
A. 1. A woman who had traveled around the
Our menu offers a [large; great; wide] variety of
world spoke to our class.
dinners that are [inexpensive; appetizing].
2. An article that appeared in our newspaper
Hotel B
was inaccurate.
Our menu offers a [small variety of
[inexpensive; untasty] dinners.
B. 2. The office had two computers, but nobody
knew how to use them.
4. We have to study for three hours, or we may
fail the test.

C. 1. A 4. V 7. P 10. N 13. V
2. N 5. A 8. A 11. A 14. A
3. V 6. N 9. A 12. N 15. N

Lesson 110
I believe that [students choice] is the best
jacket. [Comparisons that favor students choice
for protection against cold; cleaning; durability;
weight; water resistance; and cost.]

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 53

047-059_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 53 5/25/07
/07 12:52:16
:52:16 PM

Lesson 111 5. much

A. 1. table of contents 6. noise
2. Great Events around the World 7. open
3. 128 8. real
4. Patsy Goes to Court 9. spare
5. 36 10. summer

B. 1. disapprove C. 1. disarrange
2. disappear 2. rearm
3. disconnect 3. reappear
4. disrespect 4. discharge
5. dislike
6. dishonor D. 1. reapprove
7. disinfect 2. reaffirm
8. disqualify 3. relocate
9. disorder 4. reunite
5. reinvest
C. 1. She is beautiful, rich, and kind.
2. Nola went shopping, ate lunch, visited her E. 1 We dont have any chips, salsa, or milk.
grandmother, and came home. 2. Should we call the police, the sheriff, or the
3. Agnes, Martin, Celia, and I went to the fire department?
movies. 3. I can visit on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
4. The new store sells CD players, DVD or Saturday.
players, and television sets. 4. You can swim in the lake, go boating, or go
5. I plan to paint my room pink, white, blue, waterskiing.
and yellow. 5. I cant remember if he is a freshman, a
sophomore, a junior, or a senior.
D. 1. The dinner was a delicious meal.
2. Our trip was a terrific experience. F. 1. The document was a long article.
3. Their room was an enormous place. 2. The boy was an angry child.
4. His vehicle was a blue bicycle. 3. The device is an expensive printer.
5. A tiger is a wild animal. 4. The program was an outrageous comedy.

E. Check students paragraphs. G. 1. He was short, but he could jump very high.
2. Their hands were filthy, and their clothes
Lesson 112 were torn.
A. 1. classroom 3. She worked long hours, but {and} she
2. evening always did a good job.
3. homework 4. He will need to take algebra, or he wont
4. library get into college.
5. mountain
H. Check students paragraphs.
6. poster
7. river
8. sketchbook
Lesson 113
A. 1. 246
9. town
2. 87
10. wild
3. 340
B. 1. frown 4. 107
2. hike 5. 799
3. mile 6. 15
4. money 7. 339

12645-5.indd 5
544 5/25/07
/07 12:52:17
:52:17 PM

8. 150 C. 1. thoughtless
9. 511 2. hopeless
3. odorless
B. 1. rejoin 4. formless
2. unable 5. senseless
3. unapproved 6. coatless
4. rerun
5. disconnect D. 1. joyless
6. unbuttoned 2. shapeless
7. dissatisfy 3. resell
8. reapply 4. disharmony
9. unclear 5. beardless
10. unfair 6. cloudless
11. discontinue
12. unaware E. 1. My granddad was born on March 29, 1945.
2. I believe Sandras new address is 14
C. 1. May 1, 1941 Manchester Road, Red Bank, New Jersey.
2. July 4, 2000 3. The book says that President Kennedy died
3. November 3, 1999 on November 22, 1963.
4. October 27, 1843 4. No change.
5. April 11, 1943 5. No change.
6. June 7, 1992 6. You can order these recipes from the
7. February 20, 2001 Randolph Company at 21 Old Farm Avenue,
Orange, Florida.
D. 1. Paducah, Kentucky
2. 503 North Avenue, Charleston, South F. 1. compound
Carolina 2. not compound
3. Omaha, Nebraska 3. compound
4. 731 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 4. compound
5. Chicago, Illinois 5. not compound
6. 9 Eastgate Road, Kalamazoo, Michigan
G. Check students paragraphs.
E. 1. Their car was wet, and their car was
muddy. Lesson 115
2. Her cough was painful, and her cough was A. 1. table of contents
persistent. 2. index
3. They sang energetically, but they sang 3. glossary
poorly. 4. table of contents
4. Marsha will go shopping, or she will go 5. table of contents
swimming. 6. index
5. She was small, but she was very strong. 7. glossary

Lesson 114 B. 1. fearful

B. 1. 471 2. hopeful
2. 473 3. peaceful
3. 472 4. cheerful
4. 471 5. zestful
5. 472 6. thoughtful

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 55

dd 55 2/17/07
2/ /07 2:01:29
01:29 P

C. 1. disrespect D. 1. My sister has music lessons each

2. colorless W
3. unproven 2. As a rule, school starts in September.
4. shoeless 3. The town has a big festival each fall.
5. retell 4. Correct.
5. In J
July, the library is open only on Monday,
D. 1. Do you know where he lives? T
Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
2. We heard that J John named his new pet 6. Correct.
after himself.
3. Hank speaks S Spanish and IItalian, as well E. 1. compound
as English.
E 2. compound
4. This year, the Voters
V Rights U
Union will 3. not compound
meet in Phoenix, Arizona. 4. not compound
5. M
My friend Leo is from Gaborone, Botswana. 5. compound
6. No change.
7. T
The first language of Brazil is Portuguese,
P F. Check students paragraphs.
not Spanish.
Lesson 117
E. 1. not compound A. 1. plant
2. compound 2. forceful
3. compound 3. beg
4. not compound 4. anger
5. compound 5. frighten
6. mean
Lesson 116
A. 1. tell B. 1. writer
2. tool 2. sorrowful
3. final 3. disapprove
4. gloomy 4. pitcher
5. readable 5. joyless
6. combine 6. fullness
7. unfinished
B. 1. hardness 8. sleeveless
2. rudeness 9. reread
3. brightness
4. meanness C. 1. recopy
5. truthfulness 2. coldness
6. weakness 3. resend
4. driver
C. 1. rewind 5. baker
2. hardness 6. guiltless
3. disapprove 7. skillful
4. hopeless 8. tallness
5. uncertain 9. careless
6. freshness 10. planner
7. quickness
8. treeless


047-059_AK_L _4_612645-5.indd
4 612645-5.indd 56 5/25/07
/07 12:52:17
:52:17 PM

D. 1. The address of the store is 71 Madison

M D. 1. A meteor is a piece of rock or metal from
Avenue, NewN Y
York, N
New Y
York. space that is passing through the earths
2. Correct. atmosphere.
3. My grandmother once shook hands with 2. It is moving very fast when it hits the
Jimmy C
Carter. atmosphere.
4. I cant remember if your birthday is in 3. It is very hot.
January or February.
J F 4. It looks like a streak of light.
5. Last J
June, the National
N Organization of
Artists and MMusicians held a fund raiser at E. Check students paragraphs.
Lincoln Center.
6. Correct. Lesson 119
7. Next ffall, our family plans to visit Senegal A. 1. dis pute
in Africa. 2. re visit
8. The correct date for the first day of spring
s 3. peace fful
training is MMarch 3, not F
February 28. 4. un happi ness
5. in
n struct
E. 1. The trees bark is 24 inches thick. The tree 6. conn struct
weighs 2,000 tons. The tree is over 3,000 7. de
e struct ive
years old.
2. This tree is located in a national park. This B. 1. {Those carpenters will construct a house;
tree is 60 miles north of Turner Mountain. you use a hammer to construct things; do
People visit this tree every year. you know how to construct a birdhouse?}

Lesson 118 C. 1. seven

A. 1. short 2. There are seven days in a week.
2. speck 3. Five plus two is seven.
3. stubborn 4. east
4. torture 5. The morning sun is in the east.
5. unknown 6. East is the opposite direction of west.

B. 1. re check D. 1. The children saw a shovel in the yard.

2. dis allow 2. The children in the yard saw a shovel.
3. un certain
E. 1. [Shakespeare.]
4. dull n
2. [Archimedes.]
5. seek er
3. [Qatar.]
C. 1. I went to the fair. 4. [Thailand.]
2. I am (Im) sorry about that. 5. [Sputnik; space exploration; satellites.]
3. Complete thought.
4. Complete thought. Lesson 120
5. [Mike went to the fair with me.] A. 1. con vert
6. Complete thought. 2. pro spect ive
7. Complete thought 3. de struct ive
8. [I would (Id) like to go to the mall.] 4. re spect ful
5. in spect ion
6. re vert
7. sub vert ed

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 57

d 57
57 5/25/07
/07 12:52:18
:52:18 PM

B. 1. [The people tried to revert to the old days; D. 1. H

His sister Mabel was born in C Chicago on
can the baseball player revert to his old July 23, 2006.
swing?] 2. Last ffall, they moved to 345 Spring Street,
Atlanta, Georgia.
C. 1. The children were singing.
2. The five happy children were singing E. 1. fire
loudly. 2. calm
3. The five happy children in the park were
singing. Lesson 121
4. The crowd was shouting. A. 1. [Bark is the sound a dog makes.
Bark is the covering of a tree.]
5. The runner slipped and fell.
2. [To jar is to shake up something or bump
6. The leader of the band w
walked on stage. against it.
7. The audience cheered and cheered. A jar is a container.]
8. The members of the band took several 3. [A train is a type of transportation.
bows. When you train an animal, you teach it.]
4. [Something is mine if it belongs to me.
D. 1. The cat on the windowsill looked at the A mine is a hole in the earth.]
mouse. 5. [To box is to fight.
2. The cat looked at the mouse on the A box is a four-sided container.]
windowsill. 6. [To maroon is to leave helpless.
Maroon is a reddish-brown color.]
E. 1. [Charles Babbage; computer] 7. [A prune is a type of fruit.
2. [Ballet; dance] To prune is to cut or trim.]
3. [Igor Sikorsky]
4. [Nobel Prize; chemistry] B. 1. Sammy won the game.
5. [Mountains] 2. My brother Sammy won the chess game.
F. Check students paragraphs. 3. My older brother Sammy won the chess
game this morning.
Test 12 4. The dog dug a hole.
A. 1. compound 5. The big white dog dug a hole in the
2. not compound garden.
3. compound 6. The dog buried a large bone in the hole.
7. Canada won five gold medals in the
B. 1. recombine Olympics that year.
2. hitless
8. Mia bought a new green sweater.
3. truthful
9. Mia and her sister bought new clothes for
4. disappear
5. fondness
10. My father walks to work every day.
C. 1. re invent
2. dis trust fful C. 1. The cat chased only the kite with a long
3. catch er tail.
2. Only the cat with a long tail chased the kite.


047-059_AK_L_4_612645-5.indd 58
8 5/30/07
/07 3:
2 PM

Lesson 122 B. 1. not a noun.

A. 1. [A sock is a covering for the foot. 2. proper noun
To sock is to hit or punch.] 3. not a noun
2. [A pupil is a student. 4. common noun
The pupil is a part of the eye.]
C. 1. not a noun
3. [The top is the highest point.
2. not a noun
A top is a toy that spins.]
3. proper noun
4. [A stable is a building for horses.
4. common noun
Something that is stable is unchanging.]
5. not a noun
5. [A fan is a device to stir the air.
6. common noun
A fan is an admirer.]
7. proper noun
6. [A fleet is a group of ships.
8. common noun
Someone who is fleet moves very fast.]
9. common noun
7. [A bear is a large animal.
10. not a noun
To bear something is to carry it.]
11. common noun
B. 1. The phone rang many times. D. 1. atlas
2. His father told good stories. 2. encyclopedia
3. The best players are Tina and Juan. 3. dictionary
4. The large birds made a lot of noise. 4. encyclopedia
5. The chemistry book w was wrong. 5. encyclopedia
6. atlas
6. Alex and Mandy w went skiing.
7. dictionary
7. The video store is closed.
8. dictionary
8. Josey sailed the boat.
9. Uncle Albert flies jets. Lesson 124
A. 1. [Boats sail on the lake; they will sail to the
C. 1. [Minnesota; Great Lakes] island.]
2. Switzerland 2. [Ants march in single file; those soldiers
3. Alaska must march for an hour.]
4. Kentucky; Illinois
5. Greece B. 1. [She is very happy.]
2. [Well have to stop the project.]
D. Check students paragraphs. 3. [Keep this information a secret.]

C. [If I were a superhero, I would do many

Lesson 123 important things. (Three more sentences that
A. 1. [The man had to pay his bill; the ducks bill
tell important things a superhero might do.)]
was covered with water.]
2. [They laid flowers on their grandmothers D. Check students passages.
grave; running a red light is a grave
mistake.] Lesson 125
3. [Ned is a fast runner; some people fast on A. 1. He is watching them.
Saturdays.] 2. They build them.
4. [He used a pole to vault the bar; he kept the 3. It flew at her.
gold in a vault.] 4. He chased him.
5. [She used scissors to cut a strand of her 5. She gave it to them.
hair; a blizzard can strand you at home for 6. Do they know where it is?
several days.] 7. He likes to tease her.
8. Can they babysit them?

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 59

047-0 59_AK_L_4_612645
9 AK L 4 61264 -5.indd
.indd 59
9 6/14/07 2:13:13
3 PM

B. 1. [Barkley wants a computer very much.] Lesson 127

2. [Ethan is unhappy.] A. 1. They build-plural.
3. [The movie wasnt worth watching.] 2. Carpenters build-plural.
4. [We were the best part of the show.] 3. This worker builds-singular.
5. [Do you understand?] 4. Two men build-plural.
6. [Toms in a bad mood today.] 5. She builds-singular.
6. Her cousin builds-singular.
C. [A paragraph that begins If I were lost in the 7. Her cousins build-plural.
forest, I would survive until I was rescued
followed by two reasonable sentences that tell B. 1. The children run around the track.
important things a person would do to survive 2. The smallest child runs the fastest.
if lost in the forest.] 3. Can you run that fast?
4. Marcy's dog jumps very high.
Lesson 126 5. Marc's dog jumps even higher.
P V V N 6. Gina grows roses in her garden.
A. 1. They were arguing about the assignment. 7. Roses grow just about everywhere.
2. He was looking at them. C. 1. Morris and a bee.
P V N 2. [Both are active.]
3. They llooked under the rocks. 3. Sophia and honey.
P V P N 4. [Both are pleasant.]
4. I ggave them the videotape. 5. Velma and a mouse.
P V P 6. [Both dont make any noise.]
5. It belongs to her.
D. 1. [The water in each ocean is salty.]
B. 1. [Smile and the sun.] 2. [Monica likes sports.]
2. [Both are bright.] 3. [Don took our picture with a camera.]
3. [Clancy and ox.]
4. [Both are powerful.] E. 1. [I am really happy to be riding the roller
5. [Tim and snail.] coaster. I love going fast down steep hills. I
6. [Both are slow.] think Pete is scared.]
2. [I am really unhappy to be riding the roller
C. [A paragraph that begins You can tell a lot of coaster. I am afraid of heights, and I don't
things about animals by looking at their like going fast. I think I am going to be
footprints followed by three reasonable sick.]
sentences that tell different things you can tell
about an animal by looking at its footprints.] F. Check students passages.
D. 1. [Accept paragraphs with at least three
reasonable sentences that tell why John is Lesson 128
smiling. The first sentence should begin A. 1. [Climbing a slippery hill and doing well in
with I.
I] school require a lot of effort.]
2. [Accept paragraphs with at least three 2. [When you climb a slippery hill and when
reasonable sentences that tell why Debbie you try to do well in school, you sometimes
is unhappy. The first sentence should begin have trouble.]
with I.
I] 3. [When you try to climb a slippery slope
and when you try to do well in school, you
E. Check students passages. sometimes need to take time out.]


060-064_A K_L_4_612645-5.i
4 612645-5.indd
dd 60
60 6/14/07 2:20:14
4 PM

B. 1. Ali and Barry laugh. plural C. 1. Thousands of letters inundated the radio
2. His dad laughs. singular station.
3. That thin man laughs. singular 2. They began a very arduous journey.
4. He laughs. singular 3. It took days of arduous work to clean up the
5. Jana laughs. singular inundated town.
6. My brother laughs. singular
7. My brothers laugh. plural D. 1. [The Mandell family went to the movies.]
a. [They bought tickets.]
C. 1. Mom and Dad ride the train. b. [They bought popcorn and water.]
2. That rabbit hops very high. c. [They watched the movie.]
3. The squirrels climb the tree.
E. 1. [I cant believe this. The truck has stopped
4. Tracy reads a lot of books.
moving, and my wheels are up in the air.
5. Tracys sister reads even more books.
What is happening?]
6. The baby looks cute in that dress.
2. [I think we put too many bricks in the back.
7. The babies look cute in their new dresses.
Looks like our back tire is flat. Now were
D. 1. [Hector likes to travel.] really in trouble.]
2. [The dog buried a bone.]
3. [Frank played baseball.] Lesson 130
A. 1. [Some birds that swim have webbed feet.]
E. 1. [I cant decide what jewelry to wear. I like 2. [Some birds that swim can fly.]
my diamond necklace, but I also like the
emerald necklace. I think Ill just flip a B. 1. verb
coin.] 2. [get rid of; destroy]
2. [I think Ms. Davidson is really rich. Look at 3. [destroy]
that emerald necklace shes wearing! I wish
C. 1. They tried to obliterate an ink spot.
I had jewels like that.]
2. This work is far too arduous for children.
3. Sid obliterated all the ants that were in his
Lesson 129 house.
A. 1. present
4. Water from the broken dam inundated
2. present
River City.
3. present
4. future E. 1. 1. height
5. present tallest trees in the United States; 300 feet
6. past tall; tall as a 35-story building
7. present 2. type of tree
8. past sequoia; named for Native American
9. future leader
10. past 3. grown in California
northern California; groves
B. 1. verb
2. Check students paragraphs. There should
2. [flood; cover; fill]
be one paragraph for each main idea list-
3. [flood]
ed above. The paragraphs should include
4. adjective
the words redwood, sequoia, California,
5. [straining; difficult]
groves, northern, and building.
6. [hard; difficult]
F. Check students passages.

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 61

060-064_AK_L_4 _612645-5.indd
612645-5.indd 61
61 5/25/07
/07 12:52:48
:48 PM

Test 13 Lesson 132

A. 1. voice and thunder. A A N V V
2. (Both are loud.) A. 1. His oldest sister can swim fast.
B. 1. [adjective] 2. Seven puppies barked at her.
2. [Large; enormous.]
3. An inaccurate statement was on TV.
C. 1. She was looking for a new car. A N V V
4. The dog was chasing a cat.
2. Harold b bounced the ball and tossed it into A A N V
N 5. The red car crashed.
the air.
B. 1. verb
2. [adjust; change to fit]
3. The dog barked when they left
P N C. 1. [hide; disguise; make invisible]
him in the yard. 2. [hide; disguise]

D. 1. present D. Check students notes.

2. past
3. future E. Check students passages.
4. present
Lesson 133
E. 1. [Fernando woke up.] A A N V
2. [Nina bought cereal at the store.] A. 1. The last statement is misleading
Lesson 131 2. The first two paragraphs are long.
A. 3. Suddenly, one of the bridge supports broke.
4. This made the bridge tilt to one side.
3. Her best work is on the wall.
5. Carl lost his balance.
6. Sandy grabbed his arm.
4. A large branch was banging against the
7. She slid on the wet wood.
10. He hung onto it.
B. 1. verb
B. 1. The family took an annual vacation.
2. [to argue; to disagree]
3. [argue]
2. They visited ten states.
C. 1. Four workers got tired of bickering. N V A A N
2. The trail was arduous. 3. Tony made a funny movie.
3. The result of the cyclone was the complete P V A A N
obliteration of the farmhouse. 4. She owned a large computer.
4. The water was pouring over the broken A N V A A A N
dam and inundating the valley. 5. The forecaster predicted a hot, dry summer.

E. Check students passages. C. 1. [happy]

2. [poor]
F. Check students passages. 3. [clear]


dd 62
62 5/30/07
/07 3:
3 PM

D. 1. origin: [come from outer space; most are C. 1. [elephants; tigers; lions, snakes]
from asteroids; a few are from the moon or 2. [cows; sheep; horses; pigs]
Mars.] 3. [dogs; cats; parrots; snakes]
2. classification: [stonyymade of stone;
ironmade of metal; stony-ironmade of D. Check students passages.
both stone and metal.]
Lesson 136
F. Check students passages. A. 1. theyve
2. theyll
Lesson 134 3. theyre
V AV 4. well
A. 1. barked yesterday 5. weve
V AV 6. shed
2. looked east 7. its
V N 9. Im
3. watched animals
V AV B. 1. fact
4. went away 2. opinion
V N 3. fact
5. bought milk 4. opinion
V N 5. opinion
6. watched birds 6. fact
7. looked up C. 1. [Laughing loudly at lunch is largely laud-
V AV able.]
8. traveled alone 2. [Run roughly round the rambling roses.]
3. [Manny will make mud moon pies.]
B. 1. [friendly; sociable] 4. [Donny will dig ditches in despair.]
2. [thoughtful] 5. [Tinas talk on tigers was terrifying.]
3. [soft]
4. [stuck with it] D. Check students passages.

C. 1. [football; basketball; baseball; softball; Lesson 137

soccer] A. they are
2. [checkers; chess; backgammon] there is
3. [tag; hide-and-seek; baseball] it is
you are
D. Check students passages.
B. 1. opinion
Lesson 135 2. fact
A. 1. gracefully; graceful 3. fact
2. loudly; loud 4. opinion
3. slow; slowly 5. opinion
4. quickly; quick 6. fact
5. carefully; careful 7. opinion
6. careless; carelessly 8. fact

B. 1. Explain
2. Wise
3. Confirm
4. Food
( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 63

060-064_AK_L_4_612645-5.i ndd
dd 63
6 5/30/07
/07 3:
3 PM

C. 1. [New noodles knock my socks off.] C. 1. cyclone and an angry child

2. [Hollys house holds many treasures.] 2. [Both destroy things.]
3. [Please pay Penny inside.] 3. Gabe and a mountain
4. [Vinnys van has vanished.] 4. [Both are unmovable.]
5. [Bobs banks become bankrupt.] 5. movie and a sleeping pill
6. [Both make you sleep.]
Lesson 138
A. 1. fact D. 1. metaphor
2. opinion 2. simile
3. fact 3. metaphor
4. fact 4. metaphor
5. fact 5. simile
6. opinion 6. metaphor
7. metaphor
B. 1. one
E. {Student questions will vary.}
2. more than one
3. more than one
Lesson 140
4. one
A. 1. [The cause is the temperature dropping 18
5. more than one
degrees. The effect is people putting on
6. more than one
their coats.]
7. more than one
2. [The cause is Joe falling off his bike. The
8. one
effect is Joe skinning his knee.]
9. more than one
3. [The cause is Gail putting the burner on
10. one
high. The effect is the water starting to
C. 1. Seth and clown
2. [Both are silly; funny.]
B. 1. motor
3. Eyes and diamonds.
2. boat
4. [Both sparkle; both shine brightly.]
3. [a boat with a motor]
5. Room and freezer.
4. snow
6. [Both are cold; frigid.]
5. flake
7. Josh and encyclopedia.
6. [a flake of snow]
8. [Both are smart; full of facts.]
7. hand
D. {Student questions will vary.} 8. book
9. [a book of instructions]
Lesson 139
A. 1. [The cause was Jimmy speaking to Angela. C. 1. house-warming
The effect was Angela answering Jimmy.] 2. ruby-throated
2. [The cause was Billy making a funny face. 3. bitterly cold
The effect was Ginger laughing.] 4. anti-Chinese
3. [The cause was Sam walking into the bright 5. lump-sum
light. The effect was he had to squint.] 6. sharp looking
7. quickly written
B. 1. more than one 8. matter-of-fact
2. one
3. one D. {Student questions will vary.}
4. more than one
5. more than one
6. more than one


060-064_AK_L_4_612645-5.i ndd
dd 64
64 5/30/07
/07 3:33:14
4 PM

Test 14
A. 1. [small]
2. [slim]

B. 1. basketball player and tree

2. [Both are tall.]

C. 1. The small boy talked quietly.
2. A tall girl was loud.
3. Those lost children walked north.

D. 1. one
2. more than one
3. more than one

E. 1. fact
2. opinion
3. fact
4. fact

( ) = optional wording [ ] = paraphrased idea { / } = alternative wording 65

dd 65
65 5/25/07
/2 /07 12:52:51 PM


dd 66 2/19/07
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01:35 PM


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7 2/19/07
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