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A Publication for


the CFSD Community


A Summary Report of the June 14, 2016

C F S D Governing Board Meeting
The doubles team of Michael Lee and Mason Lee took
2nd in the individual state championship competition.
Their coach is Jeff Bloomberg.

Superintendent Mary Kamerzell shared the following

student achievements.
Math League State Competition
Manzanita Elementary School's fourth and fifth grade
Math League teams placed at the state competition for
both team and individual awards. The fifth grade team
placed first overall, and the fourth grade placed third
overall. Team members include (with individual results
in parentheses): Fifth grade - Annabelle Samuels
(2nd), Austin Troike (3rd), and Peter Todd (8th); Fourth
grade- Daiki Kimura (3rd), Griffin Helfand (10th),
and Simon Rubin-Toles (20th).
Orange Grove Middle School's team placed
third: Nathan Kuo (1st), Alexandra Zega, Nathaniel
Cross (8th), Noah Wellman (2nd), and Devak Shah.

Girl's Softball
The CFHS girl's softball team won the state
championship. Team members are Reyna Benson,
Micayla Brooke, Nicole Conway, Emily Coughran,
Myranda Escobar, Marisa Garcia, Zoe Garcia, Megan
Kelch, Kathryn Lucio, Sophie Plattner, Louise RiderStrange, Katie Russell, Natalie Stevens, and Lilli
Wright. Their coaches are Head Coach Mark Stevens
and Assistant Coaches Gary Kelch, Danny Plattner,
Ashley Quick, Ric Rosenbaum, Lacey Swihart, and
Alyssa Welch.
Youth Leadership Program Participants
The following CFHS students were selected to
represent the high school at the 2016 Hugh O'Brian
Youth Leadership Arizona Seminar in Glendale this
summer: Sophie Barnard, Parker Kaufmann, and
Andrew Ryan.
CFSD Star Award

Choral Festival
The Esperero Canyon Middle School 8th Grade Choir
performed at the AZ American Choral Directors
Association Jr. High Choral Festival in Phoenix on May
10 and received a "Superior" rating.
National Merit Scholars
The following CFHS seniors/graduates were awarded
college-sponsored National Merit scholarships: Vincent
H. Bai (University of Arizona), Marina Fox (University
of Arizona), Chloe T. Harwood (University of
Oklahoma), Neil C. Jha (Arizona State University), Amy
Liu (University of Arizona), and Lucas A. Petersen
(University of Arizona)

The governing board honored the CFHS girls softball

team and coaches for their state championship. Board
Member Carole Siegler honored the students and
coaches with a certificate and Star pin.

Girl's Tennis
The CFHS doubles team of Abby Watson and Halle
Zadro won the individual state championship title. Their
coach is Kristie Stevens.
Boy's Tennis
The CFHS boy's tennis team won the state
championship. Team members are Spencer Bohan,
Brennen Feder, George Jiang, Mason Lee, Mike
Lee, Kian Milani, Connor Oseran, Grant Sturtevant,
and Daniel Wieland.

The governing board honored the CFHS boys tennis

team and coach for their outstanding performance

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winning a state championship. Board Member Carole

Siegler honored the students and coaches with a
certificate and Star pin.

revisions to language in regulation JFB-R. Specifically

eliminating a definitive date to select families through a
random selection process, and omitting the final
sentence in the regulation, which encourages parents
to be present during the random selection process.
The board approved the revisions to the fiscal year
2016 budget.
Public Hearing on Revisions of Fiscal Year 2016
President Eileen Jackson opened the public hearing.
No comments were expressed, and the public hearing
was closed.
Approval of Revisions of Fiscal Year 2016 Budget
Controller Sandra Thompson presented changes that
reflected additional 2016 funding as a result of the
passage of the Proposition 123 election. The board
approved the revisions to the fiscal year 2016 budget.

The governing board honored the CFHS girls tennis

doubles team and coach for their outstanding
performance winning a state championship. Board
Member Carole Siegler honored the students and
coach with a certificate and Star pin.
Consideration of Revisions to Policy GCC
Professional/Support Staff Leave of Absence (first
Assistant Superintendent Denise Bartlett presented the
first reading of the proposed revisions to Policy GCC.
Dr. Bartlett reviewed minor revisions that will provide a
clearer understanding on the accrual and use of shortterm leave. The board will review the policy again for
the second reading on June 28.
Approval of Classified Wages
Dr. Bartlett presented the proposed 2016-2017
Classified Wage Schedule.
The schedule was
redesigned by eliminating the first column and adding a
new column to the end.
The combination of a
proposed one-step horizontal movement and the
redesigned schedule means classified staff will be paid
the equivalent of an 2-step increase. The governing
board approved both the schedule and step
movement, as presented.
Approval of Classified Notices of Appointment
Dr. Bartlett presented the list of classified employees
who will be returning for the 2016-2017 school year.
The governing board approved the classified notices of
appointment for returning exempt and non-exempt
classified staff.
Consideration of Revisions to Policy JFB and
Regulation JFB-R Open Enrollment (first reading)
Superintendent Mary Kamerzell presented the first
reading of proposed revisions to policy JFB that moved
up all open enrollment application and decision making
deadlines by one month. Dr. Kamerzell also reviewed

Fiscal Year 2017 Maintenance and Operations

(M&O) Budget
Ms. Thompson gave an update on the FY17 straw
budget, incorporating changes to the revenue and
expenditure documents that were discussed at the last
board meeting on May 24.
Approval of Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget
Ms. Thompson reviewed the process used for the
preparation of the states budget forms for fiscal year
2017. Ms. Thompson also provided an overview of the
2017 projected revenue. A public hearing and final
adoption of the budget will take place at the next
regular governing board meeting on June 28, 2016.
The board approved the 2017 proposed budget.
Approval of Superintendents Performance Pay
In compliance with A.R.S. 15-341(A)(40), which
ensures that the contract for the superintendent is
structured in a manner in which up to 20% of the total
annual salary is classified as performance pay, the
governing board approved 2015-2016 performance
pay for Superintendent Kamerzell in the amount of
Consent Agenda Items
The governing board approved the following consent
agenda items.

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May 24, 2016, regular governing board meeting

May 24, 2016, executive session meeting minutes
Expense voucher memorandum
Field trip request memorandum
Personnel memorandum
Gift and Donations memorandum
Fund raising request memorandum

Approval of increase of expenditures for the Valley

View Early Learning Center Expansion Project
Approval of award of RFP 16-06-21 custodial
services memorandum

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
is Tuesday June 28, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Professional
Learning Center at Valley View Early Learning
Center, 3435 E. Sunrise Drive.
The tentative agenda is:
Approval of Revisions to Policy GCC
Professional/Support Staff Leave of Absence
(second reading)
Approval of Revisions to Policy JFB and
Regulation JFB-R Open Enrollment (second
Consideration of Revisions to Policy IJND,
Regulation, IJND-R and Exhibit IJND-E
Movies/Videos (first reading)
Public Hearing of Fiscal Year 2017 Budget
Adoption of Fiscal Year 2017 Expenditure Budget
District Teacher Assessment Program (TAP)
Performance Classification Summary Report
2016 Arizona Legislative / Governmental Activity


Please welcome new CFSD staff members:

Angelie Hawley, Director of Finance, MAC
Shiren Behzadi, English Teacher, CFHS
Samuel Caruso, History Teacher, CFHS
Ashley Floyd, 3rd Grade Teacher VV
Sandy Martinez, 4th Grade Teacher, VV
Jennifer Olson, 1st Grade Teacher, VV
Charles Pierce, 4th Grade Teacher, SR
Trevor Riddle, History/Government Teacher, CFHS
Todd Sanderson, English Teacher, CFHS
Kelly Taylor, 5th Grade Teacher, MZ
Kathryn Vesloski, Language Arts Teacher, EC
Krista Westmoreland, 3rd Grade Teacher, MZ
Andrea Nicole Williams, 5th Grade Teacher, MZ

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