Form 3 WK 5
Form 3 WK 5
Form 3 WK 5
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
Lesson 1 Students will: Introduction Textbooks
1. Be able to Ask different students to state
Continuation.., Problem-task that requires a solution define a their doubts about the problem Students’
problem. solutions. notebooks
ASCII codes. Using the binary method to either 2. Solve problem Development
Decoding from subtract or add in order to obtain the the best way Teacher discusses the importance Log on to IT
machine binary of each characters. possible. of showing proper working and for CSEC
language to 3. Arrive to the together with students brainstorm
human answer properly the basic and easiest solution for Information
language, vice solved the problem. Assist individual Technology
versa 4. Show proper students as necessary. for CSEC
working for Conclusion
correct answer Students will complete a practical
exercise and show all working of
Lesson 2 & 3 Database management is used to store Students will: Introduction Log on to IT
Continuation.. data in a particular manner. In other 5. Learn how to Ask different students to state Textbooks
Introduction to words it is stored electronically and is create tables for their definition of a spreadsheet
Database easier to be retrieved and update a database application and how would they Students’
database. 6. Use proper benefit from this application. notebooks
relationship to Development
relate table that Teacher guides students to write
they are to the main fields for a table.
create for a Conclusion
database. Students will complete exercise to
put in practice writing basic
formulas using the functions.
Lesson 4 & 5 Database management is used to store Students will: Introduction Log on to IT
Continuation.. data in a particular manner. In other 7. Learn how to Ask different students to state Textbooks
From prvoius words it is stored electronically and is create tables for their definition of a spreadsheet
lesson, easier to be retrieved and update a database application and how would they Students’
Introduction to database. 8. Use proper benefit from this application. notebooks
Database relationship to Development
relate table that Teacher guides students to write
Information Technology Week 5: February 4-7, 2020
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
they are to the main fields for a table.
create for a Conclusion
database. Students will complete exercise to
put in practice writing basic
formulas using the functions.