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The document provides excerpts from a decodable reading book that teaches phonics skills. It includes short stories, vocabulary words, and comprehension questions.

The story is about Tom Fox taking a nap on the dock at Ross Pond and accidentally dropping his fishing rod in the water when he falls asleep.

When Tom Fox falls asleep on the dock, his fishing rod pops off the dock into the water. He has to jog through the sand and hop on rocks to retrieve his rod and a log.


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ISBN 10 0-15-364090-1 Ordering Options
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G1_Book_5.indd C4 1/23/07 1:40:15 PM


Tom Fox 1
Short Vowel /o/o

Tip-Top Hissed 9
Inflection -ed: /t/ed, /d/ed

Who Lifted the Big Rock? 17

Inflection -ed: /∂d/ed

G1_Book_5.indd C5 1/22/07 2:08:21 PM

Tim Helped 25
Inflection -ed: /t/ed, /d/ed

Jill Acted Sad 33

Inflection -ed: /∂d/ed

G1_Book_5.indd C6 1/22/07 2:08:25 PM

by Anne Mansk
illustrated by Sarah Dillard

G1_Book_5.indd 1 1/22/07 2:08:28 PM

Tom Fox is at Ross Pond.

G1_Book_5.indd 2 1/22/07 2:08:39 PM

It is so hot on the dock!

G1_Book_5.indd 3 1/22/07 2:08:43 PM

Tom Fox nods off and naps.

G1_Book_5.indd 4 1/23/07 1:40:16 PM

Oh, no! The rod pops off the dock!

G1_Book_5.indd 5 1/23/07 1:40:22 PM

Tom Fox jogs on sand.

G1_Book_5.indd 6 1/22/07 2:08:58 PM

Tom Fox hops on rocks.

G1_Book_5.indd 7 1/22/07 2:09:02 PM

Tom Fox got his rod and a log!

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by Angelina O’Brien
illustrated by Rob Hefferan

G1_Book_5.indd 9 1/22/07 2:09:10 PM

Tip-Top is Ann’s cat.
Tip-Top can nap.

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Tip-Top can hiss, too.


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Ann tossed a bag to Tip-Top.


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Tip-Top hissed and kicked it.


G1_Book_5.indd 13 1/30/07 5:27:01 PM

Tip-Top ran and hissed at it.
Tip-Top ran and kicked it.

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Ann looked at the bag.
Who filled it up?

G1_Book_5.indd 15 1/22/07 2:09:36 PM

Tip-Top filled it up.
Tip-Top had a nap in it!

G1_Book_5.indd 16 1/22/07 2:09:39 PM

by Jaime Delfino illustrated by Johnny Yanok


G1_Book_5.indd 17 1/22/07 2:09:44 PM

Lift a big rock!
Win a big van!

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Bill Dog wanted a big van.


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Bill Dog tilted it.
Bill did not lift it.

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Bob Cat wanted a big van.

G1_Book_5.indd 21 1/23/07 1:40:24 PM

Bob Cat tilted it.

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Bob did not lift it.

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Look who lifted the big rock!

G1_Book_5.indd 24 1/22/07 2:10:00 PM

Tim Helped
by Angelina O’Brien illustrated by Kellie Lewis


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Dad likes yam jam.

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Dad asked Tim to help him.

G1_Book_5.indd 27 1/30/07 5:27:04 PM

Dad got a big pot.
Tim tossed in six big yams.

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The yams filled the pot.


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Dad mixed and mixed.
Tim mixed, too.

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The hot yams fi zzed.
At last, they had yam jam.

G1_Book_5.indd 31 1/22/07 2:10:30 PM

Dad licked his lips.
Tim licked his, too!

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by Jaime Delfino illustrated by Andi Butler


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Jill acted sad.
She had lost a gift.

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Jill wanted it back.

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Had it landed in the sand?
Jill ran to the dock.

G1_Book_5.indd 36 1/22/07 2:10:55 PM

Jill lifted rocks and sifted sand.


G1_Book_5.indd 37 1/23/07 5:26:10 PM

Dan ran to Jill.
He had Jill’s gift!

G1_Book_5.indd 38 1/23/07 1:40:33 PM

Dan handed it to Jill.


G1_Book_5.indd 39 1/22/07 2:10:58 PM

Jill did not act sad now!


G1_Book_5.indd 40 1/22/07 2:10:59 PM

Tom Fox
Word Count: 47

High-Frequency Words Decodable Words*

no a log
oh and naps
so at nods
the dock off
Fox on
got Pond
his pops
hops rocks
hot rod
is Ross
it sand
jogs Tom

*Words with /o/o appear in boldface type.

G1_Book_5.indd 41 1/30/07 5:27:09 PM

Tip-Top Hissed
Word Count: 54

High-Frequency Words Decodable Words*

looked a hiss
the and hissed
to Ann in
too Ann’s is
up at it
who bag kicked
can nap
cat ran
filled Tip-Top
had tossed

*Words with /t/ed or/d/ed appear in boldface type.

G1_Book_5.indd 42 1/30/07 5:27:09 PM

Who Lifted the Big Rock?
Word Count: 49

High-Frequency Words Decodable Words*

look a not
the big rock
wanted Bill tilted
who Bob van
Cat win

*Words with /∂d/ed appear in boldface type.

G1_Book_5.indd 43 1/22/07 2:11:00 PM

Tim Helped
Word Count: 53

High-Frequency Words Decodable Words*

help a in
helped and it
likes asked jam
the at last
they big licked
to Dad lips
too filled mixed
fizzed pot
got six
had Tim
him tossed
his yam
hot yams

*Words with /t/ed or /d/ed appear in boldface type.

G1_Book_5.indd 44 2/1/07 5:02:05 PM

Jill Acted Sad
Word Count: 51

High-Frequency Words Decodable Words*

he a handed rocks
now act in sad
she acted it sand
the and Jill sifted
to back Jill’s
wanted Dan landed
did lifted
dock lost
gift not
had ran

*Words with /∂d/ed appear in boldface type.

G1_Book_5.indd 45 1/30/07 5:27:09 PM

by Angelina O’Brien illustrated by Kellie Lewis

Short Vowel /o/o

Inflection -ed: /t/ed, /d/ed
w w w.harcour tschool.com
Inflection -ed: /∂d/ed
ISBN-13: 978-0-15-364090-2
ISBN-10: 0-15-364090-1

G1_Book_5.indd BC1 2/1/07 3:09:48 PM

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