Independent University Bangladesh ENG 106 Final Exam Time: 1 Hour 15 Min Marks: 20
Independent University Bangladesh ENG 106 Final Exam Time: 1 Hour 15 Min Marks: 20
Independent University Bangladesh ENG 106 Final Exam Time: 1 Hour 15 Min Marks: 20
ar"s: #0
1$ %ead the text &elo' 'ithout stopping to (hoose the (orre(t missing 'ords$ Then read it again) this time *illing the gaps 'ith the (orre(t 'ords *rom the list given a*ter the text$ + mar"s, The Idea Andy Wasnick loved the idea. Mary Arthur __1__ it. Kurt Mendez didnt think it was any big deal. Mr. El thought it was a brilliant idea. After all it was __!__ idea. "#ts only fair $ Mr. El e%&lained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell to ring "that we turn things around. Every year you guys line u& in al&habetical __'__. Al&habetical order to go to lunch to go to gy( to go ho(e and so on. )his __*__ were using reverse al&habetical order.$ Mindy +ale &ut her hand down as Mr. El &ointed to her. "#ve always had to stand at the __,__ of the line ever since __-__. /ow #( near the front. )hank you thank you.$ )he teacher s(iled. )hen he called on 0hristo&her 0ash a serious and thoughtful young (an. "Mr. El # think you should reconsider this &olicy. )his is very drastic and __1__. )his could confuse our fragile young (inds.$ "2ut a lid on it 0hris.$ shouted 3avid )yler. "We wont have any outbursts like that 3avid.$ Mr. El said fir(ly. 4e turned toward 0hristo&her. "3ont __5__ 0hristo&her. We only have strong (inds in this class.$
"4ow (any of you think this is a good idea6$ Mr. El asked. As you would &robably __7__ (ost of the hands that went u& were in the __18__ half of the line.
1. !. '. *. ,. -. 1. 5. 7. 18.
heard that letters way back breakfast useful (ove e%&ect du(b
needed her order al&habet center yesterday unnecessary screa( forget angry
#$ Belo' is an introdu(tion to an essay$ -omethings are not appropriate 'ith the introdu(tion$ The thesis statement also does not seem alright$ %e.'rite the introdu(tion and in(lude an appropriate thesis statement in it$ +/ mar"s, A situation in which the student is troubled by his &arents
&ressuring hi( to go into a 9ob area that (akes good (oney but he doesn:t want to go into that career area is a bad situation to be in. )he
;uestion is if he should go into this 9ob or not. student should do what he wants to do. need to do what you want living a lie would not
even when there are so(e bad conse;uences be good and (oney can:t buy ha&&iness.
/$ 0rite a thesis statement *or any one o* the *ollo'ing topi(s$ Then) 'rite t'o arguments *or the thesis statement) t'o (ounterarguments against the thesis) and t'o re&uttals$ + mar"s, a. Music re(i%ing b. 3o you need a degree in business to run a business6 1$ 2hoose the (orre(t 'ords in the &ra("ets$ +/ mar"s, a. /either the 2resident nor the >enators ?has have@ found a solution. b. Most of the current news on the front &ages of both daily news&a&ers ?concerns concern@ the &rogress of the &eace conference. c. /either of your argu(ents ?(akes (ake@ sense. d. )here ?is are@ a lot of une(&loyed &eo&le right now. e. )he children ?likes like@ their new toy. f. A red and yellow bird ?is are@ sitting in that tree. $ 2hoose the (orre(t transition 'ords3phrases *or the paragraph &elo'$ +1 mar"s, Ever since # (oved into (y own a&art(ent last fall # have gotten out of the habit of (aking (y bedAAe%ce&t on Bridays of course when # change the sheets. 4o'ever35lthough3Even i* so(e &eo&le (ay think that # a( a slob # have so(e sound reasons for breaking the bedA(aking habit.
(ontrary # en9oy &oking out a cozy s&ace for (yself before drifting off
to slee&. For example35lso35part *rom this # think that a tightly (ade bed is downright unco(fortable< entering one (akes (e feel like a loaf of bread being wra&&ed and to and sealed.
&e spe(i*i(3in