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Ms. Kathol 2014

Grade 10-1 English Technology Policy
Welcome to English 10-1! I consider my classroom to be a technology friendly environment! By
introducing many different forms of technology into our classroom we are able to broaden our
activities, assessments, and even credits! (see me for CTS credit course options that correlate
with this course.)
The following are the policies I have put in place to ensure safe, fun, and educational
technology use in my classroom. Please read these carefully!
Cellphones are welcome in my classroom! These devices can be a great research tool,
and I often incorporate text-in polls/quizzes in my classroom routines. Cellphones are to
be kept on desks at all times, face up. They are to be turned on silent or vibrate when
you enter the class and are not to be used for purposes other than those outlined in
o Music may be listened to during work periods, when accompanied by
headphones. Headphones or cellphones are not allowed to be present during a
test or quiz.
o If a phone ringer/sound (aside from vibrate) goes off , or a student is caught
using the device for purposes other than those outlined in class (texting, social
media, snap chatting, etc.) it will be confiscated.
Computers/iPads/Tablets are to be used/handeled in a respectful manner. Digital
Citizenship (as to be discussed and reviewed in class) will be used at all time.
o Abuse or misuse of software, hard drives or machines will result it termination of
user privileges for that class.*
Internet sites and databases are to be used in accordance to any school division policy
set in place, as well as in accordance with digital citizenship. Students will refrain from
accessing any site with offensive, illegal, or obscene content.
o Information including: passwords, addresses, names, phone numbers, or other
personal information should NOT be disclosed on ANY site. Failure to comply
with this policies will result in removal from devices with potential additional
consequences* (see below)
Rationale: Quick access and limitless information have allowed technology forms/mediums to
become resources for knowledge and learning. In turn, I feel that such tools and the correlated
skills you possess should be utilized to their greatest potential to aid in personal learning.
Subsequently, safety and digital citizenship are an important part of using technology, which is
why the policies above are sanctioned in my classroom. If the following policies are not adhered
to consequences will include, but are not limited to **:

Ms. Kathol 2014

Device Confiscation**
Removal from labs (computer, library, or classroom)
Loss of school device privileges
Detention or further action by school admin team*
*Consequences will be based on the severity of the offence or violation a student has committed.
**Personal devices will be placed in an envelope and sealed with student name written on the front. Envelope will
then be sent to the office, where it can be retrieved at the end of the school day. Student will have two possession
losses; upon receiving a third the student will be given a detention. Further violation of personal device policies,
after the third encounter, will be dealt with by the admin team.

If there are any questions or concerns about these policy terms, please feel free to email me or
talk to me directly.

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