Sonlight GR 3 LA Sample PDF
Sonlight GR 3 LA Sample PDF
Sonlight GR 3 LA Sample PDF
Before you dive into your new Sonlight materials, famil- might reuse your Language Arts Copywork
I Can Read It, Book 1, p. 58
iarize yourself with your IG. Remember that you are in IG in a few years with a younger Foxes and pigs are not pals. Bud and Jud plan to
control of your homeschool; the wealth of information in child, we recommend you Plural and Singular
1. Add either – s or – es to make these words plural.
your IG is here to help you. Only you can decide the right purchase an extra set of Activity cat _____
rat _____
dog _____
fix _____
fox _____
dad _____
pace for your family. Your IG is a tool to make your life Sheets when you buy the IG. That tax _____ pal _____ kiss _____
easier as you shape your children’s education. way, you'll still have matching razz _____
• Reading: Phonics and gripping Readers let your children gradually and confidently master the skill of reading fluently.
• Spelling: Children discover patterns in spelling through phonics and logically-sequenced sets of spelling words.
• Handwriting: Choose the handwriting program of your choice to help your children learn to write with ease and legibility.
• Vocabulary Development: Children learn new vocabulary in connection with the Read-Alouds in their Core program.
• Creative Expression: Copywork one day a week helps children practice the mechanics of writing. Every other day, children
will dictate as you serve as their scribe. From letters and stories to poems and play, they'll discover the joy of creative writing!
Language Arts for Grade 3 Readers—Schedule for Topics and Skills
Weeks Apply Activity Sheet/Creative Expression Activity (Optional)
1 Onomatopoeia Writing with Diamond Notes (Writing Process) Observe Organization
2 Capitalization Writing with Diamond Notes (Writing Process) Find What Belongs
3 Simile Writing with Diamond Notes (Writing Process) Using Detail (Description)
4 Vivid Vocabulary, Writing with Diamond Notes (Writing Process) Pony Paragraphs
Word Choice (Writing Process)
5 Vivid Vocabulary, Writing with Diamond Notes (Writing Process) Word Puzzle (Analysis)
Adding Detail
18 “Be” Verbs Prewriting: Think Outside the Box (Imagination) Research Currency (Research)
Write about a Coin (Imagination)
21 Verb Tense Prewriting: How Stories Change (Analysis) Word Poem (Poetry)
Retell a Story (Narrative)
29 Double Meanings Prewriting: Animal Migration (Scientific) Explain Something You have
Write about Animals (Scientific) Learned (Analysis)
35 Homophones Prewriting: Ask for a Poem (Brainstorm) More About Poems (Poetry)
The Question Poem (Poetry)
Words N1 Rule and Write q Pre-test q Check q Post-test q Optional: Write a
Sentence q
Handwriting N1
Clara and the Bookwagon pp. 4–19 pp. 20–37 pp. 38–63
Vocabulary Development
©2011 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Instruction N1
Creative Expression
Assignment N1 Writing with Writing with Optional:
Diamond Notes Diamond Notes Observe
Activity Sheets N1 Activity Sheet 1: Activity Sheet 1:
Copywork q Onomatopoeia q
Other Notes
1. The N symbol means there is a note for this topic in the notes section immediately following the schedule pages.
Creative Expression Words: fish, bird, zebra, deer, tiger, camel, glove,
dragon, jar, ruler.
General Copywork Instructions
Activity Sheet 1: Copywork
Each week your children will complete a copywork
passage from one of their readers. Ask them to copy each Copywork forms a cornerstone of the natural approach
week’s passage on paper with lines that correspond to the to learning language. Brilliant writers like Jack London
handwriting program you have chosen. Why is copywork and Ben Franklin used the natural approach to hone their
necessary? In our experience, workbooks don’t do a very considerable skills. Have your children look at the copy-
good job of teaching children how to write effectively. work passage and try to duplicate it. Have them correct
Instead, children learn to write well by listening to good any errors you find.
writing, looking at good writing, copying good writing, On each copywork assignment, have your children
and then finally writing on their own. Sonlight’s language review their handwriting. Circle well-constructed letters
arts programs seek to touch all of those areas. and underline letters to improve upon. Use this time to
Copywork builds the foundation for dictation, which focus on handwriting daily.
your children will begin in Language Arts D. Copywork If your children are more advanced, try reading the
©2011 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.
provides valuable handwriting practice for your children, passage aloud instead of letting them see it. By doing this,
as well as wonderful opportunities to explore writing children will learn how others construct a correct, clear,
mechanics, such as capitalization, punctuation, and other and effective sentence. In time, they will learn to do the
basic grammar skills. You will be amazed at how quickly same in their own writing.
your children will develop basic technical skills, includ- On most days, the discussion following the copywork
ing correct sentence structure and spelling. They will also will center on language or mechanics. At this point, have
begin to learn cadence and style. your children do the copywork on Activity Sheet 1.
As your children write each passage, discuss it with Clara and the Bookwagon, p. 24
them. Examine their handwriting and show them where
Clop, clop, clop. The horse plodded along. The sun was
they have done well and where they can improve. Also
warm. The spring air smelled good.
point out any interesting things you see in the passage.
Use the time to reinforce lessons learned previously. Extra Copywork Passages
We hope that you will encourage your children to prac-
Clara and the Bookwagon
tice writing each day. We understand, though, that there
are some days when your children will feel … well, let’s p. 10
just say “uninspired.” On these days, just assign one of the Sometimes she liked to make up her own stories. Some
extra copywork passages found following the Copywork were about animals. Some were about families.
passages in the Notes.
Your children will gain additional writing practice
p. 42
without the additional challenge of a regular assignment. She waved and stopped. Clara stared at the wagon. It
Show them love and support and help them regroup in was filled with books.
preparation to hit the ground running again tomorrow.
Activity Sheets
Day 2
You will find copywork passages and other exercises on
Activity Sheet 1: Onomatopoeia
the numbered Activity Sheets following these notes. Each In yesterday’s copywork, the words “Clop. Clop. Clop.”
Activity Sheet is assigned on the schedule pages. If you are examples of onomatopoeia. While it isn’t important for
prefer, feel free to put all the Activity Sheets in a separate your children to know that word, they should understand
binder for your children to use. what it is. Onomatopoeia describes words that imitate
Day 3
Creative Expression: Writing with Diamond Notes
Read the Diamond Notes Introduction and Unit 1,
Lesson 1 to your children. Using the directions provided
there, have them do Lesson 1.
Day 4
Creative Expression: Writing with Diamond Notes
Read Unit 1, Lesson 2 to your children and have them do
the lesson.
Day 5
Optional: Observe Organization
Clop, clop, clop. The horse plodded along. The sun was
warm. The spring air smelled good.
Have you ever tried to spell the sound of a squeaking door? When we spell a sound, we call
it an onomatopoeia. That’s a really hard word to learn, but it’s a fun idea to work with. Write two
sentences, each with a different onomatopoeia.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
©2011 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
Words N Rule and Write q Pre-test q Check q Post-test q Optional: Write a
Sentence q
The Long Way to a chaps. 4–5
New Land
Vocabulary Development
Creative Expression
Assignment N Writing with Writing with Optional:
Diamond Notes Diamond Notes Find What Belongs
Other Notes
Words: came, palace, cover, decide, cymbal, page, gate, Write a Sentence: Answers will vary.
leg, huge, magic
Day 3
Activity Sheet 2: Copywork
Creative Expression: Writing with Diamond Notes
The Long Way to a New Land, pp. 28–29
Read Diamond Notes Unit 2, Lesson 1 to your children.
They waited with the other emigrants until the mail-
Using the directions, have them do Lesson 1.
bags, lumber and cattle were loaded. Then they went
“Good-bye Sweden!” said Mamma.
Day 4
Creative Expression: Writing with Diamond Notes
Extra Copywork Passages
Now, write a sentence of your own that uses at least one of the new capitalization rules you learned.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
Words N Rule and Write q Pre-test q Check q Post-test q Optional: Write a
Sentence q
Prairie School chaps. 4–5 chaps. 6–8
Vocabulary Development
Optional: Crossword 1
Wordly Wise B pp. 6–7
Creative Expression
Assignment N Writing with Writing with Optional:
Diamond Notes Diamond Notes Using Detail
Other Notes
2. Abbie in Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie is brave. Abbie is as brave as ________________________
©2011 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Instructor’s Guide and Notes
by Robert Velarde and Sarita Holzmann
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The way you wish you’d been taught. 3LG Language Arts for Grade 3 Readers (2011)