The Boarder
The Boarder
The Boarder
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observation, is placed either in highly effective board will review the standards for a second reading
or effective, a second formal observation may on June 27.
be waived. (A.R.S. 15-537 allows the
governing board to waive the requirement of a Approval of Classified Wages
second classroom observation). Dr. Bartlett presented the proposed 2017-2018
If a continuing teacher is not classified as Classified Wage Schedule. The revised wage schedule
either effective or highly effective, a second, is a result of the passing of Proposition 206 and will
prescheduled observation shall be conducted. correct a compression issue as the minimum wage
Change the number of informal observations continues to increase. The schedule has been revised
from four to two for this group of teachers. to increase the starting wage to $10.50 and with a
consistent percent increase across the rest of the
At the first reading, there were a few other revisions schedule. She reviewed the recommended horizontal
that were recommended. Wording under the headings step movement for all classified employees on the
TAP Components for Members of Group A and TAP schedule and reported this will result in a cost
Components for Members of Group B were revised. increase to the Maintenance and Operations budget.
Other proposed revisions from the first reading were The governing board approved both the schedule and
not modified. Board members requested minor wording step movement, as presented.
adjustments. The governing board approved the
revisions, as amended. Approval of Classified Notices of Appointment
Dr. Bartlett presented the list of classified employees
Approval of Revisions to Policy JICK, Regulation, who will be returning for the 2017-2018 school year.
JICK-R and Exhibit JICK-EB Student Violence / The governing board approved the classified notices of
Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying (third reading) appointment for returning exempt and non-exempt
Dr. Bartlett presented the additional recommended classified staff.
changes and new language added to parallel Policy JK
Student Discipline. In addition to the recommendations Approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
made at the first and second readings to add language Director of Finance Angelie Hawley reviewed the
that distinguished between harassment, intimidation, FY2018 proposed budget documents that had been
and bullying, the district administration recommended a updated to incorporate the changes in the Maintenance
few minor revisions and new additions to the regulation and Operations (M&O) Projected Revenues. She
and exhibit. Other revisions from the first and second provided information on carry forward and reduction
reading were not modified. The governing board amounts in the classroom site fund, instructional
approved the revisions, as amended. improvement fund, and student success funding.
Information was shared about cost adjustments to the
Consideration of Revisions to K-12 Visual and areas of special and regular education substitutes,
Performing Arts Standards (first reading) teacher stipends, property/liability insurance, and
Dr. Conery presented the first reading of the prepaid legal expense. Also reviewed were changes
recommended implementation of new standards and made to the 2018 Prop 301 Straw Budget which
programming. The CFSD Visual and Performing Arts included a correction in the projected weighted ADM,
Standards build upon the philosophy and goals of the and an update to the classroom site fund report.
National Core Arts Standards (2014) and the Arizona
Academic Standards in the Arts (2015). Dr. Conery Controller Sandra Thompson reviewed the process
informed board members that education and used for the preparation of the states budget forms for
engagement in the Visual and Performing Arts are an fiscal year 2018. Ms. Thompson also provided an
essential part of the total school curriculum. She overview of the 2018 projected revenue sheets. The
reviewed the Conceptual Framework of Arts Learning FY 2018 Maintenance & Operations (M&O) proposed
and a summary of other outcomes from the revision budget reflected a slight increase to the 100 day
process: the launching of a string/orchestra program at enrollment or ADM affecting M&O revenues. The base
the elementary level; each elementary school will have level amount increased including the teacher
the option of offering choir in fourth and fifth grade; at compensation adjustment. Transportation support was
the high school the addition approved in January of 3- updated because the state support level per route
year sequence of guitar courses, media arts, ceramics, miles increased to $2.12. The projected District
and sculpture, AP Studio Art, photo imaging, AP music Additional Assistance (DAA) funding for 2018
theory, pom/dance line and advanced theatre arts. Dr. increased slightly. The governing board approved the
Conery reported that teachers have completed this proposed FY2018 expenditure budget. A public hearing
work. The first year of implementation will be and final adoption of the budget will take place at the
monitored, and the teachers will reconvene in the next regular governing board meeting on June 27,
spring of 2018 to revise and adjust as necessary. The 2017.
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Expense voucher memorandum
Consideration of Revisions to Policy JEB Entrance Field trip request memorandum
Age Requirements (first reading) Personnel memorandum
Dr. Kamerzell presented the proposed revisions to the Gift and Donations memorandum
districts current policy. The language in the policy and Fund raising request memorandum
Arizona statute allow local districts discretion to admit a Intergovernmental agreement between CFSD and
student early in kindergarten and first grade. The Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
district administration recommended revisions to the Project Focus
policy to clarify the age requirements for entrance into Superintendents Contract 2017-2020
kindergarten and first grade, and under what
circumstances the district will consider early entrance. Upcoming Board Meeting
The district does not permit early entrance unless a The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
student coming from out of state where the age is Tuesday June 27, 2017, 6:30 p.m., at the
requirement is different has successfully completed Professional Learning Center at Valley View Early
kindergarten in a public school. The board will review Learning Center.
for a second reading on June 27.
The tentative agenda is:
Consideration of Revisions to Policy JK, Approval of Revision to Policy JK, Regulation
Regulation JK-R, and Exhibit JK-E Student JK-R, and Exhibit JK-E Student Discipline (second
Discipline (first reading) reading)
Dr. Bartlett presented proposed revisions due to Approval of K-12 Visual and Performing Arts
language revisions to Policy JICK, Regulation JICK- Standards (second reading)
RA, and Exhibit JICK-E, Student Violence / Approval of Revisions to Policy JEB Entrance Age
Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying. Specific revisions Requirements (second reading)
were an addition of a bullet referencing Policy JICK; Public Hearing of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
the definition of Cyber Harassment; and a statement Adoption of Fiscal Year 2018 Expenditure Budget
regarding conduct with examples. Dr. Bartlett reported Consideration of Biotech Biomedical Foundation
that the revisions to Policy JICK made it necessary to High School Course (first reading)
revise the language in Policy JK so that there was District Teacher Assessment Program (TAP)
alignment and consistent information regarding the Performance Classification Summary Report
same conduct. Board members recommended some
minor changes and language modification to the
discipline matrix to provide better clarity to parents and CFSD
administrators. The board will review this for a second
reading on June 27.
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