Wk6d4 Ela Whole
Wk6d4 Ela Whole
Wk6d4 Ela Whole
Big Idea: Close Read practice Grade: Date: 10/5 Time:8: Lesson: WK 6
Fifth 35- 4 THURSDAY
Lesson Structure: Integrated Differentiation for ESOL Accommodations. Check all that
Whole Group Content: English Language apply to your classroom:
none Learners: Flexible environment
Integrated with… Flexible scheduling
Flexible seating
Bilingual assistance
Approved dictionary/glossary
Reading text aloud
Standard: (BEST/ FL Sci./ NGSS/ FL SS): ELA.5.R.1.3 Describe how an author develops a character’s perspective
in a literary text.
Learning Trajectory:
Diagnostic Data: This section is required for all ELA and Math Lesson Plans. ESOL proficiency data (WIDA or IPT)
is required on ALL lesson plans. Examples of diagnostic data include Lexile levels, Unit Assessments, I-Ready, etc.
Lesson Planning
Instructional objectives(s) & Learning Target: Clear objectives written in the form of student learning.
SWBAT- practice completing a close read and answering the prompt
Introduction/Building Background:
Have students grab their book boxes and sit at their seats.
Say: Go ahead and pull out your reading packets for unit 2.
Ask: Why do you think it is important for us to practice these skills independently? FA
Say: We practiced identifying dialogue, dialect, and tone in Week 1 when we read “Grandpop’s
Surprise.” Today you’ll work with a partner to answer a close reading question analyzing dialogue
and comparing it to the narrative voice in order to make inferences about tone.
Display and discuss the close reading question. Remind students that they are expected to annotate
their copy of the text.
Differentiation Content/What .
1. Reading out loud
2. Modeling
HOT question: Why are inferences important as readers?
Lesson Closure: Teacher talk. Restate the main take-aways from the lesson.
Great job today everyone! We continued our new unit and talked about how we can figure out how to
complete a close read and answer a prompt question to help us practice for our test coming up. Go
ahead and put your book boxes away and let’s get ready to go to lunch.
Lesson Adjustment: What have you learned about students’ understanding of the content based on the formative
assessment? If proficiency was not demonstrated, what next steps (reteaching) are required? Include evidence.
● Students were stuck on the wording of the question and did not understand it whatsoever.
Reflection on Teaching: Analyze and evaluate your lesson delivery and class management.
● I felt myself talking in circles and was not really sure how else to explain it so they would understand.